Tell Me Maybe

Tell Me Maybe

A Poem by Mohl083

just wanna give the world a big eff u.


The past always look

Like a well-done steak and baked potato

Swimming in melted butter

Would to a man lost at sea

When I don’t want to face

The morning sun

And the promises it brings

Of more office memos, B minuses,

Or other not quite good enoughs

That have dictated my life

Up to this dreary moment.

Sitting on a mound of dirt,

Wishing the dice had landed

Just a bit more to one side,

A reflective fool

Who no matter how many times

He looks into the mirror’s face

Finds only missed opportunities.

Dead kings tell me from their graves

My deepest fear:

No, son of Adam

There’s nothing really remarkable

About a chubby loser

With average intelligence.

Sorry to burst the bubble

That’s kept your head

Above the waves these past years,

But your flesh can fill fish bellies

Which is more than some oafs

Who cling to the safety net of land

Can hold distinction to,

For only the bellies of worms

Await their rotting flesh.

You’re at least one step ahead

Of the f*****g game.


© 2009 Mohl083

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Bravo! T.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Added on September 16, 2009




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