before lunchA Poem by Mohl083"you mustn't kill time boys you must cherish it!...can i have some money to go get loaded?" random bum on The Simpsonsi once wore this really sexy red dress for a man who thought he could use me. yeah, that's right so what if i dressed up in women's clothing a couple of times? as the wise man once said, "you haven't truly lived until you've sucked dick for blow." i have sucked the marrow from the decaying skeleton of life and molested his mother for good measure. i am all things to all people i envy no one, i envy you for having me to envy. all hail me for i am life! to rape the savages of foreign lands, may you all know such pleasure of ripping a mother from child and satisfying your own hungry gullet with her precious milk. we are all monsters of design, hungry, lecherous beasts ready to garble human flesh from the bones of a hot spit. for the love of all that is holy, please stop me before i am free. take the silve knife from my hands and stab your own throat mixing your laughter with moutfuls of blood. my muse is the lover of sadness and guilt. locked away, i keep her in my ebony tower of hate. when the time to write approaches, i rape her endlessly before tossing her aside once more with only her tears for warmth. i take my place before the electronic alter as my forehead bleeds, my ribs crack and i breathe only handfuls of air as my lungs shrivle up inside me. before the light goes out i can see a quiet ghost coming over to tell me soon i'll wear his magic chains and parade with him on mountain tops overlooking the forgiving sea. the passage of life to the highpoint of death. there my friend will wait with me until the wolves rise from the oceans and devour the world in their jowels. my last action will be to flick my thumb, lighting one last cigarette as the world burns. © 2008 Mohl083 |
Added on September 24, 2008 Author