remembering the rules of attractionA Poem by Mohl083so many memoriesif memory serves correct, and so often it doesn't, i believe it was february of the year we shall never forget. and if i may be so daring, as to remember the exact circumstance the short blonde guy who i handed my last 3 dollars to buy me alcohol used the 40 as a phallus to a gaggle of passing s***s. besides the lose of my virginity this is the last memory i have before the darkness set in. oh, what a magical time of irreverance and cartoons a bright world of crumbled cigarette packages and discarded pizza boxes. upon a couch a w***e i had once seen with piercings in her tits slept i now sit with the 40 bottle half drunk and increasingly warming in my lap as if to bear witness to a gigantic c**k i may or may not have depending on the source. a sunday afternoon in september, no my dear, they are not boys, and until you unfuck yourself i shall be grateful you never let me stick it in your most likely untrimmed and teeth riddled c**t. oh my, what language! it is only too late we learn the downfall of a great set of tits. the lady within the yellow wallpaper reaches her hands out to grab me i tell her i'm not the one she's looking for but it's too late my mind is already fucked. will i be glad to lay down my pen when the last word is written? until such day i cannot say with any certainty. perhaps as i walk down an autumn road with an old friend at my side will i realize my life's work is finally complete, yet i do not envision that day when i'll dance a fine jig between heaven and hell. right now i want to f**k every big titted w***e who i had the chance to but turned away by some sense of false morality. if ever there were a more perfect time and moment then now, i am sorry to say i missed it. two and a half decades mixed together to form one long memory there is no start or end it is all just happening as i type this kurt cobain is killing himself the world trade center is crumbling and i am numb to all of it. to experience such events and feel nothing leaves me pondering my humanity. if you were to never call again or told me you still had feelings for the bloated cabbage patch kid i would continue on as if nothing had changed. at some point in time, i can't tell when, but some point not far removed i conceded to the faceless mirror. i am a grey outline on a rainy day. simply, i am not there. in all honesty, i have never been there merely an observer to the events around me. an unfeeling mass of goo sitting in the middle of a grand carnival and never moving, never changing, just existing.
© 2008 Mohl083Author's Note
Added on May 2, 2008 Author