second chance
A Book by MohamedBencharef
read my not for the reviewers .
this website isn't going to allow me to put more than ten words in the description . 
© 2016 MohamedBencharef
Author's Note
it's about a man with will happy moment and sad moment . he had " I don't give a fuck" lifestyle but after time he met some people and eventually started caring about them .
the man will fall in love . you know like every story that has ever created and there's humor too . try to read . for every story that touches our hearts, it becomes a part of our personality.
damn! that's a good saying . all right reserved for that saying !
two half brothers .one is a psycho and the second have diabetes .one is married to a very jealous woman and both of the brothers served in the army one year and now one is a police officer and the second is a writer in a magazine .
I upload on every two days .
MohamedBencharefjijel, algerie, Algeria
I am a human who wishes he can admire more wonders . but the light in my eyes is fading and I'll drop all I can before I go for good .
I walk by many names like Firo ,Moha , the idiot , dumb a*s , th.. more..