![]() The Wall extract oneA Chapter by The0s“Children I would like you all to meet Mr. Carter, he works on The Wall and endeavours to keep our city safe from the bad-lands, please give him a warm welcome, and one day you may wish to follow in his heroic footsteps.” The grey-lit classroom was filled with young children greeting this stranger, he was tall, composed and wore a smart uniformed suit as if involved in military negotiations trying to impress at first sight and deliver an insightful yet forced argument. His face gleamed with confidence, his eyes with intimidation, yet his smile was welcoming. “Thank you children, as your teacher informed you I work on The Wall and I wish to tell you the benefits and future prospects of starting early in a career that will lead you to the position I have excelled to today. Before I get to that I would like to establish you all know the history of The Wall and why it is needed. This will also involve information on, as your teacher put it, the bad-lands, which we in the corporation in fact designated Sub-City. Now to start, can anyone tell me what The Wall is?” Carter stared round for an instance until hands rose in reply. “Yes?” He nodded to the young boy who seemed most eager. “It’s a big structure… to protect and separate us from the monsters of the bad-lands,” the boy replied cockily. “You’re on the right tracks there son.” Carter pressed a button on the control panel situated on the teacher’s desk in front of him. The whiteboard at the front of the class with equations and formulas on it, from the lessons earlier that day, erased its contents like a television switching off and on faded other relevant images.
Schematic drawings and photos of an immense, metallic structure, as if a sheet of metal was dropped from the hand of God himself onto the Earth. There was little sign of any entrance or life on or within this structure apart from several tiny compartments high above its base, only small due to the scale of the structure itself. Carter picked up a little pointing device from the desk which extended longer from its centre in his hand. He proceeded to point at different areas of the image while he spoke, each time it showed further detailed, zoomed images relevant to his converse.
“The Wall, it surrounds our city from the dangers of the other side, with over half a mile of solid tritanium metal in the densest segments. This, however, is just the basic structure to prevent anything… mainly explosives, from even making a dent. The inside is much more complex than its misleading exterior, a maze of elevators, tunnels and even whole control rooms fill and join this ant’s nest. The surface of The Wall, should anyone ever learn to fly, has extended energy beams on various rotations shining out into the above sky to terminally prevent any exposure from above. The other side of The Wall, which I doubt any of us will see from the outside, has a line of covered, raised turrets at pre-determined intervals along it. These help to ensure the mobs of Sub-City keep at a distance from The Wall on the ground level. This brings me to my job and the section I work in… amply named Turret Control. We are responsible for keeping these turrets in order and keep this city safe, communications and occupants keep a twenty-four hour flawless structure in place and under order. Are there any questions before I continue?”
He scanned the deeply enthralled, brain washed class. “Has anyone been on the other side?” A boy enthusiastically shouted with curiosity. “Not to my knowledge, no-one dares to step foot on the other side, why would they want to? ... Anyway it is against regulations to interfere with Wall procedures without proper authorisation and orders signed by the highest officials. Now you may ask is all this necessary, what are the occupants of Sub-City like to enforce such a degree of security? ” Carter proceeded to tell of chaotic, enraged mobs so out of control and vicious that The Wall was born to protect what leftover buildings and families survived their destruction and corruption. However, this was many years before he was born, before his father was born, he knew nothing but hearsay and what he had been told of Sub-City, that and the portion of ground he watched day after day protecting. He longed for a wild mob to attack, for some action, but nothing ever appeared on his screen apart from the odd wanderers that posed no threat but were shot nevertheless "an order’s an order. He despised school presentations, the only reason to escape the confines of the metallic room he occupied the rest of his working days, he still remembered when he signed up for The Wall, just a child the same age of the children he was manipulating and brain washing today. Get them when they’re young and easily influenced, his child would not suffer the same forged national service. He had no choice, a job’s a job.
He continued talking about a rebellion attack on The Wall where people of their city kept their guard and died for the good of others. “It is your duty to protect your families in the future, the decision is yours.” With that the teacher handed out participation forms for the next generation to sign their life away.
A week later, Carter and his friend Sullivan were waiting to get off work, it had been a slow day, like many, of sitting and spinning on their desk chairs monitoring the screens in front of them. The turret room was their home away from home, a small box-room with two desks, two executive swivel chairs and two screens. Carter’s screen displayed the ground of The Wall on the other side, a brown-orange colour as if no life had ever reached the surface, burnt and decimated. Sullivan’s screen, however, had a bonus image of a rotting corpse and stained blood on the dusty ground; the most action he had seen in weeks, yet still more than Carter. A piece of machinery sat in front of both screens, a mix of a games console controller, an old style joystick and something you would find to control a jet fighter. To brighten the place, pictures and posters plastered the walls. Carter had photographs of loved ones, mainly of his partner Maria, and humorous comic book cut-outs from magazines, Sullivan on the other hand, being a fan of life’s little pleasures, had most of his wall space filled with naked women to accompany him through the dull days.
Sullivan and Carter worked together; in fact Carter spent more time at work than with his partner. Carter would not have chosen to be friends with Sullivan, he was arrogant, obsessive and a tad psychotic, but he was also a laugh and like a tick on a wound he grew on Carter. “Did I tell you? Pancho shot down a hard runner yesterday, took him three f*****g blasts! I mean three!” Sullivan shouted eyes opened wide with over excitement on just mentioning the kill. (A hard runner is one of the victims of the turrets that take more than one burst from the turrets to kill.) “Yeah right! He probably just missed altogether once and injured the second time, he’s a crap shot,” Carter replied brushing off the comment with little enthusiasm. “No way! I’m telling you he shot him in the chest and this mutant freak, a big mother he was, just carried on walking to The Wall, so he pumped him again in the leg blowing it straight off and the b*****d still carried on dragging himself over the ground. It took one last burst in his head to finish him. I just can’t wait to gun me down a bomber then I’m going to spread the news like a hooker’s legs on Friday night.” (A bomber is one of the victim’s of the turrets that are on suicide missions carrying bombs to try and somehow find a weak point in The Wall.) “You’re so full of s**t Sully.” As Carter replied a loud horn sound signalled the end of their shift, they both proceeded through a tunnel to an elevator, still with The Wall’s complexion of bland greyness.
As they waited for the elevator to reach ground level, Carter decided to let Sullivan in on what had been floating round his head for the past week. “I’m getting out of here,” he said staring at Sullivan. “What you on about now? If you’re afraid of heights you’re in the wrong profession mate.” “Not out of the elevator, you’re right though I am in the wrong profession, out of this job.” “You’ve got to be kidding me, what the hells wrong with you? We get credits for sitting around all day, swivelling on our asses. You just need to get out more, come to the fight night with me this weekend, that’ll sort you out.” Sullivan replied shocked by Carter’s remark. “No thanks, I’m serious, I’ve been thinking it through and I can’t spend my life doing this, I want more.” “What’s brought this on? You’ve been in the job for years with no problems.” “Maria’s pregnant,” Carter whispered with a contemplative look in his eyes. “You lucky son of a b***h, you got that hot piece of a*s up the duff, now she can never leave you.” Sullivan laughed out, still smirking he continued, “why would you want to quit, no money to provide for your kid if you’re an unemployed slob.” “That’s just it, I want to provide the best for my kid, Maria and I have had our problems, but that kid isn’t going to share them. I want to get a better job, higher in the ranks, maybe earn enough cash to live in Upper-City,” Carter stated with dreams in his eyes. “You’re dreaming mate, Upper-City’s full of them rich posh folk so high up the ranks that they would never accept some city guys like us. I know what you’re thinking: their multi-complex divine living quarters scraping to the sky, their fresh prime food and the cleanest air for miles, their golden green gardens and luxury technology and all with enough credits to live the life of luxury till you’re crippled, old and finally die in a silver plated, stasis coffin. Well don’t, you’re only going to scar yourself with such thoughts, we’re city folk there’s nothing wrong with our lifestyle, we work for the big people and they pay our way, we go out every week and spend our earnings and maybe save up for a gambling spree or two in one of our fine casinos. There isn’t anything wrong with this city, no sir, lived here all my life, as have you.” Sullivan sighed, saw the disappointed realisation that had appeared on Carter’s face, and continued… “Anyway even if you were to get a new job, do you know how much a place in Upper-City would cost? Damn near all the credits of our lifetime that’s for sure. Your best bet is to stick it out here and try winning enough cash from the slots.”
The elevator reached the ground floor, Sullivan headed for the exit and Carter walked over to a notice screen of events and jobs, taking no notice of Sullivan’s discouragement. “You’re wasting your time,” Sullivan shouted from over his shoulder as he walked away. Carter didn’t even hear what Sullivan had shouted, something on the notice screen as he had been flicking through had captured his eye, he surged with adrenaline, had his dreams been realised. ‘Recruits required for classified month-long mission. Placement in Upper-City guaranteed for recruit and family on return. Limited places available… Follow link to accept.’ He felt as if God himself had heard his conversation, given him a chance at a drop of heaven to restore his hope. He pressed the screen link, which immediately patched him through to an automated video response. “The mission is of up-most importance. The mission is classified. The mission is one month long. The mission is non-negotiable. The mission has… one… place remaining. Do you accept these terms, once accepted you may not decline under contract order 616, you will be incarcerated if any contract rule is broken.” The computer face reported in a cold, strict manner. Another screen link appeared with accept or decline options, requiring his identity card, voice-print and eye scan. The links flashed in anticipation. Was he in over his head? He declined.
It was getting late as Carter strolled through the streets, his head deep in thought. As he walked, the streets got darker and with the dark came the immoral, without noticing he had stepped into the slum district of the city. He took a look around, finally noticing where he had ended up. There was graffiti on the street walls, profanities even he was unsure of, vandalism of every piece of technology, windows boarded, screaming and shouting down every side street, oil drums on constant fire lit the way from here on. A gang of prostitutes eyed his uniform; he would have credits to spare. One of them, wearing ragged and torn clothes, with a dirty scarred face approached him enticingly. “Want a bit of action; I’ll do anything as long as the credits flow.” She draped her hand down to his trousers, which he grabbed immediately. “That’s not why I’m here.” “That’s why we’re all here baby, we’re city folk, and the best money can buy. You can’t live in the city and not experience its finest crops. You think you’re better than this?” Self-realisation struck like the pimp’s hand on the w***e. “Yes, I can be.” With that Carter turned and ran as fast as he could back to The Wall. “P***y!” The prostitute screeched.
As he stood once again in front of the notice screen he prayed for the job to still be available, it was. He accepted and with his eye scan, voice-print and identity card all fulfilled a message displayed in response. ‘You have twenty-four hours to cancel all previous commitments, be in elevator 217 alone by this time tomorrow, the code is, any breaking of orders will result in incarceration.’
Later that night, while in bed with Maria, his mind kept wandering to the classified mission. His curiosity got the best of him most times. He was ecstatic with excitement that he would be doing something other than staring at screens in his office and joy that his child would have the best care it could receive, no bottom of the barrel living for his child. However, he had been looking for the right moment to tell Maria and just couldn’t go through with it, how do you tell a pregnant partner you are leaving for a month with no idea where you’re going or what you’re doing? Maria was beautiful, her blonde hair draped over her head as she lay in bed, her body a perfect crystal complexion, her smile comforting and warm and her eyes beamed rays of sunshine. He had met her two years ago and they hit it off, sexually at first then emotionally bonded, eventually he asked her to move in with him. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse, his career mostly got in the way and arguments circled the relationship like vultures over carcass. Then she got pregnant.
The next day at work Carter was so excited about going he barely glanced at his screen, “What’s got you all wired?” Sullivan inquired. “I’ve got a new job… starting tonight, sorry about the short notice I only accepted it yesterday.” Carter gleamed smugly. “No f*****g way, I guess I was wrong about the notice screen. What’s it in, Another Wall department, schooling… I know, you’ve gone to work for the fight nights! You were saying you wanted excitement and quick cash.” “Nope… It’s classified, proper high-end stuff,” Carter replied getting increasingly smug and smiling uncontrollable. “Well f**k-a-doodle-doo! Well in mate, what are the odds? You told Maria yet?” With this remark Carter’s smile dissipated. “I was going to but I’m leaving for a month and I knew she would kick-up an argument so I’ll tell her tonight when there’s no turning back. I’ve no idea how though.” “Jesus mate, you’re going to get your a*s kicked, with the baby and all, but don’t you worry about it I’ll drop by every now and again to check on her.” “Cheers mate,” Carter said, surprised by the offer. “That’s what friends are for... Wow! Check your screen you got a live one, lucky b*****d, first the job and now a kill, some guys get all the luck.” Carter spun round on his chair and took the handles of the turret controls, aiming carefully on the victim. It was an old man, deformed and pale as a ghost, the only colour that of a blood stained cloth around his body. Sullivan hovered over Carter with pure adrenaline, as Carter met aim with the man he lurched forward and spat up a stream of blood. “What the f**k?” Carter whispered to himself. As he re-established his aim the man looked directly into the screen with blood-red eyes and just as Carter was about to pull the trigger the man dropped backwards to the floor. “Woohoo! Nice shot my son!” yelled Sullivan. “I didn’t even fire he just dropped dead?” Carter replied with confusion. “Damn it one of the other stations must have shot him!” Sullivan remarked with disappointment.
It was an hour before Carter had to leave till he told Maria, “What the hell do you mean you’re leaving for a month?” He told her everything, the dreams of raising his child in a luxury environment and making sure it has the best care and as he suspected they argued. “We would be set for life. We could be a proper family with no worries of raising it to kill people for a living or ending up on the streets as a gambler, or worse,” Carter declared. “I don’t care about money or lifestyle, we have lived in the city all our life and we do well for ourselves, and all I want is for us to be a family,” Maria explained. “That’s all I want, I want the best for our family, that’s why I’m doing this. Why can’t you see that?” “The best for our family is if you stay…” “Stay in the city, doing nothing with our lives… you don’t see the city like I do, you don’t know how sadistic it’s become,” Carter stressed cutting Maria off. “Nothing with our lives, we’re having a baby, God damn it! Is that not enough?” With that, feeling offended and misunderstood, Carter left for the door. “This isn’t over yet! Don’t walk out on me!” Maria screamed viciously. Carter opened the door, where Sullivan stood with a crate of beer. “Hey mate, where are you going we’ve got to celebrate your big night.” “Some other time,” Carter exclaimed with anger in his voice, pushing past onto the streets. Maria flew into Sullivan’s arms weeping over the fight and Carter left early.
Carter, after calming down, proceeded far into The Wall, further than he had gone before and reached the elevator. He entered the code: 22… 9… 18... 21... 19. The door slid open and closed behind him. It seemed to take forever to reach its destination, perhaps it was the anticipation either that or it was at the top of The Wall. When it did the doors once again slid open and Carter was greeted by a tightly uniformed, stern man. He was obviously high in the ranks. “Greetings… Nicholas Carter.” “They call me Carter,” he replied still a little angry from the fight and not in the mood for social interaction. “Yes… well, meet the rest of your team… This is Adam…” Adam was a tough brutal looking skinhead, tattoos covered his arms and neck, and he had an intimidating stare to his eyes. He nodded in recognition. “…Daniel…” Daniel was a normal looking bloke, someone you wouldn’t notice in a crowd, apart from a slight beard there was not much to go by. “They call me Dan,” He added, shaking Carter’s hand. “…and finally Edward.” Edward was well-groomed and could be mistaken for the officer in charge with the suit he was wearing. “Ed.” Adding to the corrections and shaking Carter’s hand. “What are we meant to call you?” Carter inquired to the officer in charge. “From this point forth you shall call me Control, a codename we use for these kinds of missions.” “And what kind of mission is this?” Carter replied. “This is a month long incursion. You will be entering the other side of The Wall…”
“What? But no-one ever goes on the other side, it’s unheard of…” Carter remarked cutting off Control. “It’s unheard of because these missions are classified; there are many things that happen behind closed doors,” Control replied cutting off Carter. “Intelligence has discovered there is a contagion loose in Sub-City, if left to thrive it is only a matter of time before it spreads to the city and after that Upper-City. Your job is to investigate the matter and quarantine the area through use of force. Thus, eradicating any source or sign of the contagion, you are one of many teams that have spent a month in Sub-City, any longer and the limited supply we have of the cure is ineffective against the virus. We shall keep in communication with you through use of satellite implants placed within your thumbs for discretion. Now it’s time for you to get kitted up” With that Control moved forward and applied a device on Carter’s thumb, he felt something enter his skin.
Carter still in shock and confusion followed the others back into the elevator, where it dropped back down to ground level. A door slid open, not into the sides but upwards and on the opposite side of the elevator, surprised they walked on into a room filled with weapons and military gear. “Ha! I’ve worked in the turrets most of my life, and I’ve never noticed the elevators open to this side of The Wall.” Adam exclaimed, he then grabbed a gun and loaded it, “can’t wait to get my first kill.” He reminded Carter of Sullivan. After acquiring their gear, they stepped through the only other door in the room and onto a platform, which suddenly jolted across tracks on the floor through a dark tunnel. They eventually reached a large reinforced door similar to a vault, it unlocked and opened in front of them. “We must be being watched,” Daniel spookily whispered. They entered the airlock like room and the door slammed behind them. “No turning back,” Carter stated to himself. The final door automatically opened, to reveal the other side of The Wall. © 2013 The0sReviews
1 Review Added on November 10, 2013 Last Updated on November 10, 2013 Author