59. I do

59. I do

A Chapter by Lynaelee

~Sexual content~

Sunny Kidz quickly became a huge and thriving success. On any given day, I saw 30-42 kids come through that place, but I was never above 20 kids at a time; I loved every single moment of it. Olivia and Tyler were my main employees, although I had five other regular helpers. This helped provide a schedule that fit everyone's needs. Pat came in periodically to help with overflow, but he preferred to stay at the restaurant. In the summer, I hired on an additional two high schoolers so we could have a few extra hands on deck, my employees could get a break, and we legally could have more kids running around. Even during the summer, the highest number of kids we watched in a day was 57, but again, only 20 at a time. Every kid that came through that place had the option to paint their hand and stick it on the south wall as they left; slowly it became a mural of handprints in all colors and it was my favorite thing about the place. After the bottom five feet had been filled up, I called Josh to help me brainstorm. He came over, looked at the wall and disappeared. By the end of that week, he had created a staircase on wheels with a railing so kids could reach almost as high as the ceiling and not worry about falling down. I made sure I was fair and tried to make sure each kid was on my wall once; some may have gotten a second or third print up. After Renae brought her son -Theo- over, she convinced Tyler to let her in one night after we closed and she wrote on the top of the wall in a font similar to a first grader's writing, "Mrs. Sunshine believes that no matter how small, it only takes one hand to make a difference. These hands have done just that." She then painted several kids holding hands and smiling around the words. I wept when I saw it. I took the karaoke machine out of my sanctuary at home and moved it to my business, buying several kids microphones to go with it. It was easily the most loved activity. I ended up doing two projects a day, once in the morning, once in the afternoon after naptime. Naptime was mandatory for those under the age of two from 1-3pm. Pat helped me design a quiet room, much to my dismay, I had to install a two way mirror so we could still watch them; I hated being behind it getting the kids down even though I knew I was safe. Any kids that we had at 9:15am, 11:30am, 3:45pm, and 5:30pm were fed. While I planned on keeping the place open for 12 hours a day, I could easily shut down by 8:30 most nights; there just wasn't enough to do in our little town that late. I usually left after we served the kids dinner unless I was needed so I could spend time with Pat; we had all of our breakfasts together and ate dinner together about 65% of the time. Tyler came in about lunch time and preferred to close down the place. Most of the locals planned out date night several days in advance; I had no trouble staying open late for those and I made sure I was there so my workers weren't stressed about the time. I often put a movie in for the kids to watch in the quiet room as they laid on the cots during that time. Most of the time, the parents appreciated the fact that I kept the kids calmed down; it made bedtime easier for them. 

The week leading up to my wedding, I stepped back and let Olivia run my business, with the notice that it would be closed on my wedding day. I was certain, if it was needed, it wouldn't be too big of a deal to open it up, knowing that Tyler had requested to watch some littles while the moms helped me get ready. I knew that I could have gone with a Sunday wedding, but I wanted my restaurant family to be there if they could too; Wednesdays were always the slowest day, so that was my starting point. Jess and Linda often came by on Sundays to help me flush out all the details. Pat surprisingly stuck around and was a great asset; I refused to decide on anything without his approval. I loved how he wanted to be a part of the planning process so it was truly our wedding.

Above everything else, I loved the fact that Pat proposed in front of all my friends and family so we wouldn't have to keep telling people how it happened;  it was the one story I hated giving. It took me a year of careful consideration to actually pick a date. In early June 2008, I told Pat that I think I found a date that I liked, he simply agreed with a big smile; it honestly surprised me. "You don't want it earlier than September next year?" I had asked. He kissed my cheek and pulled me in for a warm embrace.

"No, I don't, my beautiful girl. I told you, I'm okay with whatever date you want to finally tie the knot. I think a September wedding will be perfect. And having it next year, instead of three months down the road gives us more time to plan the wedding exactly how you pictured it to be. I look forward to spending my whole life with you. Two years of dating you as my girlfriend is small in comparison to at least sixty years of dating you as my wife. I will be overjoyed when you finally take my last name, but I will never pressure you to doing it. I don't mind taking it slow; you're worth it, love. All you need to know is that I love you. That and the moment you become my wife, I'm going spoil you in a whole new way," he murmured. I giggled, kissed his cheek, and held his hand. He played with my hair and I called my brother and let him know we finally had picked a date, but I didn't want him to tell anyone else yet. Pat called Linda and told her, but we refrained from telling more people until exactly a year before the designated date when we finally got our save the dates in the mail. It drove Jess and Josh crazy; neither could understand how I wasn't anxious to run to the church right then. All that mattered was Pat was with me. More often than not, I felt overwhelmed and overjoyed working, but was too mentally exhausted to plan anything specific for our wedding. Thankfully, Pat had no qualms with me taking my time. "I'm not rushing you, doll. You're the boss, remember?" He teased as Josh heckled us again at our weekly family dinner with those Pat and I considered siblings. Josh was getting antsy because he still wasn't told that we had picked a date and a location. I giggled softly; he must have never found the invitation Pat had hid at his house. 

I just smiled and came back with, "it's my wedding, I'll get married when I want to. No, when we want to." Pat grinned and squeezed my hand.

"She's picked a date. And a dress. And her color scheme. And the flowers. And the guest list. I think Pat chose the cake and the song list," Noah teased.

"What?! And I'm the last to know? Tell me, Net! When is it? It sounds like you're finalizing things. I gotta make plans! I need to plan Pat's bachelor party. I need to save up! I need the time off-"

"Stop," Pat warned. He looked at me and winked. "Think he's suffered enough, doll?"

"Nope. Josh, does it matter when it is? You'll still be in it. Linda's already agreed to give you the time off," I stated, making everyone laugh. "Pat hid your invite in your house like 7-8 months ago. You never found it?" Josh looked between Pat and I and shook his head. I kissed Pat's cheek and nodded.

"It's Wednesday, September 9, 2009, Josh. Happy?" Pat stated.

"Annette!" Josh yelled and began pacing the room. "That's like less than a month away! Pat, you're going to have to cancel. That's my time. We're supposed to be going to a concert next month."

"Too bad," I sassed as I snuggled into Pat's chest and looked up at him. "You are still going to be at my wedding, right? I need to know. I mean I don't to take you away from guys night out," I whispered then bit my lip. He smiled warmly and winked before kissing my cheek.

"Doll, you are more important. I wouldn't trade a night with you -especially one as important as that- for a thousand concerts with Josh. Now I don't plan to just be at your wedding. I plan on being in it and kissing you after you say I do. Your husband is just going to have to wait, because Sarah and Benji are going to steal the show," he teased, almost inaudibly in my ear. I giggled, kissed his jaw, and rested my head on his shoulder. "Josh, I'm going to have to take a rain check; I have something better to do. Besides, I think you're bluffing. The concert we're going to isn't until the first weekend in October." 

"Alright. Alright. You caught me, but Net can even come to that one. I like having her along, she's actually fun. I was just talking about you and me - a guys night out. Or something. One last hoorah before you get tied down to the ol' ball and chain. Not that there is anything wrong with her, it just, I don't know. My best friend is finally growing up," Josh sassed, causing everyone to chuckle.

"Josh, there is one thing that we haven't finalized that I would appreciate your help with," I ventured. He turned to me with piqued curiosity.

"Do tell and I'll forgive you for keeping out of the loop this long," he replied.

"The dinner menu. Linda is great, but you have a feel for the crowds. Work of course is catering, but I would love your help in picking out what we're serving for a snack or snacks, dinner, and all that fun stuff," I replied.

"Sold!" He exclaimed and immediately began helping me choose good finger foods. Josh was more excited about it than I was and often came home too tired from work; I would just agree to anything to get him to shut up. Pat was the voice of reason.

Tuesday night, before the wedding, Jess, Serenity, and her seven -almost eight- month old son kicked Pat out of my house so they could spend the night. "I'm anything but traditional, Jess! Plus, aside from actually sleeping with each other, we've done everything like a married couple. You can't send my snuggle buddy away," I whined playfully. She pointed her finger at me as she walked by and I laughed, taking Charlie James out of her arms and bouncing him on my knee. Pat smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

"It's alright, doll. I can respect this tradition. While I've seen the dress, I haven't seen it on you. I am really looking forward to the reveal. I'll crash at Josh's place tonight. I'll see you at 14:30 tomorrow. Josh, Noah, Tyler, Matt, Justin, and Peter are insisting we go out tonight. Apparently drinks are in order, but don't worry. None of us will show up hungover or drunk. I had my bachelor party a few weeks ago. You're still the best thing that's ever happened to me. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow and finally being able to call you Mrs. Miller. I love you. Always and forever, doll.," he promised me as he leaned in close. "Besides, all the alcohol I could consume would never compete with the intoxication limits that you give me. I will not get drunk tonight. Not without you," he whispered. I smiled and nodded, leaning over to kiss his cheek. He turned his head and gave me a soft peck on the lips instead. I had seen him drunk on more than one occasion; it didn't bug me if he drank. Most of the time, he became mellow and giggly - everything was funny. I enjoyed watching him laugh at the movie player because every third blink of the lights was delayed. I was also able to get him more excited about making messes and leaving them when he was in that state. 

The only time I had an issue with his drinking was when he might have had too many shots and he came home tearful. The whole night I spent trying to convince him I didn't see him as a monster and that I loved him just the way he was. I snuggled onto his chest and played with his shirt as he stroked my hair slurring and mumbling something about being unworthy of me. I kissed him then rubbed his foot until he went to sleep. I considered taking off his left leg, but he had yet let me touch it and he may have needed to get up in the night. I had sighed, kissed his hand, and laid down. Then I rolled to my side -my back towards him- bunched a pillow under my head, and drifted off to sleep. I was grateful he did this on a Saturday night, since he woke up multiple times dry heaving. I brought a mixing bowl from the kitchen to bed and cared for him the best way I knew how. I let him put his head in my lap and I played with his hair. Eventually he pulled me down so I could lay down too, insisting that I sleep. I nodded and he covered me with a blanket. Then he headed to the bathroom and dry heaved again. I sighed and rolled over, facing the wall. He came back to bed, sat on the edge, and buried his head between his legs. When I heard him snoring, I pulled his shirt, made him lay down, and covered him up with the blanket before facing the wall again and finally drifting off myself. About five the next morning, he woke up crying certain he had screwed up as my back was still turned to him. I reassured him and snuggled into his arms. He vowed never to drink that much again as he recovered from his hangover. I tried to help him but eventually he banished from the room as I would start to gag every time he actually got sick. He told me that night at bed that he would always feel like a monster but was glad I still chose to stay by his side. After that, if he went drinking, he capped his drinks at four; even though he could handle more. I admired him for his self control.  

"Have one for me," Jess piped up, bringing me back to reality. "Kids are exhausting. I don't know how you spend all your time around them, 'Nettie!"

I giggled and replied sincerely, "they're fun. So Nae's coming over tonight too with Theo. We should invite Olivia, Dalton, and Randy over too! Little Ms. Serenity won't know what to do with all those boys around!"

"Five kids under the age of five! I'm outta here," Pat chuckled before kissing me. I grinned as he made his way to the door, giving Serenity a hug as he passed her. "Bye, buttercup. Be good for Mommy and 'Nettie," he ordered. Serenity giggled and ran to Jess' arms. 

"Love you! No strippers. I will find out, even if it's like 20 years later and I will cut Josh," I warned.

"Love you too, doll. Like I said, I already had my bachelor party. There were no strippers then and there will be none tonight. I have you and that's all I need. But you can still cut Josh, everyone else is cool," he replied with a grin. He blew me a kiss as he shut the door behind him. 

I looked down at Charlie and cooed at him, "you're still the coolest little dude I know. Well, Theo's cool too, but he's your sister's age. You're the coolest baby I know." He gave me a toothless grin and I wiped the drool that was coming out of his mouth. "Are we teething, mister?" I picked him up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a frozen pack of peaches and sticking two peaches in his netted pacifier. He happily attacked it. I looked over at Serenity and Jess. Jess was fixing her hair; Serenity's baby soft hair barely pulled back into a ponytail, but Jess had a routine with her every night where they measured the length by putting them in pigtails. Serenity loved it as much as her mom. "How's school going?"

"Great. I'm ahead. Probably another year and I can graduate with a degree," she replied as she finished her daughter's hair and let her run around to play. "So are you nervous?" I shook my head and giggled. "Excited?" Jess tried again. I nodded and met her eye. "Well it's about time you two are finally tying the knot; I've been waiting for this day since he first held your hand in the hospital. So you're kinda lame when it comes to bachelorette parties, and you're still under 21. And we have the kids. What are we doing?" I shrugged my shoulders and texted Olivia. It was only 8pm, but she wouldn't be available until 8:45 at the earliest, depending on how much cleaning she had to do. 

"Movie. Braiding each other's hair. Trying out new recipes in the kitchen. I don't know! What do people usually do at a bridal shower? You didn't have one either so, I'm at a loss," I giggled. "Ooh! We can do a bridal party photoshoot - the night before. I don't know where Pat hid Dalton's ring bearer outfit though." My phone dinged so I looked at it and read it out loud, "Gramps wants Theo time tonight. I'll be there by 10 tomorrow. Have pancakes." I giggled and sent her a reply as I spoke softly to Jess, "pancakes weren't on the agenda, but for Nae, I'll make her a specialty batch. Glad to hear that she's giving Bob some grandson time." Jess grinned.

"My kids will love the pancakes too," she replied as Charlie started to crawl around my floor. I popped in The Little Mermaid so they would calm down and go to bed easily for Jess. "I'm happy for you, you know?" She whispered. I smiled at her over my shoulder as I put the case down on top of the movie player. "Oh! Leslie's coming! I'm so glad that your dad took off and didn't look back. I like having Grammie over." I smiled. "Aunt Annabelle, well, I'm sure she'll grow on me eventually."

"Don't count on it," I countered as I moved to the kitchen and pulled out some chocolate chip banana bread. "I've been around her like ten years and I can't stand her even for a moment. Do you trust her around the kids?" I asked as I brought the food back to the living room, giving Serenity a piece as she was sitting patiently under the tv looking up. Charlie, I scooped up and placed in my lap as he attacked small pieces of the bread. Jess spread butter on two pieces and I took one. "I know I could never trust her around my kids; I wouldn't even consider her as a backup of a backup at work," I thought bitterly as I scowled around a bite. Annabelle was trouble and Jess didn't deserve that headache.

"No. Annabelle is never alone with them. She's scares me," she replied as she took a bite. 

"That's good, Jess. Does Noah ever give you a break?" I asked, noticing the stress lines around her eyes. She shook her head. I grinned. "Guess I know what we're doing tonight," I grinned as I put my bread down and carried Charlie back to my room, searching the bathroom closet until I found what I was looking for. "You're getting a massage! I exclaimed as I came back out with my vanilla-lavender oil. "And one or both kids can sleep with me," I insisted. Jess' mouth dropped open as she took in what I was saying.

"No! 'Nettie. I can't let you do that! You're getting married tomorrow!" She sputtered. I giggled.

"So? I'll be up at five anyways," I retorted. "You need a break. You can't go to school all day, stress about that, then come home and have to care for everyone. Granted, Tyler does bring them in to play with me, but Jess, I'm concerned about you too. What does Noah do?"

"Coaches. He loves it. Those kids look up to him. He's been doing the online schooling. He wants to be a gym teacher," she explained and yawned. "He's a great dad, a great cook, awesome financial supporter, but sometimes as a husband, he fails. I still love him; we're just both so busy." I nodded in understanding and looked down at Charlie. His eyes were starting to droop. "Here. Let me change him and give him his final feeding for the night, then he can go to bed," Jess insisted as she pulled him out of my arms and began changing his diaper. Then she latched him onto her breast and yawned again. I cleaned up the little mess we made and came back into the living room and started doing my sudoku puzzles as I noticed Jess' head tilted back and her eyes closed. I grinned and looked back at my puzzle book. Serenity looked at my empty lap, demanded to be held, and snuggled in. 

"Serenity," I whispered in her ear. She looked back at me as she sucked on her ring and tall fingers. She had gotten my brother's blue eyes and his square face, her mother's auburn hair and button nose. Her eyes sparkled and danced when you talked to her and it just made my heart soar. "Can you go find me a book? I'll read it for you." She squealed in delight as she ran over to my toy box Josh had built for me. It was plumb full of teddy bears, but I added some rattles and other baby toys and books for all the little people that came to visit. She came back over with her favorite book: That's not my train. We giggled as we read it and felt the different textures of the trains. He favorite one of course was the train that was too shiny; she loved the mirror and we had to spend five minutes making faces in it. After reading the book three times, she snuggled into my chest and closed her eyes.

"Lub Nest," she mumbled around her fingers. I smiled and kissed her head. 

"I love you too, Munchkin Bear," I whispered and rubbed her back. About ten minutes left of the movie, she was asleep. I carried her back to my room with the diaper bag, changed her wet diaper, and put her in pajamas before tucking the blanket around her. Then I rolled two towels and placed them under the bottom sheet near her so she wouldn't roll off the bed. I kissed Serenity's forehead and stood up again, moving around the bed to turn on the light. Jess was standing in the doorway, bouncing her son. I smiled warmly at her. "Put him here," I instructed as I moved the pillows and put them on the ground. She brought him over and laid him sideways on my bed. She headed back out of the room as I rubbed his back as he stirred in his sleep. Jess surprised me when she brought in a playpen. I grinned. I didn't even think of that. She set it up quickly and I grabbed Charlie as he stirred. I rocked him gently and put him in his bed as Jess turned off the light. I threw the diaper away in the bathroom then wrapped my arm around her waist and we headed back out to the front room. She paused long enough to stop in the guest bedroom and pulled out a small gift bag. "You worry me sometimes," I teased as she dumped the contents on the coffee table. She giggled. 

"If you're giving me a massage, I'm taking you to an in home spa," she replied. A knock at the door startled both of us. I looked at my phone. 9:27 pm, no messages. I pursed my lips and moved to the door. I grinned and let Olivia in. She brought her baby monitor. 

"My mom is home too. She sleeps so hard she can't hear the boys wake up. I won't stay long, but thanks for the invite for some girl time, Annette. So many boys!" She giggled as she came in. I gave her a hug and then closed the door behind her. She looked at the items on the table and grinned. "Just what the doctor ordered! Girls night!" We all giggled and gave each other facials, manicures, pedicures, and foot massages. My nails were kept natural looking with the exception of the shimmery, soft, pearl and gold, iridescent tips, Jess and Olivia chose to go with royal blue nails and silver tips. We giggled and laughed as we passed my camera around. "What time do you want me here tomorrow, Net?" Olivia asked after we rinsed our masks off. I bit my lip and played with the charm around my neck.

"Emily agreed to take pictures for us. I should probably find out what time she wants to do that," I mused as I sent her a message quickly. "Oops. Almost 11 pm. Guess I could have waited until morning. Anyways, if you could come over about 1ish? I guess? I don't know. How long does it usually take to get ready?"

"For normal people on the wedding day? All day. For you? Well you're like a super human, so probably not very long," Olivia teased. Jess and I giggled. "One works for me. Crazy busy kids, I might actually convince Pete to go play with our boys while I fix my hair. Planned on getting Randy down for an early nap anyways."

"You're getting curlers in tonight," Jess insisted. I shook my head and pouted. "Annette! Please. You never do anything too crazy. It's your wedding! Let's do something fancy."

"I already agreed to makeup! I don't need fancy to be happy," I insisted. "But you guys are more than welcome to do whatever with your hair."

"Fine," Jess grumbled. She began putting all of our goodies back in her bag. "Leslie and Renae will be here about 10 tomorrow. The ceremony and reception area is seriously just a mile down the road. Tyler will come pick up Dalton about 1:30 to get him ready. Then he's going to watch Charlie and Theo, probably would watch Randy too, if you wanted Olivia, at Sunny Kidz with Leslie. Tyler likes walking now a days and in all honesty, you don't live that far away. He was planning on walking the kids down in strollers," she informed us. I nodded. At least there was a plan for the kids. The daycare was seriously just around the block from the site. I had given both Olivia and Tyler permission to have it open for restless kids only if the parents stuck around. "Ten minutes before the ceremony begins, we can drive down there. Several pictures need to happen before Pat sees you."

"You sure have the plans for my wedding worked out nicely," I teased. She nudged my side and giggled. "Thank you. I appreciate it. I'm glad you're both going to be there with me," I told them sincerely. We stood up and did a three man hug. Olivia bid us good night and headed home. "Go get some rest, sister dear," I ordered as I embraced Jess again. "I got the kids tonight." She kissed my cheek and headed off to bed. I picked up any remaining big crumbs off the floor and couch and threw them away. I also threw Charlie's frozen peaches away then rinsed his netted pacifier. I put the movie away, locked all the doors, turned off all the lights, sent Pat a good night text, and headed to bed. I checked on my niece and nephew before crawling behind Serenity and draping my arm over her small body. I sighed contently as I closed my eyes and played with the ring on my finger. "Tomorrow, I become Mrs. Miller," I thought happily and drifted off into a peaceful slumber. Charlie woke up around four. I got up with him and got him ready for the day. He chilled on my hip as I made breakfast, storing most of my pancake batter in the fridge until it was closer to when people were moving. By the time his sister woke up two hours later, he was already napping. 

"Nest! Baff," Serenity demanded as she munched on her pancake at the coffee table. I stroked her small curls and kissed the top of her head.

"No bath, Munchkin Bear. How about you help me paint?" I bartered as I pulled out some whipped cream and put a spoonful in three bowls, adding a drop of food coloring to each one. I carried the bowls over to the coffee table and had Serenity help me mix the colors in. I showed her how to paint on her pancake and she went to town. She giggled and splattered more paint on her food. In her paint war, I think the pancake won. Eventually she began eating again. Her giggling woke Charlie up, so I picked him up and gave him another pancake as I bounced him on my knee. I cleaned Serenity's whipped cream mess before letting her play. At 8, I put a Disney movie in and moved to the kitchen to finish making breakfast for whomever might show up. I brewed a pot of coffee and kept my pancakes warm in the oven. I also put a glass bowl filled with water in the oven to keep my food from drying out. While the kids were still preoccupied and quiet, I washed my dishes too. Then I stuck the kids in the tub and cleaned them up before getting them dressed. Both kids were starting to get restless and tired as a knock interrupted my thoughts. I was rocking Charlie in my arms as he sucked on his bottle of water, so I just carried him to the door with me. I smiled as I looked through the peephole. I opened the door and greeted my guest. "Good morning, brother dear. Wasn't expecting you until like what, 10-10:30?" Tyler grinned and came inside, hanging his light jacket up. I looked at the clock on the far wall, 8:57. "You're like an hour early. Jess is still sleeping. Pancakes are in the oven. I can make you some eggs and fry some bacon if you'd like," I offered.

"Thanks, 'Nettie. I'm good. You look like you need to go back to bed; you have dark circles under your eyes," he replied as he stroked them. I shook my head; I felt fine and not tired at all. Serenity finally noticed Tyler was here so she ran over and gave his leg a squeeze. He picked her up and began tickling her. "Hey, Princess Ren! Are you having fun?"

"Yub Unk. Nest ton. Nummy. Blue fobs got dun. Shaw-Shaw bean," Serenity exclaimed quickly. Tyler looked over at me with a raised eyebrow as he put her down and she ran around squealing delightfully.

"Did you catch any of that? I don't speak toddler very well," he noted as he moved to the kitchen. I moved to the stool by the breakfast nook and shrugged my shoulders. Jess was leaning against the far counter with a smirk as she blew in her cup of coffee.

"She said you're uncle. Net is fun. She mentioned her nummy food and that her brother's mean. I'm not sure about the middle part," Jess translated. I giggled and Tyler chuckled as he poured himself a cup of coffee. Jess opened the oven and grabbed a few pancakes. "What brings you over so early, bro?" She asked as she prepared herself breakfast.

"I came by to take these two over to Net's place so you guys can start pampering; I'm just assuming that's what you want to do, Jess. Net, not so much. If you wanted me to take them of course. Since I'm here though, and breakfast is ready, I'll eat first," he replied cheekily, dishing up some food. He looked at me as he put his plate on the counter and held out his hand. "You'll get it back later, but Pat needs the ring back so he can attach it to the wedding band jacket." I nodded and took off my ring, placing it in his outstretched palm. Tyler put it in his pocket. I looked back over at Serenity playing quietly by herself then down at Charlie who was now asleep in my arms. I positioned him over my shoulder as I rubbed his back, looking back at Tyler; he had yet to dig into his pancakes. He was topping them with huckleberries, strawberries, and syrup.

"Please eat! I made enough for an army," I giggled. "You have good kids, Jess. Of course Tyler would come by when they're ready for a nap."

She met my eye and smiled, "thanks for letting me sleep, but really you should get some rest. Tyler has always been good about showing up when the work is done." I giggled again as he bumped her with his hip.

"Hey, if 'Nettie actually picked up her phone, I would have been over here earlier to help with the kids," Tyler teased, winking at me. "Thought we got you past the forgetting-your-phone phase." I shook my head; my phone was still plugged in on my dresser. He put his dishes in the sink and took Charlie out of my arms. Charlie began to fuss slightly so Tyler patted his back and talked soothingly to, "CJ! Come on, bud! It's Uncle Tyler. I don't smell that bad. Shhh. Shhh." Jess and I exchanged looks and grinned. She signed to me and I laughed. "Hey! No secrets, you two," Tyler warned, causing another fit of giggles to erupt.

"I just told her you're not a natural, she is," Jess replied and looked at the clock. "Stick around another twenty minutes and you can take Leslie with you. Net, go shower. Take your time. Relax," Jess ordered. I nodded and ducked down the hall after giving both siblings a hug. The hot shower felt good. I shaved everything twice just to make sure I was smooth; I was dressing up for my soon to be husband and the thought frightened and excited me at the same time. I wanted to give him my best version forever. I soaked in the water until it went cold. I stood in a towel as I put my vanilla lotion on my legs and arms. Then I dried my hair in front of the mirror. I ran some mousse through my it when it was all dry and my blowdryer was on the verge of overheating; thick hair is not your friend when you're trying to dry it quickly. Then I began to fix it so I would look like a bride: a half ponytail flipped inside itself, leaving two strands framing my face so I could curl them. Finally, I separated the hair in the ponytail into two sections, fishtail braiding both sections - including the hair that was still down, pulling the strands so it wasn't tight, and wrapping them into a messy, yet elegant, bun, pinning it by the ponytail on the top of my head. I moved to my closet and pulled my gown out, still tucked in it's garment bag, setting it on my bed. "I can't believe you haven't let me see the dress yet," Jess teased from the door. I giggled and moved back to my closet, selecting a simple black strapless dress to put on. "Don't get dressed," Jess ordered. I gave her a confused glance. She ducked around the corner and came back with Renae and my mom. "I love your hairstyle, but we are putting body butter and glitter on you," Jess giggled. I shook my head and tightened the towel around me.

"That's where I draw the line; no body glitter. This is my wedding day, not your's. Jess, I love you but I'm simple. Plus, what happens if I'm allergic and break out in hives. I'm wearing this dress for a while. You'll just have to be patient to see my wedding gown. Nae! Did you know about Jess' evil plot to add more pazazz to my wardrobe?" I asked. She shook her head. Mom leaned against the wall and smiled at me. "Now can you ladies give a couple more minutes? Then I'll help with hair and makeup and let you do my makeup when I'm done." I walked over and gave Mom a hug. "I'm happy to see you. Will you help with the flowers, making sure that they're just right? They're in the fridge." She kissed my cheek and nodded as she headed back out to the front room. I gave Jess a hug. "Love you. Thanks for trying to make sure this day is perfect. The only thing that matters is that Pat and I say I do. After that, it'll be a daily question of if we can still say 'I do love you. I do desire you. I do want to be with you.' I'm excited about this next chapter and am excited to take his name. But please, no more crazy notions about adding sparkle," I begged. She nodded and departed. I looked at Renae and grinned. "Glad to see you too! Welcome! Is Ed with you today?" She nodded and pulled me in for a hug.

"He's with Tyler and Theo. He proposed last night," she giggled as she showed me her left hand. I squealed and pulled her in for another embrace. I stepped back and studied her ring. A simple round cut diamond on a rose gold ring; it looked huge on her slim fingers. "I want you in my wedding. It'll happen in the next six months."

"Congratulations, Renae! I'm so excited for you! Beautiful ring. I'd be honored to stand next to you," I replied sincerely. She smiled and embraced me again.

"Thanks, Net. See you in a few," she replied warmly. I moved to my dresser and put on some underwear, a strapless bra, the black sleeveless dress, and a long sleeved open faced sweater to counter the cool air in my home. The weather was supposed to warm up later, high eighties; the perfect afternoon. I moved over to my bed and pulled my dress out of the bag. I stroked the lace and grinned. There wasn't a single wrinkle on my light champagne colored dress. I pulled out a royal blue satin belt and a pair of blue, slightly wedged, open toed shoes. They complimented the belt and made it so I wouldn't sink on the dirt since we were having an outdoor wedding. I could easily and comfortably wear them all night. I grinned as I pulled out the final touch, the only piece of sparkle that I allowed Jess to buy: a 12 point crystal star pin that would hold my belt in place. I grinned and left my room, closing the door behind me. I gasped when I saw the bouquet of roses on my counter, knowing they weren't there before I took a shower. Renae smiled at me as I stroked the petals. She pointed to the picture she drew for me, hanging on the wall above the breakfast nook. I grinned and looked back at the roses. "Pat instructed me to bring those over. They're changing at your daycare, which is why Leslie's remaining over here. Anyways, he said to tell you that there's not a flower that can compete with your beauty. He wanted to make sure that you know - well I'm not sure exactly. He just grinned and walked away," Renae remarked. I grinned. I knew what he was saying- even amongst the thorns, I blossomed beautifully. "He's right, Net. The flowers are nothing compared to you. You light up the room. No doubt about it," she insisted. I blushed and hid it in the flowers as I smelled them. Pat was truly beyond thoughtful and I couldn't wait to be his wife.

"Thanks, Nae. So what's next, ladies?" I inquired. Renae pulled me over to the couch and put in 27 Dresses. We talked, snacked, laughed, and did each other's hair and makeup. Emily showed up about 12:45 and began snapping candid pictures. Olivia showed up at one with her hair straightened. "Wow! Olivia, I love it! I've never seen you without curly hair and it is stunning. Thank you for taking the time to do this on my wedding day. You look gorgeous," I praised as I played with her hair. She smiled at me and gestured to her gown in her garment bag. "Yes! Of course. Feel free to change in any of the rooms. Then come back out here and we'll do group photos. Mom, will you help me get ready?" I asked. She nodded and followed me to my bedroom. I took a single rose from the vase and carried it with me. Mom let Emily in once I had the dress on. Emily kept quiet and snapped away as Mom zipped me up. She fingered my charm on my neck and smiled at me. "It's not coming off." She nodded.

"I don't want it too. I was wondering if you would wear something for me? Something I wore at my wedding?" Mom asked as her voice cracked. I nodded as she rested her hand on my shoulder before tracing my sleeve. My whole neckline and shoulders were exposed, the lace was two inches thick on my bicep. "You're beautiful, Sarah," she whispered, a tear fell out as she said my first name.

"Oh, Mama!" I gasped as I pulled her in for a hug and blinked back my own tears. It felt nice to hear her say my name again. "You shouldn't make me cry!" I rebuked playfully as I stood back and dried my eyes carefully, trying to make sure I didn't ruin my make up. Mom smiled at me and dug in her pocket. A string of pearls on fishing line was in her hand. "It's beautiful, Mom! Thank you!" I turned around and let her put it on me. Three rows of floating pearls rested on my collarbone around my neck. I looked in the mirror and grinned. I loved the way I looked and my tears didn't mess anything up. My makeup was bold, but in the neutral colors. Renae had given me a perfect winged eyeliner on top of a smoky bronzed eye that faded into what looked like nothing closer to the nose; my bottom eyelid was left alone. My cheekbones were more prominent, yet they remained soft. My lips were a soft mauve covered in transparent, shimmery gloss. Mom's necklace looked like it was part of the dress, hidden by a sheer fabric that blended in with my skin. Johanna's sapphire around my neck stood out but fit in perfectly. I looked and felt beautiful. "Wow!" I gasped. Mom grinned behind me.

"I've always thought that about you. Keep the pearls; I don't want them back. They look like they belong there," Mom murmured. I grinned. 

"Thank you. I'm almost complete. I just need the finishing touch," I instructed as I picked up the rose I had put on my dresser. I removed all the leaves and thorns before snipping it down to a smaller size. Mom looked at me curiously as I handed her the rose. "Will you please put this in my hair?" She nodded and tucked it into the top right side of my bun, securing it with more pins. I moved over to my closet and pulled out a light mint green dress and jacket. I faced my mom and grinned. She looked at the outfit in shock. "I know you probably have something picked out, and you can wear it if you want, but I bought this for you. You can take it home and wear it whenever you want. I always loved this color on you," I explained.

"Annette! I love it. I will wear that today. Much better choice than the fuchsia pantsuit I picked out. Oh! My baby's all grown up. I'm so proud of you," she cried as she held onto me. I kissed her cheek and made her sit on the bed. I braided her hair into a headband. "I'm so proud of you, baby," she whispered as she kissed my cheek and straightened my dress. I swayed back and forth in excitement as my godet skirt moved and tickled my ankles. "I'll get dressed then go get Serenity ready. Love you."

"I love you too, Mama. Will you walk out and deliver sand for our unity ceremony?" I asked. She wept as she nodded. I held onto her. She kissed my cheek and pushed me out the door. Emily was standing in the hallway and I heard my bridesmaids chatting in the front room. Emily signaled for me to stay put as she snapped a few more pictures. I smiled, looked down, and shifted my feet nervously. I walked down the hallway slowly and peeked around the corner. My living room had been rearranged: the couch pushed under the window to my right, the end table and coffee table pushed against the wall, the armchair wasn't visible. I smiled as I looked over at my friends; they hadn't realized I was there yet. I gave them the option of how they wanted their dresses styled, but they were all dip dyed with a flared skirt. Olivia's was the most modest, coming just past her knees in a tea-length style, moving up to high rise halter top. Jess' dress was just above her right knee, below her left knee in an asymmetrical cut, the top was had a sharp triangular look about it, but she pulled it off well. It was only a single strap dress that draped over her left shoulder. It appeared the dress might have a little tight, but she didn't seem to mind. Renae chose to go with a strapless skater dress, stopping in the middle of her thigh and a low sweetheart neckline. Jess and Olivia's dresses started off the same blue as my sash and worked their way up to white. Renae's was black softened to white. Olivia and Jess had black belts, Renae's matched mine. I had found a crystal outline of a sun for their brooches. They looked stunning together. Jess chose to wear ballet flats, Olivia bedazzled sandals, and Renae didn't let me down as she sported her cowboy boots. I was only slightly hurt that Esther couldn't make it to be a part of my wedding. I understood though; her boyfriend stranded her in Oregon without a vehicle. "Wow!" I gasped as I stepped into the room. All three eyes turned to me and they gasped. "You guys look amazing. I'm proud to have such a beautiful group of women stand beside me on this day," I admitted.

"Annette! You look beautiful! Thank you for making me wait to see," Jess praised as she came over and embraced me. 

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else," Renae giggled at the same as she came over and gave me a bouquet of flowers. I grinned.

"I agree. You're a great friend, Annette. I'm happy to stand by you today. You outshine us all," Olivia admitted.

"I concur. You are a radiant, glowing bride, 'Nettie," Jess confessed as she looked me over again. "Can I adjust the belt?" She begged. I nodded and she moved it to my right hip. "Wow! Absolutely stunning. Pat's going to be floored!" She exclaimed. I looked over at Renae; she had the same look of astonishment on her face. A large mirror had been added to my living room and Emily snapped several pictures of us in front of it as we talked and made sure everything was ready. Mom made her way out to us and Jess gave her a hug then pinned some bellflowers below her left shoulder. "Leslie! You look gorgeous. Here, let me go get Serenity's dress. Just get her dressed there. Tyler said all the men are dressed. We'll see you soon. Make sure Tyler fed those kids," Jess rattled. Olivia and Renae gushed over me and spun me around the room. Emily continued to snap pictures. Jess brought out a veil and pinned it in my hair, under my bun, draping it over my shoulders. "True vision," she whispered as she picked up her own bouquet. Before long, we were loading up in Olivia's van and heading towards the ceremony spot: Savenac Historic Tree Nursery. Renae took me towards one of the bunk houses where Josh was, holding his own camera. Emily was my ever silent shadow.

"Wow! Hot damn! Annette, Pat is a lucky guy," Josh gasped before he let out a long whistle. I giggled at his expression. He opened his mouth to say more.

"Not another word," Renae warned, interrupting his thought process. Josh nodded obediently and shut his mouth. I gave them both a confused look. Renae smiled at me. "That goes for you too, NeNe. Don't make me, I'll find Mom," she threatened. I giggled but nodded. For Darlene to call me NeNe was one thing, hearing Renae say it made it almost comical but I knew she was serious. "You and Pat get to talk, but not see each other right now." I nodded with a big grin as she led me to the bunk house. Josh followed silently. I looked him over and grinned. He was wearing light gray slacks with a vest that matched and a tie that matched the bottom of Renae's dress. His white shirt was rolled up to his elbows, royal blue lined the inside edge of his vest, giving it the pop of color I loved. The look was tied together with a white tulip bud boutonniere. He looked good. I gave him a thumbs up and he winked at me. "Stay here, Net. Back against the wall," Renae ordered. I nodded and followed directions as Josh kept walking around the corner. I looked down at the bouquet of flowers in my hand and smiled tenderly. My lilac bellflowers were surrounded by white tulips that were just starting to bloom. We dipped the stems in blue water so the edges of my tulips were turned a soft baby blue. Renae tucked a small single red rose inside my bouquet. "For those unsaid words," she whispered, arranging the bellflowers so they hid the rose; you couldn't see the rose unless you were looking from above. I grinned.

"Thank you, Nae. I love it. I had no idea you took one," I whispered. She grinned. She grabbed my left hand and moved it around the corner of wall. A hand grabbed mine and rubbed my thumb. I blushed and looked down. "Hello, dear," I murmured as I squeezed his hand. Renae and Josh moved to the wall to my left and grinned at us. Emily crouched down and snapped more pictures.

"Hey, doll. Based on their reactions, you look amazing," Pat replied. I chuckled and looked down. 

"What makes you think those reactions are for me? Last time I saw you, you looked pretty good yourself," I teased. He snickered.

"Doll, I know they're for you. Because when we're together, all eyes go towards the beauty, not the beast. T minus ten minutes, my love."

"Phfff! You're not a beast, darling. T minus for what? Oh! And I become Mrs. Miller. Scared?" I replied. Pat laughed. Renae and Josh hid smiles behind their hands.

"Not of that, doll," Pat replied, a hint of laughter in his voice. "I'm terrified of never being good enough for you. I'm terrified of letting you down. Most of all, I'm terrified of losing you - although after today, that fear may disappear completely; I hope so. I'm thrilled that you are about to become Mrs. Miller. I look forward to growing old with you by my side and all the adventures that come with it. I love you with all that I am." I grinned and turned towards my left side, making sure I stayed behind the corner of wall. I moved the bouquet to my left hand. Pat shifted and helped me hold it. "Oh, doll!" He gasped, choking back a sob. I giggled and looked at the bouquet, my gaze rested on the rose.

"You worry about the wrong things, sir. You can't get rid of me that easily. In case you didn't hear, I'm in this for the long haul," I teased. He squeezed my hand. I looked over at Emily and grinned. "Darling, I'm turning around, so I'm going to release your hand just for a moment. Put the rings on the bouquet; I won't see my ring until you place it back on my finger. Emily, there's another picture I need. Please," I ordered as I turned around, holding Pat's hand with my right hand, the bouquet between us. "Are your feet cold, Mr. Miller? Well your right foot? Your left is always cold," I teased. I heard soft snickers behind me. Pat squeezed my fingers.

"No, doll. I've been looking forward to this day since the day you agreed to go camping with me; I had such high hopes back then and you exceeded them all. You are the best thing in my life and I know I'm very lucky. I love you. I'm taking your flowers away," he murmured, as the flowers disappeared and our fingers wrapped together. My arm was bent and his lips pressed against my fingers. "I'll see you soon." I pulled his hand over and kissed his hand.

"I'll see you soon," I confirmed. He released my hand and gave me back my bouquet. "Thank you, darling. I love you." Renae came up beside me and led me out of the room. "Thank you, Renae," I gasped as I embraced her.

"Now I have to know the significance behind the rose," she demanded as she led me into a sitting room. "Because what I just witnessed, it's deep." I giggled and sat down in one of the chairs. She joined me and noticed my confused look as I saw the two bouquets by the door. "Olivia, Jess, and Serenity will join us right before the ceremony starts. They're helping direct traffic."

"Okay so obviously, you know the rose holds great value since you stole the picture of him looking at the rose when he talked to me when we first started dating. Then you drew a picture with us surrounding the rose," I explained as I picked at my dress. Renae nodded. "Pat brought me a rose while I was in the hospital; it was the one flower I was given and the only red rose. At the time, I was terrified of admitting my emotions, but because he gave it to me, I couldn't part with it. It was my grasp on reality. He gave it to me just after my dad disowned me. Then it was in my hair and dad trampled it as I caught him in the act and started an abuse case against him. Pat tried to comfort me and all I could think was that rose was ruined. That night, I went to sleep and he went for a run. I woke up and there was another rose on the counter. He replaced it every three to five days. When I finally confessed my feelings for him, I told him he was like my rose; showing me it's possible to bloom in adversity. He came back with me being the rose - the most sought after flower: beautiful, captivating, sweet, adored by many, but capable of hurting those who near me and try to grab me if they aren't aware of how to handle me properly. Ever since, he's surprised me with more roses - just because. It's a big part of our relationship, but doesn't make the relationship. I love how he always goes above and beyond to let me know how much and how often he's thinking of me. The roses are just a small reminder of that. I think I get at least three new roses a week." Renae giggled.

"Seriously! You two are just so sweet. He's right, Net. You are the rose. I have never seen anyone overcome challenges with such class and still hold their head high. You're remarkable and I'm glad that Pat treats you right and that he loves you as much as you love him," she replied as she rubbed my arm. I grinned and went to make a response as the rest of my bridal bridal party joined us, interrupting all thoughts. Serenity climbed up in my lap and Renae squeezed my hand. "Let's get you married, Net." I giggled and gave her a hug. Noah came in and looked at me, his jaw dropped. He kissed his wife and took his daughter out my arms.

"You look amazing! Wow! I almost didn't recognize my sister; you're seriously glowing. I'm so happy for you," he gushed as he kissed my cheek. I smiled and wrapped my arm around his, giving his arm a squeeze. Olivia led the processional with her husband, heading out to the song from the movie Anastasia At the beginning. Jess and Matt headed out next, followed by Renae and Josh. Dalton headed out by himself as Serenity wanted to hold Noah's hand. Noah and I agreed she could be walk out with us as Amazed by Lonestar blared. Noah squeezed my hand. "Ready, 'Nettie?" I looked at him and nodded. He kissed my cheek again and looked down at his daughter. "Hey, Sugar Plum, can you throw flowers for Auntie Net?" He asked. Serenity giggled and began throwing flowers down as Noah escorted us out. Pat was waiting for me, his head down and eyes closed, swaying back and forth - trying hard not to dance to the songs. He was wearing khaki pants and vest with a silver tie and a white button up shirt rolled to his elbows. His vest had no extra colors sewn into them and his boutonniere was a rose. I smiled as I looked at his face; he grew and trimmed a goatee because I loved the way it looked. Josh nudged him and Pat looked up, meeting my eye. His jaw dropped and he teared up. 

He quickly recovered as he smiled and signed, "beautiful. All mine." I grinned, nodded, and looked down before meeting his eye again, grateful my siblings had taught him something in sign language. Noah paused a few steps away from Pat. I watched as Serenity ran to my left towards Jess, then met Pat's eye and grinned before turning to my brother as the preacher asked who gave me away. 

"I, her brother, am happy to give Annette over to this man," Noah stated as he turned to me. He rubbed my cheek, pulled me in for an embrace, and whispered in my ear, "it's about time you let your happiness rule." I grinned and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for always having my back," I whispered back. He kissed my cheek and gave my right hand to Pat. I smiled as I approached him. "You clean up nicely," I whispered as I winked at him. He chuckled and squeezed my hand gently. I handed my bouquet over to Renae. I would coat them in wax when the ceremony finished to preserve them forever, to rest on top of our olive green and cyan blue sand that we would combine during the sand ceremony. Pat and I held onto both hands, crossed over each other, as the preacher led us through the ceremony and we recited our vows. After our sand unity ceremony, the preacher allowed Pat and I to add our own personal touch before we exchanged rings; I went first. I took a deep breath and looked in the eyes of the man standing before me; of the man that I loved with all my heart. He smiled affectionately at me. "Patrick Benjamin Miller, four years, three months, and a few days is how long I've known you. Give or take. From the beginning, you always tried to make sure I smiled and laughed. You always saw the best in me, even when I was at my worst. To believe that you wanted me was beyond my wildest dreams. You make me feel safe, cherished, and like I finally belong somewhere. As your wife, it is my duty to reciprocate those feelings back to you. I vow to never let you lose sight of the important things in life: love, laughter, joy, forgiveness, and honesty. You are my glue, my place of refuge, and the only one who has captured all of my heart. You have shown me how to build bridges, keep hope alive, and take a leap of faith. I look forward to the road ahead, because it is all about love, being B2G, sunshine, anchors, shields, stars, roses, chocolate, and snowflakes. I vow to share and find those with you everyday, because there's nowhere else I'd rather be. As I stand by your side, I vow to make that promise everyday and find new things to love you about you and new ways to annoy you. From now until the day we say farewell, I will nurture and care for your heart, expecting you to do the same for me. Nothing could have prepared me for a heart like yours; it's one I will cherish always. I love you and I will love you until our days are no more," I told him honestly. He wiped a tear that fell from my eye and grabbed my hand again.

"You have a way with words, doll," he whispered. I smiled and squeezed his hand. He cleared his throat and stood up tall. "Sarah Annette Gibson, you seem constantly underestimate how incredible you are; and what I find most incredible is that you chose me: just a soldier who lost his way. I was given my sight back by a nervous waitress who stood out from the crowd without even trying. One look and I was captivated. I had to hear your voice. I had to spend every chance I could with you. Three months later, you had me spilling my guts without a hint of remorse and I knew I couldn't stay away. One kiss -a year later- and I was ready to do anything to keep you by my side, because you make me a better man and life without you is dull. Your generosity, gentle nature, and kind heart is what what pulled me in and I refuse to let go. I will bow to your every whim and desire, m'lady, because you do rule my life. I will protect you until my dying breath. I will be the rock upon which you stand upon. When you fall, I will catch you. If I fail to catch you, then I will help you stand again, but not once will I leave you. Your joy is infectious. Your sunny personality is desirable. I vow to help keep your well of joy overflowing, your fortress strong, and to never stop loving you. Above everything else, if I am to ever feel broken, I will turn to you for assistance and guidance. Until death do we part, I will be by your side as your ever devoted husband," Pat swore. I smiled and squeezed his hand. He looked back at the preacher and exclaimed, "can we exchange rings now so I can seal those promises?" I put my head on my chin and giggled. Pat turned his attention back towards me, lifting my chin. I met his eye and smiled. "That's my favorite sound in the whole world," he whispered. I giggled again and blushed. The preacher had us exchange rings and the vow that came with. I gasped as Pat put the ring on my finger. He had found a jacket with sapphire leaves, connected by a thin diamond loop. It wrapped around my diamond flower like a jigsaw puzzle; the wedding band jacket was placed on the bottom so it slid on my finger first, the blue leaves looping around the top of engagement ring, locking it in place. I smiled up at him, it was beautifully perfect. Soldering it together wouldn't be necessary, but I would do it anyways. I slid the chrome colored tungsten ring on his finger and we were finally granted permission to kiss. He cupped his hands around my jaw as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pressed his lips against mine softly before deepening the kiss, moving his left hand to my back, tilting me to the side, and leaning me back. I smiled at him as he stood me up again. "Mrs. Miller, you make me whole and you are positively drunk already but that's okay because I am too and I now get to spend a lifetime with you by my side. We'll get drunk often," he whispered in my ear as we faced our cheering crowd.

"Promise?" I whispered in reply. He pecked my lips softly and nodded.

"Promise and sealed," he confirmed. He smiled at me as Renae gave me back my bouquet and we ran down the aisle. We ducked into one of bunkhouses where we shared another intimate moment as he pressed me against the wall. "I love you, Sarah! Thank you," he whispered. We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey, love birds," Josh yelled on the other side of the screen door. We looked at him and smiled. "Hate to interrupt. Okay maybe not. Anyways, you two have the afternoon shift here for another ten minutes. They want to see the first dance then you two need to do your greeting line and let Renae and I give our speeches. Then it's food and dancing time." I grinned and kissed Pat again as we headed back out. Our ceremony area had been transformed into a dance floor. Josh took the courtesy of introducing us as husband and wife for the first time. When I say I do by Matthew West started playing over the speakers and Pat spun me around.

"And I have never been so sure of anything before like I am in this moment here with you. Now for better or for worse, so much more than only words. And I pray that everyday will be the proof, that I mean what I say when I say I do," I sang softly along with the chorus as Pat lead me around. I couldn't stop staring in his eyes. He smiled at me and pressed his lips against mine.

"Me too, doll," he whispered. "This is the biggest vow - for better or worse, in sickness and in health, I will love you. It means more to me than protecting you from harm and more than letting you watch the stars or the sun come out everyday. I can't get enough and I hope that I'm never satisfied with you. I want to show you how much I love you everyday. Sarah," he breathed as he spun me around and the song came to a close. He pulled me in for another kiss and whispered in my ear. "I do love you. I do love the fact that now you are my wife. I do swear to cherish you." I pulled back and kissed him passionately while our crowd erupted and cheered.

"I do love you with all that I am. You'll just have to put up with me and my crazy quirks for a long time now," I breathed. He chuckled and kissed my nose.

"Deal," he murmured tenderly. Josh pushed us towards the edge of the crowd where our co-workers were lined up with big grins. We hugged Marcus and Yolanda first since they had to be on their way back to the restaurant to cook. One by one, our guests came by and congratulated us, thanked us for a quick reception, and told us how precious everything had been. When the line disappeared, our DJ entertained the guests while some co-workers set up tables and chairs. Emily positioned us for pictures with the whole bridal party. Noah, Mom, Charlie, Tyler and his pregnant girlfriend Stephanie joined us for family pictures. Pat's family consisted of Josh, Linda and her husband Elliot, and General Greenfield. Since the wedding was so early, we served several finger foods for people to snack on; we still planned on serving dinner around six. Mom brought a plate of food for the kids to snack on and I bit my lip; it looked delicious. "I'll get you some food in just a minute," Pat promised. I looked up at him in shock. "You might be drooling," he teased as he stroked my chin. I giggled and buried my head in his chest. Josh pulled me aside after the pictures were complete. "Hey!" Pat protested as he tried to pull me back in his arms. 

"One minute," Josh begged. Pat nodded and backed away, moving over to the tables to dish up a plate. Josh turned me around so my back was towards Pat and kept his hands on my shoulders. Very softly he murmured, "no words, scowl for no, smile for yes; Pat's got eagle eyes. Are you opposed to trashing your dress?" I raised my eyebrow and he grinned. "Are you opposed to getting dirty?"  I scowled. He should know better. "Good. I have something planned for my speech but I don't think Pat's going to like it. I need you on board," he whispered. I grinned and bounced a little. "Thanks, Net. You're a beautiful bride. Love the ceremony. Now let's party it up!" He hollered as he pulled me to the center of the dance floor. Then he dragged Renae over to the DJ stand and instructed her to get ready to give her speech.

"What was that about?" Pat whispered as he brought me a plate of fruit kabobs, warm ham and cheese rollups, baked potato skins, and cucumber cups filled with some yogurt dip. I leaned into him and kissed his jaw then took all the fruit off the stick.

"Making sure he had permission to possibly embarrass you in his speech," I whispered, making an educated guess. Pat chuckled.

"I'd expect nothing less," he replied as he popped a grape into my mouth and one in his. Before long, our plate was empty and Jess came over and took it away, giving us champagne flutes filled with sparkling grape juice. Pat and I turned and looked at Renae as she tapped the microphone and got everyone's attention.

"Hey, everyone. Thanks for coming. Net, do want to do my speech for me?" She teased. I moved to go over and help her and Pat held me in place, wrapping both arms around my waist, but being careful to not tip our drinks. Josh shook his finger as Renae spoke quickly into the microphone, "kidding! Kidding! Sheesh! Love you for your selflessness, Net. For those of you who don't know, I'm Renae; Annette's best friend and obviously the only opinion that she ever needs." I giggled and put my head down. "Again, kidding. The only opinion she needs to worry about is her own, and well, I guess your's too now, Pat. But you two are so like minded, I doubt that will ever be a problem. You two are seriously the perfect couple and I'm glad you have each other. So anyways, the first day I met Annette, we were twelve and it was about a week before my 13th birthday. She had just started coming to our school and things were dark for me. I was the outcast - but not in her eyes. She instantly was drawn to me, I don't know why! Seriously, I haven't figured that puzzle out," she teased. I looked back up and smiled at her. "But I'm glad that she came into my life. She doesn't have a hero complex, just a caring heart and hates to see people in pain and that's why she was drawn so quickly to me. I know you hate this comparison, but it's so fitting, Annette, you are like the sun. Life is brighter with you; it's just the way it is. This is something that Pat has discovered. Annette, I'm so glad that you found someone who loves you for you, encourages you to be a little crazy, and doesn't see your faults. When Annette first told me about having a boyfriend, she lit up and seemed to glow even brighter; I didn't think that was possible. I've gotten the privilege to watch this love bloom, spark, and erupt into an unquenchable flame and I'm so thankful to witness it. You two put a whole new meaning on relationship goals and leave a path of love wherever you go. I love the way he melts when he looks at her. I love the way she blushes and giggles any time he grabs her hand. Most of all, I love how perfect they are together. May we all inspire to love with all we got like they do. Here's to Pat and Annette and many years of happiness," she raised her glass and pointed it at us and Pat and I raised ours to her, clinking and taking a sip. I grabbed Pat's right hand with my left as I leaned into his shoulder.

"Watch out, we're ablaze," I whispered. "I'd hate to see you get burned."

"Likewise, doll," he chuckled and kissed my shoulder. "Speaking of burning, we need to get you in the shade; you're turning pink."

"Shh! It's my wedding, I'm going to enjoy all the festivities," I rebuked playfully with a giggle. I met his eye. "I'll put on some sunscreen after Josh gives his speech," I promised. Pat nodded and we looked over to Josh. He was busy directing traffic. "I'm scared," I whispered. Pat laughed.

"Thank you, Renae, for that wonderful speech. Alright, Pat, Annette, finish those drinks now. I need you to face each other, close your eyes and hold both hands," Josh ordered. Pat and I exchanged looks but followed orders, Jess danced excitedly beside us, waiting for our empty flutes. "Guys, this might be a little crazy, but under no circumstances can the crowd give away what's happening." I giggled again and put my head on Pat's chest. "Nope! Not happening. You two need to stand in the same stance as when you exchanged your vows. Yep! Back up a little," Josh ordered. I felt a tug on my shoulders as I took a step backwards. Pat and I crossed our hands and continued to hold each other, our left hands on top. "Pat has known from the beginning that I have no boundaries; Annette has recently learned that. I promise I'm not going to touch either one of you, with the exception of this." He moved hands so that the backs of my hands were against each other. I chuckled and I heard Pat snicker a little too. Pat traced my hands with his fingers as he folded his hands on top of mine. "Pat and I were about the same age as Renae and Annette when we first met. But ha! I win, Renae! I've known him longer. That makes us better." The crowd chuckled.

"Get on with it!" Pat yelled. I giggled and Josh cleared his throat into the microphone.

"Jeez! For Pat's sake, I'm sorry, Renae. It's not fair to compare our friendship relationships to who is better; Pat and Annette love us equally. Now Pat. Yeah. Well. He's a little impatient. You would think that Annette would have rubbed off a little," Josh teased. Pat tensed as he squeezed my hands. I smiled and returned the gesture and almost immediately could feel him relax. "Thirteen, almost fourteen years now, and he's easily the coolest person I know only because I obviously can't count myself. Back when we were just starting seventh grade, I hated him; he was too uptight, too formal, too clean all the time, but he was the only kid my age in the area and he easily became my best friend. Although, he would bicker that it was because of Joanna's cooking that I came over," Josh began. I squeezed Pat's hands and he returned it, hoping that Josh's words wouldn't upset my husband. "Truth be told, Pat had a better gaming system," Josh teased causing a ripple of laughter to fill up the air around us. "That's the truth, but I'm glad we became friends; well brothers would be a more accurate description. He was attentive, smart, competitive, and balanced out my crazy wild side. Pat always had a great heart, is devoted to those he loves, and gives everything he has to making things work. Then he went to war and changed completely. He suffered greatly and became a shell of the person I considered my brother, my best friend. I had all but given up hope on him when Annette started working. I had gotten to know her about three hours before Pat showed up. Instead of a casual nod and occasional glancing at the new recruit, his eyes were glued on her; more so than just seeing if the new person would pan out. Annette trembled, barely made eye contact, and tried not to talk to anyone. She became even more locked up around men, but she managed to change Pat in an instant. He began smiling, laughing, joking, opening up again, and becoming that awesome person I once knew him as. It still took him about a week before he said anything to me, but Annette broke his shell and brought back my friend; every smile he had was reserved for her. For 15 months, I watched him fawn from a distance over her, but he never approached her - feeling he was unworthy of her attention. He would often limp, the aftermath of war affecting him. This was before Annette. After her, well let's just leave it at Annette changed him for the better," Josh explained and I heard the Rolling Stones She's a Rainbow start to play softly over the speakers.  I could tell Josh was walking around us now. The crowd gasped. I giggled, knowing Josh was doing something he shouldn't. I blushed as Pat squeezed my hands; his subtle way of reminding me to behave. So I returned it with another giggle as Josh continued, "Annette leapt first, I have no doubt about that and he gladly caught her and they've been together ever since. With her, he's carefree and looking at life in a whole new light. She has given Pat the ability to stand taller, eventually his gait evened out and he was balanced again. Annette definitely colored his world, it wasn't a drab army green and gray any more. After a solid week of talking and hanging out, Annette had Pat talking about birds, using lovey dovey little sayings, growing out his hair, and expressing his emotions - something he never did. She had him making messes - again, unlike him. She lived for a little chaos and often created it." Josh paused behind me and whispered quickly in my ear, "open your eyes but don't say anything. This is where I need your help." I nodded and complied; Josh's song choice made sense now - in name only. The song didn't mention very many colors; in fact if I didn't know better, the song was describing me and how I looked. I didn't care though; I loved the symbolism of the song. Pat was covered in all sorts of colored powder. Yellow, orange, and green mainly covered his sandy blonde hair, pink and green were the most predominant on his shoulders, blue covered our hands and forearms, orange and purple covered his chest. All the colors were down his legs. I bit my lip in excitement and jigged a little unable to stand still. Pat squeezed my hands and smirked, very little color was on face. Josh smiled at me as he threw more powder on Pat and coughed excessively as he inhaled some of the powder. I giggled and danced excitedly. Pat squeezed my hands, trying to calm me down. Josh winked and gave me the biggest smile he could muster. I smiled at him and he took a deep breath. "Excuse me. Is it just me or do you hate it when you just have a random coughing spell?" Josh asked, Pat grinned, and the crowd chuckled. Josh put his hands on my shoulders to help me take it down a notch. I nodded and he continued. "Always full of crazy ideas and notions, Annette turned Pat's world upside down and he had finally become like all the other little boys, just like Joanna had always hoped he would be. Here's to a couple that can color the world with a single glance," Josh cheered and clapped Pat on the back. "Open your eyes." Pat obeyed and I grinned widely at him as he took in my appearance; I too was covered in all sorts of colors. He stepped back and looked down, holding his hands up in frustration. I bounced on my toes and clapped my hands under my chin. I reached over and grabbed his hand with my left, my ring caught the sunlight and sparkled, not covered in powder. Pat looked at our hands and stroked my thumb, I watched his face. Several emotions crossed Pat's eyes but eventually, he just ended up laughing. I embraced him and he kissed the top of my head. We both looked at Josh as he let out a sigh of relief. Noah and Tyler were standing back a few feet with colored hands, grinning at us. I leaned into Pat's chest as we held hands. "Annette came up with the crazy idea to have a color war a couple summers ago. It was a huge hit, even Pat was a little kid again. I have yet to experience a dull day with these two, even when Annette had decided to give herself a concussion or when Pat was too hungover to move, brilliant bold colors are always a part of their life. So in honor of celebrating their love that shoots out brilliant shades of color, we have provided enough colored powder all around here for you -the wedding guests- to step into their world, make the colors fly, and live life to the fullest because you just might finally see the world Annette does. Popping in color, living in joy, sharing love. To Pat and Annette, the two crazy kids from down the block who are so enamored with each other, that they make sparks fly and instantly change the atmosphere around them. As Renae said, 'may we all inspire to love like them.' I'm mean let's face it, there's no love that's more true!" Josh came over and threw a final poof of pink on me. I giggled as Pat and I pulled him in for a hug, getting him dirty too.

"Thanks, Josh," Pat chuckled. Josh pulled back and patted Pat's cheek.

"I'm proud of you, brother. You have a beautiful wife and I've never seen you happier. I'm happy for both of you," Josh said sincerely. He looked at me and winked. "I'm kissing your bride." Pat tried to push him away playfully and stood between the two of us. Josh moved around him and kissed my cheek. "Thank you, Annette, for bringing out the best in Pat." I wrapped an arm around his neck and squeezed him tenderly. He pushed me back to Pat's arms. "You two belong with each other. Let's go party, guys! It's dancing time. Net, you owe me one dance," Josh ordered. I giggled and kissed Pat's neck. He stroked my cheek tenderly. We looked around as all around us, our guests had their own version of a color war. Pat covered my ring as he danced around and we got covered in more powder. I giggled. He rubbed my shoulder.

"When they're done throwing this powder, will you go wash this powder off your shoulders and face? You look bruised, and you should never sport another bruise," he murmured. I kissed his lips. "I'm glad it's not real. You look stunning and I love this surprise. Did you have anything to do with it?"

"No. This was all Josh. Probably had help from Noah and Tyler since their hands were covered in color too. Josh just asked for me to reel you in. Will you make a mess with me, darling?" I begged holding a handful of green powder. He twirled me around and kissed my lips, as I let the color fly. Pat made sure to keep my left hand and ring well protected.

"I would love to make a mess with you," he whispered. 

"Good," I replied as I grabbed a handful of purple powder. He grinned, picked up a handful of yellow powder, and together we threw it in the air above us. I giggled as it floated down and covered us. 

"Best wedding reception ever," he chuckled. He looked around and pulled me away, slowly leaving the crowd behind us. He pulled me into one of the buildings so we could find the bathroom. He stood me in front of the mirror and turned on the water. I giggled at our reflections and wrapped my arm around his neck, behind me. He started kissing down my neck as he took a dry towel and brushed the color out of my hair. "Sarah," he whispered tenderly as he pulled out the rose from my hair and rinsed the powder off before putting it back. I met his eye in the mirror as he got the towel wet and starting washing the colors off my arms, shoulders, and face while I washed my hands. "You're beautiful."

"Awh! Pat, thank you," I gushed. He smiled and kissed the top of my head. "I know you said that the ring doesn't give you access, but does it give me access? I think I'm ready. Now," I pleaded as I bit my lip. He turned me around and kissed my cheek, moved to the door, locked it, and came back over. I took the towel out of his hand and began washing his face.

"I would love that. I've been waiting about two years for you to ask," he whispered as he started kissing me again. I ran my fingers through his hair as he deepened the kiss. "Doll," he breathed. I pulled back and looked at him. He moved me away from the counter, turned off the water. "You need to see something first." I gave him a confused look. He took off his right shoe and dropped his pants, taking them completely off his right leg. Then he climbed up on the counter and sat down, grabbing my hand and resting it on his prosthetic leg. "May I guide you, doll?" He whispered as he held my gaze. Dumbfounded, I nodded. He put one hand on my chin and lowered my face for a change, while the other hand moved my hand over his leg. He reached over and grabbed both hands and guided me to his leg, rolling up his boxers. I looked up and met his eye. He smiled. "Focus, 'Nettie. I want you to look, then we'll get intimate," he promised. I lowered my eyes again and gently traced the top of his prosthetic leg.

"It goes up higher than I thought it did," I murmured. Pat chuckled softly. He had me push a button on the inside of the leg, release phffts of air then pull his leg off. I set it on the floor by the wall. Then together, we rolled his silicone liner and prosthetic sock off. He took a deep breath as it came off. I looked up at him and he stroked my jaw. 

"I'm fine, doll. I love how selfless you are," he murmured softly. I smiled and leaned against his hand. "Look, love. Touch me," he ordered. I kissed his palm and looked back at his leg. From the bone to the left, there was absolutely no muscle remaining, making his inner thigh bulge and look unnatural. I rubbed his scars softly as I studied them; I was surprised by the size. His remaining limb was no longer than the distance between my thumb and pinky in my natural relaxed state. Without thinking, I bent over and kissed his leg, starting at the top and working my way down to the stump. He pulled me back up and kissed my lips. "Oh, 'Nettie!"

"That's kinda cool. It makes you unique! I love it," I gushed. He laughed.

"Of course you would think that," he replied as he kissed me again.

"It doesn't make you any less of a man. Nor does it make you a monster. Thank you for showing me," I replied as I bopped his nose. I traced his goatee and smiled. 

"Doll, I knew that I couldn't lay with you until I was comfortable in my own skin. I don't hate my body any more, and it helps that you love it so much. I shouldn't be surprised with your reaction to my leg, but I was fearing you would bolt. You're amazing and I'm the luckiest guy in the world," he whispered. 

"You're a fool, Mr. Miller. I'm the lucky one and I will never see you as broken," I replied before kissing him again. Then I ran my nose up his jaw as I rubbed his thighs. "I still think you are the most remarkable man I have ever met," I murmured before planting kisses down his neck, stopping at his Adam's apple and grazing my teeth across it. He pushed my head back with his nose as he sighed and rubbed his hands down my back.

"Sweet, 'Nettie. You are powerful, doll, and I'm in so much trouble. Give me back my leg, and I'll take care of you. Then we have to go mingle, my beautiful, blushing bride," he whispered. I shook my head and moved back a few feet. 

"Nope. I vote we just stay hidden away," I teased, beckoning him to me. He smiled, stood up, and hopped over to me. I giggled and embraced him as he pinned me to the wall.

"Trouble," he whispered as he bit my earlobe. I sighed and hiked my dress up, keeping one hand resting on his shoulder blade. "May I?" He asked as his hand met mine and his fingers tugged on my dress. Unable to speak, I just nodded. I guided his hand to my underwear and tugged them off. He pulled my hand out from behind him and had me do the same with him. I tilted my head back as he lifted me up and kissed the center of my collarbone. I wrapped my left arm around his neck. His lips crashed against mine as he had me touch his growing member. "Guide me, doll," he ordered around a kiss. I pulled him closer to me and with his help, he entered me. He made me keep my hand on his stomach in case I needed him to back away; my biggest fear was still not enjoying my time with him when we got beyond casual intimacy. He shifted his hips twice; I inhaled sharply and rested my head on his shoulder; he stopped moving.

"Don't stop," I begged, wrapping my legs around him and holding him in place. He met my eye. "I like it. That was a good noise, darling. It's just - I don't know. I can't describe it. It feels weird but so right," I whispered. He smiled and began to move again, watching my face. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, letting out a soft "oh" as I felt him move further inside me. Anytime I would open my mouth to say something, he would crash his lips on mine. I tried to keep my eyes on him, but closed them often in satisfaction. I moved my right arm around his neck and held on tightly as he moved faster. "Pat!" I breathed as I buried my head on his shoulders and my legs began to shake uncontrollably. He kissed down my neck and bit my shoulder lightly as I arched my back and let out a quiet moan. My whole body tensed and he smiled against my cheek before kissing me again. He pumped a few more times and just sat there, breathing deeply into my neck. I felt him twitch inside me. I opened my eyes and stroked his hair as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back.

"Doll," he breathed as he kissed my neck and shifted his hips. "You're amazing. Everything trembles beneath my touch." I blushed and looked down. He rubbed my legs and kissed my ear, whispering softly, "and I do mean everything. I had no idea you were so sexually intense."

"I can't control that. You seem to have all the power there," I panted. He pulled his head back and looked at me tenderly. "I'm drunk," I mumbled with a grin. He returned it and pulled on my legs.

"Me too, beautiful. Being drunk in love with you is the absolute best," he replied as he set me down and pushed me against the wall. "Stay put. Don't fall over. I'm going to clean up and get dressed again. You still have some blue on your ear. Then we have to go dancing."

"I'm not done with you yet, Mr. Miller," I warned as he moved over to the sink again. He smiled at me in the mirror. 

"Later, Mrs. Miller," he promised. I smiled, loving that name -my name- come off his lips. "I'll take care of you as often as you like, Sarah. But we're going dancing first. Either way, I'll be happy; you'll be in my arms," Pat murmured. I nodded and closed my eyes -bringing one hand above my head, putting the other behind my back- as I took several deep breaths. 

"Why have we never done that before?" I whispered. Pat chuckled and came back over to me with a wet rag. I opened my eyes as he washed my neck some more and held onto my waist. 

"I should have waited a while longer. You're in a whole another world right now and completely immobile; I haven't done that to you in a long time. You haven't moved in like seven minutes," he remarked looking at his watch. I stood up tall and he pushed me back. "I'm serious. You're not allowed to hurt yourself. Did I break you?" I shook my head and tried to move again, he just kept me pinned. "Doll, you're-" 

"-in love," I interrupted and pushed him off me; I studied him, he was dressed again. When did that happen? I shook my head. "And just fine. Now didn't you say we have people to entertain," I teased with a smile. I bent over to pick up my underwear and veil that had fallen sometime during our moment and ended up collapsing on the floor. Pat quickly helped me thread the panties back on and then he carried me out of the bathroom, laying me on one of the couches. I closed my eyes and sighed contently as I held his hand over my stomach and he rubbed my cheek. "Fine," I repeated, moving my other hand to his chest.

"No, you're not. Doll, you-"

"There you guys are! You have about five minutes before everyone heads up the search party. I told everyone that you two were taking some more photos using your personal camera. Come on! It's time for cake," Josh exclaimed. "Crying out loud! Annette, are you okay? No. Wait! Pat, did she pass out again? Do we have another concussion to worry about? Is she even conscious?" 

"I'm fine," I insisted. 

"Just dizzy," Pat added. I opened my eyes and smiled at him. He was looking down at me tenderly. He leaned over and kissed my cheek before whispering in an almost inaudible tone, "restrictions, missy. Next time, you need to be laying down and we'll do it when we don't have a crowd waiting for us." I giggled and nodded as he pulled back. I kissed his cheek and sat up. Pat kissed my shoulder and I closed my eyes. "You're glowing, my dear," he whispered. I opened my eyes and looked at Josh. I fell back into the couch. Pat grabbed my hand and my shoulder, sitting me up slowly. I felt the color drain from my face. Pat cupped my face and tried to turn my face back to him. I reached up and grabbed his hand, but refused to look at him. He followed my gaze then looked back at me. "Doll?" He asked in a confused tone and I squeezed his hand tighter.

"Not real," I whispered.

"Doll? It's just Josh," he stated. I looked back at him then back over Josh's shoulder.

"Did I hit my head?" I asked. Pat shook his head, pursing his lips. "Am I still here? Like earth here, not some weird in between plane or realm?" Josh looked around in worry and concern before meeting my eye again.

"You did pass out! Oh! Crying out loud. On your wedding day of all days. This is not how it's supposed to go. I'm going to get Jess. Pat, I'll be right back," Josh stated. I shook my head and trembled.

"Wait!" Pat ordered as he stroked my cheek. "She's fine. She didn't hit her head, her knees just buckled from under her. She's fine. Sarah, tell me," he begged, squeezing my hand.

"Why am I seeing things?" I cried.

"What do you see? Is there more than just Josh and the door there?" I nodded.

"Joanna," I whispered as I met her eye. She smiled warmly at me and signed. I blinked rapidly and looked back at Pat. "Does she sign?" He shook his head as he put his hand against my forehead. I looked at Josh. "Pinch me. I'm not dead or dying?" He sat beside me and shook his head as he took my pulse.

"Her pulse is steady, Pat," he remarked. I looked down at our hands then looked back at Joanna and she signed the same thing again. I moved my hand away from Josh's and grabbed the charm around my neck. She smiled again with a slight nod and gave me more signs. 

"Yes, ma'am. I understand. I'm not panicking. Not yet; I'm just trying to understand. Why am I seeing you?" I reiterated. I gasped and shook my head. "Pat, ask a question only she would know the answer to. Convince me I'm not dreaming," I ordered not taking my eyes off her and holding his hand tighter. He rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand soothingly.

"Breathe, doll," Pat whispered. I nodded and took a deep breath letting it out slowly. I looked over at him and smiled. He gave me a small grin. I took another breath and let it out and loosened my grasp on his hand slightly. "Thank you, doll. There's a big part of me that wants Mom to be here. I'm afraid of what you're seeing right now but another part of me is really hoping you aren't hallucinating. So, I'll humor you and ask a question that she would know the answer to. Only if you want me to, okay?" I nodded and he kissed my cheek. I looked back at Joanna. She smiled warmly at me.

"Thank you, sweetie. Listen to his answer. I'm not trying to break any hearts or give false hope. I just wanted to congratulate my son and his beautiful bride on their special day," she signed. I blinked back tears and nodded again.

"We're happy to have you here. Pat, ask your question," I whispered, my voice cracking. She grinned. Pat cleared his throat and wiped my eyes, but I kept my gaze on Joanna.

"Okay, doll. To prove to you I'm not pulling any strings, Josh, you need to answer it first. What started my love of dance?" Pat asked as he kissed my cheek. 

"Dance? Seriously, that's the question. Crap. Pat, I always thought you were weird for wanting to learn dance moves. I don't know what started it," Josh replied. Joanna smiled and signed.

"No, ma'am. I don't know the answer either. He just said he loved doing it with you. Pat, this is everything she's signing now. Dancing Queen was playing on the radio when you guys stopped at a red light and you saw the street performers dancing. That was all it took for you to start to love it. She hired a private instructor because boys weren't supposed to like dancing and you were ridiculed when you tried to check out the classes. Every night, you would practice with her. Flashdance What a Feeling was your song," I translated. He choked on a sob. I looked over at him in concern. He looked as shocked as I felt, but he nodded and let his tears fall down his face. "Pat!" I whispered as I began to panic. "I'm not hallucinating. I'm seeing ghosts again!" Pat's hand shook causing mine to shake too. Josh reached over and put his hand on ours and rubbed my left knee tenderly. 

"Can she hear us?" He asked. I looked back over at Joanna; she smiled and nodded. I nodded as a tear trickled down my cheek. "Right obviously because you aren't signing, Net. Is she mad?" She shook her head, so did I.

"Literal translation, guys. Josh has always been a good friend to my son. I'm proud of both of them. Sweet girl, I never thought that my boy would find someone worthy of his love. I'm glad you're my daughter-in-law. Like I said, I wanted to celebrate with my son on this special day; he couldn't have found a better bride. I came by to say this is the last time you'll see me, but was hopeful to have one last dance with my son. I need permission to enter a body, but it only lasts two minutes. It can't be you, my dear; someone has to see. I sign because you know it. Besides, it is my only form of communication at the moment," I translated as she signed. I looked over at Pat, he was looking across the room where Joanna was standing with two tears falling silently. "Pat, I would have loved to converse with your mom. In person. Not like this," I whispered. He looked back at me and grinned.

"She would have loved you. No, I know she loves you, doll," he replied softly. I leaned into him, he rested his head on mine, and we looked back at Joanna. 

"How?" I asked her as Pat sat up again and looked at me. I continued to rub the charm as she replied. "So if I gave this necklace to someone else to wear, could they see you?" She shook her head and I looked back at Pat as another tear fell from my eye. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "I want you to see her, but because I crossed the planes once and saw her then is the only reason I see her now. She's connected to the charm, but it won't work with anyone else. I'm so sorry. She's always been watching out for you but always from a distance. She needed this moment; so do you," I cried. Pat smiled weakly and kissed my cheek. I looked back at Joanna. "So after the dance, I won't see you again?" She shook her head.

"What about the person whose body you occupy? Will they remember?" Josh asked. I looked over at him, he was studying me carefully. "I loved Joanna like a second mom. She was wonderful and deserves this moment with Pat. I would love to give her one last hug, but I would rather it be Pat she hugged. Unless you guys want me to run out there and explain this whole situation to someone else, you need me. I want to. So unless she moved over here, I-we need you to answer the question, Annette," he murmured softly. I looked back at Joanna.

"She says you'll remember, but she'll have control of your body and words," I explained. Pat gasped and let out a sob as he leaned onto my shoulder. 

"Joanna, you can use me," Josh stated. "We've missed you dearly. Just don't make me kiss him." Pat and I laughed, I could have sworn Joanna was too. "Do you know that song, Annette? The flash show song or whatever it's called?" Josh asked me. I bit my lip, I knew the tune but I didn't know all the words.

"Only part of the chorus," I confessed. Pat kissed my cheek again.

"If you don't mind, would you please sing the chorus?" He begged. "It's the closest I can get to my mom." I nodded. Pat and Josh stood up, I remained sitting on the couch. Joanna smiled at me and walked over to Josh. 

"You raised an exceptional young man, Joanna. I'm sorry you can't be here in person," I whispered. She smiled and nodded. "Josh, one, two, three," I warned as she held up her fingers. I could still see Josh, but it looked like a hologram was on top of him. 

"Before you sing," Joanna said looking at me, Josh's voice was suddenly gravelly and hoarse. "Pat needs to know that I'm glad he found you. I know you translated something like that, but he needed to hear me say it. I just want to let you know that I'm glad someone like you has shown my son a love so powerful and true. No girl was ever good enough in my mind, but you aren't an ordinary girl. I had always hoped and prayed for a girl like you to come into his life. You make this Mom proud. I know he found the best match for him." I smiled at her and wiped another tear from my eye. She looked up at her son as I began to sing and hum. They danced around the room once before just hugging it out. "You're a man, son, but somebody finally brought out the little boy in you that I had hoped to see more of," Joanna remarked as she fingered the color splotches on his clothes with a smile. Pat chuckled slightly and looked down. "Tell me what's on your mind, son."

"I miss you, Mom. Everyday. So much. You should be here, but I'm glad you aren't hurting any more. I love you," Pat cried on Josh/Joanna's shoulder. I put my hand over my mouth as I watched them interact. "I hope I make you proud."

"Everyday, son. I'm proud of the man you have become. I will always love you; and you'll always carry me in your heart. Your wife keeps me alive -even if it is just a memory- by wearing my ring. When you kissed her and finally made her your wife, all your brothers left, all of them. Dick was last. He left with a big grin; they all did. The only reason they were able to move on as a group like that is because you swore -and meant it- that if you ever felt broken, you would turn to this wonderful creature for help. No more pain. No more guilt. It's just me here now. I'll always be in your heart. I'm proud of you. Let her take care of you; she'll treat you right. Don't worry about me. I can move on too. Thank you for the dance. I need to hug my daughter-in-law." I stood up and made my way over to them. Pat pulled me to his side and we created a three-man hug. My cheek was kissed then Pat's cheek. "Apologize to Josh later about that, but I love him too. It's perfectly acceptable for me to embarrass him. Joshy. You goofy and crazy child, I know you can hear me right now. You've always been there for us and are such a sweetheart. Be sure to eat, you're going to feel lightheaded. Stay wild, Pat makes up for your craziness. I love you too, son-not-of-my-womb. My time's almost up. Welcome to the family, Mrs. Miller. You are the perfect fit. You balance out both my boys. Patrick Benjamin, never let her go. Always love. Always forgive. Good-bye, son. You did good," she whispered as she embraced him tightly again. Pat held on and cried silently. I watched as she faded away and Josh took a step back and looked at the two of us. I looked back up at Pat.

"She's gone," I whispered as I wrapped both arms around him. He sobbed and I rubbed his back.

"I'll go buy you guys some more time. I'm glad I could be a part of that," Josh murmured, he looked like he was having a hard time believing what just happened and like he was light headed. I pulled him in for another hug to help center him. Pat also wrapped his arms around him.

"Josh, are you okay?" I whispered. He nodded and pulled away from us. He gave me a small smirk before ducking out the door. I looked back up at Pat and held him tight. "Josh is seriously the best friend anyone could have ever asked for. I'm glad you have him," I mumbled.

"Doll, we are stuck with him. I have tried to get rid of him before, but he really is the best. I told you, Mom would love you," Pat whispered as he calmed down.

"I'm glad to have received her blessing. It means a lot," I confessed. I dried his eyes and kissed his cheek. He smiled warmly at me. 

"Has she been in here the whole time?" He asked. I shook my head; I only saw her with Josh by the door and that's exactly what I told him. Another tear fell from my eyes. Pat caught it. "You have good makeup artists. Your eyes still look spot on. And your hair isn't out of place either," he teased. I giggled and looked down. He lifted my chin and rubbed my cheeks several times, applying gentle pressure. "There. Now you have color in your cheeks again. Doll, are you alright?" I nodded.

"Just a bit shaken up," I confessed. He smiled and kissed my head.

"Me too. Thank you for seeing her and letting her say good-bye. I'm sorry you were petrified. Good news, she respected our privacy," he replied softly as he tenderly stroked my cheek. "Now I'm going to lose this vest, even though I love the colors. Your chest is all colorful again." I giggled and looked down as he brushed my skin. "Sarah," he whispered. "I can't get enough of you. Will you shower with me before we go on our honeymoon?" He begged, carrying me back to the bathroom to wash his face and clean up any residual powder off my shoulders as I unbuttoned his vest and put it beside my veil on the counter. I nodded with a smile and removed his tie too. He kissed the bridge of my nose and gave me a minute to regroup. When I left the bathroom, he was waiting with a bottle of sunscreen. "You promised," he warned playfully. I nodded, turned around, and let him put it on me. When he was finished he wrapped both arms around me and I leaned into his chest. "Thank you for your heart, your love, and for just being you. Let's go dance, doll." I smiled and kissed his jaw as I tilted my head back. He grabbed my hand and led me back out to the crowd. We made our way to the DJ stand and got the attention of our crowd. Pat looked at me tenderly. "Do you mind if I put the spotlight on us?" He whispered. I shook my head. He grabbed a microphone and addressed our audience. "Once again, folks, we appreciate you all coming to celebrate with us. We apologize for our brief departure. So many people we wanted to celebrate with us, but not everyone could make it. We had to take some time to have those who are no longer with us be a part of our special day in some way. It took longer than we planned. We thank you for your patience." I smiled at him as he looked down at me again. I took the microphone away.

"While we miss those people, we don't want to wallow in grief. All of those people would tell us to celebrate, and so we will. Traditionally, weddings have a daddy/daughter dance as well as a dollar dance; we will have neither. We want to focus on us, but also on the wonderful friends we have surrounding us. Thank you for coming out and celebrating. Thank you for participating in our color war - don't worry it should wash out of your clothes just fine. The purple -eh. Just soak your clothes before washing 'em," I added, causing the crowd to chuckle. Pat pulled me in closer and kissed my temple. "We love you all and invite you to join us for dessert before dinner and to dance and laugh the night away," I encouraged. Pat smiled and kissed me again as the DJ took the microphone away and announced the cutting of the cake if we could break away for air long enough, causing another ripple of laughter to fill up the area. Pat took my hand and guided me over to the cake and cut into it, allowing Olivia and Mom to take over for us and dish out the cake. Pat and I took turns dancing with everyone. We had several group party dances too. Jess got competitive with Tyler and had a dance off when he danced with me - taking her turn with Pat; I think Pat lost that one on purpose so that I shined. Bob Peterson danced with me; he was so frail but glad he got to see one of his N-girls finish strong. "I hope you get to dance with Nae at her wedding too," I whispered as I gave him a hug. He kissed my temple and made sure to get in a dance with Renae here. General Alexander spun me around while Pat took a turn with Mom. Noah swayed with me as Pat had a dance with Renae before handing her off to Ed. Then he swung Darlene around, making sure that my adoptive family felt as carefree and loved as I did. Even Frank Wilson came over and danced with me. My coworkers all made sure to dance with me too, but Josh's was by far the one that made me laugh the most. When the song ended, I pulled him in for a hug and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, for everything," I whispered. His arms tightened around my waist and he kissed my cheek back.

"You're welcome, Net. I love you and Pat. I'll always be here for you two," he promised before giving me back to Pat. About 9:30 pm, our crowd had mostly dispersed and Pat and I made our departure, heading home to change before we left. 

"I love you, Benji," I whispered as he helped me undress and unbraided my hair.

"Love you too, Sarah," he breathed as he threw our clothes on the floor. "Hawaii or the cabin for our honeymoon, love?" He asked as he gently traced my body with his fingers. 

"Cabin," I confirmed as I pushed him into the shower as I turned on the water. "I want it to be a place we can go back to easily. Not to mention, no crowds; they scare me. Besides, I really want to dance with you under the stars on the lake."

"Sounds fun, doll. I like the promise of being alone with you, no gawking men. Just me and you," Pat murmured as he pressed his lips against mine and turned the heat up on the running water. I smiled.

"Can we sleep out there too? Wake up to the sun coming up, reflecting on the water, next to you. Heaven!" I sang as he pulled out my body soap and began lathering me up. I smiled and started to do the same for him. "You know, I already showered today," I teased, pushing his hand away from in between my thighs. "Sorry," I whispered.

"We'll thank Josh for this later. Don't apologize for being uncomfortable. You've grown remarkably in the past two years. You let me touch you where you feel it's comfortable, right now, it's not the inner thighs. I can respect that, doll. I love you for you; your body is just a bonus," he replied as he rubbed a purple spot that had bled through my dress on my stomach. "It gets cold out on the lake. You sure you want to sleep out there?" I smiled and kissed his chest.

"You'll just have to keep me warm then," I insisted as I moved back into the stream of water. I ran my fingers down his chest as he closed his eyes. "Pat," I whispered as I looked down at his leg, thankful he didn't remove the fake leg at this time. I inspected my body quickly, pleased to find that neither of us had any more color splotches. "Pick me up," I ordered as I looked back up at him. He opened his eyes and met mine but followed directions. I wrapped both arms around his neck as I pressed my chest against his and wrapped my legs around his waist. He sighed and shifted slightly; I could feel he was beginning to stand at attention again. I grinned, and so did he. "You're in trouble, mister. Because I'm not done with you," I teased with a wink. "I want you. I need you. Now." He laughed.

"Good. I'm in the same boat," he whispered as he turned off the water and kissed me. I grinned and ran my fingers through his hair and bit his lip. He groaned and pushed me back, a feral look was in his eyes and I grinned. "Bed, or shall we adventure out?"

"Whatever makes you happy, but I'm not going to stop doing that and I'm not getting dressed right now," I whispered as I pressed my lips against his again and shifted my hips. He groaned again and carried me to the bed. "Good man," I breathed as his lips moved up my jaw. "Whatever you do, don't take your mouth off of me," I ordered as I arched my back, my head rolled back, and we connected on the most intimate level. He guided me through several orgams. His kisses were soft, sweet, and full of passion. His movements fluid. I couldn't focus and begged for more. He grinned and gave me just what I needed. He took another shower while I melted into the bed. After taking a cool cloth to my body and brushing my hair, he helped me get dressed again. I loved that he was unable to stop touching me; I didn't want him to stop. Finally he convinced me to load up and we headed off to the lake where he gave me everything I requested and then some. He had provided us with three sleeping bags and two blankets but we only used one of each the whole night; the others provided extra padding beneath us. "Thank you for making me so happy. I can't get enough of you. And now waking up to your smile, your kisses, your love," I whispered as I finished on top of him as the sun breached the horizon. He wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I kissed his neck and sighed contently.

"You are a dangerous woman, Mrs. Miller," he teased as he ran his fingers down my naked body. I shivered and leaned into him. "I love it. Even more so now that you're mine forever." He kissed my forehead. I leaned into him and he rolled us over so we could watch the sunrise lick the lake in shades of orange, pink, and gold. 

"Your's forever," I confirmed. "We should do this more," I giggled as I met his eye. He chuckled and kissed my head.

"You didn't get enough last night?" He teased. I shook my head. "How about we do breakfast first? We both need some nutrition and fuel," he bartered. I sat up and grabbed two of his shirts gave one to him and put the other on myself. Then he pulled us to shore while I tided up our dock. We both remained under the blanket as he pulled us to shore. Before he jumped off to secure the dock, I gave him a pair of shorts and put on my shoes, wrapping the blanket around me as a breeze came up. "You're perfect, doll. In every way. I can't get enough of you. I crave more. You are full of a great and powerful sexual passion."

"So are you, sir," I replied as he took my hand and led me up to the cabin. We laughed and joked around as we took care of our other needs. The days blurred by and we enjoyed our week alone at the cabin. We hiked, went canoeing, star gazed, tried new recipes in the kitchen, and just enjoyed each other's company. While I did enjoy it, I didn't ask for sex very often; nor did he. If we did, we kept it to the dock in the middle of the lake; I wanted it to be special to us, not a place everyone could -or did- do it. We brought our own bed sheets, but it didn't feel right to me to explore more in that bed. One of us was always unclothed in bed, but we were just content holding each other. His favorite activity was giving me a full body massage. I was allowed to work on his back, but nothing else. Pat often held my hand as I read during our quiet and relaxation time; he just watched me. If I took a book with me out to the middle of the lake, he would swim while I read and put my feet in the water, still afraid of submersion. I tried to bring out his competitive nature that Josh mentioned, but Pat seemed to always be holding back. He taught me more dance steps, I tried to convince him to at least hum; he was more successful in his training. We also took time to go to the city on a date: movie and a steak dinner. It didn't take us long to clean up the cabin on Saturday, September 19th. He picked me up, carrying me to his truck. "I had an absolutely delightful time," I murmured as I leaned against him on our way home and he drew small circles down my body the whole way home. "I can't get enough of you. Does the feeling pass?"

"From what I've heard, it only gets better with time," Pat replied with a smirk. I kissed his hand, wrapped my fingers around his, and closed my eyes as he brought our hands to my waist. "I can't imagine it getting any better than this, but I look forward to it. You're intense," he whispered. I smiled. 

"I look forward to it too, darling. You're the intense one. I can't control you; seriously you're the reason we're intense together. Okay, so it's mutual. Afterall, you claim I'm the one with all the power, you're just my storage vessel," I teased and kissed his jaw as he chuckled. "Babe, I look forward to a lifetime of little moments with you," I replied happily as snuggled back into his shoulder.

"A lifetime of little moments, pure bliss, love, and happiness," Pat confirmed as he kissed my temple. "We'll fight, I'm sure, but as long as you come back to this, happiness is obtained. Doll, whatever you desire, I would be happy to provide. You don't have to do this on your own. I want you to let me buy you things now." I leaned back, across his chest, and looked up at him, adjusting in the seat. He smiled down at me as he kissed me tenderly before looking at the road again. "You are my wife now. It's in my job description to provide for you in every way possible now. So whatever you want, I'll do my best to provide. Just stay by my side and give me your love. That's all I need from you. I love you, Sarah."

"Love you, Benji. My happiness is with you. You complete me. I'm not leaving your side. We'll figure out the money fights later. You can't expect me to allow you to give me everything and not want anything in return. Marriage is 100/100. Not some other combination. I will continue to love and nurture your heart. After all, you promised to stop being a peasant boy and just be my king once I said I do," I replied as I kissed his jaw. He gave my waist and tender squeeze, pulling me infinitesimally closer to him. I moved my left hand to the wheel, resting it on his as I traced his ring. "That time has come, sire," I remarked looking up at him. He smiled tenderly at me and nodded. I sat up and rubbed his thigh. He smirked at me and pulled me back so I was laying across his chest again. "I was just going to take care of you. After all you aren't my peasant boy any more," I pouted. He bopped my nose causing me to grin.

"Trouble," he teased. "We have a lifetime to do that for each other. Doll, we can care for each other, but not when I'm driving please. I want to be able to give you my full attention." I nodded. That was fair; I would hate to cause an accident because I was being careless. We talked the rest of the way home about anything and everything. "Doll," Pat whispered, rubbing my hand on my stomach. I looked up at him. "I should have asked before we got too crazy this week. Do you want to be a mom?" I giggled and nodded.

"Do you not want to be a dad? I won't mind carrying your kids and then raising them with you," I confessed. He smiled and kissed my fingers.

"I would love to be a dad some day, but I'd rather spend time with my wife until she was certain she wanted to leap into parenthood," he replied softly. 

"One day. I'm certain we'll be just fine if you're having doubts and aren't ready yet. 22nd is when I'm supposed to have my period. 14 days before that is supposed to be the most fertile time; or at least that's what we're taught. If we were-" he pressed his lips to mine.

"If you are carrying my child right now, then I'll be excited. Not only will I get to spoil you as you grow a little person in your belly, but I'll also get a mini person to love as much as I love you. I love being Unca Pat, but being Daddy," he smiled and brought his hand to my lips. "That sounds almost as exciting as being your man, your husband." I giggled again. "Out of curiosity, what names do you like?" I smirked at him.

"Benji," I giggled. He raised his eyebrow at me. "If we had a boy, would you mind if we named him after you? Benjamin, Benny or just Ben for short. Benji's all mine." He grinned.

"And if we have a daughter, she's gotta be named after you. Rose or Dawn are the first names that come to mind," he insisted.

"Middle name maybe," I teased he smiled and nodded. "What was Joanna's middle name?"

"Bailey, but Mom hated it. She had a twin sister who died shortly after I was born; not even Josh knows about her. She was only 24, addicted to drugs, and died alone in the streets. Mom told me stories about her, and I've only seen one picture of her. As far as I'm aware, her sister never settled down or had any family. Samantha May was her name. I have no other family members. Your initials are S.A.M. now, so she can be remembered that way," he replied looking back at the road. I sat up, unbuckled, and climbed in his lap. "Crazy woman," he whispered. I kissed his neck and wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his right shoulder. He unbuckled, moved the seat belt around me, buckled us up, and rubbed my back tenderly. "If I knew baby talk would bring you closer, I would've-" I cut him off with a kiss, he lowered my head back down to his shoulder. "Don't cause me to get in an accident. You're far too precious to lose. Behave," he ordered. "Ten minutes and we'll be home, doll. Then you can drive me as wild as you want." I giggled. 

"I like a little wild and crazy," I confessed as I kissed him again. I yawned and put my head back down. "You are amazing. I feel unworthy of you, but Jess says that's the best sign of devotion. I'm happy to be your wife. One day, Lord willing, I'll carry your children. I'll need you beside me the whole way; I'm terrified that one day I'll snap and they'll see me in the same light I see my father."

"No one could ever see you like that, doll," Pat swore. I traced his neck and shoulders and he soothingly rubbed my back before moving my hand to his side; I was now touching my anchor. I grinned. "If you snap, I'll find a way to guide you back to reality," he promised then moved his hand back to my back. I kissed his jaw and he laughed. "I'm the one who's supposed to seal that promise," he teased.

"We're married now. What's your's is mine, what's mine is your's," I replied. He kissed my temple and nodded in agreement. "Love you, Benji. For eternity."

"And beyond," he added, kissing my temple again. "That's how long our love will last, Sarah." I smiled. I could live with that because there was no other way that would work for me

© 2017 Lynaelee

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Added on February 7, 2017
Last Updated on July 7, 2017

If only



Sometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..

If only If only

A Book by Lynaelee

1. *Prologue* 1. *Prologue*

A Chapter by Lynaelee