58. Congratulations are in order

58. Congratulations are in order

A Chapter by Lynaelee

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and before I knew it, we were in May and graduation was just around the corner. I spent half hour or so everyday after school with Jess and Serenity. This gave Jess a much needed break and I gave her the option to run to the store by herself. Serenity cooed and giggled when I played with her. Since she was born, I had forgotten about brick building and wanting to open a safe and fun kid zone, but Pat didn't. He surprised me for my birthday with the key to the building and a team of contractors. I worked with them on exactly how I wanted to transform the place. Tyler insisted on paying for it as he helped them set it up. He had quit working at the hotel and finally moved to his own house, so I made sure to swing by and check on him before I headed home. "You worry too much, you know that," he teased one day as I swung by. I giggled and gave him a hug.
"It's only because I care about you," I retorted. 
"It's mutual, 'Nettie," he replied softly. He rubbed my back and changed the subject. "So your building has been gutted and new walls and counters and stuff have been installed. Care to go shopping with me this weekend to fill it up? I'm paying for everything," he insisted.
"I'm not sure if I'm okay with you doing that. It's my dream, I should be paying for it," I retorted. He pulled back and sat down at his computer. I followed and sat in a chair at the table.
"Please, let me. You have a surprise for Jess. She'll love it. I'll even be your first employee," he teased.
"I'd be a horrible boss if I let my worker buy the supplies," I giggled. He laughed at me merrily. "I just feel guilty taking your money." He stood up and moved to his bedroom. He returned shortly with a folded up a piece of paper.
"Remember this?" He asked. I opened up the paper and gasped as my hand started to shake.
"No. I'm not spending his money," I stated firmly. I pushed the check back over to him. "A hundred and twenty-five grand is too much. You said we would donate it. Something for kids and wounded warriors. Not a kid's place - indoor arena that I run," I mumbled, trying not to stumble over my words. He reached over and squeezed my hand.
"We will still be able to donate to those organizations. This way you aren't spending your money, or mine. I can go deposit this and you start looking online for what you want. Think about it, 'Nettie," he ordered. I nodded. "I'm driving you home tonight. You're a little pale and shaken up." I nodded again. He stood up and grabbed his keys. "Come on, sister dear. It's time to go home." I smiled and pushed in my chair. He held the door open for me as I moved to his car. "I'll spend the night with you guys tonight and take you back to school tomorrow. How's our niece?"
"Delightful," I replied with a big grin as I buckled up. Tyler laughed. "She's starting to roll. Why does she make you nervous?"

"I think she's wonderful. I just don't want to be left alone with her; she's too small. When she starts sitting up on her own, I'll enjoy her more. Jess and Noah are good parents. I love being part of this family," he admitted. 
"Me too," I giggled. "Excuse me for a moment. I gotta call Pat." Tyler nodded and focused on the road. I pulled out my phone and held the number two, putting it to my ear.
"Hey, doll. Lose track of time?" He teased. I giggled and looked at the time, it was past five.
"Oops. Sorry. Serenity is starting to roll. Jess ran off to the store by herself and took a shower while I was there. Then I talked with Tyler. He's driving me home and spending the night," I warned.
"Are you alright?" Pat's voice was laced in concern.
"I'm fine. Here's Tyler. He'll tell ya," I replied as I handed the phone over.
"She's good, just a little shaken up," Tyler confirmed with a chuckle. "I offered to buy her everything for her kid's place and showed her some funds we have available for it. It drained her color... Yeah. She's good... Yep. I just wanted to make sure she got home safely... Gotcha. What's left then?" Tyler looked at me and smirked. "Little 'Nettie's Littles." I shook my head and my eyes grew wider. That was not a good name for a indoor gym/daycare. "Ooh! She's shaking her head... Hahaha. Yeah. We'll let her decide... For now, I'll take care of the necessary building licenses and get that taken care of, then we'll call the inspector... On the road now... Um, maybe twenty minutes... Sounds good. Thanks." He closed my phone and handed it back to me. "Pat says you're not cooking tonight. He'll get us something from the restaurant," Tyler explained. I nodded. "Question for you." I looked over at him. He smirked as he met my eye out of the corner of his eye while still keeping his eyes on the road. "Graduation is in like what, ten days?"
"Sunday May 27th, 5pm," I confirmed. "Your invite is on your counter," I teased. He grinned.
"Will you wear your class ring at least once? I know it's a little extravagant for you, but Jess would be hurt if you didn't wear it." I reached in the pocket of my backpack, pulled out the oval cut crystal white-colored gem on a gold band ring, and twirled it in my fingers. The band was as thick as the gem was tall. While it was feminine and nice, I thought it was too big to wear. I sighed and put it on each of my fingers. It just felt goofy and I couldn't place where I liked it best.
"It's pretty. But it's so big. And feels weird," I admitted finally settling on letting it rest on my left pointer finger. Tyler patted my leg sympathetically. "I'll make sure to wear it everyday I go back to their house. I'll wear it for graduation too," I promised as I squeezed Tyler's hand then folded both of my hands on my lap. I looked out the window.
"You're doing it again," Tyler noted. I looked back at him in surprise. "Biting your lip. What's bugging you?" I released my lip I didn't realize I had bit again.
"Graduation means speech. I hate public speaking. I turned in three versions of my speech, but don't know which one I want to use. Principal Lane was happy with all three, and even gave me permission to revise it again without getting approval. I've been practicing, but that was alone in front of a mirror," I explained. Tyler chuckled as he turned off the highway. 
"Well then you're going to have to find us in the crowd and talk only to us," he teased. I smiled weakly and looked down. "I'm sure you'll do just fine. Your speech at the Christmas program was well done."
"That was done totally on the fly. I made most of it up on the spot. I was so nervous and couldn't think straight. And I signed so that helped," I giggled as I got out and headed inside. Pat had three plates with burgers and fries ready on the coffee table. I smiled when I met his eye. "Hey, darling." He walked over and kissed my cheek.
"Welcome home, love. Dinner's ready. Go sit," he replied softly. He reached around me and shook Tyler's hand as I put my bag away in the closet. "Welcome back. Thank you for making sure she got home safe."
"My pleasure. I don't like taking chances, especially with my sisters when they lose color," Tyler remarked as both men escorted me to the couch. "I'm sure you would have been fine, 'Nettie-"
"-but you're right, it wasn't worth the chance I might have fallen asleep behind the wheel or something," I interrupted. We ate and laughed until our sides hurt. Then Tyler and I duked  it out on the playstation; we were both terrible. Pat just watched and played with my hair. Eventually, I got fed up and headed to the kitchen to do the dishes. Then I grabbed my book and moved to the porch swing. As the weather remained nice and warm, I spent more and more time out here. Every night Pat held me as we drifted off to sleep, every morning I woke up next to him smiling. "This is my favorite," I whispered on graduation morning as I snuggled into his chest and kissed his exposed collarbone. He kissed my head and rubbed my back as I drew the covers up more snugly around us.
"Mine too, doll. Ready for graduation?" He asked. I shook my head. Pat chuckled. "How about watching the sunrise then?"
"How about we just stay right here, just like this, today?" I asked. Pat immediately rolled me to my back and pressed his hand against my forehead. I giggled and rubbed his arm and chest simultaneously. "I'm not sick, dear. I have you. I don't need the sunrise," I told him. He smiled tenderly at me. I tugged on his hips so he could roll over me.
"You had me worried, love," he whispered as he pressed his lips against mine softly. I grinned and shifted my hips under him as I ran my fingers up his back. "Oh, doll," he breathed as he moved to my neck and began kissing up it. His left hand was getting tangled in my hair. I grabbed his right hand and put it on my hip.
"I'm your's," I whispered as I let out a contented sigh. "Touch me," I begged. He sat back and studied my eyes. I smiled and put my hand behind his neck and pulled him closer. "Touch me," I repeated slightly louder. He grinned and moved his hand under but along the hem of my shirt slowly as he moved back to my neck and kissed up my jaw. "I love you," I breathed as I inhaled sharply and let him take me away on an euphoric journey. He pressed his lips against mine as my body went rigid. 
"Love you, Sarah," he whispered. 
"Love you too, Benji," I replied softly. His eyes danced and twinkled. I rubbed his cheek under his eyes. He kissed my hand. 
"Don't ask; I enjoyed that, doll," he ordered, his right hand gently traced my side before he cupped my breast. I smiled and pulled him in for another kiss. "Round two already, baby?" He teased. I laughed and shook my head, but continued to kiss up his jaw. He kissed me passionately as he wrapped his arm around me and held me tightly. "I can never get enough of this," he murmured as he rubbed his nose up my cheek.
"Good. Me either," I replied in a hushed tone, only to be interrupted by a growling stomach. Pat looked down sheepishly. "Move, dear. I gotta feed you," I teased as I pushed on his shoulders. He kept me pinned down, mischievously looking at me.
"I'm fine, doll. I'd much rather do this than eat," he replied softly as he lowered his lips towards mine again. I giggled then jumped as our door was swung open. Pat sighed and looked over his shoulder. "Can we help you, Josh?" Pat looked back at me as he pulled my shirt down subtly as he rolled to my left. "See no boundaries." I giggled again and kissed Pat's neck as Josh jumped on our bed. 
"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He exclaimed. 
"We are awake," I playfully pouted. I looked at Pat and sat up. Pat moved to the edge of the bed and put his leg back on. "I was substituting my sunrise this morning."
"Uh-huh. Then why are your clothes still on?" Josh teased as he poked me. I pushed him out of the bed. "Harsh, Net. Harsh," he rebuked as he stood up. He moved back to the bed and starting bouncing. "Come on. You have to come to work. Like right now. I'm glad you two are still in bed because that means you haven't eaten. Come on!" This time Pat pulled him off the bed and put him in a headlock.
"For starters, you're never up before 7:30 -"
"Did you say 7:30? Pat! No way. I just started kissing you like two minutes ago," I protested. He smiled at me and gave me a wink.
"New records, doll. We started kissing at 5:51. Now, Josh. Where was I? Oh! Right. You're never up before 7:30 and hyper at that time. Seriously! You're like a little kid on Christmas morning! There's no bouncing on the beds allowed. Second, I think I want my house key back. Third, what is your problem? Are you on something?" Pat rebuked. I giggled and Pat released Josh. He pointed down to Pat's waist.
"Seriously? A two hour makeout session?! That's hot! But come on! With how steamy you guys can make a room, why is there no-" Josh started but stopped as Pat punched his shoulder. "Ow! Okay. I'm not giving the key back. After all, if I didn't have this key, Net wouldn't just have a scar; she probably would have a tombstone. That's not why I'm here though. So it's graduation day, right?" Josh looked at me. I nodded and gave him a look that said what about it? "Well Linda did something for you. It can go all day," Josh explained as he started to jig excitedly in place. "As for what I'm on, it's just coffee. Or an espresso or three. And pixie sticks. I think there was only like 12 of those." I laughed and made my way out of bed, pulling Pat's shirt down to my hips where it rested normally. "Seriously! She's got. And the. Pat!" Josh whined. Pat chuckled and pushed him out the door.
"Will he barge in again?"
"Not unless you give me a reason to, Net!" Josh exclaimed on the other side of the door. Pat leaned against the door and smiled at me.
"Josh won't get in. I'm staying right here by this door. Get dressed, doll," he ordered. I blew him a kiss and sifted through my dresses. I pulled out a mulberry purple one and a light apricot orange. I held them both up and looked at Pat, putting the dresses in front of me, one at a time. He grinned. "Orange," he replied. "Gives you a healthy glow." I grinned and hung the purple one back up. I moved to my dresser and picked out the rest of the outfit. 
"Want me to take me clothes off here?" I teased as I met Pat's eye with a wink.
"YES! It's about time he grew up," Josh yelled from the hallway. Pat shook his head.
"Only if you want to, doll. I'll close my eyes and give you your privacy," he replied honestly. 
I smiled and moved to the bathroom as Josh hit the door and complained, "Pat, one of these days, you're going to have to stop being so pathetic. The female body is wondrous. She offered herself on a silver platter and you refused it. What's wrong with you?" I got dressed and freshened up, pulling my hair into a fishtail braid over my right shoulder. Pat was still leaning against the door, laughing silently into his hand with his eyes closed. Josh was still rambling. "I'm seriously starting to wonder what it'll take for you to turn that leaf." I moved over to Pat's side and leaned against the door. Pat kissed the top of my head and picked out his own clothes before ducking into the bathroom. I pulled the necklace out from under my high rise haltered collar and played with it, trying to ignore Josh. "And with how long it's taking her, you should go join her. Betcha she wants you to," Josh was saying. I rolled my eyes as I opened the door and he tumbled in.
"Oh! Is that what I'm wanting," I giggled. Josh looked up at me in wonder as his face turned bright red. "Pat's right. Can we have the key back please?" I asked as I held my hand out. Josh gaped at me. "Stand up. You look like a fool. And I don't have flies in here, so shut your trap," I ordered. He laughed, took my hand, and stood up.
"You look good, Net. Wow," he praised. Pat opened the bathroom door and grinned.
"And she's all mine," he quipped. Josh put his hands in the air.
"I know. It's just. Wow," Josh repeated. Pat chuckled and came to my side. He traced the edges of the black thinly knit top, tickling my skin. I grinned and leaned into him. "You don't need the jacket, Net. That dress covers everything."

"Except my back, but this dress has pockets," I added as I put my phone in the right pocket. Pat pointed to the sparkly belt on the dresser I had laid out. I grinned and put it on. "That's for Jess. She'd be awfully disappointed if I didn't have something sparkly on today. Well you know, aside from this and that." I played with the charm around my neck and pointed to my class ring. Pat grinned, picked it up, and I gave him my right pointer finger. Then he pointed to my star earrings. I bit my lip and shook my head, settling for a pair of pearl studs. I moved back to my closet and pulled out a pair of black wedges that had the gladiator wrapping; I sat on the edge of the bed and put them on, satisfied they covered most of my scars on my right leg. I stood up and began making the bed quickly; Pat helped. My phone weighed down my dress and I felt uneven, so I took it out and put it back on the dresser. "Okay. I'm ready. We can go now. Josh, shut your mouth. Is something wrong with this outfit?" I asked Pat feeling self conscious, even though the dress went to my knees and didn't show my chest. He smiled and offered me his hand; I happily took it.
"No, doll. You look beautiful. Josh just doesn't know how to act in the presence of a lady," he teased. Josh shook his head.
"You're drop dead gorgeous, Annette. Anyways, like I said, Linda has something for you at work. Come on. I'm your ride," he ordered. I giggled and we followed him out.
"Should I be worried?" I asked as Pat slid into the backseat with me. He shook his head.
"Linda's surprises are always good," he promised. I nodded and looked at Josh. 

"Is this how Joe was acting when he was trying to be me?" I teased. Pat laughed. Josh tried to shoot daggers out his eyes at me in the mirror, but ended up laughing. I joined in.
"Probably. I'm just really excited and wanted to make sure I caught you guys before you ate. I'd say I was successful," Josh remarked. He parked as far away from the employee entrance as he could. "Come on!"
"Okay, so the surprise is in the break room," I whispered to Pat as we made our way inside. Frank Wilson was eating so I nudged Pat. "The surprise can wait. I'm saying good morning," I stated as I made my way over to the counter and sat beside him. Josh huffed and crossed his arms. "Good morning, Frank!" He looked at me in surprise.
"Ms. Annette. You're so bubbly. Do you have a secret or a super power? I'd swear you do," he teased. I giggled and shook my head.
"No, sir. I just like to be happy. First cup? I can come bug you later?" I offered. He squeezed my arm.
"You give this old man a reason to smile. You're fine. Morning, Pat. So Ms. Annette, what's the reason for the get up today?" Frank replied gesturing to my outfit. I giggled.
"Graduation day. My sister-in-law wants me to dress up more often, and stay that way. This is about as fancy as I'll let it get. This cotton dress makes it seem easy and effortless to doll myself up. I'm not the type of girl that likes to change 20 times in a day. So I'll wear this -my graduation outfit- all day," I explained. Bertie swung by and poured a cup of coffee for Pat who took it gratefully, his right arm resting behind me on the chair. Then Bertie filled Frank's cup up and disappeared again. Josh was pacing anxiously behind us. I grinned again. "As always, it's a pleasure to see you again, Frank. I hope the road is favorable this week for you. Take care."
"Congratulations on your graduation, Ms. Annette. You look lovely. You're absolutely glowing. Enjoy the day," he ordered. I gave his arm a hug as Pat pulled out his wallet. "Pat, you are not paying for my breakfast," Frank warned. Pat chuckled and pulled out some of the extra senior pictures I had.
"I've learned my lesson on that, Frank," Pat replied. He slid over three options for Frank to choose from; all of me in front of the dam in Great Falls. "Please take one. You can take a piece of sunshine with you across the country." Frank gasped as he studied the pictures. 
"And if you're still in town about four, you can come with us to the ceremony at five," I added. He selected one where I was sitting down, looking at the camera, and twirling my hair in my fingers as I smiled largely. I smiled and pushed the other two pictures back, stealing a pen from Bertie as she filled up Pat's coffee again. "Here's the details," I explained as I wrote on the back of the picture. I looked up at Frank and gave him a half smile. "I'm not Madison, but you can pretend it's her graduation. I'm sorry you never got to see that," I told him sincerely. He squeezed his eyes together as a tear trickled down his face. He turned to me and gave me a warm embrace.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice cracking. I pulled back and squeezed his shoulder as Pat and I stood up again. Josh looked at us and put his hands in the air.

"Finally!" He teased. "Come on," he begged, pulling on my arm. I giggled as I followed him. He pushed me into B38. "Stay," he ordered. I giggled. 
"He could have just sent us a text. 'Go to B38 by 8.' Is he always this dramatic?" I asked as Pat scooted next to me. 
"Always," he confirmed. "You made Frank's day, doll." I grinned at him.
"But I was hoping to make your day," I whispered. Pat kissed my cheek.
"You do, doll. Everyday," he replied. Josh came back out with four plates of food. Linda and Marcus stood behind him with three more plates each. "Alright, now I'm concerned," Pat whispered. Josh set the plates in front of us. Graduation hat-shaped pancakes. I think the eggs were supposed to be shaped like the gown. 
"Breakfast. We can top it with anything you like," Josh remarked. I giggled and shook my head. It looked just fine. He set two more plates down. "Lunch special: your diploma." I looked at it and picked up the aroma of spicy buffalo chicken; my favorite. "You have to try all these foods, but don't have to finish them. You have to give us your honest thoughts since Marcus is in charge of lunch and dinner specials. Linda will take care of the desserts," Josh explained as he put the rest of the plates down.
"I think you could have just made a plate of each! There's no way I can eat two of each plate," I remarked looking at all the food. Josh slid over against the wall, Linda sat beside him. Marcus pulled up a chair and joined us. "Thank you! This looks remarkable." I picked up the dessert first, six little graduates were on a plate. "He's so cute!" I giggled as I looked at my little chocolate ball with a mini reese cup topped with a chocolate square. I took a bite and gasped in surprise as juice squirted down my chin. I caught it with a napkin and pulled the treat back. "Strawberries," I giggled. I pointed to the dinner, that held three food flowers with a meatball in the center. "I can't eat that. It's too pretty!"
"Graduates are given flowers. Pat told us you don't like actual flowers, but we still wanted to come up with something," Marcus replied with a huge smile. "Our homemade chips were best for that. We paired it with the ground beef steak, gravy on the side of course so the chips wouldn't get soggy." He grabbed a chip and pulled it out; the whole flower crumbled. "It's flimsy at best," he explained and popped the chip in his mouth. I giggled.
"I love it thank you. I usually like breakfast stuff for breakfast, but I'm too excited about my diploma from Buffalo," I remarked as I took my fork and cut a piece off, sticking it in my mouth. I closed my eyes and sighed. "It's delicious. I can't believe I haven't made you anything buffalo seasoned yet," I told Pat as I nudged his side. He chuckled. I reached over and grabbed his coffee mug. "Unless you want me to steal a swig, I need something to drink," I teased. 
"Right here," Bertie stated as she handed over a water for everyone and gave us some peanut butter and three different syrups. Pat put the blueberry syrup back on her tray. "Need anything else?"
"More napkins," I stated as I took another strawberry graduate. The table laughed. "Please, there's enough food here for everyone. Eat, people!" I begged. I moved the plate of pancakes away and pulled the wrap in front of me. Then I cut it in half, moving the half to the dinner plate as I pulled a flower onto my plate, leaving the gravy where it was. Pat laughed at me as he started to put peanut butter on his pancake. Josh pulled the second half of my plate in front of him. Linda took the pancake, but gave the egg to Marcus. "This was great, guys. I'm honored that you would go above and beyond for me. Thank you," I told them sincerely looking around the table again. 
"This was just a preview," Linda stated as she smiled warmly at me. 
"Obviously, we care about you more than our guests," Marcus added with a smile. "So we took time with your food. Everyone else won't get that privilege." The table chuckled softly. Marcus pulled out a card. "Yoli and I are both working tonight. Congrats on making it through high school. We look forward to see what you do next."
"Thank Yolanda for me," I told him sincerely as I took the card. He nodded. Linda pulled out a card too.
"This is for both you and Pat. I'll be at the ceremony later, so I'll have a gift then too," she explained. 
"Thank you, ma'am," I told her sincerely, desperately wanting to tell her no gifts were necessary.
"And I don't love you enough, Net," Josh teased holding empty hands. 

"That's fine, Josh," I replied, putting the last strawberry in my mouth as everyone started clearing the table. "Can we walk home? I feel like I just ate an elephant." Pat pulled my hand and led me out the back door with a chuckle.
"I was going to help out until June 9th here. All the high schoolers should be back and I won't be needed as much to fill in. We can get your shop set up," Pat murmured. I grinned. "Open Linda's card, love," he ordered. I nodded and gave him Marcus' card. I opened Linda's card up and gasped as I pulled it out. He looked at me and grinned. "She wants to make sure you have a memorable summer before you grow up. You can take Renae and someone else tomorrow if you wanted; I work," he explained as I looked at the gold member season pass to Silverwood theme park as he tucked it into his wallet for safekeeping. "You and two guests can get in on that card," he murmured as he tucked his wallet back into his pocket. I laughed, jumped up and down, grabbing both his hands, and moved to stand in front of him, losing my balance. He held me up and pulled me to his chest. "I love that you get excited so easily," he whispered. I grinned and kissed his jaw. "Any chance you can not hurt yourself?" I shook my head. "In that case," he teased as he scooped me up in his arms. I started kicking and tried to wiggle out. "Come on, doll! You don't let me do that any more," he pouted as he put me back on the ground.
"Because I have two perfectly functioning legs," I teased as I took off my shoes and held them as I looked at him. "Catch me if you can!" I giggled as I began running down the road.

"Annette!" He chuckled and began sprinting after me. It didn't take long for him to catch up at all. He wrapped both arms around my waist from behind and lifted me in the air, spinning around. I laughed. He set my feet back down and caressed my jaw as he looked tenderly down at me. "You're not fully healed yet, a few more months of therapy and you should be top notch again. You'll have a good stride when you do fully heal," he whispered. I tilted my head back and kissed his nose. "My radiant sunbeam," he teased as he pressed his lips against mine. He grabbed my left hand, spun me under his arm, tucked me backwards into his chest, and kissed my jaw, "my beautiful flower. My rose." I spun around, held onto his back, and grinned. He moved to my cheek. "My delectable nibble," he whispered. "My sweet Sarah," he finished as he pressed his lips against mine and nibbled on my lip. I pulled back and stared at him.
"Mr. Miller, are you trying to get me drunk? In broad daylight, none the less? I'm appalled," I teased. He laughed and pulled me tighter to him.
"If that's what it takes to keep you in my arms," he teased. He looked over my head briefly. "Here's comes Josh," he warned. 
"So?" I pulled him in for another kiss; Pat didn't disappoint as he kissed back and made me want more. Josh honked his horn at us until we faced him.
"You know there's a polite thing to do when you take off after someone is nice enough to give you a ride," he chided playfully. He winked and added, "but I can see why you didn't."
"It's just another two blocks. Do I have to get in the car, Da-ah-ah-ad?" I whined. Pat turned his head and looked away as he bit back a laugh. Josh was laughing so hard he was turning red as he tried to talk. So he just nodded. I grabbed Pat's hand and tugged him to Josh's car. "You know the polite thing to do would be to not see how many times you can make me jump in a day. I should revoke your driving privileges, sir," I teased.
"Do you two need anything from the house? This includes anything for later, Net. We're not coming back," Josh warned. I shook my head.
"Noah has my cap and gown. I printed off my speeches at their house too. I have Pat here and he has his phone so if my family needs me, they'll get a hold of him," I told Josh as I climbed in the back seat. Pat slid in beside me. He looked down at my bare feet and chuckled.
"Does Amanda still have a bottle of nail polish in here?" Pat asked.
"My toes are fine. You're not touching my feet. And definitely not with polish in a moving vehicle. Where are you taking us now, Chauffeur Josh?" I remarked with genuine curiosity.
"For me to know and you to find out," he teased as he got on the highway heading west.
"I'm not exactly in a get up for playing all day. Jess will be mad if I don't look put together for graduation. She's got some crazy notion of taking pictures," I remarked. Josh grinned. I looked up at Pat. "I'm scared." He laughed and pulled me into his arms.
"Don't be, doll. I'm here and I'll keep you safe even from Josh. We could have changed your shoes," he stated. I shook my head as I picked up a single wedge.
"I like these, I just knew it wasn't wise to run in them. They're comfy," I told him, knowing that after about 3-4 hours of walking in them, my feet would be done; I had planned on keeping them off until the ceremony later, but now we had other plans. "I'll put them on when we reach our destination. So where are we going?" I asked again. Josh shook his head. "I have to be at the school by 4:30. Am I going to be late?" Again, Josh shook his head. "We aren't having a threesome." Josh had to pull over he was laughing so hard; Pat was too. "I'm serious! This isn't up for debate. Nor am I trying to be the comic relief for day. Pat hasn't even gotten some," I stated. Josh turned around and looked at me and wiped the tears from his eyes.
"You're great, Annette. Truly. Even if you weren't Pat's girl, I wouldn't agree to a threesome with you, especially with another dude in the mix. Not because you aren't beautiful, but because I'm not really into you. Besides, I would never do that to a friend, a brother. You're like family. No, you are family. I wish you were predictable sometimes because I never know what's coming out of your mouth. You definitely know exactly what to say to captivate your crowd. We're going to Lake Coeur D'Alene. Cruising around in a boat. We can buy you a swimsuit if you want to go tubing or skiing," he stated. I shook my head.
"I'm staying in the boat. If you haven't realized yet, I'm exceptionally clumsy. I can easily hurt myself skiing or tubing and that won't be good for graduation tonight," I retorted. "Do you have sunscreen?" Josh nodded and pulled out some SPF 50 from the glove box. I looked at Pat as I started to slather it on as Josh took off again. "Did you know about this?" He shook his head and winked at me. 

"We can do something else," he offered pulling out the theme park card. I bit my lip and met his eye. "It's Sunday. Crowds will be less." I grinned. "How set are you on taking us out on a boat?" Josh met his eye in the rearview mirror as he raised one eyebrow. 
"What else would we do?"
"How about Silverwood? It's only 9:30 now. It takes an hour to get there. We can play for four hours then get back on the road so she makes it to graduation on time. We'll be back by 4:15 at the latest if we push it. Linda's treat." Josh nodded and grinned.
"Silverwood it is!" He grinned. Josh met my eye in the mirror. "We'll stay away from the water rides," he promised. 
"Fine. But you need to stop at a store before we get there. These shoes are not okay for running around the park, and Silverwood is not a park you casually stroll through," I stated.
"Okay. Pat, clean up her face. I can see some sunscreen still," Josh ordered. Pat nodded and reached over and rubbed the rest of my sunscreen. I grinned at him and reached for his hand. The trip down the road passed in a blur and my sides hurt from laughing. "Alright, Net. We'll wait for you here. Pick out some sunglasses for everyone too," Josh ordered as he pulled into a store parking lot, just miles down the road from the theme park. I giggled and looked at Pat as he squeezed my hand and pulled out some cash.
"Thanks, babe," I murmured as I leaned over and kissed him again. I put on my gladiator sandals as Josh parked. Then I ran inside, picked out a pair of flats, found a pair of sunglasses for everyone, and then I thought twice about it and bought some water bottles as well. Finally, I paid and made my way back out to the car. Pat was still in the backseat. I grinned and moved to the front so I could look at Josh. "Today is not a day to see how much we can eat then throw it up," I warned shaking my finger at him as I gave him the bag of supplies. He laughed and nodded as he checked the bag out quickly.
"Brilliant, Net! We'll fill them up once we get in the park, but we can just as easily buy bottled water in there," Josh stated as he headed towards the park. I nodded, knowing that liquid could not be carried into the park. I switched my shoes quickly. Then I looked back at Pat and reached for his hand, giving him back his change. He squeezed my fingers. 
"You know I love you, right?"
"I do. Do you?"
"I do," I confirmed.
"And I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," Josh chuckled. 
"You're not an ordained minister, but I'm going to kiss her anyways," Pat replied cheekily. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against me. Josh reached over me, causing me to gasp in surprise.
"I said no threesome," I exclaimed then blushed as I realized what he was going for. "Sorry," I mumbled as I pulled the lever so my seat fell back and Josh sat up with a chuckle. 
"Much better," Pat grinned and he looked down at me.
"You both are trouble. I'm not doing the upside down crap. I can't believe you guys keep thinking I will," I teased as I moved to the backseat. "Behave. Eyes on the road," I ordered Josh. I climbed on Pat's lap as he wrapped his arms around me. "And you can't kiss me until after graduation," I whispered. His jaw dropped but his eyes smiled.
"You're impossible," he breathed.
"Yet you still love me," I countered. He nodded and pressed his forehead against mine. "I lost time with you this morning again; I hate it when that happens. You are quite powerful, darling. I'll give you five. Use them wisely," I warned as I kissed him deeply. "That doesn't count." He laughed as I moved to his side. We enjoyed our time at the theme park and finally headed home at 2pm. 
"I'm never going back with both of you," Pat exclaimed as he sat in front seat. "Both of you are like little kids, I swear! Jumping in line and running to the next ride. It was almost too much!" I giggled as I sat in the back. I pulled off my new shoes and replaced them with the wedges again.
"Told you, it's not a place for casual strolls," I giggled.
"You just need to lighten up and live," Josh retorted. He met my eye in the mirror. "Next time, let's leave the square and take Tyler. The pictures will be better too." 
"Okay," I agreed with a giggle. I scooted behind Pat and rubbed his shoulders after buckling up. "Thanks for a fun day, guys." They both nodded at me with big smiles. After grabbing lunch from Burger King, we headed straight to Jess and Noah's place. I played with Serenity as she giggled at me. Noah pushed me out the door with the keys to his car. "See you guys there. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't pass out during the speech," I exclaimed as I made my way to the car. Pat ran out behind me. "I was kidding about the passing out. I'll be fine," I remarked. He turned me around and leaned me against the car, stroking my cheek. 
"I know, doll," he murmured and pressed his lips against mine passionately. "Four," he whispered. I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck. "We'll see you soon, doll. Then we're having cake. Here at seven. Don't be late." I giggled and pushed him away. He stepped right back up and wrapped me in his arms and kissing me again, elongating the kiss for as long as he could. "Five. Love you." I pecked his lips again.
"Love you too. I'm going to be late," I whispered. He tugged my hair and released me. "Will you guys have enough seats in the remaining vehicles?"
"Yeah. Tyler's coming by in a few. Go," he ordered. I gave him a salute. "Ms. Gibson, go before I pin you down," he warned playfully. I grinned and loaded up. I took several calming breaths as I made my way to the school.
"It's just a few words, 'Nettie," I thought as I parked the car. I met up with Renae as she was heading in. "Hey, Nae!" She looked back at me and grinned. 
"We did it," she giggled as she wrapped her arm in mine. "This color though. Ugh. Red for the girls. Blue for the boys. We're a damn flag." I giggled. She looked at me and then at the papers in my hand. "Nervous, Net?"
"Exceptionally so. I still don't know which speech I'm going to give," I stated looking dumbfoundedly at my three papers. She grinned and pulled them all from me. 

"Traditional thank yous, what you have learned about your class, or sugar coating we got this. Hmmm... I like the second one best," she offered. I grinned. I was leaning towards that one too. We headed into the music room where we were setting up. "It's a shame you have to cover up, Net. You are shining, I swear," she teased me as we put on our caps and gowns. I giggled. Principal Lane made his way over to us. Renae was given a yellow rope and so was I.
"Honor roll, ladies," he praised. "And for you, Annette." He pulled out a white sash. "High honor roll," followed by silver tassel that he added to my cap, "and for being the only 4.0 senior." I blushed as I looked at it. Renae and I put the ropes over our neck so they draped on both shoulders in the front. The white sash set the same way. I played with the silver tassel and mixed it with my red and blue one.
"Now I really feel like a flag. At least the yellow throws it off some," I murmured. Renae giggled. Mrs. King positioned us for a few more pictures, so I asked to borrow one of Renae's several hair ties. She gave me a confused look but handed one over. I folded up my speeches and put them against my arm, securing them in place with Renae's hair tie. She nodded at me as we looked to the camera with big grins. Just before it started, Jess waved me over as she stood in the doorway. I made my way over and she scowled at my outfit. 

"They could at least let you be a little more fashionable, but I love your sparkle," she remarked and flicked my tassels. I grinned. She held up a purple orchid flower and pinned it to my chest. "For luck, and beauty," she chirped. I grinned. "See you out there. Tyler's responsible for pictures."
"Love you, Jess. Thanks for telling me who to avoid," I giggled and ran across the room to where we were lining up for the processional march. Since there was no last names that started with F, I stood next to Dan Everett. He handed me a rose. I looked around in confusion. All of the seniors had one.
"It's to give to your mom," he whispered. I nodded.
"Oh! Right. Thanks. I'm a bit nervous," I confessed. "Stage fright." He chuckled.
"You can pull it off. We're all behind you, you know," he replied. I nodded.
"Literally. You guys won't have a choice," I replied and began bouncing on my toes, swaying gently as I started to mentally run through Rihanna's S.O.S.  
"Stop," Dan ordered as he nudged my side with his elbow. I looked at him in shock. "You should be stressing and panicking and you sit there with a grin as you get lost in your own little world. The rest of us don't know how you do it."
"Oh that's simple, I dance to the rhythm of my own beat. There's always a song in my head. It's calming me down, even though I'm definitely stressed. I'm terrified about the speech. Care to do it for me? I'd share," I retorted. Dan just laughed. He looked over his shoulder and smiled.
"Don't know if I ever told you, but thank you for being so uniquely you. This would be a completely different group of people if you weren't here to seamlessly balance us out," he praised as he met my eye. I nodded as Ryan and Joe led the group out to our seats; Dan and I were in the third group. Esther, Adam, and Ted were the final group. After we were allowed to sit down, my knee bounced nervously. "Annette, stop," Dan whispered. I looked over at him. He looked around at the crowd and smiled. We were in the front row, and with me being the only one in red, I stood out the most. "You'll be just fine. Just don't fall on your face. Seriously. This will be a walk in the park for you. I can go turn off the lights it it'll make you feel better," he teased. I giggled softly and crossed my ankles, tucking them under my seat. Principal Lane made his way up to the podium and gave his opening speech. They started off with turning the lights out so we could all watch the senior slide show, then PJ - our salutatorian would give his speech, then me. I watched the show I helped put together and smiled at all the baby pictures morphing into their senior picture as the person aged, each slide with a song of their choice and quote. It flowed nicely, the crowd oohed, awhed, and chuckled with certain picks. Then somebody opened up the 'meet the seniors' webpage I designed. Everyone was displayed for another twenty seconds as we allowed the crowd to read our goals. One by one, the lights flickered back on, and to my surprise, Ryan was standing at the podium with PJ. They were whispering together and PJ kept tapping the podium with his paper. Dan leaned over. "Hold up two fingers behind your back if you want me to run over and turn the lights off. I will. I caught the Christmas program and that seemed to help you then. Jenna was even shocked as she sang behind you. You got this, Annette. I'm rooting for you and looking forward to hearing what you have to say," he whispered. 
"You're dating Jenna?" I gasped. Dan chuckled.
"Was. My relationships only seem to last about two months, but that's okay. I just haven't found the right girl yet, but hey, WSU will hold great promise in the fall," he teased. 
"Better not be talking about me as the right girl," I teased. He shook his head.
"You're a great friend, Annette. I've enjoyed actually getting to know you this year. Like I said, I'm looking forward to hearing what you'll be saying today. I got your back, just know that. You don't have to worry about people judging you," he promised in a soft whisper. I grinned and nodded, paying attention to PJ who finally cleared his throat and leaned towards the microphone.
After several moments of silence and more nervous fidgeting, PJ finally started, stuttering over his words, "uh. Hey. I'm Peter Joseph Phifer, but uh everyone just calls me PJ. I could go on to give you a speech about how happy we are and uh, well you know blah, blah, blah. But I can't so our class president. He uh. Yeah. Ryan will be speaking for me. Thanks for coming." Bright red, PJ rushed back to his seat. I followed him with my eyes in shock; not only did he actually say 'blah, blah, blah' in his speech, he wasn't really giving one! I had no idea we had the option to give up our speeches to the class president. I shook my head and looked back at the podium in front of me. Ryan stood up there with confidence and no hint of embarrassment as he talked to the crowd.
"PJ wrote this speech, but as you can tell, he's a little shy. I tried my best to convince him that he could do this on his own, but hey, not everyone likes to be the center of attention. I was just going to stand up here for moral support, but instead, I'll be reading PJ's speech on his behalf," Ryan explained and began to read the speech in front of him. I found myself zoning out as he spoke his words of encouragement and thanks; it was so dull and generic and I was disappointed. I looked down at my sleeve that was covering my speeches. The crowd cheered and I brought my focus back to Ryan. "So with that, class of 2007, I say to you, congratulations on making this far. Life awaits on the other side of that door." Ryan concluded. He folded up the paper and kept looking at the crowd while everyone applauded politely. "I'm now going to pass the microphone over to our valedictorian, in your programs, you'll see her listed as Sarah Gibson, but to us, she's just Annette; a beacon of hope and sunshine. Her selflessness speaks volumes and she's someone we all truly wish to be like," Ryan announced, turning to me as I made my way up to the podium, leaving my rose in my chair. My hands shook as I nodded at him as we passed each other. Slowly I dug out my speeches and flattened them on stand. I took a calming breath, looked at the crowd, and smiled.
"Thank you, Ryan, for that warm introduction. Now if I knew I could have just written a speech and had someone else read it for me, I would have," I remarked, getting a soft chuckle from the crowd. I turned back to my class and grinned. "Even if I had a taker or two now, I wouldn't put you on the spot; it would just be inconsiderate of me because," I explained as I ripped up two of my papers several times and threw them on the ground, causing a gasp to echo in the gym, "you would have no words to speak now. I also wouldn't do it to you, not because I couldn't decide myself which speech I was going to give, but because now I know all three of these speeches are wrong. Even this third one is wrong but I'm going to keep it out so my thoughts seem semi-cohesive and I look like I know what I'm doing. Mr. Lane, I thank you for the permission for a final revision that doesn't need your approval. These papers on the ground are as dirty as my speech is going to get." Again the crowd chuckled. I met Dan's eye and grinned as he pointed to the lights. I shook my head subtly and turned my attention back to the crowd and took another deep breath as those I made eye contact with gave me an encouraging smile. "So, Ryan, thank you for giving me the perfect opening liner so I can tie this speech up nicely and know exactly the best way to encourage you all on the next chapter in our lives. As he mentioned, everyone always tells me I want to be like you. You're such a ray of sunshine; a beacon of hope. We never thought we could approach you because I'm more like a gloomy rain cloud than anything. The two just don't mix. At least that's what they told me this year; maybe not in those exact words, but it was close. However, I never saw it that way. The one time I tried to argue that point, I nearly blacked out from fear of my broken leg being hit and causing me more pain. So, now that I have your undivided attention, I'll rebuttal it now, only because it needs to be said and let's you know that I'm not perfect, nor ever have been. Yes, my grades are perfect and I am graduating with a 4.0, but I, myself am not perfect. I never saw myself as the sunshine everyone claimed I was. I would have to give myself a pep talk -sometimes three or more times a day- to make sure I could keep smiling. During those talks, I often called myself Sunshine, thinking that if I said it enough, I would believe it and finally see it too. I often felt that my skies were gray and dark, but I smiled because I knew the storm couldn't last forever and eventually the sun would show up again. I live life with the belief a pop of color is always needed: in your wardrobe, in your work, and in your life all the time. Sunshine and rain, when combined, make a rainbow; nature's way of adding a pop of color and it is glorious! I spent most of this year in a cast of some sort due to extensive injuries, and that gave my class the encouragement they needed to talk to me; they brought me sunshine. My internal skies have never seen so many rainbows. I'm glad these sunbeams behind me took a chance with this dark cloud, and became part of my day. And maybe it is the other way around, either way, my day was brightened by the concern and friendships I found over the year." I looked back at my class, grabbed the microphone so the crowd could still hear me, and smiled as Dan had lowered his head and his body was shaking as he chuckled softly. "Since you can't argue with me right now," I continued, causing him to look up and meet my eye. "I'm here to tell you today, that you're wrong. I'm not unapproachable. I'm not better than anyone else because I can smile and laugh at anything and everything, especially when I'm in pain; I just found it easier to smile than to wallow." He gave me a sincere smile and a nod. I looked at the rest of my class and continued, "you're no more of a rain cloud or ray of sun than me; sometimes we are both at the same time and we need each other to balance out. I'm only human. I have flaws and mistakes like anyone else. When I get pushed down, I get mad and fight to stand again and press on. I cry. I weep. I feel afraid. I bleed. I forget." I paused as I thought about how to tie it up and move forward to my next point. "Yes, I even stumble over my words or forget what I want to say. I'm not perfect and that's okay. Keeping up with my analogy, metaphorically speaking, we are like plants. You can't always have the sun or your plants will die; you need the rain too. In the same manner, plants won't thrive if they only have rain; they'll drown. Life is all about balance. I didn't mind feeling like I was invisible, but this year showed me how wrong I was. Nobody is invisible; and together we create a beautiful and complete scene. I want to be like each and everyone of you. You all possess a quality that we should all want to take with us. For example, I hope to take the creativity of Joe - he came up with the idea for prom last year as we decorated for it and it was spectacular. I want the leadership skills of Ryan, Lucas' quick wit, Jackson's tenacity, and Dan's compassion for others. I want to be able to joke like Mike or create vivid pictures with my words like Mindy. I want the perseverance of Nate - I recall a time when you stunk at sports and now you are an all-stater for football, wrestling, and track and field. You should be proud of those achievements; I am for you. I desire a friendship that's as crazy and wonderful as the one Jack and Tyrone share. Mitch outshines us all in productivity - you are skilled in the diesel shop and no one was able to come close to the cool designs you came up with. Lauren, you always hold yourself up with such grace and poise; who wouldn't want that quality? Marie, you're so passionate about music. You show us there's a song out there for everyone and for every situation. John, your enthusiasm is contagious. As is your laughter, Connor. Doug always backs down before a joke goes too far - your consideration to avoid hurting other's feelings is admirable. Logan, you are the prankster of the class, but I respect your masterminding ways of looking at a problem to solve or for finding the best way to create those problems. Renae, I love your imagination and I can't wait to see where it takes you; you paint a whole new world for people to experience and it's breathtaking. PJ, I know you struggled with keeping your grades up, but your desire to learn has paid off and are ranked #2 overall; I hope I never stop learning - just like you. Hunter, I know you were afraid of not being able to sit here today, but your diligence has paid off. I can see the pride you have in this accomplishment and no matter how small, we should all take pride in our achievments. Derek, nobody I have met is as thoughtful as you; it really is the little things that make a difference. Esther, through all the turmoil, you remained peaceful and calm. Adam, you have great strength, and I'm not just talking about when you barrel through the opposing team on the field. Your mental strength to stand tall surpasses those around you. And Ted, I want your desire to succeed. You are the only guy who came dressed in a suit and tie today to wear under your graduation gown. You're going places, all of you are. I just hope that we can all look back on this day and be proud of who we have become," I told them earnestly, not once looking at my paper. Renae grinned at me and gave me the thumbs up. Everyone met my eye when I talked about them and cheers erupted from the crowd as I said a name. I had to pause now and then because the noise of the crowd was deafening. Everyone was smiling and thanking me in their own silent way. I turned back to the crowd and spotted my family. 
"Keep it up, 'Nettie," Noah signed with a big smile. I grinned and looked at Serenity as I ripped my final speech, crumpled it in a ball, and threw it on the ground over my shoulder.
"I could sit here and thank all of the parents and teachers for helping us get this far, but you already know how grateful we are of you; even if we deny it," I confessed. I looked around the room, everyone was smiling. I caught my mom's eye at the back of the gym, by the door. "Don't let her leave," I signed subtly by my shoulder as I acted like I was playing with my hair out of nerves. Noah followed my gaze and nodded. I took a deep breath and continued, "this past year has taught me quite a bit and it really is the little things. You never know who's in your corner. One person can make difference. It's never too late to make a friend. It's easier to focus on the pain, but life is much more fulfilling if you can focus on the positive side - doesn't matter how small. Nobody is without their own secrets. A smile can change the world. A new hairstyle can make you feel brand new. Love sneaks up on you. And more people care, than those who actually let you know." Noah had moved to the back of the gym and was five people away from Mom; her eyes were locked on mine.
"Proud of you, baby," Mom signed with great difficulty, causing me to pause and wipe a tear away. I smiled at her and looked over at Noah. He caught it too. It meant the world to me that she learned just the one phrase so she could talk to me. I held my mom's eyes as I finished.
"Growing up, our parents measured our success in milestones: first roll, first time crawling, first step, first tooth, first haircut, first day of school. As we got older, the milestones seemed to stop. I don't think they really did: first crush, first date, first car, and today, the last day of high school - no more firsts to happen. I think that our parents are wrong though." The crowd looked around at each other in confusion. "Life is full of firsts. So while today may be our last day of high school, it is also the first day of what we make of our lives." Those in the crowd who met my eye smiled and pressed me to continue. Noah smiled proudly at me as he crossed his arms. "So I'm going to hold my head up high and give all I got to be successful, but I know that I don't need to be successful to be happy. I just need to be satisfied with where I am in life and always share my love. If I'm not, I know I have the power to change that," I remarked as I turned back to my class and gasped as I read the signs they were holding. "I uh! Um. Ahem. Thank you. That is very kind of you. Ahem. Uh. Anyways, I hope you guys can do the same thing and succeed in your own way. Congratulations, guys. We made it!" I choked out as the tears came out. I looked at the signs again and covered my mouth with my hands as I made my way back to the class as the crowd erupted in cheers. The five girls were standing on their chairs holding up signs, all the guys cheered and waved me over. 
"I want to be SARAH STRONG." One sign read - held by Lauren. "Annette's light is brightest!" Another read, held by Mindy. "Overflowing joy," Esther's sign read as she held up high and looked at me with pride. "Live life in amaze-NET" Marie's sign read. "To know Annette, is to know angels exist," the last one read, held by Renae. I started to cry, still several feet away from my class. Dan came to my side, followed by several others and gave me a side hug. 
"See told you, you would nail that speech," Dan whispered in my ear. Principal Lane was back at the podium, cleaning up my shredded paper. I made my way through my class giving each one a hug, lingering on the girls as they gave me their signs. I saved Renae for last. 
"I'm no angel," I whispered in her ears. She laughed and embraced me tightly. 
"You're wrong," she replied. She pointed to Principal Lane. "Let's finish this graduation, huh?" I nodded and headed back to my seat holding all the signs.
"Thank you, PJ, Ryan, and Annette for those speeches. Annette, you nailed it. Many more firsts are in your future, and a first for me, someone ripped up their speech and still delivered a great one. Folks, I do read all the speeches and Annette did turn in several. She took bits and pieces from each, but there was also a bunch I didn't read. This is our future, ladies and gentlemen! This class is going places," he praised. I giggled and cheered with the rest of the class. "Class of 2007, I invite you to take your rose to the woman who has supported you your whole life. Take this moment to record another milestone and share your love with your mothers. We're all proud of you!" He cheered. Our class all departed into the crowd. I stopped and looked at Noah. He was talking to Mom, but she was trying to duck away. I sighed and headed toward the other end of the gym. I paused when I got to my family, giving Serenity a hug and rolling the rose between my fingers. 
"Take it to Leslie," Jess ordered. I looked at her and back at my Mom.
"Not mine," she signed with help from Noah. I looked at my brother.
"She'll stick around, but doesn't want the rose. I'm sorry, 'Nettie," he signed in front of his body. I smiled weakly and gave Serenity to Pat. I wrapped Jess up in a hug, knowing she saw the same thing I did. She took the rose from me and kissed my cheek as we looked back at Noah. "Mom's proud of you, 'Nettie. Love you. Diploma time!" I giggled and gave Tyler a hug.
"Great speech, Net. I recorded it all. We'll take stills later," he promised. 
"It wasn't too long or disorganized?"
"Nope. It was just right," Tyler confirmed as he rubbed my back one more time. I turned to Pat and he pulled me in for a side hug, rubbing my right arm as I reached across his chest, squeezing Serenity's hand. 
"Great job, doll. The difference between you and your classmates who spoke was phenomenal. He mumbled a lot. Your words were precise and clear. I liked the ripping of the paper. Great effect," he praised. I blushed and made my way back to my seat. Marie sang a song and then Principal Lane invited the shop teacher, Mr. Black, to give a speech. 
"I don't think it's fair that I have to pretty much follow Annette's speech but I'll do my best. I'm bummed I never had you in my class," he teased pointing his finger at me. I giggled and put my head down. He held up a poster of a frog and went into a ten minute spiel about how he lives on a lily pad in the middle of a pond and learns to live by catching flies. "You guys aren't tadpoles any more. You are all quite capable of 'catching flies' to live. As a whole, you guys are unpredictable, crazy, rambunctious, and fun. Individually, you are unique, smart, creative, and passionate. The world isn't ready for people like you, but you guys are ready for the world. I wish each and everyone of you the best in your futures. Congratulations guys. Good-bye and good riddance. We're happy to get rid of you," he teased. All the guys chuckled. "I'm kidding. I do wish all 25 of you the very best in life. We're sad to see you go, but we're all proud of you," Mr. Black remarked. Then, one by one, Principal Lane called us forward and handed us our diplomas with the list of scholarships and rewards we had received. After Logan was given his diploma, he took off his gown and threw it at the crowd, causing a soft ripple of laughter. He pointed at me as he reached in his jean pockets.
"Prankster to the end!" He yelled as he covered those of us who have received our diplomas in silly string. 
"Logan Olsen! To your seat!" Principal Lane barked. Logan ducked his head and moved his way back. "Congratulations Renae Michelle Peterson," Principal Lane continued listing the graduates. He didn't shake Renae's hand or give her the diploma she earned until he was done reading her scholarships, she had received about $5,200 of grants and such. I gave her a thumb's up. She posed for pictures and made her way back to her seat, pausing by me to take some silly string off my hat. I stood up as she embraced me. Her look worried me and I could tell something heavy was weighing on her mind. "What's wrong?" I whispered in her ear.
"Nothing. I wouldn't be here without you, Net. You're my lifesaver and best friend," she whispered. "Will you come over afterwards?" I met her eye and nodded. She needed to talk, that much I had already gathered. She gave me a small smile as she made her way back to her seat as PJ approached us. He also gave me a hug. I returned it in confusion; he was the one person I knew who was opposed to any physical touch. Renae seemed to have caused a ripple effect as one by one, the remaining seniors gave me a hug. Even after I insisted they didn't have to, it continued. 
When Adam embraced me he whispered in my ear, "you aren't human." I looked at him in shock. "When you get knocked down, you don't cry or get mad or fight back. You just stand up again; I've seen it in person. I'm weak compared to you." I shook my head and he pulled me back in for another embrace. "Stop fighting it, Annette. You already possess all of those qualities you see in us. Ryan was right. We all want to be just like you. Sarah-strong. Amaze-Net. It's all you. You're truly remarkable. Thank you." I nodded and wiped the tears from my eyes. He grinned at me and moved back to his seat as Ted rested his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. 

"I may dress for success, but you are successful everyday," he mused. I stood there in shock as he moved back. Dan stood up beside me and nudged me.
"Why are you so surprised? I told you, you are the brightest light in our lives. I'm just surprised you put up with us gray clouds for so long," he teased as I shook my head and he threw both of our hats into the air. "So is it still surprising?" He asked kindly. I shrugged my shoulders and looked around as we joined our class in congratulatory cheers. When it quieted down a bit, I moved to find my hat. Once again, we filed out of the gym and waited for the crowd in front of the school, setting our graduation caps down on the grass for people to put cards in for us. I unzipped my graduation gown and let it flop in the wind. Many people came up and praised me on my speech. I held onto Darlene as she came by.
"Well done, NeNe! I loved your speech. You always see the good in everyone. I don't think anyone else could have delivered a better speech. I'm so proud of you," she praised. I kissed her cheek.
"Thanks, Mama Peterson. I'm glad to see Bob made it too. I love you guys. I should have found you to give you my rose too," I told her sincerely. She hugged me again.
"I saw your mom at the back, but she wanted nothing to do with you. It broke my heart. I'm glad you're still surrounded by people who care about you. Take care, NeNe. We'll see you around," she murmured. I nodded and moved over to where Bob was in his wheelchair. He embraced me as tight as he could, but he was so weak. 
"Love you, Daddy Peterson," I whispered. He kissed my cheek.
"Thanks, kiddo," he whispered. "Come by later, please," he begged.
"Already planning on it," I confirmed. He smiled as Darlene pushed him away. I moved back to my spot and cried as Mom made her way over. I embraced her warmly. "Missed you, Mama."
"I know, baby. I love you. Call me sometime," she begged as she disappeared. I nodded and looked down as I realized she left me a card in my hat. It would be the first one I'd open later. A taller man, with a military stance surprised me as I looked back up. I was intimidated by his size momentarily until I looked in his eyes and saw the kindness there. 
"Hello, sir," I greeted. He smiled.
"You must be the corporal's sunshine - don't say you aren't. I heard your speech, you are definitely a ray of sunshine. The corporal can't stop bragging about you," he replied. I looked around and bit my lip. Did I know a corporal?
"Are you talking about Pat, sir?" I inquired as I met his eye again. He laughed merrily. "You must be General Greenfield. He told me he ran into you a while back," I remarked finally putting the puzzle together. "Thank you for saving his life a few years ago."
"I am. He did. I think you saved him more. I can see why he would do anything for you," General Greenfield stated. He stuck out his hand and I shook it. "He told me you were the reason he felt like he was whole again. I've never met anyone like him. He's a walking proof of the horrors of war. Great kid, but I can definitely see you are his best half. You're quite wise, miss. You may call me Alex. My I call you by your name?"
"Annette," I confirmed. "Thank you, Alex, for your kind words. Please leave your address or phone number and we will stay in touch," I promised. He grinned as he wrote on the back of the card he had in his hand. I looked around as he did that. "I'm glad you made it, sir, but I'm sorry. I don't where Pat is."
"I already ran into him, sweet cheeks. Thanks. Congratulations," he praised. I grinned and watched him depart.
"I didn't even know we invited him," I mused quietly. Frank was standing behind him, tears in his eyes. I gave him a warm hug. "I'm glad you could make it," I whispered. He held onto me tightly, patted my back, and left without saying a word. Sergeant Alexander was next. I held my breath and looked around; my family was nowhere to be seen. "Sergeant," I greeted politely, trying to breathe normally.
"Ms. Gibson. From your father," he remarked and put a card in my hat. I would destroy it. There was no need for me to look at that.
"Thank you, sir," I said politely then bit my tongue to keep from lashing out. Sergeant Alexander looked at me and pursed his lips but didn't say anything else as Trooper Sanchez approached me. I smiled warmly at him as he stared down his commanding officer. 
"Congratulations, Annette. This is from Jody, the kids, and me," he stated and put another card in my hat; my hat was full. 
"Thank you, Charlie," I said sincerely, still giving Sergeant Alexander an icy stare. Renae had moved beside me and was now hanging on my arm. "Hey, Nae. Done with your admirers already?" I asked. She nodded and then laughed as Trooper Sanchez followed Sergeant Alexander and they departed. I let out a sigh of relief and turned to Renae. "That was exciting," I remarked sarcastically. She giggled and pointed behind me. I had more visitors. "I'll find you in a bit," I promised as she weaved her way through the crowd with a nod. I looked up at my next guest, Linda. I embraced her.
"Annette! You're shaking like a leaf! What's wrong?" She gasped. I shook my head and pulled out the envelope from my dad. 
"Give this to Pat. Tell him he can destroy it," I ordered. She pursed her lips, nodded, and I turned my attention to the rest of my work family, embracing Emily first. Followed by Justin, Joe, Vanessa, Matt, Max, Trisha, and Kevin. "Pat says cake at seven. I'll talk to you then. Text him if you need the address," I told them all. They nodded and bid me farewell. The crowd had dispersed and I had yet to see my family. I headed back inside to grab my Noah's car keys and return my sash and rope. Renae was sitting the music room crying softly in the corner. "Nae?" I approached her cautiously. 
"Hey, Net. Did you ever do anything you felt guilty over? Nevermind. Don't answer that. I don't think I want to know," she huffed as she stood up and dried her eyes. "Your boyfriend gave me a card and asked if you needed me. They caught your reaction when I first hugged you. They'll catch up with you at your party later. It's only quarter to six. Gradation was short. Can I catch a ride home?" She rambled. I nodded and pulled her in for another hug. 
"I'm always here for you, Nae. Whatever you need," I swore as I pulled back. She nodded. I grabbed my keys from my band shelf and we headed out. I let her cry on the way to her house, both of our caps and gowns thrown in the back seat. I knew she would tell me when the time was right for her.
"Your niece is adorable," Renae praised. I grinned and looked over at her. She shuddered and wrapped both arms around herself, looking morose. I parked the car and studied her. "Can my baby call you Auntie too?"
"If you want your kids to call me that some day; just know that the feeling will be reciprocated when I have some," I giggled. She smiled weakly and headed inside. Something was off. "Why so glum, chum? We just graduated and people gave us money," I teased. She shook her head.
"Fajitas, Net?" She asked as she started rummaging through her fridge. I nodded in agreement as I washed my hands, turned on the stove, and started heating up a pan. She happily let me take over. We talked about Serenity and my upcoming building, agreeing the name should be Sunny Kidz Place. Only after the meal, did she look at me and her parents before she sighed and smiled. "You're right, Annette. Today was a good day. Even better knowing I have you in my corner too. You're going to be an aunt again." I gaped at her as Darlene kissed the top of my head and started to clean the kitchen. 
"I'm getting mixed signals, Nae. Do you want congratulations or condolences?" I inquired as I studied her. She smiled.
"I'm nervous to be a mom, but I'm keeping the baby. I'm excited about this new chapter," she confessed.
"Well then congratulations. I'm very excited for you," I beamed as I gave her a hug. "And the father?"
"I don't plan on seeing him again. No, it's not Tyler; I wish it was," she admitted as she leaned against the table and propped her head up with her arm. "It's not even the reason we broke up. As you know, he broke up with me beginning of March - a mutual split though I think we were being dumb. St. Patrick's day, I ended up getting drunk and sleeping with a red haired d****e named Darryl. I dated him for about six weeks, but never slept with him again. He got mad and dumped me. Whatever. A couple weeks ago, I confirmed I was pregnant with a trip to the doctor; I'm due in December. I'm terrified that because my mind doesn't work right, I won't be a good mom." I smiled, reached across the table and squeezed her hand.
"You'll be a great mom, Nae," I swore, knowing it to be true. "It's like I said, I love your imagination and hope to take it with me. You will have more ways to connect with your child than anyone because you're so unique and cool. How many kids will be able to say my mom can turn this plain paper into a lifelike dragon? I mean seriously, I'm jealous already." She giggled.
"I know. It'll be fun. And he'll have a great place to chill out with a trusted friend who will encourage the individuality as I work on supporting him. Or her. I don't know; don't care as long as the baby's healthy," she giggled and looked up at the clock. "I promised Pat you would be there on time. Come on. Let's go." I nodded and grabbed my keys, gave Darlene another kiss on her cheek and we headed to my graduation party. "Hope you're ready to be loved, Net," Renae giggled. 
"This is nothing like your party yesterday. Gah! For reals? So many people," I mused as I looked at all the cars. "Holy smokes! Can I leave? Do you think they'd notice?" I giggled.
"Missing your own party, yeah. They'd notice," she remarked with a chuckle as I parked. "Plus, Pat won't let you," she chuckled as she pointed him out; he had yet to notice us. People were gathered in Noah's back yard, so I led Renae through the front door just to avoid the crowd a little longer. Jess was on the couch nursing Serenity. "Care for some company?" Renae asked as she sat beside her and rubbed Serenity's foot. Jess smiled and gave us a nod.
"Noah prepared some fun little niblets out there. Your work friends rounded up some other appetizers. You have a few gifts to open and people to thank. This speech will be a piece of cake compared to earlier," she teased as I sat down at the table.
"No more speeches!" I pleaded. Both women chuckled at me. Jess handed Serenity off to be burped, and ran down the hall to use the bathroom. Renae looked shocked but put the baby over her shoulder and began patting her back. "You're a natural," I praised. Renae grinned at me as Serenity belched and snuggled in to go to sleep.
"I have a few months to get used to that idea," Renae remarked.
"May I?" I asked as I made my way over to the couch. Renae handed her over and I rocked her. 
"Come on, Net! It's time to go mingle," Jess ordered as she came back out, wearing a fresh shirt. I nodded and gave her back her daughter. "She loves you, as do we all," she murmured and led the way outside. I grinned. I mingled, opened my presents, and cut up the cake for everyone to get a piece. When I finished my cake, I looked out over the gathering of about fifty people; a few scenes caught my eye. Josh had made his way over to Esther and was talking with her. Adam was flirting with Emily from work, but she was turning him down as she moved back to Justin's arms. Besides Jess and Noah and Pat and myself, they were only couple I knew of that seemed to have made it work out this past year; they were getting married in July. Lauren was making out with Lucas, slowly making their way to the cars. A few kids who graduated three years before me had showed up too. Noah was hanging out with a few of his buddies, but the only one I recognized was Bryce. 
I got everyone's attention and spoke up once most eyes were on me. "Thank you everyone for showing up and helping celebrate my graduation today. I love that you all made it out here. These gifts are great. I feel very loved and cherished. I hope you all got enough to eat. Feel free to stick around as long as you like. Please give me a hug before you leave," I expressed genuinely. I started to tear up when I noticed my mom was here too. "I'm so glad you all came to celebrate with me. Thank you for your generosity and love." Pat was helping clean up the table behind me and tripped, pushing me forward and cutting off my speech. I gasped and turned around to help him stand up. His left leg was stretched out behind him and he looked flustered. "Are you okay?" I inquired as I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up. He nodded put didn't stand up. That's when I realized he was kneeling on purpose.
"Annette, you have changed my life and I know that you don't like having all the attention on you, so I'm going to make this brief. In honor of celebrating you, I have a question," he remarked as he dug a ring box out of his pocket. Our crowd gasped. I covered my mouth with my hand as he opened it up and smiled at me. "Since you have come into my life, the sun shines brighter, the flowers smell sweeter, and my world is complete. You have made me a better man; I can't picture life without you. I know we're young, but love isn't restricted by numbers: age, distance, height, weight, or time. You have run away with my heart and I'm hopelessly devoted to you. I would go to the ends of the world for you. I love you. So will you please do me the exceptional honor of never leaving my side, taking my last name, and becoming my wife?" He asked as he squeezed my right hand. I squeezed back, long-short-long-long. He smiled. "Sarah. Use your words, doll" he whispered almost inaudibly. I lowered my hand and nodded, grinning as wide as I could with a nod. 
"I would love to be your wife," I confirmed. Our crowd cheered as he put on the thin white gold band with a small diamond flower on my left ring finger; it was a perfect fit. The flower was made up of six petals and a center all out of small cut diamonds that sparkled and shined in the setting sun; the flower itself was no wider than the band it rested on and was flat - barely raised off the band. There were no sharp edges. I loved it. Pat stood up and pulled me into his arms and kissed me softly. "I love you. It'll be a longer engagement than my brother's," I whispered. 
"That's fine, doll," he whispered as he kissed me again. "Love you too, Sarah Annette. There's no rush. I just wanted to do this in front of your mom and my chances are slim with that. Now we have some people to talk to." He kissed my left hand. I giggled and turned around, refusing to let go of his hand. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding onto both hands, making sure my left hand was on top. "I'll give you the romantic version later," he promised as he kissed my neck. I grinned and shook the hand of the person in front of me. Pat shook their hand too. We made our way through the crowd; most of whom were families from work and talked to everyone. When we came to Renae, she giggled.
"Told ya. Pat wouldn't let you be late to this," she teased as she pushed my shoulder. I pulled her in for an embrace.
"Thank you! Ugh! I hate being surprised, but I love this one! Can't believe you were in on it too. I have no plans on tying the knot anytime soon, but would you be in my wedding?" I asked.
"Duh. Where else would I be? Not supporting my best friend? If you're going to be there for me, you know I'm going to be there for you," she retorted.
Tyler gave me a big bear hug and twirled me around when we got to him. "So this whole business about me never wearing my class ring," I teased and trailed off as he put me back on the ground.
"Was to help Pat to make sure he got the right size. Noah couldn't ask because he knows you're kinda against the sparkly stuff. Jess would just come off as hurt that you are against pretty stuff. It worked with me," Tyler finished for me as he reached out and shook Pat's hand. "Congratulations, man."
"Thank you," he replied. He leaned over and kissed my neck. "Love you, doll. You complete me," he whispered. I wrapped my arm around his neck and gave him a tender squeeze. Eventually Mom made her way around too; she was one of the last people to come up to me. She pulled Pat into an awkward hug. "Glad you could make it, ma'am," Pat murmured.  
"Thank you for taking care of my baby girl," Mom murmred as she looked at me and patted my cheek.
"My pleasure, ma'am. Annette's worth it," Pat replied genuinely. I smiled and embraced my mom. 
"He treats me good, Mom. He would never hurt me," I whispered. She rubbed my hair.
"I know. You found a good man, an honest man. I'm proud of you," she replied. "I wish I paid attention when I was your age. Divorce is not an option, but I'm not happy and I'm not safe." 
"Mrs. Gibson," Pat interrupted. Mom looked up at him. 
"Call me Leslie, son. No more ma'am or anything to do with him," she whispered, still holding onto my shoulders.
"Leslie," Pat started again as he put his hand on my hip. "If you aren't safe or happy, why do you stay?" Mom pulled back and looked at both of us.
"To make sure he stays away from my babies," she whispered. She looked over at Noah as a tear slipped and fell down her cheek. "I have a grandbaby I'm afraid to get to know because I don't want him to know about her or around her. I've talked with my daughter-in-law a few times, but Noah is dead. So is Annette according to Brad. So that's how it has to stay," Mom cried. I pulled her in for another hug, Pat reached his arms around both of us. "You're so beautiful, Annette. You've grown into a remarkable young woman. You're strong and wise. I'm glad he's wrong. I'm glad you're safe. I'm glad Noah's okay too and has a beautiful family. Maybe one day, I can be a part of your lives again without fear of what might happen. The day he raises a hand against me is the day I turn him in. He told me about the file. I could add to it if needed. I want to be brave and strong like my daughter. I want to let the light shine instead of letting the darkness win. I love you, Annette. So proud. Congratulations on both your engagement and your graduation. I have to go before he gets suspicious," she stated as she made her departure. I looked around. Renae, Josh, Linda, General Greenfield, and my siblings were the only people left. I looked up at Pat. He stroked my cheek tenderly.
"You and your mom are so much alike," he whispered as he kissed my forehead. "Neither of you like to deal with new emotions and always seem ready to run from them. It seemed like we were pulling teeth to get her to talk. I love you Sarah and just want to make you happy. I'm sorry your mom ran away again, but I did ask her for her blessing before I asked you."
"She gave it," I grinned as I leaned into his chest, stifling a yawn.
"So did Noah," Pat confirmed as he rubbed my back. I rested my left hand on his chest and studied the ring.
"Thank you. I love the ring; it's perfect and not too over the top. I love you." He kissed the top of my head.
"Dance with me," he begged. I leaned back and smiled as I got into position. I began to hum a random tune as he led me around the backyard. Somebody must have thought I wasn't loud enough because suddenly there was a speaker playing Hinder's Lips of Angel. I giggled as Pat adjusted to the new tune. "Not exactly the best lyrics to dancing with you, but I love having you in my arms. There is no other girl for me," he breathed in my ear as he tipped me backwards. I lifted my leg out by his hip as he kissed me and pulled me upright again. General Greenfield made his way over to us and shook Pat's hand. "Good to see you again, sir," Pat stated. I pushed his shoulder. He looked down at me in shock.
"How come I had to find out through Alex that you were a corporal?" I rebuked. Both men laughed. Pat pulled me into his arms again.
"You never asked, doll," he chuckled. I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked over at Renae. She was talking with Tyler again and they were both laughing, but looked uncomfortable. Josh was eating at the table again, talking with Noah. Jess was missing, I assumed feeding Serenity again. I stood on my toes and kissed Pat's cheek, trying not to disrupt his conversation. 
"Excuse me, gentlemen," I politely dismissed myself and made my way over to Renae. "Would you like a ride home?" I offered. She smiled and nodded.
"I can take you," Tyler offered. Renae held her left arm as her hand tapped her hip. She lowered her chin to her chest and shook her head. Tyler looked sad but nodded. "You can just take my car, Renae. Net, your belong in your fiance's arms," Tyler remarked as he pulled his keys out of his pocket and played with them before handing them to Renae.
"I belong by my friend," I countered; it came out a little harsh. Both Tyler and Renae looked up at me with wide eyes. I took a calming breath and grabbed both of their hands. "You're both miserable and forcing conversation. You're both hurt. Renae's been my friend longer than you've been my brother or Pat's been my date. My place is right here beside her," I explained. I met Renae's eyes. "You're not in this alone. You can always ask for help. You never have to stick around for my behalf, especially if you're uncomfortable." She grinned and pulled me in for a hug. 
"You're the best, Net. Thanks. Love you," she whispered. She pushed me back. "Tyler's right. You belong in your fiance's arms." She handed the keys back over to Tyler. "I would appreciate a ride home, if you don't mind. Net, I'll be fine. Take care and I can't wait to see your wedding. I'll be standing beside you," she promised. Tyler led her around the house to his waiting car. I walked back over to Pat who was now conversing with Alex and Josh.
"Net! You made a man out of Pat? He grew up," Josh teased as he pulled me in for a hug. I blushed and shook my head. Josh laughed. "Welcome to the family, little sister. Thanks for making my brotha' happy!" I giggled and pushed him away as I moved to Pat's side. He happily enveloped me in his arms.
"You and Josh should go out tonight. I'm going to go snuggle with Serenity and give Noah and Jess a night off if they want it. I'm beat and this is Serenity's bedtime," I explained. Pat tilted my head back for another kiss. I grinned and bopped his nose. "I'm your's. Thank you for a fun and special day. Go have some drinks, some guy time," I ordered. He shook his head. I pulled him in closer and whispered in his ear softly so Josh and General Alex Greenfield wouldn't overhear, "I love you and trust you wholeheartedly. I need to see you drunk. I won't change my mind. I know you won't hurt me, but-" I paused as I pulled back and looked in his eyes. They were still the soft and kind eyes with a spark of trouble that I loved. He looked concerned, but his eyes remained soft. I traced his lips with my finger. I kissed him deeply before whispering in his ear again. "-but I need to see the good, bad, and the ugly. So do you. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and I don't want to hurt you. Divorce is not an option, but I won't put up with cheating or abuse. Drunk words are sober thoughts. I need to know." He chuckled and kissed my forehead.
"Newsflash, doll. I'm in this for the long run. I could never hurt you by being with someone else. We will work things out, together. Marriage is a lifetime commitment, and I'm willing to take the plunge with you. I've seen the good and the bad with you. I doubt there will ever be an ugly. My bad is pretty much a paranoid, over-protective fool who worries constantly about you. You've watched me thrash two guys. You've seen me come home covered in bruises. My ugly has reared it's head, and you still didn't run," he whispered in my ear, almost as softly as I had in his. Josh cleared his throat. Pat looked over his shoulder, "do you mind? Having a moment with my girl." Josh laughed and Pat turned his attention back to me. He stood up tall and played with my braid. Speaking softly, but loud enough for the company to hear, Pat continued, "I've had a long day too. We can stay the night. Josh you're relieved of chauffeur duty; Noah can take us home tomorrow. Annette and I have a galaxy to visit." I giggled and leaned into his chest. "I will never drink enough to scare you, doll," he promised in a soft whisper. "So there's no need to ask me to get like that now. I will never do anything that makes you feel uneasy, and being drunk is top of that list." I looked up at him and he kissed my nose. "Sealed." I grinned and gave him a hug. He stood up tall and reached out his hand. "General, thanks for making it out."
Alex put his hand on my back as he replied, "it's been a pleasure. Thank you for letting me witness the excitement tonight. I'll see you later, Corporal." Pat stood up taller. I turned my head and grinned into his chest. Soldier boy through and through. I loved him for it. "Annette, you are a delight. Thank you," Alex remarked. I turned and shook his hand. He pulled my arm and I was jerked to his chest. He gave me a fatherly hug before giving me back to Pat. "Take good care of her, Corporal. Sweet cheeks, continue to build him up with love and encouragement. You two are great together. I wish you many years of happiness together." I looked up at Pat and smiled. 

"Thank you, sir. I can live with those terms," I murmured. Pat grinned and kissed me softly.
"Me too, doll." Josh left with Alex and Pat picked me up. "Mrs. Miller," he whispered as he traced my jaw with his nose. I giggled.
"Not yet. For at least another year, I'm still Ms. Gibson," I teased. He grinned and nodded.
"How ever long you want. There's no rush," he confirmed. He sat down on the couch with me in his lap and I looked at Jess.
"Do you remember when Principal Lane mentioned my scholarships and what not?" I asked. She gave me a confused look but nodded. I grinned. "They're not mine. 'Miss Gibson has earned over $10,000 in grants to attend the University of Montana this year,' but I'm not the Ms. Gibson he was talking about. Although I believe the correct phrase would be Mrs. Gibson." I mimicked Principal Lane. She opened her mouth in protest and I continued quickly, "Tyler helped me with the applications. I applied for the nursing program with your name. S. A. Gibson signature can easily be mistaken for J. A. Gibson. I'm opening a daycare. You can go to school at the end of August. I'll watch Serenity if you want me to; no charge of course," I told her sincerely. Her mouth dropped. Pat rubbed my side tenderly and Noah looked at me proudly. "I've been taking a few courses online since Thanksgiving for early childhood development. I'm going to renew my CPR and be set to open my business at the end of June. You're an excellent nurse, Jess. You deserve the credentials. It was the only way I could think to repay you. So congratulations, Jess! You're going to be a licensed nurse." She gave Noah Serenity and moved over to hug me, pulling me up and twirling around the room excitedly.
"Thank you, 'Nettie!" She gushed. I giggled. "Let me see it!" She demanded. I gave her a confused look; I didn't have her acceptance letter here. "The ring, 'Nettie," she demanded impatiently. I held up my left hand and she looked over my shoulder at Pat with a scowl.
"Don't bash it," I ordered as I pulled my hand back. "I love it. Sorry it's too small for your taste, but I think it's perfect." She giggled. 
"There's more to that ring. You'll just have to wait to see the rest," Pat teased. Jess pouted. "Just until Annette picks a date. She's thinking a year out right now, maybe more." Pat pulled me back into his arms. "Would you guys like a break tonight?" Jess looked over at Noah and shook her head as she moved back to his side and rubbed her daughter's head. "Well then, since Serenity has a room up here, we're heading downstairs. Good night." Pat scooped me up in his arms and made his way down the steps. He set me on the bed, plugged in my lights, and then pulled my shoes off, rubbing my feet and calves gently. After twenty minutes he looked at my left hand. "You said yes," he beamed. "You really want to be my wife." I giggled.
"One day, dear. Right now, I'm still Ms. Gibson," I teased as I pulled on his shirt, pulling him closer. He wrapped his arms around me and tucked me into bed. I sighed contently. "I'm happy, dear. Love you."
"Love you, Sarah. My fianceé. I love that phrase. It's so much more exciting than my girlfriend. You're mine. I'm a very lucky man," he gushed in a whisper as he traced my face with his nose. He pulled up my left hand and kissed it. We laid there content in each other's arms until sleep called. Then we got ready for bed and settled in for the night, my back pressed against his chest as his arms snaked around me. "This has been the most perfect day," Pat murmured as he kissed my neck. I smiled in agreement; it was the perfect day.

© 2017 Lynaelee

Author's Note

Refresher! Many names have been given throughout this story. I just want to give you a reminder who is who. I know it's hard to keep people straight, but I got you covered!
1. Joe Anderson 2. Ryan Chesterson 3. Lucas Dawson 4. Jackson ?? 5. Dan Everett 6. Sarah Gibson 7. Mike Hoggins 8. Mindy Jameson 9. Nate ?? 10. Jack ?? 11. Tyrone Kingsly 12. Mitch Lancaster 13. Lauren Malloy 14. Marie Mason 15. John ?? 16. Connor Natiello 17. Doug Nunez 18. Logan Olsen 19. Marie Peterson 20. PJ Phifer 21. Hunter ?? 22. Derek Rempt 23. Esther Sullivan 24. Adam Scirelly 25. Ted Wolcott (Classmates)

I'm aware that I didn't mention every character again, but I hope this helps you a little bit. Thank you for reading.

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Added on February 1, 2017
Last Updated on July 1, 2017

If only



Sometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..

If only If only

A Book by Lynaelee

1. *Prologue* 1. *Prologue*

A Chapter by Lynaelee