57. Joy

57. Joy

A Chapter by Lynaelee

I recovered quickly from my spill last month and promised Pat that I would not do anything unless there was someone else around. He made me include cooking, working out, and showering in that list. So Saturday, February 3, he was opening up again. "The boot doesn't come off, doll," he warned. 
"But it's been four weeks. Doc said I could start doing a little more without the boot 4-6 weeks later," I pouted. One look at his face and I smiled again. "It's staying on. I'm dressed for the day. I don't workout until after dinner. You worry too much, darling." He smiled and cupped my jaw. I grinned and kissed up his chest. He lifted my head and lowered his. "Don't you dare tease me, Mr. Miller," I warned. He grinned and pressed his lips against my forehead. I giggled as he tightened his arms around me. I kissed up his cheek. "Kiss me," I breathed as he tangled his hand in my hair. He chuckled and finally pressed his lips against mine. I sighed as he lifted me up off the ground and he pinned me against the wall. He licked my lips; I bit his tongue softly.
"I'll see you later, doll," he whispered as he traced my jaw with his nose. "I'll take care of you then, beautiful," he promised. I grinned.
"Just kiss me and I'll be happy," I replied. I felt his lips break into a smile against my neck. "Better yet, just come home and I'll be happier still," I whispered. He chuckled. "Love you, Benji. Have a good day." He pressed his lips against mine again, softly and tenderly.
"I love you, 'Nettie. I'll come home to you. You stay safe. I expect you to come see me before the lunch rush. In one piece, doll," he ordered as he looked in my eyes and rubbed above my left eye. I scowled at him. 

"Come on, darling! I've been good. I don't hurt myself on purpose. That was totally a fluke. You gotta admit though, it's a pretty cool scar," I countered. He gave me a half grin but concern was still etched in his eyes. I smiled. "I love you, darling. Stop being so paranoid. I'll be fine," I swore. I kissed his cheek. "Sealed. Go. I'll see you in a couple of hours. I might even be early," I teased. He grinned and kissed me one more time. He released me from the wall and pointed his finger at me. "I'll behave," I promised. He squeezed my hand and walked over to the closet by the door. 
"I hate leaving your presence. Just so you know," he whispered as I pulled out his jacket with a smile. 
"I knew that before we started dating," I retorted. He gave me a sideways glance as he put on his jacket. "What? Did you think spending two hours or more in a single setting was normal? I mean don't get me wrong, darling. I loved the little quips you gave me, but when I was in my corner booth reading you only stuck around about a quarter of that time; I think. I kept my head buried in my books mostly, so I could be off on the time too. You never noticed I was there. You just talked to the staff and left."
"Why didn't you ever say anything, Ms. Gibson?" He teased. I giggled, cleared my throat, and stood up tall.
"Told you. You were the one person who made sure I smiled or laughed all the time. I couldn't let you get closer. I couldn't take interest in you. I wanted you as far away from my black and gloomy world as possible," I told him sincerely as I held his gaze. He ran his fingers through my hair, causing me to shiver.
"Parts of your world were dark, doll," he murmured as he brought his hand back to my face. "But I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. You're world is brilliantly bright now, as is mine." He looked at his watch and sighed. "To be continued. I love you, Sarah. My Sarah." I turned my head and kissed his palm.
"Until later," I confirmed. He leaned into kiss me again and I put my hands up, blocking his lips from touching me. I giggled and pushed him back. "I can never get enough of those, but you don't need to be late or steal any of my time. Love you." He smiled, bowed, and kissed my hand. I followed him to the door and closed it behind him. I played with the lock as I bit my lip. I hated being alone, and that lock was my security. I hated even more feeling useless. I sighed and locked the door. Then I made my rounds in the house, making sure the blinds were drawn. I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and made sure I had my phone on my person. I looked through it quickly and smiled at all the pictures we had taken together. I pulled out my computer and began typing up my English essay. Satisfied it was complete for now, I moved onto my computer class. Most of the work I had left to do was minuscule editing around the edges of the pictures, but my work had to be complete and perfect in my mind. I wasn't happy with my work right now. All of us in the class were instructed with putting together slides for four seniors; Nate and Mike were the exception, they only had three people to put the slides together for. These were all due at the end of the month then one of us would be assigned to seamlessly combine all 25 slides into one movie. Finally, I looked over my speech I was supposed to give in a few months. I hated public speaking. I had turned in my speech at the beginning of November. Principal Lane loved it and told me if I felt like I had to make any adjustments, he wouldn't have to approve them. I bit my lip. That was still risky. I didn't want to cross any lines or come off as offensive. I sighed and paced the room, glaring at my computer screen. I looked over the living room. "Would Pat be upset if I rearranged?" I pondered out loud. "Definitely," I sighed as I moved back to the breakfast stool and sat down. I looked at my empty cocoa cup and took it to the sink. My breakfast sandwich was sitting on the counter; I had barely touched it. "Can't believe he left without making sure I ate more," I giggled as I leaned against the counter and finished the half of the grilled egg, honey glazed ham, pepper-jack, with green peppers, jalapenos, and tomatoes, on wheat bread. I thought back to what Pat said this morning when I served him this.
"Baby, I know you're mouth is hot, but is there a reason you're trying to set mine on fire?" He teased me. I giggled as reflected on that. "I love your food, doll. Even if it burns. Go easy on the spice next time. Please," he breathed as he downed his coffee, my orange juice, and two glasses of water. I chuckled again as I finished my food. I had yet to need a sip of anything.
"I don't know what your problem was dear," I spoke to the empty house as I filled up the sink with water. "There's nothing wrong with my food." I quickly washed my dishes and looked at the clock. It was only 7:30. I sighed and looked outside, the sky was just starting to lighten up, although I knew the sun wouldn't peak for about 15 minutes. "Sunrise!" I giggled. I moved to the closet and grabbed my coat, my tennis shoe, and a wool blanket. Excited, I got ready to go outside in a hurry. I took my key and headed out the back door, locking it behind me. I grinned as I took a deep breath of the crisp air. The snow was melted and I didn't want to sit on the railing, so I made my way to the treeline. I sighed contently as I picked a spot between two trees behind a bush. The sun was just starting to creep up. I smiled as I watched it climb higher. I put my hands in my pockets. I giggled as I pulled out gloves, forgetting I had put them in there, but thankful as I put them on. I draped the blanket around me and sat back in anticipation. The sun was cresting over the house. I pulled out my phone and took a selfie catching the golden rays. Then I sent it to Pat. I pulled the blanket over my head and grinned, pulling my hands to my face and blowing into the blanket. A movement by the corner of the house caught my attention. I held my breath and watched. It was a person, but I couldn't tell who. They slunk up the stairs and tried the door. Then they moved towards the window. I  looked at my phone. No missed calls or messages. I pursed my lips and slunk into the bush. The man moved off the porch and moved to my bedroom window. I pulled out my phone and got ready to call someone. I didn't know who at the moment. I jumped as it began to vibrate in my hand. "Hello?" I whispered as I put it to my ear.
"Hey, beautiful. I thought I asked you to behave. You're not home, but I love that view. Thank you for the picture. So, are your panels charged?" Pat inquired. I let out a sigh of relief.
"They were starting to charge completely. I got spooked. Shouldn't you be working?" I retorted, still in a whisper. I kept my eye on the person by the house. They were peaking in the back windows still. Olivia and Dalton we're playing with Rufus in their backyard, off to the right of our house. The intruder seemed like he wanted to go around that side, but he'd be spotted.
"Quick break, doll," Pat replied. "Matt showed up early and is working now and it's slow enough that I'm okay with just letting him take the tables; he needs the tips more than you or I do. Did you say you were spooked? Is that why you're whispering? What's going on, love?"
"Are we expecting company?" I asked. The intruder was by the back door trying to look in. I was grateful I shut the blinds before I locked the door. However, I knew this meant I would have to walk around the house to get in.
"Why would you ask that?" 
"Because we have someone at our backdoor," I explained. I heard Pat inhale sharply.
"Where are you, doll?"
"Still on the hillside. He looks like he wants to check out the south side of the house, but Olivia's outside with Dalton. I can hear Rufus barking from up here. This guy doesn't look like he wants to be seen. So that rules out Josh, Noah, and Tyler. I'm talking to you, and it's not quite eight yet, so I'm at a loss of who else it would be because I know it's early. I pulled the curtain over the door before I locked it, but he's trying awfully hard to see in or maybe get in. If I make my way back to the house, I'll be spotted," I explained.
"Just stay put, doll, or climb the hill then head south when you reach the top," Pat ordered. I shivered as I looked up the hill; that wasn't going to happen. I looked back at my foot and scowled.
"I'm staying, Pat. It's safer; I'm hidden and I would rather not draw attention to myself right now. I can make a break for the house if he goes around the corner. I'll head to Olivia's first if I make any move back," I told him. I pursed my lips as she gathered her son in her arms and went back inside; Rufus remained outside. I passed this information along to Pat.
"Stay where you are. There's a cop car in the driveway, doll," Pat stated. "I'm putting my phone in my pocket. Stay on the line." I nodded, not that he could see me. "Hello?" Pat yelled. The guy on the porch jumped. He stomped off the porch and headed back towards the front of the house. "Officer! Hello, sir. Is something wrong?"
"Looking for the owner of that red car. Is it yours?" He asked.
"No, sir. The owner is actually a pregnant lady from Missoula; she's my roommate. She and her boyfriend are staying closer to the hospital until the baby comes. No one is home right now. I can go get you the keys if you need it? Although, if my truck doesn't start in the morning, it's what I take to work. Thankfully, we haven't had much snowfall or below zero temperatures. It's Sergeant Alexander, right?" Pat asked.
"It is. Good memory, son. And what about Ms. Gibson?"
"She's my girlfriend and I don't have to tell you anything about her," Pat said icily. I held my breath. "What were you doing behind my house, sir?"
"Oh nothing. Just seeing if anyone was home. Checking up-"
"-Annette told you when she met you that she didn't want to check in with you, sir. I don't blame her. She's terrified of her dad and you seem to be his spy. We know he found out about the Christmas program through you," Pat spat with disdain. I blew the air out I was holding slowly then took deliberate calming breaths.
"You guys have given me two addresses for the restraining order, but we can only have one," Sergeant Alexander remarked. I lowered myself to my back on the ground and tried to calm down.
"He can't steal your joy, 'Nettie," I told myself silently as I looked up at the sky and focused on what was being said on the phone.
"Both stay. One's my address, the other belongs to Annette's brother. One is her residency, the other her refuge. Brad is not welcome at either spot at any time. After the stunt you pulled over Christmas, I think you might not be welcome either," Pat was saying.
"Interesting. I see. So which place is which?" Sergeant Alexander snapped.
"Well she's unable to work, unless she found a desk job, and she doesn't go to school around here. I'll let you figure it out. Excuse me, I have to change my shirt and get back to work," Pat said indifferently. I heard a car door slam and gravel get thrown in the air as the car took off. Then I heard the front door shut. I sat up and looked at the house. The curtain pulled back and Pat looked at the porch. "Where are you, doll?" I stood up and he laughed. I started walking back. "Never would have seen you. I'll wait for you. You're coming back to work with me. Joe would love to see you." 
"Sounds fun. Sorry to be a pain, dear," I replied.
"Nonsense, beautiful. Thanks for telling me," he retorted. I smiled. I was close enough to see him smile back. He hung up his phone, jogged out to me, and picked me up. "Trouble," he whispered. I shook my head and rested it on his shoulder. My teeth began to chatter as he shut the back door. "Okay. You're going to Linda's instead. You will take a nap and stay warm. Love you, doll." I kissed his jaw and climbed down from his arms.
"You're going to get in trouble leaving work all the time," I rebuked as I buried my head in his chest, my arms under my chin. He laughed and wrapped me in his arms. "I'm also offended that you're going to take me to a baby sitter's" I teased. I looked up at him and smiled. We rubbed noses. I pecked his jaw as he backed away.
"It's for your own good, doll. I'm so worried about you all the time. After all, you're my porcelain doll," he replied with a chuckle.

"Fine. I'll go to work with you. Let me go get a book. I still don't need to be baby sat," I huffed. He smiled.
"I hate leaving you alone. I feel better when you're hanging out with someone. Humor me please?" He asked. I grinned and pushed him away.
"I agreed to come with you. Let's go. You're still on the clock. Will you allow me to make a sweetheart's dessert at work? As a special for the guests? I'm mean Valentine's day is coming up,"  I hollered over my shoulder as I made my way to my sanctuary. I skimmed through my books quickly and picked out two things to read. Pat had followed me, a smirk on his face. I reached for his hand. He tugged on the black wool blanket over my shoulders. "I'm keeping it," I remarked. He shook his head and took it away. I pouted playfully and grabbed his hand. We made our way to the front door. Pat dropped the blanket off on the couch, paused at the closet to grab my purse, and then he opened the front door for me. "Such a gentleman," I praised.
"I love holding your hand, beautiful," he whispered as he locked the door again. I giggled. He escorted me to the truck and pulled out his phone. "I've only been talking to you for about six minutes. My break is ten," he teased as I sat down. I looked at him in wonder. "My truck is nice and warm," he whispered as he kissed my jaw. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. "I have a beautiful girl in my arms," he continued softly as he rubbed my neck and kissed up my jaw again. I sighed and put my hand on his neck and grabbed his hand on my neck. "I would like to spend the rest of my break kissing you and getting you drunk," he whispered as he moved his lips around my face towards my lips. I shivered. "Warmth first," he chuckled as he buckled me up. I pulled him in for a kiss. He returned it passionately, pulling back slowly.
"You can't tease me. I like kissing you," I chided. He kissed my nose, gave me my purse, and shut the door before walking around the truck. When he got in, I looked at the temperature gage. "34°F. Feels like -10°."
"Silly girl. Only you would want to spend 45 minutes outside, not moving, then wonder why you're chilled," he teased as he headed back to the restaurant. "If you aren't cooking, please stay in the break room or in B38," he begged as we pulled into the parking lot. 17 cars, that was all that was there, not counting what was in the employee parking lot. 
"Yes, dear," I agreed. He parked and turned off his truck. I got out and took my books with me. He met me in the front of his truck, grabbing my hand and leading me inside. I kissed his cheek and pushed him away. "Back to work, sir. I could use a hot chocolate," I stated. He grinned and hung up his jacket. I made my way out to the booth. I shivered as I sat down, pulling my coat around me tighter. Pat brought me over a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. I giggled. He reached over, stuck his finger in my whipped cream, and put it on my nose. "Can I talk to your manager? I have a complaint about the staff. They're putting their fingers in my food," I teased as I wiped it off. He chuckled and sat down with me.
"It's quiet, doll. Matt has everyone taken care of," he replied as he reached across the table and grabbed my hand. "I can see Matt from here. He'll signal if he needs help. Would you like a deck of cards?" I shook my head and patted my books with both of our hands while I sipped on the warm drink. I scooted down in my seat and propped my feet beside Pat. He rubbed my leg tenderly. "How was the sunrise this morning, doll?" I grinned.
"Stunning. I'm fully recharged," I giggled. I rubbed my foot against his side. He smiled. "Maybe not, fully recharged," I teased. 
"Later, darling. I'm at work," he quipped as he rubbed my leg tenderly. I giggled.
"Who's idea was it to work Saturdays? You have Monday-Friday to work when I'm not around," I remarked as I blew the warm steam into my face. I put it down and took off my gloves, pocketing them again. Pat squeezed my leg.
"The silly girl who thought being normal and having a job was necessary," he teased. I shook my head. He laughed. "You're right. I took this up on myself. I'm going to go clean the tables and wash some dishes; we don't have a dishwasher today. If you need anything, let me know. I'm Pat and I'll be your server today," he remarked as he stood up with a wink. I giggled and opened my book. He squeezed my hand and disappeared. I immersed myself in my book. After a while, I closed my book, took off my coat, picked up my empty mug, and carried it to the dish-washing station. I smiled at Joe and Kevin. They waved me over. I looked around and bit my lip. Pat came back with another load of dishes. I grinned. "Why do you look troubled?" 
"No reason. I need your spare pen," I replied as I pulled his pen out or his apron pocket. I twisted my hair and secured it in place with the pen. Then I washed my hands quickly and kissed his cheek. "Thanks, dear. Now I can go be around the food." He laughed and started washing the dishes. I headed over to Joe and Kevin. They both gave me a side hug. "Hey, guys! Only one kitchen open?"
"Yeah. We don't need both open. There's no need to dirty something up if it's not necessary," Kevin replied. "So I'll do prep work and help out when he gets a second order." I nodded and looked at Joe.
"We'd love your input, Dimples," he cheered. "Looks like we're doing a rueben for the special today, but it's already on the menu, so it's not very special." I nodded.
"And the difference would be?"
"Adding a fried egg. Which means well be constantly cleaning the grill because eggs and burgers don't cook well together. It also means that the servers may lose tips because we won't get food out as quickly. I'm not a fan of this special, so I am open for suggestions. We just don't really have the time to go figure something out. Well maybe one of us does, but Kevin doesn't like figuring out specials alone. So a messy rueben it is," Joe explained. I wrinkled my nose and looked around. 
"Be right back. Can I use the back? I'll clean it," I promised. Both men nodded. I headed to the walk in fridge and looked around. A fried egg reuben didn't sound very appetizing. I was against this sandwich to begin with so I would have a hard time selling it. I bit my lip trying to figure out a way to improve it. My eyes fell upon the tub of Greek yogurt. I grinned and grabbed it. I headed back out to the front kitchen. "Joe, what's the purpose of the Greek yogurt?"
"Um. I think the waitstaff is supposed to make parfaits," he replied after looking at Kevin. Both men shrugged their shoulders.
"That's not happening," Matt added as he put another ticket in the window. "We don't have enough parfait serving cups to stay ahead of the crowd. Plus what is there, only like 48 ounces?"
"Uh, nope. 96," I confirmed after looking at the tub quickly. I met Matt's eye again and he nodded.
"Right. Unless we were serving people a single ounce - which as you know is barely a bite, we'd run out quick, that's less than fifty servings. Now 45 is about the average of what we serve for a special, so keep that in mind if you're thinking up something. Linda wants that yogurt used, so if you have a plan, go for it. Use it all," he ordered. I nodded and made my way to the back kitchen, studying the yogurt for a minute. Kevin joined me.
"You have a plan for another special?" He inquired as he turned on the grill. I nodded with a grin as I finished my mental calculations. "Alright! Walk me through it," he demanded. 
"I need some fresh lemon and garlic, this is best with a half pound burger- so two patties squished together, and a spice rack. I can run home and get that really quick," I told him as I pulled out the cucumbers in the prep table and began peeling them. He laughed at me and pulled out a turntable spice rack.
"Shh. Special occasion only. We're not supposed to season the guest's food, but we use this for the soup all the time. Specials can have seasoning too," he told me. I grinned and kept working. He came back with four lemons and the garlic. I pointed towards a bowl. "Are you going to put me to work, Annette?" He teased. I nodded as I slit the cucumbers in half and scooped out all the seeds. Then I began dicing them.
"Isn't that what you just asked me to do?" I sassed. He laughed and nodded. "Two lemons need to be juiced. Six or seven cloves of garlic minced. You can combine them in the same bowl," I ordered. He nodded and got to work. I dried my hands and walked over to the spice rack, looking at all of them. I pulled the dill and marjoram spices out. 

"Do you want fresh dill?" Kevin asked looking over my shoulder. I looked up in shock.
"If we have it, yes. I'll need about a full cup of chopped dill. Thank you," I replied. I looked over at the stove as Joe came around the corner and looked at us. I smiled. "How's a gyro burger sound for the special?" 
"Sounds good. Kevin, get the box of lamb burger," Joe yelled. I looked over at Kevin who was nodding and moved to the freezer.
"We have lamb burgers?" I asked excitedly. Joe laughed.
"We ordered them on accident and they told us we couldn't return them. I've been trying to figure out how to use them because you need to pair them just right. Gyros would be perfect. They're also a ¼lb patty," he explained. I squealed in delight as I began to jive a little. Joe just laughed at me. "Glad you're back, honey," he murmured as he made his way back to the front. I looked at Kevin as he set the items in front of me.
"If we can combine this lamb patty with a regular ¼lb burger, the flavors will be much more delightful," I explained as I looked at the box. 50 patties was the quantity on the outside. Kevin nodded and placed two steak plates on the stove. "I like your method for defrosting." He smiled at me, put two frozen burgers on one hot plate and covered them with the other.
"Most people wouldn't catch what I had planned for those," he mused. 
"I'm not most people," I retorted and began to hand him dried spices: marjoram, dill, thyme, and rosemary. "Here. Combine these evenly in a butter dish. When you guys make this special, use that butter on the bread," I ordered. He nodded and I began dicing my fresh dill. I added it to the bowl of lemon juice and garlic. Then I carried it over to the prep table and added my cucumbers. I tasted the mixture and turned my head. "Nearly there, just needs the yogurt to balance it out," I giggled. I opened the yogurt and began mixing it after tasting a teaspoon of it to make sure it was still fresh. Finally, I poured the bowl of random items into the yogurt and mixed it all in. I looked back at Kevin as he was starting to smash the two patties together and get them cooking. "Tzatziki sauce is ready. Now I'll get the slaw ready for on top," I beamed.
"Are we putting cheese on this?" Kevin asked. I shook my head and turned back to the prep table.
"Unless we suddenly have feta on hand, no cheese is necessary," I replied as I began thinly slicing a red onion. Then I diced two tomatoes and combined them in a bowl with my onion slices and a splash of vinegar and oil. "If you guys like this, I'll prepare you a large bowl of this slaw," I said as I brought my items over to Kevin's counter. I pulled out a plate as he flipped the buns, they were done. I grinned and handed over a solitary plate. He put them on my plate and I set a large leaf of lettuce down on the bottom bun. He put the burger on top. I got out two spoons and scooped my sauce on the burger first, followed by a scoop of the slaw. "Wah-la! Gyro burger! Pair it the same way we pair all the burgers, fries the automatic if not stated."
"Order up!" Kevin yelled. I laughed and stepped aside. When Pat, Matt, and Joe had all gathered, Kevin showed them the burger. "First thoughts, then we taste it. If we like it, it will be the special today. Otherwise we have another hour to figure it out." I nodded. My mouth watered as I looked at the burger. "Annette, this is all you. So tell them what we have here," Kevin ordered.
"It's simple: a gyro burger. Lamb and beef patty topped with a homemade Tzatziki sauce and a simple slaw. The sauce is the yogurt, cucumbers, garlic, lemon juice, and some spices. Trust me though, it doesn't taste healthy or just like Greek yogurt; the combination is absolutely sinful! The slaw is just onions and tomatoes with a little bit of oil and vinegar, but not enough to take away from the taste - just enough to coat it. We could also use lemon juice, but that would overpower the rest of the food. Most people will understand that when you call it a gyro burger that sauce is part of that. You won't have to give much of a description," I explained.
"No we won't. My mouth began watering when I first heard what you had planned. Now that I see it, my mouth is like a waterfall of saliva. That burger looks and smells really good," Matt praised as he leaned in closer and inhaled deeply. I smiled as I bit my lip and bounced on my toes.
"I think we're all excited for this special, but Annette's more excited about it than anyone. Cut it up. Let's try it," Joe ordered. Kevin put the top bun on and pulled out a clean knife, cutting the burger into five equal parts. I let everyone grab their bites first and watched the reactions. "You can't go back to working the floor, honey. I'm going to keep you back here. Wow!" Joe praised. I grabbed my burger and finally ate my bite. Matt was licking his fingers, Pat still had half his portion to go. I gave him a confused look.
"It's delicious, doll. No doubt about it. Just a little messy," he stated. I stuck my hand out.
"Then don't eat it," I reprimanded. "I'm sure someone else would love to finis-" I started to laugh as Matt grabbed Pat's hand and shoved it in his face. Pat pulled back in horror.
"What? It's good and you weren't eating it," Matt remarked around a full mouth. Pat shook his head and moved to the sink to wash his hand. I giggled again. "Annette, I love this special! Thank you for suggesting it," Matt praised.
"And it's super easy to make. She's got the sauce made up. It won't take much to make more slaw, anyone can do that. Paired with the spiced butter for the bread, we have a winner," Kevin noted. I grinned. 
"Agreed. Downright delicious," Joe praised.
"You can help me tidy up back here, but I still have like five hours of work. It's slow enough having something to prep will be helpful," Kevin stated. 
"You have the best writing," Matt noted looking at me. "Would you please write this gyro burger on the board?" I nodded. "Oh! And soup is minestrone. Apple, blueberry, lemon, and strawberry rhubarb are the pies we have today."
"I can do that. Thanks," I replied as I made my way out the door to the front counter. I took down the special board and pulled out the markers, sitting at the seat on the edge of the counter and began putting the special up. Then I added the list of pies and today's soup. I loved this part, and I made sure I used a variety of colors, making the whiteboard pop. It was clean and could be read from a distance. The blue words for the special didn't clash with the red, orange, and pink words for the pies. The green letters for the soup stood out too. A few filigrees in the corners pulled it all together. "Perfect," I mused.
"Make it $9.75," Linda ordered from behind me. I jumped and looked at her in shock. "Sorry to startle you, Annette. Brilliant idea. $8.50 is what we charge for our ½lb burger. You wrote ½lb lamb/beef combo. Lamb's expensive, but I have no problem believing it will sell."
"Yes, ma'am," I replied, erasing the price and writing it over. I hung the board back up and put the markers away.
"I have some work in the office to do but I was wondering if you would like to come help me paint my front room later?" She asked. I grinned.
"I would love to. And Pat is paranoid about me being alone, so it works out perfectly," I told her honestly.
"Hey now," he teased as he walked by with dishes in his arms. He kissed Linda's cheek. "Hi, Mom."
"Stop calling me that," Linda ordered as she laughed.
"Sorry. Hi, Auntie," Pat sassed as he disappeared around the corner.
"I'm sorry you have to put up with him, Annette. I should be done about 11:30," she told me. I nodded.
"I'll probably be in B38, reading," I confirmed. She nodded and disappeared as well. I made my way back into the kitchen to help with cleanup and more prep work. Kevin had most of it done already. Right now he was combining lamb and beef patties and putting them in one of the metal pans we use on the steam table. I scowled. "You could have left something for me to do! Seriously! I made the mess," I exclaimed. He laughed and shook his head.
"I'm the one getting paid right now, not you," he replied. I grinned.
"Fine. Care to make another one before the lunch rush? I'm a little hungry. I'll have Pat start a ticket for you," I told him. He grinned.
"Sure, Annette. I'd be happy to make you lunch. Do you want fries with it?" He asked as he began placed the patty he had just squished together on the back grill.
"Actually, no. I'd prefer our home chips. Eh, I don't care. French fries are good too," I agreed. Kevin chuckled as I walked away. "Thanks, Kevin," I shouted over my shoulder as I found Pat washing dishes. "Don't want to interact with people today?" I teased. He grinned at me and flicked the hose my direction, but didn't get me wet. I giggled. "Kevin's making me the special. I'm going to Linda's when she's done upstairs. Did you have anything to do with that?"
"Nope. Not this time, doll. The burger was good. It was dripping down my arm. Not a fan of that," he remarked. I smiled. "And Matt! Ugh! He's about as bad as Josh!"
"My ears are burning! You making fun of me?" Matt asked as he dropped off another load of dishes.
"I can't believe you licked my hand," Pat exclaimed. I looked at Matt and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not even allowed to do that," I told him. 
"Well you just need to lighten up, Pat. You were letting that good food go to waste; I couldn't have that," Matt laughed and shook his shaggy, platinum blonde hair on his way out the door. 
"Actually, I wouldn't mind if you did it," Pat whispered as he kissed my temple. I giggled and squeezed his arm. 
"Maybe one day, dear. Right now they're covered in nasty dish water," I replied. He chuckled. "I'm going to grab a pop and sit down. Will you add that to my tab too?" He laughed and nodded. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. I returned the gesture and headed back out to my booth. I read, ate, and tidied up my area. Pat refused to give me my ticket, so I tucked a twenty into his pocket. "You're being difficult," I whispered. He laughed merrily and pulled me in for a hug. "Will you take my books with you when you leave?" I asked. He nodded. I kissed his chest and made my way to the break room, putting my books on the table. Then I left with Linda. She was turning her front room teal with a brown accent wall. I happily helped her roll paint on the walls. We talked, but she was mostly silent. While I was painting by the window, I looked outside. "Linda! What's that large building across the street?" I inquired studying the dirty stone structure. It wasn't as big as a two story house, but it was taller than a single story, and it was as long as a semi, but looked abandoned. 
"It was a old butcher unit. It hasn't been used in about a decade. I helped them clean it up when they closed down. Nobody has shown an interest in it," she confessed. "Annette, sweetie, I'm glad you're interested in something, but I'm not sure if I like that brown wall sporting a teal hand print." I leaned back and looked at my hand; I had grabbed my paint roller then put my hand against the wall as I leaned in the bay window trying to get a better look at the building.
"Sorry. I was just thinking. This would be another fun project to do with Dalton. I wonder which room Pat wouldn't mind with handprints all over the walls? Actually I shouldn't do that to him. Ooh! Guess I should ask Olivia; it'd mean more to her," I replied as I went to the kitchen and grabbed a wet rag. I came back to my spot and wiped it down carefully before fixing it. "Any chance I can go look at that building?"
"Of course; it's on public property. This room is done. Thank you for your help. Do you want a ride back to the restaurant when you're done?" She asked as I put my coat back on.
"No thanks, ma'am. We're only a few blocks away and there's hardly any snow or ice. I don't mind walking. I'm going to go check out that building and head on back. Thank you for a fun afternoon," I replied sincerely. She waved farewell. I nodded at Linda's neighbor who looked exhausted as her two kids chased each other around the house. I crossed the street and looked at the building, walking all around it and peering through the plywood over the windows. I came to a window that wasn't covered and I looked in the room. I gasped, "it's huge!" I looked back at the kids running across the street and looked back in the window. "It would be perfect for that," I murmured. My phone started to vibrate so I picked it up without looking who called. "Hello?" I asked as I started to picture what to do with this space getting more and more excited.
"Baby time. Help," the person gasped in a strained voice. I pulled back and looked at my phone.
"What?" I giggled and put the phone back to my ear. "Noah, explain."
"Jess' water broke. Serenity is on her way," my brother was speaking rapidly. "What do I do? 'Nettie, is this normal?" I laughed.
"I think so, Noah. Uh. Let's see. You should get her to the hospital first! Then let the professionals handle it from there. Have Tyler drive, keep your wife calm, and try to relax. Pat and I will join you soon," I promised. 
"No! 'Nettie, wait!" Noah panicked.
"What if the baby comes in the car?"
"Then call the hospital. Go. Jess has a go bag ready. It's hanging up by the back door. That's about all I can help you with," I replied as I started to walk at a rapid pace back towards the restaurant. "I've never had a baby. Hang on." I changed my mind and crossed the street again looking at the mom. "Can you help me please? My sister-in-law's water just broke. My brother is freaking out. I don't know anything about that." She smiled at me and came to the fence.
"First child?" She asked. I nodded. She pointed to my phone. "May I?"
"Noah, will you talk to an experienced mom?"
"Okay," he replied. He was starting to hyperventilate. I handed my phone over.
"Congratulations. Calm down. Labor doesn't start always start with the water breaking. Now where's your wife?" The neighbor asked. She chuckled softly as she listened for a reply. "Is she calm? That's good... Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Okay. Is she having any contractions yet? She'll know... Two every hour isn't bad. You have time to get to the hospital... Yep. Take a heating pad... You probably have at least six hours... You're fine. Remember, she's going to be doing all the work and needs you calm... Exactly. Good luck. Here's your sister," she said as she handed over the phone. "Congrats, sweetie," she whispered and walked away. I grinned and started walking towards the restaurant again.
"Hey, Noah," I remarked as I put the phone to my ear again.
"Thanks, 'Nettie. I think I have everything. Thanks," Noah replied. He must have put the phone down as his voice grew distant. 
"Noah!" I giggled.
"Noah's not available at the moment. Some crazy person has replaced him," another voice got on the line. 
"Hey, Tyler. Will you take care of him? He needs to calm down. Pat and I will meet you guys at the hospital. Tell us what room when you get her checked in. According to my new friend, you guys have some time," I replied around a chuckle.
"Thanks, 'Nettie. Jess is insisting on finishing her ice cream before we go. She's in no rush, total opposite of Noah. I'll round them both up and get them to the hospital safely. See you soon sister dear," he replied. "Our niece is coming." I giggled and hung up. I headed up the steps to the front door of work and ran into Trish.
"Whoa! Annette, slow down. Take it easy," she instructed. 
"Sorry, Trish. I'm just happy," I replied.
"Even more so than usual," she noted with a chuckle. "Take care, hun."
"Thanks. Excuse me," I replied politely and danced around the maze of tables. ¾ of the tables were filled up. I looked at Pat then back towards the break room as I headed back there. I bounced on the balls of my feet as I waited for him. 
"What has you so excited, doll?" He asked as he came back. I embraced him.
"I think I found what I want to do but will need help with the legalities and other things. Remind me to tell you about it later. But the real reason I'm excited is because Jess is going into labor," I exclaimed. "We have some time, but I can't sit still. I'm heading home."
"Stop. I know you're excited, but we need help. Ice, restocking, dishes. Please. It's still half an hour before my replacement is here," he begged. I nodded and followed him out. He went back to the tables and I filled up the ice buckets, poured them in the sinks, and took the cart of dirty dishes back back to the kitchen and began spraying the dishes as I swayed back and forth and started humming. It didn't take long for me to get a few loads washed and put away. Then I was startled as Justin showed up and cleared his throat.
"Umm. Hey. I think you're doing my job," he teased. I looked back and grinned but kept working. "You're even happy doing dishes. There's something wrong with you, Annette. I say that in the best way possible."
"Thank you. Want me to finish this load and put them away?" I asked as he started to grab the hot, clean dishes to put them away.
"I got it. Thanks though," he replied. I nodded and backed away, drying my hands and moving to the break room. I looked down at my right leg and picked it up, swinging my hip so my leg moved side to side. I jumped when someone came up behind me and grabbed my hips.
"Calm down, doll. It's just me," Pat murmured in my ear. "You're in you're own little world again." I turned around and looked up at him, resting my hand on his chest. "Jess," he reminded me. I grinned, grabbed his coat and my books, and pulled him out the door. "Can I shower before we go? Or are you adamant about getting on the road now?" I paused, looked back at him, and pursed my lips.
"Fine. You can shower. I should probably pack us an overnight bag. Noah's a little stressed, and I wake up the easiest. I'm sure Jess would prefer to have someone beside her as she's giving birth," I told him. He kissed my temple and walked me out the door, with his arm behind my back. "Ooh! And I'll pack food. Jess seems to be more worried about feeding the baby than birthing her." Pat laughed. He opened the door to his truck so I could climb in. I buckled as I thought about what we would need; Jess, Noah, and Tyler were included in the 'we'. Pat squeezed my hand and I looked over at him. "Need some sunshine? Nae says it's contagious," I mused as I pressed his hand to my lips. He laughed. 
"It is contagious, doll. You might've gotten too much. You keep bouncing; I'm waiting for you to burst in excitement. I have to fill up the truck before we leave too," he murmured as we paused at the intersection. I nodded. So he turned right instead of left. "Have I told you today that you look beautiful?" 
"I don't know, have you? Have I told you that I love you? Because I do," I replied as I played with the charm around my neck. He smiled.
"Love you too, beautiful. So what was the legalities you needed to tell me about earlier?" He asked as he pulled up next to the gas pump. "Hold that thought. Slide on over and come talk to me," he pleaded. I grinned as I unbuckled and scooted to the middle seat. He kissed me before hopping out to go prepay, but left his door open. He came back out and stood in the in the doorway. I scooted over again and he wrapped my legs around his hips. "Doll, I love you," he whispered as he kissed up my neck. I kissed him deeply then pushed him back.
"I love you too! Do you wanna kiss or have me talk?"
"Ooh! Trick question," he teased as he kissed my nose. "Tell me about the legalities you're concerned with."
"So you know the brick building across the street from Linda's?" I asked. He nodded and rubbed up my leg. "So I was thinking, there's about 45 homes in the area. Not a very big area. Then I got thinking about how there's not a park or daycare, but how so many homes have kids. Not to mention the high number of families that pull off the highway to eat here or sleep her. Anyways, there's a lot of kids and not really a place for them to run off any energy," I explained rapidly. My leg began to bounce in excitement again. Pat smiled and rested both hands on my knees as I continued, "then I saw the building and was able to look around. You could make the north wall into a climbing wall, going no higher than like five feet for safety reason. Then have tunnels, nets to roll down, and slides going up the east wall. The west wall would have to be for bathrooms and staff dining area. Cover the floor with soft padding, like the same stuff from my sanctuary. Add a ball pit, soft playground balls, two little tykes cars, and some baby dolls. Wah-la. You get a drop and go play place for kids up to like age 10. If I get four people working, six kids per adult, we can watch 24 kids. Charge $15 per kid for up to three hours, gives us a potential income of $360-600 plus a day. For kids staying past three hours, or any kids we have to feed, $25. Then for every minute after closing, without prior arrangements, an additional $5 per minute. For parents that are regulars, like Olivia for example, she would get a weekly rate of $50, for however long she needed. Two employees to start with, maybe an alternate, at $8.50 an hour, gives them a total of $102 before taxes; so paying for the bills and supplies might need to come out of pocket until it's in full swing. Open from like 9-9, Monday through Saturday; I can even do eight in the morning if I needed. The parents who have kids around here seem to take the later shifts. Obviously I wouldn't need all three employees all day, every day. Especially now when business is slow. Position a counter that fills up the space three feet away from the south wall. Kids get a number, parents fill out a form and have to have license present to pick up kids; but only if they are one the form they filled out. Because I'm a kid myself, maybe I'm not the right face for the business. I want it to be fun, safe, yet fair. But I don't know what hoops I have to jump through or the paperwork involved or even if it will pan out. Thoughts?"
"Sounds adventurous, doll," Pat surmised with a grin. The pump clicked and Pat moved back to finish topping off his truck. I leaned out the door as he continued. "I think it's a great idea. We do need something around here -especially during winter- for the kids to release their energy. $5 an hour to play isn't a bad deal. I'll help you look into it, doll," he promised. I grinned and moved back to the middle seat as Pat climbed back in. He wrapped his right arm behind me as his left stroked my jaw. "You figured that all out in the three blocks it took to walk back to me?" He asked. I grinned and nodded, rubbing my nose against his jaw. He pressed his lips against mine tenderly, I grazed my teeth against his lips as he deepened the kiss. "I love you, 'Nettie," he whispered as he pulled back. "Help me drive," he ordered as he pulled my hand to the gear shift lever and held onto the wheel. I grinned and put the truck in gear as he pulled me closer. I lowered my hand to his leg and rubbed his knee as he took us home. He pressed his head against mine, breathing softly in my ear as he rubbed up my side.
"Why are you so desperate to get me breathing hard?" I sighed as I bit my lip in delight.
"Because I can't get enough of you, doll," he replied as he turned up his street.
"I know that," I retorted. He parked the truck and looked at me and held my gaze. He brought his hand to my neck and started massaging my neck. I put my hand on his chest and grabbed his shirt. "Jess," I whispered as he pressed his lips against mine. I turned into him and moved to his lap, keeping our lips pressed together. "Pat," I breathed as I pulled back and he kissed down my neck. "Why?" I was starting to lose focus. "Stop," I begged as I sat back and took deep breaths. I rubbed his cheek as I studied him. "Why, darling, do you want to get me all worked up? Am I not enough for you, just the way I am? Just talking and holding your hand?"
"Of course you are, love. It is my favorite thing to do. You are riding an emotional high right now and it's so addicting. I want you to continue to stay on that high, this is the only way I know how to do that," he said apologetically. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him.
"Jess," I repeated. "And you need a shower. Pat, I love you and would do anything for you. I don't want to get off until you want to. I don't want to cut off your supply to your dopamine receptors by refusing to let you give me pleasure, but, darling," I paused as he stroked my lips and rubbed my left thigh. "You do give me pleasure when you kiss me, hold my hand, cuddle me, when you call me yours, and when you look at me. I love that you want to take care of me all the time. It makes me feel guilty though," I whispered as tears started to fill my eyes. Pat pulled me in for an embrace. I held onto his neck. "I don't want to hurt you," I cried and he rubbed my back tenderly.
"You don't hurt me, my sweet Sarah. I love that I can give you that pleasure. I don't need a release when I have you in my arms. If I promise to not get you all hot and bothered, can I still kiss you as often as I like?" He asked. I nodded against his shoulder. He turned my head and kissed me. I sat back and giggled as I dried my eyes. He smiled at me and rubbed my cheek. "Why are you afraid of riding out your emotions? You have a sister who's going to have a baby you want to see. We'll multitask. So tell me as I carry you inside," he ordered as he turned off the engine and carried me inside. Kissing me gently along the way. "Why are you afraid of leaping, love?" Pat asked again as he stroked my hair and put me down on the bed. I bit my lip and looked at my leg. "Sarah," Pat pleaded. I looked up at him. "Ever since I got you off last month, before your doctor's appointment, you've let me start but stopped it shortly after. I respect you and never want to hurt you but I fear that you're running away from me."
"I'm not running away," I swore. He pursed his lips and moved to the dresser to find clean clothes. "I love being in your arms. I'm afraid of losing track of time again when it's so precious and fleeting. I hate feeling dependent on you, in any sense. I love the way you make me feel. I love the intoxication you create, but I hate that you never want me to return the favor. 'Not now, doll. Maybe later, 'Nettie. One day, beautiful.' It's just what you always say and I feel, I don't know," I mimicked and dropped my head. "Pat. I want to nurture and love you without the climax, and feel like a failure when you don't seem to want the same thing for me." He gasped in shock and I looked up at him.
"I'm never going to get enough of you, Sarah Annette. Never feel guilty over that," he begged. He sat beside me and pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist and sighed into his chest. "Love isn't about the climax and I'm sorry that I've made you feel pressured with it."
"You haven't pressured me, darling," I countered. He kissed the top of my head. "You asked every time and left the choice up to me. I didn't want you to stop."
"Then why do you feel guilty? If you say because it's not fun for me, I'm going to tickle you," he warned as he kissed my head. "Because it is fun for me. It's enough for me. You're mine and that's all I need." I stood up and tugged on his arms. He grinned as he stood up, wrapping me in his arms again. I giggled and pushed him into the bathroom, bracing myself against the door.
"Jess," I repeated as I sat on the floor. "I feel guilty because I don't feel like it should be enough for you, and I don't know if I can ever give you more," I admitted softly. The door creaked open, pushing me forward, I looked up, and he poked his head out as he threw his dirty clothes at me.
"You've given me enough," he swore as held my gaze. His eyes were soft and honest. "As long as you love me and come home to my arms, I'll be happy." I started to protest, he brought the door back and had it bop me gently. "Annette. Darling, I mean it. I'm not offended or hurt by your words. I just love seeing you so happy, and right now, you're not. Stand up, doll," he ordered. I stood up, faced him, and he stroked my cheek, keeping the door between us. "I never will force you to do something you don't want to do. You make me happy. I could stare into your eyes for eternity and I hope you'll let me. I think you are the most beautiful creature in the world. I feel like the luckiest man alive because you gave me your heart. And knowing you want me to hold you, doll, it is truly the best thing in the world. All you had to say was you wanted to wait and I would have stopped. I'm sorry-" I cut him off with a kiss as I cupped his face with my hands. He pulled back and smiled. "You're a great kisser," he whispered.
"And you make me happy," I retorted with a grin. "Please shower. I know Jess won't have a baby soon but I want to be with her." 
"So selfless, doll. It's one of my favorite qualities about you. I'll make it quick. Lay out some clothes you want to take with us, I'll pack a bag when I'm done," he promised. I kissed him one more time and smiled. 
"Love you Benji," I whispered as I pushed him back in the bathroom and shut the door. I picked up his clothes and put them in the hamper. Then I looked in my closet and pulled two shirts out, one where the sleeves would go to my wrists, the other to my elbow. I pulled out a vest that would compliment either of those shirts and finally a pair of jeans, underwear, and socks. I folded them all up and put them on the bed. Then I pulled out a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and a tank top to go with it. I folded those up too and put them with my clothes on the bed. I made my way to the kitchen and looked through my leftovers. I pulled out a basket from one of the low cupboards and began to fill it up, leaving my peanut butter pie on top. It was my favorite, but for the past three weeks, Jess had me making her one every three or four days. I left my basket ready to go on the breakfast nook as I made my way to the couch with an ice pack. I propped my right leg up and took off the boot, followed by the sock I was wearing. I placed them both in the far seat as I sat back and looked at my leg. My ankle and foot was swollen, I was certain I had shin splints, and my whole leg throbbed. "You overdid it, 'Nettie," I whispered as I put the ice on my ankle. Pat reached over the couch and pressed down my leg, gently prodding all around. I looked at him in surprise. "So about that bell?" I teased. He grinned and shook his head as he moved to my ankle, moving it back and forth.
"I'll load up the truck. You stay there icing it. Do we need anything else?" He asked as he looked at me. I shook my head and pouted playfully. "Stay, 'Nettie. I'll be right back and we'll be on our way," he promised. "I noticed your limp was back but wasn't gonna say anything until we were on the road. Now that you took the initiative, you're staying put." I nodded as he took my boot and a throw pillow with him. He had my basket in his hands and a bag over his back as he headed out the front door. I pulled the wool blanket over my leg as a gust of wind came in through the front door. Pat came back in and shivered. "Storm's coming. Let's get on the road before we get caught it in," he stated. I nodded and took the blanket off and draped it back over the couch. "We may need that, doll." Pat came over and folded the blanket up before handing it over to me. He helped me put my sock back on then stand up. In an instant, I was cradled in his arms. I kissed his jaw and he smiled. "Let's go see your brother and his wife. Will you sit by me?" He begged. I nodded. He carried me out the door, allowing me to lock the door behind us. Pat had me sit sideways beside him as he held onto my waist, drawing small circles across my belly. I propped up my leg with the wool blanket and pillow and leaned across his chest and resting my head on his left arm. We talked and laughed all the way to the hospital. He supported my idea of the kid's place and helped me work through some more mental ideas for the place. I grabbed his hand and ran my right hand up his shoulder. I looked out the window as the scenery flew by. I sighed contently and ran my fingers through my hair. I looked up at him and giggled.
"You have a goofy look on your face. What's up?" I inquired. 
"I think I found a new favorite thing, doll," he teased as he looked down at me before looking at the road again.
"It's not me any more?" I pouted. He chuckled.
"It's definitely you. Everything about you. Having you here in my arms. Talking about the future. Watching you light up as you get excited over an idea. Hearing you pour your heart out to me. I couldn't picture anything better, doll," he murmured. I smiled and kissed his chest.
"I have someone who supports me fully. It's easy to take down my walls with you. You make me feel safe. Better yet, you make me feel valuable. You're really not mad at me for stopping play time?" I asked. We had slowed down and come to a stop. Pat looked down at me and rubbed my lips.
"I'm not mad, doll. I'm happy and enamored," he replied. I grinned. He pulled me up for a kiss then had me sit up as he tightened my seat-belt, pointing to the cops behind us. "What's the news on your sister?" I pulled out my phone and looked at it. No messages. I pressed number five and held it.
"Hey, 'Nettie. I was wondering if we would beat you to the hospital. Phew! Luckily we did; we just got here like half hour ago. Jess ate for like an hour before we could get on the road. They're just hooking her up now," Tyler explained. 
"So she doesn't want company?" I asked. Pat squeezed my knee as he drove around.
"I'll ask. Hey, Jess. Net's on the phone," Tyler voiced, but it was muffled. I grinned.
"So? When will she be here? You guys are stressing me out," I heard Jess exclaim. 
"We should go the hospital. Now. Jess is like two nanoseconds from unleashing hell," I whispered. Pat nodded.
"Give me the phone. I need my sister!" She wailed. I waited patiently while she was given the phone. "Annette, I need you. These guys keep pacing the room, fluffing my pillows, and looking at me in concern. Apparently, I'm not stressing about having a baby and I should be." I laughed and looked down.
"It's no fun when the overprotective entourage is taking care of you; I'm glad it's not me for a change. Now who says you need to stress while waiting for labor to kick in? Won't that just make things worse for you and the baby?" I teased. 
"See! That's what I said. However, Serenity can't come out today. I refuse to have her on the third," Jess retorted.
"You may not have a choice in the matter, Jess. Based on what I heard, Serenity will choose when the right time is. I'm sorry that Tyler and Noah are stressing you out. I'll kick them out when I get there," I promised. I looked at the time. 5:41. I pursed my lips. Pat got off at three. Did we really waste an hour as I tried to convince him to take a shower? Irrelevant. I focused back on Jess. "So it's about dinner time. Or at least the time when I should start preparing something. Are you hungry?"
"Famished. Surprisingly so. I've done nothing but gorge myself today. The nurses don't think she'll come anytime soon and I'm not allowed to eat past eight. So please bring me food. Lots of good food. I'm 70% effaced and dilated to a four. I need to be a ten. Not that you care. Umm. Let's see. No Noah! No hospital food. Annette, will you surprise me with something? I don't care if it's a dill pickle and brownie sandwich," Jess teased. I giggled.
"Brownies and dill pickles would not make a good sandwich. I'll bring you something," I promised. "Hand the phone back to one of the crazy brothers," I ordered. 
"Okay. Which one?"
"Doesn't matter. Thanks, Jess," I replied.
"Hey, 'Nettie," Tyler got back on the phone.
"Hey, Ty-" Pat grinned and took the phone out of my hand. "ler," I  giggled.
"We'll be there shortly... Yes. We have food for Jess. Find a microwave.'Nettie's packed our leftovers... No don't tell her... Yep. Now where am I heading? Got it... One more thing, take a breather. You and Noah. Your job is to keep him sane so she can keep her cool. Mama's calm and she needs to stay that way. Apparently being overprotective right now can trigger a hormone swing... Yep... Okay. We'll pick something up. See ya," Pat reasoned. I looked up at him as he handed me back my phone. He was grinning ear to ear. He reached over the seat and handed me my walking boot "We're going to get a few movies, doll. Please put this on. I would love to walk around with you," he explained.

"Were you a midwife?" I asked eyeing him suspiciously as I put it on. He laughed.
"I told you Mac went through three adoptions right?" He asked as he turned into a store parking lot.
"Mac? You mean Lieutenant McAllister?" I replied as we got out. He laughed again as he nodded and grabbed my hand. "Mac McAllister. Poor guy."
"No. Dick McAllister. Military is addressing everyone by the last name, all the time. McAllister got shortened to Mac because he was paranoid and didn't want the enemy knowing his name, even though it was visible on his uniform," Pat explained. I nodded. "Okay, well one girl he was trying to help get to the hospital was like 5' 5" but like 275 pounds or more. She wasn't moving very well and Mac came back to the barracks to recruit help. I was the only one who didn't have plans that night. Mac and I stood on either side of her and helped her walk. We didn't make it to the hospital; she gave birth in the bushes. I offered to go get help, Mac slapped me, and she slapped him. She said something in arabic, but I only caught the word 'calm'. Random fact, doll, I toured in several countries and picked up on a few words from each language, but the only one I wanted to learn more than enough to get by was French. I'm a bit rusty right now, so I won't talk to you in it much. However, I can tell you this: vous êtes belle." I giggled.
"Pat, I love you, but you're getting off topic," I teased. He grinned and wrapped his arm around me as we walked into the store and guided me to the movie rentals.

"Sorry I just said you look beautiful," he whipsered. I blushed and turned into him; he crashed his lips into mine. "So after I caught the word calm, I looked at her. She was panicked and scared," he explained as we studied the movie titles. He encouraged me to pick something out. I scanned and listened. "Mac broke down as she laid back and propped her knees up, taking off her bottoms. The baby was coming and we still had no idea what to do. I stood up and paced as I took calming breaths. I instructed Mac to hold her hand and asked her to breath, using my hands as a guide." I smiled as I thought back to the night when he used signs to help me calm down too. I shuddered and leaned into him, holding two movie tickets. Pat picked out another movie and rubbed my arm as he lead me to the counter. We placed the three tickets we had down, and paid for our rentals as we headed back outside before Pat finished his story. "A young boy was running on the path. I sent him home to get his mother and knelt next to the expectant mother. She was yelling at Mac and was just upset. I placed my hand on her shoulder and got her to calm down. She looked at Mac again and slapped him. I wanted to do that too. He was an idiot but a good leader. I kept her focus on me as I sent Mac down south to see and get ready to catch the baby as the soon-to-be mother screamed. Mac was ashen but did it. Soon the other mother came running up the path with several blankets. She moved Mac out of the way and ordered us around. I caught the phrase 'calm down' a lot in Arabic, but she was mainly speaking to Mac; I honestly couldn't pick out any other words. She was speaking too fast, and I didn't care. She had me hold mama-to-be's leg and brace her back. Mac held the other leg and one of her hands. Mama-to-be glared at Mac and broke his hand. Once the baby was born, I stood back and observed. Mac looked on with pride and said something to her, she shook her head and refused to look. The woman who helped deliver the baby had wrapped him up in the blankets and held him close with tears in her eyes. The new mother dismissed the helper, making her take the baby. Mac looked on with tears as she disappeared around the bend before looking back at the woman on the ground. I caught the word home and Mac and I took her home. She slapped Mac one more time before slamming the door in our face."
"Okay, well she didn't want the baby and was mad at Mac. So that explains the tension. That's not what's going on with Jess and Noah," I countered as we parked. He grabbed the basket from the backseat as I carried in the movies.
"No, it's not, but it will be better if they're calm on the outside for Jess even if they're worried," he replied. I nodded. "Doll, remember Finn?" I nodded. "He had a girlfriend overseas, while his high school sweetheart was giving birth over here. When she gave birth, he was able to watch via Sykpe. It changed him and he dumped his fling. He took every chance he could to talk to Nicole and their son Cameron. He was the ideal father, well as good as he could be away from them. Three days before the mines blew, Nicole found out about the fling and swore to never talk to him again. I talked to her, briefly months later. She gave their son up for adoption saying she couldn't look in the face of a child who had the face of the man who betrayed her. I know Finn would have been devastated to learn that she gave him up. I told her that was a mistake, but I didn't press the matter." I nodded and leaned into him. "I put some feelers out and have been looking for Nicole again. I hope she'll reach out to me. I do know that she hasn't completely given up Cameron; her parents are raising him. They told me she's heavily into drugs now."
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"It's fine, doll. I just know that your brother needs to remain calm. It's easier for the mom that way. I do know that much. Love -not lust but true love like what Noah and Jess have- is just a bonus," he admitted as he kissed my head. We made our way into the room and Jess immediately eyed our basket. Pat chuckled and handed it over as I put the three movies on the table beside her. "How you feeling, Jess?" Pat asked.
"I'm fine. Contractions aren't that bad. Two or three every hour. 'Nettie, I love you. If I wasn't married already, Pat would have some competition," she remarked as she pulled out my peanut butter pie.
"You'd have to compete with a few people. Esther and the Peterson's for starters," I teased.
"I wouldn't give her up so easily," Pat remarked as he pulled me in for a hug. I kissed his cheek. Jess grinned. I looked over at Noah and Tyler. Pat squeezed my hand. "I got her. Calm them for her sake," he whispered in my ear. I gestured to the door and both men followed me. "Alright, Jess, pick a movie," Pat ordered as Noah shut the door behind him.
"Okay. What's going on? Both of you look like you're ready to strangle her," I whispered.
"Jess refuses to let the nurses check her. It was a struggle getting her to load up so we could check her in. That baby's coming and Jess is trying to stop it," Noah remarked, looking back over his shoulder as Pat and Jess laughed in the room. He pulled the door shut.
"So? What's so wrong with February 3rd? She's insisting that the baby can't come today," I whispered frantically. Both brothers dropped their heads and thought about it.
"Today was Mom's birthday," Tyler explained softly as he looked at the door to her room. There's the kicker!
"Of course! I know she absolutely adored her mom. Tyler, I know you do too, but I wouldn't want my child to share a day with either of my parents. The child's birthday needs to be special for starters, but with Jess, it's more! Can you understand why she doesn't want a baby to have the same birthday as her mom who was murdered by someone who wanted to hurt Jess? Or even though it was in January, Tyler said Lionel broke you on the third," I retorted as I shoved my brother's shoulder. I felt like they were missing the obvious. Both men had a shocked expression as realization dawned on them.
"You've always been the best about remembering days, but now that you said it, I can't think of a good third in any month. She was always down on those days," Noah whispered.
"You're right! There's more. Mom was killed May 3rd, 1998," Tyler gasped, horrified he missed that before. "I didn't even think of that."
"Lionel tracked us down December 3, 2005. Jess saw him first. He was civil and kind then got angrier as time passed and she refused to go back, especially without me. I refused to leave her; he reminded me of my own past I was trying to outrun. December 21 is when he took us back, so that was the day I always remembered," Noah added. He looked at Tyler and asked, "how did we never put two and two together?"
"Cause we're not Net," Tyler replied as he looked at his watch. "Let's hope Serenity holds on for six hours then. Even if Serenity adds some joy on this day, the third is always going to bring Jess sorrow."
"And, if you guys really want Serenity to take after me, being born into a room where tensions are high, isn't going to do it," I informed. They both nodded and pulled me into a warm embrace. I wrapped an arm around both their necks.
"You're brilliant, Net," Tyler whispered as he kissed my head.
"Thanks for opening my eyes, 'Nettie," Noah whispered at the same time.
"If you guys want some food, we should probably steal that basket from Jess," I teased. They both laughed and we all went into the room. Jess' face was contorted in pain as she rubbed her side. Pat smiled at me from the couch. Sydney White was playing on the tv. Jess sat up and smiled. "If she's causing pain, she's taking after Noah," I teased.
"Har, har, har, 'Nettie. You're a big pain too," he replied as he sat beside his wife and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"Come here, Annette!" Jess demanded. I grinned and came over. She pulled me in for a hug and whispered softly in my ear, "thank you for whatever you told them. They both look back to normal." I grinned as I pulled back. She grabbed my hand and put it on her belly. "She could tell as soon as you got here," Jess beamed. Serenity kicked my hand repeatedly. I grabbed Noah's hand and put it there too. 
"Holy buckets, Net! She doesn't move like that for me," he mused in shock. I giggled and pulled my hand back. Tyler was sitting next to Pat conversing quietly. "Hey, 'Nettie," Noah voiced softly. "We were wondering, Annette, if you would like to be in the room when she's born?" I looked at both of them and smiled.
"As long as you don't mind. I can wait in the waiting room with Pat," I insisted.
"Tyler's not welcome in. I'm on the fence about Noah, but I definitely want you here, Annette," Jess remarked. I smiled.
"I'd be honored," I told her sincerely. I looked over at Pat and Tyler they were both grinning.
"Ugh. My sister replaced me with you," Tyler teased.
"It's an upgrade," Jess retorted. She met my eye as I sat down. "Women were quarantined their last month of pregnancy and the month following. Babies were rarely kept; we put a lot of kids up for adoption, but also know that the babies of the higher ranking men were kept. I think one out of every seven babies stayed in the complex; I can only hope those other kids will have a better life than anyone there. I don't know what to expect right now as I go into labor -and I know you don't either- but I want your calming presence," she begged. I nodded.
"I'll be here," I promised.
"I have a hotel room, with two beds, across the way. We were told one person can sleep on this couch. Pat can bunk with me until we get word that the baby arrived," Tyler explained.
"The couch is your's 'Nettie. If I'm not beside her, I'll be chilling in that chair. You also wake up easier than I do-"
"-unless you have a concussion," Tyler interrupted. I grinned and looked back at my brother so he could finish his thought.
"Maybe you'll finally get a chance to spill some of my secrets too," he teased. I giggled.
"Like the easiest way to wake you up?" I teased. He nodded. 
"OH! Yes. I need that one. Especially if the baby wakes up and I want to go back to sleep," Jess giggled.
"Simple. He's got a spot behind his ear. Flick it," I responded. Everyone looked at me in shock. I walked up to the head of the bed, tugged on Noah's shirt so he could bend over, and pointed so Jess could see. She grinned. Noah pulled me in for a hug.

"I don't wanna know how many times it took you to figure that one out," he teased, kissing my head. 
"Only about two dozen times or so," I teased. I looked in the basket on the table, Jess had munched her way through everything. I pulled back and looked over at Pat as Noah settled back into bed beside Jess. "What's our plan for dinner? Jess is probably going to finish this basket. I'd hate to deprive her."
"Take Tyler with you. Noah, you are going to stay and eat this with me. There's enough for you too," Jess ordered. Noah nodded and grabbed the table, pulling it closer to them. Pat and Tyler stood up.
"Let's go then. Eight o'clock, Noah. Then no more food," Tyler ordered. 
"I'll keep an eye on the clock," Noah promised with a nod and signed to me, "I love you." I returned it and grabbed Pat's hand as we left the room. Tyler came around my other side and wrapped his arm around my neck. 
"You sure you're up for that emotional roller coaster tonight, Net?" He said in a joking manner.
"Of course. Piece of cake. Promise me we'll go on an actual roller coaster this summer," I begged. "It'll be fun. All six of us, well five of us. Someone has to stay on the ground with the baby. But I'm counting Renae too. She's smitten with you. Is she coming up?" Pat placed his hand over my mouth as he laughed.
"You're rambling again, doll," he teased. I grinned and scraped my teeth against his fingers. "Behave," he whispered. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, he was smirking. "Fly or buy?" He asked as he lowered his hand. I looked at him in confusion; I was unfamiliar with phrase. Tyler wasn't apparently.
"You fly, I'll buy," he stated. Pat nodded and led the way to his truck. Tyler pulled me with him towards the passenger door. "Renae is smitten with me. She also told me about her fears, reluctance, and desire. We worked things out. However, I recently found out you knew," he accused as we buckled up. I sighed and nodded, playing with the hem of my coat.
"The day she came over, during break," I confirmed. I looked up at him apologetically. "I didn't feel it was my place to tell you. If she broke it off, I would have felt obligated to spill, but she didn't, so I didn't," I explained. I bit my lip. Pat reached over and squeezed my hand. "What did she tell you?"
"She likes me, but wishes it was more like you and Pat's. She also wants to explore, not settle down. I can respect that," Tyler confessed. 
"She didn't tell you that she kissed me?" I asked softly. Pat chuckled and pulled me out. I looked to see where we were: Famous Dave's Barbeque. I scowled; barbeque disgusted me but I would find something I liked to eat. Tyler met us at the front of Pat's truck.
"No. She didn't tell me. Why didn't you?" He asked as he led us inside. He looked back at me. "Nevermind, Net. You have a pure heart and don't spill secrets, even if you have a right to. I've witnessed that too," he remarked as he nudged Pat. Pat chuckled and kissed my head.
"That she does. She didn't kiss back, if it's any consolation," Pat replied as we were led to our table. He slid into the booth beside me. 
"You knew too? Come on! Well, it does make the news a little more bearable that she didn't kiss back. One kiss from Net and you go brain dead. It's not fair," Tyler teased, causing Pat to chuckle and me to blush. We ordered and ate. After two hours of chatting and what not, we finally were finished. "Who's easier to wake, Net? Me or Pat?"
"I don't know. I've never had to wake you up, Ty," I teased. I looked over at Pat. "I'd probably wake you up. Why?"
"If Jess goes into labor in the middle of night, let us know. We're going shopping. You know her. Jess will love it if we bring her three or four more take home outfits," Tyler explained. 
"You're going baby shopping?" I asked in a surprised tone, looking at Pat. "It's his sister, so I get him, but you?" He smiled.
"I'm going to look into toys for your place as well," he replied.
"But I don't have the place yet," I countered as we headed out the door and Tyler hung back to pay. 
"You'll find a place. I'm going to help you all I can. I love this dream of your's, darling," he murmured as he escorted me out to his truck.
"I didn't grab my toothbrush or hairbrush. I'm going to miss not sleeping in your arms tonight," I stated. Pat chuckled and started his truck, snuggling me into his side.
"You'll come home to my arms later," he replied. "I'm sure you'll enjoy this as much as Jess will. Serenity will love having you as an aunt and best friend."
"She's scoring two awesome uncles too," I replied as Tyler joined us again. I looked at Pat as he headed back towards the hospital, "assuming you'll let her call you Uncle Pat."
"Uncle Pat? Has a nice ring to it. If she wants to call me uncle, she can. After all, I have no plans on leaving you and your family is mine now too," Pat replied as he kissed my temple. Tyler squeezed my knee. 
"Auntie Net will be the best though," he teased as he poked my side. I giggled and tried to lean away from him. Pat pulled up in front of the hospital and pulled me tighter to his side.
"Stop picking on my girl," he playfully warned. Tyler chuckled. 
"Kiss him good-bye and keep us posted. We'll be back at eight tomorrow morning," he promised. I nodded and looked at Pat. 
"Love you, Benji," I mouthed. He grinned. 
"Love you, beautiful," he whispered as he pulled me into his arms and kissed me softly. He dug in the back seat and pulled out the bag I had seen earlier. He pulled out his clothes, giving me the bag. I peeked inside and grinned when I noticed Socrates was there. "You take him everywhere," Pat mused quietly. I nodded and kissed him again. "There's also a deck of cards, a cribbage board, and your sudoku book."
"Thank you," I gushed. He embraced me warmly. "I'll see you soon. I'm going to go hang out with my sister."
"I'll see you soon, doll," he confirmed before kissing my cheek. I blushed and looked over at Tyler. 
"Will you move so I can get out please?" I asked. He shook his head and pulled me into his lap. I giggled and looked at Pat. "You're just going to allow this?"
"Yep. Because you're not big on action," he teased. I giggled. "And you always come home to my arms." Tyler kissed my cheek and opened the door. 
"Bye, 'Nettie. The moment Jess starts pushing, call us," he ordered. 
"Yes, sir," I remarked. I looked at Pat and winked. He gave me a subtle salute. "Love you, Pat. Bye, brother dear. Behave, boys," I ordered as I climbed out. Tyler shut the door and Pat drove off. I giggled and headed back to Jess' room. She was sleeping and Noah was watching tv. "Cards?" I signed. He grinned and gestured to the table. I moved over there and pulled out the cards and cribbage board in my bag. "How's she doing?" I signed.
"She's doing better. Just tired. We're supposed to encourage her to sleep as much as possible now," he signed back. I nodded. Easy enough. We continued to sign as we started our game, staying quiet so she could sleep.
"And you?"
"I'm good. Just nervous."
"You'll be a great dad," I replied. He grinned and dealt the cards out. We played several games before Jess started to move. I looked at the clock. "11:30," I signed to Noah. He looked up and nodded. 
"Half hour more, then maybe we can convince her to have that baby. She's so miserable," he signed back as he moved to her side. Jess looked grumpy. "Do you need to use the bathroom, love?" He asked kindly.
"Yes. I do. Crying out loud. Where's my nurse? I need water. And I'm ready for the epidural," she spat crossily. I grinned and made my way out to the nurse's station, letting them know about Jess' requests. I leaned against the wall as Noah helped Jess back to bed. The nurse demanded to check Jess. "NO! Please, not now," she wept. I looked at her and smiled. She looked at me. "Please! 'Nettie, come here please. I need you," she begged. I made my way to the edge of the bed. "Contractions are more frequent, and there's so much pain. Please." I put my hand on her belly, the other hand I rested on her cheek and caught the tears that fell.
"Let her check," I instructed. "She's just doing her job. If the contractions are happening more often, Serenity needs you to relax and get ready to deliver." Jess nodded and leaned against my hand. Serenity kept kicking my hand. Noah stroked his wife's hair and I looked down at my hand, at Jess' belly. "Sweet baby, calm down. Mama loves you very much, but not yet," I whispered. Serenity kicked my hand again and stopped moving. 
"Eight centimeters, dilated, but I can feel the baby's head. You're ready to push. I have to call the doctor," the nurse stated. Jess started to cry. I looked up at the clock.
"15 more minutes, baby. Give your mama about 15 more minutes," I begged mentally. I looked back at Jess and started to sing softly Lean on Me by Bill Withers. Jess closed her eyes and began to bob her head to the song. Noah looked at me and smiled gratefully. Jess furrowed her brow as her stomach tightened under my hand, I kept singing. When I finished my song, I moved to You Got a Friend in Me. The doctor came in and looked at Jess quickly. The nurse helped him get dressed. I released Jess' face and pulled out my phone, pressing number two as I moved to another song, "there's two things I know for sure, she was sent here from heaven and she's daddy's little girl." Hoping Pat would get the memo as I hung up the phone and tucked it back into my pocket. Jess was calm and taking deep breaths. 
"Mrs. Gibson on your next contraction, you need to push," the doctor ordered. I grinned as I looked at the clock.
"After midnight, Jess," I told her. "12:02. It's the 4th." She opened her eyes and looked at me.
"Okay. Let's meet Serenity," she whispered as her tummy tightened again. "Noah, I hate you! I should have asked for the epidural earlier," she wept. The contraction passed and she looked at Noah. "I love you. I don't really hate you. Ow," she cried. Her stomach tightened again. I smiled again as she looked at me. "You stopped singing," she accused. I giggled and began to sing Tomorrow from the movie Annie. Jess grinned and relaxed again. I kept the songs coming, Noah continued to stroke her hair and hold her hand. When Serenity came out, I finished with Celine Dion's A Mother's Prayer. Jess leaned back and cried as she held onto Noah. He was watching Serenity. I stepped back and leaned against the wall by Jess' head, giving them their moment. The nurse moved to hand the baby to Jess as the doctor continued to work on Jess. She shook her head. "Annette, will you please hold her first?" Jess begged. I gasped.
"Jess, I can't! No. She needs her Mama to hold her first," I protested. Both Noah and Jess shook their heads.
"No, 'Nettie. Hold Serenity Joy. I'm going to hold my wife," he remarked. I grinned at both of them and headed over to the nurse. She placed the swaddled, crying baby in my arms. I looked down at her and smiled.
"Hey, beautiful girl," I crooned. She wiggled her hand out and I grabbed it, she wrapped her hand around my finger. "Happy birthday, Serenity. You're so loved already, little one," I whispered, she stopped fussing and let out a strangled whimper. I rocked her gently as I looked over at Jess and Noah. "Mommy and Daddy have been waiting for you. I'm sure you're going to drive them up the wall, but it will be worth it. Welcome, baby girl." I kissed her forehead and placed her in Jess' arms. Noah and Jess looked down and cradled their bundle of joy. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture, sending it to both of them, Tyler, and Pat. 

"Serenity Joy! Welcome! We love you, baby," Jess crooned. I grinned. "What were the stats?"
"Baby Girl Gibson, born Sunday, February 4, 2007 at 12:34 am, weighing 8 pounds, 7 ounces, 19½ inches long," the nurse recited as they cleared out. I grinned, leaned over and kissed Jess' forehead and squeezed Noah's arm.
"I'll see you later. I'm not sleeping here tonight. Love you," I murmured as I grabbed my bag and left silently. Pat and Tyler were in the waiting room and stopped me as I walked by. "She's beautiful," I gushed and told them the details. 
"We'll come back tomorrow to see the family, for now, I think it's best to let the Gibson family rest. That includes you, Net," Tyler remarked as I yawned. I nodded and followed them outside. Pat had me lean on Tyler since it was snowing again and the ground was slick. He took the bag away from me and we loaded up in his truck. I closed my eyes as I leaned against Tyler's shoulder. Once we were inside the hotel, Pat wrapped his arm around me as Tyler led us to our room. I got changed quickly in the bathroom as they joked around in the bedroom. After completing my necessary business in the bathroom and washing my hands, I walked towards the beds as I yawned and stretched. Tyler was already laying in one bed, Pat was sitting in the middle of the other one.
"Come here, doll," he crooned. I nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. I bent over to take off the boot on my foot and he pulled me upright again. I leaned into his chest and sighed. "Tyler, do you mind?"
"Not at all," he replied as he jumped out of bed and helped me. I closed my eyes as Pat kissed down my neck. "No hanky panky now," Tyler teased. I sat up in confusion as Pat chuckled.
"Not in my plans," he replied. I looked back at him and he pushed me down. "Your day finally caught up with you and you're about ready to pass out on me. Sleep, doll. I'll tuck you in."
"Thanks. Today was a good day," I mumbled around a yawn and extended my arms above my head. "Long, but good. I don't think I'll be up early." Pat chuckled softly as he tucked me into his side and rubbed my cheek and I rolled to my right side, curling my arms by my head. "Night, boys," I mumbled. I was asleep before Pat covered me up with the blanket or before either one responded. 

© 2017 Lynaelee

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Added on January 30, 2017
Last Updated on July 30, 2017

If only



Sometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..

If only If only

A Book by Lynaelee

1. *Prologue* 1. *Prologue*

A Chapter by Lynaelee