![]() 55. Sunny daysA Chapter by Lynaelee![]() ~Sexual content~![]()
We didn't realize how heavy our hearts would be seeing our mom run away. I loved seeing my mom. I loved even more that she looked relatively healthy for her. It broke my heart that she ran away and that she sounded so depressed. Noah and I found it hard to get back in the swing of things. Pat insisted I stay with my brother until we were good again because we were the best medicine for each other. I slept all day on the 15th, moving only when Pat woke me up; Noah was in the same predicament. Pat stepped up and took care of both of us, making sure Jess didn't stress out herself or the baby. Sometime during my nap session, he took Josh home and packed an overnight bag for both of us. "Take as long as you need to heal, doll. We're staying here. You and your brother need each other," Pat murmured as I noticed the bag. He kissed my head and embraced me again as all I could do was nod numbly.
The following week, I smiled and went to school like I was supposed to, but I felt robbed. Pat was ever kind and sweet and just held me; it didn't bother him that I had no words. Noah was worse; Jess could barely get him to open up and talk, let alone smile. I felt guilty that he didn't get a chance to talk to Mom and part of me knew, I had robbed him because he held me instead of chasing her. We often reverted back to signing by our hips, frustrating everyone, but especially Jess because she couldn't catch what we were saying. We hated doing this to our family, but neither one of knew how we were supposed to deal with it. The worst part was not knowing if Mom was alright. We wished we had a way to contact her. We participated in Christmas festivities. We laughed, sang, exchanged presents, and made a mess in the kitchen. Every night, Pat would take me down to my galaxy, hold me, and stroke my hair and rub my back in a comforting manner until I fell asleep. I often cried in guilt during that time. I knew I ruined Jess plans of getting married at the beginning of the new year. Pat never said anything about my tears, he just let me cry into his chest. I couldn't even tell him how much I loved him, which made me feel even more guilty.
He was too understanding, loving, and patient with me. "I don't deserve you but I'm glad you're here," I often thought. Tonight, we were spending our first New Year's Eve together and I cherished every second I had with him. We sat in the middle of the bed, me leaning against his chest, my head on his left shoulder. Pat stroked my arm tenderly ad he rested his left hand on my right hand in my lap. My left hand held onto the underside of his arm, softly tracing his tricep. "You'll always worry about your mom, doll," he whispered as we looked at his watch as it counted down. I looked over my right shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. "We still have three minutes before midnight," he teased. I grinned. "Even when she's not a part of you life, your mom will never be far from your mind because she's your mother. Your heart is big and full of love. When one person leaves from your life, they take a chunk of you with them. It is the most painful thing in the world," he murmured.
"When did you get to be so wise?" I teased. He chuckled, kissed my right shoulder, and looked at his watch. I looked too. Twenty seconds. I looked back at him and smiled. "I'm starting my new year early. Some part of Mom knew that she would be able to protect me better if she ran. I can't fault her for that," I stated as pressed my lips against his. He smiled, pushed me towards his left side, and pushed me to my back so he could deepen the kiss as he covered my body with his. "Happy new year, doll," he whispered as he rolled over, pulled me closer, and held me snuggly. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Happy new year, Benji," I whispered. "This is going to be the best year; I have you by my side. You make me feel invincible. Thank you for being so patient, so strong, so you." He kissed my cheek. "You're welcome, beautiful. Thank you for being so sweet - even in grief, so carefree, so lovely. Welcome back, Sarah. I missed you," he replied softly. I leaned into him. "I'm sorry-" he cut me off with another kiss. "Don't you dare," he warned. I opened my eyes and met his. "Don't you dare apologize for feeling grief. It's normal. You're doing remarkable. Do you recall how long Josh said it took for me to talk to anyone about my mom dying?" "Um... didn't you say that you told me before anyone? I knew that within two weeks of working," I replied. He smiled and rubbed his nose against mine. "Three months after you started interacting with people again? I think that's what he said." Pat nodded. "I did tell you, doll. You were the first person I admitted to that Mom was really gone. Linda came by twice a week to make sure I was eating. I had a lot of frozen meals. She made sure I ate when she was there, but I couldn't even talk to her. My mom's best friend, my second mom, and all I could do was stare blankly at her. Josh came by once a month; he played the Xbox, I just sat there. The whole time he'd ramble on and off about something, but I never paid attention. Nothing was right. I didn't care. I didn't talk. I didn't kick them out even though I wanted to. I was miserable and hated company, but I enjoyed seeing them. Doll, I understand why you withdrew from me. I'm grateful you never pushed me away. I'm even more excited you found your words again, you little song-bird," he teased. I grinned and leaned into him. "When we wake up tomorrow, if you're still okay, I'm going to leave you alone. Not just to sleep either. Maybe you can bring your brother back before the day ends and we can gift Jess with the courtroom wedding she desires, assuming we can find one that's open." I giggled and kissed his jaw. He tilted my head back so he could press his lips against mine. I smiled and rubbed his cheek. "I love you, Sarah," he whispered as he lay down and closed his eyes. "Sleep, doll." "Yes, dear. But I don't wanna yet," I sassed as I turned my back to him. He pulled me in tight to his chest and kissed my neck as he pulled a blanket around us. I smiled, grabbed his hand, and closed my eyes again. "Okay, now I can sleep. Good night, Pat. I love you." The next morning, I made everyone breakfast, laughed and joked with the four of them, and sincerely felt happy. At 10:30, Pat and Tyler took off to set up Tyler's own home. Jess was taking a much needed break from her nesting and was napping in her room. Noah was playing wall basketball with the gift Pat and I had gotten him. The basket was above the couch, so it made it the perfect spot for me to lay down and rebound. I didn't move much. I was able to catch the ball and throw it back to him as he moved around the room. "Noah," I paused as I rotated the ball in my hand. "Do you think Mom knows what she did to us?" I asked as I threw him the ball. "No, 'Nettie, I don't. Mom's never been in her right mind," he replied and shot again. It ricocheted off the wall and came right back to him. He sighed and sat down on the other couch. "Why do you ask, Net?" "I was just thinking about it last night. She called me an angel and mentioned wanting to see my brothers. Then she ran away. Like part of her knew it wasn't safe," I explained as I sat up and picked lint off the couch. I slowly looked up and met his eye. "She held onto me. She rubbed my back. I heard her gasp 'he was wrong'. When I was trying to get answers about him is when she freaked, tensed, and ran away. If Dad told her we were dead and she finally connected the dots to his lies, then she did what she could to protect us. More than just lock us in the garage," I stated firmly. Noah stood up and walked over. He sat on the couch behind me and embraced me warmly around my shoulders. "I've been thinking about her too. We can go to the post office tomorrow and see her. There's no rule that says we can't mail a letter while she's working. There's no rule that says we have to avoid her. We just have to avoid Dad; it's the only stipulation according to the restraining order. I know that you have your senior pictures printed out. The announcements should be arriving in the next month or so. If she'll talk to us, give her a picture. Invite her to graduation. I'm so proud of you, 'Nettie. I want your strength," he whispered into my head. I held onto his arms and leaned into him. Noah picked up his phone and held it in front of me. "Call home, 'Nettie." "That's against the rules!" I gasped. "Don't talk. The number shows up restricted. If Mom answers, say three words. If Dad answers, hang up," he whispered. I nodded and began typing our home number. My hand shook as I dialed the last two numbers. 3-3-send. I held my breath as I put it on speaker. Noah inhaled too. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. "Hello? Gibson residence," Mom answered. I smiled. "Love you, Mama," I replied softly. I heard her gasp and chuckle. "Don't hang up, Annette!" She begged, her voice cracked. My finger hovered over the end button. "I'm proud of you, baby. Keep up the good work. Brad has taken Annabelle out. I think they're in Missoula, but honestly they're not here. I'm sorry I lied to you before," she spoke quickly. There was no resentment or bitter undertones. "I'm glad you're safe. Stay that way." Noah pulled the phone from my hand. "Mom," he whispered. His voice cracked too. "NOAH!" Mom gasped. I cried happy tears. "Take care of your sister. You two always looked out for each other. Don't come home. I love you. Both of you." "We didn't want you to think you had to go through life thinking you lost more kids. We love you, Mom. We can't stay on long. Dad will wonder about the phone bill. Love you," he stated. Mom cried. "I'm so proud of both of you," she whispered. "Love you, Noah Daniel. Sweet Sar-." Pause. "Sar-." Pause, gasp, and sob. "My sweet Annette. Love you, angel," she cried. "Love you too, Mom. We gotta go now," I told her. Noah pushed the end button and held me. We wept merrily. We were still in that position as Tyler and Pat walked through the door. Both looked at us in concern. I chuckled and lowered my legs, beckoning Pat to come sit with me. He came willingly. I held his hand as he put my feet in his lap. "We were just going to grab more stuff, but clearly you need me more," he murmured as he rubbed under my eyes in concern. "We're good," Noah stated as he gave me one final squeeze. "Mom's alive. We can't see her unless she's at work. Annette is being watched closer than I am, so she can't go in as often, but I was hoping you, Tyler, or Jess could help us pass messages along?" Noah inquired. Pat grinned and looked at me. "I'd be happy to help," he promised. "So would we," Jess stated as she wrapped herself under Tyler's arm with a yawn. "I'm glad you two have each other. No more you against the world; you have the three of us too. We're family." Noah stood up and made his way over to her. "Love you," he murmured. "Do you still want to get married today?" "No. We can do it tomorrow. Annette has another doctor's appointment at nine. We can plan on meeting at the courthouse at 11:30. Actually, on second thoughts, we should include him. And I need to - nevermind. Don't worry about it. I have a few phone calls to make before I forget," Jess rattled as she moved down the hallway, Noah followed, and I giggled. "I've missed hearing that," Pat murmured. "Me too!" Tyler beamed. "You have a wonderful laugh." I blushed and looked down. "Do you two need help moving still?" I asked, looking up again. Pat shook his head. Tyler came and sat behind me. I positioned my back so his shoulder rested between my shoulder blades. "Thanks, little 'Nettie. I think we're good taking a break for now. All I have left is clothes then it's setting up all my furniture and one more bed. My table, chairs, and bookshelves are all still in boxes. I can manage that on my own. How'd you break through to Noah? Jess has been trying unsuccessfully," he remarked as he nudged me gently. I smiled at Pat. He squeezed my hand and grinned. "I had help," I replied honestly. "But Pat's had issues reaching out to you too," Tyler remarked. "What was the tipping point?" "He didn't have issues. He was right there and just let me cry," I retorted. "You didn't seem to mind that I was quiet. Did it really bother you? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't realize-" "-stop, doll," Pat ordered with a chuckle. "Like I said, I understand why you were quiet. It hurt me that you had no words to express the emotions you were feeling, but I understood. You still allowed me to hold you. You still smiled, even if it didn't meet your eyes. Even better, you didn't push me away to try and try to get through this by yourself." I grinned. "So wedding tomorrow. Guess I better find my dress up clothes," he teased. Tyler and I chuckled. "I betcha Jess already has a tux ordered for you," Tyler stated. I rolled my eyes. "I think she's planning on you wearing that homecoming dress again. I'm sure she's altered it already," he poked my ribs. I giggled and leaned forward. Pat pulled me in his arms and kissed me softly. "Is Renae coming?" I asked as Pat kissed down my neck. I shivered and tried to pull away. Pat pulled me closer and nibbled my neck. I closed my eyes and leaned into him. "I'll ask. You guys go back to school Wednesday. She may have other plans," Tyler retorted. "Tell her I'll make her pancakes," I bargained. Pat had moved up to my ear and was beginning to suck. "STOP!" I ordered around a giggle. He chuckled and sat back. "So lunch? What do you guys want?" "I think Pat has already put his order in," Tyler teased. "Is she sweet?" "Very," Pat chuckled. I shook my head and tried to stand up. Pat pulled wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "Trouble," I jested. "It's my turn to make lunch, Net. You've been a great teacher. I can actually live like a bachelor now," Tyler stated as he stood up and made his way to the kitchen. I turned and looked at Pat. "You are trouble, mister," I teased. He grinned and kissed me softly. "Did I say you could do that?" He chuckled and rubbed my cheek. "Love you," I whispered. "Love you more, doll," he replied softly. "I'm glad your mom is alright. Will you go out to dinner with me tomorrow? Since we'll be all dressed up and everything." I smiled. "And hopefully without crutches!" I beamed. He smiled and kissed up my jaw. "Kidding. I know I'll still need help. I would love to go out with you." "Thanks, doll. Can I take you to the doctor or are you going by yourself?" Pat asked. I turned my body so my knees rested on either side of him. He ran his hands up my back. "I plan on being with you," I whispered and closed my eyes. "Please stop," I begged. His hands immediately rested my hips. "Thank you. Why is it every time after a minor withdrawal, you have to touch me?" I teased. He chuckled. "You're addicting, doll. I can't get enough. If you withdraw, I have to get my fix when you come back," he replied. "But I didn't revoke you from holding me," I retorted. "No. You didn't. But you weren't into the kissing, and now you are. Well kinda. I don't want to stop," he remarked honestly. I smiled and leaned into him. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back soothingly. "Don't say it," he warned. I looked up at him. He smiled. "Don't say you don't deserve me," he repeated. I nodded and leaned into him again. "Wasn't going to. You're too good. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. You make me happy," I whispered. "Good. Because it hurts my feelings that you don't feel worthy of my affections. You are the purest person I know, Sarah. I love you. So much. I'm glad you're mine. I'm glad you're back to your version of normal," he stated. I smiled and rubbed my nose around his lips then moved to drawing around his nose with mine. He tightened his arms on my back and grinned. "Let me kiss you, please," he begged as he closed his eyes, lowered his chin to his chest, and pressed his forehead against my nose. I grinned and traced his lips with my finger and tilted his face up slightly. He smiled and I lowered my lips towards him. He tilted his head and I pulled back slightly. Our lips touching, but not connecting. "You're impossible," he breathed. I finally let our lips touch and he let out a soft sigh followed by a quiet moan. I pulled his right hand up and made him it rest on my back. His left hand moved to my neck. I licked his lip and grazed my teeth across it. "D****t, Annette!" He breathed as he deepened the kiss with a growl. I pulled back and looked at him. He shook his head and pulled me in again. When I gasped for air, he let me sit back as he smiled and rubbed my cheeks. "You drive me crazy," he whispered. "I'm not trying to-" he kissed me again and put a finger over my lips. "You're not trying to seduce me or drive me crazy?" "Both," I replied as I kissed his finger. "One day, I will seriously try." "I'm screwed," he chuckled softly. "So Tyler and I listened to that CD you got me. Are you implying something? It's a little dark," he teased. "Skillet is great. I love their songs. Thought you might you would too," I confessed as I bit my lip. "I wasn't sure what to get you for Christmas. I can try shopping again." "I love it, doll. The music is great. I especially like the one that goes 'this is the last night you'll spend alone' or something like that because I plan on never leaving you alone. I loved that you had Jess show you how to follow a pattern and you made me a bear out of my mom's embroidered tea towels. The framed photo of my mom is better. The best gift was the kisses," he teased. I giggled as he pulled out the bag from the drawer we kept everything in while we stayed here and gave me a chocolate kiss. "I love everything you gave me. You really put some thought into the gifts and they're perfect. Thank you," he told me sincerely. I smiled and rubbed his cheek. He looked back in the drawer and smiled. "Although I think my favorite gift came from Renae," he whispered. I giggled as I pulled out the portrait she drew. She managed to capture the both of us from separate pictures, looking at each other as a rose rested between us. His hand was wrapped around mine as our arms crossed around the vase with the rose. I think she used the picture she snapped when I stayed the night at her house, but she put me in a peach top full of ruffles, not the yellow form fitting dress I was wearing that day. She used the picture that Josh had sent me for Pat. The colors were off again, but I loved how it pulled together. He was in a tan button up top with a shamrock green shirt underneath. We were both grinning and leaning into each other. Renae even put some blush on my cheek. It looked so realistic. It was the intimate date that we never had. "How about we try and capture this tomorrow?" He whispered as he traced my thumb on the portrait. I looked back at him and smiled. "Can we frame this?" I asked. "Of course. I think I know exactly where to put it," he replied as he stroked my cheek. I smiled and put the portrait back. "I love you. I don't want you to move away, but I need you to stand up," he whispered. I kissed his cheek and moved back to see if I could help Tyler. Tyler had most of lunch ready. I pulled out some plates and cups. Then I helped him dish up lunch. The rest of the day was fairly quiet. I helped Jess set up the nursery as the men all went back to Tyler's place. "I set up a special arrangement with the jail. Ronnie will be able to witness our union. I was hoping you would be my maid of honor," Jess requested as we loaded up the closet. I folded another outfit and looked at her tenderly. "I'd be honored, Jess. Would I be robbing your friends?" I inquired. "I have no friends. Tyler and Ronnie were always there. Neither are females. You are my sister and a great friend. I wouldn't want anyone else beside me. OH!! Come here," she demanded as we walked down the hallway to her room. She convinced Noah to tear down the walls between the two smaller bedrooms and turn it into one big room. I followed her as she moved around the room, pulling out random items. She opened her expanded closet and pulled me with her. She pointed out a shimmery cream colored dress with lilac bead work and layers upon layers of fabric; it reminded me of a blooming rose. "This is mine. We will be taking pictures tomorrow," she insisted. I giggled and nodded. She moved to the other side of the closet and pulled out the dress I had worn to homecoming. She had cut the dress where it would fall to my knees, but left most of the fabric. It was now a high-low cut dress. Then she draped black and purple fabric over the skirt in an alternating pattern. It looked elegant but simple at the same time. She took off the golden beads and replaced them with an eggplant purple. "This is your dress. Obviously, I redid the skirt. Put it on," she ordered as she moved around her closet again. I nodded and began to get dressed. She pulled out an extravagant necklace. "You don't get a jacket. You have to show some shoulders," she ordered. I grinned as she put it on me. I looked in her mirror and gasped. The gold chain had several amethyst stones that rested on the base of my neck. She continued to hook me up. The chains draped over to my shoulder where they met up with another row of stones. Four rows of chain hung down my arm. She walked behind me and finished zipping me up. "Here's your inspiration. You can do your own hair, I'll do your make-up." I nodded as I looked at my reflection. "Wow," I gasped. I looked at her and smiled. "Can I see you in your dress?" She grinned and got herself dressed. I helped her tie her corset. She smiled at me as she pulled out another necklace/shoulder jewelry thing. Her's was much more extravagant as crystals and diamonds sparkled in the light. Between her necklace and sweetheart neckline, her olive skin tone made a heart that stood out against her ivory dress. I took the necklace that Pat had given me off and handed it over. "Something borrowed, something blue," I offered. She grinned and allowed me to put it on her. It rested in the middle of the heart her clothing made. She pointed to our necklaces, "something old. These were my mother's." I grinned. I had no idea how she managed to take these with her, but I was glad she found some heirlooms. She pointed to her dress, "and something new. Love you, 'Nettie!" I looked at our reflections and gave her a hug. Little Serenity kicked my hand as I rested it on Jess' stomach. "Serenity agrees," she giggled. I joined in. "You're a beautiful bride," I whispered. A knock startled us. I looked down at both of our gowns. "I'll get it," I told her as I made my way to the door. "If it's Noah, you have to keep the dress hidden," I teased. "Traditions." She giggled. I opened the door and smiled at Pat his mouth gaped open as looked at me. "Yes, dear?" He didn't move. I moved my hand to his chin and closed his mouth. He shook his head and met my eye. "Sorry, doll. You didn't pick up your phone, so she called me; Renae is here," he explained. He looked back down at my outfit and grinned. "WOW!" He praised. I giggled. "Send her in," Jess yelled. Pat chuckled and kissed my cheek. "You look stunning. I don't think I have a shirt nice enough for you," he teased. I giggled. "You know that doesn't bother me," I whispered. "Send Renae in before Jess goes all whacko on me." Pat chuckled again and headed back down the hallways. I hopped over to Jess' closet. She was pulling out a dress that was similar to mine, just in lilac with black accents. I giggled, "of course you found another." "Found another wha-" Renae stated as she walked into the room. "Whoa. I'm not wearing that. It's not tight enough," she teased. Jess giggled. "Yes, you are!" Jess stated as she put the dress in Renae's arms and pointed a finger at her. "Please! I'd love to have you there. It'll look a little weird if Tyler's in a tux and you aren't dressed up too. I was hoping you would honor us by being there to celebrate as Noah and I tie the knot. Afterwards, we'll have a night out on the town, all fancy like. PLEASE," Jess begged as she held up a black necklace for Renae's shoulders. "Alright! I'm in. Only because I like the jewelry," she conceded. I giggled. "Spill! I need to know where I can find my own," Renae demanded, fingering the black necklace. "They were my mother's. These are the only three I managed to save. Mom had at least one in every gemstone color. I kinda wore them all the time. The day we left the complex, I was only wearing that purple one Net's wearing; it's easily my favorite. I had a minute to grab a fresh top for her before the guys loaded everyone else up. I hid them under my shirts on hangers so Dad could never take them away or damage them. I wasn't even thinking about saving these. I just grabbed the first shirt I found that would be loose enough to slide over Annette's head and not jeer her shoulder. Lucky me, it just happened to be a hanger with two necklaces under them," Jess explained as she rubbed her own necklace. I looked down at mine and bit my lip. I couldn't wear such a precious belonging. "No, 'Nettie. Leave it on. Mom would have loved you too and be honored that you are wearing it. It looks good on you. You get to borrow it today and tomorrow." I nodded; I had no intention of keeping it. "Okay. So Noah has made some reservations at Red Lion Inn. I'll hold both of your dresses there. We'll travel to the jail together. Not the ideal spot for a wedding, but it'll be wonderful!" Jess rattled as she disappeared into the closet again. Renae and I followed. "Is it too late to run?" She whispered. I giggled. "I hate dresses Net. You might be the only one I'd wear one for - your wedding only. You look great in that by the way." "It'll be fine, Nae," I whispered back. Jess was trying to undo her dress. I hopped over and helped out. Then I put my shirt back on as I unzipped my dress. I would take off the necklace later. I picked up both dresses and hung them back up as Renae hung her's up too. I smiled at her as I put my jeans back on. "What's up? I don't think you came by for a dress up party." "No. I was hoping to steal you for a few hours if it's alright with your family?" Renae asked nervously. "Sure! I need a snack and a nap. I'm tired all the time! Serenity must be getting ready to make an appearance," Jess giggled. I nodded at Renae and hopped out of the room, grabbing my phone and sweatshirt. I tucked my phone into the purse Pat had gotten me for Christmas and followed Renae out to her car. "I'm sorry, Net. I need your sunshine. Dad's relapsed again," she stated and shook her head. "Sorry. Selfish. How are you?" She asked after several minutes of silence. "You're fine, Nae. I'm sorry he's relapsed again. It's not good. I just don't know what to say. Really, I'm fine. I talked to Mom. She's doing better too," I replied. Renae nodded and turned onto a side road. Underneath the bridge, she parked her car. She pulled out a duffel bag and pointed to the top of a crumbling wall of what used to be a support beam to the old bridge that crossed this area, but now was just rubbled pillar. "We're adding color?" I guessed. She nodded. I grinned. "Sounds fun." We made our way over to the pillar and got to work. I let her boss me around. She painted a large butterfly one one side and had me start filling it in, randomly with several different colors. "I want it to look like stained glass project made by a third grader, Net. No order, rhyme, or reason," she instructed. I nodded, leaning against my left crutch as I painted with my right hand. When we were done. We sat in the snow and looked over the river. "I like Tyler, Net. I don't think I can date him," she said morosely. It surprised me. I looked at her waiting for an explanation. She looked down and played with her brushes, cleaning them with snow. She looked up at me and sighed, "I like him a lot. Mom and Dad like him." "I'm not sure I understand what the problem is. Did he cross the line?" I asked. She shook her head and looked down again. "Does he make you uncomfortable?" Again, a head shake. I pursed my lips. "Is it because I kissed him?" She giggled and shook her head. Her eyes met mine again. "He's so paranoid; he's always looking over his shoulder. I can't live like that. What about when we go to the prison tomorrow? How will he treat me? And because he's gotta keep his dad on a leash, how will he treat you? It's not that I don't trust you or Tyler -because I fully trust both of you- it's just I don't want to feel like a third wheel in front of the cameras, you know?" She asked. I looked down and sighed; I had forgotten about those. "Renae, he likes you. A lot. Ronnie is the one at the prison, not his real dad. As far as you're concerned, this is his dad. I'm not sure how the visit will go. Smoothly, I hope. I don't want to have to put on the show for the cameras and I wouldn't do that to you, even if it was for my own safety," I confessed. I looked at Renae and smiled again. She returned it. "Honestly, it would be better if we could record the wedding and let Ronnie watch and respond as it happened. I can't picture the jailhouse as the ideal wedding spot. Jess is eccentric, though." Renae scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder. "How long have you been considering dumping Tyler?" I asked softly. "On and off every other week," she confessed. I bit my lip. "I'll support your decision no matter what. You shouldn't be miserable in a relationship." "I know. Thanks, Net. Dating Tyler, well it's not like with you and Pat. The whole world can see the devotion and love you have for each other. I don't want a future with Tyler; not really. I can't tie myself to him." "No one is asking you to, Nae," I replied. "Have you talked to him?" She shook her head. "That's a conversation I don't want to have. 'Hey guess what, I like you. But I don't like you. There's the door.' That just makes me sound heartless. I care about him, sure, but I don't want him. I want to explore. I want to have fun. But I don't want to do it with him. Is that bad?" I shook my head then remembered she couldn't see me. "I don't think so. Isn't that what dating is all about, finding the one you want to annoy for eternity?" I replied. "You," she giggled. "You can't get rid of me that easy. I'll always support you. You're my best friend, Nae," I replied. She leaned up and pressed her lips against mine, deeply and passionately. I froze and didn't move until she started to lick my lips. Finally I pulled back and gave her a hug. "Nae, I love you, but not in that way. I'm sorry," I whispered. She hugged me back. "You're still my best friend. I'm sorry you're hurting. I don't think I can help with this." She pulled back and smiled at me. "You are still the coolest person I know. I won't do that again," she promised. I grinned. "I'm not into you like that. I don't know what happened. I was just thinking how great it would be to have your sunshine. I wondered if it was contagious. It is," she giggled. I joined in. I didn't pick up any hint of lying. "I like guys, especially shirtless, but I've never been turned on by girls. With the exception of you, I'd rather be in the company of guys than girls." "Me too. Okay well maybe not. I like hanging out with you and Esther and Jess. Anyone else, not so much," I admitted. I started to shiver and looked over at Renae. "Any chance we can go warm up?" She nodded and pulled out her phone. "I should get going too; it's nearly time to care for the horses again. Thanks for spending the afternoon with me. Tyler is driving me tomorrow. I'll talk to him. Promise," she stated as she helped me stand up. She pulled me into a warm embrace. "Thank you," she whispered. I wrapped my right arm around her and rubbed her shoulder. She punched my shoulder lightly when we broke apart. "I can see why Tyler kissed you back and why Pat seems glued to your lips. You didn't kiss back, but it was damn good," she teased. I giggled and shook my head. "I wouldn't know. Can't kiss myself. Plus, everyone else who has ever kissed me, with the exception of Pat, hasn't told me about my kissing style," I teased. She grinned and led the way back to her car. I followed and chuckled. I shivered in her front seat as she cranked her car; it wouldn't start. She got out and looked at the engine. After a few adjustments, she told me to crank it over. It did on the first try. I turned up the heat and put my hands by the heater. "You know, if you kissed Tyler like that, I betcha he'd bend over backwards for you," I told her as she buckled up. She grinned. "Oh, don't I know it," she giggled. "I don't want a puppy-eyed-boy-toy. I want a man who gives me the same excitement I give him. I have very little in common with Tyler. It's hard to keep a conversation going. The kisses are great, but Annette, it's not all I want to do. I can sit there and draw and he'll play on his computer, but we don't connect. I can't do that. I want someone like you. You and I can talk about anything and everything. I don't mind the silence between us either. You are seriously the best friend ever. I'm inspired by you when I draw. When I'm with him, all I seem to draw is another dragon or another zombie. Don't get me wrong, they're my favorite to draw, but with you," she stated and pointed to the butterfly she painted, "I feel inspired to draw life and happiness. I love it." I nodded. "Wish I knew what to say, but I'm drawing a blank. I love our friendship and I want you happy, but I don't think it's with me. I'll always be a part of your life, but not romantically. I'm sorry," I confessed. She just nodded and backed out, heading towards my brother's place again. "Everyone will understand if you choose not to come tomorrow." "I think I would like to come. Weddings can be fun. Sounds like the aftermath will be even more so, but I just don't know right now, Net," she replied. We rode the rest of the way home in silence. I pulled out $40. "I think I used most of your paint. It's only fair since you drove that I pay for supplies," I insisted. She took it and wrapped me in her arms. "You're a good friend, Annette. Thank you. For everything," she replied sincerely. I smiled and squeezed her back. "I'll call you if I change my mind, but right now, I'm not sure. I'll think it over tonight and let you know by ten tomorrow," she promised. I nodded. "I'll already be in Missoula by then. Take care, Nae. I'll see you Wednesday for sure," I replied and got out. She waved at me as she pulled away. I pursed my lips and headed inside. Tyler and Jess were sitting at the table. She was snacking on fruit and crackers. He was sipping on coffee and working on his computer again. I smiled at him as I took the towel off the coat rack and dried my crutches. Tyler looked over my shoulder and looked downcast. "Did I do something, Net?" He begged. I shook my head and pursed my lips. "Talk to her," I replied as I made my way to the sink. I washed my hands and began to prepare dinner. Noah came in and looked at me. "My turn, 'Nettie. Go take a hot shower before you catch cold," he ordered. I shook my head again. "Did Renae do something to offend you? You're acting weird." I shook my head again and looked around the room. I now had the attention of everyone. Pat leaned against the counter, Tyler had moved to the island, Jess was still stuffing her face. I didn't turn around to look at Noah. I sighed and looked at my feet. I bit my lip while I considered my words carefully. Then I hopped backwards, leaned against the counter by the sink and tucked my behind my back so they wouldn't give me away. "She's on the fence about coming with us to the wedding tomorrow," I told them truthfully, looking at Jess, feeling it would be the closest thing to the truth I could tell them. "She's nervous about it being at the prison." Jess nodded and stood up, moving towards the fridge. She pulled out the jar of dill pickles and sat down again. I shook my head. Noah gestured to my wet clothes. "Go warm up and dry off, 'Nettie. Thanks for letting us know," he stated. I nodded and made my way downstairs. Pat followed me. I looked up at him and pursed my lips as I made my way down another step, sitting down, moving my foot down two steps, standing up, and repeating the process. Pat picked me up and carried me down the stairs. "There's more," he whispered as he set me down around the corner and pushed me gently until I was leaning against the wall with my back. Pat rubbed my arm and I nodded. "You're getting really good at reading me," I whispered. He grinned, but his eyes still held concern. I sighed and met his eye. "She's doubting if she wants to be with Tyler. She wants to explore and have fun, just not with him. She hates the silence, loves the kissing. She told me she wants more. Then she kissed me. I was shocked and didn't move," I whispered, afraid that everyone upstairs would hear. Pat looked at me in surprise. "I told her I don't care for her in the same way, but she's still my best friend. I support her. It's not my place to tell them, but I don't know what to do," I confessed. Pat opened his arms and I leaned into them. "What you told them was just fine, doll," he whispered and kissed my temple. I leaned back and kissed his jaw. He looked down at me. "So she kissed you?" I blushed and looked down. He pulled up my chin. I met his eye again. "Did you kiss back?" I shook my head, he grinned. "So I'm not going to lose you?" "Never. You can't be replaced," I whispered. I pulled him closer so I could kiss him. He ran his hands up my back. I sighed and leaned into him closer. "Mine," I breathed, using his word against him. He smiled and tangled up one hand in my hair as his other hand pressed between my shoulder blades. He parted his lips and traced my lips with his tongue. I sighed and opened my mouth. He skimmed his tongue over my teeth. I shivered and my knee buckled out from under me. He supported me until I could stand again. "See. Told you. You're the troublemaker," I teased. He grinned and kissed my temple. I moved to kiss his lips and he stood up tall so I was unable to kiss him. "Restrictions, 'Nettie," he teased. I giggled. He picked me up, carried me to the bathroom, and moved to leave; I pulled him towards me again. He kissed up my jaw. "I'm not staying, doll," he whispered. I giggled as he put his hands on my shoulder. I shivered. "I need your help," I admitted as I remembered the jewelry Jess had put me in before. "Jess put me in fancy jewelry. I don't know how to take it off." He chuckled. "Alright, beautiful. I don't want your shirt off right now. I think I got a good look earlier and saw three clasps. Don't move," he ordered as he lifted my collar and tucked his hands in there. I held my breath as his hand brushed lightly across my skin. "You look lovely in this, by the way," he murmured. I grinned and stared into his eyes. "OH! Speaking of necklaces, I'm letting Jess bor-" he cut me off with a kiss. "That's fine, doll. You don't have to wear my mother's gem all the time," he whispered. I looked at him quizzically. "You weren't wearing it earlier. She needed something blue, I assume?" I smiled and kissed his jaw. "I know purple isn't your color, but you really did look gorgeous in it. The blue didn't go well with that," he teased. I giggled. He pulled the necklace out and grinned at me. "I'll see you later, beautiful," he crooned. I giggled and kissed his chest. "Behave," he ordered. I gave him a salute. "Love you, doll." "Love you, Benji," I whispered. He cradled my jaw and traced it with his nose. "Go away or I'm pulling you in the shower with me," I teased as my eyes closed. "Ooo. Tempting," he replied as he kissed my nose and continues to plant tiny kisses around my face. I sighed and started lifting up his shirt. He laughed and backed away. "Going to make good on your threats I see, doll. Bye now." I giggled as he left the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I pulled out my shower bag for my leg. "Last time I'll have to do this," I thought hopefully. I took quick, hot, and thorough shower. I moved to the room with a towel wrapped around me. Jess was sitting on my bed looking up at my sky. "Everything alright?" I asked. "No. Hormones. Your room gives me peace when I want to strangle Noah. He's making beef and broccoli covered in cheese. It's disgusting!" She stated. I giggled. "Let me get dressed and I'll go make some mashed potatoes with grilled chicken," I replied. She stood up and gave me a hug. "You're the best. Thanks, 'Nettie," she replied. I giggled as she left and quickly got dressed into one of my baggy shirts and a pair of shorts. I made my way upstairs cautiously. "Just you wait. Annette is going to kick you out! I want her cooking. You need to stop," she was snapping at Noah. I held back a chuckle as I caught Pat and Tyler's eyes. They grinned at me. "Save us," Tyler mouthed as he clasped his hands together and shook them in the air by his face. I giggled softly. Pat came over and wrapped me in his arms. "Promise me that you'll stop me if I ever get that crazy, pregnant or otherwise," I whispered. "I promise, doll," he whispered. "Should we go save your brother?" I nodded. He picked me up and carried me to the kitchen. "You know, I didn't pull out beef or broccoli," I teased. Noah looked at me and smiled. His hand moved by his hip. I smiled. "Not the point, brother. You're about to marry her. She comes first," I teased. Jess looked at me. "What did he say?" She demanded. I giggled. "Only that I love you and want to make you happy," he told her. Jess smiled and bopped his chest. "Alright. I told her the chicken she pulled out didn't sound good, so I was making my favorite meal." "Selfish boy," Jess teased. "Annette, please! I want your cooking. Your food always tastes better." I giggled and my brother moved out of the way in defeat. Jess grabbed some pudding out of the pantry. I looked over at Pat. He smiled and began to help me prepare Jess' meal. "How was your shower, doll?" He asked as he diced some potatoes for me. I got two pans filled with water and put them on the heat. Then I combined Noah's three separate items into one pan and moved it to the back burner, turned on low. Now that I had an empty skillet, I moved to wash it. Pat took it out of my hands and smiled at me. "Warm. Refreshing. Thank you for asking. Although I was all alone," I replied with a chuckle as I dumped the cubed potatoes into a pot of boiling water. The other one was for some noodles to compliment Noah's meal. Pat came behind me, laughing softly, and placed the cleaned skillet back on the stove. I took my chicken breasts that I had seasoned and put them on the heat. I looked over at Pat and teased, "you almost got wet with me downstairs." He smiled, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my cheek. "Sorry, doll. Not yet," he whispered. I grinned. "Good because I was only kidding. Although, I loved you reaching your hand under my shirt to take off that necklace. I wasn't trying to seduce you. I just had to scare you away. I wanted to cook and it would only be possible if I finished my shower before Noah finished cooking. I owe you some alone time later though. I've missed your kisses too," I told him sincerely. He chuckled and ran his left hand up my arm. "You're very scary. Can I stay or do you want me to go?" He asked. I leaned into him and held onto his hand. "I'll stay," he whispered as he kissed my neck. I grinned. "Guide me," he ordered. I giggled and took his hand. Together we stirred Noah's cheesy casserole toppings, put a little oil in the water for the noodles so they wouldn't stick together, then we put a pinch of salt in the potatoes. I had him reach over and grab the noodles, break them up and pour them in the water on the back burner. Finally, we flipped the chicken and put a lid over them. I chuckled as he breathed in my ear. I looked around and pressed my lips together as I looked back at the stove. "What do we need now, doll?" Pat asked. "Carrots. Steamed carrots would pair perfectly with either of these meals, but I have no room to cook them. The food is almost done and if I take one of these items off the stove to steam the carrots, something will be cold. I hate serving cold food," I stated. He chuckled and moved to the pantry and pulled out two cans of carrots. I scowled at them. "Fresh is better. They'll do. Three minutes in the microwave," I ordered. He nodded and opened them up, pouring them into a microwavable safe bowl. After he got them in the microwave, I had him strain my noodles and potatoes as I started my gravy. After he rinsed them, he put them back into their pans. "Darling?" He looked over at me and smiled. I handed over some butter and a potato masher. "Could you mash the potatoes please?" I asked. He nodded and pulled out some milk while I continued to whisk my gravy. The microwave beeped as I finished up. Pat pushed the pan over to me while I looked it over. "I'm proud of you, darling. You are becoming an excellent cook. This is wonderful," I praised. He kissed my cheek as I turned off the multiple burners. Then he got out five plates. "Dinner," I called. Everyone bustled in excitedly. I looked over at Pat and grinned. He pulled out several glasses. He gestured towards my three options: milk, water, or lemonade. I held up two fingers. He chuckled. Jess dished up first, followed by Noah, and Pat. I dished up and Tyler took it away from me. There was a question in his eyes, but he looked down, afraid to ask. "Tyler," I whispered. He met my eye. "You can ask me anything." "Tell me straight, Net. Does Renae hate me?" He begged. "No. She really likes you. She loves kissing you. She loves that her parents love you too," I confirmed. "Her dad relapsed again. She promised she would talk to you if she came with us tomorrow, especially since she'd be riding with you. We'll know by 10 what she chooses." He smiled at me and carried both our plates to the table. I hopped over and sat next to Pat. He reached over. I giggled and moved my fork to my left hand and grabbed his hand. He squeezed my hand as he dug into the potatoes covered in Noah's cheese sauce. I dug into my noodles and chicken. Jess dug happily into her her chicken smothered in gravy and generous portion of potatoes sans gravy. She was quiet and bouncing in her seat. I giggled. Pat squeezed my hand. I looked around at everyone at the table. "I'm just happy. With all of you. I like this version of family. I'm sorry that I clocked out, worrying about Mom. I shouldn't have." "Knock it off," Tyler ordered. I met his eye and Pat squeezed my hand again. "We all understand. We love this family too, but that doesn't mean you can't care about other family members too." "Agreed," Noah added. He met my eye and smiled. "I'm sorry too. Net, I said good-bye along time ago, vowing to never look back. When I saw her embrace you, part of me was jealous. I miss Mom too. She'll always be a part of me. I don't miss Annabelle. I really don't desire to see Dad. But I do miss Mom. Although she wasn't there mentally, she was a rock. Tomorrow, I'm going to start off on a new journey. With my wife, my brother-in-law, my sister, and her boyfriend. They're all the family I need," he stated. Everyone at the table grinned. "It's nice to be part of such a wonderful family. Even if you all are so dysfunctional," Pat teased causing a soft laughter to fill the air. "I look forward to the ceremony," he said sincerely as he took another bite. The rest of the night passed quickly, full of laughter. We ate dinner, cleaned up, played charades - switching up the teams several times, and finally we went to bed. As I was brushing my hair, Pat came up behind me and placed his hands on my hips. "You're amazing, doll," he whispered as he kissed my neck. I ducked my head, and put my brush on the counter by the sink, noticing he had changed into shorts too. He turned me around and kissed my nose. "Love you," he whispered. I smiled and pressed my lips against his. "Love you too," I breathed. "So tomorrow. No more crutches. Or well maybe by the end of the week. I know being out practically for almost half a year will cause some muscle weakness. But soon! I can walk again," I giggled. He sighed and picked me up, carrying me to bed. "Which means you won't let me carry you as much," he pouted. "Which means you can teach me to dance properly," I retorted. He grinned and kissed me again. He began kissing around my neck. "Tell me," he ordered. I gave him his two second pause before responding making sure he didn't have anything else to say. He continued to kiss around my neck. "I can't wait to get this cast off! My leg itches so bad," I giggled. "I bet," he whispered as he moved his kisses around my forehead. I intertwined my fingers in his hands and pulled them above my head. He pulled back and looked mischievously at me. "I love you," I whispered. He smiled and pressed his lips softly against mine. I shifted my hips as he moved his head to my chest and laid down. I took several deep breaths as I released his hands and began to play with his hair. I moved down to his shirt and tugged on it. "Can I take your shirt off?" I asked. "I don't know. Do you plan on trying to get me in the shower again?" He teased as le looked up at me. I blushed and shook my head. "No. I was going to rub your back. I'm sorry about earlier. I really wouldn't have let you in," I whispered. He nodded against my chest and moved to my left side, resting on my breast. I blushed and pulled his shirt over his head. I began rubbing his back. He crawled back up and rested his head by my shoulder. I moved my hands down his back and worked on all his knots. He kissed my cheek. "That feels good, doll. Thanks," he sighed. I smiled and kept working. "It makes me happy that your family thinks of me as part of yours," he whispered as he pulled my hands away from his back. He rolled to his back and pulled me with him. "You are so beautiful. I love you, with all that I am." I smiled and kissed him, rolling into his side and snuggling in. "I love you too, Patrick Benjamin Miller. Thanks for loving me as I am," I whispered. He turned to his side as he began to draw small circles on my back. "You're perfect, doll. It makes it easy to love," he replied. I smiled and ran my fingers down his chest. He kissed my forehead. "And you're mine," he whispered. "That's the best thing in the world." "I'm far from perfect, but I think that with you, my world is perfect," I replied softly. He pushed his chin against my head so that he could see my eyes. I smiled at him. He was grinning ear to ear. I returned the smile as he lowered his lips to mine. When he pulled back, I sighed contently and looked around the room. "Can we go home tomorrow? After the wedding and what not," I begged. "I'm home with you in my arms," he replied as he kissed my temple. I snickered and buried my nose in his chest. "Our home, yes. We can go to our home tomorrow," he whispered. I smiled and closed my eyes. He tucked my hair behind my ear and rubbed it tenderly. I pulled his arm around my waist, allowing him to put his hand under my shirt. "Not tonight, doll," he whispered. "I'm not looking for a release," I retorted. He chuckled. "I love how you electrify me with a single touch. Plus, your hand is warm." He laughed again as he sat up and pulled up the blanket, tucking it around me. Before he laid down again, he took off his leg then snuggled into me. "You asked for me to not do it after a break," he teased and moved ever so closer to me. "Besides, this is just fine. I love holding my pure, sweet rose for dear life," he stated. I grinned as he wrapped both arms around me. I rested my hands on his chest as he kissed my forehead. I traced his calf with my toes and he chuckled. "Will you be warm enough tonight, darling? Your toes are freezing," he whispered. I nodded and kissed above my fingers, pulling my foot away from him as I shifted my hips back and curled my knees. "Good. Sleep well, my darling rose." "Good night, my mighty shield. I love you," I replied as I yawned and closed my eyes. He stroked my hair until I went to sleep. Once again, I woke up first. I rolled over to my stomach and pressed my ear against his chest. His heartbeat was rhythmic and steady. I smiled as I breathed into the bed. Before too long, his heartbeat seemed to skip a beat and speed up. I hid a smile in the bed. He moved closer to me and rubbed my back then pushed the hair over my shoulder. The lights from my galaxy made me squint my eyes and close them tightly. He snickered softly and rolled to his back, pulling me with him. "Let me guess, 'oh doll! Don't hide your face!' You could be more original," I teased as I picked my head up. He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. "Actually I was thinking 'I love you and all your quirks, even if I don't understand them. And you should never hide something so beautiful.' You could have woken me," he whispered. I smiled and shook my head. "Why'd you bury your head in the bed? It just makes daylight harder to endure." "I was afraid to kiss your bare chest with a cold nose or lips," I replied cheekily. He pressed his lips against mine again. "Not cold," he teased. I smiled and pulled back. "It's not often that I wake up before you. I always like to watch you sleep and pull you in closer. It's also not often that you just let me sleep before waking me. You are a rarity, my love," he whispered. I grinned and sat up. He wasn't far behind me. "Can I help you stretch?" Pat begged as he kissed my neck. I looked back at him and smiled. "I am capable of doing it on my own, you know. Well mostly on my own," I teased. He chuckled and stood up. I looked back at him as he balanced on one leg. I climbed out of bed and joined him. I looked down at his stance and grinned. "Can I be your left leg as you become my right?" He smiled and guided me to his side. His left hand held my right hand up in the air. His right arm reached across his body. I copied him and held onto it with my left hand. He pulled me to my left, moving our hands above his head. Slowly we stood up and leaned the opposite direction. Gradually, he raised both hands above our hands and turned me so we were back to back. I giggled as he leaned forward, making my back arch. Then he reversed it. I bit my lip the further forward I went, afraid I could collapse and hurt both of us. He stood up again before we reached that point and twirled me around so I was in front of him. I kissed his cheek and he spun me one more time, making it so I perpendicular to him. I smiled as he continued to hold my left hand with his right. "You have exceptional control for being a flamingo," I teased. "I learned from the best," he teased as he kissed my cheek. I grinned and sat down in a squat. He held me steady as I came back up. "My turn," he whispered. I nodded and watched him do the same exercise. "At least ten," he ordered as he stood up again. I nodded and did it again, putting more distance between us. He didn't let go of me. "I'm not as steady as you, doll," he murmured as he went down again for our seventh rep. "Seven, that's good enough for two flamingos. Besides, you're starting to sway," he stated as he pulled me in for a kiss. I wrapped both arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He pushed me onto the bed and crawled up. He kissed up my jaw before kissing down my body. I ran my fingers through his hair, while it was short, it was still a sensation I loved. He grabbed both my hands and held them on my stomach with his right hand. He pulled a pillow over and set it behind my head and under my shoulders, gazing into my eyes. "Do you trust me, 'Nettie?" He whispered as his hand traced down the right side of my body. I nodded. He kissed my cheek before continuing. "Keep your eyes on me. Stop me if it's too much. Even if just one time, you think 'no,' I want you to tell me," he begged. I nodded again. He kissed my neck and I sighed. He moved down to my collarbone. He kissed between my peaks and moved down to my stomach where he kissed my fingers. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. "Uh-uh, 'Nettie," Pat breathed. I looked back at him and smiled. He returned it and moved to my right hip, kissing it gently. I pulled my left leg up and traced his side. He grinned as he released my hands and moved to my right leg, planting several small kisses down the outside of my thigh. My breathing came in short gasps as he traced his kisses with his left hand and rested his right hand on the top of my leg. He kissed my knee then down my cast until finally his kissed my toes. I shivered, he chuckled. He moved to my left leg, pulling it straight, and started kissing up it. He paused when he reached my knee as his eyes searched mine. I reached down and pulled him back up to my face. His right hand rested by my ear and I placed the other hand on my hip as I wrapped my arms around him; one on his neck, the other around his waist. Once again, I pulled my leg up as he deepened the kiss on my lips. "'Nettie," he breathed. I smiled and he ran his tongue across my teeth. I pulled on his shoulder blade as he shifted his hips and pressed tighter against me, just below my pelvic bone. "Oh God! Baby," he moved to my neck and wrapped both arms around me tightly. I panted and gasped as his kisses got wilder, his sucking more fervent, and his breathing more haggard. I closed my eyes and pressed my body against his, scraping my nails across his back as he moved to my ear, as I let out a soft moan. My body went rigid; not ready for it to be done, I tried to push him back so I could fight it as I lowered my body. "Ride it out, doll," he ordered. "I'm not done with you yet," he whispered. I leaned into him and kissed his jaw as I again inhaled sharply, gasping for air. I pulled his head closer and nibbled the nook between his shoulder and neck. He moaned in satisfaction. He moved back to my mouth and started nibbling my lips. A sudden warmth came from my pelvic region as I arched my back and curled my toes. I pressed against the bed with my foot and elbows as I tried to focus. My head rolled back and my eyes closed as the sensation started to feel overwhelming. Pat moved back to my neck and kept me in that position for a while. His left hand pressed in the small of my back. Finally he moved his kisses back to my mouth with slower deliberate kisses until I was able to relax. I smiled as I held onto him. He rolled to my right unto his back, keeping me in his arms as he began rubbing my back. I panted on his chest as I tried to calm down; my whole body quivered. "Doll," he whispered, trapping my right arm as I pulled my left arm out and rubbed his chest. I lifted my head and met his eye. "I'm drunk, thanks a lot," I teased as I rolled to my left, flopping on my back and looked up at my galaxy. I sighed contently as he rolled over to his side and stroked my face. "Can I just lay here? I don't want to move," I stated as I pulled my right hand up and ran my fingers through my hair. He kissed down my arm as it passed his face. I giggled and put hand back in my hair as I rested my left hand on his neck. "I was going to ask if you're alright. You're quiet. Which isn't a bad thing, but doll, this is a whole form of quiet from you. You're beautiful, 'Nettie," he murmured. I smiled and looked at him, allowing him to pull both of my hands down to my stomach. "Yeah. You're more than alright. Welcome to the town of Euphoria. Population you," he teased as he traced up my right side. I giggled and closed my eyes. "Get your bearings, doll. I'll be back in a few," he promised as I opened my eyes again with a smile. Pat was grinning at me. I nodded but didn't move; I couldn't. It wasn't long before he was sitting beside me again. "Hey. Talk to me," he ordered as he rubbed my cheek. I gave him a confused glance. "Twenty minutes, doll. You haven't moved. Are you still with me?" "Nope. I'm in my own galaxy. That was unexpected," I murmured. I sat up and looked at him. I began to sway and felt lightheaded. "Did you say twenty minutes? You couldn't have been gone more than three, maybe four." He started to push me down, concern written on his face. "Twenty minutes, doll. I took a shower and shaved my head again. You're swaying, doll. Please, lay down," he begged. I shook my head and put my legs over the bed. "Annette," Pat's voice was laced in worry as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Doll, did I break you?" I giggled and leaned over and kissed his cheek. "No, sir. I need to use the bathroom. Will you help me or do I have to go on my own? Maybe some cold water will be helpful too. I just don't want to move. It's very unusual for me," I stated. "I love you. What was the occasion? I didn't ask for it." He smiled and stood up, pulling me with him. "No. You didn't. You didn't ask me to stop either. I just wanted to make sure your day was bright," he retorted. I giggled and buried my head in his chest. "You smell so good!" "You are definitely drunk and I didn't even take off your clothes," he teased as he played with my shirt. "Best morning ever. Thanks, doll." I giggled again as he scooped me up and carried me to the bathroom. "Behave." I nodded and went about my business. I splashed my face with cold water after I washed my hands and brushed my teeth. Once my hands were all dry, I grabbed my crutches that were leaning against the wall and moved back to the bedroom. Pat had stripped the bed and left me with a single outfit laying in the middle of it. I chuckled and began to get dressed. I pursed my lips as I realized he grabbed a single-shouldered red top. The single sleeve itself was long sleeved, but the body was form fitting. It draped asymmetrically across my hips with a biw that tied under my ribcage un the front. He gave me two options of pants to pair it with. I chose the jeans. They hadn't been altered, so I rolled up the right side so it rested above my cast. I felt uncomfortable in this outfit as everything was so tight, but I ignored it. It wouldn't be long before I was changing into the dress for Jess. After I turned off my galaxy, I took my dirty clothes over to the wash and started the load. Then I made my way up the stairs backwards, still not trusting myself to go up them with crutches. Pat was working in the kitchen. I moved in there and gave him a pointed look. He looked at me, his eyes going wide. "Wow," he whispered. "This is not a comfortable outfit!" I stated gesturing towards it. He smiled and came over. "I left you a pair of sweats that you could have paired with it," he whispered as he wrapped me up in his arms and looked down my body. "I'm glad you didn't. Wow, baby." I giggled and playfully swatted his chest. "I'm not ready to go back to Euphoric Village or whatever you called it. If my clothes are going to be a temptation for you, I'll go put on some of yours," I warned. He smiled. "You just look stunning. I don't care what you wear, I love seeing you. Jess gave me specific instructions that you had to be sleeveless today. I compromised and gave her one bare shoulder." I smiled and kissed him. He took my crutches away and moved them away from me, grabbing me and putting me in front of the batter he was mixing up. "I believe this is your crepe batter," he murmured. I looked at all the ingredients and tested the batter. I smiled. It looked right. I looked over my shoulder at him. He pulled out the cookbook from the cupboard; Jess demanded that I write down my favorite recipes, ten for each mealtime. "I followed the recipe," he insisted. I smiled affirmatively. "It's been ten minutes. I know it needs to rest for an hour. It'll put us at about 7:15," he added. I bit my lip. We had to be on the road by 7:30-7:45ish. With 15 minutes to make them properly, it would be cutting our time close. I put it in the fridge as I began pulling out the ingredients for breakfast burritos. "Did I mess up, doll?" "No, dear. It'll just be cutting the time close. If the appointment's at nine, then we don't want to push our luck leaving closer to eight," I replied. I smiled at him as he began dicing my green peppers. "You're a good helper, darling. Thank you. I promise, I'll still make you a crepe, we'll take it on the road with us." He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Love you, Pat," "Love you, Sarah," he murmured. I finished cooking our breakfast and we cleaned up the kitchen. I still had twenty minutes before I could begin the crepes. Everyone was still sleeping. I pushed him against the island and kissed his chest. He wrapped both arms around me and kissed the top of my head. "So your outfit is uncomfortable? Would you like to change?" I shook my head. It was tight, but I could move just fine it in. I looked up at him. He smiled and rubbed my cheek. "Are you afraid of the attention it might bring?" I nodded. He set me up on the island and disappeared. He came back out with a smoky gray fleece pullover sweater and put it on for me. I smiled as he zipped it up. "Ready to learn how to make crepes?" I inquired. He grinned and nodded, pulling out the batter over to the stove. I warmed up a pan and put some oil in it. "Will you find the Nutella, darling?" He kissed my cheek again then began digging through the cupboards. He smiled and pulled it out. "And we need to slice bananas. They have whipped cream in the fridge. Those will pair nicely. I'll need brown sugar and butter too," I stated. Pat grinned and followed directions. I pulled out my first two crepe crusts and rested them on the cookie rack as I began the next two. "Now what, darling?" Pat murmured as he rested his head on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder and kissed him. He returned it. I grabbed his hand and made him take the spatula, flipping my thin wafer like pancake. He kissed my shoulder as I felt the heat of the other two. Pat noticed my expression and moved to grab me a plate. Within ten minutes, I had all the crepes made. I put the butter in my hot skillet and let it melt, adding my brown sugar gradually and stirring it in. Finally I added the sliced bananas. Pat looked at me with piqued curiosity. "Are you adding the hazelnut spread in that as well?" He asked I shook my head and pulled out a knife, handing it over to him. "I see how it is. Make me do all the work," he teased as he began spreading the chocolate hazlenut cream over the crepes. He finished at the same time I finished searing my bananas. He took the hot pan away from me and dished up the crepes evenly. I turned off the stove and wiped everything down. He put the pan in the sink and rinsed it quickly. He put a dollop of whipped cream on two crepes and we rolled the rest, leaving them on the island. I took a bite and sighed happily. He copied me. "It's not leave-me-breathless-good, but it's delicious," I remarked. He chuckled. I looked at the clock. "We should go, hun." His eyes followed my gaze and he nodded, finishing his crepe quickly. "No more crutches, right?" He stated. I grinned as he handed them over. "Well for a few more hours. I'll meet you in the truck," he ordered as he handed over his key. I nodded and finished my breakfast dessert, put on my shoe, sure I had the match - tucking it into my purse, and moved out the back door. I climbed into his truck and started it, rubbing my hands together to work on the circulation. It was warm for January 2nd, but it was still cold enough to freeze my poorly circulated fingers. I looked at the temperature in the mirror. 33°F. I turned up the heat and prayed his truck warmed up quicker. I moved to the middle seat as he came outside with a box and two bags. He put them in the back seat as he climbed in beside me. After we were going down the road, he grabbed my hands and gasped. "I knew I forgot a present!" He reached over to the glove box and pulled out a pair of gloves. I grinned and happily put them on. I kissed his cheek. "Thank you for always taking care of me," I murmured. He grinned and wrapped his arm around me. "It's my genuine pleasure, doll. So I grabbed a hairbrush, but forgot the hair-tyes. We can stop at Walmart before we meet with Jess if we need to." "I have no idea what I'm going to do for my hair," I confessed. He chuckled. I leaned into him and rested my hands on his thigh. "You make me happy, Benji." He kissed the top of my head. "Not as happy as you make me, doll," he replied. I grinned. He removed his arm from behind me and grabbed my hand. "Were you trying to stop me this morning in your drunken state?" I shook my head. "I didn't want you to stop. I was trying to not," I paused. I wasn't wording this right. "You usually stop as soon as I stop my little," I paused again and blushed. He squeezed my hand. "When I climax, you stop. I wasn't ready to be done. I wanted it to keep going," I confessed, stating it simply. He chuckled. "Next time just ride it out, doll," he ordered. "You were in an intensified state for a long time, totally relaxed, but not with me." I giggled. "It was wonderful," I praised. "I gathered that," he whispered. "You got me off too." I sat up in shock. He pulled on my arm until I leaned back on his arm. "I know, doll. You didn't mean to. I meant to get you off and I did. I finished first, unfortunately. Try as I might, I couldn't reel it in. However, I wasn't going to pull back until you were done. Because it was so hot, the way you were touching me, your moans and gasps, and how you were reacting toward my touch, got me aroused as well. Then you grazed your teeth against my neck and that sent me over the edge," he confessed. He moved our hands to my face and turned me so I looked towards him. He glanced between me and the road. "Don't feel guilty. I crossed the lines. You didn't ask. I'm sorry. I'm never going to lie to you, especially when it comes to how you make me feel." I nodded, sat up, and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad you got pleasure too. It's not fair if I get it all," I murmured. He squeezed my hand as I snuggled back into his shoulder. "It is all about you, doll," he replied. "I'm just along for the ride and I'm loving every minute of it." "Don't get off the ride. I kinda like you," I teased. He chuckled and pulled my hand up to his lips. "I wouldn't dream of it, doll," he whispered. The rest of the trip passed in a blur. We made it to the doctor's office and were people watching as we waited. "What are you most excited about?" Pat asked randomly. I giggled and looked at him. "Scrubbing my leg clean," I replied. He chuckled and played with my hair. I giggled again. "Excuse me," an elderly doctor came over. I looked up and met his eye. "Dr. Marshall," I exclaimed. He grinned and shook my hand. "I wasn't sure if it was you, sunbeam. That giggle caught my attention. Your smile is rare," he praised. "I've been wondering how you've been doing." "Practically all healed up. Dr. Brandt had to re-break my leg, so that took longer in the healing process than it needed to. Hoping for good news," I replied. "Andrew doesn't have the best bedside manner," Dr. Marshall noted. I grinned and shook my head. I turned to Pat. "Pat, this is the doctor that signed me out, shortly after I talked to you that morning. Dr. Marshall, my boyfriend Pat," I introduced them. They smiled and shook hands. "She surprised me, watching that sunrise with no pain. I couldn't keep that sunshine bottled up in this hospital," Dr. Marshall noted. I grinned. Pat smiled. "I appreciate it, sir," he replied sincerely. "Dr. Marshall, did you just say that you don't like Dr. Brandt's methods?" "Not in those words, but he could use some redirection. I'm surprised you chose to stick with him, Sunbeam," he replied looking at me. I blushed and ducked my head. "I didn't think it would be very polite of me to switch doctors," I replied honestly. I looked back up and smiled. "If I did, I would have asked for you. I should have asked for a second opinion when he said he wanted to break my leg again. But Janell Malloy told me he was the best with breaks, so I didn't ask." "Tell you what, I'm going to go look at your charts really quick. I'll meet you in the exam area with Dr. Brandt," Dr. Marshall stated. I smiled and looked at Pat. He grinned as well. "Will you get in trouble, sir?" Pat asked. Dr. Marshall shook his head. "Forgive me, I'm terrible with names. I believe your initials were AG. Your eyes were full of silver stars, but you shone brighter than the golden sun that day," he stated. I grinned. "Annette Gibson," I confirmed. "Ah! Yes. Annette! I'll see you in a few minutes," he promised as he made his way back towards the exam rooms. I leaned into Pat and chuckled. "I like him. Dr. Brandt, not so much," he whispered. I giggled again. "I never looked at you like that. Ag the element symbol for silver, right?" I nodded. Pat grinned. "What's gold?" "Au. Never thought having to memorize the periodic table would be useful, but just don't ask too many more. Because silver and gold are precious metals, Mr. Trattles favored them last year in chemistry. That and silver had the same initials as me," I confirmed. Pat smiled. "Hmm... Maybe I need to change my last name to begin with the letter U. After all, doll, you're golden. Not silver - second place. No way," he teased. I giggled. "I like silver better than gold. Besides, darling, I would have to change my name, not you. AM is not on the periodic table of elements, so it wouldn't make sense," I replied. He grinned. "So you would change your last name to start with U, huh? Well what if I kept my last name. Would you keep your name or change it to begin with a M?" He asked. "Wait, that means you assume I'm going to marry you," I teased. He looked hurt. "You're not?" He asked. I grinned. "Is that your proposal?" I asked. He shook his head. "One day, I would love to be your wife and be known as Mrs. Miller," I told him sincerely. "But today, is Noah and Jess' day. I don't want to take the attention away from them." He grinned and kissed my nose. Finally I was called back. I looked at Pat after I was given a good check up, Dr. Brandt went to go find the cast cutting tool. Dr. Marshall disappeared too. "You're going to want to put one of those masks on. Rotting, dead flesh is what my leg will smell like. It's not going to look very pretty either," I informed. He nodded and grinned. "I'll be alright, doll," he promised. "I've had my share of gross and disgusting. As long as there's no gangrene, we'll be just fine. Broken bones, I've had two: left leg, left hand. Oops. Make it three. I broke my arm after the minefield. Both arms were out of commission and I hated the world; guess that's forgot about it. I remember the process, but I never had to add a razor in the mix. You can soak it in a warm leg bath later. No rough scrubbing or shaving, doll. Your skin is going to be super sensitive. I'll happily massage your leg; the hair won't bother me. Especially since you prefer pants." I smiled and jumped as Dr. Brandt came in. He was scowling and just looked tired. I felt sorry for him. He rejoiced with me as he took the cast all the way off. He left as Dr. Marshall came back in. "I know Andrew told you that you can be done with the crutches, but I don't think it's wise at all," he stated. I nodded: I didn't either. He held up a walking boot. "I would recommend at least three more days on the crutches. You can put weight on your leg, but not a lot to start off with. You have to build up your strength again. You don't have to wear this all the time. School or any other time you'll be on your feet for long periods of time. Not necessary in the shower or while you sleep. Any chance you can, flex your ankle. Take it slow and you can be out of this boot within the month." I grinned. I liked this news. He also pulled out a rag. "Feel free to wipe down your leg -gently. I know it's long overdue in your book. Everything looks good. Thanks for allowing me to come back and do this follow-up with you, Ms. Sunbeam. I'm glad to see you're still smiling." Pat took the rag out of his hand and moved to the sink. He soaked the rag and put soap on it. Dr. Marshall finished showing me proper stretches and bid me farewell. I smiled warmly at Pat as he picked up my foot, resting it against his hip as he gently scrubbed my leg. "Sorry it's gnarly," I whispered. He just smiled at me as he continued to gently wash it. I giggled. Pat caught the side of my leg with his fingernail. I gasped. "Do that again!" He gave me a confused look. "Please, darling, will you use your nails down my leg?" "Like this?" He asked as he cupped my leg with both his hands and gently pulled down, scratching the skin softly. I smiled and nodded. It felt so good. He chuckled and helped me put my sock back on. Then he pulled my pants down and put the new boot on. I pursed my lips as I lifted my leg up and down. It was heavier than the cast and would take a little getting used to. He walked over to the sink and draped the rag on the edge. "This is good news, doll. You're almost 100% again," he praised as he offered me his hand. I took it and stood up. Cautiously I put a little weight on my leg and bit my lip. He picked me up by my hips. "Take it slow. You're not going to walk again in a day," he ordered. I nodded. "I know that. I just wasn't expecting the discomfort that came with putting my foot down, or the boot to be so heavy," I replied honestly. He gave me my crutches. "This should be easier," I stated. Step with my left, plant the crutches, then move my right leg; it wasn't easier. I bit my lip and picked up my leg, hopping out of the room. "Now what do we do, dear? We have an hour and a half before Jess needs us." "Actually, doll. If you looked at your phone, you are to report to Jess as soon as we're done. She got the hotel room early. I'm going to hang out with the guys," Pat explained as he followed me out of the hospital. I pouted and nodded. He stopped me outside the door and kissed me. I smiled. "Well then let's get lost for a bit," I whispered. He laughed merrily and bopped my nose. "It's your brother, doll. We won't do that to him," he chided. "Three more days and I can hold your hand while we walk," he whispered. I smiled. It wasn't soon enough. "Do you need hair product?" I thought about it for a moment and nodded. "Will you dress up?" I asked as he opened the door to his truck. "Renae decided not to come. She told Tyler that she's really uncomfortable dressing up and is nervous to go to the jail. I'll be taking pictures, and yes I'm dressing up," he promised. I bit my lip. He climbed in beside me and rubbed my lips. I looked up at him. "You did nothing wrong. Renae is struggling with figuring out who she is. It's not a fun phase. I will still take pictures with you, love. I still plan on taking you out on the town tonight, if you want to of course," he whispered. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He placed both hands on my jaw and deepened the kiss. He pulled back and rubbed my cheeks tenderly. "I love you, Sarah. Let's get you to your sister before she freaks out." I nodded and pulled out my phone from my purse. Renae had also messaged me. "I'm happy for Noah, Net. Really I am. I can't be there. I need a week to figure things out. Apologize to Tyler for me. I'm sorry to let you down," it read. I pursed my lips. "No worries, Nae. No need to apologize. You didn't let anyone down. We kinda sprung it on you. See you in school tomorrow." I sent back. I put my phone away and leaned into Pat, wrapping both arms around his. "Should I tell Tyler?" "Only if Renae wants you too. You may interfere and cause problems that aren't there," he replied as he rubbed my leg. "I love your caring heart, doll. I'm sorry your friend is hurting, in essence, causing you to hurt too." I smiled and nodded. I kissed his cheek as we pulled into Walmart's parking lot. "Hair-tyes and bobby pins?" I nodded. He kissed me softly. "Stay here. I'll be back in a few," he promised. I nodded and he took off. I looked in the back seat and pulled out the portrait Renae had drawn. I smiled as I stroked the picture. It was so beautiful. "I want this for you too, Nae," I whispered. I lost track of time as I stared at the portrait; Pat surprised me when he came back. He chuckled at me and stared at the picture with me. "I feel guilty being happy when she's not," I confessed as I looked up at Pat. "Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't trade you for anything," I swore. He smiled at me and kissed my temple. He pulled out a picture frame. I grinned as I took it from him and put her drawing in it. "Don't feel guilty, doll. You can't fix everyone's broken hearts. It's not your job to do so. Just give me your all; your cup will overflow and we can share that," he whispered. I smiled and kissed him again. "I love your caring heart," he repeated. He took the frame out of my hand and put it back in the box in the back. "Now. Jess awaits," he teased. I giggled as we made our way through town. He stopped outside the hotel. "Jess is in 217. Keep your phone on. Love you," he murmured. "Love you too," I replied. He pulled me in for a passionate kiss, leaving me breathless. "You're mean," I teased. He smiled. "I hate not being able to breathe. I'm going to walk in there like a drunken fool now." "Just don't crash. I'll see you soon, beautiful," he whispered before he kissed me one more time. "The rest of the day is all about Jess and Noah," he warned. I smiled. "So then we'll keep it low key," I promised. He handed the walmart bag with the hair items and some cocoa butter lotion as I scooted over and made my way up to Jess' room. I knocked and she opened it up, curlers in her hair. "Morning, sister. Happy wedding day," I beamed. She pulled me into a hug. "Oh my gosh! I'm so nervous. And excited. And your food this morning! Annette, I love you!" She exclaimed. I pointed to the open door. "Oh! Yes! Come in! We have to get ready," she squealed. I giggled as she pulled me in and closed the door. I helped her into her dress first. Then she helped me into mine. I quickly pulled my hair into a braided headband followed by messy bun on the left side of my head as Jess hooked up my shoulder jewelry. "You know it's a good thing that Pat brought this back up to me; you might have forgotten it," Jess teased as she traced the jewelry on my shoulders gently. I giggled and shook my head as she set a pair of pantyhose out for me. I sat down on the bed and put them on after smearing my leg with the lotion. I pulled up a tube sock on my right leg and put the boot on. She smiled at me as she sat down and started to eat again. "Little Serenity acts like I never feed her! I'm so hungry all the time. Pat's coming back, right?" I shook my head with a confused glance. "He's our ride. I must have forgotten to tell him. Oh! Go down to the front desk. Here's the key. There should be some flowers," she ordered. I grinned and made my way out of the room, tucking the key into my purse. Along the way, I called Pat. "Hey, doll," he answered quickly. I smiled. "Jess is a little frantic. She's forgetting things. I blame Serenity. You're our ride," I explained. He chuckled. "Sounds good, doll. I'll see you guys at 11:10. I'll be in the lobby," he replied. "Thanks, hun. Love you," I told him as I made my way to the front desk, hanging up the phone. The person at the front desk looked at me in surprise. I smiled warmly at her. "Flowers for Nelson?" She pursed her lips and looked around. "Or Gibson?" I offered. She nodded and picked up two bouquets of flowers. I giggled. "How did she manage to score larkspur this time of year?" I mused to no one in particular. The light purple flowers were in the middle of the bouquet surrounded by soft pink and white roses. It was truly beautiful. I made my way back to her room, holding one bouquet in each hand. I knocked on the door again with my crutch when I got back, not wanting to ruin the flowers by combining them in one hand. Jess opened it again. She looked panicked. She took both flowers from me. I had her sit down in front of the mirror and I began to undo the curlers in her hair. "You're stunning, Jess. You just need to calm down. As long as you both say I do, this will be a successful day," I told her. She smiled at me in the mirror. "You're right, Annette. I don't know why I'm stressing. I'm so excited," she replied. She looked down at my boot. She grabbed her bag and pulled out Renae's dress. She quickly undid the black ruffle. She pinned it to my dress at an angle. "You have fantastic legs. I want that one in the pictures. I can hide this hideous boot so it won't be in any pictures," she stated. Her breathing was labored. "Jess, take it easy please," I begged. She smiled up at me, "Serenity is running out of room. She's finding my lungs. I'm fine," she insisted. "It's only bad if I bend over. I nodded and made her sit up. I pulled over a chair and stood on it. "Thanks, 'Nettie. Much easier. Don't move. I'm skilled with a needle but don't need you to get poked." I nodded and continued to work on her hair, leaving the ones in the front alone so she could see. "Done!" She turned back around as I slowly lowered myself to the floor. She finished taking her hair out and pulled out a crystallized tiara to match her shoulder jewelry. She put it in and pinned her hair around it. She looked at me, pulled one of the purple flowers out of the bouquet and put it in my bun. Then she pulled out her makeup bag quickly and did both of our makeup, giving us winged eyeliner and bright lips. Finally she finished it off with mascara and a light dusting of glitter across our cheeks. "Done. Let me grab the coats and shoes and we will be on our way!" I nodded and followed her. She handed over my gold ballet slipper. I sat on the bed and put it on while she slipped into purple flats. I smiled as she handed me a black fur coat. It wasn't my style, but I wasn't going to say anything to her today. She put on a matching one, only her's was white. We made our way to the lobby. I made sure we had both bouquets and the key was still in my purse as we left. Pat was waiting for us; he was spruced up in a tux. I smiled at him. "Lovely! You look wonderful!" Jess praised, beginning to tear up. Pat embraced her and looked at me in shock. "Hormones," I mouthed and acted like I was cradling a baby in my arm. He nodded. I shifted uneasily as we were starting to draw a crowd. Pat noticed and guided Jess out the door. "Thank you," I whispered as he opened both passenger doors. He had traded cars with Noah; we were now in his black car. "My pleasure. You ladies look lovely," he said sincerely. He helped Jess scoop her dress into the car before closing it. I took care of my own door. He walked around the car and loaded up. He drove around and got us to the detention center by 11:25. I looked at Jess and pursed my lips. This wasn't the spot was it? There was less security here. Pat caught my eye and shook his head; I got the memo "don't ask, 'Nettie." I nodded as he parked and helped us unload. Jess wrapped her arm around me as she seemed to dance in place, her eyes twinkling merrily. Pat snapped a few pictures as she lead me to the front door. There the guard looked us over, took our coats and my crutches, and wished us on our way. I bit my lip and looked back at Pat before looking at my legs. "So, Jess, would you be too opposed to Annette waiting with Noah? They took her walking assistance away. I'll get some individual shots of you back here before it begins," Pat promised. Jess looked around and shook her head. "I don't mind at all," she replied as I gave her one more hug as Pat snapped another picture and Jess took her bouquet from me. Then he picked me up, carried me through the hallway, came to a door, and paused. Tyler was coming back. "The arrangement Jess made is that we get this place for half an hour. Ronnie will have two guards by him. Bounce your finger twice if you need to leave," he ordered softly. I nodded. Tyler grinned as he met both of us by the door. Jess was still taking her time. Pat looked at Tyler and nodded before kissing my temple. "Pat, what about the cameras?" I whispered. He grinned. "There are cameras in here. Only in the room beyond those doors, doll, but they won't be able to hear us. We suspect that their dad will be watching," Pat warned. I pursed my lips and looked down. He squeezed my hand and whispered, "doll, I know you care about me. Enjoy the wedding. I will kiss you again outside of this place. This is a wedding, all eyes should be on Jess and Noah. Don't worry about the cameras." I nodded as Tyler scooped me up. "I'm going to take some pictures of Jess. I'll be back," Pat promised as he took off in the direction we just came from. Tyler carried me to the altar. "Really, Net. Don't act. Celebrate with your brother," he whispered. "Your joy is contagious. That's all that matters. We didn't mean to scare you." I smiled and looked around as Tyler set me down carefully. They had set up some PVC pipes draped in a soft lilac taffeta fabric and twinkly lights. "Short and sweet, 'Nettie," Tyler promised. I nodded. "You need something to hold onto while they exchange vows, but won't show up in the pictures. Jess will freak." He moved around the room. I looked at Noah and he walked over and gave me a hug. "You look beautiful, 'Nettie," he whispered. I smiled. "Just wait until you see her," I replied. He grinned. Tyler came back with a stool. He put it behind me and moved across the room. I leaned into it, trying to keep it subtle so that the pictures wouldn't show. Tyler grinned. I nodded as he moved back to the door and waited for Jess. I looked around the room. We were in the main visiting room. The tables had all been removed, small divots were lined in the concrete where the tables were bolted to the ground usually. A small table had been set up with white and purple sand in two separate containers. A third empty container was between them. The marriage license was beneath it. A click was heard and I jumped. Two guards escorted Ronnie in. He was also wearing a tux. His hands had cuffs, but they weren't pinned in front of his body, rather at his side. I looked over at Noah. He was looking down at his feet. The guards stood twenty feet away from the altar and the aisle Jess would walk down, but my brother refused to look in that direction at all. Ronnie smiled at both of us before looking at his feet too. "Noah," I whispered. He looked up and smiled at me. "It's nearly time. Thank you for letting me be a part of this." He nodded, reached over and squeezed my hand. We stayed like that as Pat came in first. He took several pictures of the people in the room before turning and facing the door again. One of the guards took out a phone and began playing a recording of Pachelbel's Canon. I smiled and looked towards the door again. The preacher led the way. When he was up by the altar, Noah moved to the right side. I tried to stand up as much as possible without swaying. I smiled at Jess and Tyler as they slowly made their way to us. I snuck a glance at Ronnie. Tears were in his eyes as he looked at Jess. I looked back at my brother. He was standing tall with the biggest grin. I looked back at Jess. Pat was clearly good at his job, snapping photos from all angles without being in the way. Finally at the end of the aisle, they paused, just a foot away from Noah. Pat walked around the group and took pictures from behind the preacher as the guard turned off his music. Tyler gave Jess away, she handed me her flowers, and Tyler moved behind Noah. Once again, Pat was taking pictures from all angles without being a distraction. I focused on my brother and bride and grinned as they exchanged vows. The preacher pulled the table over as they poured their unity sand together. Pat knelt on the floor in front of them, snapping a close up of the sand ceremony, the rings being placed on the fingers, and the kiss. I kept smiling as the preacher announced them as Mr. and Mrs. Gibson. After their kiss, Jess pulled me over. Tyler and I watched as they signed their license. We then signed as the witnesses. Jess and Noah embraced me tightly together. "Welcome to the family. Officially," I whispered in Jess' ear. She kissed my cheek. Then they moved over to Tyler, giving him the same warm hug that she had given me. Finally they moved over to Ronnie. Noah's posture stiffened but it didn't show in his face. Tyler came up behind me and put me on the stool again. He picked me up and carried me to the edge of the room. "Noah and Jess will have their first dance, then Ronnie gets a little dance with Jess. We're going to keep you as far away from him as possible," he whispered in my ear. I grinned and nodded as the Avett Brothers January Wedding was played off of Tyler's phone. He squeezed my hand as we watched them dance and twirl. "We can go out dancing later," he whispered. I nodded again. I didn't need to go dancing. This was fun enough for me. I giggled softly as I noticed Jess was leading Noah around. Once again, I found myself looking at Pat. He seemed to dance with the music as he went up, down, to the left, back, to the right, and around the room never stopping with the camera. The song came to an end as Noah twirled Jess three times, leaned her back, and kissed her. I smiled and applauded. Tyler and Pat joined in, Pat's camera resting against his chest as it draped from his neck. The guards were smiling but not moving. I was curious to see how this 'father/daughter' dance would go. Ronnie was grinning from ear to ear, but couldn't clap; he did slap his legs as he shared his own version of applause. Jess guided Noah over to Ronnie. I could tell by Noah's actions, he was reluctant to hand Jess over. Ronnie shook Noah's hand before taking Jess' hand. The guards stepped two steps back as Ronnie led her to the middle of the floor. Noah came over and stood by me. I looked up at him and smiled. He reached over and squeezed my hand. Tyler changed the song on his phone to Stevie Wonder's Isn't She Lovely. Ronnie and Jess did a simple two step. The guards stayed within arm's reach of Ronnie looking for any sign that things could go wrong. Jess looked delighted as she laughed with Ronnie as they danced. "My turn," Tyler beamed as the guards pulled Ronnie back to their spot. Tyler put another song on his phone, Lee Ann Womack's I Hope You Dance. Noah grinned. "I know I'm no Pat, but dance with me, sister," he begged softly. I grinned and allowed him to lead me onto the floor. He held my right hand and put his hand on my left hip. We swayed to the music. "I'm glad you're here, 'Nettie. I couldn't have done this without you," he whispered. I giggled. Noah twirled me under his arm and pulled me in for a hug. Jess and Tyler were dancing circles around us. They paused beside us and Tyler offered me his hand as Noah took Jess back in his. I grinned and moved to dance with Tyler. "Having fun, 'Nettie?" He asked as he moved me around the room. I nodded. "Yeah I am. Thanks for asking. Is Jess happy?" "Ecstatically," he replied. "You and Pat are riding in my car when this is done. Our job is to clean up this area." I nodded. Tyler grabbed both my hands, put them up above our heads and twirled me around, leaning me into his chest. "I think that's enough for you, sister dear," he teased. "You look dizzy or something." I giggled and nodded. He moved me back over to the stool. He looked at his phone. "We still have three minutes before our time is up. I need one more song. Quick!" "Randy Travis Forever and Ever Amen," I told him. He grinned and pulled it up. Pat came over, standing by Tyler as the song started. Jess giggled and linked her arms with Noah as she taught him a line dance. Pat snapped a few more pictures. "This was fun!" I stated. Tyler and I waved to Ronnie as he was escorted out, smiling over his shoulder. I looked over at Pat. "Did you have fun?" "I did, doll. I'll dance with you later. Hang on. I'm going to check with Jess to see what other pictures she needs. I think I should have the four of you looking at the camera," he stated as he moved back towards the newlyweds. Tyler picked me up and twirled me around before heading back to the altar. Everyone soon joined us. We took several more pictures. I gave Noah the hotel key and they headed out. Tyler and Pat worked together quickly cleaning up the room, placing the small table and all it's contents in a box. They then handed it over to me. I held onto it tightly after I put both bouquets in the box as I stayed out of the way. Pat's arms were full of the the equipment as Tyler picked me up and carried me out the door. We checked in with the guard on our way out. He shook all of our hands. "Thank you. We don't usually have anything fun like this happen," he stated. He pressed a couple keys on his keyboard. "You were an excellent photographer, son, but just in case, here's their wedding video," he remarked as he handed me a flash drive. I smiled. "Thank you, sir. They will appreciate this," I told him sincerely. He ducked his head and we departed. Pat was putting the equipment in the back of the silver car. Tyler opened the back door and put me in. He ran back inside as he realized I didn't have my crutches. Pat moved to the front seat and looked back at me. I smiled. "You're glowing, 'Nettie," he teased. I shook my head and looked down. Tyler came back out, put the crutches in the back seat with me and took off. We headed back to the hotel. Tyler took the wedding box inside after he parked the car. A limo pulled up to the front door. Pat led me over to it. "This is ours, doll," he stated. I gasped and shook my head. "No way. I'm not getting in until Jess and Noah come back," I insisted. Pat grinned and pointed to the door. Jess, Tyler, and Noah were coming out. Pat guided me over. He took my crutches and climbed in first. Then Tyler ducked in, with a bag. I followed. Tyler offered me the fleece pullover I wore earlier. I grinned and happily traded it for the fur coat I was wearing. Pat stood up as I sat down. He opened the sunroof and took another picture of my brother and his bride. Tyler was talking to the driver. I looked around and smiled. Pat came and sat beside me as Noah closed the door and kissed his bride again as the car began to roll. She smiled at me and took off my necklace, handing it back. Pat took it out of my hands and attached it around my neck and helped me out of Jess' amethyst necklace. Tyler tucked it into his jacket pocket then opened a bottle of sparkling grape juice and poured five glasses. We clinked and cheered. Tyler took the camera away from Pat. "We're missing a very important couple in these pictures," he teased. I giggled and looked at Pat. He wrapped his hand around mine and smiled at me. I leaned into his shoulder and yawned. We went to lunch at the Golden Corral because Jess wasn't sure what she wanted, so the buffet was the best option. Then went to a random park and the limo driver blared music. We all danced. When I was wore out, I would trade places with whoever had the camera. Making more memories. I laughed as Pat and Tyler took turns leading each other around the park in a goofy dance. Tyler took his turn spinning me around too. Noah and Jess were in their own world and didn't seem to notice us. Finally, we made our way to the carousel. Pat and I resisted to kiss each other as we allowed Noah and Jess to steal the spotlight. We all departed ways by four pm. I gave Tyler a hug as he dropped us off at Pat's truck. He kissed the top of my head. "I know you want to apologize for Renae, don't," he ordered. I nodded. "I had fun. I didn't feel like a third wheel. You and Pat made sure to include me with everything. I'm sure I would have made her feel uncomfortable at the wedding. You look stunning. Go take care of your man now," he ordered. I giggled and hopped over to Pat. He wrapped me in his arms and carried me to his truck. "How's your pain?" He asked. I looked up and smiled. "I'm good. Just exhausted. I don't have very much energy," I replied honestly. He smiled. "Then sleep, doll. We'll be home in an hour and a half. Then we'll go bug Josh for a bit. Afterwards, I'm taking you out for a fancy dinner. No complaints," he ordered. I giggled. He kissed the top of my head and held my hand as we started driving home. "This is my happy place," he whispered. I smiled. "Mine too," I mused. "I didn't think I could be happier. I'm glad Noah found a girl he cherishes. I'm glad that she loves him in the same way." I looked up at Pat. "I'm glad I have you. I'm glad my day starts and ends with you by my side." He smiled and rested his head on mine. I yawned again. "I hate that I tire out so quickly. Will I ever be back to normal? I went from 4:30 in the morning on an hour of sleep to 10-11 at night with no nap. Now, I have to sleep like every five hours," I complained. Pat chuckled and squeezed my hand. "Sleep, doll. Your body is still healing. You won't go back to 100% overnight. I can see that everyday you have more energy. However, you exerted a lot of that stored up energy today. I'll still be here when you wake up," he promised. He turned up the radio then rubbed my wrist which had the star bracelet he had picked out for me. I smiled and held his hand again. He pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed it. "Come here, 'Nettie," he coaxed. He placed my hand back in my lap and wrapped me up in his arms. I smiled, closed my eyes as I snuggled into him, and played with the sapphire charm around my neck until I fell asleep. © 2017 Lynaelee |
Added on January 24, 2017 Last Updated on July 24, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing