54. *Tis true*

54. *Tis true*

A Chapter by Lynaelee

POV change, backtracking, story extension, implied sexual content

After watching Annette carefully make her way through the crowds, Pat picked up her items and headed back outside. $83 for those three items and she didn't seem bothered by it at all. Of course now that she had a decent chunk of change in her name, he was glad that she was kinda splurging on herself. She was go generous, and he loved her for it. He got back in Josh's car and looked towards the window. "Did you forget something?" Josh teased. Pat looked back at him with a large grin as he held up the jewelry.

"She got distracted. I'm glad to see she's splurging a little. She needs to," Pat chuckled. Josh unwrapped the earrings and bracelet.

"Pretty. Fitting," he mused.

"I pointed these out; she stopped for Amanda," Pat explained as he lowered his head. "Apparently, Annette is drawn to danger; Amanda slapped her and Annette's got another bruise on her face. Yet she still wanted to give her a locket."

"Seriously?" Josh gasped in shock. Pat nodded and looked back at Josh.

"She'll meet us out back when she's done." 

"Seriously?!" Josh repeated. Pat chuckled. Josh looked in the window and pointed with a scowl. "I wish I didn't find out about Amanda that way, but this would have crushed me. I can't believe I was too blind to notice. But look at Annette. She's genuinely smiling at Amanda. I don't know how she's so good with those who hate her. She's something else, that girl of your's." Pat smiled.

"My girl," Pat replied as both women moved across the restaurant towards the counter. "I never thought," Pat paused and tried again, "never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be so lucky to have someone like her in my life."

"Me either, man! You were always so content on your own. I questioned if you were gay often! That part about you being afraid of any form of nudity is news," Josh teased. Pat chuckled. "I wish she said something when she first came home."

"Me too. But she came home and she stayed, that's all I care about. She could have easily left me, but she didn't. I have to show just how much she truly means to me," Pat replied. Josh grinned and moved his car closer to the back entrance as they saw Annette weave her way past the counter; Amanda didn't move. "I hope she broke through to Amanda for your sake. I don't want you miserable when you were so captivated by her body. I swear, you two sex addicts were made for each other."

"I am sorry, you know," Josh stated sincerely.

"I know. And I'm sorry I got mad," Pat said apologetically. Josh punched his shoulder lightly with a small smile.

"You did me a favor. I'm just glad that you're happy. So twins," Josh chuckled. Pat put his head down and clasped his hands together.

"I want to give her everything. She's not ready for kids. She was terrified by the thought of carrying a child from the b*****d who raped her. Thankfully, it was just a false alarm and she's not pregnant; nor will she be any time soon. I spent many nights calming her down after a nightmare; some nights she woke up screaming from it. I thought my nightmares from overseas were bad, but her's are worse. She's far too sweet to constantly have to fight these demons, and they mostly attack her in her sleep. I'm grateful she lets me hold me and doesn't pull away. I love that cries in my arms openly and doesn't try to bottle up her emotions in front of me. I love that she responds to my touch and welcomes any comfort I can give her. She has a lot of grief, pain, and resentment to walk through before she's fully healed emotionally, but I can tell she's making progress. She is still crazy and bubbly and fun; all of those bitter undertones don't weigh her down but there are days when I can tell she's wrestling with them again. Those are the days when she begs me to hold her and we do nothing else; not that I mind. She may want twins someday, but she's not ready to become a mother and I will never force that upon her. However, picturing her pregnant, carrying my child, is pleasant and inviting thought. If and when she's ready, I'll do what I can for her," Pat murmured softly and sighed. He looked back up at Josh as he rubbed his left leg. "I have to feel comfortable in my own skin before that happens. Even if she accepts me, I can't. With the clothes on, I have some confidence, but being completely vulnerable and naked to anyone -especially her- feels next to impossible right now." 

"You're an idiot, but you're the best I've ever known. That doesn't matter. Especially in the heat of the matter. Betcha she won't even notice," Josh replied with a broad grin. "Trust me. She'll be more preoccupied with something else and not the lack of a limb. Believe me, if done properly, she'll be begging for more." 

"Haha! You're probably right, but I'm not going to try and find out," Pat replied, looking out his window, trying to hide his blush. He enjoyed giving Annette pleasure last night. He relished in the thought that he was deeply intimate with her without having to have to prod her and he loved that it left her breathless.

"Dude! Have you been paying attention?" Josh asked as he gestured towards the door. Annette had emerged and was making her way down the steps. Pat grinned. 

"Excuse me. My lady awaits," he cheered. Josh chuckled as he pulled up to the door.

"Then go get her. I think Dax might be crowding in on your territory, because Annette doesn't look annoyed very often. She definitely is now. Show 'em who's boss," he ordered with a smirk. Pat grinned and happily left the car, opening up the back door too. He reached over as she sat on the bottom stair and pulled her to a standing position. His heart soared as she kissed his cheek and leaned into him.

"Hey, Pat, bring her around again. Stop hogging her to yourself," Dax ordered. Pat picked up on the hint of jealousy and chuckled as he looked down at the girl in his arms and kissed her temple.

"Nah! I think I'll keep her to myself," he replied as he held her tighter and hardened his gaze at the flirty cook. Pat smiled as Annette snuggled into his chest with a soft giggle. Dax looked him over, smirked, and nodded before his gaze lingered on Annette again. Dax rolled his eyes and opened the door.

"Damn lucky, son," he murmured as he stepped inside and secured the door behind him.

"Don't I know it. At least there's nothing for him to gawk at now. Sweatpants or a burlap sack. My girl can pull off anything and still look amazing to me. At least it's keeping other eyes off of her. She mine," Pat thought proudly as Annette's musical laughter caused him to look back at her with a grin. Her eyes twinkled as she looked up at him.

"He's wrong. I'm the lucky one," she remarked. Pat smiled. She was wrong of course, but he wouldn't argue with her; he was truly the lucky one. Her bottom lip began to quiver again as she asked if he was just going to stand out here and let her shiver in a mocking tone. Pat pulled both crutches into his hands as he chuckled and scooped her up in his arms then kissed her temple again. He swung his hips and closed the front door as he heard Josh chuckle. Then he walked around the back door and climbed in the back seat. He draped both of her legs across the backseat as he put her crutches in the far seat. He kissed he temple and traced her jaw with his nose. He smiled as she giggled and tried to misdirect the attention. "I'm sorry, Josh. Apparently Pat's making you our personal chauffeur!" Pat chuckled as he wrapped Annette tightly in his arms and began kissing up her neck. He met Josh's eye in the mirror and caught a wink. Pat smiled as Annette closed her eyes and tried to focus. "Stop! We're making your best friend nervous," she breathed. 

"He'll live," Pat retorted. Josh winked again. Pat turned his full attention to Annette and stroked her cheek with his nose. "You are the most generous person I know," he whispered.

Finally out of her daze, she sat back and exclaimed loudly, "that doesn't explain why I'm sitting on your lap in a moving vehicle. My dad would have a field day!"

"That's simple, Net. Pat's head over heels for you," Josh replied. Pat smiled as she looked at Josh. He gently rubbed her back as Josh continued. "...you're simply amazing and he's definitely drawn to you. It's not a shock as to why. And your dad can suck it. He won't touch you again." Pat nodded his head in agreement as he kissed her shoulder.

"You're a good friend, Josh. Thanks," she said softly. Josh smiled and opened his door. Pat dug out his keys and gave him the one to the front door - forgetting the fact that Josh already had a key. Josh took the keys and studied the couple in the backseat for a couple of seconds before getting out of the car; their love was beyond intense and he loved watching it bloom, but he also wanted to give them privacy. Annette turned her attention back to Pat. "Love you, sir," she whispered softly and brushed her lips across his cheek. Pat smiled and turned her head so their lips could collide. She pulled back and shook her head like she was in a fog. "So you probably won't be working on your truck today. I'm going to do some homework then lay down. You?"

"I'll be wherever you are," he thought as he gazed into her eyes. He couldn't get enough of her. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Josh coming back so he sighed. "Probably play Xbox with Josh and hold you as long as you allow," he told her honestly and kissed her temple. She kissed his cheek with closed eyes then seemed to jump out of his lap as Josh opened the door. Pat smiled. "I can't get enough. I love you and all your quirks," he thought happily as he looked upon her tenderly.

"Come on, Annette, I'm taking you inside," Josh stated as he pulled her from Pat's arms. Pat took a deep breath and looked at his lap as he tried to calm down again; she had him worked up in the best way again. He noticed the jewelry in the front seat and grabbed it before he followed them into the house.

"Josh, you're welcome," Annette was saying. "She really likes you. Call her. You can be a friend too." Pat walked up behind her and held onto her waist. She was so selfless; it was easily his favorite quality about her. Annette paused while she looked at the coffee table underneath the tv. "Will you help me move this closer to the couch? That way I can do my homework and Pat won't freak out that I'm so far away," she stated with a hint of a chuckle. Pat grinned and kissed her neck. She was correct. He would want to be where she was, touching her if he could. Josh looked at the two of them and smiled.

"Happy to be of assistance," he replied cheekily as he moved the table. Pat smiled a s she leaned into him and kissed his lips softly. Pat picked her up, keeping their lips connected, carried her to the couch, sat her down, and moved to sit next to her but paused as she slid to the ground and pulled the table closer instead. He sighed as he realized she didn't want to make-out anymore. He would be content doing nothing but that all day. Annette was responsible and dedicated though. He admired her for it. He smiled and moved to get her school books, bringing them over to her. She immediately opened her math book and stacked the other two books beside her. English had no textbook, but she always had plenty of homework for that class. Josh winked at him as Pat made his way down the carpeted hallway to their bedroom. He placed the jewelry on the dresser then opened the closet so he could dig through her book-bag. There he found three writing utensils, her binder, and her cell phone. He turned it on to see if it needed to be charged. It was still above 45% power level, so he knew it would be alright for now; she needed to see the messages. He turned it onto silent as her phone vibrated time and time again as it downloaded the messages she missed; the most recent was from her brother. Pat assumed that meant he was just checking in. After all, Noah had a bad tendency of worrying about his sister and last night, Pat didn't help. He mentally berated himself for not calling back to let him know that she was home. Then again, he figured Tyler probably had that covered. Pat shook his head and made a mental note to talk to Noah in private; he owed him that much and he respected his love's brother and wanted to remain on good terms with him. Pat pocketed her phone as it still vibrated and quietly made his way back down the hallway as he noticed Josh settling into the right side of the couch. "You aren't an interference," he was telling Annette. Pat paused in the hallway and listened in. He leaned against the corner and overlooked the scene. Annette's head was barely visible over the back of the couch. Josh looked at Annette with kind eyes as he explained the difference he noticed with Pat. This was news to Pat; he never knew that Josh saw him in a different light but he wasn't surprised. "He started coming for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He was always on high alert. He allowed us to come over, but it wasn't often. Then you started to work. His whole attitude changed. He fell for you before he had a chance to breathe. And all you did was smile. You remember the first thing I told you, so I'm thinking you remember me training you." Annette's head bobbed and Pat grinned as he recalled the day too. 

"Linda told me you were more personable and I could learn more from you than Bertie. I was uncomfortable that whole day. Plus, guys made me uncomfortable. It was really hard for me to trust men in general; I was always fearing they would hurt me physically. My first read on you was that you were horny and I was afraid you were going to hurt me in some way, maybe not with your fists, but pain nonetheless. I hated any attention and preferred to be left alone. Unfortunately, Linda told me to shadow you. I was so nervous under your scrutiny, and your constant babble. You flirted with everyone but me," she confessed nervously. Pat chuckled inaudibly, missing what Josh said next. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly so he could keep eavesdropping.

"...You were my fastest trainee. You started at eight and were taking your own orders -correctly- by 11:30," Josh praised.

"Pat was my first order," Annette murmured. Pat hid another smile behind his hand.

"Only because he refused to let me take his order. 'New girl? Let's see how you hold up, doll.' I sat back and grinned. He actually looked up and met your eye. He didn't give snippy responses. He joked and laughed with you. Right then, I knew you were special; you did the impossible. You broke him in one day," Josh explained. Pat chuckled softly again and moved forward. Annette really was something else.

"I was just trying not to mess up. I was so nervous," she admitted. He surprised her as he dropped off her stuff.

"Like I told you, doll, you were good at your job but better at spreading joy," Pat reminded her. He sat behind her and began rubbing her shoulders. She was awfully tense with this conversation, but she needed to hear it. He nodded at Josh to continue. Josh smiled.

"No joke, Annette. You were good at your job, but you seemed to change the atmosphere in that place. Instantly," he told her. Pat continue to rub her shoulders as Josh reassured her. Pat couldn't understand why she would often suffer with self doubt. He smiled when she leaned into his leg. He rested his left hand on her shoulder and began to play her braid with his right hand. "Because he thought he was broken. There was no way he would be worthy of you. I told you, Annette, he was unreachable. He tried to look at the other girls. Tried to make a connection so he could get you off his mind. His eyes never left you when you worked," Josh told her. 

"Stalker," she teased. Pat and Josh both chuckled. "I never noticed. I was just happy to have made a friend, one that didn't scare me, one that I could trust." Pat's heart leapt as she admitted trusting him from the beginning. She leaned her head back and Pat's breath caught in his throat. "He's painting you as a monster," she giggled. Pat bent over and kissed her lips, nibbling her top lip softly. She inhaled and pushed him back. Slowly, she opened her eyes. Pat grinned as he noticed how dilated her pupils were. "Upside down still leaves me woozy," she confessed. 

"That's not the word I would use," Pat thought as he stroked her cheek and smiled as he sat back. "Told you, doll. Without you by my side, that's how I feel," he confessed. Josh began playing solo player as he gave them a moment. Annette reached up and rubbed Pat's cheek, a look of doubt in her eyes. He placed his fingers over her mouth, halting any word that might spill out. He grabbed her hand and kissed each finger, loving the reaction. She closed her her eyes and leaned against his leg. Pat stroked her cheek until she opened her eyes again and softly he murmured, "told you, you make me a better man. I know what life is like without you; I can't do that again. I felt so empty, so cold, calloused, and alone. You talk about your joy well. You are the reason I have one. Don't you see, doll? I'm unworthy of you, but I will tell you a thousand times over how precious and beautiful you are. And how you have stolen my heart. I will try to prove my love to you, because you are so worth it and deserve it." She smiled under his fingers.

"You're too good for me," she mumbled. Pat smiled and began to say something.

"Knock it off, Annette!" Josh ordered sternly as he paused his game again. Pat chuckled and looked at Josh at the same time Annette did. He rebuked her for doubting herself or Pat and told her to just enjoy the moment. She nodded and moved back to her homework. She continued to lean against Pat's leg as she opened her binder. He smiled and gave her back her phone as Josh handed over the second controller.

"You have a few missed messages, doll," he told her softly. She giggled and opened it up.

"Wow! Who knew I was so loved?" She remarked.

"Everyone!" Pat and Josh exchanged a look and grinned. Annette buried her head in her work. "Arousing," Josh mouthed. Pat grinned and shook his head. He played with her braid. "Are you sure I'm not interrupting staying here? I'd be happy to give you guys some privacy. Linda has a spare bedroom too," Josh mused.

"Phfft. Whatever. You know you'd rather be here anyways. We don't mind having you over," Pat insisted. Annette was buried in her work and didn't seem to notice the conversation. "You're always welcome here. That's seriously as intimate as we get around here." Josh chuckled.

"I don't believe that for a moment," he teased. Pat looked over and met his eye.

"You should; it's completely true." 

"Has she gotten you up at all?" Pat ducked his head to his chest in embarrassment, looking over his girlfriend's head. Annette still worked diligently. Her left hand was twitching, her right hand scribbling equations down, and her head bobbed. Thankfully, she wasn't paying attention; otherwise her neck would be scarlet right now. Josh punched his arm. "She has! And you didn't act? Pat, are you even a man?!" Annette caught that one. Both hands stopped moving. Pat watched the color rise up her neck. Slowly, she closed her book and binder then turned her gaze towards Josh.

"Just because he doesn't act like you doesn't make him any less of a man," she spat. Josh guffawed and slapped his knee. She turned her gaze upon Pat. "Can we make him uncomfortable now?" Pat grinned, put his game controller in the middle of the couch, pulled her into his lap with her feet resting over his right leg - pointing towards Josh, and gently kissed up her jaw.

"I would love to, doll. Done with your homework already?" He whispered. Josh sat back and stared at them with a big grin on his face. Annette closed her eyes and nodded.

"Hate history, I'll put it off as long as I can," she gasped as she put her arms around his neck. Pat continued to kiss her neck and jaw. He moved back to the area that caused her to gasp in shock earlier pleased he got the same reaction again. "Umm. The rest, I'm ah. I'm not worried about it. Consumer ec is easy. T-t-t-two hours tops to finish. Um. To uh. To finish that for the week," she stammered trying to keep her thoughts flowing. He moved to her ear and nibbled it softly. "Screw it!" Annette breathed as she pressed her lips into his. She pulled back, but that didn't stop Pat from keeping his lips on her. "Tickle my feet again, I'll kill you, Josh," she warned as she breathed in Pat's neck, causing him to grin. 

"I can't let you do that, doll," he murmured.

"Because he's your best friend?" Annette inquired in a breathy voice.

"No, doll. Josh has it coming. You've never killed before; I'll kill him for you," he promised, tilted her head up, and pressed his lips against them softly. Josh laughed merrily, sat back, and watched them intently, but put his hands in his lap to not cause any further distractions. Pat reached over the couch and extended the leg rest, keeping their lips locked together. Carefully, he reached around her and took off his leg. He set it on the floor and adjusted her so she was laying on top of him; her feet safely out of Josh's reach. She let out a soft moan as Pat found another sensitive area on her collarbone. She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and pulled his lips back to hers. He rubbed her back and paused when he got to her shoulder blades as she pulled back and gasped for air. Pat took advantage of her exposed neck and planted tiny kisses down her larynx. Her fingers ran through his hair, pulling it softly. He knew it was getting long, but she loved to have something to hold onto so he left it alone. He moved his lips to her collarbone and paused as she stiffened in his arms. She looked down at him and kissed his nose before she snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes. "Are you alright, doll?" 

"I'm fine. You're a dangerous man, Pat Miller," she breathed. He chuckled and kissed her head.

"Told you! Bedroom life is going to be HOT," Josh exclaimed excitedly. Annette giggled and rolled to her left side, turning away from Josh. Pat gently rubbed her back and held onto her hand. He looked over at Josh and smirked. "If you two can get the room that hot with a small make-out session -fully clothed- the bedroom will be amazing! No more than amazing. Wowsers!" Pat shook his head as Annette giggled, faced forward, and sat up.

"Josh, we love you, but seriously. Do you have anything else you can talk about?" She teased. 

"You love me? Awh! Net, I had no idea," Josh jested as he leaned in and grabbed her knee. She looked back at Pat as she tried to pull away. He grinned at her and pushed her bangs away from her eyes. "Net, I won't hurt you," Josh remarked. Annette shook her head.

"Don't care. As my boyfriend, it's your job to keep him away from me. He's already gotten got his one kiss in today," she instructed. Pat looked between the two of them in shock. "Cheek. He said you would kill him," she clarified and looked at Josh, "but I have nothing to hide." Pat nodded and rubbed her cheek tenderly. She swatted his leg playfully. "I can't believe you have no problems with your best friend holding me and kissing my cheek every so often. However, you have nothing to worry about; I'll never kiss him back." Pat grinned and pressed his lips against her shoulder; he trusted them both knowing neither would betray his trust; the outburst just surprised him.

"I know, doll. He's a good friend. Horny and disrespectful, but he would never cross those lines with us. Want me to kick him out?" Pat asked.

"No. He can stay. I like having company and hearing someone talk is nice so I don't have to keep the conversations going all the time. I don't mind being quiet," Annette admitted before looking at their guest again. "Seriously though, Josh. Why does everything you say have to revolve around or come back to sex?"

"Easy. It's fun. You should try it," he quipped.

"I have," she murmured as she looked down. "It wasn't fun; I didn't like it." Pat pulled her back to his chest and looked menacingly at Josh.

"Want me to get some marshmallows and heat them up? I'll let you put them in my hair again. That seemed to help," Josh replied sincerely. She shook her head and picked up Pat's controller.

"Walk me through this game," she ordered. Her voice was firm, her face determined; she was done with the topic. Pat put his hands on hers and explained what the buttons did as Josh guided her through an easier level and Pat encouraged her to try different things. After half an hour of playing, she was done. She handed the controller back to Pat, scooted to the edge of the couch, and stood up. Pat lowered the leg rest and moved to help her. She shook her head. "I need a minute. I'm fine. I'll come back to your arms in a few," she promised. He smiled and kissed her hand. He watched her as she carefully hopped to the hallway and down to her room, using the wall as a brace.

"She's right. We can't help but love you," Pat admitted as he looked back at Josh. Josh grinned and shifted his shoulders back cockily as Pat reattached his leg. "But you need to take it back. She tensed and her breathing hitched at the mere mention of the word. She's going to crack one of these days; I'm not going to know how to bring her back," Pat confessed.

"Dude, I swear! I would never do anything to hurt her or you or your relationship," Josh promised.

"We know," Pat replied. "Can you just try to work on it?"

"I will," Josh promised sincerely. "Go check on her. I'll understand if you don't come back out; she's more important and that's the way it should be." Pat sighed and stood up. He looked back towards their bedroom; Annette had closed the door. Pat pursed his lips. He desperately wanted to be with her, but if she shut the door, she didn't want company. "I love how you two are already talking about everything as a whole, not individually," Josh noted. Pat looked at him in surprise. "Everything is we, us, our. Not mine, his, her's. It's pretty cool. I want that," Josh explained. Pat grinned.

"She completes me; it feels completely normal to discuss things in the plural sense," he confessed. He looked towards the door again. Josh pushed him. Pat looked back and grinned.

"You need to be with her as much as she needs to be with you. So go," Josh ordered. Pat didn't have to be told twice. He made his way down the hallway and paused outside the door.

"Annette," Pat spoke softly. He heard shuffling behind the door. "I made you a promise and gave you a specific request, doll. Don't do this alone. Can I please come in?" The door cracked open and she nodded; she was crying again. Pat opened his arms and she leaned into him.

"It's your room too," she whispered. Pat grinned as he scooped her up and carried her to the bed, cradling her in his arms as he sat in the middle of the bed and leaned against the wall. He faced her towards the window and brought his right knee up, bracing her back as her legs rested over his prosthetic limb.

"Talk to me, doll. Tell me why you're hurting right now," he pleaded as she shook in his arms. He tilted her chin back and looked at her. He dried the tears that were falling and rubbed her cheek tenderly.

"I don't want to offend your guest, our friend. I can't keep reverting back to sex talks," she cried. Pat rested his head against her's and kissed her cheek. She pulled both knees to her chest and wept on his shoulder. He rested his arm around her knees and held her tightly, drawing circles on her shoulders. "I hate that I cry so easily. I hate that you see me like this. I love that you are supportive and just hold me. I'm sorry I'm so broken," she whispered around her sobs. Pat shook his head, brushed her bangs back with his nose, and kissed her temple.

"Don't you get it, doll? I don't see you as broken. Never have; not really," he murmured in her ear as he moved his left hand up her leg. "Sarah," he breathed as he traced her jaw with his nose. "The one time I saw you like that was last night and you were ready to leave me; it broke me too, doll. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. Yes, you have seen some crippling battles, but I don't see a broken girl. Even when I thought just looking at you would break your fragile state, you proved me wrong. I never thought someone as small as you would run to take on giants and push everyone else behind her to protect them, then continue to stand tall as the giants raged." She chuckled softly and kissed his cheek. "I love that you care enough to share your emotions with me. I love that you fit in my arms. I love that you allow me to hold you. I'm glad I can support you. I always will," he whispered as she snuggled into his chest. He smiled and kissed up her jaw. "I am so sorry about Josh, but I never know what he's going to say. I worry about him," he stated. 

"I know. He can't be controlled," she giggled. Pat pushed her back so he could look into her eyes again. He dried the tears and smiled at her. "So you didn't answer his question," she whispered and looked down. "He implied that maybe I did something, but with the way his mind works," she trailed off. Pat grinned.

"Sarah," he whispered and lifted her chin. Her eyes met his and he felt his heart get stuck in his throat again. He took a deep breath and tried to focus. Keeping his hand under her chin, he rubbed her cheek with his thumb. "I'll admit we do not have a traditional relationship. Dating starts with seeing each other once a week, not being able to see each other daily. Maybe a few kisses here and there. Late night phone calls. Then, if things go well and they're both on their own, after like six months or more, they start spending the night at each other's house. I'm not 100% certain on this though; you're the first girl I asked to live with me," he explained. She grinned and looked down.

"I don't know either, but that sounds right," she whispered. He grinned and moved his thumb to her eye and stroked under it, drying her eyes. She met his eye again.

"We can't ask Josh because he's anything but traditional," he teased. She giggled. "Anyways, like I was saying, we've been together for two months doll, and already our relationship is stronger than those dating for much longer. We skipped so many steps. Josh asked if you have ever aroused me. Going back to what he said this morning about us being bland, he really wants to know if I've ever gotten hard because of you. I have. On more than one occasion," he whispered. Annette blushed, squeezed her knees tighter to her chest, and looked down. Pat released her knees and she immediately wrapped both arms around them. He put both hands on top of her knees. "Just because you gave me that feeling, doll, doesn't mean I'll act on it," he promised. She looked up in shock. He smiled warmly at her and grabbed one of her hands, enclosing it in both of his. "It's not that I don't want to, because I do. It's because I can't," he paused. She bit her lip and looked down. 

"I'm sorry," she whispered as another tear fell down. Pat shook his head and rubbed her nose with his. She looked back up at him as their foreheads touched. 

"Don't, doll. It's nothing you've done or haven't done, and it's especially something you don't need to cry over. Don't feel guilty. When I came back from overseas, that was one of my concerns: what if I can never find a girl to love me? What if I do find a girl to love me and I can't satisfy her? Forgive me, I might make you uncomfortable, but I want you to know my fears too, so you'll need some backstory," he told her softly. She nodded and pulled back so she could look at him. He rubbed her arm tenderly. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, holding her gaze. "Doll, you need to tell me if it's too much."

"I will," she whispered, leaning over and kissing his cheek. He grinned and rubbed her cheek, pushing her away slightly.

"I also need you to behave and not distract me," he ordered softly. She giggled and sat back, clasping her hands together. He chuckled. "Thank you. Before the army, going through puberty, I had several embarrassing times when I experienced a stiffy, over stupid things. For example, it happened once because my mom brought me pie from work. It didn't make sense and I was embarrassed. Thankfully, Mom didn't flinch. Another time, someone came through the parking lot on a motorcycle; it didn't sound or look cooler than any other bike, but I reacted. That's just life for a guy. Other times, he'll come up in the heat of the moment like he's supposed to, and yes it has happened with you. It wasn't a full erection, but it could have been. The last time it really happened and I wasn't trying to make it happen for masturbation or anything. It was during a make-out session with the latest girlfriend: Marci. However, that was her intention and she didn't hold any punches. I dumped her right then; I just couldn't spend any more time with her. I wasn't ready for that. I hated myself for misleading her. I was only with her because it was the thing to do, not because I was drawn to her. I have masturbated; it's what guys -especially in the army- do. I always chose pictures that had no faces. I know what I like seeing. I respect women on the highest degree. I was thinking, it's not real women in pictures anyways; they're all photo shopped. Two weeks before those mines went off, I met a real playboy bunny. Suddenly the pictures that were helping me stay sane, mocked me. 'What would you want me to do if I was in front of you? Is this what you want?' They weren't just pictures any more, they were actual people and I couldn't disrespect them like that. I decided right then and there, if I were to have a deep connection with anyone, sex would never be the thing that keeps us together. And any form of porn would just get between me and the girl I wanted to spend my life with; something I would never want. After all, I want to give her my all. No, give you my all. You mean more to me than anything and I don't want to be with anyone else. You have my heart, 'Nettie," he explained, watching her closely. She took it all in, with wide eyes and hitched breathing. When he paused, she smiled warmly at him.

"You make me feel very special. I want you and love you with every fiber of my being. You have given me more than I ever thought I could have wanted. And you don't stop giving. I love you," she whispered. Pat smiled and traced her jaw. She closed her eyes, tilted her head into his hand, and smiled again.

"I'm not done yet, doll," he whispered. She opened her eyes and looked at him curiously. He grinned and lowered his hand. "I have more to say, and it will probably scare you. That's not my intention, love. I care deeply about you and want only to make you happy."

"I'm very happy," she whispered. He smiled and placed a single finger over her lips.

"I'm glad. It is my goal everyday to hear those words uttered from your lips. Just shush for a bit longer or you're going to be asking for trouble," he murmured as he removed his finger from her lips and began tracing her jaw and neck as she blushed and grinned. Her eyes sparkled even brighter, and he could tell she was up for the challenge and would push his limits. Pat grinned and leaned in, giving her a soft peck. He refused to deepen it; he still had more to say. "I will kiss you when I'm done. Now behave, my little minx. Thank you. Heaven knows I want to give in and not take my mouth off of you again. I need you to know this," he murmured. Annette nodded. "Okay. So growing up, every man around you tells young men that it's perfectly normal to get off, masturbate, and look at women like they are only there for our sexual pleasure. Those men are wrong; you ladies are so much more. After I met the playboy bunny, I felt ashamed for the many times I had done that."

"Is it really that bad?" Annette interrupted. Pat grinned and rubbed her cheek. "I mean if it gives you a release, is it that bad to do so?"

"To think of women as objects, yes," he replied. She looked down and bit her lip. "Tell me, doll. What's on your mind? I'll continue in a bit." He grinned as she looked back up.

"I didn't mean to take it too far last night. I was caught up in the moment and didn't really have control over my body. I'm sorry," she mumbled and looked down again, her cheeks flushing deeply. She took a shaky breath and whispered, "you won't offend me if you have to. You know. Take care of that. Especially since I know that I can't take care of you without. Without." Pat chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Shh. I understand; I don't want you to relapse and taking care of me just might cause you to do that. You haven't had any nightmares lately -and I hope I never cause you to have some- but until you are ready for me, it's something you never have to worry about. Thank you for giving me permission to masturbate if I need to, doll, but I have pretty good control. Like I said, masturbation will take away from being intimate in the highest form with you, even if we don't have sex. We took it back before I reached the point of no return last night. I only want to take care of you in any way I can: spiritually, emotionally, financially, and of course physically if you want me to - like last night. I barely touched you and you climaxed. It was completely unexpected, and I loved every minute of it. Did you?" He asked. Annette blushed a deeper shade of red and nodded. "Breathe, doll," Pat ordered, stroking her jaw. She took a deep breath and looked up at him again. He smiled. "I appreciate your concern for me, but I don't need to get off when I'm with you, okay?" She nodded and kissed his chin. Pat smiled and rested his head on hers as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Are you going to continue now? You said you still had more to say," she whispered.

"Always so selfless, doll; I love that about you. Well I love everything about you, but your selflessness is one of my favorite things. Let's see, where was I? Right! So when I woke up in that hospital bed, covered in bandages, I hated every part of myself. I didn't even know if I would be able to use the bathroom, let alone, have an erection. Of course, I never thought anyone could love this mess and they would only see me as a monster, so I didn't dwell on it. Then you came into my life. Knots, butterflies, and static electricity jolted through my body. After getting to know you, and watching you take care of the children that came through in an expert manner, I thought that you would be an excellent mother. The parents of the kids you helped distract with your own personal pens and crackers appreciated the fact too. So it wasn't long before my mind wandered off. I imagined you carrying your own child and thought, 'how cool would it be if that was mine? If I were to lay with you in that manner?' I immediately dismissed the thought because there was no way I would ever get that close to you; that I could ever get this close to you. Like Josh said, I tried so hard to get you out of my mind. I began talking with other people at the restaurant to see if it was possible. Every time you looked at me, new butterflies formed in my gut, sparks ignited my nerves when you touched me, and just thinking about you caused a tingling sensation that went from my head to my toes. Before I knew it, I had to touch you more: brush my fingers over your hand, give you side hugs, stare into your eyes, and just be near you. It was harder and harder to stay away from you. As Josh would put it, I was thinking with my dick not my head. Please don't take anything from that; it's just a guy thing. You women are very powerful, and you are more powerful than most, doll. You have put more people under your spell than either of us know, but with me, darling, you put me in a whole new universe - even before you agreed to date me. I've never truly felt anything like that before and I loved it. Then everything happened. I thought I lost you, that I failed you. When you first saw me in the hospital, you gazed upon me trying to convince yourself that I was real or something; you never looked away until I told you I was scared. That's when you snapped out of stupor. I was drawn to you like a magnet and had to touch you and hold your hand. I thought for sure you would have blamed me, but you didn't. Throughout the whole experience you were still you: sweet, forgiving, sincere, patient, kind, and above everything else concerned about anyone but yourself. You were crying and shaking, but you still tried to make me laugh and smile. All I could think was 'she's awake! She's breathing!' Then you touched my face. Your fingers seemed to have an electric current running through them and you caused me to shiver. You were so sickly looking, and yet you were more concerned about me all because you couldn't see life in my eyes. Little did you know at that time, you were in control of the spark in my eyes - and you still are. You gave me a genuine smile often while in the hospital and I knew no matter what, I would do what it took to make sure you continued to smile. I needed to be closer though, so I told you to be real with me and cry if you had to, because I didn't once want you to think that you were ever alone or that you didn't have support. My heart soared and broke several times that week. I cherished the thought of being so close to you, but had no idea of how to help you. When you kissed me for the first time, everything changed and the pieces clicked in my head. Not only did you run away with my heart, but I wanted to give you anything and everything, starting with holding you until you felt whole," Pat explained. Annette sat up again, smiled at him, and grabbed his hands. He grinned and stacked them on her knees.

"I thought your words were supposed to scare me, but all I want to do is kiss you," she whispered. Pat's smile grew as he leaned in and kissed her forehead. She pouted and tilted her head up, planting several small pecks across his face. He pushed her head down and met her lips with his. Slowly she pulled away, taking several deep breaths. She kept her forehead pinned against his. "Thank you. You definitely have given me so much." She took a deep breath and bit her lip. She pulled back and met his eye. "So when was the first time you considered banging me?" Pat chuckled and looked down at her knees.

"I wanted to date you properly; not once did I consider the possibility of just sleeping with you to get my rocks off. Doll, I have never dwelled on just banging you. I want more than that and I know I don't need it to be happy with you. That fateful day, I was hoping it would be the start of a dating relationship. My true intention was to keep you safe, but I was ever hopeful for more. I knew the threat was real, but I did nothing. For that I'm sorry. I know you don't hold me responsible and I love you for it. All I wanted was to see you happy and I hoped it could been with me," he explained meeting her eye again. She blushed, bit her lip, and nodded. He grinned. "There have been several times when you have started to arouse me, but because I want you to lead, I never pressed the matter and often got you to change the subject - like when you showed me your room at your brother's house. Granted, I changed the subject there, but I easily could have been persuaded to continue to kiss you or more." Annette giggled, leaned into him, and closed her eyes. Pat smiled as he put his head against her's, wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and held her tightly. "Last night though, I couldn't change the subject; I didn't want to. I was enjoying the moment too much and you weren't pushing me away. So I continued to explore your body with my lips; you scratched my side, and I was at the edge of no return. The other times, he may have twitched, but last night, he began to fully stand at attention," he explained softly. Annette flushed bright red, pulled back, opened her eyes in shock, and inhaled sharply - holding her breath. Pat grinned and rubbed her cheeks. "Shh, doll. Breathe. Another breath. Let it out. Thank you. Keep breathing, beautiful. We haven't needed it in a while, but we still have the oxygen tank; don't make me put it on your face. It takes away my option to kiss you openly." 

"I'm good," she giggled softly. "I have your big lungs. I was just taken back by your words. I'm sorry. Please continue."

"Yes, ma'am. We won't have intercourse unless you want to, but please don't rush into it. I told you, just because you make me feel like that, doesn't mean I'll act on it. I mean it, doll. Please don't feel like you owe me or that you have to pay me with your body; you give me what you can when you can, nothing more. You don't owe me anything and I don't need to have sex with you. Truth is, I'm just not ready to be completely naked in your presence yet. I hate my body, doll. My leg is worse than my back. I know it doesn't bother you, but it bothers me. I promised you we would take it slow, and I want to. I especially don't want you to feel guilty over anything we do. I have never seen you as a piece of meat. I don't need you to take off your clothes, because I know intimacy isn't just about sex. I know this right here -holding you and talking to you- this is a form of intimacy and it works for me. I'm happy with just doing this," he explained softly as he stroked her hand. She smiled at him tenderly. Her eyes searched his, penetrating into his soul. She was willing to be exposed and open with him emotionally, she deserved the same respect from him. He would spill all his secrets with her. "As you so eloquently put it, until I am not opposed to any form of nudity -that includes my own- sex will never be an option. I do respect you, doll, and I hold you in the highest regard, so I never want you to feel obligated to take your clothes off for me. Now last night, I thoroughly enjoyed and your breasts are better than any of the pictures I used to ogle, but that doesn't give me the right to touch them whenever I want. I loved that you granted me permission to touch you, but just because you granted it once doesn't mean it's an open door. It doesn't even mean that it's an unlocked door. I will ask every time and stop if it's too much for you. It is like I said last night, nothing south of the border will happen and you have complete control; I expect you to guide me and push me away. You won't hurt my feelings and I will never force myself on you. I have no qualms caring for you in that way, but I can't allow you to care for me. It won't take much to push me over the edge. You truly are a powerful force and I'm afraid of losing you if we go too fast, or if I allow you to fully arouse me so further actions have to be taken." He paused and looked upon her tenderly. She lowered her head and Pat sighed, rolled his eyes, and glimpsed at the crown. He smiled, raised her chin, and teased, "after all, it's a serf's duty to serve his queen. I will happily serve you, provide for you, and take care of you. All I ask in return is that you cook for me." She snickered softly; it was exactly the reaction he wanted. He leaned forward and kissed her nose. "Because I hate myself so much, is truly the reason I don't want to take the plunge. Intimacy is the flames of love being stoked. I told you before, I don't have to have sex with you, and I mean it. So now you know the reason behind me being so opposed to you taking your clothes off, along with the fact that I think you're beautiful as is. It's why I'm just fine holding you. It's why I have no problem kissing you, all over your body. If and when you are ready and want to leap into intercourse, I promise I'll try." She squeezed his hand gently and placed her left hand on top of both their hands.

"I appreciate you being so open with me. I know it can't be easy for you to express that. Last night, I wasn't trying to have sex, and I appreciated the fact you didn't try and push the limits. Never stop kissing me. As long as I have you here, I'm content. We'll figure this out together. You impressed me by not looking until I told you that you could. Your mom raised an exceptional young man. She did well. I wish more parents taught their kids respect," she murmured. Pat grinned and kissed her temple.

"Doll, thank you for taking this news so graciously. I will always respect you. You just have to let me know if I go too far. It is up to you what I can see or touch," he replied. Annette grinned.

"Marry me and we'll talk about the next step," she whispered. Pat leaned back and looked at her in shock. 

"I will, just don't be taking away my proposal," he pleaded. She shook her head and kissed him again, extending her legs out. He leaned in and kissed her passionately, making her lean back slightly. She braced herself against the bed with her elbows, but remained sitting up some, pressing against his leg. When she turned her head and gasped for air, Pat smiled and let her sit up again. He pulled his right leg up, moved to lay on his side next to her, traced his right hand up her body, and rested it behind her neck as he pulled her back for another kiss and made her lay down beside him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled gently. Pat willing obliged as he grabbed one hand and held it securely as he rolled over her, covering her body with his, deepening the kisses. Her hand squeezed his left hand and she turned her head to the side, gasping for air. Pat continued to kiss up her nose and across her forehead. She moved her hand from behind his neck to his chest and scrunched his sweatshirt and squeezed his hand again. "I love you, Sarah," he breathed into her ear.

"Love you, Benji," she replied in the same hushed tone. She was panting, which meant he had done his job and started to intoxicate and arouse her again. He smiled tenderly at her and stroked her face again.

"What do you want, doll?" She gave him a confused look.


"I'm your's, doll. I can keep kissing you or I can just hold you. I just want to know what you want," he murmured, gently running his fingers over her eyebrow and down her cheek. She shifted her hips under him as she pulled him closer, causing him to groan. He quickly moved his head away from her as he breathed deeply into the pillow by her left shoulder, pulling his hand from her grasp and pushing against the bed. Annette moved her head and placed her hand on his shoulder. He leaned back and looked at her again. Her lip was stuck between her teeth again and her brow furrowed in concern. 

"I'm sorry. Did I-" Pat cut her off with a fervent kiss as he wrapped his hand behind her neck and traced up her side. She moaned softly and shifted her hips. Pat applied a little more pressure with his hips and pulled back so he could kiss her nose and gaze into her eyes. Her eyes held confusion and arousal, but thankfully she didn't say anything.

"Don't you dare feel guilty for anything," he ordered before pressing his lips against her's again, softer and sweeter. "You're powerful. I know you're not trying. You have no idea the power you have over me. One look, one touch, one word, and I'm completely defenseless; even more so than when you caught my eye. You drive me absolutely wild and I love it so much. I'm trying to keep a cap on my emotions. I want to take the plunge with you one day, and I think you dove in last night. Someday, I want to lay with you like that, but not today. We're on the edge, baby. I'm not ready. I don't mind kissing you everywhere and leaving you breathless. However, that's all I'm okay with at this time," he admitted and smiled warmly at her. "What are you okay with right now?"

"Everything that we did last night, nothing more. I just want you close," she confessed. He grinned.

"Wonderful; we're on the same page then. All I want is to keep you close because you are the best thing in my life and I love you is an understatement but it's the closest thing to my true feelings. Just so you know, when I say that it means more; you have my whole heart and I belong to only you. I mean all of me: body, mind, and spirit; it's your's. I will never force you to do anything with me, because as long as I have this, I'm perfectly content," he murmured, tracing her face with his nose. She giggled and pulled him in for a soft kiss. Pat pulled back and gazed upon her and rubbed his neck nervously before cradling her neck and head again. "You're radiant, doll. I don't want to admit it, but Josh was correct. I fell for you before I had a chance to breathe. I've been trying to catch my breath ever since." She was about ready to speak up again so Pat lowered his lips to her's again. "My sweet girl, please don't apologize," he begged as he traced up her arm to her neck and chin. He curled his fingers around and rubbed her cheek with the back of his fingers as she locked her hands behind his neck. "You have nothing to apologize for. I love the pull you have on me. I love that I feel like I've been on a crazy roller coaster ride; I'm never getting off. I love being mesmerized by you. One of these days, you are going to realize you are a powerful tidal wave that will wipe out any inhibitions I have. The day you try to seduce me because you want more is the day that I'm truly in trouble." She lowered her eyes and bit her lip again as she lowered her hands. Pat chuckled. "That doesn't mean I don't want you to stop touching me," he teased as he kissed her nose again then pulled her hands so she could hold him. She smiled and met his eye again as she locked her fingers together one more time behind his neck. Pat rubbed her lips gently. "I love you, Sarah Annette, and all your quirks. I love how you have the power to control me. You are so amazing. What I love most of all is that you're mine," he whispered. She pulled him closer with a smile. He came willingly and kissed her deeply. "Mine," he repeated softly as he moved to her ear. He kissed her neck and moved lower. "Mine," he repeated again as he rested his head on her chest. She ran her fingers through his hair and sighed contently.

"Your's," she confirmed. Pat grinned and looked up at her. She looked at him tenderly and whispered, "only if you're mine."

"For eternity, doll," he promised. He turned his head and just held her for a while. When her fingers stopped playing with his hair, he propped up on his elbows and looked at her. Annette opened her eyes and smiled wearily at him. He moved back up and kissed her. "Are you tired, love?" She shook her head and he chuckled; once again she was trying to hide from her emotions just to spend more time with him; not that he could blame her because that's just what he wanted too. He kissed her again until her back arched and she sighed. Slowly he pulled back and she relaxed. He stroked the bruise on her right cheek. "How's the pain, doll?"

"I'm fine, darling. I have you; I don't need anything else," she replied. He looked pointedly at her. "Six," she whispered softly. He sighed and nodded.

"Heavy stuff or Ibuprofen?" He asked. She pursed her lips. "Doll, I want you to stay ahead of your pain. You need to keep it at a four or less. Please," he begged. She rolled her eyes and agreed.

"Ibuprofen," she confirmed. She kissed his cheek one more time. "Did you mention coloring?" He grinned and sat up, wrapping both her legs around him as he sat perpendicular to her. He pulled up her right pant leg, extended her leg, and gestured to her stark white cast.

"It's boring, baby. You are anything but! Fairly certain I can turn this into a galaxy or something. You do love those stars," he teased as he lowered her leg. She giggled and shook her head. 

"Coloring can take too long if you want to do a galaxy," she replied as she brought her left leg over Pat's head and straightened her legs in his lap. She put her hands above her head and stretched. Pat put one hand on her stomach, feeling all of her muscles move beneath his touch, while the other held onto her thigh. He gazed tenderly at her face as she finished her stretch and relaxed back into the bed. She smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling herself up. "I'm done with my fit. Let's go be good hosts. It's probably not fair to leave Josh out there all alone."

"He's fine," Pat replied as he kissed her again. "Do you want me to bring the pain medication to you or bring you to the medication?"

"B," she replied as she leaned in for another kiss and took her feet off of him. "I should probably feed you too," she whispered. Pat grabbed both her hands, pushed her down, and pinned her to the bed, laying on her stomach. He gazed at her while he trapped her hands under his chin. "Pat, let me up!" She giggled.

"No, ma'am. I told you that you're taking it easy today. If you're going to try and feed me, then you'll be banished to this bed," he ordered as he squeezed her arms. She giggled and tried to free them. Pat sat back and bopped her nose. "Behave and you can join us in the front room again." She grinned and nodded. Pat scooped her up and carried her back out. Josh was playing a single player game. Pat reached over the couch and set Annette down beside him. "Don't move. Behave. Josh, keep her there," he commanded as he headed towards the kitchen. He picked up his phone and ordered some pizza for delivery while he got Annette some Ibuprofen and water. While he was at it, he popped her some popcorn and dug out some m&ms, pouring them both into separate bowls, stacking the chocolates on top of the popcorn. Then he dug through the fridge and found a beer for a Josh; Annette let him stock up again and insisted he have one every now and then. Pat never drank around her, but he always allowed his company to; he poured himself some lemonade. He took everything into the living room in one trip. Annette was scowling as Josh had both legs over her lap.

"Come on, Net! Tell me," Josh was pleading. Annette shook her head and tried to push his legs off her lap. "Is this more comfortable?" He turned around and put his head in her lap. "Or this? Here, let me do it again." Once again Josh turned around and put his feet on her lap.

"JOSH!" Annette yelled, pushing on his legs again. Pat chuckled softly and sat down. Annette looked at his full arms and took the popcorn and set it on the table with some difficulty since it was almost out of her reach. She then removed the chocolate bowl from the popcorn and set it down on the table too, separating the tower Pat had turned them into. "Get your friend off me please," she begged as she sat up again. "I wasn't going to go anywhere and quite frankly, he's hurting me with his lead filled legs. Please." 

"Yes, ma'am," Pat replied as he put the water and lemonade down and handed the beer over. Josh grinned as he lowered his feet off Annette's lap.

"Thank you," she replied sincerely as she rubbed her thighs. Pat put the pills in her hand and moved towards the closet. He pulled out a throw pillow and came back. He lifted Annette's broken leg, pulled the table closer, and rested her leg on the pillow on the table. Half the water was gone, she no longer was holding onto the medicine. He grabbed the popcorn and put it in her lap as he settled back into the couch. She grinned and leaned into his arm. He reached into the bowl on her lap and popped a couple pieces into his mouth. Josh took his lead; Annette didn't move. Pat squeezed her knee tenderly.

"Weren't you just saying you were hungry, doll?"

"No. I said I need to feed you," she corrected as she looked at him mischievously. She picked up a few kernels and threw them at him. "So open up, baby," she giggled, throwing more food at him, purposely missing his mouth. Pat chuckled softly and tossed them back at her. He leaned forward and took off his sweatshirt and draped it over the armchair as she dumped a handful of popcorn down the collar of his shirt. They crunched against his back as he sat back. She bit her lip and snickered as he looked at her in bewilderment. "Sorry," she remarked; her eyes danced and Pat didn't take it as a serious apology. He smiled warmly at her then took the bowl away from her and put it out of her reach, but not before he stuffed a handful down her sweatshirt. She giggled as he shook the sweatshirt so the kernels fell down. "It's my favorite snack place," she teased as she lifted the sweatshirt up and grabbed a piece, and popped it in her mouth. Josh looked at them in shock but didn't say anything about their little scuffle.

"I really need a partner on this game," he stated after clearing his throat. Pat nodded and picked up the controller. Annette grinned and leaned forward, grabbing the bowl of popcorn again and the m&ms. She leaned against Pat again and alternated putting the chocolate and the popcorn in her mouth. Josh winked at her when the doorbell rang and Pat stood up to answer it. "Annette, you got him to throw food and not clean it up immediately!" Josh whispered excitedly as he wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled her in for a hug. "Just look!" Josh gestured around the living room and they both looked towards the door. A trail of popcorn had followed Pat. Annette giggled and bit her lip as she pulled away from Josh. 

"I'll clean it," she promised as she started to sweep up the crumbs in the couch. She lifted the sweatshirt up and cleaned it out there too. Then she put them all on a pile on the coffee table.

"I think it's awesome, Net," Josh praised. "He needs a few messes." Annette giggled again as Pat walked back over, holding two pizza boxes. He set them on the coffee table and moved towards the kitchen. "You broke him," Josh teased softly as he poked her side with his elbow. She grinned and shrugged her shoulders.

"What secrets are you two spreading?" Pat asked as he came back into the room with three plates. 

"Nothing, dear," Annette stated as she smiled at him. She looked at her popcorn mess and scooped it up. "Just talking about popcorn." Pat smiled and offered to take it from her as he put the plates down on the table.

"Timeout if you throw it again, missy," he warned playfully.

"Is that a threat or a promise? And are you going to ensure I stay there?" Annette giggled. 

"Both and no. You would see that as a reward," Pat rebuked as took the remains from her as he considered making her stay put, without a way to get in trouble again; he would love to be in timeout with her. She stood up and shook out her sweatshirt. Pat sighed. She pointed her finger at him as he looked at the carpet and pursed his lips.

"Leave it," she ordered. He stood up straight and smiled. He turned around, ducked into the kitchen again, and threw the popcorn into the garbage. She was still standing when he came back in the room, arranging the plates and opening the pizza boxes. Pat chuckled softly. She was the perfect hostess. He looked around the living room as she stood up tall again. He met her eye and grinned. "I'll vacuum after lunch. Right now, I was hoping to enjoy a hot meal with you," she pleaded.

"Of course, doll. I'd love that," he replied as he made his way back to the couch and sat down, pulling her with him. She needed to stay off her left foot too; he could tell she was starting to over extend her knee and the last thing he wanted her to do was tear her ACL or MCL. "Was popcorn the mess you had in mind today, darling?" He whispered in her ear as she put two slices of pizza and two breadsticks on a plate and passed it over to Josh. He took the pizza sauce and poured it on his plate. Annette shook her head, looked over her shoulder, and winked. 

"Guess you're going to have to stay tuned," she teased as she focused on dishing Pat up a plate. He grinned and kissed her cheek.

"Pat, I'm proud of you," Josh praised with his mouth full. Pat looked over at him as Annette dished herself up half of what she dished the guys up. "46 minutes and counting of a mess and you haven't cleaned it really. New records!" Pat pursed his lips again, put his plate down on the coffee table, and moved to pick up. Only to have Annette stop him by pressing back on his chest; he froze in fear of hurting her and grabbed her hand.

"NO! I told you, dear, messes are fun. You will let me clean this up after lunch. Now eat. Just stop being so anal and live a little," she ordered. Pat chuckled and relaxed back into the seat as he grabbed his plate. He took a bite of his pizza and she pulled her arm away. Annette took a bite of her pizza as Pat looked down at his with a smile. He pulled the toppings off and smeared the crust on her cheek. She gasped and looked at him in shock. "Pat, what are you doing?!" Annette whispered.

"Making a mess with a pop of color, doll," he murmured.

"What?!" Josh exclaimed as he choked on his beer. When he was done coughing, he looked at Pat in shock. "Did I just hear you say you're making a mess?" Pat grinned and nodded. Annette's eyes were still wide.

"Doll, I'm serious. I would love to make a mess with you," Pat murmured.

"I'm all for a food fight, but are you sure you really want to try and get pizza sauce out of the carpet or couch?" Annette sounded astonished. Pat grinned and leaned over so he could kiss her cheek, licking the sauce off her face. 

"Oh yeah! Lighten up, doll. This is one mess I might enjoy making. Clean up will be a blast," he whispered. Josh watched her hands as she played with a cup of sauce. He knew this was not going to end well but he just grinned. Pat closed his eyes and began kissing her lips. Annette grinned and put her hand in the sauce. She moved it to Pat's hair and began rubbing it in as she deepened the kiss. Josh had a hard time swallowing his pizza and took a swig of his beer then pulled out his phone, snapping a few pictures. When Pat finally broke the kiss, Annette patted his cheek and giggled. 

"Stop it. You need to eat. I'll help you make messes some other way. Food is not made for eating off people and I won't allow it again. No more playing. It's lunchtime. So eat. But not anything on me. If you put food on me to eat, I'll slap you," she warned with a bright smile and a twinkle in her eye. Pat gave her a confused look but returned the smile. She looked down at her hand. Pat followed her gaze. Red fingers. He gasped as he put his hand to his head and laughed merrily as he withdrew his hand and noticed it was covered in pizza sauce. Annette met his eye and grinned. "You're taking this really well," she praised.

"It's fun. Although, now that I think about it, it is a little gross feeling. Good thing it's a shower day," he whispered as he kissed Annette again. He took the cup of sauce out of her hand and dipped his finger in it and drew a heart on her forehead. "Mine," he mused. She grinned and offered him a bite of her pizza. Josh had doubled over laughing and was now rolling on the floor. Pat kicked his feet gently and Josh stood up. He handed Annette a napkin as he snapped another picture of Pat. She wiped the sauce off her hands then wiped Pat's hand. She took another napkin and wiped his face with a smile. Pat did the same for her.

"Oh my God! Linda's not going to believe this. Annette, you're awesome! I'm literally speechless," Josh chuckled. Pat joined in and ate his food, making sure to lean forward so as to not cover the tan colored couch in red sauce too. "You're awesome, Annette! I don't know how many times Joanna tried to get him to make a mess."

"Like all other normal little boys," Pat finished. Annette grinned and took another bite of pizza. Pat reached over and grabbed her hand. "You're a bad influence," he teased. She looked at him and shook her head.

"I'm just reminding what it's like to be a kid again. Sometimes you need to let you inner child out to play; the world is much brighter when you do. You don't need to take on the world with your responsibilities, concerns, and cares. Fun, darling. That's my game. If you can't have fun, then life is dull," she replied. Pat smiled, squeezed her hand, put his plate down, reached over, held onto her neck, and pulled her in for another kiss.

"Doll, you make me feel alive. I don't need to find my inner child when you're around, because I don't feel like a crotchety grown up when I'm with you. And life is anything but dull with you around, 'Nettie," he told her softly. She smiled warmly and leaned into his shoulder. "I'm going to finish my lunch then go take a shower. Behave." 

"Never," she jeered. Pat smiled and pulled her braid. She pulled away and took another bite of her food. She looked over at Josh then back at the sauce. "Does Joshy feel left out?" She baby talked.

"Not at all, Net! I've been waiting for the day Pat got dirty, not on his own free will. If I partake, his fun-loving-carefree attitude will disappear. Not to mention, the mess will be outta control. I'm curious to see how far he'll let you take it," Josh noted with a grin. Pat chuckled.

"I'm done," Annette promised as she looked back at Pat. "I'd hate to break you," she confessed. "Thank you for getting messy with me." He grinned and kissed her temple.

"My pleasure. It was actually fun," he admitted. Again, Josh choked on his food and looked over at Pat. He smiled. "What? You're always telling me to loosen up. I told you, I might have finally found the one person I can-"

"-goof off with?" Annette interrupted. Pat smiled and nodded. "Well you're not dull. If you are, I've never seen it. Eat your food, dear. Thank you for the pizza." Finally, he finished his food, stood up, and cleaned the boxes and plates. Then he made his way back to the bedroom. Annette looked around the room. "He left my crutches in your car, didn't he?" She asked as she looked at Josh. He looked around too and nodded. 

"I'll vacuum, Net," he stated.

"But I made the mess! Please. Let me! I'm tired of people cleaning up after me," she begged. Josh shook his head and helped her stand. 

"I'm happy to do this. You showed me a new side of Pat and I loved every moment of it. Take off the sweatshirt. I know you already shook it out, but let's just be sure. I only want to clean this once," he ordered. She nodded and took off the sweatshirt, shaking it out so any leftover kernels fell to the ground. He took the sweatshirt away from her and rubbed down her back. "Kernel free," Josh remarked as he moved her to the armchair then put the sweatshirt on top of the wash machine. When he came back into the living room, Annette was leaning forward and trying to scoop up the popcorn off the floor. Josh chuckled and pushed her back into the seat, making her dump the popcorn back on the floor. "Just stay. It won't take me long to vacuum up." He moved over to the closet and set up the vacuum. He quickly vacuumed up the room and the couch. "This is the longest his house has been dirty. Even when we were younger and doing normal boy stuff, the fun had to stop and cleanup commence immediately if we made any mess at all. Even Joanna gave him guff about it. You broke him alright, Annette," he praised as he put the vacuum away. Annette giggled and then yawned. "You can sleep," he stated. "You should. You're looking a little rough around the edges."

"I don't want to. I have about a week and a half left of no school. I have to stay up from 6-4," she replied sleepily as she lifted the leg rest. Josh threw the throw pillow at her. She caught it and hugged it.

"Today doesn't count, doll," Pat stated from the hallway as he ran a towel through his hair. "You slept in until nine this morning. You are taking it easy. A nap is exactly what you need right now, beautiful," he stated as he came over and rubbed her cheek. "Stress is not a good look on you," he teased. She grinned and leaned into his hand. "Can I color on your cast?"

"No. You can kiss me," she sassed. Pat smiled and leaned over and kissed her. Then he bopped her nose. She pouted and he chuckled.

"Behave, doll. Rest," he ordered. Josh looked over at the two of them and grinned. They really were cute and perfect together.

"I love it," he stated softly. Both of them looked at him in shock. He shook his head and tried to cover his tracks. "Coloring. Cast. Sounds fun."

"NO!" Annette gasped. Josh gave her a confused look. "You won't be coloring on my cast at all! I won't have pictures of dicks and b***s sported all the time." Pat chuckled as he moved to the washing machine. He put the sweatshirt in, started the load again, headed outside, shook out the glass filled towel, and threw it in the wash as well.

"I'm hurt, Annette!" Josh was saying.

"No!" Annette repeated.

"Net, please let me! Come on," Josh begged. Pat shook his head and rounded up a few bowls, putting an inch of water in each one and food coloring.

"I saw some of the artwork you did on your guest's tickets! No," Annette argued.

"One time! To be fair, those guys realky were dicks. I just gave them some of their own medicine," Josh countered. "I would never defile you in such a way. I can do hearts, smiley faces, and stars."

"Do you trust me, doll?" Pat called from the kitchen as he put the bowls on a tray and added some soap.

"With all that I am," she replied. "But no offense, Josh. I don't trust you that much."

"I wouldn't either," he chuckled. Pat rounded up a few straws, the droppers, and the corn starch. Then he brought the tray into the living room. Josh looked up at him in shock. "Annette, I don't know what you did to him but he's bringing mess makers in here." Annette looked at the items and grinned.

"Here I was thinking you didn't pay attention," she teased. "Do you know what you're doing?"

"Not a clue," Pat confessed as he sat on the floor. Annette grinned. "So, how do I do this? Do I need the shaving cream too?" Annette shook her head.

"I'm good with white," she whispered as she pulled her leg up. Pat shook his head, combined all the bowls of water into one, stood up, and walked to the guest bathroom with the bowl. He dumped the water down the sink, rinsed the bowl, and washed the sink. Then out of the medicine cabinet, he pulled out the rubbing alcohol, the container of q-tips, and the bag of cotton balls. He carried all his items out, paused long enough to stop at the hallway closet to pull out a tub of permanent markers, and made his way back out to the living room. Annette looked at all of the items as he put them on the coffee table. "Seriously! I'm fighting a losing battle. I don't like it," she pouted. 

"I'm going to give you a pop of color," Pat stated as he rubbed her right cheek. "I don't want you to find your own versions."

"It found me," she confessed as she covered his hand with her own. Pat leaned over, moved their hands, and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry. You do realize that all this is what happens when you aren't around, right?"

"Guess it just makes all the more sense for me to stay by you then, huh? Sleep, 'Nettie," Pat ordered as he turned the chair, lowered the leg rest, put her feet on his lap as he sat down on the couch again, and began rubbing her left foot. "I'll color your cast while you rest."

"Give me your foot," she commanded. Pat shook his head. "Pat, give me your foot! You can't keep doing things for me and not expect me to want to repay the favor."

"You can do mine, Net!" Josh teased. She scowled at him.

"Probably not. You owe me. After all, you ate all my food and have been causing problems," she replied. Josh chuckled.

"Guilty. I meant no disrespect. Your food is delicious. Eating it off-" Josh began, Pat gave him a pointed look. "-any surface is the best thing ever!" Annette rolled her eyes and looked back at Pat.

"Please, dear. Let me rub your feet, er um. Foot. You can still bow and serve and whatever makes you happy, but this! This is one thing I can do for you that shouldn't go over the top. It's a little more complicated for me to cause issues if I just touch your foot. Please," she begged. Pat smiled and lifted his foot so it rested against her left hip. She lowered her left foot, much to Pat's dismay and pulled his foot to her stomach. He kept his hands on her right foot, making sure to keep the pressure light and that she couldn't pull it away. "Thank you for not putting your shoe back on after your shower," she murmured as she gently started rubbing his foot. She went down the outside of his foot and pursed her lips. "Thought you said you have issues with your back?" Pat gave her a confused glance. She rubbed down his foot again. "Back." She moved to the inside of his foot and rubbed it gently. She paused in the middle and worked on a knot. "Front, chest I believe." Then she moved under his toes. "Eyes, ears, neck." Pat smiled warmly at her. "You're having issues with your neck and one of your internal organs. I don't remember which one this is," she explained as she rubbed the middle of his foot again. "Told you kissing me was bad for your neck," she teased.

"Doll, I'm not in pain," he chuckled. "And I'm not going to stop kissing you."

"Good. Because I don't want you to stop," she replied as she started to work on his ankle. She hid a yawn in her shoulder and Pat pulled his foot from her hands as he tucked it back by her left hip.

"Let me have your foot, doll," he ordered. She nodded and put her leg back up. Pat crossed her right leg over her left then pulled out the markers and began coloring on the top of her cast, filling it with random patches of the cool color palette she loved - lilac hearts surrounded by circles of sky and navy blue, turquoise, and forest green. Pat made sure the green circles were the smallest since it was her least favorite color out of those choices. Annette watched with piqued curiosity but her eyes were starting to droop. Pat wet a cotton ball with the rubbing alcohol and began dabbing his work. He smiled as he got the desired effect - a washed out camouflage. He took his wet and colored cotton ball and worked on making a halfway line. Then he dabbed down until his cotton ball was no longer stamping color. Annette peered at it and grinned.

"Soldier boy, through and through. I like it," she admitted. Pat grinned and Josh chuckled. 

"Good. If I made sure Josh only drew that, can he help?" Pat asked kindly. Annette looked over at Josh and gave a curt nod. She yawned again. Pat looked over at Josh. "What do you say? Do you still wanna help? And above all, can you stick to those parameters?"

"Love to. Purple heart, blue and green circles? Yeah. No problem," he replied as he walked over and sat on the floor. Together they worked on coloring her whole cast. Annette moved the pillow in her arms behind her head and threaded her arms through Pat's sweatshirt. She leaned back in the seat and finally closed her eyes. "If her cast isn't supposed to get wet," Josh started.

"The fiberglass can - briefly," Pat remarked as he started to dab again. "It's the cotton wadding underneath mainly that can't. As long as we don't soak the cotton ball and press it against the cast so it soaks through, we'll be fine," he explained. He looked up at Annette as she shifted to her right a little and tucked her left knee on her right thigh. Pat tucked his right foot under her better so she could rest her ankle on him. Her mouth and nose was buried in the sweatshirt where Pat assumed one or both of her hands were resting. Her breathing was steady and her eyes closed; she didn't do it on purpose. "She really does move around a lot when I'm not holding her," he mused softly as he went back to work. Josh chuckled and looked up at him.

"She kinda depends on you," he teased. Pat chuckled and nodded.

"And me on her," he replied.

"Keep her still. I'm going to lay under her legs and finish the backside," Josh ordered. Pat nodded and touched up on the front. Coloring a cotton ball one color before adding more rubbing alcohol to it, adding lighter colors to the bottom of her cast randomly. "So issues? Care to elaborate?"

"Nope," Pat replied, making the p pop. Josh chuckled.

"She was right at breakfast, wasn't she?! You really are opposed to any form of nudity!"

"Maybe. Does it matter? It's our life, our relationship. We will be as vulnerable as we want when we want. I told you, I'm going to marry her. She has a really good read on people, so yeah, you can say she was right. By the way, you were right too. Licking food off her was very sensual; I almost didn't want to stop. Just don't say that you told me so," Pat replied cheekily causing a ripple of laughter to come from his friend on the floor.

"Pat," Josh murmured after several moments. Pat leaned over and looked at him. "If she decides she can't do this any more, will you let her go?" Pat gave him a hurt and confused look before looking back up at Annette's face; she had moved the sweatshirt away from her face, her lips were parted and her face completely relaxed. Pat had never seen such a beautiful and serene scene. His breath was caught in his throat as his friend's question echoed in his mind.

"What do you mean let her go?" He whispered. 

"Watch her walk away and never come back. I'm not saying she will. I was just curious. I don't think either of you will survive without the knowledge that you can come back to each other's arms," Josh replied quickly.

"If she decides I'm no longer what she wants and is happy elsewhere," Pat choked. He didn't want to think about it. He sighed and looked at Josh again. "I'll chase her anywhere. Last night, she insisted on leaving. I packed both our bags with the intention of letting her leave, but not without me. I can't see a future without her. Do you know something I don't?"

"NO! I'd tell you. I'd swear. She loves you, anyone can see that. She has you cooking, talking about birds, making messes, stumbling over your words, and giving up your clothes," Josh said sincerely. Pat nodded and looked back at Annette. She was scowling. He chuckled and began rubbing her foot again. Josh sat up and put his mess on the tray on the coffee table; he collected Pat's mess and put it there too. Then Josh pushed the coffee table back a little bit as he brought his knees up and casually rested his arms on them. "You are my friend. Ever since I first met you, what eleven years ago now?" Josh asked. Pat calculated in his head and nodded. "Well six years ago, the person I befriended disappeared; a recluse took his place. I was ready to give up. It was exhausting trying to reach out to you. You never really responded. She brought you back to life. You were just not-dying-but-not-living earlier, a shell of who you once were. I just don't want to see you figuratively die again. You're full of life again." Pat grinned and punched Josh's shoulder lightly.

"Thanks for not giving up on me. I'm sorry I caused you any grief; you never let on that I was different. Truth be told, I knew I was though. When I came back, I really didn't want to deal with anyone. I couldn't understand why I should be alive. I had a lieutenant you would have liked. He reminded me of your dad. I was surrounded by specialists that would have given you a run for your money in the flirtation department. I felt like I was around family; I called them my brothers but you have always been my brother. I didn't want you to look at me in the same light that I saw myself. I didn't die with honor in battle like my brothers. I wasn't the same man that had left. I was disfigured and broken. I was guilty and downright unworthy of any friends. To put it simply, I hated myself and I thought you should too, but I really hoped you wouldn't. I caught all the pitiful stares. It was too much. It's hard to go through life when people -yourself included- see you as broken. Then Annette came along. I never saw her looking at me sorrowfully, sympathetically, or in pity. I must have just missed her at breakfast that day. For lunch though, I walked in as you were teaching her how to hold multiple glasses. She had a look of determination in her eyes and they were bright, yet full of mystery. I followed her gaze as she looked down, noticing the nervous lip biting, her hands shaking, and how she tried to give you the cold shoulder. I think it was the first time you actually scared somebody with your charm. Anyways she put the glasses down, wiped her hands on her apron, and tried again. She smiled and you had her carry them around the counter as you set me up. She handled your maze magnificently and didn't drop a single glass," Pat recalled. Annette gasped and kicked her leg out and opened her eyes.

"You okay, Net?" Josh asked kindly, but she didn't respond. Both men look at her in concern. She looked around, her eyes bulging in panic but not focusing, both of her arms were moving, and then she fell back and crashed again. "Creepy," Josh whispered. 

"That's new. I think she was signing again," Pat mused at the same time. He ran his finger up and down her foot. She didn't move. Soft snores soon followed. "She sleeps," Pat chuckled and looked back at Josh. "I love her and all her quirks. Even these creepy ones - as you so nicely put it," he admitted. 

"Obviously. True love, Pat. And I get to witness it. You're going to have to learn sign language," Josh remarked. 

"I'll ask Noah about that later," Pat replied. "So what were we talking about again?" 

"First encounter," Josh reminded him as he moved back to his seat on the couch. 

Pat nodded and continued, "you had her go work on balancing plates and looked at me. 'Linda found another stray. I like this one. I think she'll be a great asset to the team,' is what you told me as you noticed you had food in the window. You leaned against the counter and had her take it out. I couldn't take my eyes off her. 'Something's different about her. She doesn't say much, but she's a fast learner. The customers seem to like her too. She's kind and sweet  I think she'll fit in perfectly around here if only she can grow a spine so that she doesn't get taken advantage of. You're a good judge on that. Let me know what you think,' you commanded as you walked away again. She nearly got wedged between the chairs at tables 7 and 8 as the guests stood up, but she stepped backwards, turned around and was carrying three glasses for a refill; avoiding all collisions without even looking. All I could think was 'wow'. I had no idea a single look is all it would take, and she hadn't even met my eye yet."

"You totally zoned out on me when I told you that, which at the time wasn't anything new. I left you to your solitude as I set up another table. I came back and you were still staring at her. Again, nothing new as you kinda stared down all the new recruits until you could read them. Although, I should have picked up on the fact that you weren't even looking away, even for a second," Josh added. Pat chuckled. "She was my shadow again as we approached you. I pulled out my order pad and was about to give you a witty response on why you were taking too long, but you met her eyes and spoke the longest sentence I heard you say in over three months. I handed over my writing pad as you tried to ruffle her feathers changing your mind three times, asking what she would pair with certain foods."

"She was quick on her feet, even with it being her first day. I could feel the static electricity radiating off of her and all my hair stood up on edge. Not like I was alarmed or in trouble. Joe's right. She lives in a bubble that radiates joy, because that's all I felt when she met my eye. I pointed to a random selection in the menu so she would have to step closer. She did and I felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest. She read it and gave me a confused look. 'You already have a pop. It doesn't pair well with orange juice, but if you want something citric may I recommend the chicken strip salad with a slice of lemon? French or Italian dressing brings out the citric acid the most.' I looked down at my hand to see what I was pointing to," Pat recalled.

"And you smiled, broadly. It wasn't a polite smile to make her shut up or leave; it was a genuine smile. I looked between the two of you then and was trying to stop my head from spinning because you were a new person again. I swear, sparks flew that day, but I was too bewildered to dwell on it. For the first time since you left, I finally got a glimpse of the man I call my brother again. You were happy-ish, and that's all I want for you," Josh remarked with a nudge with his elbow. "You haven't really stopped smiling since you first met Annette, you know?" Pat ducked his head and grinned largely.

"She's definitely the best thing that ever happened to me. So I agreed to her suggestion. For it being a salad, it was surprisingly delicious. I can't believe that she convinced James to make something that wasn't on the menu. He's such a stickler for the rules," Pat chuckled. 

"Nope, you didn't look at the ticket. She wrote chef no meat, side strips, followed by a capital i-t that was circled. James handed the ticket off to Marcus, who pulled her aside and asked if the chicken strips were supposed to be on the salad. She apologized profusely, asking if she did it wrong. Marcus and I laughed at her; she had gotten it correct. I took another table as Marcus showed her the tickets he was currently working on as he finished the salad. Showing her that unless it was written down, the cooks wouldn't be able to make the meal right, costing us precious tips. Annette took it all in stride. I'm just glad to see that everything panned out for you. I don't know what is worse, watching you pine over her or watching you two flirt and make-out. Although, watching you guys turn up the temperature is very exciting and I can't turn away," Josh teased. Pat grinned and looked down, studying Annette's toes.

"She needs a fresh coat of polish on her toes," he mused softly.

"Leave the poor girl's feet alone! Sheesh! You gotta foot fetish?" Josh teased. Pat chuckled and looked up. "So about those feet causing problems? Or well, you know, getting one riled up? That is what she was referring to, wasn't it?" 

Pat cleared his throat and shook his head. "When did you know I had fallen for her?"

"I suspected it at that first meal. Every time she came in, she was a magnet for your eyes. It was confirmed back in August this year. Looking back and hearing what you just told me, I know I wasn't wrong in my assumption that you fell before you could breathe," Josh noted. Pat smiled.

"I denied it. What a fool I was. Now don't be getting a bigger head, but yes, you were right," he chuckled as he stared at Annette's face. She was rigid and taking shallow breaths. Pat lowered her legs and stood up. He rubbed her cheeks and grabbed her hand. "Breathe, doll," he pleaded. He pulled her into his arms as he sat back on the couch. She shifted her head on his shoulder and her breathing evened out while he tugged on her ear. "What nightmares haunt you now, doll?" He whispered into her hair.

"Do you really want to know?" Josh asked. Pat looked over at him. "Her whole life is a horror story. She was slapped hard enough to bruise. Do you really think it's a surprise that she's having some sort of relapse? And before you go all pity-party-I-failed-her, you can't protect her from everything. You're not superman. You're keeping her safe from her dad, from the men at the cabin, from the men who took her, and any other man who looks at her. That's huge." Pat nodded and moved his hand to her jaw. She sighed contently and his heart soared. 

"She's right though, most of the danger that finds her seems to happen shortly after I leave her again. I want to stay by her side forever. She's demanding more and more alone time. All I can do is nod in compliance. The kisses, hugs, the time that she spends in my arms, her food, and so much more. She has given me things that I didn't even know I wanted. I over-hear her talking to Mom every now and then. Little things. The first time I heard it, she was wishing Mom a happy birthday. Other things I have heard have been snippets: great son, beautiful home, wishing they could meet, wanting to pick her brain for a recipe. Annette doesn't know I hear those things, but I do. I think she fears if she brings up my mom too often that it'll hurt me. However, hearing her talk to Mom brings me happiness, not sorrow. Anyone else talks about her and I'm filled with remorse. Nobody has ever made me feel as alive as Annette does, and it's a feeling I'm never going to let go of. She's my whole world," Pat murmured, gazing tenderly at the girl in his arms.

"Anyone can see that. The connection you two have is unworldly; I want it. I keep saying I wish Joanna could have met her, but well," Josh trailed off.

"Yeah. Annette did meet Mom. Mom hugged her and sent her back to me," Pat replied and grinned. "I would have loved for Mom to meet her here, in real life. Not in the spirit realm. I'd like to think it would've been the same reaction but Mom never liked any of the girls I dated. She hugged you. She hugged all of Linda's grandkids. But every girl that came over that wasn't family, Mom scowled at. Annette said she approached her, gave her a hug, and told her not to leave me alone."

"That's huge! I'm sorry it wasn't in person, but at least you know Joanna loves Annette as much as you do. I think Joanna definitely would have hugged Annette in life too," Josh praised. Pat nodded and picked up the game controller again.


Time passed quickly. Pat fixed his truck and took care of the rest of the house repairs before the snow hit. Josh went back to his own home. Neither Pat or Annette suffered from doubt again. Both found comfort in each other. Annette started going back to school and Pat stayed busy with workouts and pulling shifts at the restaurant. Any time he found a teddy bear that reminded him of Annette, he bought it. She happily accepted each one and named them; Noah's bear was the only one that didn't seem to have a name. After her post surgery six week check up, Dr. Brandt insisted that Annette remain in her cast for yet another six weeks, for a total of 19 weeks in a cast. She sighed but accepted the news. She demanded to be able to drive herself back and forth to school, so Noah and Jess gave her Jess' red Ford Fusion - claiming the little girl she was expecting was making it harder for her to drive around. Annette promised to give it back as soon as Jess had the baby. Jess and Noah laughed, but told Annette she could keep it until graduation, because Jess wouldn't be going anywhere without extra hands. She was more nervous about becoming a mom than anything and vowed to never travel alone with the baby. Annette spent three days working on driving with her left foot until she wasn't jerking the car around or trying to slam her right foot onto the petals for more control. She was proud of the achievement and promised to take it easy when driving back and forth to school. This made Pat a little nervous, but he was happy she was becoming more independent again. Every Saturday, Annette met Amanda at the restaurant for a cup of coffee (figuratively since Annette hated coffee). Amanda was starting to stand up for herself and not sleep with every guy that looked at her. Sundays were reserved for hanging out with her classmates. Every other Friday or so, Annette would spend the night with Renae just so they had more time together. 

For Thanksgiving, they headed over to Noah's place. Annette kicked everyone out of the kitchen and prepared the whole meal happily, including the several pies and fresh dinner rolls. Tyler, Noah, Jess, Pat, Annette, Josh, Linda, all of the Petersons, Esther, and Mrs. Sullivan all sat down together for dinner that night. After they were done with the clean up, and Linda and the Sullivans left, Noah knelt beside Jess and pulled out a ring. She gasped as she stared at the large princess cut diamond solitaire with small stones wrapping around the gold band as tears silently streamed down her face. Annette leaned into Pat and smiled as Jess agreed to marry Noah. He beamed as he placed the ring on her finger. Jess pulled him into a hug and the remaining crowd cheered. Annette made her way over as Noah stood up and Pat took their pie plates into the kitchen. Noah turned around and gave her a hug before handing her off to Jess. Together, they cried tears of joy. "Jessica Aubrey Gibson!" Annette squealed as Jess twirled her around, making Annette drop her crutches. "You're going to hurt my niece! Or me!"

"She's just as excited as I am," Jess giggled as she stopped spinning. Tyler walked over and helped Annette pick up her crutches again. Jess turned back into Noah's arms and kissed him passionately. "Tyler, will you give me away?"

"Of course, Jess. I'd be honored to," he confirmed as he embraced her as well. He shook Noah's hand. "Congratulations and welcome to the family, officially."

"I have to see the wedding band too," Jess begged. Noah laughed and disappeared down the hall. Annette made her way over to Renae and Darlene and conversed with them. Bob was doing better with his treatments but seemed to be checked out mentally. They bid Annette good-bye as Noah came back out with a ring box. Jess opened it up and gasped. "It's so pretty! Noah! I love you!" She ran over and showed Annette. Annette studied it closely and played with her necklace. It was designed with two infinity signs that were encrusted in diamonds. It was a jacketed white gold ring that would slide Jess' ring in the middle; Annette looked at in awe as she realized it would pretty much cover up the whole lower finger, up to her knuckle. Jess took off her ring and put it together and giggled as she tried to put it on. Annette stopped her by wrapping her fingers around Jess'.

"Don't spoil Noah's fun by putting on this ring before he says 'I do' forever," she warned. Jess nodded and took them apart, placing the jacket back in the ring box and putting the solitaire back on. "I'm happy you're going to be my sister," Annette beamed, giving her another hug. Jess kissed her cheek and moved back the couch Noah was sitting on. He pulled her into his lap and kissed her tenderly. Annette looked around the room uncomfortably. Tyler and Josh were conversing quietly. Annette looked over at Pat as he came back from the kitchen, sat beside her, and kissed her shoulder.

"How are you feeling, doll?" Pat whispered. 

"I'm happy and tired," she confessed as she snuggled beside him and held his hand. Pat kissed her forehead, switched her hand to his right hand, wrapped his left arm around her shoulder, and rubbed his thumbs over her hand and shoulder simultaneously. "Was that the rest of your mother's ring? The gem fits perfectly in the middle of those infinity signs," she whispered softly as she snuggled into his neck. Pat smiled and nodded against her head.

"Didn't think you would wear something that thick," he replied softly. Annette giggled and shook her head as she sat up again. She continued to play with the gem around her neck.

"You're right. Thank you. I'm glad to see it got put to good use," she whispered and kissed his cheek.

"When he showed me the band, I asked what he was planning on putting on her finger for the wedding. He goes 'can't I just use this too?' I pulled that out for him and he gasped. It's really perfect for Jess and her extravagant taste," he murmured in her ear quietly. Annette bobbed her head in agreement. "We've had a quiet fall/winter so far. However, it's supposed to snow next week, 'Nettie," he spoke in a normal voice. Tyler looked over and grinned. Annette caught the motion but didn't say anything as she looked back at Pat. "So Tyler and I were wondering if you two want to trade homes for the week? I don't want you driving that canyon very much with it being slick out," he insisted. Annette looked down and bit her lip.

"And because school's here and work's there for him, you two thought this would be a good trade?" She asked softly. She looked up mischievously and met Josh's eye. "Did you hear that, Josh? He wants to snuggle with Tyler next week instead of me," she teased. Everyone laughed. "Do I have to stay now or can I come back Sunday night?"

"You're always welcome, 'Nettie. Whenever you'd like, for as often as you like," Noah spoke up. "But he's right. It'd be safer if you weren't driving the pass. Er well, the start of the pass." Annette nodded and looked back at Pat.

"You aren't kicking me out?"

"Don't be ridiculous, doll. It's your home too," he murmured as he stroked her jaw. "I love you too much to get rid of you. I just don't want you to hurt yourself. The number accidents that happen in that canyon are ridiculous each year; none of us want you to be another statistic." She grinned and nodded.

"I'll come back Sunday, Noah, but I'm going home Friday after school. I doubt I'll stop to say good-bye," she confirmed. She turned and whispered softly in Pat's ear. "Maybe we can finally do this dating thing right. Plus you have some meals to make and freeze with me this weekend," she teased. He chuckled and embraced her tightly. He met Josh's eye and nodded.

"Josh works in the morning, doll. We owe him a ride home," he murmured. Annette nodded and stood up. She walked around to her family and gave them all a hug good night. When she got to Tyler she looked in his eyes and embraced him longer.

"She's struggling with her dad. She likes you; she's just afraid of losing him even though he's doing better. Don't give up on her," she commanded. Tyler nodded and rubbed her back.

"Thanks, 'Nettie," he whispered and moved to his room. Annette allowed Pat to carry her outside. She chose to sit in the backseat as Pat drove and joked with Josh in the front seat. Annette looked out the window and tuned them out.

"Annette," Josh snapped his fingers at her. She shook her head and looked at him. "Where'd you go? I called you several times," he stated.

"Nowhere. I was just thinking about Tyler and Renae. She's not only distant with him," she replied. Both men nodded.

"I was just going to say thank you for the invite to dinner. It was delicious. I liked the dessert best," he teased. Annette giggled and looked out the window again. "Tell me about your friend," Josh begged. "Not Renae, the other one."

"Esther is a sweetheart. If she asks, I'll tell her about you. But you don't get to know about her until then," she retorted. Pat snickered and Josh pouted. "She's a good friend. She needs someone who won't use her for sex. I love you, Josh. You're getting better, and I'm proud of you, but I don't want to see her hurt again. Surprisingly, she's been doing well and she dumped the last guy so if she mentions you, I'll let her know you're interested but that's it."

"Fair enough," Josh surrendered.

That weekend, Pat and Annette prepared several meals and froze them all. Annette wrote out specific instructions so Pat could cook for himself when she wasn't there. "I love you, Benji," she whispered in bed Sunday morning as she pressed her back against his chest. "I don't want to leave your arms." Pat wrapped his arms around her tighter, kissed her neck, and curled his leg to match her's. 

"I love you too, 'Nettie. Normal couple, that's the goal right?" He whispered. She shook her head and wrapped her arm around his neck as she looked over her shoulder. Pat kissed her lips passionately. "You have my heart, darling. Only you. No one else can take it." He rolled her to her back and kissed up her jaw. She inhaled sharply and closed her eyes. "Can I, doll?" Pat asked as he kissed her neck again. She opened her eyes, met his gaze as she pushed him back slightly, smiled, took his hands, and tucked them under her shirt. He pulled it up over her head and kissed down her torso, making her moan and sigh in exhilaration until her whole body trembled. She closed her eyes and pulled his hair. He grinned and kissed her lips again as she panted for air. "There's my Sarah," he breathed as she smiled and let out a contented sigh. He moved her left arm under his right one and she caressed his back, sending shivers down his spine.

"Love you," she breathed. "You're amazing."

"No. You're amazing, doll. I'll call you every night at 20:30," he told her. Her hand paused in the middle of his back and she looked up. Pat grinned and kissed up her jaw. "8:30, doll," he whispered. 

"I knew that," she whispered as she shivered. 

"I'm not done with you yet," Pat teased as he bit her ear, sucked and kissed around her neck and jaw, and rubbed her sides up to her chest. She nodded, scratched his back, pulled his hair, and sighed again as her body went rigid under him again. He chuckled and pulled back. He pulled her shirt all the way down and rubbed her nose with his. "Only you," he repeated. "You are mine. I won't trade you for anyone. No one can compare and no one else will turn my eye. Only you, baby," he promised and leaned in and kissed her lips softly. "Sealed."

"I'm glad your birthday is Saturday. I'd hate to miss it," she murmured as she played with his hair. Pat grinned.

"It's just another day. It's nothing special, but I'm glad you can spend it with me this year," he replied. "Now, I want you on the road before seventeen-hundred," he ordered. She nodded.

"Until quarter to five then, I'm your captive," she replied. Pat grinned and kissed her again. "I need to move my leg, darling," she breathed. Pat chuckled and sat up. 

"And I need to go shower, doll. We should probably get going for the day," he murmured, grateful that she was trying to behave and not take it too far for his sake. 

"Fine," Annette grumbled playfully as she sat up. "Crepes for breakfast?"

"Love some," he confessed as put his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to him. "Love you," he whispered as he kissed her lips again. Annette rested her hand on his chest and gently ran her hand up and down. The other one rested on his shoulder. She kissed him again. Pat grinned and deepened it. She arched her back and ran her fingers to his neck, electrifying him. Pat groaned in satisfaction as he pulled her closer. She parted her lips and rubbed her tongue over his lips. He sighed and granted her access. She let him move his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues played tag a few times and Pat had reached his limit; this was almost too far. He pulled back and Annette pulled him in again. He moved his hand to cover the hand on his neck and pulled it down as he gave her another kiss. Her teeth grazed his bottom lip and he groaned delightfully again. "Doll, please. I need space," he begged. Annette immediately sat back and put her hands in her lap. She looked guilty.

"Sorry," she whispered. Pat chuckled and moved to the edge of the bed as he took some calming breaths.

He reached behind him and searched for her hand. She gladly gave it to him. He pulled her hand over his shoulder and kissed up her arm, she wrapped her other hand around his waist, holding onto her anchor. "Powerful force," he murmured. She giggled. "I enjoyed it," he confessed as he looked over his shoulder. She smiled and pressed her lips against his shoulder. "'Nettie," he breathed as he closed his eyes. "I'm going to shower. I'll see you in ten minutes," he whispered. Annette slowly pulled away and stretched. Pat made his way to the bathroom, shaking his head. He leaned against the wall and took calming breaths as he looked down; he had effectively pitched a tent. "Damn you, woman!" He thought with a grin. He quickly took a shower, as cold as he could stand it. The cold water wasn't helping him regain his composure so he turned up the heat until the bathroom steamed. He looked down and rubbed his leg. No. He still wasn't ready for Annette to see him like this. He would have to try and pull back when alone with her. She was so exhilarating; it didn't take much to excite him. "Annette, you put a new level on desire. I have never wanted anything so badly, but I can't," he whispered feeling like a failure. He still wasn't going down. He sighed and softly expressed, "you take care of me too, baby. Even if you don't know it. I just can't allow this to happen very often. I need to give you my all." He leaned against the wall, he wrapped his fingers around his shaft and began to move his hand up and down in a repetitive manner, reflecting on the way Annette moved and sighed under his touch and the way her fingers brushed against his skin. He let out a soft moan as he dropped his load on the ground. Quickly he washed his body and hair, turning the water cooler again. When he dried off, he wrapped the towel around his waist and cleaned the mirror so he could shave the whiskers on his chin. He looked at his reflection and sighed. "I'm going to have to shave my head too! It'll be one less temptation for her, one less problem for me," he thought with another sigh as he put his razor down before it even touched his face. He enjoyed her running her fingers through his hair or how she gently scratched his beard. He loved the way it felt. He didn't even mind the longer hair any more. "I'll wait until you leave, doll. Actually, I should wait until Friday. Ugh! You're hopeless, Miller, but it's for your own good," he told himself in the mirror. He shook his head, moved to the bedroom, and got dressed. He grinned when he noticed Annette took care of the bed. The corners weren't squared off right, but she wasn't ever military personnel, nor did she ever plan on being one, so she would never be trained on how to properly make the bed. He fixed the corners and moved back to the bathroom. He cleaned and shined up the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed, "yep. Completely hopeless. You can't function without her." He washed his hands once again and made his way out to the kitchen. Annette was just dishing up waffles on some plates with strawberries, a light drizzle of chocolate sauce, and two dollops of whipped cream. "What happened to the crepes, doll?" Pat teased.

"I was hungry now. I didn't want to wait an hour. I used the same ingredients I was going to use with them," she said nonchalantly. Pat grinned. 

"It looks wonderful. Thanks, doll," he whispered as he moved across the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee; Annette had one waiting for him. He grinned as he picked up. "Thank you for taking care of me," he praised as he sipped on his coffee.

"It's only fair; you care for me. Cooking is the only way I'm allowed to care for you, so I'll do it. Happily," she replied as she turned off the items in the kitchen. He looked down and shook his head; if only she knew she did so much more. "You have good timing, darling. Care to join me for breakfast?" She looked at him and smiled. Pat returned the smile and nodded. She pushed her water over to the breakfast nook. Pat pulled the crutches away from her and scooped her in his arms and carried her to her seat then sat beside her on the right. She kissed his cheek and began eating. Pat studied her as he sipped his coffee. She looked at him in concern. "Do I have something on my face?"

"Only the most beautiful pair of sapphires I have ever seen," Pat stated. Annette blushed and looked down. She pointed with her fork to his untouched food and scowled. Pat chuckled and picked up his fork as he dug in. "You have a ridiculous sweet tooth," he teased around his third bite. Annette giggled and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't mind it," he confessed. "I'm just surprised your teeth haven't rotted out." She pouted and moved to take his plate away. Pat grabbed her hand and chuckled. "I love it, doll. I love you, sweetness."

"Love you too, Mr. Shield," she replied. She stuck her fork on a cut piece of waffle and kept eating with her left hand as Pat refused to let go of her right hand. She looked at him again then looked down at her clothes and food. Finally, she settled on looking at Pat. "What?!"

"I want you, doll," Pat mused.

"You have me," she replied with question in her eyes.

"Doll," Pat breathed as he looked down at their hands and rubbed her's softly. She held up her finger and Pat looked back up at her.

"Did I take it too far this morning?" She asked. Pat moved to speak. She shook her head. "Yes or no. Nod or shake. No words," she ordered. Pat grinned. "Did I take it too far?" She repeated. Pat took a deep breath and nodded. She bit her lip. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. And now you don't want to stay away? You need to take it up a notch?" She asked as she looked at her plate. Pat released her hand and lifted her chin so her eyes met his, they were laced with fear. "I can't," she was beginning to cry.

"Yes. I would love to take it up a notch, but I'm not asking you to, nor will I push it. I can wait, doll. I just wanted to let you know that you amaze me in the best way possible and I have to let you know that I was definitely fully aroused by you. I can't get enough of you. I want to kiss you more. Hold you longer," he began as he stroked her cheek.

"I love you holding me. I love you kissing me. I'm sorry I aroused you. I'm even more sorry that I allow you to arouse me, but I can't ret-" Annette began. Pat leaned over and kissed her.

"Shhhh," he murmured as he dried her eyes again. "I love that I can arouse you. I love even more that you climax without me really touching you. It is the best feeling in the world to see you in that euphoric state. The kissing and the touches were too much for me this morning and I almost couldn't pull away. We were just a few kisses away from me pinning you down and asking if I could ravish you. I'm not asking you to return the favor, I'm just asking that you let me continue to love and hold you. Doll, I'm not ready for the next step either. That's why I had to pull back and why I can't stop staring at you. You leave me feeling giddy. I just need you happy and willing to be in my arms. You absolutely glow and are so beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful sight. I gave you a euphoric high this morning and we both seem to be riding it still. I love it. One week of you not being in my arms, doll, and you're leaving me with this. I'm committing this moment right here with you to memory, so that I still have a reason to smile," Pat explained. She grinned as she dried her eyes and pulled out her phone. 

"There's an easier way to do that," she teased. Pat grinned and took it from her. He shook his head and kissed her neck, nibbling it softly. "Pat," she breathed as she squeezed his hand. He pulled back and looked at her, moving both hands to her face and kissing up her jaw. "Patrick Benjamin!" He chuckled, pulled back, put both of his hands on the counter, and looked at her. She gestured to his plate. "Eat first," she ordered with a wink. "We can snuggle, make-out, and watch a movie on the couch after breakfast is done." Pat chuckled and held her hand again.

"You're radiant, Sarah," he praised as he finally took another bite. She smiled at him as she cut her waffle with her left hand. "So I didn't know you were ambidextrous," he stated as she took another bite. She shrugged her shoulders.

"You still have a lot to learn, dear," she replied after she swallowed her food. Pat grinned.

"I look forward to it," he told her honestly.

They spent the rest of the day laying on the couch. Both made sure they didn't take things so far again. Before they knew it, their time had expired and Annette was on her way to her brother's house. They called each other twice a day and it helped with the separation anxiety. Tyler helped Pat set up the lights on the outside of the house, cut down a tree, and rearrange the spare bedroom. "So why are we doing this again?" Tyler huffed as he helped Josh build a Murphy bed. Pat grinned.

"Because 'Nettie is going to be released from that blasted cast soon. She's going to want to stretch and move about. More so than she already does with me. This gives her a place she can do it. She doesn't ever come in here, and I love to surprise her," Pat replied.

"So much work for such a small girl," Josh teased, snapping one of the resistance bands at Pat from the box in the corner, missing him by a few inches.

"She's worth it," Pat replied as he removed the last items from the room. He began sweeping up and washing everything down as Josh and Tyler folded up the bed and tucked it into the new wall they just built. Together, they transformed the guest bedroom into a workout room and library for Annette. Pat pursed his lips as he looked at the practically empty bookshelf. Annette had well over 40 books, but this shelf was eight feet high and six feet long. "Besides books, what else does this room need?" Josh kicked the large exercise ball towards Pat's head. It bounced off the wall and hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Soundproof floors. We need to Josh proof," Tyler chuckled. Pat turned around with a chuckle and pointed to the all-in-one weight machine. 

"HEY!" Josh exclaimed.

"Like more of those puzzle pieces?" Pat asked at the same time. Tyler bent over, moved the bench and picked up one of the black 2x2' square, foam puzzle pieces, squeezing it in his hands.

"Yeah. That'll make a difference," he confirmed. Pat grinned and made a note of it.

"I can add the flooring while she's still at school. I appreciate your help, fellas."

Friday morning, Pat headed out again to buy more supplies for her room. He stopped at Barnes and Noble with the list of books Annette already had. The associates helped him pick out books that were in the same genre and writing styles. A gift shop down the road caught his attention and he ducked in there too. He bought her another teddy bear: light gray with curly fur, about four inches tall, holding two candy canes turned into a heart, and wearing a santa hat. He hid the books and foam boards in the new workout room. At 15:50, Pat began boiling water and set up the bear on the breakfast counter, making it hold two real candy canes too. He had just put the hot water in a mug with hot chocolate mix as Annette came in the door. She froze for a moment as she looked at the tree then at him. Her smile lit up Pat's heart and he began to walk towards her. "Hot chocolate, Christmas lights on the house, and a new bear? You are too good for me," she exclaimed as she hopped over, dropped her bag and coat on the couch, and embraced Pat. She stood up on her toes and gave him a soft peck on his lips. "Missed you. I didn't think to bring you a gift," she whispered. Pat rubbed her back tenderly and leaned in for another kiss.

"I got my gift: you," he replied, causing her to giggle. 

"So you got a tree. Any reason I couldn't help?" Pat pushed her back and looked down at her right leg, raising his eyebrow at her. She giggled again. "At least you left it undecorated. Will you let me help decorate? Please oh please oh please!"

"Of course, doll. Drink your hot chocolate before it cools down," he ordered as he kissed her again. 

"In a minute. I have to use the bathroom first, then Mintage and I can snuggle with you on the couch," she sassed, taking one of the peppermint sticks away from the bear. "Mintage doesn't need this, I do," she giggled and put it in her mouth. Pat chuckled and released her, watching as she hopped down the hallway. He took her hot chocolate and bear to the couch, setting them down on the coffee table. Then he put her bag and coat away in the closet by the front door. They spent the afternoon snuggling and kissing. Pat was in a state of perpetual bliss. He was grateful she didn't ask what he and Tyler actually did.

The next day was December 3rd; Pat's 23rd birthday. Annette woke up early to surprise him with her red velvet cake with homemade cream cheese frosting. Pat did panic slightly when she wasn't next to him when he woke up. He wandered out to the kitchen and grinned when she gave him his coffee and his cake. He fell in love even more. Somehow she knew his favorite cake and had never asked. He couldn't get over how amazing she was. They worked together and decorated his house for Christmas. She loved the holiday almost as much as he did. They rearranged the front room so they could stare at the tree by the window while snuggling on the couch, under a blanket. When it got dark out, only the Christmas lights were on to light up the house. It was Annette's favorite thing to do, her favorite place to be. Annette began to store all of her stuffed animals in the corner by the tree which was perfect for when Dalton came by to play. Josh took it upon himself to build her a toy chest because he felt it was weird for her to so proudly display those bears. Annette used it as a shelf for her nine bears, ignoring Josh's wishes. Pat loved that she liked showing off the gifts he bought her. 

On Thursday, December 14, Annette had a choir concert. Jess, Noah, Tyler, Pat, Josh, and Renae all came to cheer her on. "I didn't know Net could sing," Josh teased as they took their seats in the bleachers close to the door; they would be on the right side of the choir that faced them.

"Then you don't know her at all," Renae rebuked as she snuggled in between Tyler's legs. 

"Agreed. She's got a great voice," Noah chimed in as Jess snuggled in his legs. Pat sat between Noah and Tyler, one row up from the ladies. Josh was sitting two rows down, leaning back.

"Whatever. I heard her on the video feeds. I wasn't that impressed," Tyler remarked. Noah looked around and chuckled as everyone except Renae met his eye. 

"They're in for a surprise then, aren't they, Noah?" Renae asked.

"Yes. They are. She hummed and murmured while at the complex, but she didn't sing. I hope she has a solo tonight. Otherwise we'll have to ask her for one ourselves," he mused. Everyone chuckled softly as they looked at the program. Annette and one other name was written next to the words senior showcase, but nobody knew if it meant she would have a solo. Finally the concert began as the choir students lined up, all dressed in black with a royal blue tie. Pat's heart leapt as looked at Annette. He hated seeing her on the crutches, but thankfully her skirt hid her cast. 

"Just a few more weeks, darling. You should be without those blasted poles," he thought. The group made their way to the risers, Annette was given a chair on the end thankfully, but she refused to sit down in it. She moved both crutches to her right side and began to untie something behind the chair. Pat turned his attention towards the choir teacher as he stepped up to the microphone.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to this year's Christmas program. We have two seniors in our group this year. Both have outstanding talents and we will be showcasing them throughout the night," the choir teacher explained. He pointed both of them out. Pat noticed the second one was the blonde that Annette served that fateful day. He hated her cocky attitude. Pat looked back at Annette, she now had on white gloves and was moving her way towards center stage, as well as the other senior. One of the other classmates moved the chair so Annette could sit in it; the other senior stood behind her. They would definitely be the stars of the show. Annette rested her crutches on the floor in front of her and smiled at the crowd. Pat could tell she was nervous.

"She's going to sign all the songs!" Jess exclaimed. Noah nodded in agreement. 

"Excuse me," Noah pardoned himself and pulled out the camera. "I'll get a few videos too," he promised as he squeezed Pat's shoulder made his way towards the center of the bleachers. Finally the music started. Sure enough, Annette signed all the songs and it was absolutely beautiful. Pat glanced around and looked at the eyes of the crowd around him; nobody could take their eyes off of his girl. He smiled and looked back at her. The other senior, Marie according to the program had a powerful voice, but Pat found it irritating and like she was trying too hard.

"He's got the wrong senior singing lead," Renae muttered softly. Pat looked back at her. She was scowling, "Marie's off tune too. I wonder if I was still in choir if he'd have me sing instead. I can at least stay in tune, but that's nothing compared to Net." Pat chuckled as did Tyler and Josh. Jess was just mesmerized watching Annette.

"She's so graceful!" She praised. Everyone nodded in agreement. Finally, they finished their last song and Annette looked at the music teacher. They exchanged a few words and she nodded and stood up. She made her way up to the microphone as Marie scowled at her and took the chair to hide it behind the risers. The choir students shuffled around.

"We apologize for this brief intermission before we start the soloists acts," Annette spoke. She had the whole crowd's attention. She bit her lip and signed something.

"What's she saying, Jess?" Josh asked.

"Thank you for coming. Before I continue, does anyone need me to keep signing?" Jess translated in a whisper as Annette scanned the crowd. She grinned and waved at someone in the crowd.

"Sorry about that, folks," she stated as Jess confirmed Annette was signing word for word what she was saying. "I was just seeing if a translator was still necessary. It is. I have to give you a head's up, we are going to be turning out the lights in just a little bit and I won't be able to translate for that since we don't have a black-light to illuminate these white gloves. When the lights come back on, I'll be done translating all together. I apologize for this inconvenience in advance. Thank you everyone for coming out to support us. We hope you enjoyed the show, but we still have more to share with you. Our main goal tonight was to get you into the spirit of Christmas and hope we did. We believe that the spirit of Christmas can be found best when you give, not with what you receive. So we want to give you a gift. Now since this is a concert, the correct assumption would be that it's another song. No. We won't serenade you with songs about the presents under the tree, mistletoe, or figgy pudding. We don't care if your Christmas is white or blue. The spirit of Christmas is all about bringing out your inner child and finding that joy once again," Annette remarked. Pat was taken back; he loved Christmas the most but never thought about the holiday like this, but it didn't surprise him that Annette saw it that way. Christmas was the best for the kids as their eyes lit up at the decorations, prospect of presents, and the lights; it was truly a magical holiday and kids easily found the most joy in it. He smiled and stared tenderly at his girlfriend. He couldn't focus on what the rest of the class was doing even though they were so busy; Annette had easily grabbed the crowd's attention and they were hanging onto every word. "So that's what this gift is; us trying to give you that Christmas through a child's eye as they run down the stairs, look up at the decorated and lit up tree, and tear into all the presents underneath. Anyone who has watched a child in that first moment, knows how pure and real that joy is. We can take you there through song: Rudolf, Gusty the elf, Santa up on the Housetop, or even Jingle Bells. Every kid knows these songs and if you asked their parents, hearing Jingle Bells one more time just might cause Santa to die, but that's not how we're going to do it tonight." She looked back at the choir teacher and he held up a single finger. Annette nodded and bit her lip. "We don't care if you'll be home for Christmas. We know this isn't going to be a silent night, but we do hope to spread joy to the world," she stated as the teacher tapped her shoulder. She nodded and grinned. "I can keep quoting song lyrics and make you wonder where I'm going with this speech, but I kinda already told you. I was just the distraction. To bring your inner child back out, we are going to give you a light show, because there isn't a kid out there who doesn't get excited about dancing lights, myself included. We ask that you please hold your applause until the overhead lights come back on," Annette instructed. She lifted her skirt and revealed her cast momentarily before dropping it and signing again, her shoulders resting on her crutches. "For obvious reasons, I will not be participating in their fun number as my classmates sing and dance. Again, please hold your applause. We give you A Winter Hallelujah. Thank you and will you turn off our lights please." 

Renae pursed her lips then whispered, "shoot! I was really hoping she would sing." They noticed Annette throwing her white gloves into the crowd as lights flickered off and one by one on the floor, the choir kids turned on finger lights, rope lights, flashing necklaces, and put on several glow stick necklaces and bracelets. An upbeat song began to play and all the lights moved and bounced. "Annette didn't move away," Renae noted softly. Pat looked back towards where the microphone was. Sure enough, there was a void where she was as lights danced around it.

"Here comes the snow. It's falling down. It leaves a blanket upon the ground," the choir began. No voice stood out from the others. After the second chorus a new voice was added to the mix. Soft and angelic but she wasn't singing the same song, nor was she singing the correct melody. The slow and melodic song didn't fit with the upbeat music but it stood on it's own easily and paired beautifully.

"I've heard there was a secret chord that David played and it pleased the Lord," the voice carried out. It was breathtaking and too good; it was easy to assume that perhaps that voice was a recording.

"Net!" Renae gasped. Pat looked over at her. She was smiling with her eyes closed, bouncing her head to the music. The upbeat music kept playing, the lights still danced, but the size of the choir sounded smaller.

"It goes like this the fourth, the fifth, the minor fall, the major lift, the baffled king composing Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah," the angelic voice continued. Pat was left in awe.

"My Net?" He asked Renae.

"My Net," she teased as she opened her eyes again. "Now shush!" He chuckled and looked back at the stage. The lights kept dancing, but all he heard was Annette; after the first chorus of making it her own, she went back to the original tempo and melody. The upbeat music stopped and one by one, the dancing lights left, leaving Annette singing her solo acapella. When she reached her third chorus of Hallelujah, the lights began to flicker back on. Most of the choir was missing and Annette's eyes were closed as she serenaded the audience, holding onto the microphone in the stand with one hand while the other moved up and down gracefully. Both crutches were tucked snugly under her arms. Four girls stood behind Annette, harmonizing with her on the chorus. They stuck around until she was done. They only sang on the chorus with Annette, the rest of the time they hummed softly or not at all. Pat couldn't tell for sure. All he knew is that they were paying attention to Annette's hand. If it was raised, they added vocals, if it was down, they were silent. "Told you, my Net," Renae whispered as Annette finished. A hushed silence fell upon the room as the crowd gaped at her. After several quiet moments, Annette ducked her head and made her way toward the door, flushing bright red.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Annette Gibson and her Winter Hallelujah!" The teacher praised. Finally the crowd moved and applauded her. Annette waved and kept moving. The four girls moved up to the microphone as the choir teacher tried to introduce them and the song they were going to sing, but the crowd was still going crazy for Annette's solo. 

"What?! I had no idea she had such a powerful voice. Wow! I thought that maybe their music track had been tampered with. I never thought Annette could compete with professionals," Josh praised. Renae giggled.

"Told ya. She's amazing," she replied.

"Agreed! Wow. Just wow!" Tyler stated.

"So powerful. Amazing. Look! I have chills and goosebumps," Jess exclaimed as she held up her arms. Pat was speechless. Annette paused at the end of the bleachers, looking out the door and biting her lip, then looked at the five of them and met Jess' eye. She signed something with one hand and Jess gasped. "Pat, you need to go. Now," she ordered as she shoved him. Pat looked up at her in confusion as the noise finally quieted down the the next act was finally introduced. "Her mom's here! Move," Jess exclaimed as she shoved Pat again and gestured towards Annette. That cleared Pat's head and he moved. Within six seconds, he was by Annette's side.

"You alright, doll?" He asked. She shook her head and looked towards the exit again. A woman with gray streaks in her hair stood off to the side looking anxious, but not looking towards them. Pat noticed the vast similarity between Annette and this woman, with the exception of the dark hair and silver streaks, there was no denying the familial connection.

"I have to see her! It's my mom. Please," she whispered.

"Then let's go see her, Net," Renae stated beside her. "Leslie loves me. It'd be easier to play off that she's been staying with me instead of you, her boyfriend. Pat, no offense but Leslie's a little old fashioned and that news might upset her. Stay close in case Brad's around," she ordered as she began to giggle and joke around with her best friend. Annette played along and surprised her boyfriend that it didn't appear forced.

"Guess now I know how you were able to convince everyone that you were alright all these years. You're a natural actress, doll," Pat thought as he dropped back a few steps. Noah came up beside him and followed his gaze.

"I didn't get," he began. He gasped when he noticed his mom. "Oh for the love of all things holy," he stated. He looked up at Jess. "Stay put. We can use some help. Opposite side," he signed. She nodded and spoke softly. Josh and Tyler nodded then made their way down the bleachers, past Annette, beyond where her mom was, looking to see if there was any potential threat in the hallway and lobby. They gave Noah the thumb's up but stayed down on the far end. "Pat, turn around and act like you're listening to the soloists acts. I'm going to lean against the door and watch 'Nettie's hands. We're still a good 50ish feet away. Get ready to run if she needs us," Noah ordered. Pat nodded and leaned against the door, crossing his arms over his body and looking back in the gym. Noah moved to the other door and acted like he was on the phone keeping his voice low, giving Pat a play by play. "So far so good. Tyler and Josh are pacing back and forth, acting like they're fighting; lots of hand gestures but one of them is looking at Net the whole time. Mom isn't as observant, thankfully. She's focused on 'Nettie," he murmured. "Mom looks like she's in shock. She's holding Annette's face. No! Renae, d****t! Mom's alone with Annette now." Pat looked over at Noah in concern. Noah met his eye and kept his voice low, "Renae moved to the end of the hallway, and is making out with Tyler. Tyler is looking over her head and Josh is out of sight. There's a door fifteen feet away, behind them, but I find it unlikely that Mom will be able to take-" Noah paused as air hissed out his mouth. Pat turned around and looked. They were embracing. Annette laughed and Pat smiled, turning back towards the gym. 

"Are you alright?" Pat asked. Noah kept watching and pursed his lips.

"Mom's acting weird. Even for her," Noah explained. "Shoot! Move," he ordered. Pat turned around and bolted; Leslie had one foot out the door. Josh and Tyler took off too.

"Mom!" Annette yelled and tried to hold onto her. "Mom, please! Don't go! Mom, Noah's here! Stop," Annette pleaded. Leslie shook her off her arm and ducked out the door. Annette pushed her way through the heavy door as she tried to follow on her crutches and Leslie ran off. Noah grabbed his sister before she found a patch of ice and pulled her into his arms as she wept, knowing she was the one he had to protect as he looked after his mother as she ducked around the corner. Pat put a hand on Annette's back. "Noah! She's going to take her life," she wept. Pat took off after Leslie to try and stop her, knowing if Annette couldn't say good-bye she would forever feel responsible. Noah held onto her and looked after Pat, Annette looked up at him, her voice quivering. "She said she wants to see my brothers. She called me her singing angel then said it's time to find the other two so she could see her three angels. She's going to take her life, Noah. Mom. She can't. She's alone! She said Dad moved back to Washington with Annabelle. Noah! She said she's glad I'm not hurting any more," Annette stressed as she lowered herself to the ground and wept, dropping her crutches and wrapping her arms tightly around her stomach. Noah sat down with her and held onto her as she cried on his shoulder. Pat came back and looked morose.

"Brad is still here," he informed them. "Annette, I couldn't stop her before she got in the car. As soon as I saw Brad, I stayed to the shadows and tried to get closer," he whispered as he crouched down. Annette began weeping harder. Pat put his hand on her back. "Brad looked disappointed nobody followed. Doll, it was a trap. Your mom was the bait, you were the goal. He drove off. I didn't see anyone else in the car." She leaned into him and cried. Pat rubbed her back soothingly. "You have a beautiful voice, doll. How come I never knew you could sing?"

"You never asked," she wept. Pat nodded and stood up. Noah helped Annette stand and held onto her. His heart broke with her. He respected his mother but hated seeing his sister in pain more. "Noah," Annette whispered. "I wasn't ready to say good-bye to her."

"I know, 'Nettie," he whispered. "She heard you sing. She hugged you. It's Christmas. Call in sick tomorrow. You can't go to school like this." Pat was keeping his distance. Noah pulled him into their embrace as well. "Thank you for chasing after her," Noah muttered. Pat nodded and rested his head on Annette's. He rubbed Noah's shoulder in a brotherly manner. "Pick her up and get her out of here. Annette, we can't talk to Sergeant Alexander again. I told him about your concert. He was the only person I told outside of our group," Noah explained.

"Him!" Annette spat as she tried to step closer to her brother. Pat pinned her arms as she tried to slap her brother. "We've been staying in touch with Trooper Sanchez. Charlie's pretty cool and cares about us. Sergeant Alexander is the one who betrayed our location to Dad in the first place. He's the one who let him know we-" Pat clamped his hand over her mouth as he pulled her away from her brother and tried to calm her down. She shook in anger. Pat wrapped his left hand over her chest and held onto her right shoulder. She reached up and held onto his arm, sobbing heavily.

"Shh, doll," Pat crooned. "Noah wasn't trying to upset you. I need you to calm down, doll," he begged as another sob shook her body and her hands dropped. Pat grinned and kissed her temple. "Will you sing for me? I would love to hear you sing The Little Drummer Boy," he whispered as he removed his hand from her mouth and rubbed her right arm tenderly. "It's always been one of my favorites." She looked down and chuckled as she tried to calm down. She took three deep breaths and looked up at the stars. Pat followed her gaze and grinned. He began swaying as she sang.

"Come, they told me pa-rum-pa-pa-pum," she began softly, her voice cracking but it was still beautiful. Pat grinned as she slowly calmed down and her voice grew louder and stronger. Noah had crumpled back down to the ground and was rocking back and forth. Renae, Tyler, Josh, and Jess were on the other side of the door watching the three of them closely, and keeping curious eyes from prying. Annette turned around and looked up at Pat. "I love you, Benji," she whispered after she finished the song. He kissed her temple.

"I love you too, Sarah. Thank you. That was beautiful," he whispered. "Let's go take care of your brother. He was just trying to help," he murmured. Annette nodded and Pat moved her over to Noah. She reached her hand down and he grabbed it, pulling himself up. Once again, brother and sister embraced and wept together. Pat noticed Annette's sheer lace sleeves and Noah's short sleeves, pursing his lips as he noticed both of them shivering; they didn't seem to notice. He picked up Annette's crutches and nudged the Gibson siblings. "Come on, guys. You need to warm up," Pat ordered as he gently pushed them both. Noah nodded and began moving back inside. Pat picked up Annette and carried her in. She began to take off her tie as she finally noticed she was shivering and turned into Pat's chest for warmth. Renae opened the door and looked at Noah and Annette. She took the tie out of Annette's hand as Pat handed his keys over to Tyler and Annette's crutches to Josh. He looked over at Jess embracing Noah quickly before turning back to the other men in the group. "Warm up the truck. We're staying with you tonight. Josh, I'm sorry. I can't give you a ride home tonight. Can you help Tyler start their vehicles? Thank you. Renae's too. Renae, do you know where her coat is?" Everyone moved. Renae gave her keys over to Tyler and led both couples to the music room. There was still solo acts going on in the gym. Pat put Annette down, took off his sweatshirt, and put it on her trying to warm her up. "You're beautiful," he whispered into her hair as he took the decorative hair comb out so her locks cascaded out from the French Twist she had them rolled into. She looked up at him and smiled.

"And you're amazing. Thank you," she whispered. She looked over at Noah and signed. He nodded and gave her a small smile. "He'll be okay too. Thanks, Pat."

"You're welcome, doll," he murmured as he played with her bouncy, curly hair. "Tell me what's on your mind, beautiful."

"I thought I was done letting Dad hurt me," she whispered. Pat rubbed her back tenderly as she placed both her hands under her chin and leaned into his chest.

"He can't hurt you any more, doll. So he's trying to change the view of those around you to keep his power. Doll, you have the power. He's trying to get it back, but he won't win," Pat promised as he kissed her cheek again. "Sealed." He grinned as she stopped shivering. Tyler and Josh came back into the music room and nodded at Pat. Tyler moved over to his sister to help escort Noah out. Pat handed Jess the hair comb, which she immediately stuck in her own hair. Renae gave Pat Annette's coat and squeezed his hand tenderly.

"Thanks for taking care of her. I'd be concerned if you weren't here," she said sincerely. Pat nodded at her and held Annette tighter. She looked over at Josh, "that extension goes to you too. You both are good friends, not just to her. Although I'm glad you're in the top ten of her list of friends and people she trusts. Thank you for starting my car. I'll see you later, Net. I'm sorry Leslie ran away from you. She saw you. She exclaimed he lied. She'll come around. Nobody can stay away from your pull." Annette turned around and pulled Renae in for a hug.

"I'm sorry I ruined your date night," she whispered. Renae shook her head.

"I was here for you, not Tyler. I'm still here for you. Call me tomorrow," she begged. Annette nodded. "Take care of her, Pat," she warned. Pat grinned.

"Always," he swore. He looked down at Annette. "Come on, doll. I'll get you a hot chocolate then you can go to bed. I'm sorry your day took such a sour turn," he murmured as he placed her jacket over her shoulders and picked her up again. Renae smirked then gave Pat a nod of approval as Annette snuggled into his chest, and adjusted the coat so it covered Pat's left shoulder too. She closed her eyes and buried her head on Pat's right shoulder. Josh left with them. They passed Principal Lane. He looked at Annette in shock.

"Principal Lane," Renae greeted. He looked at her and back at Annette.

"Is she alright?" He asked. Josh, Pat, and Renae shook their heads simultaneously as they stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"She threw up after her solo," Renae lied. "Twice, out the back. We cleaned it up. She became weak and her knee buckled under her." Principal Lane looked at Annette again; she kept her eyes closed.

"Stay home tomorrow, Annette. You're awfully pale. It's a great sign to show you're not alright. I'll see you Monday," he ordered. She nodded weakly.

"Thank you, sir. Can I ask that you give Noah the day off tomorrow too? I have to work and I don't want Annette to be left alone in this state," Pat pleaded.

"Of course. That's wise indeed. Will you let him know?" Principal Lane requested. 

"We will," Josh confirmed as he pushed his friend to move again. 

"Thank you, sir," Renae announced and ran to keep up. 

"Guess you don't have to call in at all now, doll," Pat whispered. Annette laughed weakly. Josh and Tyler had moved the three vehicles closer to the entrance. 

"Good night, Net," Renae expressed kindly. "I loved your song." Pat kept Annette to his chest as she tried to sit up and bid farewell to her friend. Instead he turned his body so she could see Renae better.

"Bye, Nae. Thanks again," she murmured as she met her eye. "You didn't have to lie on my behalf."

"I know. But if you talked, he would have seen through it. You're not alright. Your brother and boyfriend are right; you need to take a break. Your health is important," Renae stated as she got in her car. 

"Have I told you how much I like your friend? Because I really like your friend," Pat murmured as he loaded up in the passenger seat and Josh got behind the wheel. He rubbed her back and looked at Josh. "We're sorry to strand you tonight."

"Worth it to hear you sing, Net," Josh praised. Annette nodded and looked down. "Have you warmed up yet?" She shook her head. Pat wrapped his arms around her tighter as Josh turned up the heat. They waited in Noah's driveway until Tyler showed up in his black car. Noah was in about as good as shape as Annette was. Josh looked at Annette then back to Noah as he made his way inside. Tyler was still in the car. "I think it'll be best if you two comfort your brother, Net. Tyler has a spare bed at his place, I'll probably crash there - even though I know it barely has anything over there. I'll come back for breakfast. Pat, do you mind if I take the truck?"

"Feel free," Pat stated as he carried Annette inside. Noah was sitting on the couch with Jess in his lap. Pat put Annette in the middle seat and moved to the kitchen. He began to boil some water. He set up four mugs with cocoa powder. Once the water was hot, he divided it up into the cups. He thoroughly stirred each cup and carried them over to the couch. Annette was resting her head on her brother's shoulder, Jess held her hand. He handed out the hot chocolate and smiled as Annette sat up again and took a sip. "You both have the principal's permission to stay home tomorrow, Noah. At the concert, you were saying before you noticed Leslie that you didn't get something," Pat tried. Noah looked wearily at him and pulled out the camera.

"I didn't get all of the light show. The battery died before Annette reached her chorus. There's a little bit of the recording in there," Noah mumbled. Pat took the camera and put it on the end table beside him. Noah looked down at his sister. "I'm sorry, 'Nettie. I should have been beside you," he whispered. Annette took another sip of her hot chocolate but otherwise remained motionless. Noah pursed his lips and leaned into Jess.

"How's the baby tonight, Jess? Is she still causing problems?" Pat asked trying to change the mood. Jess grinned and nodded, picking up on his plan. Distractions were good.

"She's making it harder to move and breathe. I can't wait to meet her. We decided on a name," Jess beamed and looked at Annette. "In honor of you, sister." 

"Serenity Joy," Noah whispered with a small smile as he squeezed her hand. Pat grinned and looked at Annette. She gasped in astonishment. It fit Annette.

"In my honor?"

"Indeed. Always so serene and full of joy, with the exception of now. If the baby is to take after anyone, we hope that she picks you," Noah murmured. Pat leaned into her and kissed her temple as he smiled at his soon to be in-laws.

"Thank you, Noah. Thank you, Jess. I am honored. I'm shocked that you don't want to name her after Caroline though," Annette replied as her jaw dropped.

"I love my mom, 'Nettie, but I can't name a baby after her. I can't even shorten it to Carly or Cari. My poor little girl can't have such an ominous name. Every time I look at her, I'll remember my mom and the cruel fate she suffered," Jess explained.

"I understand. I can't wait to meet little Miss Serenity," Annette replied. She leaned over and hugged both of them. She looked back at Pat, finished her hot chocolate, and whispered, "will you come to bed with me, please?" 

"In your galaxy?" He asked as he put her empty cup on the end table. She nodded. Pat kissed her temple as he handed her his hot chocolate and looked over at Noah. "Will you two be alright?"

"We will. We have each other and you two. We love you," Noah stated as Annette downed Pat's cup too. "I'm glad she has you, Pat. Good night. We'll throw a clean pair of clothes down the chute for both of you to wear to bed."

"Thank you. Good night, Noah. Jess," Pat said politely as he scooped Annette up, allowing her to put the empty mug down, and carried her downstairs. He placed her in the bathroom first as he moved to the room she created and plugged in all her lights. He checked on the bathroom; the door was still shut. He paced the main room and grinned when Annette opened the door. She blushed and looked down as he came over, tucking her hair behind her ear. She had removed her fancy clothing and was only wearing his sweatshirt and the star earrings. The sweatshirt hung on her, covering down to her thighs. Pat grinned and lifted her chin. "You look beautiful, doll," he whispered. She blushed and looked at the clothes in her hand. Pat picked her up and carried her to the laundry chute. She separated the clothes and Pat dug through the chute. He pulled up a grocery bag. "Noah provided you with clothes if you want to wear them," he offered. 

"No thanks, dear. Your sweatshirt is good enough for me. If it's okay with you?" She asked hesitantly. Pat nodded and kissed her temple one more time.

"That's just fine with me. You know that I love seeing you wear my clothes. We'll just snuggle tonight. Can I carry you to bed, doll?" He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She nodded. Pat picked her up and laid her in the bed. "I'll be back shortly, doll. Get comfy. I love you, Sarah Annette," he murmured as he kissed her nose. She smiled and pulled him in for a soft kiss.

"I love you, Patrick Benjamin. Thank you. Good night, darling," she mumbled as she closed her eyes. Pat stroked her hair and covered her in the blanket. She looked up and around the room. "Love ending the day under the stars with you, even if they're fake," she whispered. Pat leaned over and kissed her temple.

"Me too, doll. Go to sleep. I'll join you shortly," he promised. She smiled weakly and closed her eyes again. Pat walked out to the main room and headed towards the bathroom. He chuckled as he stroked her bra hanging over the hand towel rack. "Silly girl, don't you know by now that everything has a place? The bra doesn't belong here, but I won't move it tonight," he murmured. By the time he was done with his nightly routine, turned off all the lights, and he crept into the room, Annette's breathing was steady. Pat smiled softly. Today had taken a toll on her. He sat on the edge of the bed and took off his leg. He climbed under the blankets and snuggled into her back. He gently rubbed her cheeks and sighed as he realized her eyes were still wet. "I love you, Sarah. It's okay to cry. Next time, don't cry yourself to sleep without me," he whispered into her hair. He smiled as he lifted her head and placed his arm under it, pulling her as close to him as he could, wrapping his arm over her shoulder until his hand rested under her rib-cage. She shifted and pulled her arm up and rested her hand on his elbow as she was trying to bring it to her mouth. Pat chuckled softly and adjusted the pillow under her head for better support before wrapping his arm back over her waist and grabbing his own wrist. He looked around her galaxy again and grinned. She shifted in her sleep, so he turned his head down towards her again. He kissed her cheek as she smiled. He rested his head on hers as he closed his eyes. "You are my whole world. I love that your sister and brother thought of you when they picked out a name for their little blessing. You are an inspiration. You shocked the crowd tonight. You surprised me yet again; I wish you told me that you had such a wonderful voice. I love you," he whispered. He turned his lips towards her chin and gave it a soft peck. "Guess I'm going to have to get you a karaoke machine now too. I wasn't sure if the spare bedroom would be enough of a gift for you. I want to give you everything. Maybe a karaoke machine will encourage you to sing more for me," he thought as snuggled into her with a grin.

© 2017 Lynaelee

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Added on January 21, 2017
Last Updated on September 21, 2017

If only



Sometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..

If only If only

A Book by Lynaelee

1. *Prologue* 1. *Prologue*

A Chapter by Lynaelee