![]() 50. BraveA Chapter by Lynaelee
Tuesday the 19th came too soon for Pat's liking. He held onto me tighter in bed when we woke up, rolling me to my back and laying on top of me. As he kissed my neck, I ran my fingers through his hair. It was finally long that I could pinch his hair between my fingers. "Time for a haircut, dear," I whispered. He chuckled against my neck, then pressed his lips against mine softly. He sat back and looked at me with a mischievous look in his eye.
"My hair's fine; my girlfriend likes to play with it and I enjoy the sensation," he whispered. I giggled and pulled him back down for another kiss. He sighed and kissed between my eyebrows. I looked at him curiously as I continued to play with his hair and tugged on his ear gently. He pulled my hand down then stroked my cheek. "You sure you want to do this, doll?" "Is there a reason you don't want me to?" "I'm glad you want to close the door and forgive him. But are you sure you want see him?" Pat inquired. I leaned up and kissed his cheek then wrapped my hand around his fingers. "I'll let you know if I change my mind. I'll have you and Tyler beside me the whole time. With you guys, I'm invincible; nobody will hurt me. I know that you guys won't leave me alone with him. You guys are good about fighting off my monsters," I replied. I grinned as he began to kiss up my jawline again. He paused when he got to my ear; I had yet to feel comfortable with him kissing around my ears and he respected all my boundaries. "Pat, tell me what's bugging you," I begged as I closed my eyes and arched my back; he was making it hard to breathe and focus. "I don't want you to relapse, doll," he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. I shivered as he pecked softly up to my eye. After he kissed them, I opened my eyes again and smiled at him; much to my delight, he returned the grin. He rubbed his nose against mine. "I won't stop you from seeing him, because I'm proud of you and know you can do this; that and you are so determined to do this, I won't be able to dissuade you at all. I'm glad you aren't going alone. I just don't want you to feel broken again when you come into contact with someone that has hurt you. I'm terrified of how this will go for you, doll. Or what it will do to your mental health." "You worry too much, dear," I countered. He grinned and lowered his lips to mine again. "Will you watch the sunrise with me?" I whispered when he pulled back, trying to keep my thoughts coherent; distractions were not welcome on a day when I needed a clear head. I placed my hand on his chest and gently rubbed it as I met his eyes. "I'd love to, doll," he murmured as he traced my left arm. "How's the pain?" "It's barely there, but I'm fine," I told him honestly and shivered again. "You, sir, are being difficult," I teased as I inhaled sharply and tilted my head back. He grinned and put all of his body weight on my hips. "Good, but I thought that was your job description," he teased as he kissed my neck. I arched my back as wrapped both arms behind me. I shivered again and wrapped both arms around his neck. "We can just stay here. I'll keep you nice and warm. You keep shivering on me, doll. I mean, I can stay in this position all day," he offered as he rested his head on my right shoulder. I grinned and shook my head, panting for air. "Sunrise," I repeated. He chuckled and looked up at me, his eyes dancing mischievously. "Okay, fine. We'll go watch the sunrise. Would you like help getting up, ma'am?" He asked as he rolled over to his back, pulling me with him and pinning both my arms behind him. "I love you, Pat. But if I miss charging my panels because of you, I may refuse to sleep with you again. I'll kick you out of this bed for good," I warned. "Hold you captive all day or hold you in my arms every night for the rest of my life? That's a hard bargain. Okay fine. You win. I want to hold you forever," he replied as he kissed my nose again and sat me on the edge of the bed. He kept his right arm draped around me as he put his leg back on. I turned my body so I could use his body as a brace as I stretched, raising both arms above my head to full extension. He kissed my neck as we stood up. "Put your arm down; the doctor hasn't said you can do that yet," he admonished. I giggled but followed directions. He helped me face him so he could kiss me again. "I love you, Sarah. You make my day when you wake up in my arms," he whispered as he carried me to the bathroom and set me down. "Now, behave. I'll see you in three minutes, then we'll go watch the sunrise," he promised. I grinned, leaned in, and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, dear. What are you going to do if the doctor gives me the okay to start therapy and use crutches? I'll be able to move around on my own," I teased as I pushed him towards the door. He pouted playfully, "would you really deny me another minute to hold you in my arms?" "Yes. Now go. You said I could have three minutes," I chided with a grin. He smiled and ducked out the door, closing it behind him. "Men!" I humphed as I went through my morning routine. Thankfully, he was willing to let me hop around a little more and wasn't hovering as much. After I finished washing my hand, I hopped back to the bedroom. I picked out a pink lemonade colored dress and put it on. He knocked on the door as I was putting on a pair of clean underwear and flattening the dress down. "I'm decent," I replied. He came in, paused by the door, and stared at me in amazement. I blushed and looked down. My dress had a pleated skirt and sleeves that went down to my elbows. It was one of the few items of clothing that Jess picked out that wasn't skin tight up top. Nothing was exposed or too revealing. I nervously played with the necklace he gave me as I looked back at him. "What?" "Sorry. That's a very lovely color on you. You stole my breath; as you constantly do," he replied as he shook his head and came over to me. I grinned as he put his hands on my hips and sat me on the dresser and kissed my neck again. "Pat. Sunrise," I breathed as my eyes closed and my head tilted back. "I need you to stop! I love this, darling, but ah! I, uh! I need," I thought. His lips grazed across my chin. I pushed him back and shook my head. "You call me trouble and accuse me of leaving you breathless," I teased as I rubbed my nose against his. "I don't want to get drunk right now." "You are beautiful and I'm completely intoxicated by you. I'm sorry that I'm not sorry for making you feel like that," he whispered as he helped me stand up again and played with one of the pleats of my skirt. I blushed and leaned into him. He wrapped both arms around me and rubbed my back. "I'm sure the doctor is going to want to look at your ribs and hip. Would you like to put something else on?" I grabbed his hands and twirled under his arm causing him to chuckle softly before tucking me into his side. "No. I'm good. There's not a lot of warm days left. I was planning on putting a pair of shorts underneath. He can feel with his hands, but I'm not planning on taking my clothes off. If I have to, they'll provide a hospital gown," I informed Pat. He nodded as he rubbed my right side gently. "I hate repeating things and I know you're just as curious as me. So you'll be in the room with me, right?" I asked. He looked down at me and nodded. "If you want me there, doll," he confirmed. He looked out the window and grinned. "Come on. The sun is just starting to make it's appearance," he stated as he picked me up and carried me through the house. I turned off the lights as we passed the switches. He set me on the railing and I looked east. As usual, he stood beside me and held onto the pole behind me. His right arm rested across my lap and I leaned into him. As the sun crept up, he played with my hair and gently stroked my face. "I love starting the day with you, Sarah," he murmured. I grinned and looked up at him. "I love being with you, Benji. Look. The sun has peeked all the way," I replied. He smiled, leaned over and kissed me deeply. When he pulled back, I leaned into the pole and he stepped in front of me. The orb of light had crested fully on the horizon and he was in the perfect position for the brilliant light to create a halo around his head. "Wow! There's a sight! You leave me in a constant state of awe," I thought as I gasped. His silhouetted form moved in front of me. "Don't go!" "I'm not going anywhere, doll. You look dazed. Were you able to charge your panels this morning?" Pat asked as he stroked my cheek again. I nodded and leaned into his hand. "And yet you still sit here as the sun continues to climb. Is something wrong?" "Wrong? No. Why would anything be wrong?" I asked as I shook my head and stood up. "Sorry. Breakfast. Are you hungry, dear? What would you like this morning?" "Doll," Pat warned. I grinned and looked up at him. "I'm fine," I swore. "If anyone is to blame, you should look in the mirror. You leave me in an intoxicated state, so yes, it's quite probable that I was dazed. Am dazed. Whatever. We don't have to meet Tyler until ten, the appointment is at 11:15. So what can I make you? It's breakfast time," I murmured as I leaned into his arms. "Okay. How about I cook for you this morning? I think I've mastered a few skills," he teased as he rubbed my back. I giggled and looked up at him. "Lead the way, Jeeves," I replied. "Oh? We're back to that accent," he teased in the same British accent I used as he picked me up and carried me to one of the breakfast stools. I rested my left arm on the counter, leaned against my right arm, and crossed my right knee over my left. "Now, doll, I want you to just sit there and not say a word," he ordered as he moved about the kitchen and collected a few things, keeping the accent. I smirked at him as I followed him with my eyes. He put a pan of water on the stove and got it boiling, then brewed a pot of coffee. "I do love that color on you. In the glorious rays of daybreak's first light, you absolutely glow. Now are you blushing or is that just a reflection of that color bouncing off your cheeks?" I giggled and moved my hand to my mouth. He reached across the breakfast nook and tugged on my arm. "I know I've said it before, doll. Don't hide that beautiful smile from the world, but especially from me," he ordered. I nodded and put it over my left hand. He grinned and pulled out two bowls and two spoons. Then he made his way to the far counter and threw some bread into the toaster. "I do apologize, doll. I'm no where near your expertise in cooking, but this should be delightful anyways." He moved to the fridge and pulled out some raspberries and the orange juice. He poured me a glass and slid it over. Then he pulled out the quick oats from the cupboard and scooped some into each bowl. "Now the water is hot, bread almost toasted, and my coffee brewed. Oatmeal, doll?" Pat asked. I grinned. "You can talk now, doll. I love the non-verbal cues, but I love hearing your voice more," he murmured. "Oatmeal sounds delightful, thank you. Can I have some brown sugar with mine?" I asked as he put the hot pan on pot holder in front of me -but across the counter- and put a ladle beside it. "Of course, doll. You can have whatever you want. Just ask. I'm happy to provide for you. Nothing is too small. I like waiting on you. Thank you for not kicking me out of the kitchen. So if you ever desire something, speak up," he ordered as he pulled the brown sugar out from the cupboard above him. He handed it over as well as another spoon. "Now do you like a lot of water or a little?" "Thank you, dear. Ummm," I replied hesitantly; I preferred my oats to be a little more thick than runny, but I was particular about how much was enough. I wasn't sure if I could tell him the perfect amount since I really couldn't see the amount of oats in the bowl. "Can I just do it, darling? I love that you went through the trouble of preparing me food, but I would like to finish it up. If that's okay?" I asked then bit my lip. He grinned, nodded, and handed over the bowl of oats and pushed the pan of hot water towards me. "Told you, doll, you just have to ask," he replied softly. I grinned. I took half a scoop of water, poured less than half of it into my bowl, and stirred my oats as the toast popped. "Will you join me or are you just going to stand there?" I teased. Pat smiled warmly but headed over to the toaster and put some butter on all four slices of bread. I reached over and grabbed the raspberries as Pat sat beside me, placing the toast between us. He added water to his bowl and stirred it in as I added a spoonful and a half of brown sugar and handful of raspberries to my own bowl. I took a bite and looked at Pat. He was sipping on his coffee. "Thank you for breakfast. It's delicious," I told him. "My pleasure, doll," he replied, the accent finally dropped. "Sorry it's not much. But I love providing for you." "It's perfect. I don't need big fancy meals. Besides, this is healthier for me anyways. And it's delicious. Thank you," I replied as I took another bite. I moved my left arm closer to him. He put his spoon down and grabbed my hand. I smiled at him as he moved my hand to his lap hand held onto it with his left. "I love you, Patrick Benjamin. You spoil me," I murmured. "And you deserve to be spoiled on a daily basis. I enjoy doing that for you," he replied with a grin as he began to eat again. I took his lead and kept eating. "When you finish your breakfast, you're taking a pain pill," he ordered. I nodded. There was no use in fighting him. "Yes, dear," I replied. He squeezed my left hand. I grinned. "I love you too, Sarah Annette," he crooned. I grinned and we finished our breakfast in silence. I helped him clean up the kitchen when we were done. "You're too good for me doll," Pat whispered as he pinned me against the counter. I grinned and looked down. He lifted my chin and rubbed our noses together. "Thank you for making my world complete. Now, will you be able to hold down the fort while I go for a run? I'll be back within the hour," he promised. I looked up at him and grinned. "Guess we are going to have to work on our separation anxiety sooner or later. Won't be long before I have to go to school full time again," I teased. He grinned at me and stroked my hair. "I love you. I'll stay on the couch and watch a movie," I promised. "No seal?" He pouted. I grinned and stood on my toes trying to kiss his lips. He stood up tall and was just out of reach. He looked down at me and grinned as I lowered myself back down and pouted. I leaned in and kissed his chest instead. "Sealed. Even if it's not the way I want to," I stated firmly but with a small pout. He lowered his head and I pecked his cheek. "That's better. Thanks. I promise, I'll be good. I might nap. No stretching. Could you help me to the couch? I don't think I should try and make it on my own. There's not enough stuff to hang onto if I were to try and make it myself." He grinned at me and pressed his lips to mine. "I'll take you to the couch. I better get going if we're going to get you to your appointment on time," he replied as he scooped me up and carried me to the couch. He bopped my nose. "Behave," he ordered. I grinned and gave him a salute. "Yes, sir," I chuckled as I kissed him again. He crouched beside me and stroked my hair. "Love you, sir. Go for your run. I'll still be here when you come back. If it'll make you feel better, my phone is plugged in on the dresser. I'll turn it on and have it beside me." "It will. I'll bring it out after I change. Now I'm going to lock the doors and pull the blinds on the back door. Don't respond to anyone if they stop by," he ordered. I gave him another salute. "You know, if you're going to salute me, you should do it properly. At least you're using the proper hand," he teased as he straightened my fingers so they weren't bent over. Then he raised my elbow up higher so my arm was level with my shoulder. "There. That's better. Although I do appreciate the respect you are showing me." I grinned and he rubbed my lips. "The proper salute has no smiles, but I love to see yours," he murmured and I tried to keep a smile off my face; I wasn't very successful. His eyes twinkled as he winked at me. "Hold it," he ordered. I held my arm in place as he looked at me. Slowly he brought his right hand to his eye. "At ease," he ordered with a wink as he put his arm down. I giggled and put my arm down. "I don't mind that you do it here, doll. Please don't do it in public. It could be disrespectful," he told me. I nodded, looked down, and blushed. "I was just agreeing to your orders. I didn't mean to come off as disrespectful," I replied as I fidgeted nervously with the necklace. He grabbed my hand and lifted my chin. Once I met his eye, he gave me a heartwarming smile. "I'm sorry." "Don't apologize. I know you weren't trying to be disrespectful, doll. I find it alluring, admirable, and cute. I appreciate the effort. I'll see you after a bit," he promised as he kissed me again and slid me the remote. Then he lifted the leg rest and propped my leg on a pillow. He ruffled my hair, walked around the couch, and disappeared down the hallway. I flipped through the channels looking for something to watch; at seven in the morning, there really wasn't any good options that caught my eye. I had flipped through all the channels three or four times by the time he came back out. He startled me when he chuckled, "indecisive much, doll?" "Yeah. Just a bit," I confirmed. He placed my phone and hair brush beside me on the table and moved over to the dvd selection. "What do you want to watch?" He asked as he pointed to the movies. I shrugged my shoulders and he continued to look at me. "Tell me when to stop," he ordered as he moved his finger back and forth, but held my gaze. "Stop," I giggled. He grinned and loaded up the movie his finger was pointing to. "Thank you." He blew me a kiss and disappeared to the kitchen. I looked at the tv, not really focusing on anything. I sighed and looked around the room for my backpack. I could pass the time with homework, or a reading book, or even Sudoku if I had my bag. "What did you put in, dear?" I asked as he came back into the room. "One of Mom's favorites: Titanic. She was a sucker for Kate Winslet films. I'll watch Finding Neverland with you later. I enjoy Kate's films too," he informed me as he handed me a glass of water. "What else do you need before I go? I don't want you to try and get it." I smiled and put the water on the end table. "Thank you. You really are too good for me," I whispered. He kissed my temple. "My book bag? I'm not sure where it is. I have papers I can doodle on if I get too bored. Go run. I can nap. Sleep is still my best friend apparently. And oh how I'm beginning to loathe it," I claimed. He grinned and brought me my bag and a blanket from the closet, setting them both beside me to my left. "Behave, doll. I'll be back soon," he promised as he kissed me one more time. "Call if you need anything." I nodded and he departed, locking the door behind him. I snuggled into the couch and focused on the movie. Pushing play when I needed to. My phone chirped beside me. I picked it up and read the message. "Head's up. Several HP at work. Don't answer or yell. I'm staying close doll." Highway Patrol. Great. What could possibly be going on now? How many was several? Who were they? Did they expect to see me this morning? I took a deep breath, nice and slow, as I tried to calm down. "No worries, dear. I'm staying put, staying quiet. You were careless and left the tv on. They're probably just having breakfast," I wrote back and turned my phone on vibrate, clasping it tightly in my hands. I remained on high alert. Any sound that wasn't normal had me tensing in my seat. More than three quarters of the way through the movie, my phone vibrated again. I looked at the caller ID before opening the phone and placing it to my ear, but I didn't say a word. "Just me, doll. I'm putting the key in the door now," Pat stated as the door clicked. He came in and looked at me as he hung up the phone. "They're still at the restaurant. I'm sorry to have caused you any stress. I'm going to shower really quick. Afterwards, can I give you a massage?" I bit my lip. "I'm fine. Thank you though. Go shower," I told him as I looked at his soaked shirt. I was tense, but a massage right now would just hurt. "I'm really into this movie," I lied. I loved the movie, but I really hadn't gotten into it today. I met his eye. "I'll stay quiet and stay put," I promised. He nodded and stroked my hair as he headed off to the bathroom. I looked to the table beside me and took a drink of water, then I grabbed my brush and fidgeted with it as I turned my attention back to the movie. Before long, Pat was beside me again, all cleaned up. I looked over at him in shock. He took the brush out of my hands, put my leg rest down, moved me to a beanbag chair so he could sit behind me, and began playing with my hair. I smiled. "You really are my happy place," I told him as I looked up at him after he put my hair in a ponytail. He grinned and leaned over and kissed my forehead. "And you're mine too," he replied. "I'm sorry I scared you." "I've had worse scares," I told him honestly. He chuckled and kissed me again. "Can I sit with you now? Or do I have to remain down here?" "You can sit by me. We have about five minutes left of the movie. Do you want me to put something else in?" I shook my head, leaned over and gave him the remote. "Your turn to choose," I stated as I tried to crawl up into the couch again. Pat chuckled softly and lifted me up. "You can only show off in front of your brothers," he ordered as he kissed my cheek. "I'll happily take care of you. Be weak, babe; I'm your strength. I still love you, even if you are trouble," he whispered as he turned off the movie and turned the tv to the history channel. I grinned as I snuggled into him and ended up drifting off to sleep as he stroked my hair softly. My phone chirping on the table beside me startled me. I sat up in a panic and he calmly pulled me back into his chest as he reached around me , grabbed my phone, and showed me. Displayed on the screen were two words: call Pat. "Just the alarm, doll. I programmed it before I left in case my run was longer than it should have been. Your siblings are rubbing off on me, I'm becoming quite paranoid," he teased as he rubbed my arm. I moved my left hand to his lap and squeezed his knee. "We need to get on the road in twenty minutes. The patrolmen didn't stop by, doll," he reassured me before I could ask. I nodded. "I was wrong to frighten you." "I'm glad you told me though. I hate being lied to, even if it's just an omission of facts," I stated as I stretched again. I bit my lip and looked back at him. "I lied. I wasn't into the movie. I was afraid that if you gave me a massage, it would hurt me more," I confessed. He just smiled at me. "You are so pure, doll. I figured you were tense; you seem nice and relaxed now. Promise me you'll always tell me what's on your mind? You don't have to hide anything from me," he begged. I nodded again and he kissed my cheek. "That's my girl. How were you able to convincingly lie for the past ten years and let no one know that you were suffering?" He asked. I bit my lip and looked down. "No one ever peered too close. It was just better if I kept everyone at arm's length. It was easier," I murmured. Pat snuggled in closer to me. "I like this distance much better," he teased as he pressed his cheek against mine. I grinned and kissed his cheek. "Twenty minutes, you said?" I inquired. He nodded his head. "Okay. I better start hopping to the bathroom then. Gotta sling up," I teased. He gently squeezed his arms around my waist. I leaned into him. "I have no qualms about staying in this position, Mr. Shield," I stated. He snickered beside me. "In all seriousness though, I do need to use the bathroom. Then we can go check in at the restaurant. I'd hate to have Josh run through here like a wild man again because we didn't say good morning; it's been a few days since we ate there." "Sounds like a plan. Can I carry you or is your heart set on hopping?" Pat teased. I turned my head and kissed him, preparing to make my way down the hallway myself. "OH! Definitely not letting you out of my arms now, doll," he gushed. I giggled as he stood up and had me cradled in his arms. "You really look like you have a healthy skin tone, not a deathly pale color. Is it the dress or are you finally healthy?" He inquired as he took me down the hallway. "Um? I'm not sure. Both probably. Three weeks is a new record for me. I haven't missed a meal. I haven't had an accident. I've just been cherished," I admitted. "It's a whole new world. I feel alive. I don't feel invisible." Pat grinned. "And it is definitely a much brighter world now that you're by my side," he murmured as he kissed my temple and put me down. "I'm glad that you are finally starting to thrive and show the world who you are. I'm even more excited that you want me to be a part of it too. Thank you." I grinned and pushed him out the door. He left with a chuckle. "You're welcome, babe. I'm the lucky one, remember? I'm spoiled by you," I hollered as I sat down. I stared at my bare legs and remembered the shorts I wanted to put on. I nodded and stood up carefully. After adjusting my dress again, I flushed the toilet and hopped to the sink. I ran the hot water over both my hands and grinned. "I know you're just outside the door. You can come in," I murmured. The door clicked open and I smirked at Pat through the mirror. He gave me a cheesy grin. "Before you whisk me away, I need to put on a pair of shorts," I reminded him. He nodded and placed his hand on my hips as I finished washing my hands. He offered me one of the white towels with an embroidered sunshine on them. I grinned and whispered, "do you have any idea of how special you make me feel?" "Hopefully as special as you make me feel," he replied as he moved my hair over one shoulder and kissed the back my neck. I blushed. "I'll take it down and hide my neck completely, if you start causing problems," I warned. He stood up and grinned. "I can behave, can you?" He retorted as I nodded and bumped him softly with my left hip, causing me to stumble. He caught me, stood me upright, and kissed my cheek again. "Trouble," he whispered. I opened the mirror so I could grab my toothbrush. I pulled out his too since I insisted that he didn't have to go away to use the bathroom. He took it from me, put toothpaste on both toothbrushes, and moved to my side. "You're amazing, 'Nettie," he whispered. "I'm just me," I replied softly. "I felt like a nobody before you: invisible, alone, and in my shell. I'm just me," I repeated as I brought the toothbrush up and began cleaning my teeth. "And just you is plenty for me," he replied as he began brushing his teeth too. He frothed his lips and looked at me. Around his spit, he murmured, "can you handle this craziness? Because you bring out the best in me. Let's face it, it aint' pretty." I giggled and spit into the sink and rinsed my toothbrush. He followed suit and faced me after rinsing his mouth. "Baby, if that's your craziest than I need to up my game," I teased. He chuckled. "Yes, darling, I look forward to seeing the good, bad, and ugly with you. Just promise me you won't leave me for someone else." "Never. Nobody can come close to you, doll. You ran away with my heart and now I only have eyes for you," he murmured as he stroked my hair again. "You had eyes for somebody else?" "A long time ago. The last time I dated anyone was before I graduated high school. Truth be told, they weren't the right speed for me. Then I focused on serving my country. Girls didn't matter, just the mission. After I came home, I shut down anyone who tried approach me. I kept myself busy at the restaurant. I hated myself and my body. Josh and Linda were my only company but only about once a month. Linda came by more," he admitted as he stroked my cheek. "You have a way of sneaking up on somebody and tearing down all walls. I was instantly charmed by your joy bubble. Suddenly I hated being alone. I want to be silly. I want to goof off. I want to make you laugh. I've never wanted that with anyone else before. Before you, I was mean, cruel, and desired to be alone." I blushed and looked down. "But from the first time I met you, you were friendly and sociable. Your eyes were kind and soft. I didn't notice any resentment. Nor did I pick up on any undertones of desolation. You watch Dalton; you're great with him. I don't get it. You were reclusive?" I asked him in a shocked tone. "Very. A little over a year and a half, probably closer to two years, I refused to make an effort to see anyone and got mad at anyone who came to see me. I didn't understand why they would want to. I still came to the restaurant to eat and looked for threats and whatnot. But I couldn't talk to anyone. About a week before you started working there, Olivia and Peter moved next door. I often heard a lot of fighting and my first reaction was to check it out, but I didn't until after I met you and began to smile again. Three weeks later, I finally introduced myself to them; I just happened to catch them in the middle of another fight. Don't worry, doll. It wasn't abuse, just a lot of I'm tired, you're tired, and we have a baby to care for. Exhaustion fights. So I offered to play with their son while they slept," he explained. "Well I'm glad I helped you find yourself again. I didn't know. I was just trying to not mess up the orders," I confessed. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "You were good at your job. You were even better at spreading joy; you didn't have to try and do that. It just happened," he whispered, as he gently traced my facial features with his fingers. His watch beeped and he reluctantly dropped his hands so he could turn it off. "Come on, doll. It's time to go. I already sent Josh a message saying that we're both good. I'd rather not go in there knowing those HP could be destructive to your well-being," he murmured as he looked at me again. His hand moved back to my jaw and he took another step forward and held onto my waist. "Well than stop admiring me and let's go," I teased. He laughed and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder as he took me back into the room. "Technically, we still have five minutes before we have to go," he chuckled as he paused long enough at the dresser to pick me out a pair of shorts that were almost identical in color to my dress and headed out to the front room. He placed me on the couch and handed me the shorts. "I'll be right back, doll. We forgot your sling. And you probably should have a shoe," he stated pointing to my bare foot. I grinned and nodded in agreement. I put the shorts on as I heard his feet retreat. I rubbed the fleece blanket that was sitting on the arm of the couch on the left side. "Did you check out on me, doll?" Pat teased as he came back around. He offered me a black flat for my foot. I nodded and allowed him to put it on. "What do you know, it's a perfect fit! Does this mean I found my Cinderella?" "Only if you're my Prince Charming," I replied as I grinned at him. "You need to stop sneaking up on me. You're quite good at it. It's unnerving." He ducked his head and laughed. "Want me to wear a bell?" He inquired as he looked back up at me, his eyes twinkling. I shook my head. "Good. Because I wouldn't anyways. Come on. Let's hook you up. Then I can help you stretch. We gotta go soon though," he warned. I nodded as he began hooking me up again. He stood up and pulled me to his arms. "Maybe tomorrow we can start another level of dancing," he teased as he rubbed the fingers on my left hand. I grinned. "Looking forward to it. Because that'll mean I can start doing push-ups again and finally stretch this left leg," I beamed. "Silver lining in everything," he mused as he helped me stretch. "Time, doll," he whispered as he pulled me to a standing position. I grinned. "But I was just starting to have fun," I whispered as I leaned in and kissed him. As I pulled away, I bounced on the ball of my foot excitedly. "Come on. Let's go get some good news!" He laughed merrily and picked me up, carrying me to his truck. I buckled up as he went back inside to grab my wheelchair. He came back out with my backpack as well. "To help you pass the time," he stated as he put the bag in the back seat. He lifted up the center console. "You didn't want to sit by me, doll?" He teased as he buckled himself up. I grinned. "Okay," I agreed as I unbuckled. Pat pulled me over to him and buckled me in the center seat. He began moving and wrapped his arm around me. "I have your phone and bank card, just in case, doll," he murmured as we pulled onto the highway. "But as my girlfriend, you should really allow me to buy you a few things," he teased. I giggled and rested my head on his shoulder. I began playing with the necklace again. "You do buy me things all the time," I countered. "You provide me with a place to call home, you securely hold me in your arms, and you refuse to let me buy any food or pay for anything around the house - food, cable, internet, power, or anything else we might need. I think I might have gotten away with it once." "Mama always told me that it's a gentleman's duty to make sure his lady never lifts a finger and always feels like she's cared for," Pat explained kindly. I shook my head as I blushed and grinned. I looked up at him and kissed is cheek, causing him to smile. "You're remarkable. I wish I could have met her. I'd let her know what a great son she raised. I would also pick her brain for new recipes," I replied. He leaned his head against me. We talked about anything and everything. As we were about ten miles from town, I told Pat my fears. "Last week, you were so certain I couldn't be pregnant. I definitely don't want to be. My period came the week you were away, but it was barely a day and half long. It's supposed to be at least three days. What happens if I'm carrying his child? Will you leave me? I can't be a mom. Not now. Especially if it's not your's. I can't force you to stand by and watch if it is true," I voiced as tear threatened to fall down again. He tilted my head so I could look up at him. He gazed tenderly at me and kissed my temple before looking at the road again. "Doll, if you end up being pregnant, I will continue to love you. And the child you carry. I'll love him or her like my own, if you choose to keep the baby of course. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you, but a rape baby doesn't mean it's any less of a blessing. I was a rape baby. I never met the guy who took advantage of my mom. She kept me, and showered me in love. Do you see me as a monster?" He asked as he moved his hand up and down my arm. I shook my head in shock. "I have every right to be though, based on what you just said." "No. That's not what I was trying to say. I had no idea. You are the furthest thing from a monster," I confirmed. "Thank you for sharing." "You're welcome. This possibility doesn't change my affections towards you at all. So if you are carrying a child, that baby will be an extension of you. I will love it as such," he promised reassuringly. "Darling, you are a much braver person than I could ever be. If we end up having a family together, I want the child to be yours. I don't want to to be pregnant. If I am, I can't keep the child. I'll give birth and give it away. I don't know how I can I can love someone that was forced upon me even if it's for the best. Even if the baby has you as a father, I'll still see him every time I look at the baby and be forced to remember that day. Well the day I don't mind, but that moment I would love to forget. I want to see you: a man who gives me joy, peace, comfort, and understanding. I don't want to end up despising the child; he or she won't deserve that from me - a parent who is supposed to always love and protect them. I don't want to be a bad mom," I whispered as several tears trekked silently down my face. He looked down and smiled at me as I wiped my cheeks dry. "Doll, that's brave too. Giving up a child for adoption is harder than anything else. I've seen it several times. Lieutenant McAllister helped three women do it. It tore him up, I can only imagine what it did to the moms. If you need to cry, go ahead, doll. You don't have to hide anything," he told me softly. I looked forward again and grabbed his hand around my waist. He stroked my fingers tenderly. "I'll buy you a pregnancy test if it'll make you feel better. Oh! Speaking of tests, I forgot to tell you. Officer Davies told me that you have nothing to worry about in that area. The tests they took at the cabin all came back negative." I looked back up at him as he took the exit. "Thank you," I replied sincerely as I kissed his cheek. "That's good news. And thank you for still wanting to be with me." We were stopped at the stop sign. Pat faced me fully and brought his hand to my cheek. "I'm just grateful you still want to be with me. Tell me anything. Don't ever hold back. I want to explore every nook and cranny of your mind, but I can only do that if you trust me enough to open up," he whispered. "I do trust you, with everything. Just ask, I can't lie to you," I reiterated. He smiled. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. I nodded as he kissed me deeply. "How about if we have Tyler drive so I can just kiss you?" He teased as a car behind us honked. I giggled and faced forward. He kissed my head as he moved forward again. "I can drive around the block if you need a minute," Pat offered. "No, I'm good. Thanks, dear," I replied and wiped my eyes again. Pat turned up the street towards my brother's house and squeezed my waist. Tyler was waiting outside for us when we pulled up to the house. He jumped in the front seat and punched my arm lightly. "Sorry to crowd you, Net. That backseat is tiny. I don't want to cramp up again. Plus, I prefer the front seat," he teased as he buckled up. We all chuckled. I looked over my shoulder into the back seat. "I can ride back there," I offered as Pat began driving again. "I'm small and if my leg starts to bother me, I can turn sideways and prop it up." "Maybe on the way home, doll. Unless you're crowding Tyler," Pat insisted. "Nope! I'm good. Thanks for asking. 'Nettie, you can just put your legs across my lap if you need to extend them," Tyler replied cheekily. I giggled again. "Before I forget, I have the paperwork that says you are your own guardian," Tyler informed us. "Hold onto it for now," I instructed. "My bag's in the backseat; I'll put it in there later. Thanks, Ty." He nodded and squeezed my knee affectionately. Pat pulled me closer to him as Tyler got into an animated story. "I don't want to let you go. Especially since you just opened up so much. I love every part of who you are. Above everything else, I love having you in my arms. Doll, I won't make any choices for you, but I have to know if you want to be in my arms too?" Pat whispered earnestly in my ear. I nodded; that was a foolish question. He let out a sigh of relief as he kissed my head again. We listened to Tyler again. The three of us joked around and conversed the rest of the trip to the hospital. Pat parked, pulled me out, set me in the wheelchair, and Tyler grabbed my bag from the backseat, draping it over his shoulder. Together, we headed into the appointment. I insisted that both men remain in the room with me as the doctor gave me a check up. The only time I was alone was when he sent me back to get a full body scan to see how everything was healing. When I was done with the scan, and led back to the examination room, the doctor explained what exercises I could do. I was given a pair of crutches but the doctor turned and looked back at Pat and Tyler. "She'll be able to get around, but will have difficulties still. Her shoulder has healed nicely. She'll be without arm strength for a while," Dr. Brandt explained. They both nodded. "She's not going to be alone really, doc," Pat stated. He still had disgust for Dr. Brandt's bedside manner, but I was pleased he was still being civil. "We'll make sure she doesn't overdo it or hurt herself," Pat promised as he looked at me and gave me a pointed look. I nodded in agreement; I would continue to accept their help. Dr. Brandt turned and looked at me again. "Keep your sling, use it when your arm feels like it's going to fall off. No use it before then. Take it slow. I'll study your scans again later, Annette. Based on the quick glance, you still have two fractured ribs, your hip is healing nicely although the fracture is still quite large, but I'm concerned about your leg," he said softly as he lowered himself onto his rolling stool as he looked down at my chart. I looked back at Pat and Tyler. Both had the same look of concern on their faces and were studying the doctor. I looked back at Dr. Brandt as he continued, "it doesn't appear to be healing straight. Now because the alignment is still off, I can take you back for another surgery. I'll have to break your bones again, insert a metal rod and see if they heal better that way. Otherwise, you'll never be able to put any weight on this leg." I covered my mouth with my hand as I gasped. I looked back at Pat who was now looking down at the ground with his lips pressed tightly together. I then glared at the doctor as I lowered my hand. "You instructed that I stay off this leg for three months," I countered. He began to speak again, so I cut him off. "I haven't put any weight against it for the past six weeks and still have six to go. I have this uncanny ability of overcoming impossible odds. When I come back, and if it's still misaligned, then we can talk surgery and re-breaking. Until then, I'll continue to take it easy, prop it up, and let it heal. I would prefer to have both my arms in full use if we have to go down that road," I snapped. "I'm not okay with hasty decisions. So will it hurt me more to keep up with what I've been doing or do I have to do this today?" "Six weeks is fine. There's no bone shards sticking out so I'm not worried about infection," he responded with a smile. "I appreciate your honesty. So thank you for that. This is not a decision to be taken lightly which many people don't understand. I don't want to hurt you if I don't have to. I hope your leg does heal. The nurse will be back in a minute to give you your in home care paperwork." Dr. Brandt stood up and shook my hand then left the room. I sighed and leaned back, bracing against my right arm as I looked back at the guys, only Tyler was looking at me. Pat was still looking at the floor. "Am I being foolish?" I asked softly. Pat's eyes shot up and met mine. He shook his head and gave me a grin. "Have you looked at every angle, 'Nettie?" Tyler inquired at the same time. I met his eye. "If your leg is as bad as he says, you need it fixed. Right now, you have until about the end of October that you don't have to be in school everyday. Six weeks out puts you in," he paused as he tried to figure it out. "First week of November," I told him. He nodded. "If you got it done then, you'd miss more school. Your pain pills would increase and any preparations we accomplished in this transition time would be lost," Tyler continued. I bit my lip and looked down. "To top it off, you would be in a wheelchair or crutches well through January, possibly even February. I don't think you're being foolish by wanting to wait and see what happens. I do think that it's wise to not jump into a decision that will hurt you. But I believe that you'll be unhappy if you were immobile that long. One injury replaced with another," he explained as he held up my sling before tucking it into my bag. "I know. I get that. I chose to take everyone's pain at the complex not knowing what would happen. I know what this pain consists of," I stated as I looked down at my leg. "I don't mind pain, but to willingly choosing to break my leg again; the one form of torture that broke my silence." I bit my lip and blinked back tears. "You surprised everyone in the complex. Nobody expected you to be so complacent, so different, so silent. Annette, the one time you screamed, I was just a few steps outside the door. You shook the walls and it echoed down the halls, through the glass. It still haunts me," Tyler confessed. "We don't want to see you go through that pain again. Ever." "I spent most of my life being quiet when I got hurt. But that pain. I couldn't fight it," I whispered as tears trickled down my face. "We know, doll," Pat murmured. I looked up and met his eye again. He smiled softly at me. "It's not a choice anyone should have to make. I don't want you to do it because I hate seeing you in pain. But if you don't do it, there's a high possibility you'll be as unsteady as I am for the rest of your life. I don't want to see you hobble around either." "Okay. So talking about pain is a bad topic with the boyfriend," I teased. He grinned and looked down. I met Tyler's eye. "16?" I offered. He grinned and nodded. "16. You impress me, sister dear," he chuckled. Pat gave us both a confused glance. "16 is looking for plan b," Tyler explained. Pat nodded his head and looked at me, offering his suggestion, "how about you think about it for a week, doll? When Dr. Brandt calls back after examining the scans better, we can offer him a time frame of your choosing. Within your time frame for school too." He pulled out his phone and studied it. "Two months boils down to eight weeks, which means you have to be in school full time by Wednesday, October 25. That gives you five weeks, doll. You don't have to do it either. Like you said, you have an uncanny ability of defying the odds. But we also have winter coming up soon too. Crutches and snow are not a good combination," Pat stated as the nurse came back in. I noticed that Dr. Brandt was just outside the door. "Dr. Brandt!" I hollered. He looked up and made his way in. "Yes, Miss Gibson?" He asked. The nurse looked unsure of what to do. I looked at her and smiled before turning my attention to the doctor. "If I chose to do the surgery, but not in six weeks or today, how far out would you recommend?" I inquired. "This case is rare. I've only had one other patient that I had to break their bones again after they begun the healing process out on. Healing for a broken leg is anywhere from 6-12 weeks. He was in week five and we did it right then. You could go as long as you wanted. Like I said, with my brief glance, I didn't see any need to do it now," he explained. I nodded and looked at the nurse again. "Do you schedule all his appointments?" I asked. She nodded. I looked back at the guys and bit my lip one more time. Taking a deep breath I looked at the medical staff again. "How about if I come back in ten days? We can do another scan and schedule a surgery for that afternoon if you still think it's necessary. It also gives you time to thoroughly look over these scans," I conceded. They nodded and left the room, dismissing us. Pat came over and sat behind me. He rubbed my arm tenderly. "Guess you get your wish," I teased. "Oh? Remind me what wish that was?" He replied as he kissed my temple. "You get me in your arms a while longer. No more wheelchair, but you still aren't going to let me hop around willy-nilly," I replied with a grin. Pat bopped my nose. "That is true. I'm sorry you didn't get all the good news you wanted," he replied. I smiled. "It's just a minor setback. I can climb this mountain too. I like being in your arms. Thanks for looking out for me. And thank you too Tyler, for making sure I'm seeing things clearly. I'm ready to go if you guys are," I replied. I looked down at the wheelchair, grinned, and kicked it with my left foot so it wheeled back and rested against the wall. "See ya!" Pat and Tyler chuckled as they stood up. Tyler held the crutches the doctor gave me and Pat scooped me in his arms. As we passed reception, the nurse handed me an appointment card. "Friday, September 29th at three. Perfect. Thank you," I told her sincerely. She nodded and Pat kept walking. "Are we doing lunch or the visit first?" I asked. "Lunch," Tyler confirmed, looking over his shoulder. "I had my phone open and Jess was on the other side. They know the latest about you too. After news like that, you can stress eat; you've earned it." I nodded and looked up at Pat. "Something's bothering you," I noted as my fingers rubbed his brow that was furrowed. "Am I too heavy? Do you want me to walk?" He grinned and pulled me tighter to his chest, not letting his pace slow down. "No way, no how," he replied he grinned as he met my eye. "I'm just concerned about you, doll. That's all." I looked at him skeptically. "I'll tell you later," he promised as he kissed my cheek. I looked forward again and noticed we made it to his truck already. "By me or in the back?" Pat asked. "That's a dumb question. Behind you or beside you? Like there's a choice! I need to stick close to you," I giggled as I looked up at him. "I like being able to touch you. The closer the better." He chuckled and rubbed my nose with his. I reached over and opened the door. Tyler was already positioned in the front seat. He reached over and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the center as Pat loaded up. "Can we have Mongolian?" I asked as Pat started the truck and put his arm behind me. "Oh! No! Greek! I haven't had a good gyro in a while." Both men chuckled on either side of me. I caught Pat's eye and smirked, "no Mongolian. Noodles are a good comfort food. Plus they have the option to make a s'mores." "You got it, doll," he chuckled as he turned onto Brooks St. "You guys are going to have to let me kinda maneuver on my own in there," I demanded. "We'll see," Tyler chided. "I'm sure one of us will have an arm around you at all times." "Definitely," Pat replied. I looked at the two of them. They seemed to be talking with facial gestures, but I couldn't place what they were saying. I shrugged and lifted both shoulders. Pat removed his hand from behind me and grabbed my left hand. "Take it easy. You can stretch it a little bit," he granted as he pulled my arm over his chest. I grinned and moved my arm up and down before pulling my arm back to my lap. Pat held my hand as he turned into Hu Hot. "Leave the hospital and come here, 'Nettie. You got a fetish?" Tyler teased. I giggled. "Their food is amazing, the hospital's not so much. I'm always down for good stir fry. I'll have to make you some one of these days. However, here you get to add your own ingredients. If I make it, you get what I cook. End of story," I insisted. Both men grinned. Pat leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I love your food," he murmured. I squeezed his hand. "You're right, there's just something amazing about this food. Let's go eat." He helped me out of the truck. "Like I said we won't be far from your side," Tyler stated as he handed over a single crutch. I gave him a confused look. "It's mainly for support, under the right arm. Pat and I have your back." "Literally," Pat stated as he held onto me. "Best way for you to do this is to let me carry you," he teased. "Tyler, do we need to show him how to do this?" I giggled. "After all. I'm sure if I could kinda do it hours after being released, I can definitely do this now," I informed Pat. He grinned. Gradually we made our way into the restaurant. "Tyler, go ahead and get us a seat," I instructed. Pat had me lean against the wall as we watch the hostess lead Tyler around the practically empty place. I bit my lip as the hostess pointed towards a booth. Tyler shook his head and she suggested a table in the corner. "You worry too much, doll," Pat whispered as he traced my jaw with his knuckle. "Come on. I'll help you get some food. We have a table. Tyler will get you something to drink." I nodded and we made our way through the line. "A second hand is helpful," I giggled as I pushed my bowl along and filled it up. Pat kept his hand my back as we made our way through. Tyler was beside me before too long. I toyed with the crutch nervously as we approached the end of the line. "Ummm. How am I supposed to turn around, keep my balance, and not spill any of my sauce? Maybe this wasn't the best choice." "I'll get your bowl, 'Nettie. You hop. Pat will catch you if you're going to fall," Tyler instructed as he grabbed it from me as Pat turned me around; he was now on my right side. I considered moving the crutch to my left arm, but Pat wrapped his arm me, trapping the crutch between us. Together the three of us approached the counter so the cooks could make our food in front of us. "Mushroom allergy, this bowl," Tyler stated as he pushed my bowl towards the cook. The cook nodded and began cleaning the grill. I bit my lip as I leaned into Pat. "I got 'shrooms, Net. I thought of that after I added my sauce. I'd rather play it safe than give you another reason to not be able to breathe," Tyler informed me, making sure that my food was covered on the hot grill with a lid before he allowed the cook to take his food. Pat rubbed my back aimlessly as we watched them cook. I grinned as he reached around me again and held my left hand. "Pain, doll?" He whispered. "I'm fine. Truly. I'll take a pill after we go to the jail," I replied softly. "Right now, I'm hungry and looking forward to that food on the grill right now. My mouth is watering!" I looked up at Pat and grinned. "I like this," I confessed as I squeezed his hand, flexing all the muscles in my left hand. "Me too, doll. But I think my mouth is watering for another reason," he whispered as he kissed my temple. "You are ravishing. This view alone is worth a million bucks." I grinned. "For the lady," the cook exclaimed with a wink. I looked down as I rolled my eyes and squeezed Pat's hand tighter. "Thank you, sir," I replied politely, meeting the cook's eye. He winked again and I turned away. Another plate was added to the counter and Pat stepped up, carrying both plates in his left hand. He walked around to my left side and assisted me back to our table. After he helped me sit down, I asked, "will guys ever stop flirting with me?" Tyler was sitting down just then too. "Unfortunately, doll, I doubt it. You are far too beautiful and too many people will try to get their shot with you. I'll fight them all off," Pat replied as he set my plate in front of me and kissed my cheek. I giggled as he sat down. "You don't have fight anyone off. I'm your's, dear. Nobody can take me away from you," I replied as I dug into my food. "Fine. Then I'll defend your honor and fight them off with a stick. It's my duty as your brother," Tyler chuckled. "I told ya, doll, that color is amazing on you," Pat added. "And people are drawn to you." "Your magnetic pull is something else," Tyler mused. "Everyone loves the joy that you share, and that's why they're drawn to you. But that's nothing compared to the pull you have on Pat. You have him on a whole another world. You two are inseparable. No one can pull you apart." I blushed and pushed my food around then looked up at Pat. He appeared to have a similar look on his face. "He's pretty great," I admitted. He smiled and rested his hand on my right leg. "I'm quite lucky." The rest of the meal passed quickly. Pat even ordered my tabletop s'mores and made a few with me. When it was over, Tyler helped me hobble to the bathroom door as Pat paid and brought the truck to the front door. Then we were off to the prison. "Do either of you not want me to do this?" I asked as we pulled into the parking lot. "Your choice, doll," Pat murmured as he grabbed my hand. "I respect your decision either way." "You really don't have to do this at all," Tyler confirmed. "You always surprise us with your antics." "I want to do it. I'm asking if you guys think I'm being dumb," I reiterated. "I don't want you to, but I support you," Pat confirmed. "I just don't want you face another monster." I nodded and looked at Tyler. "I'm surprised you want to see him again, and I think it's admirable. I'm with Pat. You don't have to face your monsters," Tyler stated. I bit my lip. "I also know that you're stubborn and will find a way to do it yourself. I'd rather you didn't do it alone." "Agreed. So what's the plan, doll?" Pat asked as he rubbed my cheek again. I looked at the door and grinned. "We're going in," Pat chuckled as he unbuckled himself. "Both crutches, 'Nettie. Individual checkpoints," Tyler warned. I nodded and squeezed Pat's hand as he slid me out. "We'll help you to the door. You have to do the checkpoint yourself, but we'll help again on the other side," Pat murmured as he carried me around his truck to meet Tyler on the other side. Tyler grinned at us and took off with my crutches towards the door. "I love you, doll. You're amazing," Pat whispered as he kissed my cheek. "I love you too, Pat. Thank you for supporting me. I'm sorry I'm going against your better wishes," I replied as I leaned into him. "I'm proud of you for wanting to do this. I think it takes great strength and courage. I know you have it in you to do so," he murmured as we walked through the door. Tyler was talking to the guard and looked back at us with pursed lips. "Now what?" Pat quietly voiced my thoughts too. "Here's the deal. Only two people are allowed back. Annette can't take her crutches," Tyler explained, but he was looking at Pat and his eyes were fierce, answering some unknown question that I couldn't piece together. Pat cleared his throat and shifted behind me, but pulled me closer to him. "Unfortunately, the metal prosthetic leg can't go back either," the guard added in. Too quickly. I bit my lip and looked down; I wanted to do this, but Pat didn't want me alone. Things seemed odd, but I could tell Pat didn't want me to piece the puzzle together. I pursed my lips and looked at my boyfriend. He was listening intently to Tyler and the guard and refusing to look at me. "Ma'am," the guard interrupted my thoughts. I looked back up at him. "Your hair needs to be taken down too." I nodded. "I can sit back, doll. It's okay. I'm here for you. Moral support. I'll be right here when you're done. You'll still have Tyler. It's his dad," Pat whispered. I looked back in his eyes and noticed the creased brow again and his eyes full of worry and doubt. I rubbed his brow and bit my lip, but didn't say anything. "We can go to the carousel or something later. Maybe the bookstore, or you can nap. Whatever you want," he promised. "What about my cast then? Is that going to cause problems?" I asked the guard, turning my attention back to him. "Any metal in the leg?" He asked hesitantly. I bit my lip and looked at the guys. "I'm not 100% on that. I was out most of the time I spent in the hospital, so if there's any metal in there, they would know," I replied honestly. "No metal," Tyler confirmed. The guard pursed his lips and brought over a metal scanner anyways. He ran it down my leg and nodded. Pat set me down and took out my hair. Tyler came to stand beside me. "Are you sure?" Tyler asked. Pat kissed the back of my head and I nodded. "Just me and Annette will be going back to see Ronald Yorke, please." The guard nodded and handed us some passes. Tyler wrapped his arm around me as Pat took the crutches from him and moved to sit in the waiting area. "I'm sorry, dear," I began. "Don't worry about it, doll. This is better. I'd rather not get mad at him. I would also like not to really put a face to your monsters either; I might do something stupid," Pat replied. He looked at Tyler. "Don't let her go crazy," he ordered. "Of course not. I'll make sure she stays sane and comes back to you whole," Tyler promised. He looked down at me. "You just need to promise to hold my hand or allow me to keep an arm around your waist. You have a really bad habit of not sharing your emotions. The exceptions seem to be when Pat and Noah are around. This is not up for debate," he ordered. "I can do that," I promised. I looked back at Pat. "If that's okay with you?" "I prefer that he did. He's right, doll. Your wall goes up pretty quick. No masks, Annette," Pat warned. I nodded. "Can I carry her through until we reach the checkpoint?" Tyler asked. The guard looked hesitantly between us then nodded. Tyler scooped me up and walked me through a door that buzzed and locked behind us. We weaved through a series of four of these doors. "Are they trying to lock us in too?" I asked rhetorically. I looked up at Tyler and took a calming breath. "So, Jess and Tyler Yorke? Guess when I said there was a nurse Jay, I wasn't too far off the mark then," I teased. Tyler grinned at me. "Nelson. And before you ask, no. It's really our mother's maiden name. The only Mr. Nelson in your life, will be me," he informed me. I nodded. "That sounds better. I like it. What about your middle name? You guys all chew me out with my full name. I can call Jess out. She seems to like when I call her Gibson," I rambled as we went through another door. I took another calming breath as I felt my anxiety climb. "I already told it, 'Nettie. Think back to the bus," Tyler crooned as he set me down. "That's right! Ulrich! How did I forget that?" I giggled. He shook his head. "We're at the checkpoint. You have to do this on your own. They ask that you not hold the sides of the metal detector and the scan you. Painless," he stated. I nodded as the guard beckoned me forward. "I'll be right behind you. If you're going to fall, go back," Tyler ordered. I nodded again and took a precarious hop forward. Tyler held onto my hand and steadied me. One guard stepped up and offered me his hand. "Thank you," I told him sincerely as he lead me through the scanner. They pointed to my necklace. I reached up and grabbed the gem. "It needs to come off, miss. We can't allow any chance of the prisoners to get out. I'm not saying you would score the glass or anything, it's just protocol. I'll also need any cellphones you guys are carrying," the guard explained. I bit my lip and moved my charm up and down on the chain. "You'll get it back, miss. We'll keep it locked up in the drawer until you come back," the guard told me and released his hand as I began working on my necklace clasp. I nodded, reflecting back to the one other time I had visited anyone. Dad took Noah and I back to meet one of the most dangerous criminals. Security was significantly more lax then; probably because Dad was in uniform. They didn't have us remove anything then. I shuddered at the memory and continued to try to take of the necklace. I wasn't able to grasp the clasp. I bit my lip in frustration. Tyler came up behind me, undid the necklace, and held onto my sides. I released the guard's hand, he took my necklace and Tyler's cell phone so they could be locked in the drawer on the wall, and then he moved back to his position. "Once you go through that door, everything is recorded. If the glass is touched, the visit is over," the guard explained. We both nodded. The guard sighed and looked down. He slowly looked up and met my eye. "Offering any sexual notion, as in showing anything, is strictly forbidden. With your partner or the convict," he told me. I felt the color drain from my cheeks, but I nodded again. "No kissing, a*s grabbing, b**b fondling, or anything." "Thank you, sir," Tyler stated as he scooped me in his arms. "We have no intention of doing that here." The guard nodded and buzzed us into yet another room: a small cubicle with a stationary metal chair, a counter, and a phone attached to the wall. Beyond the glass in the middle of the room, was an identical room. Tyler sat me on the chair and knelt beside me, wrapping his arm around me. "Breathe, 'Nettie," Tyler ordered. "You're getting a little shallow." I nodded and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Another buzzer sounded as yet another door was unlocked. I jumped and reached for Tyler's hand that was resting on my lap. He squeezed it in a reassuring manner as Ronnie was escorted into the other room and the guards chained his feet to the stool. I smiled at him as his eyes looked me over briefly before he turned his icy gaze towards Tyler. Since the phone was on my right and Tyler was on my left, I picked up the line and held it to my ear. Ronnie met my gaze again and I smiled at him again. He glared and pointed to Tyler. I sighed and handed the phone over. "It's okay, Annette," Tyler murmured as he let go of my hand. I fidgeted nervously. "You'll be able to talk to him." I nodded and looked back at Ronnie. Tyler kept the phone on my lap. "It's not too late. You can still back out," he whispered. "I would like to talk to him. You just told me I could. Are you backing out on me?" I inquired, studying him. He smiled, shook his head, and looked at Ronnie. He waved at him and put the phone to his ear. I looked over to see how Ronnie would react too. Tyler rubbed my side tenderly. "Don't tickle me," I warned. Tyler chuckled but stopped moving his hand. Ronnie finally picked up his own phone. Based on his body language, he was hissing at Tyler. I hid a soft chuckle behind my hand. "All her. We tried to talk her out of it," Tyler spoke softly. I lowered my gaze and smirked. "I think you'll be surprised. Give her at least two minutes. Please." Tyler looked back up at me and grinned. "All your's, dear." I smiled, took the phone, grabbed his left hand with my left, and began to move the phone to my ear with my right hand. "Let me know when you're done. Squeeze my hand if you can't talk any more," he whispered. I nodded and looked back at Ronnie and smiled. "It's good to see you again. How are you?" "I know you didn't come to shoot the breeze. Why'd you come?" Ronnie asked in a shocked tone. "A few reasons. Mainly because I wanted to thank you," I replied honestly. It came out overly sweet even for me. I went with it, keeping the smile on my face. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Stop. You shouldn't be smiling at me," he ordered. "I'm naturally happy; just ask anyone. This is me relaxed. I was certain that seeing you I'd feel some resentment or hatred, but I don't. I didn't come to torture you or yell at you. I really wanted to see how you were doing," I spoke quickly. Tyler snickered softly and squeezed my hand, so I took a deep breath and calmed down. I didn't have to rush my words; I just had to speak honestly and from the heart. "I'm thankful that you got me out. It means a lot to me that you wanted to get me to the hospital." "I failed. You were supposed to leave with me again," he stated and shifted his eyes to the right. I looked up over his shoulder and noticed the camera. Right recording, which means that big boss man is probably tapping into the feeds and watching this too. I bit my lip and nodded. Tyler caught the motion and let go of my hand, reaching for the phone. I tugged on his arm. "I'm fine. Ronnie was just reminding me that the nightmare wasn't supposed to end," I explained. Tyler nodded and grabbed my hand again, still watching my face. I looked back at Ronnie. "I'm sorry things didn't fall into place for the trip back. That being said, I'm still grateful that you took me to the hospital in the first place. I wanted to let you know that I'm not mad at you for what happened. You're forgiven," I told him honestly. He gasped on the other side of the wall and seemed to be tearing up. That caused me to smile again. "I mean it, Ronnie. I'm not yanking your chain. I forgive you." "I don't deserve your forgiveness. Nor did I ask for it," he spoke sharply. "I'm still giving it," I retorted with another grin. I looked down at my hand and giggled. Tyler gave me a confused look as he picked up our hands, he looked over at Ronnie with the same look. I shook my head as Tyler looked back at me. "I'm sorry about the pain I caused you. Has the doctor fixed the professor?" I asked as I looked up at him again. Ronnie's eyes got big as he laughed. He held up his left hand, wiggling his fingers. "Professor is ready to be going back to the lessons. Doc has been busy with his own patients," he replied. "Thank you. You really are unpredictable. I wasn't expecting this. I'm glad to see you're still smiling and laughing. Try as I might, I just couldn't get you to scream." "Ask Lionel. Breaking my bones was the only way to do that," I replied bitterly. "Breaking bones is never in the agenda. A*****e knew that," he huffed as he shifted in his seat again. He took a calming breath before looking at my leg in the cast. "I am sorry that you experienced that, but I'm glad to see that cast isn't slowing you down. Your shoulder has healed?" I nodded. "Just got a few minor breaks left to heal. Breathing is easier. Not being able to use my right leg at all isn't fun, but I can make do just fine," I told him honestly. He nodded. "Good. I'm glad to hear that and I'm happier that you were my toughest challenge; it makes it more memorable. My job was to break you of any habits so that you would comply when given an order. We couldn't drug you into submission, but we could definitely beat you into it. The only stipulations were that you still had to be able to move -on your own within a twelve hour time frame after the punishments- and you had to consent to sex just once. Then you lost any voice you thought you had. With how cheeky you were, Lionel would have insisted your vocal chords to be cut out. Or he would have pulled all your teeth out one by one until you didn't say anything again. The only noise he cared about you making was cries of pain and pleasure, but you never gave in. We could do whatever we needed to do to get you to the point of consent. He was getting so mad that death might have been your way out, but death isn't tolerable for new w***e recruits either. I'm glad we didn't win; you and w***e are two words that don't belong in the same sentence. I don't think we could have done anything to get you to consent. Out of all that I've hurt, I've felt the worst about you. You kept laughing; it wasn't right. I didn't understand it, and I don't understand how you can sit before me now. You intrigued and frustrated me. I wasn't doing my job; you just weren't breaking. I needed to figure out another approach; I couldn't so I stayed away." It was my turn to shift uncomfortably. I looked back down at Tyler; he was watching me closely. I smiled at him. "See that. Right there," Ronnie interrupted. I turned back to him, he was smiling. "I knew that Tyler was planning on talking to you later that day. He would have won you over because he's a good kid and would have never given up. Slow and steady. Respectful and honest. He's calm and organized. He never did anything without a plan, but I doubt you still would have consented to him sleeping with you at all in that complex. Lionel tried everything to force his way on you. He was desperate, especially since Tyler demanded that he back off." "Having it forced upon me sucks," I spat. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "I would've preferred death before giving into Lionel's desires. Water dunking is definitely better than that. If I knew that Adam and Lauren were safe, I would have given him anything because I was certain he would have killed me and I wanted that. I would have provoked him until he tried to kill me again; I know that. Tyler on the other hand. Well Tyler's great. I trusted him from the moment I met him. We were kissing within that first week. Since then, yes we slept together, but I was never pressured into it." Ronnie's eyes shot between us in shock, Tyler laughed and looked up at me, and I smiled warmly. "It was still quicker than my timeline. You just make it easy to care for you," Tyler remarked. I looked back at him and winked. "I know, and I'm not sorry," I replied. He lowered his head while he was shaking it, trying to hide the fact he was laughing inaudibly. I looked back at Ronnie. "I don't know how it would've have gone if he got the dinner he wanted with me that night; probably lots of mistrust, short snippy answers, and I probably would've asked when you were coming back, because one-on-one talking makes me nervous and I don't think I would've been able to figure out his angle," I explained. Ronnie nodded but grinned at me. "But because he rushed in after Lionel broke your leg, you were able to get a better read on Ty - allowing you to trust him inexplicably," Ronnie finished for me. I nodded. "Pain I can take. Conversations, not so much," I admitted. Ronnie's mouth dropped. "Honestly, the way you taunted us, we never would have thought that conversation might be a way to break you. For Tyler's sake, I'm glad the pieces fell like they did. I've been waiting for him to find someone that makes him act. The only person that he stood up for was his sister. I often wondered if he was deranged or something." "That's one way to look at it, but he's not deranged at all. He's fairly normal, completely fun, honest, and one of the most protective people I know. Thank you for getting us out. Thank you for agreeing to talk to me, even longer than the two minutes we first agreed upon. I wish you the best, Ronnie. Would you like to talk to Tyler again?" I asked sweetly. He nodded. "Thank you, Annette. I'm truly sorry for the pain we caused you. I'm sorry I didn't stop Lionel earlier," Ronnie remarked as he looked down at his feet. "Again, you're forgiven. Here's Tyler," I replied as I smiled once again and handed off the phone. I let out a deep sigh and grinned. I already felt like a new person. "She really is something," Tyler agreed as he looked up at me. I met his eye and smiled. "No. Like I said, this was her idea... Yeah. It really pissed him off... Nobody can talk her out of something when her mind is set... Nope, not even Jess and she's the most persuasive person I know... Actually, Annette's really easy to care for. She makes it easy for people to forget she's in pain... It's not hard to love her... Yeah, I do," he was saying. I smiled warmly at him. I loved him too. I knew he was talking platonically, but Ronnie seemed shocked that it was more. "She's been healing fairly well... Some ups and downs... The best kind... I certainly have... Yeah," Tyler growled and looked down. "Ugh... Yeah... She did get to experience that... Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do-" Tyler trailed off and stood up. He moved to the right side of the room and leaned against the wall by the phone cradle. "No. I wasn't... I haven't actually met him in person... No. Pretty sure if he knew who I was, Brad would hate me... Definitely... Once or twice... That much I know... Feeling's mutual." Why were they talking about my dad? I looked back at Ronnie as he nodded; confusion was written all over my face and Tyler picked up on it. He smiled warmly at me and moved the phone away from his mouth slightly. "Don't worry, honey. It's for the best. When you love someone, your whole mindset changes. I'll do anything to keep you safe. That's all we're discussing right now," he explained. I nodded and he looked back at Ronnie. "He is... Well, some time... Yep. Good thing he doesn't have a say anymore," Tyler stated. I tried to read Ronnie's lips. He saw me looking at him and shifted the phone so it covered his mouth. I sighed and looked down at my lap and played with some lint that I found there. "Of course... I'll see you around... Thank you... You know I'll take care of her," Tyler was saying. I looked back up at him. He was grinning at me, his back was pressed against the wall. I smiled warmly. "Like I said, she makes it easy... Good-bye, Ronnie. Until next time," he confirmed and hung up. The guards took Ronnie out of the room first. Tyler came over, embraced me, and swung me around. "Sweet, 'Nettie! You broke Ronnie! He never thought you would or could forgive him." He put me down gently, I giggled, and looked down. "Joy magnet, I'm telling you!" Finally our door buzzed then clicked. "We've been sprung! Come on. Let's get your necklace back on," he stated as he picked me up again and carried me out of the room. Once again, we stopped at the checkpoint and Tyler lowered me to the ground. The guard unlocked the drawer and pulled out my necklace and Tyler's phone. He handed them back to us and moved back to his position. "Do you mind?" I asked Tyler as I pulled my hair off to my right shoulder. He took the grabbed the ends and hooked them together around my neck again. "Thank you," I told him. "You got it, 'Nettie. Come on, let's go," Tyler stated as he scooped me up again and we walked the maze back to the front door. Pat was still sitting there waiting patiently. He stood up as soon as we made it through the door. "She's something else," Tyler mused as he put me down, handed me over to Pat's arms, and unclipped my visitor's pass. "No tears. No screaming. Nothing. We had nothing to fear. You're a true wild card, 'Nettie." I blushed and looked down as Tyler returned our passes and filled out some paperwork. "Head on out, guys. I'll be out in a few," Tyler ordered. "I already put the crutches back in my truck. Now what, doll?" Pat asked as he grinned at me, rubbing my back. "A nap. Pain pill first. I was a little tense back there. Now I just feel drained," I confessed as I yawned. Pat smiled and scooped me up. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "It's not that I don't love you or want to be with you, but can I ride in back this time?" "Of course, doll. It'll be easier for you to lay on the back seat than snuggle in tight corner between Tyler and I. I understand and want you to rest comfortably" Pat replied as he kissed my temple. "I'm proud of you, Sarah. You amaze me everyday." "Love you, Benji," I whispered as he opened the truck doors. He placed me behind his seat and handed me the travel pillow; I placed it in my lap as I held his hand. "You are too good for me." He leaned in and kissed my lips softly. "Love you too, beautiful. Today has been a good day," he whispered as he shut the door. I leaned against it, propped my leg across the bench, and buckled the seatbelt. He climbed behind the wheel and adjusted his mirror so I could meet his eyes. "If I go through a drive through for something to drink, what will you want?" "A sip of whatever you'll drink. Even if it's that flavored water you love so much," I teased as I crinkled my nose. He smiled largely. "I just need a little bit of liquid to get the pill down." He nodded as Tyler finally exited the police station. "You're right though, Pat. Today was a good day," I agreed as Tyler loaded up. Pat's smile met his eyes in the mirror and I yawned again as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Why were you talking about my dad?" I asked, looking at Tyler. He shot a nervous glance at Pat, and I caught Pat shrugging his shoulders. Both men kept their eyes facing forward, refusing to look me in the eye. "Umm, Ronnie asked if your dad approved of us. I said no. You let him think we've been doing things, Net. Naughty, naughty," Tyler chuckled. It wasn't the full answer, but I wouldn't press the matter. I sighed and put the travel pillow under my right knee. "He can think what he wants. All I said is that I slept with you, snores and all. Okay so maybe I left out that last part. But I did sleep with you, I do respect and trust you, and you are great. Granted, you're no Pat, but as brothers go, you're top notch. Do we have any other stops? I could nap now, but I kinda don't want to," I admitted. Both men chuckled in the front seat. "Are you up for a shopping trip, 'Nettie?" Tyler asked as he looked over his shoulder. I nodded and yawned again. Pat's blue eyes studied me in the mirror. Tyler pursed his lips together. "How about if I just run in really quick? If you don't mind?" Tyler asked looking at both of us. Pat nodded but continued to look at me in the mirror, glancing back at the road often. "You look like you're going to crash, doll. I don't mind waiting with you," he noted. "Okay," I agreed. I pulled out my backpack. Pat removed all my school books, but left me with Sudoku puzzles, two reading books, my homework folder, and my hairbrush. I pulled out the puzzle book. Socrates was still tucked away in the bag, so naturally, I pulled him out too with a grin, stroking his fur as I worked on my puzzles. After a puzzle and a half, my eyes were starting to go cross-eyed, so I put the book away and dug in the bag again. I pulled out the hairbrush, noticing that Pat had wrapped my hair tie from earlier around it. I took it off and put it on my wrist. Then I brushed my hair again, and attempted to style my own hair for the first time in over a month. I wanted a high messy bun - something so my hair was off my neck - but ended up settling for a low ponytail over my left shoulder. "Want help, doll?" Pat asked from the front seat, noticing I was having a hard time keeping my left arm up. I smiled and looked up at him. We were just pulling into the parking lot at Walmart. "Thanks, dear. I almost got it. I should've just left it alone," I replied as I wrapped the tie around my hair one more time. "What do you need here, Ty?" "It's a surprise. Well kinda. Jess is doing a reveal party after her next appointment. I'm going to get an outfit of each for the technician to wrap. Also, I thought about getting you some more mirrors and rope lights," he explained. I nodded then smirked as he met my eye. "I don't have another project lined up at the moment. I don't like doing things twice. You know, you won't go wrong getting anything painting or drawing related for Renae," I remarked. He grinned and looked down. "Be back soon. Need anything, Pat?" Tyler asked as he looked at Pat. "Something to drink with a lid and some pretzels to snack on, please. Thank you. I think I'm going to take Annette out for some ice cream," Pat gestured to the Dairy Queen just across the street. "Sounds like you'll be a while." Tyler nodded and got out of the truck. "What do you say, doll? Would you like some ice cream?" I grinned and unbuckled. Carefully I turned myself around and sat backwards on the middle folded down seat. "Ice cream does sound good, but you have some explaining to do first, mister," I teased. He grinned and wrapped his arms around me. "Something scientific about why the sky is blue - but I don't remember exactly. I can't take my console apart. You asked to be in the back seat. You stole my heart so all I can do is love you," he whispered, explaining things I didn't need an explanation for. I smiled and put my arms around his neck. "This, I like," he murmured. I pressed my lips against his softly. Pat happily returned my kisses. Reluctantly, I pulled back. "Distractions," I teased. He grinned. "Why were you worried earlier?" "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied as he kissed me again. I pulled back and looked at him pointedly. He leaned in for another kiss. I pulled back further. "Pat, you said you wouldn't like to me. I told you an omission of facts is just like a lie," I stated. "Alright fine. You caught me, doll. I ran across more distressing news when you were getting your x-rays. Care to guess what the news was about?" "I'm going to say the jail since I noticed it as we were leaving the hospital, then you and Tyler communicated using facial expressions, and finally when we were on our way there you looked worried again," I guessed. Pat nodded and rubbed my arm. "Only two reasons would make you nervous. My dad's back in play or the monster got transferred," I reasoned. Again he nodded, but his eyes held shock. I took a deep breath and let it out. I went over the pieces again: jail, new visitor procedures, Tyler mentioning my dad, Pat's increasing worry the closer we got to the jailhouse, and now Pat's reaction. I gasped; it was a double whammy! Dad found out about what Pat did last weekend, pulled strings, and transferred the big boss monster up here to rattle me more. I shuddered. I didn't need to hear that. "Okay. Don't tell me. I don't want to know. This is clearly one puzzle I shouldn't figure out. By the way, I have no intention of going back and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulder. I was surprised I wasn't mad at him." "Doll, you're amazing! I've never met anyone like you. I'm mad at him for you. I want your compassion, love, generous heart, and beautiful spirit," Pat praised. I grinned. My eyes lowered to my mouth and a smile was plastered on his face too. I leaned in and kissed him again. "I understand why you didn't tell me. Thank you. I love you. So, am I sweet enough for you or do you need the ice cream?" I asked as I bobbed my head and traced his lips with my nose, moving slowly up his jaw. He turned his head and made our lips collide again, full of passion. He pulled back slightly and kept our noses touching. "I'll tell you in a minute, doll," he whispered. "Let me know if I go too far." I closed my eyes as he pressed his lips softly against mine. Slowly his tongue came out and traced my lips. I sighed and parted my lips and moved closer to him. He moved to delicate kisses down my jawline and neck. Then he kissed around the collar of my dress and came back up to my mouth. Once more, he licked my lips softly and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. He pulled back and I slowly opened my eyes. I felt dizzy and drugged. I stared into his eyes and tried to focus. I managed to give him a small smile as my cheeks flushed red. "I dost declare thou to be drunk, dearest," he teased. I grinned, blushed brighter, and tried to duck my head. He put a single finger under my chin. "To answer your question, you are definitely sweet enough for me. I can do that all day." I giggled. "Me too," I replied. I put my hands in my lap and tried to think of another response. "I feel," I paused as I searched for the right word. "Twitterpated." Pat looked at me and chuckled softly. "Like from Bambi? I haven't heard that phrase in a while. It fits. I like being twitterpated or intoxicated or enamored with you," he replied with a big grin. "Let's go get you some ice cream. Tyler will call when he's done." I nodded. Pat pulled me into his lap. "This isn't safe," he whispered, "but I don't care! I love having you in my arms." He kissed my temple. I giggled as he pulled out of the parking lot and into Dairy Queen. "You are my whole world, Sarah." "I love you, Benji. You're my safe place. You are what makes me happy," I replied as I kissed his jaw. "I'm not so sure about you doing that to me again. I couldn't think!" "I'm doing my job right then, doll," Pat chuckled as he put his truck in park. "You do that to me all the time. I can't get enough. You're like my personal drug. Come on. Let's go have something sweet to eat. Then you nap." "Yes, sir," I replied. I kissed his cheek one more time as he pulled me from the truck and carried me inside. "You are my happy place, Sarah. I love you," he whispered as he sat me down. I grinned. "Love you too," came my content response. He leaned over and kissed my head. "Aside from you, my guilty pleasure is a peanut buster parfait, no nuts on the bottom. Thank you, dear." He smiled and walked over to the counter. I rested my head on hands that were folded on the table while I waited for him. "Doll?" Pat inquired as he sat beside me. "Pain?" "I'm fine. Four? Five? Just drained," I replied as I sat up and leaned into him. He wrapped his arm around me and slid me my ice cream and a bottle of water. He looked me over then nodded. I adjusted my head on his shoulder as he ate his crunch cone and I put my spoon in and out of my treat without actually taking a bite. He rubbed my side gently. I sat up then looked back at him. "I don't want the surgery," I whispered. "I don't want you to have it either, doll. I'll be right beside you the whole way," he promised and kissed my forehead. I pulled his arm from behind me and held his hand, watching our hands. He squeezed mine gently and I looked back at him. "I'm proud of you, Annette." He kissed me tenderly. "Finish your guilty pleasure," he ordered. "Because I really just want to hold you and kiss you." "I'm proud of you too, dear," I stated as I turned my attention back to my ice cream and took bite. "You mentioned a name earlier and didn't tense or look guilty, "I praised. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He had stopped eating his ice cream and was thinking hard. I grinned. "Before we picked up Tyler, you mentioned McAllister again. Not out of remorse or pity. A genuine memory of a good friend. They would be proud too. They're all rooting for your happiness." I looked at him completely, waiting for anger or remorse to come across his face. All I saw was shock and delight. He looked down at our hands before meeting my eye again and he grinned. "Guess I did. I can do anything with you by my side. You can too, because I'm not leaving. Together we'll build each other up to their best potential. Together, we'll conquer every obstacle. Starting with letting go of the past. Then we'll move onto whatever comes next. Just you and me, doll," he beamed. I smiled and leaned into him; that was the perfect plan: together. "Yes, dear. Broken together so we can heal each other and finally become whole again," I replied as I took another bite. He grinned. "I'd love that, doll," he murmured as he rubbed his thumb over my hand.
© 2017 Lynaelee |
Added on January 9, 2017 Last Updated on July 9, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing