43. Sleepover

43. Sleepover

A Chapter by Lynaelee

Instead of crashing in their guest room, I chose to crash on the couch. I chuckled in spite of myself as I stood up, balanced myself against the back of the couch, and lowered myself down onto it. I hugged my right leg against the back, draped the crocheted afghan over me -but under my right leg, I had gotten it tangled too many times, causing pain or panic- and curled into the middle of the couch with a reading book. "Sorry, hun. No bed tonight. I can see the stars better from here," I softly spoke into the empty room and looked out the window. Pat would hate me sleeping on the couch; he had been paranoid about me tossing and turning, but I didn't think I actually did that. He would shake his head in exasperation, which made it even more desirable to me to sleep here. Renae came back in and laughed at me. I looked over at her and grinned. "Were we done talking? Because I forgot," I teased.

"I think we're good. The bed in the guest room is comfy you know," she retorted and sat in the armchair.
"I know. I'm out here for a couple of reasons. One, there's a little more room for me to maneuver around with the wheelchair. Two, I'm much more familiar with this room than the bedroom. So if my scrambled brain decides to time jump again, I'd be able to calm myself down out here better. Three, I don't have to pull back any curtains to look at the stars," I explained. She nodded.
"I guess I should have known that; you always enjoy stargazing and have since I've known you. It's hard to believe we're seniors already. Time has flown," she stated. I nodded in agreement. "Have you taken your senior pictures yet?"

I scowled and mumbled, "actually I forgot all about that. Have you?"
"No. I was hoping you'd take some for me. I meant to ask you that shortly before summer break started but we both got busy and I never got around to it. I know now with a broken leg, it'd be a little more difficult to go find some great spots, but I still think you would be the best person for the job. You've got a great eye for detail and always took pictures that made the subject look good. Our horse pasture is a great backdrop," she noted. I grinned.

"I'd love to take your pictures, Nae! Do you mind if I rope Jess into helping? She'd probably be all into that. Plus her legs can go where mine can't," I giggled and gestured to my foot. She grinned and nodded. 
"No rush, Annette. I have until Christmas to turn one in for the senior slide show; I talked to Mrs. King while Ryan dragged you down the hall. You looked ready to slap him. What did he do?"

"Cross the lines," I replied tersely. She nodded and changed the subject.
"Have you seen Mr. Thompson's reading list? We get to get into the banned reading this year!" 
"I glanced at it when he handed it to us. I'm quite excited about it. Fahrenheit 451 is the only one I've read off that list. Apparently we have to read three of those books for the year. I'm kinda disappointed about it. I mean he could at least make it challenging and give us like 18! It's only two a month."
"You would be the one person who would think we didn't have enough homework," she teased. I giggled and nodded. "I'll see you in the morning, Net. Want me to hit the light?" I held up my book.

"I think I'm going to read for a bit. Would your mom kill me if I left her light on all night?"

"Doubt it, Net. She loves you. I'll turn on the lamp. She won't get as mad with that," Renae insisted as she stood up and turned off the overhead lights. She turned on the lamp behind me and leaned over the back of the couch. "Night. Don't hurt yourself and wake me if you need anything."
"Yes, ma'am, but if I need anything, I think I'll find it myself," I teased. 
"Yeah. You're probably correct," she stated around a yawn. 
"Good night, Renae. Thanks for having me over," I replied. She grinned, waved sleepily to me, and walked away. I picked up my book again and tried to read; I couldn't focus on the words. I sighed and lay down flat. I reached above me and turned off the lamp. Then I looked out the window and grinned. All the stars were out now. I pulled out my phone and looked at the picture of Pat playing with the rose again again. "Who needs solar panels when I have you?" I asked softly and closed my eyes. Sleep came quickly, but wasn't long enough. I woke up around three in the morning. I played on my phone for a little bit but I couldn't do much with that. I sighed and sat up, biting my lip in pain as my ribs, hip, shoulder, and leg all protested with any movement today. "No coughing today or you may kill yourself from the pain," I mumbled as I turned on the lamp and opened my book again, panting for air. I knew I wouldn't be able to watch a glorious sunrise from any of the windows in this house; it was nestled at the base of a mountain side and didn't see the sun until about 10:30 when it could peek over the mountain peak. It always left the air around their house kinda gray. At quarter after six, I heard movement and decide I could now make everyone breakfast; it would give me something to do besides focus on my pain. I put my book into my bag and moved to the kitchen, pulling out the ingredients for pancakes. The Petersons had fresh blueberries and some chocolate chips. I would make three types of pancakes, just because I could. I snacked on an orange while I cooked and took another pain pill. I also brewed a fresh pot of coffee. By the time somebody came out from their bedroom, I had made 27 pancakes and was using up the last of my batter. I was able to put everything away except the flour. I stood up and put that back in the cupboard above the stove. "Morning, Mama Peterson. Hungry?" I asked. She looked surprised to see me. I pointed to the coffee pot as I sat down in my wheelchair again. "Coffee's fresh. Sorry to startle you." 
"No. No. You're fine, NeNe. I'm just surprised to see my kitchen getting used before 7am. How can I help you?" Darlene asked kindly as she filled her cup up and took a sip. "Ahh! That's a good cup o' joe! I didn't have any pancake mix," she noted. I grinned.
"I can make them fresh, Darlene. Plain, blueberry, or chocolate?" I asked as I flipped my remaining pancakes onto the blueberry plate and turned off the stove. I wheeled over to the sink and filled up my batter bowl with water. "I'm sorry. You probably had plans for the first day of school breakfast."

"Yep. Bagels with schmear if we were going to eat anything at all," she replied as she came over and dished up one of each pancake. I giggled. "We're not morning people so we usually don't have time to eat before we're rushing out the door, but that doesn't mean we don't have healthy appetites. Thanks, NeNe."
"You're welcome, Darlene. It's my pleasure," I replied as I took a chocolate pancake and placed it on yet another plate. I spread some butter thinly on it, put the plate on my lap, and made my way to the table. "Enjoy, Darlene!" I ordered after I positioned my plate and took a bite. She joined me at the table with her own plate of pancakes and her coffee. 

"Did you not want syrup?" She asked as she headed back into the kitchen.
"No thank you. My chocolate pancake is sweet enough for me," I replied with a chuckle. "I'd give myself a sugar overload. Then everyone around me would be in trouble." Darlene sat down again and poured a bunch of syrup over her pancakes.
"That may be true; you're far too sweet for your own good. I'll just have to take your portion then," she teased. I grinned and took another bite. She took a bite and her eyes widened. "I think I'm going to have to invoke a new rule! You're going to have to cook for us whenever you come over! These are better than the Krustez brand of mix I buy," she praised. I grinned and shook my head.

"Just thanking you for your hospitality, ma'am," I replied. I yawned as I finished my breakfast. "Add a teaspoon of vanilla next time you use that mix. It'll greatly help the flavor. I'll clean up in just a minute. Excuse me," I dismissed myself as I head to the bathroom. I was washing my hands when I heard Renae's alarm go off. I bit my lip and looked down at my dirty clothes. I ducked into the guest room and closed the door so that the bathroom would be open for her.
"Morning, Mom. You cooked?" Renae asked in a surprised tone. I chuckled.
"Nope. NeNe did. She made us coffee too," Darlene replied.
"Oh my God. I love her!" Renae gasped. I bit my lip as I worked on putting on a clean top. I was really hoping to wear a teal three-quarter sleeve top with a pair of shorts, but my arm was being difficult today; it felt like it was disconnected from my body and I couldn't get it to do what I needed it to do. I sighed put on the strapless, butterscotch yellow summer dress I packed on the off chance this might happen. It was an asymmetrical dress that went down to my right knee and tapered to my left calf. Layers of ruffled fabric created a rippling water effect from my waist down, but the top of the dress was smooth. I paired it with a sheer white blouse, but left the buttons unsnapped. I packed everything neatly back into my backpack and came back out to the front room. Renae looked like a mess. I smiled warmly at her. "Shh. Zombie's eating," she ordered. I giggled and went into the kitchen; Darlene was cleaning my dishes.

"I can do that, Darlene," I insisted.
"Nonsense. You cooked. In this house you never do both unless you're here by yourself," Darlene reprimanded. I giggled.
"Well you did say you aren't morning people. So while you guys worked on functioning for the day, I'd clean up." I offered. She shook her head and I put my arm up defensively with a grin. "Okay well I do need help when you got a minute. I can't put my sling on by myself. No rush! My arm is safely draped in my lap," I grinned and made my way to the table.
"Love you. Hate you," Renae snorted. I chuckled and gave her a puzzled look. "This breakfast is amazing. You are too happy for it being so early, but I know it's just how you roll. I hate that about you, but love you dearly for it too. You can go back to bed. I have to go to school. These pancakes are amazing though," she explained.

"Easy recipe," I giggled. She shook her head. "Wake up, Ms. Zombie. School's in an hour," I teased. She glared at me. I grinned.
"Fine. I'll go shower but only if you save me these pancakes. Dad can't have them," she bargained. I grinned.
"No worries, Nae. Today is Dad's fasting day and I've got them in the fridge already. He won't even see them. Love you," Darlene replied as she came back in the dining room as Renae took off to the bathroom. "Here, NeNe. Let me help you with your sling. Hmm. They get trickier as time passes. There we go. Yep. I think I did it. Sweet! Okay. Now I got to get the old man rolling." Darlene kissed the top of my head. "Thanks, NeNe. We love you too, daughter two. Breakfast was delicious. I love your outfit. So fun. So bright. It's fitting. I'll see you around," she rattled with a point of her finger as she walked to her room.
"Yes, ma'am! Love you too, Mama Peterson. I'll try and stop by weekly," I promised as she shut the door behind her. I tried to do some simple stretches. "Ow," I whimpered as I put my arm back down, dug out my phone, and called Pat. 
"Good morning, beautiful," he said sleepily once he picked up.
"Did I wake you?" I asked apologetically. 
"No, doll," he chuckled softly. "Just didn't sleep well. Your bed is much more comfortable than mine, but I couldn't sleep in your bed without you; it feels wrong. I never realized how hard my mattress is."
"Thought you said your bed was the softest because it's the most worn?" I teased.
"Possibly. I was just trying to get the cops out of my house; you looked like you were going to be sick if they asked you one more question and we needed to calm you down before you passed out. I always thought my bed was the most comfortable place to sleep until I slept next you," he replied. I giggled again. "That's the most beautiful sound to listen to; I can never get tired of you laughter. Anyways, the sun has been up almost two hours. I thought I would have heard from you by now," he teased. I grinned.
"Sorry. I've been up since three. The sun is behind the hill. I'm in shade until 10:30 here," I replied.
"THREE?! Doll!" Pat squeaked in concern. "Why didn't you call?"
"So you could sleep. You are the one who will be driving me home later. It's just half an hour, but still, I'd rather you be well rested. I don't want you to crash because we're both tired. I just couldn't sleep any more. No time jumps. No confusion. I took another pain pill with breakfast. I collected all my books yesterday so I don't have to go back to school," I explained. 
"So I should get moving then?" He teased. 
"Why are you still in bed? Thought you said it wasn't comfortable," I retorted.

"I'm not in bed. I'm on the couch. I've been waiting for your call. So what's up, doll?" He asked kindly.

"I made breakfast for everyone. They parted and left me alone. So I was trying to stretch. You make it seem so easy. It just hurts on my own and my arm is numb again," I admitted with a slight whine. Bob and Darlene came out of their room and waved good-bye to me. I smiled and returned the gesture as I held the phone with my right shoulder and they disappeared out the front door. "I guess I've become quite dependent on you, sir," I teased grabbing the phone with my hand again. 
"Really?" Pat chuckled. "Here I was thinking I was dependent on you, doll." I blushed and ducked my head. "So does this mean I don't get a breakfast date?"  

"Sorry. I ate," I replied with a smirk. "I don't need you for food. I need you for stretches!" 
"We'll work on that later, doll," Pat promised. "Where am I meeting you?"
"Local restaurant. It sounds like Renae is done with her shower. I'll see you soon, Pat. I need your lips," I replied with a giggle.
"Love ya, doll. My lips are only reserved for you. See you soon."
"Love you. Bye," I whispered as I hung up and put my shoe back on. I wheeled myself out to the porch. I slung my bag over my chest and draped it against my left hip. I wheeled myself to the railing and stood up. Carefully, I hopped over to the stairs. I bit my lip as I looked back at my wheelchair that was now out of reach.
"You know you're going to hurt yourself," Renae teased as she noted my predicament. I looked over at her as she shut the door behind her. She was ready to go: skinny jeans, heavy metal band t-shirt, dark yet thin eyeliner, and cowboy boots. I grinned. She was the best kind of contradictions: western gothic. I loved her for it. She pulled of her style perfectly. It didn't seem odd to marry the two styles on her, but if anyone else tried to do it, they would fail. 
"I didn't think this part all the way through. How long until we have to go?" I asked noticing the backpack over her shoulder.
"About 15 minutes. I'll put your chair on the ground level then I've gotta go feed the horses. Yell if you need anything," she ordered as she took my wheelchair down the stairs. She looked me over. "You look amazing, Net. That's an excellent color on you. I never thought I'd see the day when you would be comfortable in clothes like that."

"Me either," I confirmed. "My sister-in-law has a flair for this stuff. I definitely wouldn't have bought it. I promised her I would try to wear clothes that enhance my beauty and not hide it. I'm still working on it. I'd much rather just wear Pat's shirt and a pair of sweats." 
"Glad to see that she hasn't totally warped you," Renae giggled. "You look good though. Still you. Just a more feminine version." I grinned and lowered myself down on the porch.
"It's just because I haven't gone shopping yet. That and putting on a strapless dress is easier than getting a shirt over my head right now," I admitted. Renae grinned.
"Yell if you need anything. I'll be back in a few. Don't hurt yourself," she ordered.

"Yes, Mom!" I teased. She shook her head and walked away; I could tell she was grinning though. I looked down at the four steps. "Taking more than one at a time would be beneficial," I murmured. I placed my foot on the second step down and stood up. I bit my lip. If I sat down again, I'd be on the porch or the top stair; neither would allow me to make progress quickly. I decided neither option would work for me today and turned sideways. Then I slid my foot across the step and gently lowered myself down the the step. "There! That wasn't so hard," I breathed. I turned my body so I was facing forward again and put my foot on the bottom stair. Renae had left the wheelchair next to the steps. I grinned. Easy. I stood up again and grabbed onto the chair. It started to wheel away. I bit my lip and hopped with it. My balance was sketchy and I nearly fell over. I stopped that from happening by leaning into my chair. I felt stuck. So I pushed myself back to the stairs, grabbed the wheelchair with my foot, and took several deep breaths as I tried to figure this out so I wouldn't hurt myself. After a minute or two, I turned the wheelchair sideways and stood up again. Finally, I was able to sit down in my wheelchair. The whole ordeal left me out of breath. "That sucked!" I exclaimed to no one in particular as I put my arm over my head and breathed deeply.
"But it was damn entertaining to watch," Renae chuckled from the corner of the house. I dropped my hand and grinned as she walked over.
"I'm here for your entertainment purposes," I remarked.
"You're quite stubborn, Annette. Horses are taken care of and you need some water. Can I get you a glass or should I see if you can go up the stairs again?"
"Yes please. You can get me something to drink. Thank you." She grinned and bolted inside. I closed my eyes, leaned my head back, and took a couple of deep breaths. She tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped in surprise. "Sorry. I uh. I didn't hear you come back," I stumbled over my words.
"You're fine, Annette. Drink up. Then we should get going. I'll help you into the restaurant," she replied. I grinned, grabbed the glass of water in her hand, and drank it. She took the glass away and ran back inside. I moved towards the gate. She came back out quickly. "I'm all for your independence, Net, but I'm going to help you now," she stated as she pushed my wheelchair over to her car.
"Thanks, Nae," I expressed genuinely. I stood up and opened the passenger door as she locked my wheels in place. I held onto the top of the door as I hopped into a position where I could just sit down. I held my breath as I lowered myself down and pulled my legs into the car. I released my breath and grinned as she shut the door. "Okay, dear. You win. This is exhausting," I admitted in a soft whisper as I pulled out my phone again and looked at the picture of Pat playing with the rose. Renae put my wheelchair in her trunk then got in the driver's seat.
"What are you grinning about now?" She asked with a hint of mischief as she buckled her seatbelt. "Do I have blueberry lips?" 
I giggled, "nope! Ruby red." I showed her the picture. She grabbed the phone and studied it. "I finally feel free and happy. No strings attached. No masks. No fear. It's surreal." She grinned and started pressing buttons. I bit my lip. "Do I want to know what you're doing?"
"I'm sending a text to my phone so that I have your number. You said I could have it," she replied. Then she held up her phone. "I can see why he's so special to you. How does he make you feel?" 
"Cherished. My heart is full. He's my rock," I admitted as I looked down and blushed. Her camera shutter snapped. I looked up in surprise. 
"Perfect. Now I have a contact picture for you. I just can't get over how radiant you are. Yellow's a really good color on you," she stated with a smirk and handed me back my phone as her chirped twice. I chuckled and put mine away. "Don't worry. I'll send it to you too," she teased as she backed out of her driveway.
"No need. I'm not big on keeping my own pictures around," I admitted. "Lately that's been changing. I've taken more pictures of myself in the past two weeks than I have in the past three years."
"He's good for you. You're finally opening up and letting the world see you for the beautiful butterfly that you are," Renae replied with a grin.

"Butterfly?" I asked with a grin.
"Yep. You accept change better than anyone. You flourish and adapt to your surroundings. Nothing can hold you back. I had to integrate several butterflies into your art too," she explained and motioned with her head to my cast. I studied it again.

"I didn't even catch the butterflies to start off with! Thank you. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you," I acknowledged. 
"And I'm lucky to have you as my friend too, Net," Renae responded genuinely. I hid a yawn behind my hand as she turned into town. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Just tired. I'm sure it'll pass," I responded as I yawned again. She looked at me with concern but smiled warmly. 
"Let me know if you ever need anything. You have my number now," she replied as she parked her car at the restaurant. "Will Jess be here soon?"
"Someone will. I don't know if it's Jess or Tyler or Pat though. We had agreed to meet here. I don't mind waiting alone if they're running late," I responded. Jess had mentioned taking me here after I picked up my books but since I did pick them up yesterday, I wasn't sure what the plan was and I forgot to call her to double check. I shook myself out of my daze and opened the door. Renae already had set up my wheelchair and was bringing it over. Before I could sit down she gently embraced me. I wrapped my right arm around her back.

"Heal quickly please! You're the only person who tolerates me for long periods of time. Not having you at school will just be weird," she begged quietly. I pulled her into a tighter embrace.

"Oh, Renae! You're amazing and I know you'll do great things. You have my number now so we can still joke around. I'll plan on coming by at least once a week. You just do your thing. Don't worry about the others. If you worry about them, you'll never make yourself happy," I told her earnestly. She pulled back and helped me into my chair.
"See that, right there. That's why the sun shines brighter with you. Thanks, Net," she responded warmly. I looked up and grinned at her.

"Sound advice," another voice piped in. I looked over and smiled. "Morning, 'Nettie. Sorry, don't believe we've had the privilege of meeting. Meant to say hello at the hospital but it was kinda chaotic," he offered his hand to Renae. She blushed and seemed frozen to the spot. I rocked in my chair and nudged her gently.
"Renae, this is Jess's brother. He's adopted me as his sister too. Tyler, Renae. Renae, Tyler," I introduced them formally. Renae shook her head and moved to shake his hand.
"Well it's nice to finally meet you," she stated confidently. She released his hand then looked down at me. "we need to talk later," she mouthed. I grinned and nodded.
"Do you mind if I steal Annette from you? I get to have breakfast with both of my sisters. It's so exciting!" Tyler replied in a sing-song voice. Renae chuckled.
"Yep. Take her. I got to go to school. See ya, Net. I'll call ya later," she promised. I waved as Tyler wheeled me inside.
"How was your night?" He asked playfully.
"Fun. Quiet. No episodes. Early morning though. I went to sleep when it was just getting dark, woke up at three. Couldn't go back to sleep. Yours?" I replied.

"Same. Only I woke up 20 minutes ago. Do you ever take your own advice?" I looked up at him as he positioned me at the table Jess was at. He mimicked me as he sat down, "if you worry about them, you'll never make yourself happy." Jess and I giggled; she handed both of us a menu.
"Nope. I can teach Pat how to cook, Josh how to share, and Noah how to face his monsters, but I can't teach myself to listen," I teased. He grinned. I looked over the menu and bit my lip. "I already ate," I confessed.
"We figured you might have done that," Jess stated as she pulled out her phone and showed me. "You're ordering for Pat." I read the message.
"She's up. Asked me to meet her at the restaurant. Hopefully she'll let me eat before we get going." I grinned and handed back her phone.
"Like I would tell him he couldn't eat," I retorted with a grin. "Fine. I'll order him something and probably steal a bite or two." Jess grinned. I leaned back, yawned, and tried to stretch again. My hand bumped into someone. I quickly pulled it back and slouched in my chair. "Sorry," I mumbled in embarrassment as I tried to turn around. I froze as a kiss was planted on my cheek, my eyes growing wide in horror. "Who just comes up and kisses a random stranger?" I thought.
"Didn't I say we'd work on that later, doll?" Pat asked softly. I grinned and faced him.
"In that case, I'm glad I hit you, but I am sorry. I wasn't expecting to see you so soon," I replied. 
He grinned then brushed his lips against mine as he spoke, "you look ravishing. Good morning." I leaned into him and pressed my lips into his.
"Morning. Thank you. Don't tickle my lips again, sir," I warned in mock seriousness. "Told you, I need your lips," I whispered. He grinned and kissed me again before sitting down beside me on my right.
"Yes, ma'am. No tickling," he chuckled. I pushed him the menu and sighed. He grabbed my hand and stroked it. "You look beat, doll." I nodded as I yawned again. 
"Just tired. I was going to get you a Denver omelette with sourdough toast. You can order whatever you want though," I told him. He looked at me and grinned.
"That sounds delightful, doll. You look like you're ready to crash," I sat up and grinned. He shook his head as our waitress came back over. The three of them quickly placed their orders. I declined when she turned her attention to me. Pat squeezed my hand. I shook myself out of my stupor again and grinned at him. "Will you go out with me, doll?" I gave him a confused glance.
"Didn't I already agree to that?" I replied. He grinned.
"After breakfast. One big long date," he responded. 
"I'd be happy to. Thanks for asking," I replied with a grin. Jess danced in her seat.
"You have to leave your phones with me," she insisted. I shot her a confused glance but dug through my bag. Renae had already sent me a message. I read it before handing it over.
"Principal Lane says you can check in next week. All your teachers handed you the assignments for the next seven class days. They're in your books. Remember no school Monday." I grinned.
"See you next week then! Head's up, Jess is stealing my phone. Undisclosed time." I sent her. "Looks like I don't have a date until next Friday," I stated as I handed over my phone. Pat took his out too and gave it to her. He grabbed my hand again. I looked down at our entwined fingers and grinned. "Why do we need to turn in our phones, Jess? Pat, where's your watch? I've never seen you without it on. What do you have planned?" 

"I must have forgot to put it back on after my shower," Pat explained as he shrugged his shoulders and met my eye. He winked. "I had a hot date to get to, and more than just a hot plate of breakfast. I was excited." I giggled and lowered my head to my chest.
"Don't worry about why I need your phone, sweetie," Jess replied with a smirk. "You get it back tomorrow. That's the deal." She looked at Pat. "Sounds like you can do that longer now. We can meet you later," she implied. I furrowed my brow in concern.
"I don't like being kept out of the loop," I sighed in frustration. Everyone at the table looked at me and chuckled.
"Toddler," Tyler whispered before taking a sip of his coffee. I bit my lip. He looked up at me and grinned. "You'll love it, 'Nettie. According to Noah, you can find the pretty things everywhere. Just chill for once and keep your eyes peeled for the beauty that surrounds you. Then share it with Pat," he ordered. 
"I promise, if something catches your eye, I'll let you enjoy it. There's no actual time frame on what's going to happen today. I have a plan, but your spontaneity is welcome too. I know you like structure and plans, but I just need you to trust me," Pat added. I looked him over and gave him a curt nod.
"You know I trust you with my life. So that's not a hard stipulation," I replied. I looked back at Tyler. "You're not going to tell me more?" He shook his head and grinned. I scowled. "Fine. I'm not sure I like where this is going, but I trust you. All of you. I just don't like not being able to plan for surprises," I pouted. "Does our day involve naptime?" I asked as I yawned again. Pat chuckled. 
"Definitely, doll. You're not allowed to pass out, but you're allowed to sleep as much as you like," he promised. I nodded and yawned again as the waitress brought out their food. "Do you wanna steal a bite now or later?" Pat teased. I released his hand and grabbed my fork. 
"Now. Those eggs look yummy," I stated as I broke his omelette. He grinned and spread grape jam on his toast. I brought the eggs to my mouth and grinned. "These are the one thing I can't quite master. It always ends up more like a scramble."
"I learn something every day," Pat chuckled.
"I'm sure it still tastes delicious," Jess mused with a grin. I nodded and yawned again. "Pat, you should take her away sooner than later. She's going to fall asleep on us."
"Yes, ma'am. Be right back, doll," he murmured as he wiped his mouth and stood up. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking away.
"I'm fine guys! Really," I protested.  
"That's a matter up for debate. You're about ready to use his omelette as a pillow," Tyler chuckled. "Did your friend decorate your cast?" I nodded. "Can I look at it again? I didn't get a good look at it outside." I nodded and Tyler backed my wheelchair out. Jess came over and inspected it too. 
"It's beautiful, 'Nettie! What's up with the shield?" Jess asked as she walked back around the table and continued to eat her food. Tyler winked at me as he grinned largely. I blushed.
"Um. Well. It's for protection from further injury. The lighthouse is because I shine from within. She went with a medieval nautical theme and I love it. Then she added butterflies because I represent hope and change. I haven't seen the back," I confessed.
"We should get some pictures of this before you take off, 'Nettie," Tyler mused as he inspected it. "It's quite impressive." He pulled out my light pink razor phone and snapped a few pictures. Pat came back with go box and loaded up his food. "Pat, did you check out her artwork?" Tyler asked with an amused smile on his face. Pat studied it for a moment and looked up at me with a grin.
"Taking hope with you everywhere I see," he noted with a grin. I nodded. He offered me his hand. I took it and stood up as he embraced me. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder. He pulled me in closer and kissed my neck. "Thanks, doll. Not just for putting me on your cast, but for being my girl. I loved what you said last night. You make my heart beat and give me a reason to get up, smile, and live," he whispered softly in my ear and kissed my temple. 
"Oh! So no pressure then," I remarked. He laughed. 
"None, doll. I should have said that you make it easier for me to do those things," he corrected. I grinned and closed my eyes.
"Hey! Say cheese," Tyler ordered. I looked over at him and blushed. He was still snapping pictures on my phone. I turned into Pat's chest and hid my face. "Okay. I'm done." I looked back over at him and Pat rested his head on mine. Tyler snapped one more picture and shut the phone. "Just kidding. Now I'm done."
"I'll put a lock on that phone. And they tell me I'm trouble," I teased. He chuckled. Pat stroked my back tenderly. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek. "I'm ready to go when you are, sir."
"Well then your carriage awaits, my dear," he stated in a British accent. I giggled and looked down. He tugged on my backback. "This has to stay though; it's not date worthy." I nodded and took it off. Tyler grabbed it from me.
"I'll take the chair and the bag out. You get the girl," Tyler stated. Pat held me tighter and grinned.

"I can live with those terms," Pat stated. He pulled out his wallet and gave them some money. "For breakfast," he insisted. Tyler took it, but I noticed the reluctance. "I bid you adieu, fine folks. Until next time," Pat bowed and cradled me in his arms. "Will you carry my food, doll? I'll drive and eat, you'll rest."
"Yes, sir!" I chuckled and grabbed his go box it rested on my lap as he carried me out to his truck. Tyler followed us with my stuff. I looked back at Pat and grinned. "Not going to lie, I could get lost in your eyes," I whispered as I opened the door and he set me inside. "Can I kiss you?" I asked as he helped me buckle. He grinned and faced me. His right hand cupped my jaw and he leaned in. I closed my eyes as his lips connected with mine. His lips were sweet and I couldn't stop as I pulled him in for another. I pouted when he pulled back.
"You know, doll, I don't kiss on the first date," he teased. 
"Has the date begun?" I asked innocently.
"Not until after your nap will it officially begin," he replied and leaned in for another kiss. I pulled back this time and gasped. He moved away from my lips and kissed down my jaw, stopping at my ear. "I can do this all day, doll," he whispered. I bit my lip and closed my eyes in anticipation as he pulled away. I opened my eyes and stared at him as my jaw dropped. He smiled and stroked under my eyes as he whispered, "but you need to sleep. Here's a pillow." I giggled as he pulled out a neck brace pillow.
"Are we flying somewhere?" I asked looking at the pillow. He put it behind my neck and kissed my forehead.
"No, doll. It's a travel pillow. We're travelling, and you're sleeping. Now I'm still hungry and my food is getting cold. No more questions," he chided as he bopped my nose and shut my door. I yawned and slouched into the seat as he entered his truck. He grinned at me.
"I'm sorry that I made you rush through breakfast again. I-" Pat reached over and covered my mouth with his hand.
"It just means I'm that much closer to going out with you. Thanks for saying yes, doll. Have I told you that you look lovely?" He murmured as he stroked my cheek.
"Maybe once or twice. I like hearing it," I admitted. 
"Sarah, you look beautiful," he practically purred. I looked at him in surprise.

"The only time people call me that any more is when I'm in trouble. You said it once or twice now. It's just weird hearing it again. Did I do something wrong?"

"No. Quite the opposite. Would you prefer me to call you Annette or 'Nettie?" He asked softly. 

"I'm not sure," I confessed. I bit my lip. "It's nice to hear it, and not just when someone needs my attention. After hearing about Serian, maybe I should go back to Sarah. That and the only time you called me Sarah is when you called me up so I can come over to meet her. I just haven't heard my first name expressed so tenderly and not in a panic. I love Annette. It's so much more elegant. Sarah is just so common-"
"-and you are anything but common," Pat finished for me. I nodded. He grinned. "Well you got one thing right, doll. You definitely are extraordinary. I'll work on making sure Sarah feels as special to you as Annette does, doll," he promised, leaning over the folded down middle seat and kissing my cheek. I grinned.

"Deal," I yawned. He rubbed his thumb over my left eye and I closed them. He pecked my cheek one more time before I felt him shift back to his side.
"Sleep, my sweet 'Nettie. I'll see you when you wake up," he murmured and started his truck. I grinned sleepily and drifted off to sleep. A few hours later, I woke up. Pat grinned at me. "Hello, sweetheart."
"Hey, hun. That's a lovely sight to wake up to," I replied. He grinned. "I hate to be a buzz kill before the date begins. I need a bathroom break. Then I'm all yours," I told him I tried to stretch. "Ow," I whimpered.  
"Yes, ma'am. I've gotta fill up with fuel. You can use the bathroom there. Doll, no hurting yourself. I promised you I'd help you stretch. That'll also be before the date starts. After all, I would never make a girl cry on the first date," he teased. I giggled and removed the pillow from behind my neck. "Toss it in the backseat, doll." I nodded and threw back there as he pulled into a gas station. "I'll take you inside then fill up the truck. Sound good?"
"Sounds good. We're not saying you picked me up at the gas station, are we?" I teased. He chuckled as he turned off the truck.
"Not at all, doll. I picked you up from your brother's pad. No one has to know that pad is a parking lot," Pat replied as he got out.
"Are you telling me what we're doing yet?" I asked as he opened my door, my wheelchair ready. He raised his eyebrows at me and smirked as he set me in the wheelchair. "Can you blame a girl for trying?" He chuckled. "Why Great Falls? It's three and half hours away from home! Wait! Did I really sleep that much? PAT!"
"Doll," he chided playfully and wheeled me inside. "No more questions. Just enjoy the afternoon. Besides, I'm glad you slept. You didn't sleep very well last night. Remember, there's no time frame. It's just you and me on our first official date. Okay?" I nodded.
"Well on a first date, I would insist on helping to pay. So are you going to let me do that?" I asked.
"What type of gentleman would I be if I had you pay for anything?" He teased and stopped outside the bathroom. 
"I'll work on a proper retort for that later. Right now, I'm stunned. I can take it from here," I insisted as he opened the door for me. He grinned.
"Fair enough, doll. I'm going to fill up the truck. I'll be back in a few," he promised as he kissed my head and I wheeled myself in, locking the door behind me. 
"At least I think I can manage this on my own," I mumbled under my breath. I stood up and hopped around the bathroom since it was easier than using the wheelchair. I became winded easily and had to pause, leaning against the wall for support, multiple times. Within four minutes, I was successfully back in my chair and working my way out the door. "Ugh! Why do they always make these doors so heavy?" I muttered. I bit my lip. This was going to be a little tricky. I gave up trying to force my way through the door from a sitting position, so I stood. My leverage was better and I was able to turn the handle, but with only one hand and foot, I couldn't push my wheelchair out.
"Oh! Sweetie, let me help you with that," an older woman insisted as she held the door open for me.

"Thank you," I sighed in relief as I sat down. Before I could move my wheelchair, she pushed me out the door and ducked into the bathroom. Pat came up behind me and rested his hand on my shoulder. "I think she really needed that room," I chuckled as he walked down some aisles. "No one's ever pushed me out of the way that fast."
"Grannies can be quick sometimes," he agreed. "See anything you'd like, doll?"
"For lunch, snack, or just to pass the time?" I inquired. "I still have no idea what your plan is. It's easier to plan food around a theme," I tried.
"Any. All. I'm not telling," he teased. I pursed my lips; I really hated not knowing what to expect. "Water and chocolate a safe bet?" I nodded and he put them in my lap along with a bag of potato chips and jerky. He paid for the items and loaded me back into his truck. He put the bag of food in the backseat, shut the back door, and loaded up himself. As he buckled up, he met my eye. "Alright. Our date has officially begun," he smirked. "Thanks for agreeing to come out with me, doll."
"Thanks for asking so nicely," I retorted. He grinned and took off.

© 2017 Lynaelee

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Added on December 20, 2016
Last Updated on July 20, 2017

If only



Sometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..

If only If only

A Book by Lynaelee

1. *Prologue* 1. *Prologue*

A Chapter by Lynaelee