![]() 41. *Ghosts*A Chapter by Lynaelee![]() POV change, story extension. Some cursing.![]()
Annette went to bed by 20:30 last night; it was too early for Pat, but he had no problem making sure she got her rest. He stroked her cheek as he recalled their conversation just before she drifted off to sleep. He absolutely loved that she joked around with him and preferred to be with him over meeting herself. When he called her Sarah, confusion was written all over her face, but her eyes burned brighter. "I love every side of who you are. My doll. My 'Nettie. I'll call you Sarah if you want me to, but I'll ease into it. You aren't ready to be Sarah quite yet. I'm sorry that piece of your life was ripped away from you because your mom lost a child. Annette is my friend, not my girlfriend; it's far too formal. My 'Nettie is definitely not formal, prim, or proper. She is crazy and rambunctious, but modest and loving. That's the girl right there that stole my heart. She is, no - you are my whole world," Pat thought proudly as she snuggled tighter into him. He sighed when he looked at her fist on his chest. "Why do you do that, doll?" He whispered as he rubbed her hand to help make her relax completely. "Always so tense. Nobody's going to hurt you ever again, beautiful. You don't have to be on guard while you sleep. I'm here, doll. I'll protect you and I'll repel any danger you seem to attract. I got you and I'm never letting go." He grinned as her lips twitched and he saw a small smile form. Once again, he kissed her forehead, settled into his own pillows, and held her close until he fell asleep himself. At 03:12 he woke up again. He looked at his watch and sighed. He wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. Annette shifted in her sleep and rolled to her back. She scowled. Pat grinned and kissed her cheek. Her face immediately softened, causing him to chuckle softly. "I'll be back later, doll. I need to go for a run," he whispered. He pulled his arm from behind her back and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear again. "I'll be back before the sun comes up, 'Nettie," he promised and kissed her forehead. He crawled out of bed, put his leg on, and looked back at his girlfriend. She scowled and tried to turn away from the lamp that was on and now pouring light into her eyes. Pat chuckled softly, turned off the light, kissed her cheek again, silently went to his room, and got dressed in workout clothes. He looked at his phone on his dresser and grabbed it, reading the message that blinked in annoyance. "Luv ur girl. I took rest of her food. No lftovrs 4u!" Josh had sent. Pat chuckled and made his way to the kitchen, leaving his phone on the counter. "Crap. No pockets. Good thing I won't be needing it then. Josh, you should know better; you're always welcome the food in my fridge," he whispered as he ducked out the back door. Slowly he began his workout routine, stretched, and made his way to the treeline. He looked back at the house. "I'll be back, doll," he murmured and looked at the trees as he found his running path. The hill went straight up. He grinned as he took a deep breath. "Hard sprints tonight, Miller," he told himself and took off up the hill as fast as he could. When he reached the top, he turned around and walked down the hill so as not to hurt himself; his prosthetic leg had a tendency of giving out on him more when he went downhill, especially in the dark. He would have preferred to sprint up and down, but since no one knew he was out here, he played it safe. He reached the treeline, turned around, and sprinted up again. He did this routine multiple times before he noticed the lights on in his house. "Oh, 'Nettie," he sighed as he took off towards the house. The last twenty yards he put his hands above his head and walked. After he climbed the steps, he looked at his watch. 04:48. It was a good exercise session. He decided to peek in the window before barging in on her. He shook his head. "You have to cook. Oh, doll, we need to find you better hobbies," he whispered with a grin. She looked up as she closed the oven door and gasped. Her face paled and Pat panicked. He ran to the door and came in. "Stay back," she slurred and held up her mixing spoon. Pat was confused and asked cautiously, "hey! What's going on?" He studied her face. She was also confused. "Not real. Wake up, 'Nettie! Come on," she mumbled. Pat took a step closer. She held up her spoon. "Stay back," she demanded. She backed up against the counter and was swaying. "I'm not going to hurt you, doll," Pat insisted. She shook her head again. "You're right, you will never hurt me again. If you come any closer I'll slit my throat," she growled. Pat felt the tears welling up in his eyes. "Doll?" He breathed unable to say anything else. "Don't you dare talk like that. I would never hurt you. Don't threaten to hurt yourself either," he added mentally as a single tear fell down his cheek. "Stop trying to get inside my head! You lost, Lionel!" Annette screamed. Pat froze. She time jumped. Why? Noah said that only happened after she hit her head. This was the second time she had done that without hurting herself. Pat's mind was reeling as he tried to come up with any way to bring her back gently. "What happened, doll?" He begged mentally looking over her quickly for any obvious signs of injury, grateful that he found none. She backed up again and grabbed the counter with her left hand. Pat shook his head as she screamed in agony. Pat closed the distance between them but froze when she raised the spoon to her throat. "I'd rather die than let you touch me again," she spat angrily. "Come back to me, doll," Pat begged and took another step closer. "Stay back!" She screamed and pointed the wooden spoon back at him. Something boiled on the stove. Pat refused to look at it, keeping his eyes on his girlfriend. "What the hell happened? I wasn't gone that long. D****t, Annette! I'm not going to let you hurt yourself. At least it's not a real knife. I'll have to ask Tyler and Noah if anything else happened. Cooking privileges will have to be revoked again. F**k," he thought as Annette brought her weapon closer to her neck again, but she was definitely keeping him in her line of sight. She seemed disoriented. Her eyes were full of pain and confusion. She shook her head and looked down at her arm. Pat took the opportunity and grabbed her, indulging in her fantasy. If she felt he was a threat, and that spoon was a weapon, the logical thing to do would be have it neutralized. He held onto her wrist and wrapped her arm around her body. Gently he pressed his chest into her back and pulled the spoon from her grasp. She stiffened in his arms and tried to fight. Pat lowered both of them to the floor and tried to scoot towards the stove so he had something to brace against if he needed it. "Stop, doll," he begged as she tried to get away. She immediately relaxed. Internally, he grinned. He met her eyes, noticing they were glazed over. Pat wrapped both his arms around her, making her right arm immobile. It didn't take much for him to over power her but she had spunk and determination on her side, so she put forth a great effort as she tried to wiggle free. Pat held her securely, making sure she couldn't hurt herself but he never took his eyes off her face. He could tell that she was fading quickly.
He sighed as he gazed upon her. "Shhh, doll. I got you. You're safe," he thought as Annette stiffened in his arms again. "Won't win," she whispered as she went completely limp and her eyes shut. "Damn right, doll. He won't win. You will. Why is your brain being fried right now? I'm right here. Come back to me, baby," Pat begged as he laid her flat on the ground and dropped the spoon in his hand as the timer went off. Pat glared at the oven, then at his unconscious girl. He stroked her cheek tenderly. "I'll choose you every single time over your food, but I can't let you burn my house down, foolish girl. We'll discuss this later when you aren't so disconnected with reality. I can't believe you thought it was okay to cook alone," he chided as he stood up and turned off the stove and oven. He didn't remove the tray from the oven but he did open the door slightly; any more and she would hit her head if she sat up. He took off his sweaty shirt, throwing it in the sink, and found a clean dish towel. He soaked the towel in cold water then sat on the floor next to Annette. He pulled her into his chest. "Come on, doll. It's time to wake up. I'm here. You're safe," he murmured as he dabbed her forehead. With his other hand he took her pulse; it was weak but present. He looked at her chest and moved his ear to her mouth; she only took one breath every five seconds. "No! Baby, fight. Keep breathing," he ordered as he set her back down on the ground and breathed in her mouth, the wet towel forgotten about. "Annette," he choked out and gave her another breath as tears threatened to spill over. "I am not giving up on you. Come on, doll. Please! Fight." She stirred and her lips moved again. Pat leaned in closer to her, air was passing her lips but no sound. Pat studied her lips. "Words!" He gasped and gave her another breath. "Tell me, doll. Tell me." "Toby. Tanner. Rodriguez. Johnson. Fitzgerald. Carter. I'll never remember." Her voice was soft and muffled, but he clearly heard those words. Pat choked on a sob and pulled away from her in shock. He knew those names. Quickly recovering, he moved back by her head and cupped her cheek, tapping it gently. "S**t! No, doll! Come back to me! Please! You can't stay there," Pat pleaded as he gave her another breath, his tears falling on her face. "No fault," Pat swore she whispered as he pulled back again. "I know, doll. Not your fault, but you can't stay there with them. Please come back to me!" Pat begged into her ear. "Love Jojo," she whispered and turned her head away from him with a final sigh. "DOLL!" Pat sobbed and turned her face upright again so he could get air into her lungs again as he gave her another breath. "Please come back to me! I can't lose you. I'm not leaving your side. Please. Jojo. No! D****t! Mom! She was talking to you! Don't you dare take her away. I can't lose someone else I love. Please! I need her. You can't have her. Toby, I know you were all about the women, but please, she's my strength. I need her. And Tanner. No! Just no," he wept choking on the words. Annette's back arched and her head tilted back. Pat tucked his arm under her neck and cupped her jaw. His tears fell on her shoulders. "Please, 'Nettie. Stay with me." She gasped and Pat held her to his chest and wept. Her right leg twisted back and he wedged her hip between his legs as her head rolled limply down his arm and her chest was pressed against his. "Sarah Annette, I promised you I would take care of you. Please come back to me. I'm right here, doll. I can't lose you." He adjusted her so her head was supported by his neck and shoulder. He continued to cry freely as he cradled her. "I need you. Please come back to me." "Can't...leave...him," she breathed in ear. "Then don't leave me, doll. I'm right here," Pat replied around a sob and stroked her hair, assuming and hoping she was talking about him. She convulsed in his arms for a minute then and rolled to her back, her right arm brushed his left side. He studied her. She was breathing on her own again and for just a moment her eyes opened, glazed and unfocused. Pat rubbed her cheek as her eyes closed again. "Keep breathing, doll. Come back to me. You can do this. Come on, 'Nettie. You are the strongest person I know. Keep fighting. Don't give up, beautiful," he begged as she gasped again. "I should get you that oxygen tank, doll but I can't leave your side. At least your lips aren't turning blue. You need to fight," he wept, taking her pulse again. It was still weak, but steady. "I love you. I fell so hard. Please come back, doll. I need you, more than oxygen or coffee. Life without you," he trailed off and leaned into her neck as he continued to cry. "Please. Don't leave me," he pleaded in a whisper. He pushed himself against the corner of the cabinet and cradled her in his arms, adjusting her in a less awkward and forced pose. He straightened both her legs, pulled the together, made her knees bend slightly, and draped them over his right leg. Pat's left arm supported her head and hung onto her left arm that hung limply by her side. He draped it across her chest, sandwiched her fingers between her side and his chest, and then wrapped his arm around her waist. He kissed her temple and sobbed into her neck. "Doll," he whispered. He would sit up and check on her often, but always returned to that position. She never moved. Pat refused to close his eyes and sleep even though his mind told him he should. He stroked her hair and told her anything that came to his mind in a soft voice that cracked, "sweet, sweet Sarah, don't leave me. I need you. I truly love you. I've told you several times that I love you and all your quirks, but I haven't really told you that I love you since we started dating because I'm afraid of scaring you away. You are everything to me now. I don't know if I can go on, knowing I had you in my arms and I lost you. I'm so broken without you. You have shown me what it means to be strong. You play mind games with me, but I need your heart to keep beating. I've never had anything so wonderful in my life before. I asked you to camp with me to not only keep you safe, but to learn more about you. Then you were taken. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I could barely function." He paused and stroked her face. "You came back to me once and I wasn't going to let you go again. I have to protect you. I need you. The past two weeks, I have learned more about you than the past year and a half. I've always seen you as unique, smart, beautiful, and completely captivating. I now see you as strong, not weak. I was wrong to think that you are too fragile for anything. I know you can give up. I know you're right on the edge. Please come back to me, doll. I'm not ready to say good-bye. Not to you. Not ever," he cried. He stroked her lips tenderly as he choked on another sob. "You have the softest and warmest lips. You took me by surprise when your dad stopped by again on Sunday. I love your caring heart. I'm sorry that's how you became my girlfriend; it's not the way I wanted to ask. In all reality though, it's the best thing. You are so full of surprises; surprise me yet again: live. Please! Don't stay there with them. I know Rodrigez and Toby would definitely love to have your pretty face there. So would Smith, Jones, Cockerell, and Durham. Gah! Not to mention Decker, Nelson, or Richardson. Not one of them would have the decency to steal a girl from a brother. But please! I need you more than they do. You ignite a passion in me that I never knew existed. I can't stay away from you. I love you with all that I am. Please, doll. Don't leave me." He pressed his lips softly against hers before burying his head in her neck again and crying. She didn't move, not even a little twitch. The only thing that moved was her chest as she took another breath. "Keep breathing, baby doll. Keep breathing. Don't you dare give up. Please, Annette. I'm right here. Come back to me. Don't let that be my last kiss," he begged. His phone vibrated three separate times on the counter but he refused to move to pick it up. "Wake up, doll. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please come back," he pleaded as more tears fell. Annette's breathing was steady, but she still didn't move. Pat couldn't even see movement behind her eyelids. The window was lit up by the light of the sun and he was unable to cry anymore before she shifted in his arms. At least two hours had passed, but he wasn't sure; he never looked at his watch. He just watched her for any sign of improvement. He couldn't tell if her head fell because she moved it or if it was because he shifted slightly. He pushed her head back up on his shoulder before kissing her cheek. "In the past two weeks, you have shown me how remarkably strong you are. I never would have believed it. You proved the nurses wrong in the hospital. You shown me time and time again since then just how remarkable you are. Constantly, you have shown me that you are a fighter. Definitely one of the best I've ever seen. Please don't give up," he begged. Annette let out a soft sigh and rolled her head. She was moving more. "Doll?" Pat whispered, taking small breaths and feeling his hope rise. Her eyes fluttered open. He laughed and kissed her passionately. She leaned into the kiss and gave him the same response. He rested his right hand on her cheek as she pulled back gasping for air. "Oh my God! Thank you, beautiful. I'm so glad you're back," he beamed. "Good morning to you too, dear," she chuckled. Pat grinned and looked into her eyes. "I need to kiss you like that again, doll," he begged. She nodded and leaned into him again. He kissed her deeply, refusing to move his lips away. "I'm going to kiss you like that from now on. Like every kiss could be our last," he whispered. "Don't talk like that. I plan on kissing you for a very long time. Now remember, you can wake me up like that anytime you want," she whispered as she leaned in again. He grinned. She pressed her lips on his one more time; this time, Pat pulled back slowly after several passionate pecks. "What's wrong?" "We have to talk, doll. I'm very worried. You scared me. I almost lost you," he replied, using the same words she uttered to him earlier. It was a terrifying thought. "However, instead of you getting dragged off in handcuffs, you almost left this world for good. Annette, I can't lose you. How can I help you? Are you okay, doll? Do you need your oxygen tank?" He asked full of concern. She nodded then bit her lip and looked down. "I'm fine. I didn't mean to cause you any grief. I'm still here. No tank necessary; I have your big lungs," she replied with a smirk as she met his eye. Pat gave her a small smile before kissing her forehead. "What were you thinking last night?" Pat asked and stroked her hair. "Are you talking about me cooking alone?" She asked. Pat nodded. "I relieve stress by running or cooking. Care to know which one I chose?" She sassed. Pat chuckled and stroked her cheek. "Did I hurt you?" She inquired as she searched his face then looked down at his arm. "Doll, I'm alright. I'm deeply concerned about you though. Stop trying to joke this away," he replied, turning her head back towards him. She nodded and looked down again. Pat lifted her chin. "Let me look into your eyes please," he pleaded. "I had a knife. I wasn't dreaming because we're still in your kitchen," she replied as she looked up. Pat chuckled and pointed to the wooden spoon on the floor in the middle of the room. Annette's gaze followed his finger. She blushed and turned back towards him. "I'm sorry," she whispered. Pat kissed her forehead again. "You thought I was going to hurt you. Why are you seeing monsters from your past, doll?" Pat asked as he stroked her cheek. "Are you in pain?" She shook her head and tried to stand up. "Not so fast. Doll, please, take it slow. You really scared me last night. After you passed out, you started to mention members of my platoon. I haven't said their names out loud. To anyone. Ever. Since that day, their names haven't been said. I said quite a few while you were unconscious, but you couldn't have heard me utter them. You shouldn't know any of those names at all," he explained. Annette paled. "Okay. So maybe I'm in pain and maybe I forgot to take any medication last night. Or maybe it's more like I ignored the pain after I took medicine at 10 yesterday morning. I was just happy being in your arms; I wanted to stay awake. So that definitely wasn't a dream then," she admitted and looked down. Pat embraced her and leaned into her hair as his tears threatened to spill over. "You remember what happened? Tell me. Please," he begged in a whisper. Annette leaned back so she could look at him. Concern was written all over her face. "It's okay, Annette. Please tell me. I need to know." She nodded. "Okay. Quick version: I woke up around four. I was hungry and decided to make you breakfast when I couldn't find you. I decided on biscuits and gravy. Everything was going well. I set the timer then put the biscuits in the oven. When I stood up, I saw a face in the window and swore it was Lionel. He sneered at me and made me feel uncomfortable. I couldn't breathe. Next thing I know I blacked out, but I was still here in this very room, but I wasn't on the floor. Kinda more like I was floating. I looked around and saw so many people, but instead of being intimidated by the size of the crowd like I usually am, I actually felt safe. It was comfortable. It felt normal. The only one I recognized was your mom; same woman that is on your phone. The rest were in army camo. I don't know if I was dreaming or what. A lieutenant with a scar on his right cheek approached me," Annette explained quickly. Pat gasped and choked on another sob. Annette paused long enough study him. She looked like she didn't want to keep going but she continued softly and slower, "he told me any good soldier-" "-worth having doesn't ever stop fighting," Pat finished for her. Annette nodded. "McAllister," he said softly. Again, Annette nodded and tears filled her eyes. "I only noticed the M-C-A on the name badge but yes. That seems to fit him," she admitted. His felt the blood drain from his face. She really came face to face with his brothers. "Pat?" She whispered. He kissed her temple and nodded. "It's okay, darling. Please continue," he begged. She bit her lip and looked down. He rubbed her cheek tenderly, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "So the lieutenant and my mom approached you?" He asked softly. Annette nodded. "It didn't make sense to me. I stared at your mom, but the lieutenant held onto my left shoulder. I looked down at it and gasped. There was no sling, no pain. I looked down at my leg, I was standing on both of them. I met the lieutenant's eye and went to ask a question, but he spoke first. He told me to look around and count. I did and told him my findings: 18 soldiers all men, one middle aged woman with kind eyes. He said that I had to keep fighting. I told him I was tired. 'Snap out of it soldier. Your fight's not over. You don't quit when you're tired; you quit after the mission is complete,' he barked at me. Your mom put her hand on his arm and looked at me tenderly. She told me that since you've known me you've been able to not feel as guilty over their deaths. 'Some have finally moved on', the lieutenant said. He rattled off their names but I couldn't keep up. Pat, I don't even know who he mentioned," she whispered. "I can't remember." "Doll," he crooned. "I don't need you to remember their names. I clearly heard the six names you said. That means I know exactly who left and who remains." He wiped the tears that were falling down her face. "I remember everyone. All 24 of them. They were my brothers. I remember everything about them. Their faces, their names, their ranks, and even their stories. I know which ones would have flirted with you, regardless of their relationship status. I know who would defend your honor and send you back to my arms. I know who would have teased me about finally finding someone. I know who would have come up to you and told you that they swore I was gay. I know who would have been jealous. I know that all of them would have been happy in some sense too and that not one of them would have betrayed my trust by trying to get you alone. I know their birthdays, when they graduated, and what they wanted to do with their lives after they got out of the army. I know who had kids. I can't tell you the kid's names or how old they are, but I can tell you how those men felt about that child. I don't need you to tell me who you saw; I remember every single one. I see them every time I close my eyes. I can never forget them." "That's pretty much what your lieutenant said too. He said that wasn't important for me to remember. He vowed to keep my monsters away if I helped you fight your monsters, because you're not alone. Another guy came up and smiled largely. He was shorter than me, but his lopsided smile instantly pulled me in; I knew I could trust him. He said if anyone deserved a slice of happiness, you would be at the top of the list," Annette explained, studying Pat closely. "Finn," he whispered, picturing the smallest man of the group with the biggest, bravest warrior's heart -Griffin 'Finn' Decker- walk up to her with his wide but crooked smile. He was also the biggest flirt of the group and always seemed to schmooze his way up beside the girls, no matter where the platoon was or what they were supposed to be doing. Finn was never afraid of a fight and he often caused some, but he never got in the way of the happiness his brothers found. Pat choked on a sob as he pulled Annette close again, recalling the last conversation he had with Finn. Finn had uttered that exact phrase that Annette had just recalled. "It was him, doll. It was Finn. He's still around." "I don't know, dear. I didn't look at his name, but again, it seems to fit. Then your mom approached me again and gave me a hug. Pat, I don't think I've ever experienced such a warm hug, not even your hugs were as warm as her's, and you have given me some of the best hugs I ever experienced. I was safe and loved, but it was more than that; I didn't want her to let go. She told me not to leave you alone and they would continue to fight for you too," Annette explained. A single tear fell down her cheek. Pat's cheeks were wet too, but he didn't try to stifle his tears. "Mom was a hugger; everyone said that they loved her hugs. I'm not surprised you didn't want her to let go. Annette," he wept as she stroked her cheeks. "You faced my ghosts. You're here with me. You could have joined them." "I was conflicted. I wanted to give up. There was a part of me that would have been okay staying there, but I can't leave you in pain or cause you more. Finn, you said?" Pat nodded. "Okay, so Finn rubbed my back and looked around. 'I speak for each and every single one of us. Miller is damn lucky to have you. We got your six, you just take care of his.' I looked around and settled on looking at your mom. She patted my cheek and spoke softly 'it's your choice. You can stay here. Or you can go back. Either way, you have to choose. We can't make this decision for you. Massive pain will be present no matter what.' I told her that I can't be the reason that other people suffer. I would hurt you, Noah, Tyler, Jess, and so many more. I was given a brief glance. Noah would spiral downwards and that would cause him to lose his girlfriend and child. I can't do that to him. And you! Pat, you've suffered so much already. You would lose so much more. I fear you would lose your ability to love at all. I felt bad that you already endured so much grief, yet you pressed on. I couldn't cause you more. And love is too valuable to give up on. It and hope are the most powerful forms of emotion. I can't stand to see you lose either. So Lieutenant McAllister gave me a shove and a harsh 'then fight, soldier! It's not quitting time.' I tripped and woke up in your arms and in pain again. Pat, I wasn't dreaming was I?" He shook his head and let more tears fall down his cheek. "Doll, you are so selfless, even in the face of death. I'm glad you came back to me. But you shouldn't have come back just for me or your brother or anyone else. I need you to fight for you. Your body tried to quit. You just had an out of body experience," he cried. Annette leaned into him. "Pat, I didn't come back just so you guys wouldn't suffer. I came back so that I can help you all heal," she whispered as she pulled back, kissed his cheek, and smiled warmly. "I came back because I care about you all and I don't want to be the reason that you stop smiling. You have the best smile and I love seeing it. I didn't say good-bye last time and I felt guilty in the complex. I couldn't do that again. You mean too much to me. I won't leave without telling you farewell. But I'm not ready to say good-bye. Pat, I'm sorry I made you worry. I didn't mean to." "Don't apologize, doll. You gave me some closure and came back to me. You opened my eyes. Gave me straight facts. I can help their families with closure. So few though! Only six of the group has moved on, doll," he wept. Annette put her head on his chest to try and ease his discomfort. Pat wrapped his arms around her tighter as he cried in her hair. "Only six. There was 24 of them, doll. I lived. They needed to! Why only six? It's been years! Their families need to know they're all resting in peace." "There's only six that have moved on because you still feel guilty," she whispered once his sobs had quieted down. "You're not allowed to feel guilty any more, Mr. Miller. It wasn't your fault. If it helps, not one of them looked like they were in pain. They all chorused that they don't blame you and they assured me that their families don't hold you responsible either. The only one who feels guilty is you. The only one who who won't let them move on, is you. Their families were given closure. I don't know how, but I know it's true. They're not in pain any more , but they never leave a brother behind to fight on his own. Pat, you need to forgive yourself," she insisted. Pat lifted her head up again and kissed her forehead. She grinned up at him and kissed his wet cheeks. "It helps, doll. Thank you. No more forgetting to take your pain pills. That's what was bothering you at dinner last night. You can't blame yourself either; you just have to let me take care of you," he retorted. "I can't lose you too." "I'm not going anywhere, but I would like to get off the the floor," she teased. Pat grinned and dried her cheeks. "Can I have my arm please?" Pat looked down at her right arm and allowed her to pull it out. He held onto her waist as she grabbed the counter and hoisted herself up. She leaned against the counter and offered him her hand, balancing on her left foot. He grabbed it but pulled himself up with the counter as well, noticing how off balance she looked. "Sarah Annette Gibson, I love you," he whispered into her hair as he embraced her again. She kissed his chest and fingered his scars. The action sent shivers down his spine. She made him feel alive and unashamed of his disfigured body; for the first time, he didn't care if anyone saw those hideous scars. "I care about you so much, doll. Losing you is unthinkable." "Pat, I care deeply about you, but I'm not sure I'm ready to leap there yet. I want to, but I can't," she had tears in her eyes as she looked up at him. Those words felt like a knife to his heart, but through her eyes he could tell they hurt her too. He looked lovingly down at her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't understand how you can love someone who is so broken. What if next time it's a real knife?" Pat rubbed her back tenderly and pressed his lips against her forehead. "You silly, silly girl. If there is a next time, and you have a real knife, then I'll keep you from hurting yourself. If it was real and not just a wooden spoon, I would have disarmed you immediately instead of walking over cautiously as I tried to bring you back with words. If you're broken, doll, then so am I. My past still chases me. I can't outrun it. I can only power through it. Every day is it's own battle; some days are worse than others. I love you, Annette. I will tell you that constantly because you need to know how precious you are to me. I never want you to doubt my affections for you, but you don't have to repeat it back to me. Say it when you're ready. I won't force you. I know your heart. I know you gave it to me," he murmured and kissed her head again as she snuggled in tighter. She stood on her toes and kissed his jaw. "It's your's, darling," she confirmed. He grinned. "I promised you we'd take it slow," he whispered. "Take your time. Just know that I love you, 'Nettie." He shivered as she continued to trace his scars. She caught the motion, stood back, and studied his face. He relaxed his arm and his elbow rested on her shoulder. "Would you like to look, doll?" He whispered, holding her gaze. "Can I?" She replied softly. "Please," Pat begged. Annette nodded and looked down at his chest. Pat watched her eyes and was impressed that she didn't scowl, wrinkle her nose, or look away in disgust. "Annette," he breathed as he closed his eyes and she moved her hand softly up his side. "You're not broken or disfigured. Thank you for not looking at me like I am either," he whispered and opened his eyes again. She smiled warmly, stood up on her toes, and kissed his cheek. "You definitely aren't broken or disfigured. You're one of a kind and these scars are wonderfully, exceptionally, and extraordinarily made. I wish you didn't have to experience the pain to get them, but I think they look pretty cool. This one is my favorite," she stated as she lightly touched the one under his ribs. Pat raised his eyebrow and looked at her; all he saw was raised pink flesh that reminded him of an earthworm that twisted and curled. It didn't belong on his body; it was hideous. She traced the edges of his raised flesh and grinned. "That's my anchor, right there." Pat studied it closer and grinned. It really looked like an anchor. How did he never see it like that before? She moved her finger to the where the hem of his button up shirt would normally be; it was the closest scar that could have been exposed to the public eye if he chose to share it. She grinned as she pressed on his bicep. "There's my hope. It looks like a the start of supernova, but one that stayed in the general star burst yet didn't expand further," she stated with a smile. Pat grinned and looked at it. Everytime he saw his scars he saw destruction, disfigurement, and pain. She saw something else. He tried to see what she saw. Her eyes twinkled and she moved her hand one more time. She hopped closer. Pat wrapped his arm around her waist and held her steady. Her finger rested in the middle of his chest, just above his heart, and she tapped it twice and smirked up at him. "There's no scar there, doll," Pat remarked and wrapped his hand over her fingers. Her eyes followed his hand. She lowered her chin and blushed. Then she looked up and grinned. "There is; one can't see it with their eyes. It can only be felt by the captured heart. You're hurting. It's the freshest and deepest scar. You open it daily," she whispered and leaned in and kissed above her fingers. "You need to let your heart heal," she instructed. He cupped her face in his hands again and she held onto his arm. "Can I help you protect it?" she asked sweetly. "It's your's, doll," he replied with a grin as his heart did flips. "Seal it," she breathed as she closed her eyes. Pat kissed her lips. Her hand wrapped around his back and he lowered one hand to the small of her back. She broke away and gasped for air, but Pat continued to kiss her cheek. She buried her head in his shoulder and pushed him away. "I'll put you on restriction, sir," she gasped. He leaned back and looked at her. "Sorry. I'm in pain, dear, and I can't breathe. I need a break. I don't want you to stop though," she said remorsefully. "That's fine, doll. Thank you," Pat whispered and picked her up and set her on the breakfast nook counter as he got her some pain medication and water. She took it and smiled at him, putting her glass down beside her. "Don't do that again, missy," he warned as he put her sling back on and wrapped her up in his arms again. "You had me so worried." "I'll do my best," she promised and kissed his cheek. "You're still wet, dear," she teased as she dried his eyes. Pat grinned and kissed her cheek. She rested her hand on his heart cavity again and bit her lip as she stared at it. Pat covered her hand with both of his. "What is it, doll?" "This spot right here, even though it hurts you, that's where I need you to look right now. That's where you'll find my love," Annette whispered. Pat lifted her chin and looked in her eyes. "What?" "My love," she repeated. "You took it when you stole my heart and tried to fill the hole in your heart. I can't do it alone and I can't admit it - not really. But I know it's there. With your heart hurting so badly, and you giving me all your love and attention, you're not healing. It's the most treacherous territory anyone can come across, but I don't mind wading through it. It's the safest place for me, because I deeply care about you and you keep people away too, therefore protecting me. You need it to heal. I can help if you want me to, but emotionally I can't right now." Pat's jaw dropped in wonder. She was too insightful and helped him gain a new perspective. He pulled her in for a warm embrace. "Annette," he whispered as he kissed the top of her head as she tilted her head to the side and rested on his shoulder. "I'll protect your heart always. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you. We'll figure it out together. Thank you for coming back to me." She kissed his cheek as she sat up again. "Do you need anything, doll?" Pat asked. She looked at the kitchen and scowled. "How bad did I mess up breakfast?" She asked. Pat chuckled and lowered his gaze momentarily before he looked around the messy kitchen too; it wasn't bad and shouldn't take too long to clean, but he wasn't concerned about it right now. "I honestly don't know. I turned everything off. I wasn't concerned about the food, doll. Just you," he admitted as his phone vibrated on the counter again. He shook his head and focused on the girl in his arms. "Let's assess the damage, shall we? However, you aren't doing this alone; I'm not letting you go," he insisted as he carried her over to the stove, turned her around and held onto her waist as she began her assessment. Annette pulled out the cooled biscuits and grinned. "They're not burned!" She cheered. Then she stirred the gravy and scowled. "The gravy on the other hand is ruined. I can't reheat it without mixing the burned bottom layer in. I can't even save the top layer. No matter what I do with this, everything will taste disgusting and burnt." Then she looked around the kitchen. "I really made a mess. Let me clean up and I'll make you something else to go with these biscuits. Perhaps some bacon and eggs?" She offered. Pat chuckled and turned her around in his arms again. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and pressed his lips between her eyes on the bridge of her nose. "No, doll. We have butter, honey, and jam. We can have fresh fruit with it," he replied warmly. Annette blushed and looked down with a small grin. Pat lifted her chin again and kissed her nose. "It smelled delicious when I came in from my run last night. Again, I was focused on you, not what you were cooking. You weren't in your right mind," he said softly. Annette grinned then jumped as the front door swung open. "Pat? Annette?" Josh ran through the house. "He can be kind of dense sometimes, can't he?" Annette chuckled. Pat nodded and rubbed her back, pulling her in for another embrace. "I won't let him hurt you," he promised. She snickered softly and looked up at him. "He'll tear apart my house though." "What's up, Josh? We're in the kitchen," she yelled. Josh barrelled into the kitchen. He sighed in relief. "Awesome possum. You had us all worried. It's past 11. We haven't heard from either one of you. Now I know why. You're never shirtless," he implied as he gestured to Pat's bare torso and winked. "I needed to see the scars. I told him it was only fair since he's seen mine. We're glad you're here," Annette replied and looked up at Pat. He smiled warmly, pulled her in tighter, and kissed her temple as she continued, "he needs a shower. I had another episode last night after he returned from a run. He hasn't left my side since. Will you help me clean up in here while he showers?" "Not happening, doll. I am not leaving your side," Pat insisted with a scowl. She smiled warmly at him. "I'll be fine. Josh won't let me hurt myself, will you?" She asked as she looked over at Josh. Pat pursed his lips, mentally pleading she didn't look away from him again. "You know I won't," Josh replied with a smile. "Pat, she seems to be okay. Go shower. I'm going to check in with the sibs." "I'm not leaving your side, doll," Pat repeated. Annette playfully plugged her nose and stuck up her chin. Josh was in stitches he was laughing so hard. Pat grabbed her hand and pulled it down as he stroked her cheek again. "I almost lost you, doll," he whispered, his eyes watered again. Annette stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. "I'm not leaving, nor will I go running or anything else like that. I'm going to warm these biscuits and prepare you a plate. I have a feeling that Josh is going to corner me in me in that wheelchair again," she said softly. "Ooh! She's smart," Josh teased and pushed the wheelchair with his foot towards them. Pat sat Annette in the chair. She rubbed his scar on his arm again and smiled. Pat kissed her forehead and looked at Josh. "Don't worry. I'll take care of her. We'll be fine for ten minutes," Josh promised. "I'll hold you to it," Pat sighed and grabbed Annette's hand. "Doll, I'll keep fighting like a good soldier, but don't you dare do that again." Annette grinned. "Not in my plans, sir. You're going to be stuck with me for a while," she retorted with a grin. "Go shower. Please. Stress isn't a good look on you." Pat nodded. "Don't forget your shirt," she teased. He grinned, walked over to the sink, grabbed his shirt, picked up the wet towel off the floor, and headed to the bathroom. Annette looked at the mess she made and sighed. "What will you let me do?" She asked Josh. "Nothing. Biscuits and gravy, huh?" He asked as he looked around and started to clean up. "Gravy's burned. I passed out before I finished cooking," she replied in guilt. "I can help." "Like hell you will, Annette. You will stay in that seat and not move. Did you not just see how worried he is?" Josh retorted. "I don't know what happened but the last time he was like that was the day you were taken. He might actually be worse now." Annette bit her lip. "I didn't mean cause any panic," Annette confessed. "I know, Annette. Biscuits are warming up again and the gravy pot is soaking. I don't buy that you demanded to see his scars. Care to explain what happened?" Josh asked as he deposited the mixing bowl in the sink and filled it with water. Then he washed the counter down as Annette shook her head. "So where's my family? Why are you here, not them? Is it really 11am?" She asked in rapid fire. "Chill, Annette," Josh reprimanded. "Your family is fine. You usually come in and say hello to everyone, even if you do cook. Yes. 11 has passed. We're all concerned. Pat gave me a spare key after your siblings returned all but one since they felt like they were intruding. They're crazy and actually prefer staying in hotel rooms, which I don't understand at all. I had to come check up on you two." "It was approaching five-ish when I put the biscuits in. A minimum of six hours unconscious. How is that possible? It can't. Josh! How? I need answers," she begged. Josh shook his head and pulled out the biscuits. "I don't have them and I don't think that matters, Annette. All that matters is that you woke up again," Josh replied as he dug through the fridge. "Strawberries or blueberries?" "I'm allergic to blueberries. My skin breaks out in hives, my eyes and throat slowly swell shut. I'd rather not suck on nothing but ice and benadryl for two days," Annette confessed. "I learn something new everyday. Strawberries and whipped cream, doll?" Pat chuckled as he rounded the corner, fully clothed. "And biscuits and juice," she giggled. Pat walked around the breakfast nook and held her shoulder. She tugged on his arm and pulled him closer. He leaned over and she kissed his cheek. "You smell good, sir," she remarked. Pat kissed her back and ran his fingers through her hair. "And you keep me on my toes, doll," he retorted as he leaned against the counter. Josh handed them both a plate. "Do you want whipped cream, 'Nettie?" Pat asked, noticing Josh only put a single biscuit and five strawberries on her plate. She shook her head. "This is fine. Thanks," she replied and took a bite. "You made these biscuits from scratch, Annette?" Josh gasped. She nodded. "I didn't see a cookbook out," Josh remarked. Annette grinned and tapped her head. Both men chuckled. "Annette! These are amazing. I should stop being surprised. All of your food is impressive." Annette ducked her head in embarrassment, turning as red as the strawberry in her hand. "Thank you," she replied and took another bite. "Pat, I'm sorry that I caused you undue stress." "Doll, I shouldn't have left in the middle of the night. You asked me if I was afraid of you not being beside me if I woke up. I never thought what would happen if I wasn't beside you," he responded. "You not being in bed with me didn't trigger it!" Annette exclaimed. Pat looked down at her. "I woke up and was confused. I called for you, but I didn't lose it until after I put the biscuits in the oven. Bending over must have triggered it. My wires are still loose," Annette began to weep. Pat took her plate off her lap and pulled her into his arms. Annette pushed him away as she sat back down in the wheelchair. "Excuse me. I need girl time," she stated and started to roll down the hallway, guiding with her left foot, steering with her right hand. Pat started to help her. She held up her hand and bit her lip. "Please. Let me do this on my own, or I hop," she warned as she rolled away. Pat walked around the breakfast nook, watched her roll away until she got into her room, leaned over the counter, pressed his lips together, and sighed as he looked at Josh, "did I do something or say something wrong?" "Not that I'm aware of, man. Especially because of the position I found you guys in," Josh replied, leaning against the far counter as he stuffed more food in his mouth. "Annette hates feeling so broken and dependent on us." "I know. She's not pushing me away is she?" Pat asked as he stood up, crossed his arms, and leaned against the stool he was by. "God! What are you? A girl? I've never known you to question anything you do," Josh replied in mock sarcasm. "Usually, I don't. With Annette, I question everything. It's hard for me to believe that she wants me. She's too pure for me. I want the best for her, but have you seen me? I'm barely half a man," Pat explained with a sigh. "You're still the best idiot I know. Stop questioning her. Stop questioning yourself. Now why are you freaking out to not have her by your side right now? It's unnerving. I demand to know what happened so I can edit the story later to the sibs. You know they'll ask," Josh stated. "I know," Pat whispered. "She met the platoon last night. And Mom." Josh looked at him in disbelief. "That means-" he began. "-yeah. She was clinging to life by a thread. I came in after a run and was all sweaty. I held onto her and begged her to stay with me. I didn't think she'd like to wake up smelling like BO, so I got rid of my shirt. I almost lost her again," Pat confirmed and let another tear fall. "I don't see her as broken. Since she's been here, she's changed my world. Josh, I need her. I desperately need her, more than I've ever needed anything else in my life," he admitted as tears began to freely fall. "And she needs you too; anyone can see how good you are for each other. Why didn't she let go of that thread?" Josh asked as he put his now empty plate on the counter. "How dare you," Pat accused angrily. Josh held up his hands as Pat charged him and grabbed his shirt. "You said she was holding on by a thread. She has every right to let go. Think about it. She deserves peace. She deserves to be free from her pain and horrors that haunt her. Why didn't she let go?" Josh repeated angrily. Pat released Josh's shirt and leaned against the stove and wept. "Because she couldn't leave me in pain," he admitted and sobbed. Josh pulled him into a brotherly hug and let him go. Pat crossed his arms in front of his chest, brought one hand to his mouth and tried to stem his emotions. "Told you, she needs you too," Josh replied. Pat clapped his shoulder, turned around, filled up the sink with water, and started washing the dishes. "She has every right to stop fighting. I've never met anyone so strong. How is she still smiling? I can't even fathom. Thankfully, her well of joy never seems to run out. If she's not in the room, I panic. Her smile powers me through. I'll always be by her side until she pushes me away, but I can't let her stay in the relationship if she's afraid of hurting me." "Don't be a bigger idiot than you already are. If you push her away, you'll hurt the both of you. Why would she push you away?" Josh asked as he picked up a dish towel and started to dry the dishes then put them away. "Because she's afraid of love," Pat admitted and sighed. "I know she cares about me but," he trailed off. "But nothing, man. You got her. She said yes. Give her time. What was your timeline before you asked? Three months? Six? Another year? I mean because you wanted her for over a year, but never once approached her about dating," Josh retorted. Pat chuckled as he washed the last dish. "I was going to wait as long it took until she looked at me in the same manner that I look at her. I just never thought it could happen," Pat admitted as he drained the water. He dried his hands and took another biscuit. "Well then take it slow and don't push her away either. She isn't ready. She's not in the relationship to ease your pain. I can tell you that much. With the way she looks at you, she cares deeply for you too. I can tell she's fighting her own internal battles, but you two are like magnets. You're always drawn to each other," Josh chuckled and grabbed a biscuit himself. "You've got it made, man. Your lady can sure cook." Both men chuckled. "Go check on her. I'm heading home. The sibs have most everything moved into their home. They still want Annette to believe that they're staying in a hotel; I'm not sure I follow their thinking, but whatever. I'm sure we'll be seeing less of them now," Josh mused and paused. "Is that the shower I hear running?" Josh asked, his eyes growing in concern. Pat felt dizzy and his eyes grew too. "Go. I'll stick around if you need help. Just holler," Josh ordered. Pat nodded and took off down the hall. He ran into the bedroom and leaned against the bathroom door. Annette had tried several times to take a shower on her own, but every time she broke down. Even with the new showerhead, she couldn't manage to take a complete shower; Jess always had to wash her hair in the sink. "DOLL!" Pat pounded on the door as looked out of the room. Her sling was resting on the dresser. "Don't you dare hurt yourself, young lady. That arm needs to be in a sling! I cannot have you pass out again because you tried to use it too soon. No falling. No more pain. Gah! Why do you have to be so stubborn? Open up, doll. Let me in," he thought. "I'm coming in," he spoke loudly as he took several deep breaths to calm his nerves. "I'm fine," she yelled. Pat couldn't hear any crying or any stress in her voice. "The hot water feels nice." Pat held onto the door handle and rested his head against the door. "I'm right here, 'Nettie," he whispered. "The moment you cry, I'm coming in," he said louder. "Come on in," she said softly. Pat opened the door and walked in. A wall of steam met him. Annette must have turned the water up as hot as it would go. He moved the wheelchair out of his was as he grabbed a towel off the rack and paused outside of the curtain. "Pat, open the curtain. I see your feet," she murmured. Pat took a deep breath, raised his eyes so he would be looking at approximately above her head, and moved the curtain back. He chuckled and turned off the water as he looked at the drowned rat he called his girlfriend standing in the middle of the shower. She held the showerhead in her right hand, pointed at her left shoulder. Pat grabbed it and put it away as he looked at her up and down carefully, looking for any obvious signs of trauma. "Like what you see?" She teased. Pat looked up and met her eye again with a smile. She smiled broadly at him. "Indeed. You are radiant. At least you managed to get your cast covered, doll. Why are you still wearing your clothes?" He asked kindly and stroked her wet hair. "I needed a victory. I had to beat the shower. Every time I tried, I was naked. I was never exposed when they dunked me," she explained. Pat stroked her right shoulder and gasped. "Doll! You're exceptionally warm. You think you might have turned the water up too high?" Pat asked. She shook her head again. "You're so stubborn, doll," Pat chuckled and took another step closer to her. She looked up at him and her eyes danced merrily. "It felt good. Heat relaxes muscles. My boyfriend couldn't tell I was tense and needed to stretch," she teased. Pat grinned but shook his head as he draped the towel over his shoulder; she obviously didn't need it in this moment. She grabbed his left hand and looked at his watch before meeting his eye with a broad smile. "Ten minutes. I didn't panic or cry. I put shampoo and conditioner in and was able to rinse it out. I did it! I can shower again," she cheered. Pat chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Congratulations, doll! It is a victory," Pat confirmed. "Let's get you dressed. I can't have you getting sick." "You worry too much, dear. It's still summer," she teased and pulled him closer. "I love you," she whispered. Pat stood back and looked at her in amazement. She smiled. "I love you," she repeated slightly louder. "Seal it?" Pat asked. She grinned and pressed her lips into his. Pat pulled back and gazed into her eyes. "You're not broken, doll. If you are then we can be broken together. I will piece you back together one porcelain chip at a time if that's what it takes. I can't live without you, 'Nettie," he stated. Annette opened her mouth to protest and Pat put a finger against her lips and she leaned against the wall. Pat took another step closer and held onto her hip. "This morning proved that. This was worse than not knowing if you would come back for a week. Annette," he breathed and looked in her eyes. "I love you. I need you. Without you, I'm broken. I've never needed anyone or anything so badly. I won't rush this relationship but, doll, I can't watch you get hurt again." He pressed his head to her's. "Words are failing me." "Then stop talking," she whispered and pressed her lips to his. Pat cradled her head with one hand and wrapped the other around her waist. She wrapped her arm under his and held onto his shoulder blade. Pat took another step closer and pressed his hip against hers and deepened the kiss. She gasped and stiffened. Pat pulled back and looked at her, afraid he did something wrong. She took three calming breaths and relaxed back into his arms. "Are you sure you can deal with this broken mess?" She asked softly. He chuckled and tucked her hair behind her ear. "We can be broken together, doll. You are worth everything, anything. I'll give it all to you. Mom even thought so if she hugged you and sent you back to me," Pat whispered and pulled her into a warm embrace. "I know that my hugs aren't as good as Mom's were, but I will always hold you securely so you can feel my love and protection surrounding you." She stood on her toes, moved her arm around his neck, and pressed her body closer to his. "Good. Because that's exactly what I feel. You make me feel safe. Never stop holding or hugging me. I need you, Pat. I can only be selfish with you. Please, don't ever let me go," she ordered. "Never. You're mine to hold and protect forever," he confirmed as he pushed her back gently so her foot was flat on the ground again. He rubbed her cheek, looked down at his clothes, and chuckled, "you got me all wet, doll." She giggled and leaned back. She grabbed the towel off his shoulder and placed it between her teeth. "Want me to leave?" He asked kindly as she threaded her right arm through the single shoulder strapped shirt Jess had put her in. She shook her head as she draped the towel over her chest. Pat helped her wrap it around her body as she wiggled out of her wet clothes. She grabbed Pat's shirt and pulled him closer as she kissed him again. Then she tugged on his shirt so he could take it off. He leaned back and gave her a confused look. "If you're concerned about being wet, take it off. My hair's behind me, my wet clothes are on the ground. You'll cause us to get wet again. Now I'm going to pull you in for another kiss. Are you taking off your shirt?" She asked kindly. Pat shook his head but happily leaned in for another kiss. She pulled him so his body pressed against hers. Pat deepened the kiss. A small moan passed her lips as she turned her head and gasped. "Doll, not now," he breathed and pulled away from her reluctantly. He sighed and moved away from her, pacing the room and taking deep breaths. "How do I tell you how tantalizing you are without scaring you away?
I can't pick you up and see how far you'll let me go! I promised slow. D****t! I want everything. I want all of you. I've never had this big of a temptation before! God! I want you, doll. Like I've never wanted anything before. Breathe, Miller," he chastised as he looked back at Annette and she looked back at him. The pain behind her eyes from his reaction hurt him. She secured the towel around her and tried to make herself look smaller. Pat shook his head and gave her a reassuring smile. "You are amazing, doll. I just want you to know that. And you did nothing wrong. Okay? I want to be close to you. But you do things to me. I can't think. I can't speak. And I start to act like an animal, not a man that cares about you. I want to be sane, especially in moments like this. I just never had to use this much self restraint before. With others, I didn't want them like I want you. The first day you stayed, I told you I would never over power you, throw you on the bed, and have my way with you. It's tempting, sure. And in this moment, it is in the forefront of my mind. I can't do that to you. I respect you too damn much. I meant it then and I mean it now, doll. I won't have sex with you. Especially if you feel even a little bit like you're pressured into it, or if I feel like I'd be pressuring you somehow. I won't force anything upon you. You are just... just... You're just amazing and I'm completely drawing a blank on what I need to say. I don't need your body to know that I care deeply about you. I don't need to have sex with you for you to know that I love you. I'm not ready to go down that path, doll," Pat explained, panting for air and trying to control his thoughts. She leaned against the wall in confusion laced with guilt. She was also taking deep breaths. "I'm sorry. Thank you for not crossing the line. I wasn't trying to seduce you. I was just proud that I managed to beat the shower," she confessed as she looked down. Pat walked back over, rested his right arm on the wall above her head, his left hand rested on her side. She rested her hand on his arm and studied their hands. This wasn't working for him. Pat moved his arm and her hand dropped. He caught it, intertwined their fingers, and lifted her chin so he could meet her eyes. He dried the tears that were forming and smiled, bringing their hands to his chest. "Don't cry, doll. You did nothing wrong. You have nothing to prove. You get excited over simple things. Beating the shower is a huge win for you. I'm glad you chose to share your joy over it. I know you didn't try to seduce me. You don't have to try anything. That's what makes you so spectacular. You are powerful and your joy is contagious. Unfortunately, it also ignites feelings in me that I didn't know was possible to feel, especially this early in the relationship. Don't feel guilty, doll. You did nothing wrong. I don't want you to stop doing what you do or stop being you in any way. I love you. I love your bubbly personality. You amaze me, doll. You steal my breath and keep me from thinking clearly. I love kissing you. It's better than anything in the world. We were heading down a very intimate path. I can't do that right now. You just had a major breakdown. I promised we'd take it slow. I almost lost you last night. It made me realize how broken I am. If we took the next step right now, I don't think we'll be able to match it again. You see, doll, I know that you are by far the best kisser I've ever come into contact with. I know that I care deeply about you. If we get to the point where you want to lay with me, I want to do that in the right way, otherwise I'm going to have to feel like one of us has to have a meltdown before the time is right again. Please, Annette. Not when I feel so broken," Pat begged. Annette grinned at him and kissed his cheek. "Broken together?" She whispered. Pat nodded. "Broken together, doll," Pat confirmed as he carried her back to her room, setting her by the dresser. While she began digging through the dresser for something to wear, Pat ducked into the bathroom and brought out her wheelchair. She seemed to scowl at the chair but smiled at him as she lowered herself into it. "Get dressed, doll. Then come meet me in the living room when you're ready. I will brush your hair if you'd like. Congrats on the win. Just please try not to rush through things. Let me help you. Let me love you," he murmured. She smiled warmly at him and her cheeks became a bright shade of red as she nodded. He kissed the top of her head and left the room, closing the door behind him before she made him lose his mind and control again. He walked into the living room and Josh looked at him with raised eyebrows. Pat grinned as he sat down with a contented sigh. "She is truly remarkable and doesn't even try to be. She blows me away. Josh, that woman is a powerful force and I love her. More than I care for you or Linda. And more than I loved Mom. She makes my head melt, and I don't care. Because now I know, I can't function without her. I'm going to marry that girl someday," he admitted with a smirk. "Good," Josh countered with a wink. "About time you live it up. And I'm glad you finally found someone that has given you a way to put a pep in your step. I'm proud of you. She's okay though?" "She's more than okay," Pat confirmed with a large smile. "She was in the shower for ten minutes. She washed her own hair. She won. She's just getting dressed now. She's unbelievably strong, remarkable, and just amazing. My world relvoves around her. She's going to make me a better man. She's my everything. I hope to show her that every chance I can." Josh grinned and nodded before handing over a game controller. *****
© 2017 Lynaelee |
1 Review Added on December 17, 2016 Last Updated on July 17, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing