![]() 39. DriftingA Chapter by Lynaelee![]() *Explict wording - kept to a minimum*![]()
Days began to blur together, but they all ran pretty much the same. Every morning, Pat would take me out for breakfast, refusing to let me instruct him how to cook - not that I ever asked. After Pat and I finished breakfast and my pain level was tolerable, he would help me stretch at home. Afterwards, I would read a book or nap. If I woke up early enough, I would watch the sunrise. If I missed it, I demanded to stargaze that night. Pat was always with me on the porch during those times; we did seem to have more company to watch the stars though. Occasionally, Pat and I would watch Dalton. I came up with plenty of activities to keep both him and Pat occupied, and Olivia loved me for it.
Everyone let me boss them around in the kitchen so I could cook without actually cooking. I never seemed to be left alone; someone was always hovering - even in the bathroom while I showered, or attempted to. When he was over, Tyler would help me with small muscle building in my left hand. Everyone else was afraid that I could do more harm than good, so I took advantage of Tyler's offer. I was always warned not to take it too far otherwise my shoulder wouldn't heal. I paid little attention to reason; I just wanted to do things on my own. I often found myself drifting to sleep more than I would have liked. After crashing on Pat's bed on my stomach, Jess woke me up and had me sit with my mask for a full hour or more; the timeframe was unclear to me and I kept nodding off. I remembered seeing 11 and 12 in the hour position on the digital clock, but I couldn't remember if they appeared ten minutes apart or not. Apparently, I stopped breathing while I slept. Noah said he sat me up after doing chest compressions again, but I didn't remember and it wasn't allowed to happen again. According to Jess, it was in my best interest to have someone near me while I slept, didn't matter where; which made naptime for me more stressful. I didn't want to take away from anyone's day; even if their only plans for the day was to take care of me, so I tried to keep my naps to the living room area. Nobody complained about helping me, but I hated the attention. I did give in and let them help me though; I was just too sore and stiff to move on my own - not that I would ever admit it.
I made a point of snuggling with Tyler or Noah if I needed to crash on the couch; my brothers were some of the best supports and I knew I could trust them. I still felt guilty taking my brother away from Jess, and Tyler was still technically new to me, so it felt awkward. Pat still made me feel the safest and Josh was never an option, but I couldn't snuggle on either of their shoulders even if they encouraged it. They were sweet and kind, sure, but I couldn't do it. The one time I did with Josh, he began rubbing up my thigh and it freaked me out. He apologized profusely and swore it meant nothing nor did he intend to do it; it just happened. Pat on the other hand, he was the only one who never moved his hands when he held me. He drew small circles on my arm or hip, but he never moved his hands. But the way he looked at me when I woke up, made me nervous. I couldn't stand in his way and I wouldn't be the reason he couldn't talk to his girl. Noah, Jess, and Tyler encouraged me to sleep more and Tyler actually held me in place a few times until sleep took over. However, if neither one of my brothers was available and I couldn't fight the sleep any more, I would crash on a beanbag chair. It was the only time I could actually sleep alone; I preferred that spot for that very reason. Then I would get frustrated because I couldn't sit up again. I couldn't roll to either side for leverage, and I couldn't do a sit up because there was no support. Everything just sunk into the small foam beads. Josh teased me mercilessly about me being a turtle on my back. Pat was the ever calm and gracious host. He bought me a cell phone which shocked me, but it helped me keep my days in line. Eventually, I refused to let anyone sleep with me anymore, even overnight; I hated being treated like a baby. "Why not?" Jess demanded Friday night after she fixed my hair and I had climbed into bed and dismissed her as she tried to climb in beside me. "It's for your own good, 'Nettie. Let me sleep with you!" I leaned against the backrest support pillow that Pat had brought home Tuesday night, and glared at her. "You've used that argument before! Besides I'm fine! I'm not a baby. I haven't had an incident all day or all day yesterday! Heck! I think the last time I needed help was Wednesday morning. My oxygen tank is tucked in the closet. Breathing sucks but I know exactly where I am. I slowly gaining more strength and can do a few things on my own. Sleeping is one of those things. You guys keep hovering and making me feel like I'm going to break. Besides, if you're going to sleep with a Gibson, it should be my brother, not me. I was weirded out enough that Noah slept in the same bed as me last night! You two need each other. Tyler didn't seem to mind me sleeping on his leg as he slept upright on the couch - but he used to do that with you. I don't know if I was alone Tuesday night or not, but I don't think I was. Nobody was in bed with me, but Noah was plopped on a beanbag beside the bed doing something on his phone when I crashed and when I woke up, Pat was there. Just please stop with the hovering! And that goes for everyone. I know you guys have concocted some plan so that I'm never alone and it's getting old. I need space. I'm fine. I'm not as breakable as you all think I am," I retorted. I meant in warmth and love, but I was getting fed up so I'm sure it came across a little bitter. I was even getting to the point of being sick of them carrying me around everywhere, so Jess reluctantly granted me permission earlier that day to kinda make my way around the house in the wheelchair. It was slow going, but I made progress and I was pleased. "Jess! Come on! You said yes to the wheelchair. I can sleep alone too! I'll be okay," I whined. "Fine, but your door is staying open and someone will be checking on you often," Jess insisted after a long pause. I nodded and gave her a big smile which she returned. I could live with that as long as they didn't wake me up or climb in bed with me. By Saturday, I was eating three full meals again. Granted they may have been the perfect serving for Dalton, but I was finding more and more strength. If Pat was around, I kept my promise to him and told him anytime I was in pain: good or bad. The rest of the time, I ignored it and refused to take any pain medication. I no longer had any bruises on my face, with the exception of a trace of yellow around my left eye. In fact the only place that still had visible bruising was my chest. My temple and lip still had a little cut, but they too were healing. I must have offended Pat because he started running again, lots. I didn't mean to offend him, but I really didn't want to disrupt his schedule either. On Sunday the 20th of August, I had been housed at Pat's place for a week. In excitement, I demanded a crutch but was denied. "How about you master the wheelchair first, 'Nettie?" Tyler bargained. I pouted but agreed. I used the breakfast nook counter to stand up out of my wheelchair and tried to kick both my bodyguards out as I held onto the counter and hopped around. Tyler just shook his head at me. "Jess and Noah were smart; I should have gone shopping with them today and stayed far away from you. Little 'Nettie, you're a handful," he chuckled. "Nope. I'm just me and you guys love me for it. Now shoo!" I ordered. Tyler left with a smile. I met my other body guard's eye. "You too!" "Why, doll?" Pat pleaded. I grinned. "You said one week, no cooking-" "And I also said longer would be better," he interrupted. I shook my head. "You said one week, no cooking unless I asked again. Well here we are one week later! I didn't ask to cook again, so I'm going to now! Me. Not some helpful minion," I exclaimed as I hopped around the kitchen, wobbly but still I hopped; I didn't care - I was granted freedom. Pat remained within arm's reach, getting ready to catch me. "Pat," I warned, giving him a fierce yet defeated look. "I'm staying close by you. I'm not leaving. I'm still going to be your helpful minion. I'll round up items, stir your food. Whatever you need. You're not doing this alone," he replied as he crossed his arms across his chest. I sighed and nodded. If I was being honest with myself, I hated to be alone and didn't mind the company. I just wanted more than a two foot bubble of personal space. "Okay fine, but I don't want to feel like a porcelain doll any more. You guys are treating me like I may yet break! I feel fine and I'm more durable than I look. I want to cook. I waited the week like you requested," I whined. He sighed, grinned, and gestured towards the cupboards. I was grateful he respected me and didn't push the matter as I hopped towards the counter and began rifling through the pantry. "I won't stop you, Annette. You upheld your end of the bargain. However, you also promised not to hurt yourself. You're an excellent teacher. Everything I've made has been edible and delicious. Why won't you take it easy, doll? You are still so unsteady on your feet and it makes me very uneasy," Pat noted. I turned around and met his eye; something else was bothering him. "I'll be fine. You worry too much, and I think it's great to have someone care about me like that. However, it's still new to me. I like using my muscles and giving them extra strength. Now, why are you sad, Mr. Miller?" I asked. He grinned and took a step closer. "I'm not sad, doll. I'm in your perpetual joy bubble," he teased. I giggled and stared pointedly at him. He sighed. "You seemed to have distanced yourself this week, doll. I don't understand why. I feel like you are going to hurt yourself because you're forcing yourself to heal. It doesn't work like that. I hate seeing you in pain and I would hate to see your pain prolonged," he admitted. I nodded and bit my lip as I closed the cupboard. He took another step closer to me and opened his arms. "Not to mention, you are so unsteady on your feet. I would hate to see you take another tumble." I nodded, hopped into his open arms, and rested my head on his chest. He lowered his head onto mine as he rubbed my back tenderly. "Better?" I asked, leaning into him for emphasis. He didn't budge. "Yes. This makes me feel a little better, 'Nettie. This way, I at least know I can keep you from falling. Now, what's wrong?" "Nothing, Pat," I murmured softly and bit my lip. "I can't tell you. We shouldn't be doing this," I thought as I took a deep breath and studied the buttons on his shirt. As I released my breath, I voiced softly, "why would something be wrong?" "All morning you tease and joke around with me. By the time lunch hits, your guard is up again, doll. Did I do something to upset you?" He asked in the same soft tone. I pulled back and looked at him in shock. His eyebrows were furrowed in concern, but his eyes were soft and kind. They had some pain in them and I felt guilty; I didn't want to hurt my friend or offend my host. "You didn't do anything!" I insisted. He looked down at me with his baby blue eyes and I felt frozen to the spot. I blushed and looked down. "I'm just. Really it's just me uh. Yeah. It's just me trying to protect your heart. And not just just. I mean your heart is most important. But I want to protect. Um. I'm not sure, but your purity and um uh, your mind for when she finally says yes. There's gotta be. I know. I mean. Boundaries. You shouldn't. You need to. For her. Give her your all and stop trying to make me find my footing again," I stammered. He lifted my chin. "And I've told you countless times that she'll understand, doll. Please don't rush to heal. I love having you around. You're a excellent roommate even if everyone does have to clean up after you," he teased. I grinned and he moved his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "My home will seem awfully empty once you heal enough to move in with your brother." I nodded, hopped back, and looked down. Pat kept one hand on my hip, the other on my shoulder "I've never been in one spot for so long. At my parents' house, I would leave to go to work or school. Here it's the same scenery - which isn't bad because I actually like being here. You guys come and go and I'm just getting a little restless," I stated. I sighed and looked at Pat's feet. He was so protective over me, even in his stance. I couldn't understand why. "I love being here. I've never felt more safe than staying here. You really do have a beautiful home. I hate sitting around and doing nothing. I don't know. It's just," I trailed off as I searched for the right word. "You're shifty," Pat finished for me. I met his gaze again. He grinned and stroked my cheek. I bit my lip as he continued, "it's something that I've always noticed. You can't stand still. So since you're feeling trapped per say, would you like to go to the lake tonight, doll? You still owe me a camping trip." I grinned. "There's a lake nearby we can go to?" I asked excitedly. He chuckled and bopped my nose. "Difficult with a broken leg, doll," he rebuked playfully as he looked down at my leg. I giggled and pushed him softly. He stepped back causing me to lose my balance and start to fall. He caught me and stood me upright again, before giving me a playful but stern look as he met my eye again, and took another step forward. "Annette," he warned. "I'm good," I remarked as I bounced backwards and held onto the counter. He looked me over and nodded before releasing me again. "So why mention a lake if it's going to be hard for me to go and enjoy it?" Pat chuckled then whispered, "I wasn't planning on taking you to that one." I gave him a confused look. "Then wh-" he put a single finger over my lips. "I know of one that's easier to get to. We have to travel a ways, but it will be worth it. We would also have to get a hotel room or two because it's quite the journey to make there and back," he informed me as he removed his hand from my lips, tucked my hair behind my ear again, and smiled warmly at me. I returned the smile. He stroked my cheek again before he dropped his hand back down to his side, but his right hand remained on my left hip. "You have a beautiful smile, doll," he murmured. I blushed, tugged on his shirt, and snuggled into his chest as he took another step towards me. "Tell me something else about her. Would we be friends?" I asked softly as he wrapped both arms around me. "I'd say you would be inseparable," Pat chuckled and stroked my hair. "Your turn. Tell me something," he ordered. "I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop," I confessed. Pat pulled back and looked at me. I dropped my eyes and bit my lip. "Things don't go well in my life. I'm always on guard. I never know what's going to happen next and always fear the worst. I've gone a full week and haven't been threatened or hurt or anything. I don't know how to live my life without looking over my shoulder," I whispered. Pat brushed my hair over my shoulder, lifted my chin, and looked in my eyes. "It's the truth," I whispered. He smiled. "Doll, I never know what you're going to say. Every time though, you give me another truth: stars give you hope, coffee is disgusting, you love walk in closets yet clothes intimidate you, you hate people seeing you cry, you miss working out and running, and now this. I know there's so much more that you've told me, but that's the short list." He rested his head on mine as he whispered, "you amaze me, doll." I blushed and looked down. He leaned back and stroked my cheek again. "You are the strongest person I know. You keep getting knocked down and standing tall. You have faced more pain than anyone should in a lifetime, doll. There's not another shoe waiting to fall. You're safe. Really, truly safe. Trooper Sanchez was going to check out your mom and sister and see if they show any signs of abuse too. He doesn't need it since he has everything he needs; he's just tying up loose ends." "Pat! No! If-If-" "Breathe, Annette," Pat ordered. I nodded, took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and then repeated the process twice more. He nodded his approval. "Try again, doll. If what?" "If Mom and Annabelle don't confess to what went on, our case is flimsy at best," I panicked. He wrapped me tightly in his arms. I held onto his back, trying to keep my emotions in check. I started to shake and cry. "Doll, I promise. You're really safe. He won't hurt you again," Pat promised when I got control of my emotions again. I looked up at him. "Seal it," I whispered. He grinned and pressed his lips to my forehead. I closed my eyes and savored the moment. It was over too soon for my liking. "Sealed," he whispered as he tucked my hair behind my ear again then wiped the tears that were falling down my cheeks. "Will you please try not cooking right now?" He begged. I opened my eyes and met his gaze; concern was still the prominent emotion in them. "You're unsteady and emotional right now. It's not a good combination," he explained softly. I nodded and looked down. Three more tears fell; I couldn't stop them. "I promise not to cook right now," I giggled as I dried my eyes and met his eye so he knew I wasn't lying. "Seal it, doll," he teased. I stood up on my toes and kissed his cheek. His eyes twinkled merrily and he rubbed my back. "Thank you. So now what do you want to do? Care to boss me around some more? I'll help you fix something." I snuggled back into his chest. His arms wrapped around me and held me snuggly. "Can we do this on the couch? It's about nap-thirty again. And since you're being a hovering stick in the mud, and I don't want to play turtle again, I'd rather do this on the couch," I murmured. "Are you going to get mad at me for picking you up?" He retorted. "Probably. Are you done walking on eggshells around me? I'm not going to break," I insisted. He chuckled. "I promise not to seem so cautious around you. I vow to protect you. I'll work on stop looking at you like a porcelain doll. And through it all, I will love you and all your quirks," he swore. "Those are awfully big promises. Are you sure this won't affect your relationship with your girl? I mean those are almost wedding worthy vows," I teased as I tilted my head up so I could see him. He was grinning as I met his gaze. "Would you prefer me to seal each promise, doll?" He whispered. "Patrick Miller!" I gasped as I pushed on his chest. He grabbed my hand but stepped back. "How can you say your heart belongs to another if you treat me like that?!" I inquired as I met his eye. Mixed emotions crossed his face, but his eyes remained soft and kind. I shook my head and lowered my face, speaking so softly I couldn't really tell if I spoke it or just thought it. "My heart is going to end up in the street ripped out, mutilated, stomped on, and broken. I told you earlier I was trying to protect you so you could give her your all. Who's going to protect me?" I whispered and bit my lip as I looked down again and felt like I was falling. Pat took a cautious step forward, holding my hand tighter and applying a little more pressure to my left hip. I shook my head and looked back up at him. "You can carry me to the couch. I'm suddenly feeling a little dizzy," I confessed. He smiled and picked me up. "I'm not trying to mess with your emotions, 'Nettie," he whispered softly into my hair. "I just want you safe and happy." "I've heard this argument before. I think you're starting to sound like a broken record: safe 'n happy, safe 'n happy," I teased as he sat me down on the couch. He lifted the leg rest and put his arm behind me. I snuggled into his chest. Tyler was watching the history channel, something about Berlin was on. I rolled my eyes; I could care less about history. "Can I have another book please? Tyler, I think I started one by you." Tyler passed it down the line. I opened it as Pat's phone chirped. He shifted slightly beside me as he pulled out his phone from his pocket. "Shi-oot! Tyler, now. Doll, you wanted the other shoe to drop? I think we just found it," he spoke harshly and rapidly as he put my leg rest down and moved away from me. He looked at Tyler as he folded up my wheelchair. "He's on his way. Hide her. Keep her quiet. No matter what," Pat ordered as he took the wheelchair to the closet by the dryer, walked to the kitchen, grabbed my prescription bottle, and tossed it at us. Tyler stood up and caught it; a look of understanding passed through his eyes as he pocketed the pill bottle, pulled out his phone, and turned it on silent. Then he took my phone off the end table as well; I hardly used it and I doubted it was on now. I gave them both a confused look. Pat looked at Tyler and sighed, "you have less than a minute. Get her out of here." Tyler took my book out out of my grasp and put it back on the end table then scooped me up quickly. "Who?" I demanded. "Your dad," Pat said solemnly. He looked around the room. "Go now! You have to get outside. Use the backdoor. Do what you have to do to keep her safe. Unfortunately, you won't make the treeline and you shouldn't go around the house either; he might spot you from the windows. I'll buy you a little bit of time, but eventually, he'll have that option. Pay attention to where we are, use that to your advantage," he ordered. Tyler nodded and took me outside and down the steps. After pausing for a moment, he looked at me in that resembled doubt. "We're going to get dirty, 'Nettie," Tyler whispered after a quick look around. I nodded as he walked to the side of the porch and set me down on the ground as he moved the lattice work Pat had started to hang up under his porch; he had run out of nails and didn't get the last corner secured in. I rolled under first, Tyler was right behind me as he positioned the lattice work again and we heard a patrol car pull up. I gasped, froze, and looked behind me in a panic. Tyler gave me a reassuring smile and pointed more towards the middle of the porch then back above us. I followed his finger and gasped, this was the biggest gap in the floorboards and wasn't wise to chill under. I began hyperventilating. Tyler pushed me gently. I tried to crawl under but apparently I wasn't fast enough. "Annette, down," he ordered softly after he crawled up beside me. I nodded and lowered myself down to the ground, thankful that one handed pushups were something I still had the strength to do. Tyler put his hand on my stomach and helped ease me down, stopping me before I connected with the dirt. He pulled all my hair over my right shoulder and twisted it a few times before he tucked it under the sling strap. Then he rolled me over to my back, and laid on top of me, supporting my back with both hands. "Wrap your right leg over my leg, hold on, and push with your left leg. Above everything else, stay quiet," he whispered harshly. I followed directions and he moved us in on his elbows. I looked up through the floorboards. We were now directly under the lawn chair that I read my books on and hidden better from prying eyes if they came out here. I lowered my right leg on the ground, put my head in the dirt, and brought my hand to my chest. Tyler covered me with his body and lowered his head, but he was barely touching me but I couldn't roll away. "Breathe, 'Nettie," he ordered in a nearly inaudible voice. I nodded and took a breath. I shivered and he wrapped his arms closer to mine. It was cooler today, so Pat had turned off the A/C and opened the windows. I could hear almost everything that was being said. Feet stomped throughout the whole house and doors slammed. I continued to shiver and shake. "Where the hell is she?" Dad was demanding. "I don't know, sir." Pat replied. "Can I get you anything to drink?" I heard glass shattering and I shook. "He's on a rampage! He's going to hurt. Kill. No," I sobbed in a whisper. Tears rolled down my cheek. Tyler looked at me in concern. He placed one hand over my mouth, the other one wiped my tears. I bent my left leg to try and give myself more leverage. He adjusted his legs and pinned my left one so I couldn't move. "Like hell you don't. All week long, I've neem lookimg for aead for my daughter. I talked to a few people at the restaurant. They all say the same damn thing: you eat with her every morning," Dad was raising his voice. I sobbed again. Tyler looked at me in pity. He raised a single finger to his mouth as clamped down tighter on mine. I nodded. "You don't have to break my dishes. Yes. I eat with her, but I don't know where she is. I heard a rumor she's staying at the hotel, but I've checked. They haven't had any long term guests in a wheelchair. Or even a handicapped accessible room that's been consecutively rented out. There's no way in hell she's getting around on crutches. I don't know where she is, sir," Pat replied. I grinned as I picked up on the icy undertone. "Still going to claim that wheelchair I spotted last week was yours?" "It is. I told you this leg chaffs sometimes and it hurts to wear the prosthetic. Would you like to see?" "No. Where's that female roommate of yours?" I began to gasp. Tyler loosened his grasp a little. "Breathe," he mouthed. I nodded. "Jess? I don't know! I don't keep tabs on her. She's got a boyfriend, she's pregnant, and her favorite hobby is to shop. That makes it kinda impossible to really predict where she is," Pat snapped. Tyler grinned and ducked his head into my shoulder trying hard not to laugh. "Those clothes aren't-" "Aren't whose? Annette's? Do you really think she would stay with me and I would lie to your face? I haven't gone through that closet, but some of the clothes Jess wears are way too eccentric for Annette's taste. That much I do know!" This time I had to hold back a chuckle. "I'll be right back," Dad snapped. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as his footsteps retreated again. Tyler leaned back and grinned at me. I nodded and took a deep breath. Tyler nodded encouragingly, but he didn't remove his hand from my mouth. "Okay, so she probably wouldn't wear those. What time is breakfast?" Dad sneered as his voice grew louder. "It's never the same. She gives me about a twenty minute head's up. Yesterday, we ate right at six. This morning was closer to eight," Pat confessed. I heard Dad let out a string of profanity and I met Tyler's eye; things were about to get bad. Again, he placed a single finger to his lips. "Since you see her every damn morning, will you pass along a message?" "Of course, but I'm sorry, I won't tell her to go home," Pat replied kindly. I heard the cupboard door slam and I jumped. Tyler wiped the tears that leaked out of my eyes. This was becoming stressful. I wrapped my fingers around my sling and held on tightly as Dad let out another string of profanity out. "Officer, what do you want me to tell your daughter." "I need her back," Dad stated simply. "And I told you, I won't encourage her to go home," Pat replied. "Listen here, you isolant little son of a b***h. You have no right to keep her from me," Dad snarled. "You're right, sir, but based on the way you're talking to me and acting, I can see why she's afraid to go home. Have you ever hit her?" My eyes widened in fright. What was he doing?! "That's none of your damn business! Whether I discipline my children or not doesn't concern you. Now how can I get ahold of her?" "I don't know. She calls from a restricted number and is never on the phone more than thirty seconds," Pat replied nonchalantly. Tyler wiped more tears from my eyes as he looked at me sympathetically. I took a deep breath and released it slowly. Dad was getting angrier; I could hear him huffing. "I'm done playing games. Did you know she's trying to get rid of my badge?" He snarled. "So tell me where my harlot of a daughter is now." "Excuse me. A harlot?! Did you just call her a s**t? Do you even know her?" "Shut the f**k up and give me some damn answers. Where is Annette?" Dad's voice grew louder with every word. "Why? So you can take her home, disrespect her more, and finally kill her yourself?" Pat retorted, his voice also rising in anger. I tried to push Tyler off of me as I sobbed; that was the wrong thing to say. Was Pat trying to start a fight? Was he trying to get killed? My friends don't deserve my dad's wrath. Tyler wouldn't budge. I pushed on his chest again as he shook his head and pressed more of his weight against me. I heard a loud thud and knew one of them hit the other. I tried to calm down but my breaths came in short spurts. "If I knew where she was, I definitely wouldn't tell you now, sir. Need I remind you that you are in uniform? That used to mean something," Pat spat. "And she's not the one who wants to get rid of your badge. Believe or not, she thinks you're a good cop. She told me at breakfast the other day. I'm the one that pressed her to. I heard you in the hospital and pressed her for more answers almost daily! You're telling people, her own mother for Christ's sake, that she's dead. That's a new form of low. Yesterday at breakfast is when she told me enough for me to get a full picture, but part of her was still protecting you! God only knows why she does; she shouldn't, you don't deserve it. I've noticed your daughter is very cautious and truthful but avoids conflict at all costs. She doesn't get it from you, sir. You're a despicable human being hiding behind a badge. It's no wonder why she's afraid of you," Pat hissed angrily. I heard another blow. I closed my eyes tightly and wept. Tyler released my mouth a little as he leaned in closer. "Shh. It'll be okay, 'Nettie. Pat's protecting you," he whispered in my ear; I barely heard him he was speaking so softly. I nodded and continued to cry softly. His cheek brushed against mine as he moved back. We went back to eavesdropping on the conversation. "Like I told her, I'm not hiding behind a damn badge. Want me to use it? I will! I came here to keep everything off the record, but I should arrest you with obstruction of justice! I know you're hiding something," Dad sneered. I heard another car pull into the driveway, but the engine sounded off. Two doors slammed shut almost simultaneously. I opened my eyes and met my adoptive brother's eyes; Tyler had a look of panic too. "I'm not obstructing with anything," Pat retorted and I thought I heard yet another car door slam shut. "I'm not even fighting you. Whatever you have won't hold. You came into my house and started to throw your weight around. I let you search my house without a warrant. If you wanted to keep it off record, you shouldn't be here in uniform using your authority against me. You should be here as a concerned parent in civilian clothing and treating me with respect instead. I may be your daughter's friend, but I'm not hiding her from you. I just told you that I know your secret. I know you think that I'm still hiding something, but I'm not. I don't know where Annette is, but I know she's scared of you - with good reason. That's why I won't tell her to go home. I can ask that she calls, but I that's about it." I looked to my left and gasped. My chest bounced repeatedly as I tried to get a good breath in. Tyler followed my eyes and clamped his hand tighter on my mouth. There was another pair of legs wearing a trooper uniform, tan with a green stripe going down. Instead of looking under the porch, he just stuck his fingers in the lattice work and tugged softly. Thankfully, that piece was secured in and the cop was lazy and didn't actually look under the porch I began to hyperventilate as the legs went up the stairs, he paused as he walked slowly across the porch, and I assumed he was trying to peek through the porch cracks. Then there was a commotion inside and I heard Pat and my dad grunting. The back door was flung opened. "What the hell is going on?" A new voice asked; I had never heard him before but he spoke with authority. "Just taking down a resisting perp, Sarge," Dad stated. "On what charges?" The voice asked again. "Kidnapping. He took my daughter away from the hospital and refuses to tell me where she is," Dad snarled. "That's a lie," Pat began and was silenced with another thud. I tried to push Tyler off me again. "Please! Let me help him!" I begged mentally hoping Tyler would understand. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and shook his head. "He can't! Please don't kill him. I'm here, Dad! Take me. Leave my friends alone." I knew only I could hear my silent cries, but it didn't make a difference; I had to get in there. "Like I said, that's a lie. I didn't kidnap your daughter," Pat repeated. I pushed on Tyler's chest again then froze suddenly when another voice spoke up. "The boy's telling the truth." Trooper Sanchez? I let the sobs take over and tried to keep quiet. What's going on? Was he on our side? Why was Trooper Sanchez here? I felt light headed. I closed my eyes and tried to take some deep breaths. Tyler's fingers rubbed my cheek and I met his eye again. He was worried and I was shaking uncontrollably. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I nodded and tried to copy him as Trooper Sanchez kept talking; I had to calm down. "He called me as soon as you came through the door. I heard everything. Pat Miller is her co-worker. I talked with him, Annette Gibson, and Noah Gibson last week. Her brother took her out of the hospital. Does she have more than one? Didn't think so. I confirmed with the nurses that her brother not any of her friends took her home. You signed her release papers, Brad." Tyler winked at me. I smiled beneath his hand. I'm glad Mikayla didn't say anything about us kissing, if she saw it. I'm glad she said he was my brother too. It was definitely helping the story the cops had. "Noah's dead!" Dad hollered. I shook again and closed my eyes. Tyler put his head next to mine and stroked my cheek, still pressing against my mouth. One of his tears fell on my cheek too. "I am not, Dad," Noah retorted as a door slammed shut. When did he get there? "You're dead! How are you here? You're DEAD," Dad hollered again. Why wouldn't he just accept the truth? Especially since the evidence was right in front of him. Some glass shifted on the floor and a cupboard slammed. "Clearly. I came back from the dead just for this reason," Noah replied sarcastically. "I am not dead, nor have I ever been. We've been staying close to her work, Dad. I agreed to let her go to breakfast everyday. It seemed to be the quickest way to ease her anxiety and let her know that she still had people who cared about her. Annette gets to spend a good couple of hours with her work pals. If it's too crazy there, Pat agreed to take her back here a few times until I came back. I don't have to watch her every move, and I'm glad she wants to hang out with friends. There's only so much I can do to help her out. Being close to the restaurant seems to be one of those things. When school starts, we'll be close to the school. I take it that Annette's not here today?" "Haven't seen her since breakfast. She was hanging out with Emily and Jade when I left. I came home and went for a run. I got back like an hour ago, showered, and was just about ready to head back to the restaurant for lunch. If Annette was still there, I would have stuck around until you came back to pick her up," Pat confirmed. Then I heard some scuffling and lots of panting. "Let go of me!" Pat exclaimed as the scuffling continued. "Noah, stay back. We're trying to diffuse the situation right now and you getting in the middle won't help. We got this. Just let us do our job," Trooper Sanchez ordered. "Get up, Trooper. You, there. You, there. Nobody move," the sergeant ordered at the same. "Now, son, what's your name?" I could taste the tension inside the house. I closed my eyes and cried freely. Tyler continued to stroke my cheek, trying to calm me down. "Noah Daniel Gibson. Son of Bradley Paul and Leslie Elizabeth Gibson. I was born on March 26, 1987. On April 4, 1989, my sister Sarah Annette was born. We moved from Seattle to Great Falls in 1995. On September 21, 1996, another sister was born: Annabelle Noelle. Mom wanted all of us kids to feel close so she combined names. What most people don't know is that Annabelle had a twin who died at birth. I overheard that Mom wanted to call him Serian. Dad said he was dead and didn't need a name. Annette never knew -she was severely sick- but Mom could never call her Sarah again and got mad at anyone who did. A year and a half later, Dad hit Annette's face. I stood up for her. Not even a full week later, Annabelle's middle name was changed to Lynn. We moved here about five and a half years ago. As soon as I turned 18, I got my GED, moved out, and started online college. I played several intramural basketball games at the college in Missoula and was recruited to go play at Concordia. I headed over there last August. Then I got recruited into upgrading security systems for a private company. Through it all, I've been able to keep tabs on my sister, hoping to help her experience that freedom too. When she ended up in the hospital, I quit and made my way to her side, but wasn't able to show up for a few days since I had to drive up from South Carolina where I was stationed. Annette was released from the hospital last Sunday about 6:30am. We left around 8am. She's been staying with me; I've been house and hotel hopping to keep you off our tracks, Dad. I swung by to give Pat some money for buying her breakfast everyday. I almost didn't come in when I saw the three patrol cars, but Annette's faced enough battles. I could take this one on. She would be devastated to know her friend was taken unlawfully," Noah replied icily. I continued to cry. I had another brother and my family never told me about him; no wonder they started calling me by my middle name. Tyler wrapped the arm that wasn't clamping down on my mouth around my shoulders and held me. He started to take deep breaths and I got the memo: he desperately needed me to calm down. I tried to copy him but failed. "Not all of that information is public. I was training three recruits in Great Falls. It was the first time we met. You were in uniform when the hospital handed you that lifeless baby - he was scratched from all records like he never existed. What else have you lied about, Bradley?" The sergeant said coldly. "Nothing, Sarge," Dad muttered. "Sergeant, my sister and I don't want Dad off the force, just out of our lives. We filed for emancipation for a minor for her. Will you please talk to the judge and help us get it? She's practically taking care of herself now. Dad has always been abusive towards us. I can't let her go home with him though; she's in enough pain and he would only add to it. Mom and Annabelle have always been in their own world and safe from his wrath. We won't bug them either," Noah promised. "But if he goes after either of us or our friends again, we will take matters into our own hands and finish this file for your badge." I shuddered and shook again. "I'll see what I can do, son. Do you want to press charges, Mr. Miller, was it?" The sergeant asked. "You can take pictures. If Annette and Noah decide to take him down, this can go in the file. I would like to know the disciplinary action that will be taken now," Pat stated. "One month of unpaid leave, mandatory anger management classes -60 hours minimally- that is not up for debate, and as soon as I get back to the office you will be served with a restraining order. You will not be allowed to go anywhere near Annette, Noah, and Mr. Miller will be on it now too since you attacked him. Effective immediately. We will-" "Can you add the restaurant to that? Annette needs a safe place," Noah interrupted. "Of course. The school, the restaurant, his home, and your home -when you find one Mr. Gibson- will all be places you cannot enter. The restaurant is only if they're inside, Brad. Safe to assume that green truck is yours? Noah, call Mr. Miller up when you guys are there. I understand it may complicate things, but for now its a temporary solution. If that green truck is outside, Brad, you move on. We will address your disciplinary action further if you cannot leave them alone. You are dismissed. Leave your badge on my desk." Another glass was broken as Dad yelled. Something crashed then I heard him stomping off, the door slamming, and his patrol car firing up. I closed my eyes and leaned into Tyler. "Is Annette here?" The sergeant asked. Tyler moved and started to pull us out from under the porch. He kept his weight and a his hand on me as he moved the lattice work again. "I'm not pressing charges today. I will if he ever comes back," Pat warned, "I demand to know what do you want with Annette?" Tyler froze. "To make sure she's alright. Charlie pulled me in this morning and told me what you kids are doing for her. I didn't want to believe the file that I saw," the sergeant explained. Tyler looked at me. "Do you trust them, 'Nettie?" He whispered. I nodded. We had to; we couldn't chance that they would keep coming back to find me. They had to see I was okay. Tyler studied me for a couple of seconds and he finally removed his hand from my mouth, rolled us out from under the porch, and picked me up. "Then let's go show them you're okay. Your dad or his work buddies are not going to lay a finger on you. The three of us will protect you." I nodded and leaned into him. "Based on what I saw here, you guys have a strong case. I will speak on your behalf if it ever goes to trial," the sergeant was saying as Tyler set me down and brushed me off. My capri jeans didn't show much dirt, so he ran his hand repeatedly over my back while I worked on my hair. Tyler stood behind me and picked grass and other stuff out of my hair while I ran my fingers through the bottom portion of my it, making sure it wouldn't knot up. Tyler pushed it back over my shoulder and ruffled it a little. "I think we got it all," he whispered in my ear as he picked me up again. I nodded and he carried me up the stairs. "If you don't mind, can I ask how you two got here so fast?" Pat inquired. I made Tyler pause because I needed to hear this answer too. He nodded and leaned against the house. "As soon as you called me, I called dispatch. I transferred the call to them. If your phone is still open, they're still recording. I was having lunch at the restaurant with your friend Josh," Trooper Sanchez stated. "I was following Trooper Gibson after I showed him the file. I was afraid he was going to do something reckless; I was right. He turned off his radio and wouldn't respond, but Trooper Sanchez did," the sergeant stated as I quietly opened the door and Tyler carried me in silently. He looked at the glass on the floor then my bare foot, and finally set me down on the counter. He kept one arm around me and I leaned into him, crossing my right knee over my left. Tyler rubbed my knee affectionately as he made eye contact with Noah. I looked around the room. Pat's eyes smiled at us, but I couldn't see his lips. Trooper Sanchez subtly nodded. Noah moved to the breakfast nook and sat in the stool looking down. "I met with him briefly at the restaurant just down the road and we came here, hoping we were wrong. Your address was the one thing we knew Trooper Gibson had for sure. We heard the fighting and entered according to protocol," the sergeant remarked. I sobbed and tried to stay quiet, but he heard and turned around. "You must be Annette. Are you alright?" I shook my head and looked at Pat who held a paper towel on his mouth. I caught the red and scowled, then I looked at Noah. "Why didn't you ever tell me about my brother?" I signed by my hip and wept. Tyler rubbed my back. Noah looked at me in pain and shook his head. "Sorry for coming in during the middle of your speech. Annette and I were working on muscle strength in the trees," Tyler said apologetically. "I'm Tyler." "My recently acquired roommate; he's been my friend for years and stumbled upon a rough patch. I opened my home up to him last week. Yesterday, he joined us for breakfast and we realized it's a small world. Tyler and Noah played basketball together this past year. So because of their friendship, Tyler offered Annette a deal - which she immediately jumped on. Tyler has always been rather good at the physical therapy part of life and knows how to target specific muscles and what-not. He helped me when I first started having to use this leg, so I encouraged Annette to take it slow, but let him help. She obviously agreed to let him help her and is doing what she can to heal quicker. I didn't realize you would start so soon. I must have missed you when you came in. Where did you take her?" Pat spoke up quickly -but not overly rapid as to draw unwanted attention to him- before any questions were asked as he removed his paper towel from his mouth. I kept my eyes on the cops to see how they would take this. When they turned their gaze towards my adoptive brother, I followed suit. Tyler grinned and pointed over his shoulder. "The hill. I brought here, let's see, uh, must have been close to two hours ago. She hopped down the road, refusing to get in the car. So before I forget, I'll need a ride back to pick up my vehicle. The last few blocks, I threw her on my back and ran up the hill where she demanded to to it by herself again. She had a few spills. Annette's got spunk and determination. She was able to use the trees and rocks to help with her techniques. She's got a long way to go, but we made progress. Her muscles tired out before we got through the whole set; which is to be expected. I put her on my back and started coming back. I paused at the stairs when she wrapped her arm around me tighter and we overheard the last part of the yelling. She started to panic and I had to calm her down. I set her on the stairs and was coming in to get her a pillow to hug and possibly a glass of water. Then the door slammed and she jumped. I brought her inside to keep her from running away. Luckily, her crutches were left with her brother. Noah, had I known that you were here, I would have come in only to send you out to take care of her. Like I said though, she was ready to take off and with her injuries, I can't allow her to do that. I have the feeling she would try without help, and I know she would hurt herself more. So we came in silently and we interrupted you. Again, I'm sorry," Tyler played along. I covered my mouth with my hand as I smiled, and sobbed again. He was good at this deceptive game. Pat had the paper towel by his mouth again and Noah had clasped both hands in front of his chin, but I could tell by their eyes that they both were smiling. This was apparently the right story to go with. "All good, son," the sergeant said calmly as he studied Tyler for a moment. He looked at me again and I scowled behind my hand. He wasn't on my side; he was on my dad's. If his words didn't give him away, his eyes certainly did. "Annette, I'm Sergeant Alexander. I'm glad to see you're here, sweetie. I'm also happy to see no bruises. You had some nasty ones in your file. You're healing nicely. I will press the judge for your emancipation assuming you have all the paperwork turned in. You've earned it. If he comes back here at all, call me. I'll arrest him personally." He handed me his card. "Do you mind checking in once a week?" I took the card and studied it. "Why do you need me to check in, sir?" I asked around my sobs. Pat walked over to the sink and grabbed a new glass. He filled it with water and handed it to me. I put the card on the counter beside me, and took the glass away from, but didn't take a drink as I put it down on the counter too. "With Dad," I signed by my hip. Noah nodded. "I know," he signed back. "To make sure you're doing alright. I see you have a great support system here. Despite your dad's downfall, I think you still need a fatherly figure in your life," Sergeant Alexander offered, his eyes searching me. All I got from that was, "you still need discipline in your life. You have a lot to learn, young lady. I will not take no for an answer." I began to shake and tremble as I lowered my gaze again. Noah jumped in before I could say anything, so I reached for the glass of water and held onto it, but didn't pick it up. "No offense, man, but my sister doesn't just run into another's arms. We can take care of her. You must think that too if you'll press for the emancipation," Noah spat. I looked over at him and he relaxed. All eyes were fixed on Noah. He fidgeted nervously. "Sorry, sir." He met my eye and I looked at his hand. "I don't trust him either. Haven't since I walked in." "It's understandable. You kids have been through a lot. I'm not asking to replace him for you. I'm just asking that you guys give this old man some reassurances; a phone call to say hello, a update on school, and where you guys move to. We'll need an address for the restraining order. At this time, you'll only get a temporary restraining order; a permanent one can be issued in court in about three weeks." Sergeant Alexander looked at me again. I bit my lip and looked down at my hand. I was shaking uncontrollably, causing the water in the glass to ripple. Pat noticed too and inched closer to me, pulling the glass away from me. I nodded, put my hand under my leg, and tried to calm down. "If I may, sir," Trooper Sanchez piped up, noticing our hesitance, "they've been in contact with me. I can report back to you, but they don't need constant supervision. They're good kids." I looked at Pat. He had removed the paper towel from his mouth; he had fat lip but I couldn't see a cut. I scowled. He really shouldn't have put himself in a position to get hurt. "I don't want to have to check in with anyone," I huffed as I looked back at Sergeant Alexander. I dried my eyes and took a calming breath. "I don't know you, sir. I can check in with Trooper Sanchez or he can join us for breakfast, brunch, or lunch. Whatever. I'm fine, sir. Once a week. So how does Tuesday at 10:30 sound?" I looked over at Trooper Sanchez smiled at him. He gave me a small grin and nodded. "I'll be there, Annette. Just me," he promised. I met Noah's eye and he nodded too. I looked back at Sergeant Alexander and hardened my gaze as he seemed disappointed with this new development. "Thank you for your time and for reprimanding my dad. Just let us know when and where we have to report for court," I told him as I smiled largely at him, although I still didn't trust him. Who turns to the accused and says prove me wrong before gathering all the facts? "Of course, Annette. I'll make sure he's not in the courthouse on that day," Sergeant Alexander stated as he studied me. I bit my lip. Why weren't they leaving yet? Plan b it was. I sighed and looked over at my brother. "Noah, I'm sorry. I need a break. Do you mind if I rest before we leave? I'm tired." Noah nodded and looked at Pat. "Only if it's alright with Pat; it is his home," he stated, playing along. "Of course. Just pick a bed. Mine is probably the most worn and soft. I'm sure Jess won't mind if you crash on her bed. Tyler do you mind if Annette crashes on your bed?" Pat asked. Tyler grinned and shook his head. "Not at all. The couch is comfy too, Annette. The rooms are nice and quiet though," he replied. I nodded. "See, no problem at all for you to crash here," Pat replied sincerely. He looked over at me and voiced softly, "you're welcome to stay as long as you want. Next time you work on your muscle strength, you should take it easier. You're only a couple weeks out. You don't have to do everything now. I'm sure it doesn't help that you're worked up right now either." I gave him a weak smile. "Eh. That's my bad. I pressed her to test her limits. Anything else, officers?" Tyler asked. Both men shook their heads and left. We sat there in silence until we heard their cars peel out. Pat dug his phone out of his pocket and closed it, ending the recording. Tyler looked at me, "do you really want to go to bed?" I shook my head. "No! You all lied for me," I wept and buried my head in my hand. Tyler embraced me warmly. "You're worth it," he whispered. I nodded. "Agreed," Pat confirmed. "Doll, I wasn't going to let him near you, no matter what he said or did." I gasped, pushed Tyler away, and looked back at Pat. "He hit you! It was supposed to be me. He. He. He. It should have been me. No! Pat, are you alright?" I asked as my body trembled and I sobbed. "I'm fine, doll. He hit my left side. I don't feel most of what happens on that side. Besides, I think my wall got the most damage," he reassured me as he gestured to the wall by the laundry doors. I gasped when I noticed the gaping hole in the wall. "It can be fixed. I'm okay, doll. The glass can be swept up and mopped. I can buy more drinking glasses if I need to. Josh has the know how to fix my wall. There's no real damage. Believe me, it's better that he swung at me than at you. I would have definitely gone to jail if he touched you," Pat murmured. I looked back at him and choked on another sob, causing me to lower my head to my chest. Nobody should be willing to go to jail for me. I should have stayed put. I should have let Dad find me. I took a deep breath and pulled my hand out from under my leg and looked at it, unsure if I should put it back or bring it to my face. Pat made the decision for me as I rested it on the counter. I looked up at him in shock as he wrapped both his hands around it, brought it to his chest, and pursed his lips; I was still shaking badly. Tyler moved over and Pat stood in front of me. Sitting on the counter, I was slightly taller than him, and we were finally eye level with each other. He wiped my eyes. "I am really okay. You're not though, doll." I shook my head. He offered me a half smile. "Would you like to work through this on your own or can I provide physical comfort? You're worked up about me which means having your brothers comfort you would seem like taking a step backwards. You need to calm down. Use me for whatever you need, doll. I'm right here for you." I blinked rapidly as I studied him. Did I have a neon sign above my head that said that? He was spot on; I needed him. I nodded then leaned into his shoulder, pressing my cheek against his. He wrapped his left arm around me, I rested my hand on his bicep, and he played with my hair with his right hand. "Shh. I'm okay. I need you to worry about yourself, doll. Calm down. Can you tell me why you are so worked up?" "She didn't like hearing you get hurt," Tyler replied for me as he grabbed the broom from behind the dryer, and began sweeping up the glass on the ground. "She tried to get away. I don't know what she had planned, but she wasn't just going to let you get hurt." Pat chuckled. "Always so selfless, doll. I appreciate that you were willing to come back in here and fight but I'm glad you didn't. In gratitude, I'm going to give you a friendly kiss if that's okay," he murmured. I nodded and he kissed my cheek. "Thank you, 'Nettie," he whispered before going back to the position we were in before. I wanted him closer. I didn't want him to pull away. I didn't want to let go. I held on tighter and shook. He started to emphasize his breathing and I copied him. "Keep it up, doll. You're doing great," Pat praised as I met Noah's eyes, tilted my head, and rested on Pat's shoulder. He pressed his cheek against the top of my head and continued to rub my back and emphasize his breathing. "Why didn't you ever tell me about Serian?" I asked again, vocalizing it so he would have to pay attention to me. "It was mentioned once, but that was a bad week for you. The week Annabelle was born, you were hospitalized. Not only did you have appendicitis and the flu, but that was the week Dad threw you down the stairs. Surgery on top of the flu on top of a concussion. Mom had them the second day you were in the hospital. I stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. One of them stayed with you while the other took care of me. Dad kept working. We all were in the hospital with you when Mom gave birth. Grandma was in the room with Mom. She came down and told us there were twins, but only one survived. You were awake when she said that. Then you threw up and went back to sleep. When you were healthy enough to leave, Dad told you Mom had a baby. We left it at that. I never knew how to approach the subject again. 'Nettie, I was only nine. All I knew was that we didn't talk about it," Noah explained and tears fell. Tyler finished sweeping up and leaned against the stove as he looked back at Noah in shock. "Sah-re-en. Sah-rah. So that explains why I was called Annette from then on," I whispered as I shifted my head and moved it to the outer side of Pat's neck; I really needed him closer. He continued to rub my back gently and stress his breathing. His breath fell on my left shoulder and was comforting in a weird way to me. "Thanks for finally telling me," I murmured. Noah nodded and looked down. "Noah, one more thing, how'd you know you had to be here?" "I came with Trooper Sanchez. When I heard the radio chatter, I couldn't just sit back. I demanded to come down too. I was told to wait in the car until they cleared the place. I paced in front of his car. When Dad said I was dead, I couldn't stay out there anymore. 'Nettie, I needed to know you were safe. I needed him to get off your back. I knew Pat and Tyler would have done everything in their power to keep him away from you, but Jess and I had both vehicles. Pat's truck would have had to be here, so that meant Tyler wouldn't be able to drive you away. I was terrified that if you didn't get the head's up that Dad's gun would have been drawn and he would have taken you at gunpoint or something. Or shot any of you. I'm sorry about not talking to you about past pains. I'm sorry that I'm cowardly. No more monsters, 'Nettie. No more secrets. We can tell each other anything," he explained. I closed my eyes and buried my head in Pat's neck, sobbing. He rested his head on mine. I held up my hand: my thumb, pointer, and pinkie straight up as the other two fingers were bent over, signing I love you to my brother. "Doll, you're still shaking. I need you to calm down. We did it. You're free," Pat whispered in my ear. I shook my head, scratched his shoulder as I clutched at his shirt, and continued to cry. Not needing to stay quiet any more, I didn't hold back. Pat continued to whisper words of encouragement in my ear; I missed half of what he said. When I calmed down some, I shifted again. "Sarah. Speak the truth," Noah signed as I opened my eyes and looked back at him. "Fine. I almost lost you," I accused as I pushed Pat back. His feet were planted but his torso moved back. He gave me a confused glance, but didn't attempt to hold me again. I shifted and lowered my right leg down to the counter, resting my foot on my left ankle. I pushed Pat again; this time he moved back a step or two. "I thought he was going to kill you. You said the wrong things. He was going to take you away. You said the wrong things. You shouldn't have. He would've dragged you away," I whispered as another sob threatened to escape. "Doll, I'm not going anywhere. I wouldn't have made it easy for him to take me away or get to you," he promised as he stepped closer again and rested both hands on the counter around me. "But I almost lost you!" I repeated, close to yelling. Another sob shook my body and I took a calming breath. "I can't lose you. I need you!" I whimpered and dropped my head. I caught Pat's jaw dropping in surprise, and heard Noah snicker and Tyler snort. I glared at Noah and noticed both my brothers were grinning ear to ear. "She's about ready to bolt," Tyler noted. Pat turned and looked at them as he brought his hands closer to my legs. "We won't let her. This is as close to the truth as we're going to get her. She can't bolt now. She slipped up. Her guard is down and she needs to keep it like that," Noah confirmed like I wasn't even there. I glared at him and he smiled as he met my eye. "Talk. It's time. No more running, 'Nettie. You need to tell him. Talk," he ordered with a smirk. I looked back at Pat and took a calming breath. He looked at me tenderly as he stroked my cheek. I lowered my gaze, but his hand stayed where it was. "You should leave," I muttered, unsure who I was talking to, but I suspected it was to myself. Tyler was right; I wanted to bolt. I didn't want to be here. Noah was right too; I let my guard down and I never did that "Doll, I'm not going anywhere," Pat repeated as he reached for my hand. I grabbed his and gave it a gentle squeeze. He returned the gesture. "I told you that you can use me for whatever you need. In the hospital, you told me that you need me to calm you down. So if it's okay with you, I'm going to close this gap between us and hold onto you until you calm down. You're going to hurt yourself." I nodded and opened my legs so he could stand between them. He took half a step forward and his hips rested against the counter top. I released his hand so I could embrace him, he returned the gesture, wrapping both arms around me. "You are safe, doll," he whispered. "Forget everything I told you that first night I was here," Noah ordered. I furrowed my brow as I tried to recall what he told me. Loving Jess? That didn't make sense. Was he not going to propose now? I buried my head on Pat's shoulder and stifled another sob. I couldn't be responsible for making my brother unhappy either. "Trust me." "I promise you, doll. I'll always be here for you." Pat pulled back, lifted my chin so he could look me in the eye, and wiped my tears. I put my hand back in my lap and studied him. Was Noah talking to me or him? I held Pat's gaze, frozen to the spot. "Whether you allow it or not, I'm sealing that promise, doll." He stretched his neck out and kissed my forehead. He leaned back and studied me again as he rubbed my cheek and my hip simultaneously. "Why do you need me, doll?" He whispered. I bit my lip and looked down. "Because you help keep me calm. I'd be a wreck right now if you were hauled away in handcuffs," I wept. "You are a wreck right now, doll," Pat teased, his hand stopped moving on my leg, and I reached across my body so I could grab it. "I'd be worse!" I panicked. Tyler and Noah laughed. "She would be," Tyler confirmed. "Like I said, outside she was trying to get in here and stop him. I had approximately 80% of my weight on her to keep her in place. 'Nettie I feared you were going to hurt yourself." "That seems to be the greatest fear of everyone lately," I scoffed as I looked down at my lap. Pat hadn't released my hand yet. This was wrong! I tried to pull away, but he didn't let go. So I just sat there and blinked back tears. "It's a reasonable fear. Can you blame us, 'Nettie?" Noah asked. I shook my head. Pat caught another tear, but I didn't dare look up. "Pat, if I know anything about my sister, she would be a complete mess if you were taken away. She's barely holding it together now," Noah stated. I met Pat's eyes. He was still exaggerating his breathing. I took another deep breath and let it out slowly. He grinned at me. I leaned into his hand on my face. "Thanks for having my sister's back," Noah stated. Pat nodded but didn't turn his head away from me. When my breathing regulated, Pat put his hand down and offered me a sip of water; I accepted it and he set it down again. "This has been exciting. Are you okay, doll?" He asked. I nodded. "I think so. You took a hit for me. You shouldn't have," I said softly as I finally was able to pull my hand away from his and stroked his lip. "You didn't have to try and match Annette. There are other ways to reach out," Tyler teased. Pat grinned. "I wasn't trying to match her," he murmured as he stroked the cut on my lip. "I didn't split my lip for starters. Next, her's is on the right, mine's on the left." "I saw the blood on the tissue. If you didn't split it, where'd the blood come from?" I inquired as I looked at his lip again. "No, I bit my tongue when he connected with my face," Pat explained as he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. An inflamed taste bud with a small trickle of blood was on the corner. I bit my lip and looked down, but Pat rubbed my cheek and pulled on my jaw so I looked back at him. "Doll, I'm okay. So now that you've calmed down, why do you need me?" He asked again. I chuckled and wiped my eyes, pulling his hand away from my face. I put my hand in my lap; Pat put both hands down by my hips and held my gaze. I peered into his eyes and noticed that ring of brown around his pupil again. It seemed to spiral outward and was seriously the coolest thing I had ever seen in anyone's eyes before. "Doll?" I shook my head and blinked rapidly. Pat smiled warmly and my heart seemed to bounce out of my chest. "Why do you need me?" Pat repeated. "Truth, 'Nettie. Now," Noah ordered. I sighed, knowing he didn't want me to run from this anymore. "Pat, I need you because you're my shield; you protect me. Your first reaction was to get me out of here, not let me stick around to see what might happen. You're my star; you give me hope when I think it's hopeless. You're my anchor to reality. But you're also my rose; you remind me that beauty can be found among thorns. You can't leave me; I need you," I replied softly as I looked down. "You're the rose, doll. I'm happy to protect you from him. I would never let him hurt you again," he spoke softly and lifted my chin again. "Seal it," I whispered as I gazed into his eyes. He grinned and leaned into me. I wouldn't let him turn my head down, and tilted my head back to keep him from kissing my forehead. "Not there," I whispered. He grinned and moved to kiss my cheek. I turned my head and brushed his lips with mine. He gasped and stepped back, covering his mouth with his hand. "I'm sorry. That's the biggest promise ever. I needed more than one on the forehead or cheek. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your chances with her. I didn't want to make you cross the line. I needed it to be real," I whispered, lowering my head and letting the tears fall again. He cupped my face with both hands and leaned his head against my forehead. "Doll," he breathed causing me to look up again. His eyes danced merrily, his breath on my lips caused me to shiver, and I blushed deeply, but he didn't look away or pull back. "You didn't do anything wrong. And you won't hurt anything with her. I've been wanting to do that for a long time. May I try that again? Like you said, that's an awfully big promise. I can't count that as a seal. Can I make it real?" He asked kindly. I pulled back and stared back at him in wonder. "You? You want to kiss me?!" I asked in surprise. He grinned. "No. I want to do more than just kiss you. I want to take care of you always. You are amazing, doll. I'm completely captivated by you. So the answer is yes; I would love to kiss you. May I?" He whispered. I nodded. He leaned in, closed his eyes, and pressed his lips to mine. My breath caught in my chest as I wrapped my arm around his neck and closed my eyes. My lips parted, my back arched, and I kissed him back. He pulled me in tighter, wrapping one hand around my neck as he deepened the kiss. I sighed contently and gasped as I tilted my head back, breaking the kiss. Tyler and Noah chuckled. I scooted back, put my hand in my lap, looked down, and blushed. Pat traced his left hand down my right arm, his right hand stayed on my cheek. "Doll, you won't affect anything with the girl I've been infatuated with at all. If anything, this is just what I needed. I should be able to share my feelings better now. After all, I kissed her and she didn't back away," Pat confessed. I looked at him in shock. He just smiled warmly at me as he stroked my cheek. "It's about time," Noah stated. "Everyone could sense the sparks between you whenever you were in the same room. Jess and I took advantage of that air often," he teased with a chuckle. Tyler and Pat joined in. I gave my brother a confused look as I rested my head on Pat's shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me again. "If Pat didn't care for you like that, Annette, and still respect you and your boundaries, we never would have pushed for you to stay here. You needed a place to feel safe; he had it. We needed someone we could count on to protect you and help you out. This person also had to be someone you trust. Renae was my first option, but you cried for Pat at the complex. You almost fainted when you saw him after surgery, telling yourself it wasn't real. Then I noticed the way he looked at you and how your eyes lit up when he was around. That's how I knew you trusted him almost as much as you trust me. That's how I knew he would do anything to keep you safe. Then he offered his home. 'Nettie the pieces couldn't have fit together better than the way they fell. Knowing he had what we were looking for and what you needed, I encouraged it. You wouldn't be able to feel safe if you stayed with us. Moving you around that much would stress you out more. Then when you told me you fell in love but were afraid of it. Well let's face it, you need a gentle nudge sometimes." "Although this was more like a shove off a cliff," Tyler teased. "That was more intense than the kiss she gave me in the hospital." Noah looked shocked. I blushed and looked down. "I told you briefly about that, Noah," I told him. I pulled away again -breaking any contact we had- and looked up at Pat. "Sorry for baiting you. For forcing your hand." "Please don't apologize for that. I enjoyed it; I've been wanting to kiss you for a long time, doll. Guess we know why you convinced his dad. You're afraid of love?" Pat questioned. I nodded. "Out of everyone I know, you deserve the purest form of love. I can give you that. Like I said, I'll love you and all your quirks. That includes your fears too. You deserve to be cherished." "I-I-I don't. I don't deserve love, especially," I stammered and took a deep breath. "Especially when it comes from someone as great as you," I whispered, looking down again. "But you deserve happiness, 'Nettie," Noah repeated the same thing he said last week. I looked at him. He grinned then signed, "trust your heart. He'll take good care of you. No more secrets." I smiled. "Love you, 'Nettie. Speak what's on your mind, tell him exactly. Come on, Tyler. They need some privacy. Pat has a lot to say too," Noah stated as he stood up. Tyler followed him out the door with a big grin. "Behave, kids," he said impishly as he shut the door behind him. "Wait! What about the girl you've been telling me about? The one that has you falling head over heals?" I asked. Pat chuckled and stroked my cheek. I looked back into his eyes. "Think about it, doll. The girl I've been describing has been you," he whispered. I sat back and thought for a moment. "You said she just got out of a bad relationship and that she's beautiful, strong, confident, guarded, and her eyes shine." He grinned and nodded. "You also said you have issues talking to her. We've been talking all for a while and I've never found it hard to talk with you. Also we would be inseparable friends," I countered. He shook his head but continued to smile. "How was I supposed to get that was me? I've been single since I met you. I'm not strong, I feel so broken. I've never felt beautiful. Confidence? That's a mask. One I haven't had to wear since you let me move in. Pat?" I whispered and began to weep again, doubting I was the girl he was enamored with, doubting even more that I was worthy of someone so kind and wonderful. He wrapped me up in his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at his chest. "Doll, I told you she's absolutely breathtaking and doesn't even try. I also told you she denies her beauty. I told you that you'd be inseparable because she is you. Truth be told if there was two of you, you would be friends though. You make friends with everyone. I said she just got out a bad relationship, well because let's face it, you were practically forced into one even if nothing happened. In the hospital, I told you there's no other place I'd rather be than beside you. You kept saying I was looking at you like a porcelain doll. I wasn't meaning to; I just admiring you and savoring the fact that you wanted me to hold you. You're so amazing and strong, beautiful inside and out," he whispered. "Pat, are you sure?" I whispered as another tear fell down. "What about that girl from breakfast? Amy? No Amanda? She was sure happy to be sitting next to you." Pat chuckled as he pulled back so he could look at me; I was unable to look him in the eye. "Think back, doll," he ordered. "Who did I pay more attention to that day? Or any day really?" I bit my lip, reflected back. He kept trying to talk to me even though Amanda kept pushing herself on him. Seeing another girl flirt with him broke me and I couldn't be in his presence. I faked a migraine to get away and give him some privacy. Thinking I had some time, I broke down. He joined me quickly and tried to comfort me again, by the time he took me home, I really did have a migraine trying to sort through everything. I took a deep breath and pointed to me. He nodded and grabbed by hand. "She's got nothing on you, Annette. She was trying too hard. She's looking for someone that she can roll around with and leave. Somebody like Josh, not me. My heart's spoken for. I used to call every girl doll, because I didn't want to learn their names and it was just easier to seem polite if everyone was just doll. However, once I met you, you were the only one who fit the description. Like a doll, you are beautiful and stand out. You are fragile and precious. And seriously, I just want to see you taken care of. Not to mention, dollface seems to fit, but it's a little more personal. You didn't notice? Okay. You had a lot of other things to pay attention to. The day I met you, Christy followed your shift. I called her doll like I always did. However, when I said it, I saw your face, not her's. It set my heart a flutter and I felt uneasy. I left without ordering anything and just ran until I could clear my head. The next day, you worked again, but with Jade. I tried to call her doll too, but met your eye when I said it. Annette, you are the only one I can ever address as doll. It took me a week to figure that out and I slowly stopped calling everyone else that. Now I have to have their name if I need to address them personally. I can't do a generic term. I won't call them sweetie, hun, or even doll. You are doll. Calling anyone else that is just wrong now." Pat explained as he pushed some hair behind my ear. I looked up at him and shook my head. He rubbed my back tenderly as he pulled me back to his chest. "I didn't mean to steal your heart," I whispered and looked down. "But I guess it's only fair since you stole mine." He grinned as I looked back up at him. "Really, doll?" Pat beamed. I nodded. "I'm going to kiss you again, if that's okay? You can always tell me no," he whispered. I nodded and leaned in. He grinned and met my lips again. His lips were warm, soft, and smooth. Our lips moved in unison and he wrapped his arm around my back, holding onto my neck and rubbing small circles in the middle of my back as I moved my hand up his chest. Before long, I was gasping for air. He pulled back and bopped my nose. "You can have those sparingly. You still need to breathe, doll." I giggled and blushed. "I'm sorry. I know I'm nothing but trouble," I replied. I met his eye. "Do you recall our first conversation about her, er um, me I guess? When you asked if anyone caught my eye?" He nodded. I shifted and looked down. "I lied; I would never force someone to like me. You were so sure of her, I wasn't going to compete," I whispered. Pat lifted my chin, looked in my eyes again, and grabbed my hand. "I was so sure of my affections for you, not her. You, Annette. You ran away with my heart. You didn't do anything but give me mental whiplash. You have no idea, doll. You have me wrapped around these fingers and you hardly lifted them. You made my heart melt more and more with each smile. I'm addicted to you and was terrified of scaring you away. It filled my heart with immense joy when you said you wanted to go camping with me. I needed to protect you. Then everything happened and you filled my joy again when you agreed to stay here. I know I would worry about you no matter where you stayed, but you have helped me with my anxiety. You are the most amazing person I have ever gotten the pleasure of knowing. I didn't ever expect anything from you. I told you the truth when I said I wanted you safe and happy. I didn't tell you that I really wanted you by my side because I had you here and that should do. It let me know for certain that you were safe. You are full of surprises. However, the most surprising thing you did was you letting me hold your hand and so I could help you stretch. These fingers, doll, they are filled with an electric current that shoots lightning bolts through my body. Every time you brush my skin, I feel like there's a hot trail following. It causes me to shiver and I want more. Then you let me touch you and it's opposite. It's like my fingers are on fire and your skin offers me the soothing ice. I had to refrain from touching you. I had to convince myself you didn't want me; you shouldn't. I would do anything to ensure your happiness, even if that meant being your wingman if you found a crush. Your safety and happiness is all I want. I'm completely lost, doll. If you were to just beckon with these fingers, I would have to comply. You have no idea how powerful you are," he replied as he kissed my fingers. I giggled and looked down. He lifted my chin gently and I met his eye. He entwined our fingers together, keeping them under my chin as his thumb brushed my cheek. "You told me about not being able to date anyone unless you could see yourself married to them. So I'm going to ask you a very important question. Do you see a future with me?" I nodded. He smiled. "Good. Now, Annette Gibson, will you be my girlfriend and forever my only doll?" Pat asked softly as he continued to stroke my cheek. "A kiss doesn't say yes?" I teased. He grinned but shook his head. "You've never called me anything besides doll. I've come to expect it from you. If you stopped calling me doll, I would fear something was wrong. I would love to be your girlfriend as long as our first date doesn't involve work food. Any girl would be lucky to gain your attention; you are the most thoughtful person I know. You had so many chances. Why wait? Why me? What makes me so special?" I asked, still doubting he wanted me. I was so broken. I didn't stand up from the crowd. Surely, he couldn't mean me. "If I had asked a week ago, you would've said no. Or broke down or run away because once again someone wants you. You were nowhere ready for this. Right now, I'm not sure you are ready, but you said yes so I'm going to make sure you know how special you truly are," Pat spoke softly. He rested his forehead against mine and pressed his lips to mine. "Even if that means," he whispered around another kiss, "kissing you," kiss, "until you," kiss, "ask me to stop." He pecked my lips again. I leaned into it and let him deepen the kiss. When I pulled back gasping for air, he moved back and began to stroke my cheek. "You, doll. You are what makes you special. I've never met anyone so fascinating. I love having you here. I love holding you in my arms. And kissing you! That's beyond compare. You are beautiful and I will tell you often, my sweet chocolate covered rose frosted in snowflakes," he chuckled and kissed my nose. I giggled. "Okay that needs work. Your comparisons were so poetic. You are so much better than the stinky animals I came up with. I'm going to have to get more creative." I grinned. "Yeah you are! I could make you a coat of arms," I teased. "Annette, you're amazing. Just like you need me, I need you too. I had the hardest time breathing two weeks ago because I didn't know if I would ever see you again. I didn't expect to fall so hard, but I did. I promise to take it slow. I will never ask anything of you, but I will not back away now. You're mine to protect and I will always wait for you," he whispered and kissed my forehead then he stepped back. "Hang on. I have to call up my friend." He made a phone with his thumb and pinkie and put it to his ear. "I think your phone is ringing," he teased with a wink. I chuckled and played along, putting my hand to my ear the same way he did. "Hey, doll, you're never going to believe this! She said yes!" "She did? Pat! That's exciting! I'm so happy for you! What's her name? When do I get to meet her? I would love to make a new friend. I don't have many of those," I replied with a chuckle. "Swing on by, doll. Sarah's here now. I think you'll like her," Pat replied with a big grin. I gasped. Sarah! I liked hearing it roll off his lips. I blinked and recovered quickly.
"So why are you talking to me then? Shouldn't you be talking to her? I can't get in your way. I told you, she won't like me hanging around so much," I teased. He grinned. "She'll get over it, doll. She's very forgiving," he whispered, leaning in for another kiss. I grinned and scooted towards the edge of the counter as I met his lips. He grabbed my hand and pressed his head against mine. I grinned as he continued, "I love you and all your quirks, doll. I will never do anything to hurt you." I grinned and hugged him. "I'm afraid I might do something to hurt myself though. I'm terrified of getting close to someone. That's why I couldn't have friends. Not really," I whispered. Pat stroked my hair. I smiled and took another deep breath. "I appreciate you and your big lungs," I teased. He chuckled. "No really. I love them. They helped save me on more than one occasion," I told him sincerely. I looked up at him and whispered, "You've stolen my heart, Pat Miller, take good care of it. I'd hate to let you down. I'm afraid I'm not ready for a relationship but I couldn't entrust my heart to anyone better." "We will only go as fast as you want, doll. I wasn't going to ask you for a while, especially not like this, with you being so upset and worked up. You still need time to heal. However, like I said, since you agreed to be my girlfriend, I am going to go overboard in caring for you. You deserve to be treated right. I'm sorry that you're terrified of getting close to someone; push me away if you want. I'll always be here for you," Pat expressed tenderly. "You make me feel safe. I'm not going to push you away," I replied as I leaned into him. He chuckled as he carried me to the couch. "Pat!" I breathed as I buried my head in his chrst. He swung my legs over and cradled me in his lap as he sat down. I blushed even brighter. "Shhh. I got you. I would never drop you or hurt you. Doll, all I know is that I want to hold you and this is much more comfortable than the counter, wouldn't you agree?" He asked. I nodded. "I will cherish your heart and protect it until my dying breath," he promised. I looked up at him and smirked. "Can I seal it?" I nodded. "For real? No cheeks or forehead any more." Again, I nodded. Pat grinned. His left arm remained behind my back, but his right hand cupped the left side of my jaw and pulled me to his mouth. I wrapped my arm under his and held onto his bicep. Once again he pressed his lips to mine, sweetly and full of passion. I reluctantly pulled back and tried to catch my breath. "About damn time! I've gotten tired of watching you fawn over her for the past year," Josh chuckled from the door. I ducked my head into Pat's neck, blushing furiously. Josh came over and sat in the arm chair. His smirk made me blush brighter and I closed my eyes. "Jeez, Annette. I think you could have just told him no! You didn't need to hit him! So then you felt so guilty that you had to kiss it away. Sheesh! Told ya she had some fire," Josh teased. I sat up, moved to Pat's side, and started to protest. Josh winked at me. "Thanks for the head's up," Pat chuckled and pulled me back into his arms. He leaned behind me and lifted the leg rest, propping my feet up, tucking his metal limb under both my ankles. "He was furious. We got Annette out of here just in time. I can't imagine how this would have gone had he found you, doll," he said softly as he stroked my cheek. "Speaking of hitting," I sat up and looked at Pat. "I know a thing or two about injuries. I only see the one bruise here. He hit you three times. Shirt off. Even if you didn't feel it, I need to see the damage," I insisted. "Are you just trying to get my clothes off, doll?" Pat teased. I shook my head and flushed brightly again. He chuckled softly and rubbed my cheek tenderly. "No more than you were with me," I admitted as I took a deep breath and looked down. "Whoa there! Let me leave the room before you two do that," Josh chuckled as he moved to stand up. I glared at him. "Get your mind out of the gutter; that's not happening. Now sit," I ordered. He grinned at me and sat back. I looked back at Pat. "Please," I begged. "I'm fine, doll," he insisted. I glared at him. "Okay fine! I'll show you! My shirt's staying on though." He pulled his shirt collar down and showed me his left shoulder A bright pink circle was on his collarbone. Then he pointed to his lip. Then he lifted his chin and pointed to a second mark on his jawline. "See. I'm fine." "Your lip is the only thing that has color right now. It didn't sound like he held back. You should be black and blue right now," I remarked and leaned back into him. "I'm sure they'll color up nicely within the next few hours. I don't bruise as easily as you. I actually have some natural color. It helps to be able to tan," he teased with a chuckle. I looked up at him. He smiled softly and continued, "I've had worse. Josh, can you fix my wall by the laundry?" Josh stood up and walked over there. He let out a long slow whistle before coming back over and sitting in the armchair again. "Yeah. It'll take some time, but I can fix that," he promised. I leaned forward again and looked at Pat in shock. "Your back! The dishes," I gasped. He grinned and once again pulled me back. "Doll, I'm fine. Stop worrying. I didn't even roll around in the glass when he pinned me to the ground. If I did, my arms would be all cut up too. Look. Not a scratch," he ordered. I looked him over as Josh laughed at us. "You do worry too much, Annette," he teased. I nodded, put my head down, and yawned as I covered it with my hand. Pat grabbed my hand. "Don't ever hide your smile, doll," he ordered. I grinned. "I wasn't hiding my smile. I was hiding a yawn. Would you prefer me to snuggle into your right side?" I asked sincerely. "I may accidentally slap you or something." He shook his head and wrapped me up tighter, holding onto my right hand with his. I grinned and looked at Josh again. "Why were you having lunch with Trooper Sanchez?" "He wanted to flush out a few more details. If I noticed anything since you worked with us. If you were safe. If he missed anything. I told him the truth; I never noticed signs of abuse, yes you were safe, and that his facts were correct. Noah and Jess came in at the same time he noticed the patrol car at the stop sign. I gave you head's up. He said he was coming here when you called, and Noah asked if he could tag along. Jess stayed with me and had a milkshake. When Tyler and Noah came back, we talked. Jess said she was ready for a nap and they went back to the hotel. I waited 20 minutes then came by. I should've have given you more time," he chuckled. Pat and I joined in. I yawned again. "Annette, are you okay? You're pale," Josh noted. "Everyone keeps telling me that! Do you guys not get that is my natural shade?" I asked in annoyance. Both men chuckled. I sat up in shock and pushed down the leg rest. Pat's fake leg kept my broken limb extended and he rested his hand on my back. "You wouldn't let me cook and now we've missed lunch!" I exclaimed. He pulled me back into his arms. "Stop it, Annette. Let us take care of you. Are you hungry, doll?" Pat asked. I shook my head. "Actually I feel kinda sick and tired. I hate crying; it does goofy things to my defense systems," I admitted. "But what type of girlfriend would I be if I made you suffer too? You didn't eat lunch either." Pat chuckled. "Doll, it's fine. I'm not hungry. You need to calm down; you're tense. I'm not going anywhere. You can rest. I'm just going to hold you, and you will behave by not worrying about me," Pat instructed. "Fine. But don't just sit here. You're still treating me like porcelain doll," I retorted as leaned forward and began coughing again. I grabbed my chest until the feeling passed. "Ow! That still smarts," I uttered as I gasped for air. Finally the pain subsided some and I could breathe almost comfortably again. Pat stood up and went to the kitchen. "D****t! Tyler has your pills," he mumbled. He brought me some Ibuprofen and my water. He crouched in front of me and looked at me in a way that I never even thought any guy would ever look at me. I felt self-conscious and cherished; I liked it. I gave him a half a half smile and he returned it. His eyes seemed to melt and I couldn't think. "Sorry, doll, this is the best I can do for you right now. Let me care for you. By the way, you kinda are a porcelain doll: beautiful, pure, fragile, and a treasure. Definitely the least breakable type though. You promised to be my one and only doll, so I will treat you like the porcelain doll that you are," he spoke softly. I shook my head and smiled as I took the water out of his hand. Quickly, I took a sip, handed it back, and then popped the pills in my mouth. "Thank you. This will be fine for now. I'll be your porcelain doll if you promise not to shelf me or put me behind glass," I bargained. He laughed but nodded. I drained the rest of the water and looked out the window. "Are we still going to the lake later?" Pat nodded and Josh looked over at us in excitement. "If you can handle it," Pat promised as he sat beside me again. "How about no. I'd rather do something else," I admitted around a yawn. I looked up at Pat after catching a small scowl from Josh. "Can I lay on your lap? I don't want to go to bed, but sleep seems to be winning. Tears steal all my energy but I'm not leaving your side. It's best for this danger magnet to stick next to you, a great and mighty shield," I stated as I tried to unsuccessfully stifle another yawn. Pat grinned and scooted down on the far side of the couch. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. "I'd love that, doll," he murmured. I rested my head on his side by his hip and closed my eyes. He lifted my head and adjusted it slightly then stroked my cheek. "My sweet, 'Nettie," he whispered. I grinned. "I'll be right here. Sleep." "You two can make someone nauseated, but seriously though, I'm happy for both of you. Xbox, Pat?" Josh asked as I shivered. "Sure, Josh. Sit up, doll," Pat ordered. I opened my eyes and listened. Another shiver shook my body as Pat stood up and closed the window. Then he walked down the hallway and came back moments later with the fleece blanket from my room. He draped it over me as he sat down again. "You're not allowed to get sick, doll." I snuggled back into him. He lifted the leg rest and leaned back slightly. He then positioned my head above his hip. Josh lifted my feet, put them in his lap, and handed Pat a controller after he covered my feet with the blanket again. "I'm just cold," I replied through a shiver, "and in pain. Not sick. It's going to rain in about 20 minutes. The air changed. I've spent enough time tortured by the weather." Pat stroked my cheek and I closed my eyes. "Give in, doll. You're safe. I will always protect you," he murmured. "I'll take you to the lake on a warmer day. Today, we're staying in. You're resting and will continue to heal." "Yes, dear," I slurred. I grabbed the blanket and scrunched it up to my jaw. I crossed my arm over my body and turned to my left, only to bite my lip in pain as I bumped my shoulder. So I opened my eyes, rolled back to my back, and tried again. I bent my left leg up and rested it against the back of the couch, turning my head to my left. Pat smiled tenderly at me as I closed my eyes. He stroked my hair until I fell asleep. "I'm never letting you go, doll," I heard him murmur before I drifted asleep. © 2017 Lynaelee |
Added on December 16, 2016 Last Updated on July 16, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing