![]() 38. *Stress*A Chapter by Lynaelee![]() POV change, backtracking, story extension. Some cursing![]()
"Hang on, Jess! Slow down and speak clearly. What's going on?" Noah asked in a concerned tone. Pat took one look at his expression and stepped on the gas. "Yeah. All three of us are here. Okay. Go ahead, Jess. We're all listening," Noah remarked as he put the phone down and put it on speaker. "Annette! She's freaking out. Majorly. She's going to hurt herself. She's past reasoning with and looks like she wants to bolt. Josh has her cornered in her chair. Just listen! She's scaring me," Jess cried as her voice cracked, barely above a whisper. Everyone in the car could hear Annette yelling or on the verge of it, "what I need is to be able to do this on my own! I know you guys are looking and I wouldn't be surprised if you already found a place. I know this living arrangement isn't permanent. And since both brothers want to work, I know you won't be able to help me with everything. There's no better time to learn than the present. I'll give you the choice: either you help me with this or I stand up and start cooking." "S**t! Put her on the phone, Jess," Noah ordered and took the phone off speaker. Pat pursed his lips together. She was going to hurt herself. "That's good Josh is reasoning her back. I still want to talk to her." Noah looked at the other two in the car. His brow was furrowed. "She's practically growling," he whispered. "Toddler," Tyler chuckled softly. Noah shook his head and sat up in his seat. "What are you doing, 'Nettie? Why? 'Nettie, that sounds like the dumbest thing you could be doing right now... Sarah, please! I've already lost you once. Please don't make me lose you again... 'Nettie. Please stop." Pat grew concerned as Noah seemed to be losing the fight and was crumpling in his seat. Annette was not calming down and Noah was definitely breaking down. Even Tyler looked concerned when everyone heard Annette yell Noah's full name. Noah was crying and pleading, "what happened, Annette? Have you hurt Josh? Talk to me. You've only been this angry one other time in your life, please tell me! Tear down your walls!" Noah closed his eyes and shook in his seat. "Does she always react like this?" Tyler asked softly. Noah shook his head; this was the first time he was unable to break through to her and get her to tell him what was going on. He never had to calm her down; she hardly got mad and if she did, she never took it out on people. "Can I help?" Pat offered without thinking it through. He immediately berated himself; the person who understood Annette the best was her brother and he was working on calming her down. Pat knew he shouldn't interfere and that he didn't even have a right to speak up, however Annette warped all his senses; everything was about what was best for her. Noah held up one finger and a single tear fell. Pat could still hear Annette fuming on the other side. Finally, Noah nodded. "Don't hang up yet," he ordered and passed the phone to Pat. Pat moved his left hand to the wheel and grabbed the phone with his right hand. "Why?" She demanded in anger as Pat put the phone to his ear. "Because you need to calm down, doll," Pat spoke softly. He grinned internally when he only got silence on the other side so he continued to speak softly to her. "Tyler and I can hear you screaming. Your brother is a wreck. We're all concerned about you." He scowled as he heard her sob; she was having a hard time breathing again. "Breathe, doll. Just breathe," he pleaded mentally. After a brief pause she finally responded with a weak and soft, "can't." "Try, doll. In and out. Calm down," Pat ordered. She was already calming down; not once had she yelled at him. Pat smiled encouragingly at Noah and gave him a thumb's up. Noah grinned, gave him a curt nod, faced forward, and asked in a whisper, "do you think you can find out what's bothering her? She wouldn't tell me." Pat nodded. "Good, doll. So you're using Josh as a buffer pad. That's encouraging. How's it working out for you?" Pat smirked. Annette was still mad but she answered with a bitter one word response. Pat chuckled softly; she was trying hard to keep him at arm's length and off her back. Little did she know he was already invested in wanting the best for her, and that included emotionally. "Don't shut me out, doll. Keep talking," he begged internally. He heard her take a deep breath and release it before she remarked icily, "the muscle isn't letting me hurt myself either. I'm highly considering hurting him though. He's being problematic." She sounded bitter but at least she was trying to make jokes. Pat smiled. Josh easily had a hundred pounds on her and wouldn't go down easily. Pat thought back to what Josh said about her knowing exactly how to hurt someone. With her comment, he knew Josh was right. He imagined her jumping on Josh's back and trying to cut off his air supply, bringing him down to a single knee, and inflicting little pain, but being very effective. And of course with her injuries, Josh would take it easy on her, but he would never encourage her to find a path like that to release her anger. If anything, Josh was ready to lash back at her and would be trying to think of a way to get her to calm down without hurting herself. However, Annette was difficult and Josh didn't like being around difficult women. Those two would definitely butt heads if they both continued to get angry. Somehow though, he figured small and docile Annette would have the upper hand. The thought made Pat want to chuckle. He shook his head when Noah gave him a confused look. "I'm sure he deserves it. I'm glad he's not letting you hurt yourself though. So what's going on? Why are you so upset?" Pat asked her kindly. She blew it off with short snappy sentences then redirected her attention. Pat shook his head and grinned. "Trouble," he mouthed. All three men chuckled. "They can't," he said softly as they pulled off the interstate. "We'll be home soon, doll. What can we bring you?" Annette was irritated again as she cried out an exasperated response. Pat shook his head and chuckled; he couldn't understand her. Most women loved being catered to, but with Annette, it was like the worst thing anyone could do. Of course, it was exactly what he wanted to do. Immediately her tone changed and she asked to be put on speaker. Pat stopped at the stop sign and put the phone on speaker. He handed it back to Noah. "You're on speaker, doll." Everyone heard her take a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Atta girl," Pat praised mentally. He looked at Noah and mouthed, "mute our side." Noah nodded and muted the phone. They could still hear what she was saying, but she wouldn't be able to hear them. "I'm sorry. To all of you. Tyler, you'll love this. I acted like a bratty toddler because I got scared and couldn't get my way. I'm terrified of help but apparently I desperately need it," she began. Tyler guffawed in the backseat. "I have a feeling if she heard us laughing, she'd be pissed off again. Good call, Pat," Noah praised softly as Annette apologized to Jess and Josh. "Of course. You said she's never been this mad?" Pat inquired. "Never. You get anything?" Noah confirmed. Pat shook his head. "No. She diverted the attention, but she did calm down," he admitted with a sigh. "I still can't make out why she's mad. She's been cornered several times," Noah fumed as he slapped the dashboard. "Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you, guys. Annette doesn't focus on herself. Ever. So if she can divert, she will. Thanks for calming her down. Oh for the love! Emotional roller coasters? D****t. It's worse than I thought. F**k. If she's using that phrase the s**t touched the fan. Prepare for an ugly mess - not literally." Pat was impressed on how he was able to follow two conversations and not seem lost, not that Annette was talking directly to them at the moment; all he heard was Annette crying. "Come on, 'Nettie. Keep going. I know this is hard. Speak your mind. Get it off your chest," Noah pleaded in a whisper. As if she heard him, that's exactly what she did. "Noah, I love you so much. I'm sorry that I yelled at you too. You've been my biggest supporter throughout my whole life. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you. My wires got crossed in my brain. I know you guys don't have the answer, but I wish I knew how long I was under the water," Annette finally spoke again as she wept. "Too long. It was the worst thing about her being there," Noah mumbled as he looked out the window. Pat parked the truck in front of his house and looked at him. He felt bad that he was forced to make and watch his sister suffer; this little outing had been an eye opener for him. Noah and Tyler answered any question he had about the place, about Annette, or just in general. To give the girls some privacy, he helped her brothers move a few things of furniture into the storage unit they got until they found a place. Tyler was the one who encouraged Pat to ask questions, knowing that he had some. Of course the first question Pat asked was why it wasn't stopped; that's when Noah showed him the scar on his ankle and told him the stipulations. "I begged her to stop and give in. She didn't hear me because I didn't actually speak over the intercom, but she always chose the water. He kept dunking her. She was in that water far too long; I did nothing." "You did. You sent her friend to give her CPR. She lives because of you. Now you need to help her out again. She asked a direct question; get her the answer," Tyler ordered before Pat could tell him it wasn't his fault as Annette wept on the other end of the phone again. "You are the only one who knows the exact times. 'Nettie needs you and your damn numbers now." Noah nodded and wiped a tear from his eyes. He began calculating on his fingers and bit his lip. "Four minutes without air. Probably more. Especially with the broken ribs. He never held her under more than a minute, but the last time, well it was different. 12 seconds then she gave up. Lionel held her under for another 23 seconds before he released her and shut the lid. She just bobbed there under the water and he just watched her. Then 48 seconds passed and he finally left. I almost didn't get her help in time," Noah said quietly. Pat sunk back in his chair and gasped as he looked over at Noah. It was a miracle in and of itself that Annette came back to them at all. He knew this when he heard her story. There was several times when she could've been killed. He thought she was lucky, but she wasn't; she really was killed. "Don't beat yourself up, Noah. When she gave her testimony, she said she saw him shut the lid. Not to mention, you did the right thing. Her classmate was able to bring her back. I think that was the quickest I ever heard you speak, but your explanation couldn't have been more than a minute. I know I only caught the tail end, but she lives because of your actions, Noah," Tyler voiced softly. "Take the phone off speaker. She needs to hear our responses now." Noah nodded and followed directions. Pat looked at the phone before looking at the front door as he heard Annette say his name. "Pat, I'm sorry to you too. I'm truly grateful for your hospitality. I wanted to run. And I thought teaching myself how to use this blasted chair would be the answer. I don't think rationally when I'm scared. I'm sorry. To all of you. I know that this setback is only the first of several yet to come. I don't know what will trigger an outrage, but I'll do my best to keep a tamper on it," Annette spoke softly. Josh spoke up before Pat could reply. "Oh, doll. I'm glad you weren't able to use that chair; running is not your answer. Let us help you. We're all here for you. I'm here. Stop trying to force things," Pat thought as he blinked rapidly and studied his steering wheel. Tyler and Noah laughed but Pat was still lost in his own head, thinking over Noah's calculations. "12, 23, and 48. Let's see. That's, three carry the one. 83 seconds, doll. Plus the 70 or more times he dunked you. You shouldn't be here right now! I lost you and you aren't even mine," Pat thought morosely as he caught movement out of his peripheral vision. He missed what was said as Noah picked the phone up and held it to his ear, Tyler was chuckling, and Noah got out of the car. Pat and Tyler followed suit. Noah didn't close the door as he ran to the door. "Not far, 'Nettie. You're off speaker. There's more to tell, isn't there?" As Noah opened the front door, Pat and Tyler closed the truck's doors. "She'll be okay, you know?" Tyler asked as they walked to to door together. Pat nodded numbly. Tyler punched his arm. "She's the toughest person I know. She'll be back to her regular self in no time. At least I hope she will," he remarked. Pat sucked on in his inner cheek; he wasn't as positive. She had seen hell. She was fighting some horrible mind demons. He couldn't blame her if she ended up broken because of it and he knew there was no plausible way he could help her find herself as just her friend; he knew no matter what he did, a friend wouldn't be enough to save her. He took a deep breath and followed Tyler in, closing the door behind him. He caught Annette's hand moving by her hip. He hated seeing her like this. Her face was blotchy and red, her wet hair clung to face and neck, and she looked guilty and sore, but still Pat thought she was beautiful. He wanted to pull her into his arms and comfort her, but it wasn't his place. So with a silent sigh, he followed Tyler into the kitchen so she didn't have to crane her neck to look at everyone and refrained from rubbing her back in a comforting manner as they walked around her and stood in the middle of the kitchen. "Will you do my hair when we come back? I need to talk to Noah. Alone," Annette's voice squeaked and cracked as she tried to keep a cap on her emotions. Pat looked down at his feet. She was barely holding it together and didn't want help. He pursed his lips as she tried to joke and keep the air light. He looked her over again when her voice changed again as she tried to show them her strength, "again, guys, I'm so sorry. There was no reason for my actions." Tyler jumped right in and apologized as he leaned against the counter by the sink. Pat moved to the stove. Josh still stood defensively in front of Annette but backed off when Noah took Annette outside without another word issued. Much to Pat's surprise, Noah handed his phone over to Jess. He watched them through the window as everyone else lowered their heads to their chest in silence. After Noah had put his sister back in the wheelchair, Pat looked around the room. This small girl had thrown everyone for a loop and nobody thought she was capable of it, himself included. He thought over what was said again as he felt his own blood begin to boil. "D****t! Why does she do that?!" Pat demanded as he hit the counter and looked between Josh and Jess. They both looked at him in shock. "Dude?!" Josh exclaimed. "She just had the freak out. Why are you acting out of character?" "Should be obvious," Tyler interjected, around a hint of a chuckle. Pat met his eye. "We all know how much you care about her, but you aren't thinking clearly right now and will only hurt her if you don't get it under control again. We all have our own theories, but you have our attention and are seeing something that maybe we aren't. Explain," Tyler demanded. Pat sighed. "Sorry. I'm not trying to scare anyone any more than they already are," he confessed. "I know we're all worried. I don't think she realizes how infectious she is with her moods, and she doesn't even have to try. Look at us. We're all sulking and feeling guilty. Annette though, she's about ready to bite someone's head off, yet she doesn't want to drag us with her so she kept trying to joke it off. Josh, if we were able to pick up on those mood swings at work, maybe you could have calmed her down. Instead we walk around her and don't pick up anything until it's almost too late because she is so happy all the time. Only she's not. She is damn good in the art of deception though. Not only does Annette look small and fragile and has proven us all wrong for ever thinking that. Now she's beaten and even more frail looking than ever. Yet that doesn't stop her from trying to run away and try to convince us she's fine when we know she's not. Only now, she's running again in the only way she can: with words. At the hospital. Here. She can't deal with her own emotions and always tries to keep the mood light and fun for everyone else even though she's in pain. She's safe here physically - we would all see to that, but she's not safe from herself. She doesn't have to have a mask on any more, yet she doesn't know how to live without it. Your metaphor of calling her a toddler is spot on, Tyler. It's like she has to relearn everything about her emotions. Something triggered it. I need to know, because a battle of the mind never has a good outcome without good support and a better foundation to the friendships that she has with us. We need to work together to find ways that will help her and not set her back. So what the hell happened tonight? After the shower and she texted us for help." "I don't know exactly," Jess started to explain. "We put the mask on her and I was just washing her hair in the sink. She was doing good. Then I mentioned that I really hope this little one is a girl. I told Annette that doing this was fun and I'm really looking forward to doing this with my own daughter. Well I may not have said that, but I was sure thinking it. Anyways, that's when her breathing staggered-" "-no it was staggering the whole time. It pretty much came to a halt when you mentioned that," Josh interrupted. Pat and Tyler nodded. "She started to panic. She signed something, but didn't actually sign it. I'm not sure what she was saying. I'm sure Noah would have caught it though. I tried to keep up with them when he came back, but I didn't actually catch any words. The only thing I caught was Noah telling her to stop. They didn't sign anything else that was noticeably easy to decipher. So anyways, I can't tell you what she told him and I don't know her version. Honestly, after I washed her hair, I was confused and trying to keep her on the stool, but I wasn't successful. She stopped signing and hardened her gaze," Jess confessed with a small frown. "Then she ripped that oxygen mask off her head saying she couldn't do this. She's always done things by herself. She tried to hop away. I'm not sure where she was going but told me I could help her but not stop her. She forgot that I already moved her; she's light and small. If she wasn't hurt I know that she'd have some speed on me, but I don't know. She was determined and way off balance. She scared me too," Josh trailed off as he looked down. "You're absolutely correct; something spooked her." "That doesn't explain her episode. Noah said she's only acted out like this one other time," Tyler pondered. He shook his head. "One other time. What the hell happened before? And is this better or worse?" "Noah didn't elaborate, but I think it's worse. He broke down; like he was unable to reach her. He just begged her to take down her walls," Pat added. "That was probably when she mentioned falling walls and that she hasn't hurt anyone yet. Oh! And the fact that there was no coals here," Josh mused. Pat and Tyler looked at him in shock. "Coals? As in from the fire?" Pat asked. "That would be my assumption," Josh remarked. "F**k! I'm not sure we want to know what that story now. Annette's the toughest person I know. And I've seen a good number of people withstand all forms of torture except fire and burning, but they all cracked; I don't think anything can crack Annette. I can't fathom why anyone would have to be using torture, but especially burning. Where on Annette was it used? How often? Why? Don't try to answer that; I really don't want to know. Seriously, she's tougher than I've ever thought possible. And I would agree that she has an infectious personality. I felt that even when she was still unconscious too. Not just the fact that she needed protection, but it's like she was giving off warmth, love, happiness, and peace. The weight of the world almost seems to disappear around her. Everyone has their own aura around them, like a personal bubble. All bubbles pop, no matter how impenetrable they are. I'm sure Annette will get that bubble up and running again, but if her's popped, it'll be like being snapped with a giant rubberband. It's no wonder she's on the verge of breaking down. It would also be why it's so hard for people to get close to her and get an honest read. Her lies are based on truth, but she only shows people what she wants them to see; I think the past couple of days has been her exception. I don't know what we can do if Noah can't help her right now," Tyler stated glumly. Everyone nodded in agreement; no one wanted to approach that subject or dwell on it. They just had to believe that the Gibson sibling bond would help make things right again. "So what did Noah say to calm her down? It was almost night and day," Jess inquired, trying to focus on the positives from the night. Pat chuckled and lowered his head. "He just handed the phone over. Pat offered to help; Noah accepted it," Tyler smirked. Jess and Josh turned and looked at Pat in amazement. "Awesome possum! Well done!" Josh praised. "I was certain she was about ready to reach over and slap me or claw my eyes out. She's got some fire. I kid you not, she was one snappy retort away from me throwing her over my shoulder and putting her in bed. I would have laid on top of her until she finally crashed. It was the only thing I could think of that would keep her safe. Although, it probably would have been a fight and she would have hurt herself. I'm sure I would have gotten an elbow to the neck or something then she definitely would have tried to walk." Everyone nodded. "I figured as much," Pat chuckled as he looked at Jess. "What happened before this? I need to understand what spooked her so I can make sure she feels welcome and safe here," he begged. "I read the text that basically said you, shower, glass, and can't. She wasn't making sense." "She was overwhelmed. I don't know why. We didn't play dress up. Her shoulder was bugging her and she didn't want to put a bunch of stuff on and off. So we picked out her outfit for tomorrow then she took a shower. I began to reorganize her closet since you guys did it wrong. Within five minutes, she was sobbing and calling for me. She couldn't stay in the shower. Nor would she let me wash her hair in the bathroom. I don't know," Jess stated as she looked down. "She told us that being in control of where the water went made a difference in the hospital," Josh added. "That's right!" Jess gasped. "She's stuck in a singular spot, can't stand up for risk of falling, and the water is hitting her constantly." "It's also a glass door. She was drowned in a clear box. I'm sure the doesn't help either," Pat murmured. "Damn. I never thought her to be afraid of anything," Josh mused quietly. Pat nodded. "She shouldn't sleep alone tonight. Any night really," Jess stated quietly. Everyone looked up at her. "We were talking about having to help her and letting her know that we had her back and support her. With a freak out that bad, she needs someone there in case she needs to calm down again. Not to mention, her ribs and lungs. She could stop breathing and we wouldn't even know." "I agree, Jess. I'm all about helping her and making sure she's safe, but if she refuses, we're going to be out of luck," Tyler remarked. Jess nodded. "I know. She trusts everyone here, but I'd rather not have to constantly wake someone up to go in and check on her in intervals. I'm glad that you took the iniaitive last night, Pat. Having someone beside her all the time will eliminate my fear of her being alone and it really is for her best interst. If she refuses, we have to convince her otherwise," she stated then looked at Pat. "Since you were able to calm her down so quickly, will you break the news? Or maybe you should do it, Tyler! She hasn't gotten mad at you yet." Pat nodded and looked down. "I'll do it. She did get mad at him, last night. Although it was more of a fear not anger thing," Pat admitted. "She didn't mean anything by it. Either time to anyone," Tyler remarked as he looked around the room. "We know," Josh mused. "It's just so out of character. Whatever spooked her sure has her rattled. Anything I can do to help?" "We appreciate you being here," Tyler stated simply as he leaned over and stuck his hand out. Josh mimicked his actions and they shook hands before they returned to their respective positions. "We know she hates the attention, but we're glad we have friends we can count on to look out for her." Josh nodded and replied, "she brings out the best in everyone. She fears the worst in herself. There was one point where I was mad and couldn't focus; Annette picked up on it. She ignored her own pain and focused on me. I could tell it was making a difference. So I tried to keep her attention off her anger; I'm not suited for that. I could barely focus myself; I was just so mad at her for being so stupid," Josh summed up. Everyone looked down. Annette was selfless, but she was definitely at her breaking point. "She just needs our support and friendship," Jess mused. "If we can offer her that it should help. It's always been her and Noah against the world." "She has it. She's not alone anymore," Pat confirmed quietly. Josh and Tyler nodded in agreement. "I want her to feel welcome here. I want her to feel like she has some independence too. So I'll go buy a new shower head tomorrow. One that she can control herself. I still won't let her cook, but I'll see if I can find a few other things that'll help occupy her time and give her some independence back. She just wants to feel normal. We can find a way," he insisted. "I have tomorrow off. Pat, are you taking her shopping with you?" Josh asked with a smirk. "No. I don't think she'll like the crowds. Not to mention the stares her injuries will bring in the big city. If she was given a minute alone to use the bathroom or something, I can only imagine the number of people who would come up to her and suggest she leave her abusive situation, or see if they can't help her themselves, therefore taking her away from me. I can take the looks, but Annette, she can't. She hated people staring at her at work with no bruises. I know she's safe here. Besides, I'm thinking she'd like a little time to herself; I apparently hover," Pat admitted before chuckling. Everyone joined in. Tyler looked out the window. "Speaking of hovering, I think I will do that outside. Noah took her to the middle of the yard. I can only imagine how things will go if he bumps a rock or something. Little 'Nettie can't hurt herself," Tyler teased. Everyone laughed again. "Smart. Probably best to make sure she doesn't stand up again," Jess noted. Tyler kissed her cheek and went outside. Jess rubbed her belly as she walked to the breakfast nook then found a banana to eat. Josh took a glass and filled it with water, taking a sip. Pat put the breakfast stool away and noticed his phone one the arm of the couch. He picked it up, sat on the arm of the couch, and read the messages again. Once Tyler noticed Pat's phone had texted him, he immediately handed it over to Pat. After he replied, they loaded up and headed home. The messages automatically erased after they were read. Pat was hoping to make some sense of Annette's messages. "You were seriously thinking about laying on top of her?" Jess asked softly. Josh chuckled and leaned against the counter by the sink. Pat's head shot up, he needed to hear this answer too. "You know I would have done anything to keep her safe. Not to get in your way though. I know how much you care about her; everyone does," Josh insisted, meeting his friend's eye. Pat nodded. "I know. Thank you. Throwing her in bed was easily your best course of action, a smart play. I can't get mad at anyone for trying to help her, trying to keep her out of trouble, and trying to ease her pain. You're a good friend," Pat confessed. "She doesn't want help. She wants to - no! Why would her fight or flight instinct kick in here?" Josh inquired as his eyes got big. Pat shrugged his shoulders as he closed his phone; he was just as confused as before since the messages didn't give him any insight. "You don't think that's what happened! Do you?" Jess gasped. Josh pursed his lips, nodded, and pulled the garbage out from under the sink. Jess tossed her banana peel into it. "Think about it. I think that's exactly what happened. Pat even noticed. He said she's running the only way she knew how. She was trying to run away again. With words. By being defiant and trying to stand up. By trying to teach herself how to make the chair move the way she wanted it to. We had to corner her in her wheelchair and lock the wheels to keep her in place. Between her dad coming by, the shower, and her not being able to do much on her own, she's not in control any more. She hates that. I gathered that much from work: her shift she has to be in control of almost everything and prepared for anything. Flying around, keeping everything stocked, the coffee pots have to stay full, she never lets people touch her, never takes a break because something could go wrong, she's always refusing to eat unless she prepared it herself, unless it's her turn she never chooses to take a big table becauses there's too many variables but always has things ready for me to take out to them, and she's always the first to volunteer to clean up or something because she doesn't have to deal with people then. I could keep going and, Pat, some things probably popped in your head too," Josh stated. Pat nodded. Even when she made mistakes, she usually had a plan to fix it, but those mistakes rattled her for the rest of her shift, and sometimes, it would carry over to the next day she worked. She would become extra cautious and check everything at least half a dozen time. "She's always on the go. These injuries, letting us take care of her, and being forced to basically sit still made her lose all sense of who she was and she just doesn't know how to just stop and breathe. Like you said, she's trying hard to keep the mood light, but she's not happy herself," Josh explained. Pat nodded again and lowered his head to his chest. Jess teared up. Annette was a beacon of hope and joy; to think her as anything but happy was wrong. Pat resolved right then that it would be his mission to show her true happiness. He would build her up again as much as she would let him help, but deep in his mind, he knew she would push him away and refuse help the moment she felt like it was too much. "You can put me down now!" Annette giggled, causing everyone to look up at her. Noah and Tyler were smiling as they carried her inside. Annette looked around at everyone and looked down. She had a look of determination in her eyes mixed with guilt. She thought better of it and looked at her brother, "Noah, help me up please!" Pat, Josh, and Jess took a step towards her in protest; Jess just told them she shouldn't be standing. "Please, I need to give everyone a hug. I'm sorry I was terrible and mean. Please no eggshells. I'm not mad. Promise." Pat grinned. She was back to herself and the room instantly felt more carefree. He felt himself get jealous as Tyler wrapped her up in his arms, but shook the feeling off. Josh seemed to think he would break her if he gave her a hug, so he went in for the side hug. Pat held back a laugh as Josh picked her up. "No you don't. Like you said there's no way I'll let you get hurt. After all, this muscle needs to feel productive," Josh teased with a smirk. Pat watched Annette interact with her sister and the baby. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. When she stood up again, Pat noticed her expression change multiple times. It confused him but her final expression -a warm and genuine smile- made his heart soar. He walked over to her with his phone in his hand and decided to go comical as he approached her. So he teased, "I thought you said you were going to hold this hostage until I talked to you." She blushed and tried to turn. Pat was instantly by her side. "No hopping, doll. Trouble," he whispered. Pat noted this was the most intimate hug she was giving out but tried not to read too much into it. He held her tenderly and stroked her hair as she apologized. His fingers kept getting tangled. She didn't seem to notice, if she did, she didn't mind. He looked down at her and wished she would look at him and show him that smile that made his heart melt. "Again, doll. Nothing to apologize for." Mentally, he added, "this makes up for everything.
Welcome back, doll." He pointed out her hair and she laughed. Jess immediately jumped in. Pat reluctantly let Annette go while she held onto him tighter. Finally she looked up and Pat noticed the mischievous glint in her eyes. "I'm so done for. You are trouble but I wouldn't want to give my heart to anyone else. I swear I just kissed it good-bye; you have the power to crush it, doll." "And that means boys, you're baking! I decided I need cookies. Should have thought of that before you guys hung up," she said apologetically. Pat shook his head. There was no way he could tell her no, especially when she smiled at him like that. He smiled and looked at the other guys. "Alright. Guess we're making cookies. Annette, walk us through it," Pat ordered as he pushed her down into the wheelchair again. He led the way to the sink and washed his hands, Josh and Noah followed suit, both eager to help. Josh began taking out items from the cupboards. Annette patiently walked them through every step. Tyler finally stepped up and washed his hands as they began combining the ingredients. Pat panicked slightly when Tyler and Josh began throwing flour at each other, but Annette quickly rebuked them. "Flour is for baking, not throwing! Besides, my recipe doesn't call for that! Don't you pay attention? Because you really should," she insisted with a giggle. Everyone joined in. "Clean up," Pat ordered sternly as he pointed to the sink. Josh and Tyler pushed and shoved each other but did as they were told. Pat smirked; his mom would love to hear her home so full of laughter and see her kitchen being used like this. Pat looked tenderly at Annette as she exchanged another joke with Tyler. Her laugh was musical and contagious. Before she looked back at him, Pat turned around to see what else needed to be done. Noah was putting rounds of cookie dough on the baking sheet; which meant Annette's recipe was complete. Pat started to put the ingredients away. "So 'Nettie, do you want some of this cookie dough?" Noah asked as he subtly pushed the bowl to Pat since he was the closest to her. Pat grinned and looked at Annette. She was nodding and chomping at the bit. Jess was doing an intricate braid, but Annette didn't seem bothered by it. Pat opened the silverware drawer and filled up the spoon. "How bad?" He asked mischievously as he took a step towards her. He chuckled inwardly as she pouted and insisted on standing up. Jess stopped her by tugging on her hair and glaring at him. "How is that helping?" Jess mouthed. Pat gave a noncommittal shrug as he took another step closer and decided to push Annette's limits. "I'm not done. Stay back!" Jess demanded, shooting daggers at him with her eyes. Pat ignored it. He took some of the cookie dough off the spoon and held it on his finger. Annette grabbed his hand and looked at his finger. She met his eye as her tongue passed over her lips subtly. "I will, you know," she smirked. Pat paused. He could let her lick food off his fingers, but knew it would cause problems. Everyone in this room seemed to want him to get with her; she wanted to be left alone and run away. She was so blind, but Pat wasn't going to turn his back that easily. He shook his head and tried to pull his hand back. Annette had a firm grasp. He crouched down and pointed the finger into his own mouth. She scowled playfully at him and looked at the spoon. He gave it to her willingly and she lit up. He bopped her nose with the hand that was holding the spoon as he stood up. It really was the little things. "Annette, you should go to bed!" Jess insisted as Annette yawned. Jess had completed her hair and now Annette had a braided crown with two little poofs of hair on the top of her head, it made her look regal. Pat studied her features. Her eyes were drooping. Her skin tone was loosing it's blush, the bruises seemed to grow darker by the minute against her pale complexion, and she seemed to be melting into her chair. But of course, she was stubborn and waiting for a cookie. "Doll, she's right. You look peaked," Pat added as he pressed his lips together. Why was she still fighting? "When was the last time you had any pain medication?" Tyler piped up. "Ibuprofen about four," Josh stated after Annette didn't speak up. Pat felt stupid. She wouldn't ask for any. They had to stay ahead of the pain and she wouldn't let them. "I forgot about my pain. Well maybe not so much forgot as ignored. I don't want to acknowledge the pain because that means I have to take more pills," she said quietly as a tear fell. Pat crouched down again and wiped her eyes as she blinked back more tears. In her gaze, he looked for hope and peace, but it was a dim glimmer. He gave her a small smile. She held her breath and just let her sobs take over her body. "Breathe, doll!" Pat commanded softly, expecting her eyes to drop or her head to lower to her chest; much to his surprise, her eyes never left his. "I am!" Annette insisted as her body shook with sobs. Jess, Josh, and Tyler exchanged a look. Noah remained by the stove and just watched his sister as she looked over at him. She let out another strangled cry as she took a deep breath. Tyler bent over and picked up the oxygen tank. Pat grinned up at Annette as she met his eyes. He exaggerated his breathing and watched her calm down. She studied him but didn't move, taking a slow deep breath. "Who's going to move first?" Tyler whispered to Josh with a smirk. "She is. $10?" Josh replied in the same tone. Both men shook hands as Tyler put the tank on the counter as they watched Pat and Annette. Noah shot them a concerned look and moved his hand back and forth. Josh smiled and shook his head as he pointed with his head. Jess folded her hands under her chin, refraining from touching Annette's back, as Noah looked back at the women he loved. Annette took another deep breath and closed her eyes. She opened them once again and Pat beamed, proud of the fact that once again, she had calmed down and was breathing normally again for her. "Mesmerizing," Jess stated in awe. Annette looked over her shoulder at Jess in surprise. Pat kept his eyes on Annette. "Told you," Josh whispered with a grin. Tyler grinned. "That was something else. Jess was right, that's mesmerizing," Tyler mused as he slyly handed over the wager amount. Noah moved to the breakfast nook and looked over Pat's shoulder. Annette was focusing on Pat again and he was stressing his breathing. "Give her a damn cookie before she passes out. Then we should give them some privacy. She wants to talk to him, remember? Besides, he was able to calm her down and she's in a trance right now. Make her blink and breathe, Pat," Noah remarked with a smile. Pat nodded, but Annette didn't seem to hear. The timer went off and Josh moved forward. "Got it. They just got done. Another batch of cookies are baking right now. There's plastic wrap in that bottom drawer, Noah," Josh instructed as he gave Annette the first cookie. Noah pulled it out and covered the bowl then put it in the fridge. Tyler collected the measuring cups and mixing spoons and put them in the sink as Josh dished everyone up a cookie and Pat took care of Annette's spoon then moved back to his spot in front of her with some water and a pain pill. Annette tracked Pat with her eyes, but didn't move otherwise. She held her warm cookie that was missing a single bite, but wasn't eating it more. "Pat, she seems out of it and her eyes are glazing over. We're going to the front room. Give me a thumb's up if you're still with us," Josh ordered. Pat held up his thumb as he leaned onto the counter, his eyes still focused on Annette. "Jess, will you please find us something to watch?" Josh asked as they made their way out of the kitchen. "Sure. I'm sure the shopping channel is on! I promise, it'll be good," she giggled and danced past everyone. Pat paid attention to all that was going on around him, but his focus was on Annette. She seemed to be clocking out mentally, but he wouldn't classify it as a trance like Noah did. Her eyes were a dull blue-gray but like Josh, Pat noticed the iris was also glazing over and that her movements were extremely sluggish. "Doll, it's nearly 11:30. Stop fighting," Pat commanded. She nodded. Pat could tell she was just going through the motions. Like Noah though, he suspected she would be passing out soon. Annette looked around the kitchen in shock. Pat chuckled. She wasn't here anymore. He explained that they knew she wanted to talk to him and was giving him the chance to do so. Annette looked confused as she admitted she just didn't want to sleep. Pat shook his head and pulled her into his arms. "This is nice," she mumbled and buried her head in his chest. Pat grinned in agreement. "Because this is where you belong, doll," he thought. She yawned and agreed to take the pill. Pat rubbed her back. He asked her a question. Her eyes were laced with confusion. She really was fading fast. The buzzer went off again; ten minutes of barely reacting. Pat looked down at Annette. He wasn't going to leave her standing there alone. He picked her up and set her on the counter. She swayed. Pat knew if it came down to it, he'd rather lose the cookies to the oven than her to the floor. When she grabbed onto the countertop and seemed to center herself, Pat nodded in approval. Then he quickly removed the cookies and turned off the oven. Annette looked around the kitchen and he stood in front of her again, ready to catch her if needed. Pat read the question in her face as her eyebrow began to arch. "It's in the fridge. We'll bake more tomorrow. Annette, did you want to sleep on your back?" Pat asked kindly. Annette's gaze seemed to be unfocused. She blinked rapidly and looked at him and asked for the plan. He grinned as she bit her lip again. He told her his idea and she pondered it. When she looked in the living room again, Pat's heart sank. "Don't choose them, doll. Your brothers never said anything, but your sister did, and I need to know that you'll be okay. Please agree to this, but don't choose them," he pleaded mentally. "I feel safest with you," she whispered almost inaudibly as she blushed in embarrassment. Pat grinned and leaned into her. He could sense her discomfort, but didn't want to pull away. He was glued to the spot. "Only if you're okay with it, doll," he replied softly, giving her the option to change her mind but praying she wouldn't. Annette ducked her head with a small grin. "I am," she murmured. Pat felt his heart skip a beat when she said that; it was a dream come true. He smiled and refrained from kissing her head. He stood back and looked at her again. She bit her lip again and looked at him quizzically before demanding that he closed his eyes. Pat followed directions without questioning it. She took a deep breath and asked with a smirk, "did you see your girl today?" Pat grinned. "You have no idea, doll; I'm looking at her now. My girl is right here. Just don't ask when or where I saw her," he thought proudly as he opened his eyes again and looked at her tenderly. "I did. We talked. I thought it was very productive," Pat told her truthfully. Annette looked down at Pat's hands on her thighs. Her hand moved to touch his but she immediately stopped. "Oh doll! Go for it," Pat mentally begged. "Will this cause problems?" She asked hesitantly, flexing her left hand again, causing her to wince in pain. "No, doll. This is about caring for you, not about my future relationships," Pat told her softly, but mentally added, "even if they are the same thing. Now stop hurting yourself." Annette nodded and yawned again. Pat smiled when both of her hands relaxed again, but she kept bouncing her fingers. "Ready for bed?" She nodded and leaned into him. He grinned and rubbed her back. Her fingers finally stopped moving against his stomach. She moved her chin to his shoulder. "Let's go to bed then, doll." Pat almost choked on the words. He had desired to say those words to her, but not as a friend sleeping beside her. He wanted to tuck her in, kiss her, and love her forever. For now this would do, and it made him happy. "Yes, let's go to bed, my sweet girl. I want to be beside you as long as you'll allow. I'm glad you feel safest with me, doll," he thought as Annette tried to divert the attention again. Pat stood up tall so he could stroke her cheek. She leaned into his hand and closed her eyes. Pat scooped her up and chuckled internally as she tried to cover up again. "Come on. You're fine, doll. I'm taking you to the bathroom then you're going to bed." The living room looked up in worry as Annette bid them good night; she didn't see the love and concern in their faces as her eyes closed. Pat carried her to the bedroom. "Just bed. Can't keep my eyes open," she mumbled in his arms. "You got it, doll," Pat whispered. He set her down gently on the bed and pulled the sheets back. He propped up her foot again and asked if she wanted to take the robe off. She sat up in a panic and Pat helped her remove the bulky item of clothing. He hung it up on the closet door. He noticed the mirror was exposed so he covered it again and looked back at her. She had pulled the sheet up to her shoulder and was laying down again; she looked at him sleepily. Pat turned on the lamp beside the bed noticed her shivering slightly, so he pulled the comforter around her. "I'll be back, doll," he promised and walked out the door. "Although I wouldn't be surprised if you're asleep by the time I get back. I'll still sleep beside you tonight regardless though," he mused to himself as he walked out to the front room again. "Is she alright?" Jess asked in concern. Pat nodded as he leaned against the back of the couch. "She's afraid to sleep, but agreed to let one of us sleep with her," Pat confessed. "And you're taking the honor?" Josh teased with a wink. "I thought you were leaving?" Pat retorted with a smile. Josh sat there with a smug grin and shrugged his shoulders. "What does Joe call it? Her joy bubble? Right. Well it's back and like you said infectious. I cant believe I never connected the dots. I like feeling happy. She seriously spreads joy so easy and your home is so comfy. So, sleeping with Annette, huh?" Josh teased. Pat nodded. "I gave her the choice. She asked for me, so yeah, I'll sleep next to her. She's pretty out of it; I wouldn't be surprised if she's asleep already. I'm still going to be beside her. I told her that I'll help her sleep on her side instead of her back. This morning she said it was the worst thing to wake up on her back and not be able to move really. It's also the easiest way to make sure she continues to breathe in the night. I'm open for any other suggestions though," Pat explained. Everyone smiled and shook their heads. "It's fine, Pat," Noah replied. "I'd rather she had someone beside her too. If you gave her the option and chose you, I have no problem with it either." "Thanks," Pat whispered with a small smirk. He dropped his head and looked at his hands as he sighed. "Jess, I appreciate you being here, but, men, I think one of us needs to be here all the time. Annette needs someone to stop her from hurting herself." "We agree," Tyler spoke up. Pat met his eyes as he continued, "we just need your schedule. We've got a rough idea right now." "I don't have a job. I filled in at the restaurant when needed, but I think I'm needed here more. The VA pays me in disability; it's more than enough," Pat admitted. "Told ya," Josh snickered. "Well still, when we figure this out, it will give you some free time too. You'll burn out caring for her and her yo-yo emotions. Even if it's exactly what you want to do. We can all tell how head-over-heels you are for her," Jess stated. The room chuckled softly. Pat nodded and ducked his head as a smile tugged on his lips. "You go from one extreme to another, man. I've never known you to do it any other way. That being said, a little balance is healthy, especially in this situation. Eventually, you'll have to ask her to go out with you. If she says yes, we don't care what you do. Until then, this is your intervention. Remember, we don't want to send her overboard," Josh added. "I'll go shopping with you tomorrow if you'd like, but you are going; it's not up for debate." Pat nodded and chuckled. Josh grinned. "Good boy," he teased. Pat shook his head. "Jess and I will be here. Practice isn't until 3 pm. Tyler will be off around 2. So take your time tomorrow," Noah insisted. "It will give me the time I need to talk with her again; just to get a better understanding of what's going on. She's terrified, I'll let you know that much. Of what? Well, it's not my place to say. Let her work through this, support her, and be her friend. No matter what happens, we can't tell her about your affections, Pat. It'll give her another reason to bolt." Noah looked over at Josh and Tyler. "Even the slightest implication will send her running," he warned. "She wouldn't believe us if we did tell her," Josh chuckled. He met Pat's eye. "Every time one of the customers complimented her, she laughed it away. Dax has asked her out and she thought he was joking so she said no. Then there was that slimeball, what's his name? Percy?" "Peyton? The buser that had a bad habit of getting in the way of the girls, trying to see if they would brush against him and what-not?" Pat asked irratably. "Yeah. Him. I caught him trying to corner Annette in the breakroom. She looked terrified but just ducked around the corner only for him to slap her a*s as she walked by. He wasn't even supposed to be there that day. I went straight up to Linda's office and Emily was already in there filing a sexual harassment claim against him. I told her to add that incident I just witnessed, because Annette avoids conflict at all costs. I doubt she would have said anything about it," Josh remarked. "He did pin Heather, but she seemed to like it. I think Christie filed a report too. Peyton was the worst player and only applied to work there so he could be around the ladies. I'm glad that he was fired within his 45 day probationary period. I think he was also stealing tips," Pat replied with a scowl. "Me too, not that I could ever prove it. Annette's always been the one person that has never seen herself as pretty or desirable. Not even a little, teeny-tiny bit. Which is weird because every girl has that quality in her somewhere. I don't know if she's just not into relationships or not into guys," Josh stated as he looked back at her family. "She's into guys. She wants the traditional wedding and all that comes with. Babies, a home, a full life with the man she loves," Noah confirmed with a chuckle as he looked down at Jess and rubbed her abdomen. "She doesn't like being vulnerable. Dating, she has to be in some sort. It's easier to be guarded when you're single." He looked back up at Pat. "Care for her all you want, but don't you dare tell her your feelings. My sister will make an effort to run from that -from all of us- as soon as she's given the opportunity. You guys have already witnessed that: laughing, thinking it's a joke, ducking around, and avoiding them. Since she seems to be such good friends with both of you, her reactions would be worse," Noah warned. "She only dated one guy, but I could tell it was forced. She won't make that mistake again." "I have no plans of telling her anything, and I respect all of your opinions. I just want her safe and happy, as do you guys. She's my friend. Our friend. I'm sure all of us would jump and say she's like family. Josh and I see her that way because she's part of the work family. But most importantly, she's our friend and that's just fine. Friends look out for each other. Make a list of whatever you guys may like around here. Thanks for cleaning up. I'm going to bed," Pat remarked as he turned around. "Keep your hands off my sister," Noah said playfully. Pat shook his head with a grin. "My hands will remain stationary, but I'm going to hold her," he retorted. "See you around 9:30," Josh stated. "Sounds good," Pat gave him a thumb's up as he disappeared into his room and changed into workout shorts -instead of cargo shorts he had worn all day- and a clean t-shirt. He plugged his phone into the charger and left it on the dresser. Then he stopped in the bathroom. When his bladder had been relieved, his hands washed, and teeth brushed, Pat made his way back to Annette's room. He was shocked to see her still awake. He grinned at her and walked around the bed. The fleece blanket she fought with yesterday was still on the floor. Pat picked it up after he took off his prosthetic leg. He draped the blanket over his right leg and set up the pillows. Once he was nestled into the two pillows, he looked at Annette, opened his arms and crooned, "come here, doll." She tried to move and bit her lip again. Pat scooped her up and brought her to his side. She snuggled into his chest, held onto his hand, and rolled to her side. Pat placed his right arm over her left shoulder -flat against the bed- and held onto her back. She leaned her head back so she could look at him. He smiled warmly down at her as she released his hand and crumpled his shirt instead. "Atta girl. Hold onto me as much as you would like. I'm not going anywhere and this is the best spot for me to be," he thought tenderly. "Thanks. This is much more comfortable," she slurred sleepily and lowered her head into his chest again as she closed her eyes. Pat smiled and whispered into her hair, "you're welcome, doll. Go to sleep." She smiled and leaned into him as he rubbed her arm. "My girl. In my arms," he thought happily as he gazed upon her. Within minutes, her breathing evened out, she snored softly, and then he rubbed her hand until she released his shirt. "Relax, 'Nettie. You're safe. You have nothing to fear here," he whispered. A light knock startled him as he sat up slightly and Noah poked his head in. "Come on in. She just went to sleep," Pat said softly, pulling the pillow he set aside for under Annette's back under his head for more support, since it ended up a good six inches away from her and she wasn't even touching it. Noah came in carrying the oxygen tank; Jess was right behind him. She ducked into the bathroom and put the shower caddy away. Noah put the tank on the ground, sat on the bed behind his sister, and rubbed her shoulder. "If she heard anything, she didn't let on. These rooms are pretty soundproof though," Pat explained. Noah smiled. "I'll ask tomorrow. She won't lie to me. Then again, if she did hear, you wouldn't be holding her right now. Thank you, Pat. Words cannot express my gratitude enough. You've done so much for her, for us," Noah said sincerely. Jess came back out and kissed Noah's temple then leaned over the bed and kissed Annette's cheek. "Good night, boys. Take care of my sister, mister," she warned playfully as she pointed her finger at Pat and stood up. "Yes, ma'am," he promised as she left the room. He looked down at Annette and grinned. He looked back up at Noah. "I would never do anything to hurt her." Noah nodded, looked at his sister, leaned in, kissed her shoulder, and mumbled, "I know. She might do something to hurt herself though." Pat gave Noah a confused look. "She'll tell in due time. She's full of secrets," Noah stated as he rubbed her cheek for a moment before putting his hand back in his lap. Pat nodded; he had witnessed that too. Noah looked up at Pat again. "She's been here two nights and both nights slept with you," he remarked as he tried to glare at Pat, but he was smiling. Pat chuckled, "it's been completely innocent! I swear!" Noah grinned. "I know. She told me you're the perfect gentleman; I've witnessed that time and time again. Like now, for example, you could be under the blanket with her, but you're not. I also noticed you didn't even try and peek a glance as her robe opened up. It surprised me, especially since Josh couldn't help but ogle her, even if he meant nothing by it. Jess has eccentric taste. I'm even more surprised Annette agreed to wear that to bed; I got a glimpse outside," Noah explained. "I haven't been granted permission to look. She's had enough people take without asking," Pat replied. "I'm good with looking at her eyes. I think she was too tired to fight Jess on the wardrobe." Noah smiled and fist bumped Pat's left hand. "Sounds about right; when's she's too weak to fight, she usually takes the first deal. She still holds her ground though, so I'm surprised she didn't beg for a shirt. Thanks, man. For everything. I left our numbers on the counter. We don't need much; you have everything covered. I have a box of games and puzzles in the trunk of my car that we can help entertain her with. Oh! She loves watercolors, paint by numbers, and anything that keeps her hands and mind busy; we didn't put those suggestions down. We did make a few suggestions, you can totally veto them. I'm sure you two will be up before us, so we'll see you at dinner for sure," Noah chuckled. Pat joined in and settled back into the pillows. Noah leaned over and kissed Annette's shoulder again. "I know I don't have to say it, but I'm going to anyways. Protect her heart, don't manipulate her emotions." Noah met his eye and Pat nodded. "I'm sorry if in the process it causes yours to break. You're a good man, Pat, and I'd hate to see you get hurt. I'm glad she has you as a friend," Noah stressed. Pat sighed quietly as he got the message. He could be her friend, and nothing more. As long as she was in his life, it would be enough. He nodded again at Noah, knowing his voice would betray him right now. "Thanks again. Good night." Pat took a deep breath and swallowed some spit that tasted like bile as Noah stood up and walked to the door. "Good night, Noah. You know I won't force anything upon her. If she wants, I'll buy her breakfast at the restaurant then bring her back here. I saw you guys got stuff for cereal and oatmeal, but I'd rather see her eat an actual hot meal; I won't learn how to cook just yet. I'm going to keep her from hurting herself again. I will physically restrain her if I have to, but she's definitely going to need some coaxing to take it easy. I begged her to wait one week before she cooks, but I think even that will be a stretch for her. I'll text you Trooper Sanchez's number. Call him at your convenience," Pat instructed and looked back at Annette. "She deserves to know there are no more monsters after her." "She does. I will. It's the least I can do for her. Pat," Noah said softly from the doorway. Pat looked up and met his eye as Noah continued, "I am glad she has you, just don't ever tell her your feelings." Pat grinned and Noah closed the door. Pat studied Annette again. He couldn't get over her beauty. Gently he brushed her cheek, stroked her lips, and sighed; he would never feel how soft those lips are. He put his hand back on her side and closed his eyes. Annette shifted in her sleep closer to him and Pat grinned. "Thanks for making my day, doll. I know you don't want anything, but this. This is better than anything I could have hoped for. I know it won't last forever, but for now, you want me to be beside you. I couldn't be happier. I will respect you and your brother. You have a friend you can always count on," Pat murmured as he drifted off to sleep. Early in the morning, Annette shifted in her sleep again, slamming her hand into his chest. Pat woke up startled, but not in pain. He smiled, looked at his watch on his left hand. It read 05:33. He grinned as he looked at her again as her hand bunched his shirt up again. She continued to shift -like she was fighting a nightmare- but remained sleeping. Pat rubbed the top of her hand gently and she pulled it away. He snickered softly. "Sorry. I know you are mostly opposed to physical touch. You must be coming to just a bit if you're more aware of what's going on around you. You'll be showing me those beautiful sapphires any moment now," he thought happily. He grinned sleepily as she rolled to her back and tried to stretch. "Stop, doll. You'll only hurt yourself. Let me help you with that," Pat thought happily as she bit her lip in pain and slowly opened her eyes. "Hey, doll," he murmured. She looked over at him and grinned but looked guilty. "Morning, Pat. Did I wake you?" She asked. Pat helped her sit up and sat beside her. He took her right hand in his. "No, doll. You slept soundly; I woke up a few minutes ago. I'm going to help you stretch right now. Don't let me hurt you," he whispered in her ear as he took both of their hands and brought them above her head. She leaned into him and Pat bent both their bodies slightly to the left. Annette bolted upright suddenly then looked over her shoulder at Pat with wide eyes. He continued to pull her arm up as far as it would go. Pat watched her face, trying to be prepared for any surprise she might throw at him. She grinned at him. "I woke up before the sun!" Annette beamed. Pat chuckled and dropped their hands as she began bouncing slightly. "I need to use the bathroom then I need to watch the sunrise," she demanded. "Better hurry then, doll," Pat chuckled as he put his leg on and helped her out of bed then into the bathroom. While she took care of business, he tidied up the room by remaking the bed, turning off the lamp, putting her clothes she had picked out the night before on the bed, and turning on the overhead light. Then he ran into his room, got dressed, and grabbed his phone. The toilet flushed as he came back into her room and he went in the bathroom. Annette was leaning against the wall trying to catch her breath. "You alright, doll?" Pat asked looking at her face as he approached her. She nodded and leaned into his arms. "Care to help me take this second one off? My arm feels numb. I don't like it. And do you mind? I need your help to get to the sink. I have to wash my hand," she explained, smiling sweetly up at him. Pat grinned and stood back. He looked down long enough to take the second strapless bra off and picked her up. He set her down in front of the sink. "Can I feel your arm to see if there's any problems, doll?" Pat asked. She nodded and put her right hand under the water. "Any time jumps this morning?" He asked as he looked her in the eyes through the mirror, pressing gently down her arm all the way, seeing if there was anything that felt off. Annette grinned as she turned off the water. "No time jumps. You didn't let me finish my cookie or dough last night," she accused. Pat grinned. Annette opened the mirror and grabbed her toothbrush. "What do you want for breakfast?" Pat asked as he reached around her and grabbed the toothpaste and put it on for her. Then he put the toothpaste away and rested both his hands on counter on either side of her; she was swaying bad and didn't seem to notice or care. "Sorry, Noah. I won't tell her my feelings, but as long as she allows it, I will be close to her. The closer the better; I can't stay away," he thought as he met Annette's eye in the mirror. She put her toothbrush down, supported her left hand, and put that arm on his. "Will you please keep working on my hand? It's all staticy. Your fingers are bringing it back to life. Thank you," she replied. Pat grinned and moved to her left side, using both hands to rub her arm gently. She smiled and picked up her toothbrush again. "I want my leftover chicken sandwich and a fried egg for breakfast," she said with certainty. "But I know, no cooking." Pat thought about it as she brushed her teeth. "Kevin's working this morning; he'll heat up your sandwich, doll. I'm not going to try and cook. Even if you are an excellent teacher, I'll just mess it up," Pat confessed as he lowered her left arm, wrapped his arm around her back to keep her steady, holding onto her side. Annette bent over, spit into the sink, and rinsed her toothbrush. "That's fine," she conceded as she put the toothbrush away and grabbed the deodorant. Pat sat back in amazement. "You're not going to be difficult?" Pat teased. Annette finished her morning freshen up routine, turned around, and looked at him. "Maybe later," she promised with a smirk. "I don't want to fight you because you seriously are just trying to be helpful and do what's best for me in my broken state. Nor do I want take advantage of your hospitality. And you apparently don't like to leave my side; it's like you're afraid I'm going to hurt myself or something. It's easier to pretend like you're not here, but agree to whatever you say. Besides, it really does sound like a good plan. Let's go! You have to carry me or find me that chair; my leg feels ready to give out again. Hurry up! I'm going to miss charging my panels!" Pat chuckled and picked her up. He set her on the edge of the bed and put the bra he was still holding onto in the hamper. As he turned around, he noticed Annette had the shirt mostly on. He stood back and watched as she pulled it down all the way. He grabbed her sling from the dresser and walked over. She nodded and let Pat hook her up. Her face lit up as she insisted, "I'm ready!" Pat chuckled and looked at the gray shorts on the bed. He held them up and gave her a quizzical glance. Annette looked down at the soft baby pink silk shorts she was wearing and sighed, "okay, fine. Turn around. I'm going to hold onto your shoulder." Pat grinned and complied to her wishes. He stood firm and gave her a good brace as she needed it. He grinned when he heard the bed creak, grateful she was sitting down and not hopping around to put her clothes on. She grabbed his hip as she pulled herself up again. "Now I'm ready. Come on!" Pat turned around and caught her from falling. "Are you a bit excited, doll?" He teased; he knew it was partially correct, but he also knew she was very unsteady on her foot. Annette grinned and Pat carried her to the back porch. He walked over to the corner by the swing and sat her on the railing facing the house. He leaned against the post and held onto her, bending his right knee slightly so that her legs had a little more support than the thin railing. She leaned into his chest, draped her hand over his on her lap, and looked at the skyline. Pat's heart kept into his throat. "Subtle touches and waking up with a smile. Doll, I want to get used to this. I love having you in my arms," he thought as he followed her gaze. "Great timing! I love this! It's so pretty," she beamed. Pat looked down at her and grinned. "It sure is," he murmured. The golden beams hit her and she looked angelic. She sighed and grinned. "Can I savor this moment forever? I know I will, but does she want to remember it too?" Pat thought as he took out his phone. "Do you mind, doll?" "Only if you take it with me," she insisted as she finally noticed the phone. Pat grinned and nodded. "I'll take a thousand pictures with you if it means you'll be by my side," Pat thought happily as Annette grabbed the post. Pat draped her legs down and sat beside her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his head on hers as she rested her head on his shoulder. "This is perfect, doll." She leaned away, pushed him back, and looked at him. "Maybe I spoke too soon?" "You don't look happy. Do you want to do this?" Her eyes were bright with excitement but her mouth was relaxed; her whole face showed concern for him. Pat positioned the phone and snapped a picture as he met her eyes. "I'd be happy to do this with you, 'Nettie," he whispered. She grinned ear to ear and looked at the phone. Pat didn't think his heart could melt any more than how much she already had made it, but that smile proved him wrong. "I'm more than a lost cause," he thought with a smile as he turned his head and looked at the phone camera. "Say cheese, doll," he ordered and snapped another picture. Annette looked up at him then over her shoulder again. Pat pocketed his phone, positioned her back in the same way she was before so she wasn't straining to see, and he held onto her waist. After half an hour of sitting in silence and watching the sun, Pat stroked her cheek. She looked up at him. "Are you charged, doll?" Pat teased. Annette blushed and looked down. "Yes. Thank you. Oh my gosh! Sorry. I'm being selfish! Are you hungry? Do you need a shower? I can read or whatever. You've been a most gracious host. I should know better," Annette spoke rapidly. Pat chuckled. "We can go eat, doll. I need about two minutes okay?" Pat asked, emphasizing that she needed to eat too. She grinned, nodded, and look east at the skyline again. Pat shook his head. "Just hold onto the post please. No falling, doll. I'm going to stand you up, but I want you to sit on the ground if you feel like falling." Annette grinned and saluted him. He chuckled as he pulled her to a standing position. She turned her body so she was facing the railing, held onto the post with her right arm and put most of her weight on her left hip as she braced against the railing, making sure her left shoulder didn't touch it. She kept her face turned towards the light. Pat sighed as he watched her. Softly he murmured, "what am I going to do with you, doll?" He didn't expect her to turn her gaze upon him or answer him; he meant to keep that thought to himself. Her eyes twinkled and a smile played on her lips, causing her top lip to twitch, but she tried to remain serious. "If I wasn't already a goner," Pat thought. "Love me-" she began. "-and all your quirks," Pat finished with a smile as he bopped her nose. "I can do that, doll," he murmured. She giggled and looked at the skyline again. "If only you knew how real those words are, doll," Pat thought as he ducked into the house and got ready to begin the day. Before he came back outside he looked at the two pictures. "Wow! Annette has proved to be photogenic time and time again, but wow!" He gasped. He'd share these with her one day. She only knew about the second picture, but the first one would make her uncomfortable; it was making him uncomfortable too. Pat loved it because they both looked so happy and completely enamored with each other. Pat was grinning, Annette's face was slack but peaceful and full of admiration. "It couldn't be," Pat breathed, immediately stopping himself from looking into it further. "Stop it, Miller. Friends." He looked at again. The camera even caught the sparkle from the sun in her eyes and her face was turned just right that her black eye barely showed up. "One day, doll. One day. For now, I can't let my emotions run away with me," he stated quietly as he looked outside. Annette hadn't moved and was grinning. Pat smiled and looked at the picture again. He sent it to Josh with a caption "save this for me. I'm deleting this one. Annette can't see it yet." He frowned as he hit delete. Now he was looking at the second picture. It just showed two good friends with wide smiles against a beautiful backdrop; you couldn't tell it was sunrise, but the green grass behind them and the contrast of the white post brought it all together. Her bruises were visible, but her smile was radiant and that's where the eye was drawn. He closed his phone and stuck it in his pocket before he grabbed her sandwich from the fridge and opened the porch door. "Ready, doll?" She looked over at him and nodded. He came over and picked her up, setting her sandwich on her lap. He went down the porch stairs, around the house, and up the hill to his truck. She reached over and opened the truck door. Pat put her inside and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I would love to hold you close all day, but if yesterday was any clue into her mind, she'll eventually feel guilty again," he thought with a sigh. "I'll be back, doll. You need a chair. Someone said her leg felt like giving out and it's frowned upon for her to be in my arms all the time since you know, I'm pining over someone," he teased. She giggled and buckled up. Pat ran back inside and grabbed the wheelchair. He folded it up and put it in the truck. He looked at Annette through the side mirror. "I'm happy you're here, but please be mine, Annette. Everyone can see it but you. Please be my girl. There's honestly nothing I want more than that," he pleaded internally as he walked around the truck. He shook his head and mentally berated himself on the drive to the restaurant. She wasn't ready to date and her brother had stressed friends. Pat could be patient. She was worth it. One day, maybe her feelings would change. He sighed and looked over at her. She seemed content looking out the window, which he was thankful for because he didn't know how to talk to her since his mind was revolving around one subject right now: dating her. Pat began pushing her inside with both of them facing forward. She raised her arm and rested her fingers on his chest. He grabbed her fingers and looked down at her. She pulled him around to the front. "Isn't it easier for you to make sure I don't get bumped this way?" She whispered. Pat grinned. "It is," he replied softly. "It also allows me to gaze into your eyes, but it is a little more difficult to steer. Not that I mind, I can look at this view all day," he added mentally. Once they were situated, Pat took her sandwich and walked back to the kitchen. "Morning, Marcus! Wasn't expecting to see you today. I have an odd request for you. Can you reheat this up for Annette?" Marcus looked at the sandwich and scowled. He looked out the window at Annette who was laughing merrily with Bertie. "Dude, I'll make her a fresh one. This one is soggy. Annette doesn't need soggy bread," Marcus stated. Pat chuckled. "Are you sure?" Pat asked. Marcus nodded. "It won't take too much time and it really is no trouble. I can do that. That sandwich is pretty popular. Linda had it as a special yesterday, and I cooked some for the dinner rush. Kevin called in about eight last night with the flu; I was the extra hand so I left so I could open for him today. They're leaving it on for today's special too," Marcus remarked. Pat grinned, proud of the fact that her sandwich was a hit here too. "Chicken Joy. Even if I wasn't told she created it, I would have guessed Annette because it's too rambunctious for Linda's choices. The name alone screams Annette, but the toppings: spicy, sweet, cheesy, and a handful - that screams Annette to me too," Marcus chuckled as he tossed her sandwich in the garbage. Pat grinned in agreement. He never paused to think of the specials, but Marcus was right; the sandwich had Annette written all over it. "Just half a sandwich?" "Yep. Jalapenos and tomatoes only. I think she wants a fried egg too, but I'm not sure if she wants to layer it on the sandwich or not," Pat instructed. Marcus nodded. "And what about you? I'll start on your order now. It's kinda slow," Marcus stated as he dropped a single chicken strip in the fryer. "Short stack. Links. Over medium," Pat ordered and looked out the window. "Doll, how do you want your egg cooked?" "Over hard today. Usually I like them over medium," she replied with a grin. "Got it. Write me up a ticket. Don't write her sandwich on it," Marcus stated and looked at Pat. "I think you won the jackpot, man." "Not yet," Pat stated as he walked out. "Thanks, Marcus." Marcus nodded and Pat nearly ran into Bertie as she came back with pot of coffee. "Morning, Bert. Can I borrow your order pad?" Bertie nodded and handed it over. Pat quickly filled it out and handed it back. "Here you go, Marcus. Thanks, Bertie. Don't put that away just yet. I need coffee please!" She just nodded, not fully awake herself. Pat walked around and sat next to Annette as she smiled at him. "I still don't know how you can be so cheerful in the morning without that black liquid gold," he chuckled. Annette giggled as Bertie set a cup down and began to pour the coffee. "Thanks, Bertie. We're going to do an experiment today. No refills for Pat," Annette ordered with a smirk. Bertie gave her a small smirk and stopped pouring. "Hey now! That's mine," Pat chided and tried to grab the cup. Annette grabbed it and grinned. "You took my cookie dough away," she teased. Pat chuckled. "I got to charge my panels this morning. It's all the liquid gold I need. This coffee doesn't do any more for you then this would," she insisted and pushed him her water. Pat raised an eyebrow but grinned. She brought his mug to her lips and blew on the hot liquid, her eyes had a glint in them that caught Pat's interest. She wrinkled her nose and lowered the cup slightly, letting the steam traced her features. "Horrible smelling stuff. Besides, all coffee is is flavored water." Pat reached for the mug again, Annette turned her body with a small giggle. He wrapped his arms around her and held onto her wrist. "It's that flavoring that makes it so delicious," he whispered in her ear. She looked over her shoulder at him and smiled. It took all of his self control not to lean in and press his lips against her's; she definitely was pushing all of his limits and he was loving every minute of it. "Is that so?" She teased. Pat nodded, making his nose rub against her's. "Then you should let me go so I can give it back to you." Pat grinned, released her hand, and sat back. She started to push the coffee cup towards him, then picked it up, and drank it really quick. She put the coffee cup down in front of him and coughed. "Ugh! Flavored water or not that's horrible!" She spat, but her eyes dance. Pat chuckled and picked up the now empty cup. "Well at least I left you some cookie dough," he huffed with a grin. Annette grabbed her water and downed it after she took her napkin and wiped her tongue. Pat chuckled and held his cup up to Bertie to fill. Bertie didn't hesitate to fill it before getting back to the crowd that just came in. "You can always get more. Besides, it barely covered the bottom of the cup," Annette insisted with a scowl. "It's apparently an acquired taste that I have yet to acquire." "Not sweet enough, doll?" Pat teased, stopping himself from spitting out the coffee he just sipped on. Annette looked up at him and grinned. "You know it," she giggled. "Is Noah going to kill me now?" Pat asked as he draped his right arm over Annette's chair. She gave him a confused glance. "Coffee. Energy. You," Pat explained and took another sip of his coffee. "If a small swallow is going to affect me, yeah. You should be good though." Annette remarked then yawned. "I'm actually still tired. I just want to be back to normal! Ugh." "You're full of surprises, doll, but just trying healing up. You don't have to rush to get back to normal," Pat chuckled as Bertie placed their food in front of them. Annette peeled back the bread and placed her egg on the sandwich. "Marcus would have done that for you, you know?" Pat teased as he spread peanut butter on his pancakes. "I told you, I hate being a pain. And it's later so I'll be difficult now," she quipped as she took a bite. She smiled politely and looked down at her plate. Pat studied her face and stroked her jawline. She stiffened, stopped chewing her food, and looked at him with wide eyes. "Sorry, 'Nettie. I was just looking at this bruise. It's almost gone. I see more greens and yellows then I do blues and purples," Pat praised as he removed his hand. She nodded and looked down again. "Doll, what's wrong?" She shook her head, but Pat could see the tears threatening to spill. "Doll?" Pat asked again. Annette looked at him. "Nothing. Please don't worry about it," she insisted as she took another bite. Pat dropped it and worked on his breakfast. He cut up his pancakes, poured some syrup, and took a bite. "Hey, stranger," a voice chirped beside him. Pat looked over. "Morning, Allison? Avery? No," Pat began. "Amanda," she offered with a wink. "Morning, Amanda. I couldn't place you without your hair pulled back, but that strand of purple should have clued me in," Pat stated. He looked back at Annette. Her head was tucked into her chest and a tear fell onto her plate. He offered her his clean napkin. She took it with a small smile. "And you aren't all sweaty," Amanda countered. "I thought you were so observant. You didn't even notice I was here," she pouted with a smirk. "Guilty," Pat confirmed and held up his coffee mug. "I was getting a lesson on water." Annette chuckled softly and Pat grinned as he took a sip. Amanda rolled her eyes but looked around Pat and at Annette. "I'm Amanda. Nice to meet you." "Annette. Likewise," Annette said politely with a smile and looked down at her plate again. Pat was glad to see that aside from watery eyes, it wasn't too obvious that she was crying. Amanda poked Pat's arm. "I never caught your name, stranger," she teased with a wink. Pat sighed. "It's Pat," he replied irritably. He rested his hand on Annette's back. "Doll, are you okay?" Annette nodded but didn't look up. He rubbed her back. "What's your pain level?" Pat pursed his lips when she didn't answer. "Doll, please tell me. How's your pain?" Annette finally looked up. She looked at Pat then looked at Amanda, and finally back at Pat again. "Present. I'm fine. You can talk to Amanda. I'm not really in the talking mood," she insisted as she took another bite. Pat pursed his lips but looked back at Amanda. "Thanks for that, sugar. I wouldn't be in a talking mood either if my car left me looking like that," Amanda surmised. Pat looked back over at Annette to see how she would take it. He could tell her gaze was hard as she looked up, but she smiled without showing her teeth and nodded. Amanda scoffed, "must have been one hell of an accident." Once she swallowed her food, Annette smiled broadly. Pat could tell it was forced and was shocked that he never picked up on how fake it looked. However, Annette remained calm and her voice was kept even which made it look like a friendly smile. Keeping that smile on her face, she retorted, "it was. Killed one, imprisoned another, and left me broken. I'm pretty sure they're still picking up my pieces from the side of the road." Pat picked up the bitter undertone, but Annette's joy still shined through, which meant Amanda took it as a joke and giggled. Pat looked down at Annette's plate as she pushed it away with a sigh. She only had a few bites left. Bertie walked by and Annette stopped her. "Bertie, could you wheel me to the break room please?" Bertie gave Annette a confused glance. "Sweetie, whatever's back there I can grab it for you," Bertie insisted. Annette looked around. Pat looked down at his plate and adjusted his watch which had flipped slightly. Annette had finished before him for a change; he still had ¾ of his food left. "It's quiet back there and I have a migraine," Annette insisted as Pat looked up at her again. He reached over and wiped away a tear. She looked back at Pat. "I don't want to make you rush. I won't go anywhere," she promised as she pulled his hand down again. Pat looked at Bertie. "Do you mind? I can take her back there," Pat insisted. Bertie shook her head. "I need to restock some items so I was just about ready to head back in that direction," she replied as she grabbed Annette's chair. Pat watched her leave and looked back down at his plate. He began stuffing as much as he could into his mouth as quickly as he could. "So is that Rose? Okay, well obviously, she's not Rose because she said her name was something else. But is she the one you bought the rose for?" Amanda asked with a smirk. Pat looked back at her and nodded as he chewed the mouthful of food. "She's a lucky gal. I'd say I'd have to get rid of her so you can enjoy what's right in front of you, but she's clearly been through enough. You didn't even pay attention that I lowered my shirt or raised my skirt. Most men aren't like you, Pat," she stated with a scowl. Pat swallowed his food and stared her down. "And if you wanted a guy like me, throwing yourself out there sexually isn't the way to do it. You're only asking for heartbreak, Amanda," he stated before he finished his breakfast. He looked at his watch again; two minutes Annette had been out of his sight, and it was two minutes too long. "Well that one doesn't seem very interested. I mean she practically ran away. I can take care of you, Pat. I can make you forget about all your pain and losses. I can blow your mind, sugar. I won't even have to blow you to do it. Come on. Try me, sugar," Amanda crooned as she rubbed his arm. Pat cleared his throat and glared at Amanda. She withdrew her hand and pouted. "No thank you. Excuse me, Amanda," he said politely as he stacked his dishes on Annette's then stuck them in the dish cart. Bertie walked by and pulled out all her tickets searching for his. Before she found it, Pat gave her $25 cash and told her to split the change with Marcus as he walked back to the break room. He knew it would be too much, but didn't care at the moment as he rounded the corner and heard soft sobs coming from within the break room. The light was off and he peeked in the door. The light from the storage room gave enough light off that Pat could see what was going on. Annette was by the table and was resting her head on her arm. Her body shook with sobs as she tried to keep it quiet. "Doll?" He spoke softly as he approached her. Annette jerked up and tried to dry her eyes. "Shh! Hey, doll. What's going on?" "Nothing," she wept. "Don't lie to me," Pat whispered as he sat down next to her, dried her eyes, and pulled her into an embrace. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin breakfast or to make you rush," she cried. "You didn't, doll. You didn't," Pat reassured. He looked down at her as her small frame trembled against him. "That's it. No more coffee for you ever. It does the opposite for you. Gives you sadness not joy. We can't have that. You're just not you unless you're smiling," Pat teased. She chuckled softly. Pat pushed her back and grabbed her hand. He pulled out his phone. "Look at this, 'Nettie," he ordered as he ran his thumb over her hand. She looked at the picture of the two of them and gasped. "It's lovely, Pat!" She exclaimed around another sob. Pat moved to the individual picture of her. "But this solar panel is better. Annette, if you're in pain, you can't play it off," Pat instructed. Annette nodded and pulled her hand from his grasp. "Then I should go take care of it. Are we using the back entrance?" She asked. Pat nodded and stroked her cheek; Annette jerked back. "Did I do something, doll? I'm not going to hurt you. I just want you safe and happy. You're only one of those right now," Pat noted. More tears brimmed her eyes as she shook her head and leaned into his hand. "It's just a horrible migraine. You did nothing wrong. You guys have made sure that pain stays away. My body expects more, but my mind is saying otherwise. So a simple touch like this confuses my body," she insisted. She looked Pat in the eyes. Her eyes were even brighter and wider when they were full of tears. Her left eye with the red surrounding the iris was a darker royal blue reminding him of the sapphire gem in his mother's ring that she gave him right before she died; Annette's right eye was just as gorgeous just two shades lighter. If he wasn't having a hard time breathing before, he was now. Pat continued to stroke her cheek in a comforting manner as he got lost in her eyes. They were pulling him in and he wanted to kiss her. Then she ducked her head. Pat shook his head and focused again. In a barely audible voice she inquired, "promise me you'll follow your heart?" Pat gave her a quizzical glance but nodded, "I promise, doll. I'll follow my heart." He cupped the other side of her face and wiped the tears. "Promise me you'll tell me when you're hurting?" She lowered her gaze and nodded in his hands. "I promise," she whispered. Pat stroked face tenderly. She looked back up at him. "I'm in pain," she wept. Pat stood up and pulled her into his arms. She wrapped her arm around him and he just let her cry. Pat noticed how she barely touched him, so he loosened his embrace slightly. Was she seriously expecting more pain or were her joints just protesting that much? He couldn't tell. "Can I go home now?" She whispered. Pat nodded. He held onto her as he folded up the wheelchair and leaned it against his leg. Then he scooped her up in his arms and grabbed the wheelchair. "You can go home, doll. Noah and Jess will care for you today. I'm meeting Josh later, but only if you calm down. Noah was concerned that he couldn't calm you down last night. I don't know why, but you calmed down for me. Everyone was thankful for that. Josh said he was about to lay on top of you until you passed out from exhaustion," Pat said as he walked outside, down the stairs, and towards his truck. Annette hid her face in his chest as she continued to cry. Pat sighed and put his head against her's, talking calmly and in a soothing manner. Once he put her in his truck he dried her eyes again. "It's okay, doll," he murmured. She nodded but didn't look up as she pulled her legs into the truck and looked at her lap. Pat noticed two teardrops fall as he shut the door. He sighed and walked around the truck, placing the wheelchair in the back. "Talk to me, doll," he pleaded once inside. "Tell me. What's wrong?" She looked up and squinted her eyes. "It's bright. My head hurts. I got migraines before, but never this bad," she stated simply and looked down again. Pat nodded and started the truck. "You're welcome to sleep in my room; it's the only room with blackout curtains, doll," Pat offered. It was something he had to invest in when he got home because he couldn't sleep at night, nor was he getting the proper amount of sleep during the day because of the light; he never had a problem sleeping overseas - day or night. After his surgeries and hospital stay though, he hated the daylight, and if he slept at night, he only got nightmares of his brothers. The blackout curtains were a happy medium. Annette nodded. "Thank you, that's very kind. I don't want to impose," she remarked as he took off down the road. "Doll, you're not imposing. My home is your home. You're welcome to do whatever you want. You can sleep wherever is the most comfortable for you. You can eat whatever you want, as long as you aren't cooking," Pat chuckled as he turned the final corner, giving him a chance to look at his passenger. Annette grinned but still wasn't looking up. "I won't be cooking. Can I have a full pain pill?" She asked. Pat looked at her in shock as he pulled into his driveway; he was certain she was opposed to taking medication because it made her all wonky. "Annette?!" Pat gasped as he turned off the ignition. "Please," she begged before another sob shook her body. "Yesterday you hoped you could kiss all my pain away like I'm a small child; I'm not. I need a full pill. Please," she whispered as she met his eye; the amount of pain visible caused his heart to shatter. One look, one touch, one word. He had no idea how powerful they could be on his emotions; he felt helpless but needed to take her pain away. "Of course, doll. My bed or yours?" He asked softly. She bit her lip and closed her eyes. "A place to sleep. Doesn't matter," she whispered. Pat nodded and got out. He carried her inside noticing she didn't open her eyes again. If her headache was really that bad then darker would be better, he concluded as he turned into his bedroom and set her in the middle of his queen mattress. She pulled a pillow behind her head and looked at the wall as she laid back. "Thanks," she whispered. Pat stroked from her eye to her ear and she pulled away from him again. He sighed, left the room, got her a full pain pill, a glass of water, and an ice pack. He brought them back to her, encouraged her sit up, and take the pain pill and water. After she emptied the glass, she leaned against her knee and wept as she put the ice pack against her forehead, propped up by her knee. "Oh, doll. I'm sorry you're in pain. You won't be able to sleep in that position," he thought as he moved over to his dresser and dug around until he found what he was looking for in the back of the top drawer. His fingers brushed against something else and he pulled it out too, studying it in the dim light as a smile tugged on his lips. He looked over at Annette again as one of her sobs brought him back to reality and he took her the other object in his hand: his beanie. He hardly wore it, but it was there if he needed it for a frosty run. He tucked the other item into his pocket and sat on the bed by Annette, causing her head to shoot up in shock. "Shh. You're safe, Annette. Here. To help keep the ice pack in place," he offered as he read the question in her eyes. "Can I put it on for you?" She nodded and he put it on for her then secured the ice pack underneath. She looked in his eyes and bit her lip. "One more thing before you go. Would you please help me lay on my stomach?" Annette begged. Pat nodded and helped her roll over. "You got it, doll. Feel better," he whispered as she buried her face in his pillow. She pulled the pillow down and turned her head so she was looking in the room instead of at the wall and bent her right knee. He watched her bite her lip in pain as she tried to move her hip. "Let me help, doll!" Pat insisted as he gently moved her leg up. She gave him a faint smile and closed her eyes. Pat put her leg on a pillow again, covered her up with his sheet -the only cover on his bed- and left the room. As he was closing the door most of the way, he heard her let out a strangled sob; it was almost inaudible. He sighed. She was hiding something again. He shook his head and walked out to the breakfast nook and looked over the list: shower head, two bean bag chairs, and a cellphone for Annette. Two numbers were on the bottom with a letter written beside each one. Pat quickly programmed them into his phone. An envelope of money was on the counter with a note that read, "we'll buy her phone plan. Please accept this." Pat shook his head and wrote on the envelope, signing it and writing his number down too, "I got it. Call me if there's any problems. She's in my room." Then Pat added the art supplies Noah listed last night, embroidery yarn - Pat would teach her if she wanted to learn. He paused for a minute as he looked at it and wrote down hoops and stand too. It was a difficult task to accomplish, but one handed would be even harder; then again, Annette didn't seem to be bothered being left with one hand and still tackled her tasks like it was nothing new. "Doll, what did they do to you? No. What did your father do to you so that it's normal for you to use only one hand? And why have I never caught on?" Pat thought with a sigh. He carefully pondered what else he needed to buy for her. After a brief moment, he added blackout curtains, a shower rod, and a shower curtain to the list. Pat walked outside, grabbed a tape measure from his shed and the wheelchair from his truck and took them inside. The wheelchair he left folded up, leaning against the wall in the front room. He went into Annette's room and measured her window, scribbling notes on the list. He wanted to make sure he got the correct size for the curtains. Then he went into her her bathroom and looked at the shower head and door. He would remove this door for her. He looked around the bathroom. He would also have to get a towel rack to mount to the wall. Pat added it to the list as well as some resistance bands so the silly, stubborn girl could try and do some stretches on her own. Of course Pat would hide those for as long as he could. As he walked by his room, he peeked in the room. Annette was asleep but her feet were tangled in the sheet already. He sighed and went in and untangled her right foot, leaving her knee down free from the covers. She had goosebumps on her leg so he pulled a light blanket out from his closet and covered her up, leaving the right leg exposed. He touched her toes and sighed, moving back over to his dresser. He carefully put a pair of socks on her feet before tucking her left foot under the blanket again. He sliced the other sock down halfway so it could go over her cast. He adjusted the blanket around her shoulders again as he looked at her face; it was contorted and wet, the ice pack had wiggled free and was covering her right eye and cheek. He gently tucked it back under the hat, and more centered on the top of her forehead, as he whispered, "you're going to hurt yourself, doll. Stop fighting with the covers and just sleep well, my sweet 'Nettie. I'll see you for dinner." He stood up before he felt the urge to kiss her again -vowing to keep his word to her and not press his lips on her head unless she asked- and left the room. Once again he closed the door almost all the way and made his way to the living room. He looked at his watch again. He had over two hours to rest before meeting up with Josh. He looked at his phone as he sat down on the couch. "Y r u hidn this from her its HOTT!" Josh had sent. Pat chuckled and replied. "She doesn't know I took it." "SukR Tell me da kiss was jst as gud." "No kiss. When are you ready?" "Um. No. Jst got up now." "Fine, then I'm napping. She's an early riser." "IC. IC. How wz lst nyt ;-P" "Quiet. We just slept," Pat replied and shook his head. "Seriously, Josh. Ugh! You're a pathetic cry for help when you text. Good thing I know you're not as dumb as you appear," he chuckled to himself as he set an alarm for 45 minutes, leaned back, and closed his eyes. Josh came into the house before Pat's alarm went off. Pat raised his eyebrow at him. "Told you I was going to take a nap! Didn't you say you'd be here at 9:30? It's like not even eight yet," Pat grumbled. "And I'm ready now. Where's everyone?" Josh asked as he plopped on the couch beside the end table. "Sleeping. Annette took a swig of coffee and was in pain. She had a migraine and asked for a full pill; they knock her out hard," Pat confessed. "You let her drink coffee?" He asked surprised. "She was getting me back for taking away her cookie dough," Pat replied nonchalantly. Josh chuckled. Pat stretched and sat up. "Ready?" "Let's go. My vehicle's gassed up and ready to go," Josh stated as he stood up. "You're driving? Eh, I've made worse decisions. I can sleep on the way," Pat chuckled as he walked to the back door and locked it. He grabbed the his keys, the list, and his phone as he walked and locked the front door. "We have to take Tyler the spare key. Guess I'm getting a few more copies made today too," Pat chuckled as the loaded up. Josh nodded and headed towards the hotel. "So you slept with the girl of your dreams because she asked you to. Was it everything you hoped it could be?" Josh teased. Pat grinned. "I loved it. Even in her zoned out state, she went to sleep with a smile and woke up with one. I think I did too and I actually got more than two hours, but I don't always just get moving when I wake up. She's really the get up and go type. It was almost an instant demand of having to watch the sunrise when she opened her eyes. They she sat still for like 45 minutes, but talked to me so quick afterwards; like she was making up for lost time or something. I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with her for the two months she recovers but you can bet I'll try," Pat replied. Josh laughed and parked the car at the hotel. "You're going to make this a long day, aren't you?" "You know it. After all, why would she panic like that? Just so you can hold her? I think I'm onto something. You're going to have to tell me about that conversation she wanted to have," Josh replied with a wink as Pat got out. It would be worth it; he could talk about Annette all day, even if Josh was completely wrong. Annette wasn't doing this on purpose. She didn't want anyone to hold her, but she felt safest with him. That thought would always bring a smile to his face. *****
© 2017 LynaeleeAuthor's Note
Added on December 15, 2016 Last Updated on August 15, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing