36. Family

36. Family

A Chapter by Lynaelee

"Annette," a voice spoke softly while something stroked my cheek. "Wake up, doll." I blinked my eyes slowly and looked at Pat. He grinned. "Sorry to wake you, doll. Dalton's mom will be here in fifteen minutes. He's still sleeping but I figured you might freak out later if he wasn't in your arms. I also had to put you back on your oxygen tank. Your lips had a tinge of blue forming," Pat explained kindly as he removed the mask from my face then continued to stroke my cheek. "You know, with your brain being all scrambled and such, I never know how you're going to wake up," he teased. I snickered softly.
"Thank you. Everything seems to be in perfect working order. I remember everything from today; I didn't time jump again. You liked making color rain," I replied with a grin. 
"You're right. I'm glad to hear that there's no time jumps, doll," Pat chuckled. "Do you want me to move Dalton? You must feel flustered right now with not being able to move your arms at all." I looked down at the curly head and grinned as I shook my head.
"I'm good; he's really warm and I love that. I'm just sitting still for a change; people are certain that it'll help me heal. You can help me stretch like you promised you would when he leaves. I'm awfully stiff," I stated with a smirk as I looked back at Pat.
"Yes, ma'am," he chuckled. He stroked my cheek again and looked into my eyes. "Do you have any idea how amazing you are?" I blushed and put my head down. He pulled on my chin and I met his eyes again. "I mean it, doll. I was just going to chase him around the house. Instead, you gave us a project that kept him entertained and still wore him out. I've never gotten him down for a nap so easily. Not to mention, he's been down for over two hours, and hasn't moved. That's not an easy task!" Pat explained. I chuckled and blushed again.
"Dalton's a good kid. I expected a lot more energy to come from him. He's got exceptional focus for a three year old. Plus, running around the house doesn't exactly calm him for a nap. He's still wound up," I teased. 
"He usually does have a lot of energy," Pat admitted then leaned over and kissed my cheek as he stood up and walked to the coffee table. I looked down and pursed my lips.
"What's wrong, doll?" Pat asked noticing my expression. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. He held a clean diaper in his hands and looked at me quizzically.
"You're very sweet and the attention is nice, but if your heart belongs to another girl, you're just going to mess with my emotions by kissing my cheek and forehead all the time. I know for a fact that won't go over well with her. I don't know how to put it any simpler," I explained morosely and bit my lip. I did enjoy the attention; I almost craved it. However, he didn't need to know that, and I would never stand in someone's way. "I'd just hate to cause problems down the road. I'm sorry. I don't want to offend you either." Pat's eyes looked sad, but he grinned at me; I couldn't understand his expression.
"You're right of course, doll. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to manipulate your emotions. It just felt like the right thing to do. I'll refrain," he promised. Dalton stirred in my lap. Pat walked over and picked him up. "Hey, little man! That was a good nap!" Pat beamed. Dalton chuckled. I grinned at both of them and stretched my arm. Pat laid Dalton on the couch and quickly changed his diaper. His back was toward me and his shoulders slumped; they never did that and I knew I was to blame.

"Pat?" I whispered. Tears were threatening to fall again. I quickly wiped them away. He looked over his shoulder at me. "I'm sorry. I just hurt your feelings, didn't I? I didn't mean to." Pat stood Dalton up and let him run around as he adjusted in the couch so he was facing me squarely.
"No, doll. Well maybe a little, but it's mainly my fault," Pat confessed with a small smile. "You're my guest and I may have crossed the line. I'm sorry. I'll still care for you in whatever way you need, doll. You can be selfish and ask me to do anything. I will hold you, hug you, brush your hair, wipe your tears away, apply pressure to your ribs if you need it, and if you ask, I'll kiss your head and cheek. You can count me as one of your brothers or as your overprotective nurse. After all, you are my only patient, doll," he remarked sincerely.
"Pat, don't lie to me. Your eyes are still sad. They went from a baby blue shade to a slate gray; I've never seen them do that but I know my eyes change colors with my mood and what I'm wearing. It's safe to say I'm not the only one. You didn't change your shirt but your eyes still changed colors, which tells me there's something up with your mood. You don't want me to see you as my brother because I don't tell him everything. And you don't want to be considered a nurse because I'm certain Noah told you about my reluctance to trust them, even if they are just trying to help. You want to be my friend - like always, but if I'm not mistaken, you want to be considered one of my best friends. Tell me I'm wrong," I demanded as Dalton ran by again, squealing in delight. Pat's eyes brimmed with tears.
"No, doll. You're not wrong," he whispered softly as he looked down. I bit my lip again. "Don't feel guilty for telling me the truth. It's one of the things I begged for when you started staying here. It stings, but the truth does sometimes. I'm not mad, 'Nettie, and you aren't pushing me away. But don't you dare feel guilty because you told me when I took it too far," he murmured as he wrung his hands.
"But I do feel bad. You are my friend, and I don't want to hurt you. And I offended you even though I didn't mean to! You've been a gracious host. I just don't want to cause any problems. I trust you and know that you won't hurt me. I also know that you would do whatever you can to help me. I wouldn't have agreed to stay with you if that wasn't the case. But I can't let you play mind games. I need you to be true to her. I respect you too much for you to hurt her later. It wouldn't be true if you could still look at me. Forgive me," I begged. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly then looked up at me. Two tears fell. 
"There's nothing to forgive, doll. I'm glad you see me like that. All I want is for you to be safe and happy. Not just physically safe and happy, I want you to feel it too. I'm sorry if I did anything that makes you feel otherwise. I'll always be here for you, Annette. I promise, she'll understand when I finally get the courage to ask her out, but I respect you too and will cut back. Part of me hopes that with each kiss you let me give you, that it takes some of your pain away; I want to take it all. I hate seeing anyone in pain, but especially you. I thought you were small and fragile looking before you were taken. Seeing you like this, doll, it's hard. You're just so full of life and naturally bubbly. I can see you're trying, but it's forced. So to see you benched is heart wrenching and I thought I was doing what I could to help. I know kisses really aren't magical unless you're Dalton's age or younger, but I could hope. I'm sorry for crossing the lines and making you think that I'm being untrue to her in anyway. You're right of course; I should give her my all. Can you forgive me?" I nodded and looked down. Dalton left my teddy bear, so I stroked the fur tenderly. "Annette, I will protect you to the best of my ability. I will give you more space now that you asked for it. I will not make you feel uncomfortable again, but I will be sticking close by to make sure you can't hurt yourself. I will even protect your heart. I don't mean to mess with your emotions, nor am I trying to play mind games. Thank you for telling me," he gruffly expressed. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Pat stand up and wipe his eyes before he began to chase Dalton around.
"Way to go, 'Nettie." I mumbled to myself. "You upset your host. Now things are going to be weird around here." I wrapped the bear to my chest and wept softly. A small hand rested on my foot.
"Net?" Dalton asked. I looked up and gave him a smile. He climbed up on my lap and I moved the bear to the floor. "Dow?" He asked as he pointed to my lip again.
"Yeah. Ow," I confirmed with with a grin. I looked around the room. Pat was leaning against the wall on the corner of the hallway. "Words can be owies too," I explained as I gave Pat an apologetic stare. He gave me a small smile. I looked back at Dalton as he leaned in again and gave me a hug and rubbed both of my upper arms softly. I giggled and returned the hug, pulling him away from my left shoulder. "Thank you, Dalton! You give good hugs! I shouldn't ever get upset at anyone who just wants to help," I praised, giving Pat a subtle apology as well. Dalton put both hands on my cheeks and dried my eyes. I laughed and helped him accomplish his task. "Better?" I asked when my tears were all dried up. 

"Yay! Net," Dalton cheered. I gave him another hug and set him on the ground again. He giggled and took off as he spotted Pat crouch behind the couch. "At? Bere'd it go? At? Ahhh!" He squealed as he found Pat. There was a knock at the door. "Ama?" Dalton asked as he ran towards the door. Pat followed and opened the door with a smile.
"Hey, Olivia! Come on in. Dalton's had lots of fun today," Pat explained as he opened the door.
"Thank you, Pat. I sure do appreciate your help today," Olivia stated as she came inside. Pat closed the door behind her.
"Oh no. This was all Annette! She's got quite the knack for dealing with kids," Pat praised, meeting my eye as Dalton ran into Olivia's legs and squeezed them with all his might. I hid a soft chuckle behind my hand as I watched the interaction. Olivia smiled broadly as she bent down and hugged her son. I met Pat's eyes again and grinned. My stomach flipped and suddenly felt like it was tied in knots. I blushed, lowered my gaze, and picked the fuzz on the bear's fur. 
"Annette?" I looked up at Olivia and grinned.
"Yes, ma'am?" I asked. She smiled softly.
"Did Dalton hurt you?"
"No, ma'am. He's a sweetheart. Thank you for asking," I replied sincerely. She grinned.
"Annette came up with a fun project for us to do. Dalton loved it. We had grilled cheese for lunch and he slept for about two and a half hours. We just woke him up and changed his diaper like not even five minutes ago," Pat added. Olivia looked surprised. 
"Really? Wow! I barely get 35 minutes any more. Annette, thank you!" Olivia praised as she dug in her purse. "Please let me pay you!"

"Oh no, ma'am! Please keep your money. Like I said, Dalton's a sweetheart. He's a great kid. Plus, I've heard the saying, 'it takes a village to raise a kid.' If you normally pay Pat, you can pay him, but I can't accept your money," I stated. Pat chuckled.

"I never let her pay either. We're neighbors. Like you said, Annette. It takes a village," Pat replied. I grinned. Olivia looked shocked again.

"You two are from the wrong decade," she declared. "Not many young people refuse money these days. I wish I knew more people with your heart. Thank you." Pat and I both grinned as she gathered her son and his items. "Thanks again for your help. I'll see you around. Have a good afternoon." 

"Thank you. You too. Call if you need anything. I'll make sure I have my phone on," Pat promised. Olivia grinned and Pat opened the door. When he closed it, he walked slowly to the couch and sat down. "Doll, I already told you once. I'll tell you again. You need to stop feeling guilty," he ordered. I gave him a wary glance. "You're very observant. 'Words can be owies too.I shouldn't ever get upset at anyone who just wants to help.' Does that mean I can try to give you magic hugs too? Or is that just a Dalton thing?" He mimicked with a grin. I returned the smile. "You spoke what was on your mind. It hurt, sure. But that's only because I've never had a girl tell me no more kissing before," he teased. I giggled and gave him a curt nod.
"So how many girls have you kissed then? Cheek or lips?"
"You, Mom, Linda and all my girlfriends are the only ones I've kissed on the cheek. Oh! And Josh's cousin. Long story; short version is it was a dare. I dated three girls. We had several make-out sessions, but they weren't big into conversations. They got mad at me when I wouldn't sleep with them or even enter their bedroom; I think there's more to a relationship than sex. They didn't like that, although they tried. I wouldn't even allow them in my room; it's just too much temptation and I didn't want to cross that line," he explained.
"Wait! Sorry for interrupting. That means I forced your hand yesterday when you climbed into bed with me," I exclaimed. His gaze softened and he gave me a sincere smile.

"You didn't force anything, Annette. I offered you my help. You need it. I chose to do that so that I could monitor your breathing all night. You are very fragile and it scares me to lose another friend. I've seen too much death, and I can't lose somebody else in this home. Don't even offer to leave. You're safe here, doll, and I'll help keep it that way. You really scared me last night and I just had to make sure you kept breathing. CPR, extra oxygen, or anything like that was not needed last night. I hardly slept for fear of losing you. You're a great friend and I promised to help take care of you. The world will seem darker if it loses your brilliant smile. I'm not going to lie, I'd be one of several people devastated by the loss of your life," Pat murmured. I blushed and looked at his knee and clasped hands.
"Okay. Sorry. Thanks for making sure I kept breathing. So dating and crossing the lines?" I pressed as I met his gaze again. He nodded.
"Even when I was just starting to date, I knew that I only wanted to go all the way with one woman: the one who would become my wife. So I made a point of trying not to explore that boundary when dating, no matter how badly my girlfriends begged for it. The girl I recently discovered that I want by my side for the rest of my life, she's changed everything for me. I can't picture life without her in it, but I can barely think around her. I've felt drawn to her ever since I first met her. I didn't think of it until you mentioned it last night, but I can see her by my side until I'm old and gray, but I can see everything else leading up to that point too. Nobody else will do. I don't know how to explain it, but I know she's my one. Little things pull me in and I'm delighted - beyond delighted. I don't know if there's a word for it. She has no idea how incredible she is, how hopelessly gone I am, or even how far I would go to show her how precious she is to me. I know it's kinda creepy, but she fills my head all the time. I see her smile, I hear her laugh, I'm starstruck and dazed. She is the most beautifully perfect being I have ever met," Pat explained.
"But you have issues talking with her?" I asked. Pat nodded with a grin.
"You can say that," he chuckled. "Although it's not so much talking with her as it is expressing my true feelings about her when I'm with her. My heart pounds faster, words get stuck in my throat, and butterflies flip in my stomach whenever I'm in her presence," Pat stated softly as he looked at his clasped hands. I smiled and played with my teddy bear again.
"She'll be the luckiest girl in the world," I confessed softly as I lowered my gaze too.
"Only if she says yes, but I think I'll be the lucky one," Pat surmised. I looked up at him and he grinned at me, holding my gaze. "If she makes me feel like this with a look or a word, can you imagine how she'll make me feel if she gives me her love in return or a kiss?" Pat asked. I studied his expression. His eyes were soft and warm and back to the bright baby blue they always were. His jaw was relaxed and he smiled tenderly.

"You really do love her, don't you?" I murmured.
"With every fiber of my being. I didn't know a feeling so strong could sneak up on me so quickly," Pat admitted. His eyes studied me and I felt insecure. I blushed and bit my lip.
"And how does she feel about you?" I asked as I met his eyes again. I held my breath as I waited for an answer. It didn't escape Pat's notice.

"Breathe, doll," he ordered. I gave him a c**k-eyed glance. "Breathe," he repeated softly. "Or I'm putting you in the mask." I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Again, Annette." I rolled my eyes but obeyed. "Very good, doll. Now to answer your question, I believe she sees me as a friend. She's very guarded though. Sometimes it's hard to get a read on her. Well uh, hang on. Let me rephrase that," he paused as he dropped his gaze to his hands again. "I always thought she was an open book. Recently though, I learned that book was more like a child's book: plain, simple, and easy to follow. I have learned that there's an adult version published too. This version is locked up tighter than most diaries. Now I've never actually read a diary, but one of my exes may have left one out in hopes that I would read it; I can imagine it was a lot of hearts with our initials in them. The woman I hope to one day make my wife isn't as predictable or childish. If she was though, I wouldn't mind seeing my initials next to hers; it would make me giddy. The book I recently discovered is nothing like the pathetic lock on that diary I saw. The book itself is unlocked. However, individual chapters and pages are locked up tighter than Fort Knox. I know that once I unlock one chapter, I come across a whole another lock set before I can even read a page. Things are redacted and there are passwords and challenges; all different on every page. Even if I think I have it figured out then have the wind turn the page only to come back to the one I was working on and find it has a whole new set of locks on it. It's frustrating, sure, but I'm intrigued so I won't give up. And it doesn't mean I care about her any less. I may only see one word on the whole page until she reveals more. I desperately want to read more, but I'm not going to pry the binding apart to look into her life; I'll just read what I'm granted to read. I appreciate the little tidbits she let's me see. I could never force her to show me either. I just have to trust that eventually she'll open up." I nodded. 
"I'm sure you'll win her over. Thank you. Pat, you don't have to talk my language; I don't think I've ever seen you pick up a book, let alone read, but I love the book metaphors so thanks again. Like I was saying, I know you'll win her over. I know you have the courage inside you to approach her too. You could always start with something small like uh. Oh! A cup of coffee. You're the sweetest guy I know, so I'm sure you could come up with a way to make it personal for her. Although it seems to be part of your nature, avoid the flower or chocolate cliché when you first approach her about your feelings. After she accepts them, you can do whatever you'd like, but I know you'd make her feel special. I'd love for a guy like you to be in my life all the time," I admitted. Pat's eyes shot up and met mine. I couldn't place the emotion behind them but he smiled encouragingly at me.
"You'll find him. After all, any guy would get the greatest gift from you if you gave him your love," Pat reassured. He stood up and put my chair leg down. He offered me his hand. "May I?" I gave him a confused glance but gave him my hand. He pulled me up, keeping a hold of my hand, and wrapped his right hand around my waist. "Do you dance, doll?" He asked with a grin. I blushed, shook my head, and buried my face in his chest. He laughed. "No, doll. I'm not actually going to dance with you in your fragile state." I looked back up at him. "But is this crossing the line?" He whispered softly. I shook my head again and snuggled into his chest; this was comforting.

"I actually like this. It's nice. I know you won't let me fall; which lately is a great concern of mine," I confessed. I leaned back and looked in his eyes. "But you wish it was her in your arms? Waltzing away through the night?" He smiled at me and spun us around.

"Like this?" He asked. I gave him a curt nod, squeezed his hand tighter, and buried my head in his chest.
"Pat!" I exclaimed as he stopped moving us around with a chuckle. I leaned into him, bit my lip, and gasped as he held my right arm out in full extension and pulled tighter to him as he fully supported me. I looked up at him as he chuckled. 
"No more dancing, I promise. Doll, I told you I'd told you I'd help you stretch. Let me know when we go too far," he murmured. I looked up at him and grinned as I scooted back just a bit.
"Yes, sir," I replied as I bent my arm a little, easing the discomfort in my chest slightly. 
"Deep, even breaths. Keep your toes on the floor. Let me help you, but you need to make sure I don't press your limits more than you can handle right now. I need you to take it easy too," he instructed as he lifted my arm in the air, allowing me to keep my elbow bent. He pressed slightly on the small of my back as he lifted me off the floor, causing me to arch my back a little. My body screamed in the good pain. I closed my eyes and bit my lip and Pat lowered me back down softly. "Doll?" I opened my eyes and met his as he lowered my arm and rubbed my jaw. "You need to tell if I'm hurting you."
"It's the good pain. Everything is just so stiff. Thank you. I'm already starting to feel better. I'm not ready for you to stop," I confessed as I dropped my gaze to his chest. He chuckled and turned me sideways. I blushed as he grabbed my hand with his right hand, bent my arm back to my shoulder, and tipped me backwards, supporting me between my shoulder blades. I gave him a panicked look.
"I won't let you fall, doll," Pat promised with a smirk. "You and your crazy fears. While you're my guest, we're going to work one getting rid of them. Got it?" I nodded and took several choppy breaths. "Breathe, Annette. Even breaths. I got you, doll. I have never dropped a dancing partner, and a stretching partner will be no different. We're working on your abs now. Keep your right leg straight, bend your left knee, and relax into my arm," he instructed. I closed my eyes and leaned into his arm. He lowered me slowly as my leg raised. I bit my lip again.
"Ow!" I whimpered. He chuckled softly, stood me up again, and centered me in front of him. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Good ow," I stated with a grin.
"Okay. Good then. We can only work on your right leg while you're standing up. So lean into me and push your leg back as far as you can. Don't overdo it and hurt your hip more. Don't slouch your back. Keep it straight so we don't cause more problems later," Pat instructed. I nodded and did as I was told, even though I knew it. He moved my hand to his shoulder and moved his hand down to my leg. "I'll help you brace it, doll. Higher if you can." I bit my lip as the leg was raised. The door opened and I jumped.
"Sorry. Am I interrupting anything?" Josh chuckled from the door. I blushed, lowered my leg, and looked down.
"Nope. Just helping her stretch," Pat replied. 

"Awesome possum. That's exactly what it looks like it, not like you were trying to get a finger score," Josh implied with a wink. 
"What do you mean by that?" I asked angrily as I glared at him.
"Alright, doll. I think that's enough for today. Don't worry about Josh. I wasn't trying to cop a feel; it's the way his filthy mind works," Pat murmured as he sat me on the couch and ran over and playfully punched Josh's shoulder. "And you are a horrible friend who can't keep your mind out of the gutter. You're making my guest feel uneasy," he teased as he punched his shoulder repeatedly.
"OW! Uncool, man. Anyways, you guys missed lunch. Hungry?" Josh chuckled as he backed away and got in a boxer's fighting stance; Pat mimicked him.
"No. We're good. You asked me not to make a habit of you cooking. I'll go to my room if you guys want to fight," I warned. Pat immediately dropped his fists and looked at me. 
"We'll behave, Net," Josh promised as he also relaxed his stance. 
"Thank you," I replied. "Josh, I'm sorry. If that hurt, ugh, then I must have been hit with a wrecking ball. There was barely a thud with those hits." Both men chuckled. I looked up at Pat as he made his way over to me. "Can I use the bathroom again?"
"Of course, doll. Can I pick you up or would you prefer the chair?" Pat asked. I blushed again.
"You can carry me. It seems easier than using the chair," I confessed.
"It is," Pat replied as he scooped me up in his arms. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders as we made our way down the hallway. He turned into my room and dropped me off in the bathroom. He held onto my waist as I got my balance and held onto the wall. "I'll be right outside when you're done. The flush grants me permission to enter," he teased.
"Yes, sir, I guess it does. Thank you," I replied. He grinned at me and closed the door behind him. When I had finished using the bathroom, I flushed and positioned myself back on the wall in the same way. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as Pat came back in. He gave me a concerned smile. "Dresses may be easier to put on, but they are surprisingly harder to use the bathroom in. I need help, now," I explained as I tried to catch my breath. Pat came over and I put his hands on my hips then put my arm above my head and took several deep breaths and closed my eyes. He held me steady and I was grateful because I was certain falling would be inevitable if I were to do this on my own. When breathing came easier I lowered my hand and met his eye. "Thank you. Who knew it could be so exhausting to do normal activities?" Pat chuckled and carried me to the sink. His right hand held onto my side between my rib-cage and hip, his left hand rested on on my hip, and his right foot was right beside my foot - his knee ready to give my leg support if needed.

"Take it easy, doll. No need to hurt yourself. That's what we're here for," he insisted as I turned on the water and washed my hand. 
"You're here for me to hurt? Oh then we need to revisit our contract," I teased as I met his eye in the mirror. He laughed.
"I believe it states that you'll let us help you and you'll avoid hurting yourself further," he retorted as he reached across my body and grabbed the hand towel as I turned the water off. He met my eyes in the mirror again as he dried my hand. "Doll, what would you like to do next?"
"What would you be doing right now?" I sassed as I tried to turn around, tripping on his foot. He scowled and picked me up with ease.
"Doll," Pat warned as he set me back down, now facing him. "No hurting yourself." I grinned and nodded. "Josh and I usually spend the afternoon playing Xbox."
"Sounds adventurous," I retorted with a grin. "I can read now. Keep your regular schedule. I'd hate to be a burden." He bopped my nose.
"You are trouble, doll, but not a burden," he teased. "Alright. Back to the living room we go." Pat scooped me up and carried me back out to the living room. "Popcorn?" Pat inquired as he sat me down in the armchair again. He leaned over and extended the leg rest once more. I smiled.

"Sounds delightful. Thank you. Can I trouble you for some chocolate and water too?" I asked.
"Are you planning on doing another science project?" Pat teased. I shook my head and grinned. "Then it won't be any trouble at all." Pat bopped my nose again and gave me my book. "Josh, you have two legs. You can get your own treats. It's game time!"
"Hey! I served you breakfast. You can serve me a snack," Josh retorted as Pat headed to the kitchen. I chuckled. Josh set up the Xbox then met my eye and grinned. "How was your french toast this morning, Annette?" 
"Delicious. Quite satisfying," I replied with a grin.
"I gathered that. You were having a food-gasm," he chuckled. I blushed and looked down. "So what have you two been doing all day? Any other 'gasms?" Josh implied with a wink.
"Gah! Josh! No. Get your mind out of the gutter. I've been sleeping mostly. We watched Dalton. Pat cooked him lunch and didn't burn down the house. It wasn't bad either, simple but a good grilled cheese. Dalton left and Pat helped me stretch. Although I'm curious if he wasn't trying to teach me to dance. I'm kinda a hopeless case in that matter," I replied, giving Josh the brief run down, meeting his eye, and trying not to blush.
"Au contraire, mademoiselle. Une fois que vous récupérerez votre flexibilité, vous serez un formidable danseur. Je sais cela," Pat interjected as he threw a bag of chips at Josh, placed bowl of popcorn in my lap, and handed me the ziplock bag of m&ms. He set some water within my arm's reach on the floor.
"You speak French?" I asked in amusement. Pat chuckled and pinched his fingers together.
"I'm a bit rusty but I fell in love with the language while I was over there. I remember certain phrases, like how to compliment a woman and my manners, but I doubt I'd be fluent in it right now," he replied. I giggled and looked down. Josh was in my line of sight and had an amused look on his face.
"I see. Well, I don't care who you are or if you were just showing off and speaking gibberish, but that was beautiful! What did you say? Did you say something? It sounds like you did. Something about flexibility and formidable dancing? I'm sorry, but you must be mistaken," I insisted. Both men laughed and I looked back up at Pat. His eyes softened and he smiled at me.

Softly, he remarked, "I do know exactly what I said. All I said was once you get your flexibility back, I'm sure you'll be a lovely dancer. I know it."

"I, ahem. I see. Thank you for the vote of confidence," I replied as I blushed brightly and he sat on the couch. "Seriously, Pat, is there anything you can't do?"
"Cook. Unless it involves heating food in the microwave, it's not edible," he replied with a grin. "Today was the exception." Josh laughed and I joined in.
"Dude, your mom would be so proud. Joanna would have loved you, Annette," Josh beamed as he handed Pat a controller.
"So I keep hearing," I replied. I looked at Pat. "I would have liked to meet her too. She raised an exceptional young man. Now as for your mom, Josh, she could have used some help," I teased as I met Josh's eye. Pat laughed and Josh grabbed his heart.

"You know how to make a guy bleed, Annette. I'm hurt. Genuinely hurt," Josh jabbed as he started the game. He looked over at me, winked, and remarked, "you're right though. Mom said I've always been a handful. She was excited when I became friends with Pat. He's a good influence or something."
"You just liked my mom's cooking. And your mom liked that she didn't have to put up with you," Pat teased. I ate my snack as I watched them interact. Their playful banter was fun. I looked at the tv screen and tried to make sense of their game; I had a hard time following it. "Doll?" 

"Hmm?" I looked back at Pat. He gestured to the bowl in my lap; it was empty. I blushed. "Sorry. I guess I mentally checked out again. It seems to happen a lot when I eat. Since I woke up in the hospital, this is the second thing I've eaten completely," I admitted. Both men on the couch chuckled. Josh stuck his elbow in Pat's side.
"Guess we found out how to make her eat," he chuckled and Pat joined in. I blushed again. "Annette," Josh started. I looked up at him and he winked. "How many times did Pat steal your breath today?" 
"None. I don't think. Um. I uh. He didn't. Although, last night is a different story," I replied. Pat blushed slightly.
"No way! Pat!" Josh exclaimed as he slapped Pat's shoulder.
"It's not like that. I scared her. Bad," Pat replied. He gave me a warning glance; I ignored it. 
"And I needed him to calm me down. I couldn't do it alone," I added. Pat shook his head.

"Trouble," he mouthed causing me to grin.

"Really?!" Josh inquired as he put his controller down and leaned forward, rubbing his hands together. "Tell me more," he demanded. A mischievous glint was in his eye. I blushed.

"Nothing more to tell," I insisted.
"Your blush gives you away; it's quite noticeable with your pale complexion. It's good to see some color on your face - not artificial or some sort of menacing color. Anyways, I'll get the answers from Pat," Josh insisted as he shrugged his shoulders. I shook my head and put my bowl on the floor. I set the half full bag of m&ms in the bowl and took a sip of water.

"She's right. There's nothing more to tell," Pat replied looking Josh in the eye. "I moved her from the couch after she fell asleep. It was a mistake. She woke up and didn't know where she was. Once she calmed down, she slept. The end." Josh looked skeptically at the both of us. 
"Whatever. You guys are hiding something," he insisted as he picked up the game controller again. I shook my head and put my water down.
"Okay fine. He's leaving out the part that it was in his arms that I slept, under separate blankets. Happy?" I asked. His eyes popped out of his head as he looked between the two of us. Pat shook his head and buried it in his hands. "WHAT?!" 
"You just set me up for a lifetime of heckling," Pat murmured as he met my eye and grinned. I smiled.
"Oh. He's been set up for a lifetime of that a long time ago; this ammo though. Oh boy! Forgive me, Annette, I have to get a few jabs in," Josh stated and poked Pat's side. "When's the last time you were in bed with a girl?"
"Last night for safety concerns, before that, Mom; I held her as we watched a movie - it was our last full day together. Before that, no one unless you count growing up when Mom snuggled next to me and read," Pat sighed and leaned back into the couch. I giggled and opened my book again and began reading where I left off as Josh continued his jeers. "Are you going to help me, doll?" Pat asked after about the seventh jab. I looked up and grinned, shaking my head. 
"HA! See you're in this on your own," Josh chuckled. "Now when you enter a girl's bed, separate bl-"
"Okay fine," I interrupted. I looked over at Josh. "You, sir, are a nuisance. Just because Pat isn't a bedroom w***e like you, doesn't mean that he doesn't know how to have a good time in the bedroom. He was a perfect gentleman and made sure I didn't hurt myself any further last night. Not to mention, I woke up ticked off this morning because I don't like to lay around and I was stuck in his arms. He teased me but was helpful. Then when we came back from breakfast, he set me back in bed and let me boss him around. He seemed to enjoy it. He never complained anyways and was just as friendly as he's ever been and full if smiles. He's a good friend and I'm grateful for his help. You can take a few lessons, Josh." Pat smiled at me gratefully and Josh looked shocked. "Now if it's okay with you two lug-heads, I would like to read. So is the heckling done? It's hard to concentrate."
"Yeah. I'm done. I'm stunned, Net. You think I'm a bedroom w***e?" Josh sounded appalled and proud. I giggled and nodded. Pat poked his side.

"She's got you pegged," he mocked. I giggled again. Pat met my eye again. "You did the impossible, you shut him up," he praised. I shook my head and looked down.
"Easier said than done," I replied. Pat chuckled softly.
"Har. Har. Har. Net, in all sincerity, you don't want me to take lessons from Pat on that. If I did, and ended up in bed with you, I would be kissing you and feeling you up. It's what I do in the bedroom. I would lose track of helping you and would be thinking with my dick. You're not my type; you're very shy and quiet and so modest. Not to mention a co-worker and basically family. It'd be weird. No. Don't blush or get offended. I'm blunt and crude. Always have been. I like girls that want to get a little wild and are as raunchy as me; you're nothing like that, Net. I mean that in best possible way. I respect you and want to be your friend. I also want to help protect you, so that means I'll always try to be on my best behavior and won't cross any lines. I'm still going to be a calloused jerk and myself, but I will never flirt with you. You're right, Pat is a gentleman; always has been. I'm glad he's taking care of you. You look a little banged up and you definitely need help. I'm glad you're back and safe. Okay so enough with the mushy stuff, it's making me uncomfortable. Game on, Pat," Josh ordered. I turned my attention back to my book and read two chapters before I put the book down again. Pat was no longer in the room and Josh was playing the Xbox by himself. I watched the single person game. Two minutes later, he paused the game. I looked at him. "Pat took a phone call; he's outside," he remarked.

"That's cool. I didn't ask. I'm sorry about my comment earlier," I replied. He grinned.
"I deserved it. It was a solid burn and probably true. Proud of you. Annette, Pat loves having you here, and you're helping him too." I blushed and looked down. "I'm serious. He's finally doing something productive besides running and obsessively cleaning. Olivia came by after she picked up Dalton; they had a milkshake. That little boy can sure talk. I didn't catch much other than he 'lubs Net'. I had a few minutes to chat with them after I got off. Olivia said she's never seen Pat so relaxed after watching Dalton. What did you do?"
"I took a nap with Dalton. And possibly depleted Pat's shaving cream," I replied. Josh raised his eyebrow. I chuckled, "Dalton loved it. We basically just colored with it." Josh shook his head and snickered.
"How'd Pat take that?"
"Pretty good. He enjoyed the project as much as Dalton did. Dalton even fingerprinted with it. Pat just laughed and calmly wiped it up," I admitted and Josh's jaw dropped in surprise. "Will you help me stand up please?"

"And go where?" Josh asked as he stood up. I thought about it for a minute.
"Outside. Porch? I'm up for a change of scenery. If you don't mind, of course," I replied. He lowered my foot rest.
"I don't mind at all, Annette. How can I help?"
"Umm. Well. Can I have your hand please? It works with Jess and Pat." He nodded and gave me his hand. I grabbed it and planted my foot on the ground. His second hand guided me to a standing position. "Thank you." I held onto his shoulder as I got my balance. I pursed my lips and looked towards the kitchen.
"I can carry you, Annette. You shouldn't be hopping. I mean it and you know it," Josh spoke softly but with conviction. I bit my lip and nodded. "Plus, I can't help it. I love pranking Pat," he chuckled as he scooped me up and took me outside. "I see why Pat enjoys lifting you everywhere. You're light. Now, stay quiet," he ordered in a whisper as he put me on the swing, resting my right leg across the swing as my left leg pushed on the floor and began rocking my seat. I nodded and looked out in the yard just down the stairs in the middle of the porch as he ducked back inside. In the distance, about 75 yards away a blue jay caught my eye. I watched him flit to and fro as he played along the treeline. He would fly out into the middle of the yard, peck at something in the ground and immediately go back to the trees. 
"You're so free, Mr. Bluebird. I love watching you!" I whispered in awe.
"What do you mean she's gone?! That doesn't concern you?" Pat demanded in a loud voice. I held back a chuckle. "Annette? Where are you, doll? D****t, Josh! Your mom may think I'm a good influence but I'm about to pound you," Pat yelled from inside. I couldn't help but laugh. Josh joined me on the porch, chuckling softly. 
"Pat's searching your room. I told him I used the bathroom and came out to an empty room. I assumed that it meant you needed a pee break too," he chuckled as he sat down in one of the lounge chairs with a wink. I blushed brightly and looked down. "It's fine, Annette. Normal. Nothing to be ashamed of." I nodded and looked up again.
"Will your mom know if he pummels you? Is she in Denver? No. Uh," I remarked. Josh grinned.
"Close. Starts with a D , so right track. Detroit. Just remember, if Mom finds out Pat hurt me, she go all mad lioness on him. Detroit Lions, Net. I have no intentions of telling her, but if something did happen to me, Pat would be the first person she would call. Mom checks in like twice a week and she seems to know instantly if something is wrong. It's a mother's intuition I guess," he replied. I nodded and looked back out towards the tree line.
"Football, right?" Josh nodded. "I don't keep track of sports very well, but I should be able to remember that now," I teased.
"Josh! Crying out loud! This isn't a game!" Pat shouted. I laughed.
"Pat! We're outside," I hollered. "Sorry, Josh. I couldn't do this any more." Josh put his hands up defensively as Pat came outside. He glared at Josh, then studied me, his face etched in worry and concern. "I'm sorry, Pat. It's my fault. I wanted a change of scenery. Josh was all to willing to participate." Relief washed over his face and he crouched beside me, looking over my body. "I'm not hurt. I didn't mean to cause you undue stress. I'm a horrible house guest."
"No, doll. It's been a delight to have you in my home. Josh on the other hand might end up getting banned from my house. That's twice now. It's getting old," Pat explained as he glared at Josh. 

"Pat, didn't you ever play hide and seek growing up?" I teased with a giggle.
"No. Only child," he reminded me.
"But you should have in the army," Josh added. Pat and I chuckled.

"With a gun. Shoot first, ask questions later. I could never do that with you, doll," Pat insisted as he stroked my cheek. I scooted forward.
"You have some major control issues; I hate throwing a wrench in your perfectly laid out plans. However, that being said, since it's bugging you for me to be out of your sight and you would have better say in where I went if you were touching me, would you like to swing with me?" I asked. He grinned and sat behind me.
"Love to, doll," he murmured as he draped his arm over my shoulder. I leaned into his. 
"I'm not doing this for your sanity, you know?" I pointed out. His chest bounced, but I didn't hear any laughter. "And I'm not getting in the way of her either. I just needed a brace. So far, you've been the best one."
"You're fine, doll. You don't have to explain anything to me. I'm glad you asked for assistance of some sort. Your brother is bringing us dinner when he gets off work. Your other brother and his girlfriend will be bringing lots of groceries. Apparently he knows you too well. What's this about not liking to go out to eat too often and having to cook?" Pat teased. I looked back up at him and smiled. He returned the grin and I looked forward again. "He'll cook for you until you can manage on your own, but like I said one week minimum, so please don't rush. Your sister is planning on helping you take a shower tonight. While that's happening, your brothers and I will go chop wood or something else manly." I chuckled.

"I appreciate you giving me privacy," I replied. I pointed to the merry blue jay. "What do you think makes him so happy?"
Pat chuckled, "because this is a safe land. Looks like he's doing a mating dance. You think he found his special little birdie?" 
"Unlikely. It's only him, a few swallows, and a robin," I replied as I pointed to the different areas I saw the different birds. "His bright blue feathers caught my eye. I've only seen his in that color."
"Birds? Getting him to cook? Pat! Have you gone soft? I don't know how you do it, but you are a miracle worker, Annette," Josh guffawed. I lowered my head and blushed.
"How?" I whispered. Pat chuckled softly behind me and pushed my hair over my left shoulder, blocking my view of Josh. I scowled and pulled it all over my right shoulder.
"Annette, he's talking about birds. He's cooking. I don't recognize my best friend!" Josh explained around a laugh. I grinned and met his eye.
"He seems to be the same Pat I've always known," I countered. Josh squinted his eyes at me.
"Maybe. I'll let it slide for now," he promised as Pat rocked the swing slowly. "You seem different too, Net. At work, you're high strung. I don't get that vibe now. What's going on?" I blushed again and looked at my feet.
"I'm not working," I teased.
"I'm serious. What's up? Is something bothering you?" Josh asked. I shook my head.
"Pat has done an exceptional job of giving me the impossible; I finally feel safe. Like I'm myself. No masks. I don't have to worry about what I may say, for fear of breaking a promise because he's been given a hell of an opening into my life. Yet he didn't shy away and instead, stepped up to help me. You two act like siblings, that kinda gives you a foot in the door, Josh. Although I appreciate your concern too, I'm not ready to be an open book with you, well with anyone really. While I'm staying here, I have to accept help and possibly open up, but I can't do it with everyone. The less people I can pull in the better. No offense," I admitted as I met Josh's eye.
"None taken. You don't have to be an open book with me; I have no intention of reading your pages, Annette. As long as you can still be friendly with me, not just to be polite - but an actual friend, that's all I ask. Besides, I've seen enough grief in your eyes to last me a lifetime. Plus, I don't care to know a girl's secret; I'm mainly in it for for the sex. After all, I am just a bedroom w***e. No commitment, just sex. It's the best," Josh confessed as he wiggled his eyebrows.
"No wonder you're always single," I retorted with a chuckle. I heard a car pull up and I stiffened.
"Okay, now what's wrong, doll? Am I hurting you?" Pat inquired.
"Patrol car!" I whispered as my body began to shake uncontrollably.

"Josh!" Pat exclaimed quietly as he picked me up and carried me inside. He carried me to the left instead of the right and hid me in the laundry closet. I was standing by the dryer and facing the kitchen. I looked down at my hand and blinked back tears. Pat lifted my chin so I could meet his eye. "You're safe. There's no way we'll let you get hurt or taken away. I'm going to hide you for your safety but I need you to calm down," he murmured as his eyes flitted to and fro, searching mine. I nodded and braced my back against the wall as I took a shaky deep breath and let it out slowly. He hung up a sheet between me and and the dryer then started the washing machine. Josh took off down the hallway. "Stay here, Annette. Stay quiet and please don't fall down. The washer will mask any sounds you make, but try your best to keep quiet," Pat whispered earnestly. I nodded again. Josh came back into the kitchen and dumped all of the cans with my picture in the bottom drawer, causing me to jump and let out a surprised gasp. "Do not make one peep. No matter what happens," Pat instructed as he put a single finger over my lips. I nodded and tears fell down my face. He wiped my tears and gave me Noah's teddy bear. I was confused as to where it came from, but I didn't care at the moment.

"That's what I thought. I hope somehow it gives you strength. Aside from the clothing, there's no proof of her being here. All of the flowers have been distributed throughout the house - with the cards tucked away in thay bottom drawer. No names anywhere that proves she's here or ever has been. Also the Xbox is running again and jovial banter is flowing. Pat, ready to put on the act of your life?" Josh asked. Pat nodded. Josh looked at me over Pat's shoulder. "We have your back, Annette. Don't worry 'bout a thing." I nodded again. Josh looked back towards the door. "He does take his sweet time," he surmised. I nodded yet again as I panted rapidly. If it was Dad, we had a few minutes. Dad always took another phone call or did paperwork before leaving his car. My guess was he was double checking his notes and making sure he had the correct place. 
"Can I, doll?" Pat asked. I looked back at him. He wiped my tears and leaned in. His forehead rested against mine. "Can I seal my promise with a kiss? It's the only way I know how to make it real. I'll still protect my heart, yours, and her's. I won't play with your emotions. She'll understand my reasoning." I grinned and gave him a curt nod. He put both hands on my face and tilted it down. Then he kissed my forehead and whispered, "I promise, doll, no one is ever going to physically hurt you again; I won't let it happen. I will protect you, especially from him." I nodded and wrapped the bear tighter as I heard a knock on the door. He rubbed my cheek tenderly. "Shh. I promise. You'll be safe. He won't hurt you again. Shhh." I nodded as Josh brought over the oxygen tank. 
"This was still in the front room. You should put it on; you're starting to hyperventilate. Pat, get the door before they knock it down," Josh spoke quickly and quietly. Pat nodded and helped me put on the mask as I stood up tall again. The tank he tucked behind my feet as he turned it on. I crouched down and sat on it. 

"That's wise. Sit flat against the wall. I promise, doll," he whispered. I nodded as he walked away.
"Breathe," Josh whispered as he gave me a sympathetic smile and closed the bi-fold door in front of me, the one in front of the washer was left open. As his footsteps receded, I took deep breaths and pulled the sheet over me. If dad was on the other side of that outside door, and he walked through the house, a sheet would be a dead give away. He wouldn't open this second door without a reason. He would just peek in the open door in front of the washer, but with it running, logic would conclude that they're just doing laundry - not hiding me. I needed more laundry to pull off looking like a laundry basket, I still felt like I had to hide more. I bit my lip and buried my head into the teddy bear. Tears slowly fell. I strained to hear what was being said over the running water.
"Do you mind if I come in? It's a bit warm outside," a voice asked. I began to panic; that was definitely my dad's voice.
"Officer Gibson, I'd be happy to answer any questions. It is warm out; I'd rather not pay to cool it off. Josh and I were just playing a video game," Pat replied casually. The door shut. I took another deep breath and let it out in spurts. Tears flowed freely down my face. Why would he let him in the house?
"Annette seems to have gone MIA. I checked down at the restaurant. The waitress told me if I wanted to find her, you might be my best bet. Have you heard from her?" Dad asked casually. I began to think over who might point him in our direction.
"Everyone," I concluded mentally. They hadn't been instructed to keep Pat out of this; no one knew the officer that I was related to was a dangerous prick and scared me. "Idiot!" I mentally berated myself.
"No, I haven't seen her since yesterday at the restaurant," Pat replied.
"Who'd she leave with?" Dad asked. I began to hyperventilate.
"Breathe, 'Nettie. He won't win."
"Her brother. What was his name? Ned? Nathan? Oh that's right! Noah," Josh provided.

"Her brother is dead. Noah was killed in a hit and run. Besides I didn't see him in the restaurant yesterday either," Dad stated crossily. 
"Dude. That's on me. He talked to me Saturday afternoon when we came to visit Annette in the hospital. I told him about the giant card in the break room. He agreed to give us an hour with her so we could surprise her. She only took thirty-five minutes before she kicked us out. She wanted time alone to read the card when you showed up," Josh offered.
"What about the wheelchair in the back of that green truck?" Dad accused
"It's mine. This leg chaffs sometimes and I can't get around on crutches very well. Have you gone downhill in one of those chairs? Quite the rush," Pat chuckled. 

"We going joy riding later?" Josh asked.
"That was the plan. Into the lake. The spare is in the shed," Pat confirmed. I took another deep breath and let it out slowly. 
"Pride and Prejudice. Seems a bit feminine for you two boys," Dad stated. He must have moved around the room a little. More tears fell.
"Shh, 'Nettie!" I rebuked mentally.
"Yeah. Pat has a female roommate. She's always leaving her stuff around," Josh said nonchalantly. 

"Where is she?" Dad inquired.
"Shopping," Pat replied as the door opened and shut again.
"Guess she's not shopping any more," Josh chuckled.
"Oh my word! Have you seen the lines these day?" A female voice said at the same time. "Phew! Hey, Pat, do you mind helping me unload. Junior and I need to make a pit stop. Oh! Hello. Guess it's a good thing I went shopping! Looks like we have a crowd to feed. I mean if you want to of course. You're both welcome to stay for dinner. I'm thinking tuna casserole and brussle sprouts. Anyways. I didn't find you that jerky you liked but we'll eat like royalty tonight," her voice rapidly trilled. I recognized it, but I couldn't place it. I took another deep breath and tried to focus. "Oh! And I bought you a new outfit!" Her voice trailed off as she went down the hallway. I grinned and bit my lip to keep from laughing. Jess.
"That's Jess. As you can see. She's a little eccentric and scattered brained," Pat explained. "Anything else, officer?"
"Annette is a minor. I'd hate to file runaway paperwork before school starts. I'm just looking for her," Dad stated.
"Of course. Thank you, sir," Pat replied. I took another breath as the door shut. My tears never stopped falling. Footsteps approached and the bi-fold door opened. "Hey, doll. He's gone. Are you okay?" Pat asked softly pulling the sheet off my head. I shook my head and ripped off the mask and dropped the bear. Pat offered me his hand and helped me stand up. He wrapped one arm around my waist as the other rested on the back of my head. "Shh! You're safe, 'Nettie," he whispered as I cried into his shoulder. "You did good, doll. I'm proud of you. We didn't hear a sound. We'll call Trooper Sanchez and let him know that he's poking around." I trembled in his arms and let out a sob. He picked me up and carried me into my bedroom and set me on the bed. Jess rested her hand on my back. "I'm going to go unload her car. It'll look weird if your dad is still hanging around and only Josh is bringing stuff in. Can Jess comfort you, doll?" I gave his neck a warm embrace and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you," I whispered.

"Any time, doll. I told you, I'll keep you safe. He won't hurt you again," he whispered. I nodded.
"Seal it," I begged. He leaned over and kissed my temple.
"Never again, 'Nettie," he promised. He rubbed my arm and looked at Jess. "I leave her in your capable hands. I gotta get out there and help Josh. You have impeccable timing, next time, don't mention the food. I almost broke character - that's just gross sounding."
"Sorry, but that was the goal. I had to make sure he didn't want to stick around. If I started cooking, I definitely would have sent him to the hills running. And everyone else in the house. Our errands were done early. When you talked to Tyler, we were half hour away. We met at the restaurant and were just beginning to sit down to order. Thanks for giving him head's up when you answered the door. Noah, Tyler, and I quickly came up with a plan, but we trusted you to handle it as well. You did great. I was coming by as a plan b. Just in case he started to walk through the house. Based on what we heard, I didn't need to interfe-"

"-but we're glad you did. He was starting to walk through the house," Pat insisted.
"I heard. 'Feminine for you two boys?' I opened the door right as you threw out that I was staying here and went shopping. Which I did. But I'm not technically staying here. I had to make a guess about which room to turn into. If I guessed wrong, I would have had to stay there until he left," Jess spoke quickly. Pat laughed.
"You did good," he replied. He squeezed my hand and smiled warmly at Jess. "Thank you." She nodded and rubbed my back as he left. 
"Hey, sister," she beamed once my breathing regulated. I smiled and leaned into her.
"I missed you, Jess. So many guys," I wept. She rubbed my back tenderly and held onto me.

"Eventful couple of days?" Jess asked as I pulled away and sat up again. I nodded. "Good. We love you, 'Nettie. Noah and Tyler are sticking the restaurant to make sure he really leaves."
"You guys are really paranoid," I chuckled and dried my eyes. "Pat says we're planning on a shower later, huh?" Jess laughed. 
"Soon, sweetie. Soon. First things first. We eat dinner and gossip. Also. You need a bit of help with your wardrobe. It's not a bad choice," she began as she rifled through my closet and pulled out a teal sequined top, "but this top pairs better with that dress. Not to mention shoes. Your feet are still bare."

"A. Pat picked out the outfit. B. I think he made an excellent choice. C. My outfit of choice would have been his t-shirt. It's quite comfy. What letter am I on? Doesn't matter. That sequined top is not my style, this white one is better. I'm not standing up outside so shoes are not high on my priority. And finally, in case you hadn't figured it out yet, clothes intimidate me!" I giggled. Jess joined in.
"I'll win you over eventually. Do you want to feel Junior again?" She asked, her eyes sparkled in merriment. I nodded and grinned at her. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her belly as she sat beside me. "She's a mover and a groover!"
"She?" I asked as I rubbed her belly. The baby kicked my hand repeatedly. Jess dried my eyes again. "She really is a mover."
"I'm not sure if it's a boy or girl. But I'm hoping for a girl. They have so much more cute little clothes. I'm glad you calmed down, sweetie. You're really safe." Jess replied. "And his shirt? Really?! Ugh. I have so much to teach you."
"The ones you picked out are all so fancy and tight! I feel uncomfortable in them. Pat's clothes are baggy and quite cozy," I admitted softly. Jess laughed.
"But you look amazing in the ones I picked out," she retorted gesturing to the dress I was wearing. I blushed and was startled by a knock on the door.
"Sorry to interrupt," Pat apologized. "We got everything put away. Would you ladies like to join us in the front room? I'd be happy to transport you, doll." I blushed and looked down.
"Yeah. We'll join you. She'd rather wear your clothes then mine. Apparently clothes scare her," Jess said irritably as she rolled her eyes. 
"I've noticed," Pat chuckled. I looked at Pat, pressed my knees together, and bit my lip as I lowered my dress that was starting to climb up my thighs. He grinned. "You're fine, doll. Still modest. I swear. Nothing was showing, not that I was looking. I just have a good view of you. Both of you. Jess' bouncing knee caught my attention. I was just making sure you were out of the danger zone, doll. And you are."
"I'll see you guys out there. Take your time," Jess stated with a grin as she ducked out the door.

He walked over to me and offered me his hand. "May I, doll?" I grinned and blushed but accepted his hand. He pulled me to standing and supported my weight. I leaned into him and wrapped my arm around his waist. He rested his head on mine.
"How can I ever repay your kindness?" I whispered. He traced his hand up my back and around my face as he lifted my chin up. I looked in his eyes and the intensity in them caused my breath to stagger. His thumb stroked my cheek tenderly.
"Doll, you have nothing to repay. I love your generosity. I love your giving heart. You owe me nothing. Okay?" Pat asked. He brushed my hair behind my ear and held onto my chin again. 
"You're doing it again," I blushed and lowered my gaze, but I was unable to drop my head. "Do you do this with every girl you come into contact with?" I looked up at him. He had a confused look on his face. "Treat them like a porcelain doll and steal their breath?"
"I steal your breath, doll?" He seemed amused. "Maybe I'm holding you too tight?" He loosened his grip slightly.
"No. You aren't holding me too tight. Maybe my ribs are acting up again. Or I've hung around Josh too long and allowed him to get inside my head. Truth be told, my breathing hasn't been normal since he was here and I heard his patrol car. This sucks! I'm sorry," I replied. Pat softly chuckled and he wrapped me in a warm embrace. "Thank you. You guys sounded very casual. Have you do this before? You guys didn't sound stressed at all."
"You're welcome, doll. We'd never let him get to you again. Protecting you is key. We've never directly lied to a cop, but he doesn't know we know about his faults. We'll put him away in due time," Pat promised as he scooped me up and carried me to the living room. "Now your brothers ordered some dinner and should be here soon. Where would you like to sit?"
"Next to you," I whispered and looked in his eyes. "I like having you by my side. Like I said, it's best for this danger magnet to sit next to the one that repels those monsters away. Thank you for making me feel safe."
He pressed his head against mine and whispered, "anytime, doll. You're worth it." He sat me on the left side of the couch, lifted the leg rest, and sat beside me. I looked at his eyes then down at his hand. I bit my lip and he opened his palm. "Would you like to hold my hand, doll?" He whispered in my ear. I looked up at him, startled by his closeness. "She'd understand. It's your calming vise right now. You have every right to be stressed. I told you in the hospital. You can use me for whatever you need. If you need a punching bag, you can use me. You need to break my hand? Feel free. Doll, go ahead," he murmured. I grinned and grabbed his hand and leaned into him. He rested his head on mine. Josh was sitting in the armchair, watching us as he grinned. I shook my head and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
"Annette, Noah will have some news for you later and you will let me have a dress up party," Jess stated. I grinned.
"Yes, ma'am," I replied wearily. There was no use fighting; in the little time I've known her, I could tell Jess was persistent. I looked at the tv; we were watching The Chronicles of Narnia. "I love this book series. You have quite the movie selection," I told Pat softly. He chuckled.

"How's your pain, doll?" He asked as rubbed my hand gently.
"Present. Tolerable," I responded. I readjusted my head on his shoulder. He gently squeezed my hand. I sat up. "Okay. So I'm pain. But I really don't want another pain pill," I confessed with a slight whine. Pat shook his head.
"Let go, doll. I'm getting you some Ibuprofen," Pat instructed as he tried to remove his fingers from my grasp. I held onto his hand tighter. He covered our hands with his right hand. "Doll, you promised to let us help you," he rebuked.
"And you agreed to cater to my every whim and desire. Please. You make me feel safe. Please don't leave my side," I begged as Josh stood up.
"Right side?" He asked. Pat nodded and stroked my hand tenderly. Jess looked at us in concern.
"Annette, has your anxiety gone through the roof since you left the hospital?" She inquired. Pat continued to stroke my hand.
"Some. No more than expected. She has every right to be anxious and stressed," he replied for me. "She's had two major episodes. This one and one from last night."

"Tyler told me about that. He also told me how you pulled her out of the fog," Jess remarked as Josh came out with a glass of water. Pat took the water from him and looked at me. I nodded but refused to let go of his hand. Pat smiled in understanding and he brought the glass to my lips. I filled my mouth with water. Pat nodded at Josh and I opened my mouth. Josh gave me a confused glance but dropped the pills in. I swallowed the pills and looked at Pat. He gave me more water. When I got enough, I rested my head on his shoulder again and once again he rested his head on mine. "Thank you for taking such good care of her, Pat," Jess stated. "We couldn't have trusted her to stay with a better person." I grinned and squeezed his hand.
"She'd do the same for me if she could," Pat replied softly as he rubbed my hand. There was another knock on the door and I jumped. He pulled out his phone and read it outloud. "Pulling in now - Tyler. Annette, it's okay. My phone beeped as we came down the hall, remember?" I shook my head. "Annette, please let go. I gotta open the door."
"No, don't let go, Annette. Pat, stay put. You're calming her down. I got it," Josh stated as he walked to the door. "Hey, bro one and bro two! Come on in! Score! They brought food! Dinner time already. Ah! And they even got one for me. Bonus!" Noah and Tyler walked through the door each carrying three go boxes. I grinned at them but didn't move from Pat's shoulder.
"Hey, 'Nettie. Hungry?" Noah asked. I shook my head.
"Little worked up. Dad's still bugging me," I admitted. Noah and Tyler looked at me in concern. Jess stood up and took the food away from Noah; she helped Tyler take them to the breakfast nook. Noah knelt in front of me and rubbed my left foot.
"You're awfully pale, 'Nettie." Noah replied. Pat chuckled. "And even more so than usual. You kinda blend in with your top." I bit my lip and grinned at him.
"Happy to see you, No-No! You haven't been sleeping very well," I retorted with a chuckle. He rolled his eyes, grinned, and squeezed my foot again.
"My sister was kidnapped, abused, and starved. My stress has been over the top. I've been concerned about her health. Yet here she sits with a smile on her face. Then I heard about what you did with Dad. 'Nettie, you're amazing and so strong. This is your one free pass; never call me No-No again. Someday when I grow up, I'm going to be like you," he admitted with a grin and a wink. I returned his smile.
"Don't ever grow up, Peter Pan!" I teased. He chuckled. 
"Never, Wendy Darling," he promised. He met my eye and spoke softly, "will you please eat? I got you chicken alfredo." 
"Twist my arm. Thank you, Noah." I looked up at Pat then down at our entangled hands. "Sorry, guess I should let you go," I released my grasp slightly, but Pat didn't let go. He brought his right hand over too and gently massaged my hand.
"You're fine, doll. Your hand is kinda locked up though," he replied kindly. I smiled at him and looked back at Noah. Pat and Noah stood up at the same time, and shook hands, my hand finally released. It felt so heavy on my lap and I stated humbly at it. "Your sister is truly remarkable."
"I know. I left and regretted everyday since. She's the strongest and most amazing person I know," Noah replied. "Excuse me. I need to give my sister a hug." Pat stepped around the couch and Noah sat beside me as I looked up at him again. He wrapped one arm behind my back, gave me a tender squeeze, and kissed the top of my head. I squeezed his knee tenderly. "I love you, 'Nettie."
"I love you too, Noah. I've missed you. Trooper Sanchez wants your testimony too."
"I heard. I'll call him tomorrow. So I got a job today!" Noah exclaimed.
"Oh? Doing what?" I looked up at him.
"Coach and on staff substitute teacher. Principal Lane has me helping out with football and basketball this year," Noah explained with a grin. I gasped. 
"You're going to school with me? Why?" I inquired.
"It was the only way I could make the deal stick. Principal Lane's face was priceless when he saw me. He thought I died in a car accident. I told him for the time being, you're staying with me. I explained all of your injuries and that you wouldn't be able to pay attention in your drug intoxication, even though I know you're stubborn enough to press through it and not take pills. For the first two months of school, you don't have to be there physically, but they're still going to treat everyday like you are there. You have to come in every Friday and turn in your homework. Once you can get around on crutches though, completely without passing out in pain, you have to go back," Noah explained. I nodded. "He was considering just letting you come in once a week for a month, but you'd have to be marked absent everyday. I asked what can I do to make sure you don't get those marks. Too many absent marks and you would be unable to graduate so he offered me a two-fer. The teachers will count you as present if I'm in the school and helping with the sports teams. Some days I'll be helping out in the office, other days, I'll be subbing. You have to come in every Friday by noon for this arrangement to stick and he gave me a second month for your recovery." I nodded again.
"This is all surreal," I confessed. "Thank you, Noah." He leaned over and kissed my head again. 
"You're welcome, 'Nettie. Now let's eat. I'm famished," he stated and stood up. Jess brought me over some pasta, a fork, and a glass of lemonade. I grinned at her, grabbed the lemonade first, and put in between my legs. Then I took the go box and the fork. Noah took his hamburger and sat beside me again. The lemonade spilled a little on my lap. I pursed my lips together as I tried to figure out how to clean it up without making a bigger mess. Pat brought me a tray. He picked up my food, handed my lemonade to my brother, put the tray on my lap, and then put my food on the tray. Noah put the lemonade in the corner of the tray.
"Thanks, Pat. Where did you get the pasta from, Noah? We don't serve it at the restaurant," I recalled as I took a bite. 
"Apparently your name has a lot of pull," Tyler chuckled as he came in with a patio lawn chair. He sat it on the right side of the couch, went back to the breakfast counter and grabbed his food. Jess sat on the foot of the chair, nestled in between Tyler's feet. It was weird to me, but they had a different bond. Then I got thinking about it; Noah would probably do the same thing with me. Pat sat down in the armchair and Josh sat beside Noah. "Noah said it's one of your all time favorite comfort foods. All we did was say we wanted it for you and that we'd pay for any inconvenience. They whipped it right up for you, 'Nettie," Tyler explained. I smiled.
"Told you, doll. You could have asked for the moon. The staff would have done what they could to get it for you," Pat chuckled. I blushed.
"Extreme. A burger would have been sufficient," I confessed and took another bite. "I don't want any special treatment, but this is really delicious! Thank you!" Everyone chuckled. I put my food down and took a sip of the lemonade. "Never again. I don't need special treatment," I begged.
"No promises, sister," Noah chuckled and stuck his hand behind my back again. "It's not just the restaurant staff that would do what they could to give you what you wanted; I know that without a doubt, everyone in this room would rope the moon if they could for you. If you don't want special treatment from the restaurant any more, we apparently have to teach some people to cook first," he teased. I chuckled.
"Hey!" Tyler, Jess, and Pat said almost simultaneously.
"You got your work cut out for you. Quit while you're ahead. You got Pat to cook lunch on the stove. I think that's about as good as it's going to get. Plus, I don't want to be around if tuna casserole and brussle sprouts are on the menu. Gag me now," Josh chortled. I smiled and looked around the room as everyone laughed and teased Jess in good humor.

"Alright. Leave her alone. It's the baby that causing the crazy cravings. Now, who will be staying here tonight?" I asked looking at those I called my siblings.
"Thank you. I am, sweetie," Jess replied with a grin.
"And where are you two staying?" I asked Noah and Tyler.
"I have a hotel room. Remember?" Tyler asked. I bit my lip and nodded.
"I prefer to be where Jess is, but I think I'll crash with Tyler tonight. I hope you got double beds, man," Noah chuckled.
"I have a spare bed or two at my place. You guys don't have to stay in the hotel," Josh offered.
"We'd hate to impose," Noah replied.
"And I hate you guys spending all your money. Josh, what would you charge for rent?" I asked.
"For your family, Annette? Nothing. They just have to promise to eat Pat out of house and home, not me," he teased. Everyone chuckled again.
"We'll think on it," Noah promised. I covered a yawn with my hand. I had eaten three-quarters of my meal tonight. I finished the lemonade and rested my head on Noah's shoulder as I watched the movie. Pat caused me to jump when he stood up and grabbed the tray.
"Sorry, doll. I didn't mean to startle you. Do you want me to save this for later?" Pat asked kindly. I shook my head.
"Pasta tastes goofy reheated," I confessed. He chuckled and gathered everyone else's empty to go boxes. "I'm happy you guys are all here." I looked at Noah. "Can I go outside please? The sun rays aren't as harsh now. I could use some vitamin D and it's a little stuffy in here." He chuckled.
"Sure, 'Nettie. Need a book? Reading or puzzle?" He asked as he picked me up and carried me outside. He set me in the remaining lounge chair. 
"Surprise me," I retorted with a chuckle.
"I'll be right back, 'Nettie," he promised. I looked back out into the yard. It was so pretty: calm and peaceful. I put my leg over the edge of the chair and stood up. I was wobbly, but I ignored it and hopped to the railing. I leaned my right hip against it -ignoring the extra pain that came with it- held onto the support beam, and sighed happily. A glare caught my eyes. I looked in that direction and gasped. "What are you doing, 'Nettie?" Noah asked in concern. I looked back at him and smiled.
"Looking towards the water. It's too small for a lake, but too big for a pond," I replied and pointed it out to him. He chuckled.
"You have a knack for finding the pretty things, Annette," Noah chided playfully. He sat down on the chair. "Your host was afraid we offended you. I let them all know you just aren't too fond of crowds." I grinned at him and looked back at the water. "Tell me about Pat," Noah ordered softly. I blushed and looked back at him.
"What do you want to know?" I asked.
"Whatever you want to tell me," he replied with a grin. I looked at the post in front of me then looked down.

"He'll celebrate his 23rd birthday in December. He's been overseas. He feels guilty surviving when his friends didn't. He's the only child of a what I believe to be a single mom; I've never heard anything about his dad. He lost his mom a few years ago and everyone keeps telling me that she would have loved to meet me. He's the eyes and ears at work and in the boss' back pocket. He cares about people. He always sees the best in them. He's got a big heart and a warm smile. He takes into consideration the small things, like daffodils and sunshine," I replied with a grin. I met Noah's eye and blushed again. "Pat has always stepped up when needed; not just with me. Anytime we were short staffed, he filled in. Anytime we were behind, he helped out. I could always count on him. He jumped up and helped me even when I didn't need it, but especially when I felt overwhelmed. He's always has my back and makes me feel safe. When Janell noticed something was off with my breathing mask, Pat was the one who calmed me down just by talking to me; Jess and Tyler refused to let me continue with my testimony until I could breathe. Pat is good in high tension areas. He helped me remain calm and not freak out as often while I finished. If I started to get worked up again, he would stress his breathing so I could copy him. Last night, I couldn't remember where I was and couldn't breathe. Pat calmed me down again, and made me sleep in his arms so I would keep breathing. He's the perfect gentleman. Even more so though; my privacy is respected. At one point, I was topless, but his breath hit my shoulder blade constantly. He didn't try and reach around or look. Pat is a great friend and I'm lucky to have him here to help out," I told him. Noah grinned and I bit my lip and looked down.
"Tell me about Josh," he ordered. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the water.

"Josh is immature and a jerk, but he's a decent friend. He chewed out the doctor when he wasn't being considerate with my leg. He likes to use me to play pranks on Pat. I've always admired Josh's work ethic. He's a hard worker. Definitely on the crazy side of the spectrum. He's a loyal friend that has a interesting sense of humor," I told him. I looked back Noah. He had a smirk on his face. "Why do you ask?"
"I'm just curious, 'Nettie. They've been caring for you and you're my sister. I gotta make sure they're doing a good job. If you had to be left alone with one of those two, who would you choose?"
"Pat," I said without a doubt. I grinned and looked back out towards the body of water. "Josh makes me uneasy. Everything is all jokes and innuendos, although be promised to try and tone it down around me. Pat has made me feel welcome and cherished here. Everything in my room is so warm, and it's all because he made sure of that. Pat is quite considerate about making sure I don't hurt myself either; he's rather good at it actually." Noah chuckled and stood up. He embraced me from behind and kissed my temple.
"Sit, 'Nettie. You're swaying. Don't stand up again. Got it?" He ordered as he sat me back down on the chair. He reached over me and picked up the bell off the table and rang it. "Ring this if you need anything. We'll hear you."
Pat opened the back door, "everything alright, doll?" Noah and I chuckled.
"Told ya, we'd hear you. Love you, 'Nettie." Noah kissed my head again and walked towards the door. "Yep. Just making sure she knows how to use that thing." Pat chuckled as he stepped aside so Noah could enter. Pat followed him with his eyes then looked back at me.
"Doll, are you alright out here by yourself?" He asked in concern. I nodded and picked up both books Noah gave me.
"Reading and sudoku. I'm covered. Thanks," I replied with a smile. Pat gave me a small smile and went back inside. I looked back at the yard and sighed contently. "Home. Yes. This is what home feels like," I whispered as I leaned back in the chair and grinned at the serene scene in front of me. The door opened and shut again. I jumped and looked over. Pat stood there looking guilty. I smiled warmly at him. "You're afraid I'm going to do something reckless, aren't you?" He nodded.
"You don't exactly have the best track record, doll," Pat replied with a chuckle. I grinned.
"I did do something reckless when Noah went inside the first time," I confessed. "There's a small lake over there!" I beamed and pointed in the direction. Pat chuckled and nodded. "I was just thinking how great it is to be here, how pretty it is in your backyard, and how safe you all make me feel. You guys are my new family and I care deeply for you all." I looked at Pat's mouth then bit my lip. I shook my head and smiled at him again. He gave me a broad smile in return. "Thank you for opening your home to us. You are very thoughtful."
He grinned again, then voiced his current concern, "doll, I know you love the fresh air, but we're leaving in a bit. I'm going to take you back inside. Your sister insists she can take care of you with help of the wheelchair. It sounds like we'll be busy for a few hours. I'm going to leave you my phone. You can call Josh if you guys have any problems. Okay?" I nodded. Pat continued, "but first would you like to stretch some more? We didn't get a full session in earlier." I grinned and nodded again. He smiled and walked over. Once again I was in his arms and he effortlessly carried me over to the railing. "I'm going to lift your right leg up on the railing," he explained. I nodded and he attempted to help me do just that. I bit my lip in pain.
"Flexibility is not there at the moment," I stated through the tears. He chuckled and changed directions. 
"Okay fine. We'll use the chair then; it's lower. Or you will and I'll use the railing," he teased. He had me sit down and he walked over to the railing. He put his left leg up and looked at me. He bent his body to his right, both arms extended above his head. "Are you familiar with this stretch?" He asked. I nodded. "Good. That's the goal. Don't overdo it, doll. Got it?" 
"Yes, sir!" I teased and stood up. Pat was immediately by my side, wrapping his arm around my waist. 
"Doll," he warned. I looked up at him, rested my hand on his shoulder as he pulled me closer to him, and I bopped his nose for a change. 
"I know nothing but trouble. I apparently look for it," I sassed. He grinned and backed away a bit. 
"Shall we, doll?" He chuckled. I nodded and he lifted my right leg so it rested on the chair. He then picked me up and carried me about one and a half steps away. I made sure my leg stayed on the chair. His left hand rested between my ribs and my hip and his right arm loosened slightly on my back. "Nice and slow," he ordered. I nodded and extended my hand above my head and slowly bent to my left side. I closed my eyes and winced in pain. "Small steps, doll," Pat whispered as he brought me back to a standing position. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He grabbed my hand and extended our hands out, towards the house. "Same as before. Toes on the ground," he ordered. His right hand pressed lightly on my back and he lifted me up as he raised my hand above my head. My back arched and I pulled our hands backwards, extending my stretch. I pointed my left foot, keeping the toes on the ground and lifted my hip. Slowly he lowered me back down. "Good, doll! I'm no physical therapist, but those were great stretches," he praised and grinned at me. I grinned back. He looked up at the sky. "Doll, it's not the sunrise, but the sky's starting to change colors. Do you want to watch the sunset or go inside?" I leaned into him, our hands still entwined.
"I want to stay with you," I confessed softly. He separated the distance between us and looked me in the eye.
"I didn't catch that, doll," he murmured. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed.
"Whatever is better for you," I replied looking him back in the eye. I snuggled into his chest again and sighed again. "Guess I'm going to have to go inside and play with Jess. I knew I should have gone through those clothes earlier. Ugh. Will Josh save me from a wardrobe catastrophe?" Pat chuckled, let go of my hand, and embraced me tightly.
"I don't think so, doll," he reprimanded quietly as he stroked my hair. "Come on. I'll take you to your room." I looked up at him and grinned as he scooped me up and carried me through the house. He deposited me on the bed and bopped my nose as he crouched at my feet. "Have fun. Take a nap if you want. I'll check on you when I get home."  He took out his phone and sent a message really quick, pulled up his pictures, and handed me the phone. "Here, doll. Look at this when you feel overwhelmed," he instructed. I looked at the phone in my hand.
"My solar panels!" I chuckled.
"It's one of my favorites," he replied with a grin. "And it apparently it's magical for you." I looked up at him and grinned. "Tyler and Noah both have phones. You can call Tyler if you need me to come home. His number is programmed in there, but I don't have Noah's. So if you are feeling overwhelmed, call your new brother; we'll come back as quickly as we can. I can give you a match. You can burn the clothes in the shower and just wear my baggy clothes."
"She will do no such thing! I will only replace it with tighter and fancier clothes," Jess chided playfully from the doorway. Pat and I both looked at her. I pouted and he laughed. "Now shoo! You're hogging my sister to yourself!" Jess teased. I blushed and looked down. Pat pulled on my chin and I met his eye. He stroked my cheek.
"I'm locking my door for the first time in years, doll. You'll be safe. I have the only key. Josh is three minutes away, but with the way he drives it's probably less. Enjoy some sister bonding," he ordered with a grin.
"Yes, sir. I'm holding your phone hostage. You can't get it back unless you bid me good night later," I teased as I tucked his phone into my sling. He chuckled and dropped his head to his chin. He lifted his face slowly, his eyes danced in excitement.
"Yes, ma'am. I'll see you later," he promised in a soft voice as he stood up. When he neared the doorway, Jess embraced him. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and patted her back awkwardly. Once they broke apart, Pat gave her a few last minute notes. "Good night, Jess. Her pain medication is in the kitchen: right cupboard above breakfast nook. She had one full pill today; I cut them all in half. They make her goofy and knock her out almost immediately. I'll get the wheelchair for you. You're welcome to anything in my home. TV has cable, turn it to auxiliary one if you want to watch a movie, same remote runs the DVD player too. Don't let her cook. Please call us if you need anything."
"Thanks, Pat! Have fun with the boys. We'll be good," she replied with a grin. Pat nodded and looked at me again. I gave him a smile and a thumbs up sign. He returned my smile and left. Jess grinned at me and danced excitedly.
"Annette, I love seeing you so happy! Your joy is infectious! This home is so warm!" Jess cheered. 
"It's because I'm surrounded by our family members who want the best for me, for us. Love is a powerful force," I retorted.
"Family. Yeah. We are. All of us!" She beamed as she danced her way to the closet. I sighed but was impressed with her enthusiasm.

"What happened to the cool, calm, and collected Nurse Jess that I first met?" I teased. She stuck her tongue out at me.
"Still here. I didn't have any clothes to get excited about there. Someone refused luxury items," she stated as she began throwing clothes in my direction. I chuckled and lay down. This was going to be a long -but fun- night. 

© 2017 Lynaelee

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Added on December 11, 2016
Last Updated on July 11, 2017

If only



Sometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..

If only If only

A Book by Lynaelee

1. *Prologue* 1. *Prologue*

A Chapter by Lynaelee