33. *The Perfect Day*

33. *The Perfect Day*

A Chapter by Lynaelee

POV change, backtracking. Some explicit wording

"Are you sure you're ready for this? It's not too late. We can still get her a hotel room," Tyler offered.

"Like hell you will. It bothered me some when you said you were at the complex, but she's safe here. Not to mention, I can see her everyday. Yes. It's selfish, but d****t, I'm not letting her leave, not knowing if anything happened," Pat thought but vocalized, "it'll be fun to have a roommate or two. I'm not backing out. Snacks, Net, er Annette. Got it. We're not shopping for dinner. I'll buy you a burger from the restaurant if you would like, but you're not cooking tonight. A week would be great. Longer ideal. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!" Annette replied with a salute and a broad smile. He chuckled; if anyone else did that, he would get upset because it was disrespectful for civilians to do that. However, with Annette, he could tell it was her way of saying 'I'll follow orders' and he found it cute, knowing she had never done it in public to him. "Pat, you can call me Net if you like, most people shorten my name to that. You're also welcome to call me 'Nettie. Annette just sounds so formal now. It used to be only a name my brother could call me, but now it's a sign of trust and respect. Only a select few use it; I think you've earned the right." He smiled as he stood up, loving the goofy face she made when she said Annette was too formal. With a slight shake of his head, he made his way to the door.

"Informal. Got it, 'Nettie," Pat murmured tenderly, loving how her name rolled off his tongue. "Thanks for giving me the honor, doll. We can go in five minutes," he promised before ducking inside and making his way to his room. He quickly tucked his wallet and keys into his pockets before he took a deep breath and leaned against the dresser for support. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply several times. "My dream girl, in my house. Begging me to call her 'Nettie. She does things to me and is so much more carefree and fun outside of work. Annette, you drive me absolutely wild. I look forward to getting to know you better," he thought as he opened his eyes again. "It's true," he whispered, bringing both hands to his mouth. "I'm in l-"

"Pat?" Annette called from the other room, pulling him from his stupor. He put a smile on and made his way out.

"Yeah, doll?" Pat's curiosity piqued as he came around the corner and looked over his breakfast nook into the kitchen. "I'll happily be at your beck and call until you say good-bye. I'll always be here for you," he thought.

"Can we go to the restaurant instead? Popcorn and chocolate are my go to snack. Chips are fine. Just no Cheetos. I'll trust you to shop; you did a good job at the hospital. I think seeing everyone will be more fun than shopping," Annette confessed. Pat made a mental note of her requests and walked around into the kitchen himself. She was digging through his cupboards. Tyler seemed to stay a couple steps behind her, always ready to catch her; he was as nervous as Pat after he was told about the spill she took in the bathroom. Pat rested against his breakfast counter and grinned at her.

"If you say so. You have to be in the wheelchair though," Pat demanded as she opened the next cupboard.

"Not a problem. I was just wondering if we could," she replied like she was blowing it off. Pat was fascinated watching her explore his kitchen; something he knew shouldn't be fascinating at all. He conversed politely with Tyler. Pat already knew that Tyler would give them time at the restaurant alone; he had told Tyler about what his co-workers had done. Tyler had insisted on making plans for precautions, but Pat thought he was being foolish. Annette thought the same thing as Tyler said he would leave them alone and just make a reservation at the hotel down the road. "I think you're a little paranoid!" Annette snickered as she opened up yet another cupboard and pulled items out. "Ooh! Baker's delight! Any sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, or baking soda?" Her voice trilled in excitement. Pat chuckled and looked at Tyler. He put his hands up and stepped back; he had no intention of getting in the middle of that. Pat grinned and approached Annette from behind.

"Are we going, doll? Or do you need more time with my dishes?" Pat teased next to her ear. He carefully wrapped his arms around her and put the dishes away then shut the cupboard doors. She turned herself around and swatted his chest with a grin. Pat looked down at her as he held her securely; he would love to be in this position always.

"Whenever you're ready, sir," Annette quipped in a fake accent. Pat grinned; she played a Brit nicely. 

"Go ahead and take her in your truck. I'll meet you guys back at the restaurant. I'll put her wheelchair in the bed of your truck," Tyler stated, holding a smile behind his hand. Pat nodded at him and looked back at the girl in his arms. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Sounds good. We'll be right behind you," Pat insisted, trying to convince himself to move. However, he didn't want to. Without her permission, he couldn't tell her his feelings for fear of scaring her away. He hated to break apart from her, but her blue eyes were pulling him in closer and he knew he would do something he would regret later if he didn't get going. Sparks were flying and if he stayed in this position -best case scenario- he would lose a friend. In the worst case scenario he would lose a roommate, a friend, any shot of ever being with her, and his heart; he couldn't chance it. He also knew there was no way he was letting her out on the street to live. He needed to protect her and see her everyday. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he gazed upon her and pulled back slightly. "Ready, doll?" She looked dazed as she nodded and grinned. Pat returned the smile and scooped her up. She easily fit in his arms and she put her head down on his shoulder. Pat grinned. "Good, let's go see our friends." The journey down the road was quick. Annette bit her lip and stiffened in the seat when she saw all the cars. He parked the car as she asked if maybe they should come back at a different time. Pat chuckled softly and looked at her. "Doll, we can do whatever you want. Does Tyler still have your phone?" She looked at him and nodded. He smiled, pulled out his phone, opened his messages, and pulled up the pictures she had sent him. He loved looking at them and hoped they could give her some encouragement. He handed over the phone. "Look at these pictures again, doll. You're confident, strong, and happy in these pictures. The video surveillance shows that same bravery. You have nothing to fear here, Annette. I promise, I'll keep an eye on you and stay close. You won't be taken again. I'll keep you safe, doll," Pat vowed. He wanted to see her eyes again so he pulled her chin towards him and dropped his hand when she met his eye. The red in her left eye made the blue pop. There was pain in her eyes, but there was still a sparkle in both of them. "You are definitely the most beautiful person I have ever seen," he thought, refraining from reaching over and stroking her cheek. While her bruises looked painful and ugly, Annette shined through and made it easy to forget that those bruises riddled her body. Pat could see past them and just see her for the true gem she was. 

"I never noticed you had a ring of brown around your pupil. It kinda makes the blue pop more," Annette declared than was immediately embarrassed. She tried to cover her face and blushed. She fumbled out an apology as Pat chuckled softly as he looked down at his lap. 

"Unpredictable. Remarkable. Wow. I'm speechless. You are undoubtedly observant but sometimes you notice the wrong things, doll. The only reason you haven't noticed that ring before is because we were never eye level. Now, you have the chance to give me your undivided attention. No guests, no tables, no nothing. It's just you and me, doll. If only we can use your habit of paying attention to details into something useful; like your own protection," Pat thought as he looked back up at her. 

"I'm not scared to be here. I just don't want to disturb their work and I'm not hungry," she finally mumbled. Pat chuckled again.

"They're looking forward to seeing you too, doll," Pat spoke the truth; everyone was on pins and needles to hear back from her and to see that she was doing okay. He hoped she wouldn't change her mind. She agreed, but only if they went in the front door. Pat sighed inaudibly. She just had to be difficult; it was a tighter floor plan with more people and obstacles to weave through. "I don't want you to hurt yourself. That front door sets up more chances of you getting hurt, but I will protect you," he vowed mentally. He got out and opened his door and she did the same. "Freeze, doll!" She put her hand up and didn't move. Pat chuckled as he walked around the front of the truck, watching her eyes the whole time. He set up her wheelchair and opened her door.

"Can I unfreeze now?" She mumbled through partially closed lips. Pat chuckled.

"Smart a*s," he admonished as he put her in the seat.

"Admit it, you love me and all my quirks," she said merrily. Pat stood up and looked at her. He grabbed the throw pillow that Tyler had thrown in the back seat and knelt down. Pat put it under her leg and grabbed her hand. He couldn't joke about this. He denied the truth for so long, but today was a new day and he was ready to admit it to himself earlier. He peered into her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I love you and all of your quirks," Pat confessed in a voice just above a whisper. She smiled and he couldn't help but return it. "That's a dream come true. Let me say that to you everyday," his mind screamed, but he wasn't able to voice it. He bopped her nose and pulled back reluctantly. Remembering her accent, he took her lead. "May we go in now, your highness?" Her eyes sparkled more and her smile grew.

"Of course, Jeeves! Lead the way, sir," she had replied cheekily. Pat pushed her up to the door. He remembered when he was in the wheelchair that going in doors backwards was easiest. So he spun her around. Her hand moved to her mouth and he pushed it down. It would be a crime to hide such a beautiful sight. "You've done this before," she commented. Pat grinned; this was definitely more fun. He despised his time in his chair, but he would make sure that her time was mostly pleasant. When Annette mentioned she didn't want to bump into anyone or anything, Pat knew this was the chance he had to have fun with her and it also give him the option to look at her beautiful face just a minute longer, but he knew it was safer for her injuries too if he could shield them a little bit.

"Back door would have been easier. If only you listened, doll," he rebuked her mentally, but didn't voice it. He offered her his hand and she took it. He weaved her up, down and around all the tables. "This works too!"

"Intricate chair dances. I have lots to learn, master," she teased, trying to hide the panic in her eyes. Pat gave her a smile. This was one thing he wouldn't share with her on how to do; for her own safety. 

"In position, doll," he bragged as he turned her around once more and sat down beside her. They bantered playfully. He felt at home. This is what he wanted for the rest of his life. He scowled at Josh as he dropped off the ingredients for his shake but lit up when Annette's beautiful laughter filled the room. How could she be so happy in so much pain? He couldn't wrap his mind around it and he had a good idea of her pain. After a while, Pat noticed she wasn't eating her pie any more. He offered to finish it off, but really hoped she would eat more; only a third of the pie was missing. She chose to save it for later. Pat happily cleaned up after her. Josh hid Annette while Linda and Vanessa put up the last touches in the break room. Pat knew it was part of the plan, but it made him nervous that she was out of his sight, especially when he couldn't find her right away. He found Josh and cornered him. "I told her I wouldn't leave her sight and help keep her safe. Where is she?"

"Seriously? She is safe," Josh chuckled and tried to walk away. 

"Where is she? I know you took her," Pat yelled as he grabbed Josh's collar. 

Josh pushed him off, gave him a disgusted look, and walked into Justin's area as he exclaimed, "dude, you stress too much. Chill. She's fine. See?" Pat sighed in relief.

"I asked for a new view and all I get to see is dirty dishes," Annette playfully pouted. Pat joined Josh and Justin in a small chuckle. 

"Her sense of humor is still intact! And you were worried. Thanks, Justin," Josh smirked.

"It was worth it! Pat, your face," Justin slapped his knee.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Joke's on me. You all got me. Happy?" Pat glowered. 

"Thrilled!" Annette trilled with a giggle. Pat felt like he was magnetized and she was the pull. He knelt down beside her and grabbed her hand. She asked a question and rested her hand on his cheek. His stomach lurched and he felt the butterflies. He lowered his eyes and pressed his hand onto hers.

"It's not him, it's you. You worry about everyone but yourself. Everyone loves you for it. For once, can you worry about yourself? Not about your family, or about any of us here, or even about those people at the tables. Just you, doll," Pat pleaded. She grinned and he kissed her palm. He set her hand back in her lap and stroked her it tenderly.

"Do you two need a minute? Or a room? Your conversation seems a little intimate," Josh snickered. Annette blushed and tried to hide her face. Pat put his head down and glared at Josh at the corner of his eye. Josh snickered behind his hand and winked at Pat.

"No. I don't need a room, but I would prefer some time alone with her without the commentary," he thought as he stood up and wheeled Annette towards the break room. He turned her chair around again. He picked the flower out of her hair and gave it to her. Her cheeks lit up. He was happy to see the color brought out. He pushed her into the dark room and bopped her nose. "Behave," he warned. He had no idea of the reaction she would have. He watched her in wonder as she took everything in. Her eyes lit up at the kind thoughts and words everyone had wrote on the wall. When Bertie turned her can around, Annette teared up. She grabbed a piece of paper from the bin and Pat caught the slight frown before she lit up again and thanked her co-workers. 

"Pat led the front. My granddaughter snapped that picture one day," Linda explained.

"Was she part of that big wedding party at the end of May?" Pat looked at everyone around the room; they all looked shocked, but he wasn't. She noticed something about that picture that gave her a clear time frame that she hated. He would have to look at the picture again to see if he could spot it too. "I must have been grabbing food from the window and chewing out one of you two," Annette teased. Pat and Josh both raised their hands in defeat, but everyone was smiling. Pat enjoyed the merriment she created until she decided she needed to stand. Pat was immediately by her side. 

"What are you doing, doll?" He asked as he pushed on her good shoulder. She gave him a dirty look.

"Standing up to give my family a hug. What's it look like?" She looked angry, but not in the full on I'm-going-to-hurt-someone-anger-mode, more like you had stolen her favorite toy. Pat helped her up and she mumbled something under her breath. He didn't catch it, so he doubted anyone else did either. Once she was standing up, she was full of smiles again. Pat stood back in admiration. Bertie left quickly; she liked the attention on herself and was slightly jealous that Annette had all these cans of money now. Vanessa picked up two vases of flowers and the balloons and disappeared. Kevin had disappeared quickly too, but he was also scheduled to work right now.

"She sure is something," Josh murmured beside him as Linda hugged Annette then left. Pat looked over his shoulder back at Annette and grinned.

"She is," Pat agreed. Josh clapped his shoulder and made his way out of the room. He picked up a few cans on his way. Pat's breath caught in his throat as old man Max picked her up like one of his grandkids and swung her around. Annette just giggled. 

"I'm not 18, so legally I can't serve," she told him and bid Max farewell. Pat shook his head. If she was making him nervous waiting tables, her serving alcohol would have him even more on edge. Pat snuck up behind her and off to her left in case she started to sway again. He wasn't going to give her another chance to fall and hurt herself and he loved the idea of being close to her. Annette looked around the room and appeared to be shocked that it was empty. She looked up at him then past him at the wall. She smirked, "before you make me sit down, can I read some of these?" She hopped over there and lost her balance. In an instant, she was in his arms again. He held onto her left hip and draped his left arm over her right shoulder.

"Not if it means hurting yourself, doll. Please. No more pain," Pat pleaded. Jess was right. If he wasn't here Annette would definitely try and do this on her own. He couldn't allow her to hurt herself. Why was she so opposed to help? She was always more concerned about everyone else. Never herself. She looked up at him. He felt her trace the underside of his arm before grabbing his bicep. He was certain he had lost most of the feeling in his arms, but that sent chills down his back. She rested her head on his elbow so she could look up at him.

"No pain. I'm just clumsy. Remember?" She insisted. This girl was going to drive him crazy, and that thought made him smile. If crazy is where she'd take him, that's exactly where he would go willingly. 

"You can look, but I'm not letting go. You may yet break into 1,000 little pieces, doll," Pat chastised. She gave him the biggest smile and he felt his own knee go try to buckle. "Thank goodness I have a fake leg to brace myself on. Otherwise we would both take a tumble right now, doll," he thought. He held onto her firmly as she turned around and looked at everything. She had him confirm if it was her brother that let him know she was alright. He grinned. Words spilled out. He didn't tell her about the picture Noah showed him of her in the hospital. She asked if it was true if he headed the search. He nodded. Then she asked why. Pat took a deep breath. He needed to see her reactions. "Because I love you. I made the mistake of letting my heart run away," his mind screamed as he sat her down in the wheelchair. He looked in her eyes before pulling up his own chair. He grabbed the rose she had tucked into her blouse and rolled it between his fingers as he chose his words carefully. Finally, he whispered, "doll, I would have done it for anyone. You were the one who got so many helpers to find you. Wherever you go, people remember you. You're a ray of sunshine." Tears filled her eyes and her breaths got shorter. This was not the reaction Pat was expecting. He leaned forward as she gasped. He missed the first part of what she said.

"Isn't over? It can happen again?" Her lip trembled and tears fell freely. Pat stood up and pushed his chair back. Her lungs had a better chance of expanding if she wasn't doubled over but the only way he could insure that was if she was standing. He offered her his hand and pulled her into an embrace. She openly wept on his chest. He was glad to have her in his arms again, but not for this reason. "Can't." He barely caught that last part as he wrapped his arms around her more securely as if she was a grenade just waiting to explode; he would help keep the explosion to a minimum.

"It's over, doll. It really is. Not one of those people thought it was okay for you to have been abducted. The amount of support you raise is phenomenal. People truly want to see you succeed and be happy. The odds of it happening twice are astronomical," Pat spoke softly and with conviction. He gently rubbed her back and stroked her hair. "They can't hurt you again. I'm here and I won't ever let them. Calm down and just let me take care of you. Let me protect you. Let me show you the love you deserve," he pleaded mentally.

"But there's a chance? Monsters. Never ending," she sobbed. Vanessa spoke up from the door. Annette immediately put a cap on her emotions, refusing to let anyone see her break down. Pat shook his head and turned their bodies so she could see who was talking. He didn't dare let go of her, afraid that Annette would crumble. He smiled gratefully as Vanessa explained that the world needed more people like Annette. Pat could tell she was still crying as she listened since her whole body trembled, but she was definitely working on getting everything back under control. Vanessa shifted uncomfortably as she gazed at the two of them in the embrace, but she continued to speak truth. Annette responded then leaned back and looked at Pat. "...I question who was right: me or them? I feel broken." 

"No, doll. Broken isn't who you are," Pat rebuked mentally and gave her sad smile as she leaned back into him. There was no way this beautiful, happy girl in his arms was broken. Cracked maybe, but not broken; she was too strong. 

"You are still you. Brilliant, happy, full of cheer, and overflowing in love. Annette. YOU are an inspiration. Pat's right. The odds of you being taken again are astronomical, but I would say it's even greater than that. You have too many people willing to protect you now more than ever," Vanessa declared as she disappeared out the door with the remaining flower vases. 

"She's right on many accounts. Like I said, astronomical is a great way to describe those odds, even if you do stack the deck, doll. But Vanessa is right when she says the odds of it happening twice are next to impossible. I'm going to do my damnedest to keep you safe," Pat thought, unable to keep the promise he made himself the day before and kissed the top of her head. "See, doll, it's not possible. You're safe. You really are a rarity." They playfully teased each other, then Annette stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, making Pat's heart soar and for him to feel unbalanced. He set her back in her chair as he lowered himself down too, traced her jawline with the rose, and gave it back to her. Pat stayed in a crouched position in front of her as he carefully studied her eyes and breathing pattern. She sucked in a deep breath but continued to sob softly. She reached over and grabbed his hand. While the squeeze was gentle and soft, he could feel her grasp was too tight; which meant she was still overly worked up. "Now, calm down or I'm hooking you to the machine," he teased. Her face paled and she teased that his lungs were still too big. He took that as his cue and threw her line back at her. "Admit it, you love me and my big lungs."

Always quick on her feet, Annette immediately responded, "you and your big lungs and suck it, even if I do love 'em." Although he xould tell she was joking, Pat couldn't help being hurt over those words. She looked up at him and apologized then sincerely said, "thank you. You're absolutely right, I do love you." If Pat wasn't crouching d own already, he would have had to grab a chair. Those words coming off her lips were like music. He smiled as she continued, "you know exactly what to say or do to help calm me down. Thanks for anticipating my needs." Pat smiled at her. It was hope. Maybe one day she'd love him in the same way he loved her.

"Anytime, doll," Pat breathed. The next twenty minutes, Pat wished he could erase. Annette asked to entrap her dad and he agreed. He took the remaining coffee tin, her work shirt and apron out to his truck, leaving the get well balloons on the table. He quietly talked to Joe and Josh in the bar. "Annette's Dad is back. Yes, she just kinda confirmed that he's abusive and she's terrified of him. I may need your help. She wants to push his buttons and have it all recorded," he explained earnestly and in a soft voice so nobody else could overhear him.

"No wonder she's so guarded," Josh mused. Joe finished his beer and looked at Pat.

"We'll help her. Gotta keep you cooky kids inline. I got your back," he slurred but stood up ready to go.

"Appreciate it," Pat murmured as he led the way back to the break room and called Trooper Sanchez. After a brief explanation and Trooper Sanchez agreeing, Pat looked up at his friends. They gave him a thumbs up and an encouraging nod. Josh and Joe lingered in the dry storage as Pat went in and gave Annette the open phone line and told  she can have just two minutes -thinking it would be ample time- to deal with her dad. She looked up sadly at him. Tears were filling her eyes again. She quickly wiped them away

You need to let it play out, please. I hate to do it but I need you benched on this one," she pleaded. Pat froze, lowered himself down to her eye level, grabbed her wrist, and stared at her. Those blue eyes peered into his soul and his head said no but his heart said give in. He tried to resist but she uttered that one word again, "please," and her eyes pleaded with him made him give up all defenses. So he bowed his head in agreement as he caught the tears that fell down her cheek. He smiled sadly as he felt the life draining from him. Her brief smile assured him she knew what she was doing. "Thank you."

"If that's what you want. I don't agree, but okay. You put up with this monster your whole life. I hope this works, doll," he thought bitterly. "Fine. Just yell if you need any help at all," Pat sighed; he knew they were words spoken to a brick wall, but she needed to know he was there for her. "Are you ready?" She agreed and he smiled weakly at her. "Just don't let me lose you again," he thought as he stood up again and left. "I'm benched. No, we're benched; she doesn't want us to stop him," he mumbled as he met his friends eyes. It was stupid Joe and Josh let him know with their glances. Josh offered to bring Trooper Gibson back. Joe patted Pat's shoulder kindly and headed back to the bar. Pat paced in the dry storage. When he saw Josh making his way back, Pat ducked out the back door. Josh joined him shortly after. "I'm sor-"

"F**k your apologies! You're a damn idiot. At least be close enough to hear if she needs help. Her dad kinda shut the door," Josh interrupted. Pat nodded, moved back inside, and waited on the other side of the break room. He hated being benched. He hated hearing her in pain. He sat down and behind the potato bin, next to the bread shelves. He couldn't tell if it was good or bad, but he was able to hear everything. Trooper Gibson was only in there about five minutes, but it was too long for Pat. Trooper Gibson walked out and looked around, but he didn't see Pat, then he left out the back door. 

"Never again, 'Nettie," he swore and walked into the room as he heard her raspy voice. She was on the phone and rubbing her neck as he sat beside her and rubbed her thigh. He felt like shooting himself when he didn't think to bring her something to drink like Josh did as she convulsed with hiccups.

"It was. Were you able to record it all? That's fine, sir... Ten years. My older brother Noah Daniel Gibson and I received it all. Mom might have gotten a blow here and there, but it was usually just us. My sister Annabelle was never hurt... I'll ask. He's not here at the moment. My soon to be brother-in-law is taking care of me while Noah and his girlfriend, excuse me. While they find a place to settle down. When they find a place, the plan was to move in with them. Is this a good number to reach you on, sir? Yes, sir. Three, left cheek. He also applied pressure to my dislocated shoulder several times and hit my right broken leg against the chair... Yes, sir. I can have Pat send you the pictures. My brother-in-law doesn't want anyone to know where we're staying, and I don't want to sit in this restaurant any more... Yes, sir. Before I hand you off, officer, I don't know who paid my bills. May I recommend you look into that? I have a feeling that even though one captor is dead and the other is behind bars, if they had something to do with it... Yes, sir," Annette wept and handed off the phone. Pat shot Josh a look. Josh tried to comfort her but she was having little to do with it, even though she leaned into him.

"At least the hiccups are subsiding," Pat thought as he finished his conversation with Trooper Sanchez and looked over Annette. Pat pressed his lips into a thin line as Josh left to retrieve his camera and Annette cried over the trampled rose. She was just abused again and she was more concerned about a stupid flower. "While you are my guest, we're working on those self preservation tactics," he thought bitterly. Pat tried to comfort her with words. It wasn't working. He sighed and looked at her outfit. He hated to ask, but she needed to take her clothes off. She stiffened under his touch as he traced her neck, his fingers barely touching her. The new bruises on her neck were already forming; it would be easy to set the new marks apart. Bright red fingerprints stood out on her pale skin and next to mostly yellow and gray fingerprints from last week; exactly opposite. The monster from last week was a lefty, her dad wasn't. Her eyes were wide and full of fear, but she didn't push him away. Pat slowly withdrew his hand from her neck and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Oh, my sweet girl, fight back. Don't let them keep walking all over you," he pleaded mentally as he held her gaze. Gently Pat caressed her cheek to above her ear. "Promise me, 'Nettie. Promise me I'll never have to sit back and listen to you get hurt again," he begged. She looked back at her lap, weeping. He turned her chair around again and leaned on her right shoulder, as he looked down at his feet. "Take off your shirt please," he ordered kindly, giving her a little bit of privacy. "Josh will be back soon. The sooner we can get this done, the better ," Pat thought. She was working on her buttons. She knew they had to look at her shoulder and take pictures for evidence. Unfortunately, she was also getting quite frustrated; this too Pat could tell and he felt his heart shatter. When she sobbed again, unable to keep his gaze off her, he looked up, leaned forward, and whispered in her ear. "May I?" Pat asked. She nodded and dropped her hand to her lap. He blushed. He kept his fingers light and tried not to touch her too much as his hands rested right above her breasts. He held his breath as the buttons came undone easily, then he helped slide the shirt off of her and set it on the table before turning the chair around again so he could gaze upon her again. This shade of green she was wearing -without being surrounded by any other color- gave the illusion of amber-gold flecks in her eyes. "Is it really an illusion? Has the gold always been there? Maybe they're not golden flecks. Maybe they're usually brown or green and just blend in but because her blue is so bright, they're not actually visible," Pat mused silently as he continued to stare at her. She gasped and tried to breathe. So he smiled reassuringly and leaned back as Josh walked back in. "I have never seen such a beautiful and strong woman. Vanessa was correct. I wish I had your toughness. I wish I had your strength, doll," Pat praised internally.

"Here you go, Pat. How can I help?" Josh asked and handed over the digital camera. 

"Take the pictures yourself," Pat thought bitterly. He didn't want to leave Annette's side, especially since she lowered her head and more tears fell silently down her cheek. Josh noticed this too. He lowered himself so he could look in her eyes. 

"You know we're not going to hurt you, Annette. Don't you?" Josh's voice was so low and sincere, Pat was even surprised; it was difficult for Josh to ever be serious. In this moment though, Pat was delighted his best friend was a considerate human being for once in his life. Annette slowly looked up and nodded. Josh met Pat's eye. "Whatever you need, I'll help with. I don't know how to treat injuries or what to look for," Josh admitted. Pat sighed and pushed Annette away from the table. She closed her eyes and rolled her head back so it rested on the back of the chair. 

"No! Doll, please let me those beautiful sapphires," Pat pleaded mentally. He looked back at Josh as he stood up and walked over. Pat nodded; it was time to take charge and look her over to see how bad things had gotten. "Hold her arm when I take off the sling. She shouldn't try and lift or support her shoulder on her own. I'll snap a few pictures and we'll leave. Doll, I know you're in pain but don't you dare close those eyes. Half an hour per Trooper Sanchez's orders." Wearily, Annette's eyes opened again. Josh grabbed her arm as Pat unhooked the sling. Josh lifted the arm up and around as Pat snapped the pictures. Annette seemed to be zoning out and fighting consciousness. "Oh, doll. Those hiccups wrecked havoc on you; at least they've stopped. No sleeping yet, but I'll let you rest," Pat thought rehooked her sling then looked at her neck. He pressed his lips in a thin line and took pictures, zooming in and getting the individual finger bruises. Josh grabbed a spare shirt from the locker and rolled it up. He put it behind her neck. Annette relaxed into it and closed her eyes again, silently crying. "Doll, no sleeping. Stay with us," Pat requested as he moved to her foot. She didn't open her eyes but gave him a thumb's up instead. "It's something," Pat thought. Josh watched with piqued curiosity, keeping his eyes on Annette's face for any sign of discomfort. Pat gently pressed on her foot. She didn't move. He rubbed her whole foot down to her cast. Josh looked at him in concern and shook his head; no emotion was coming across Annette's face, not even a twitch. Pat looked up at Josh with pain in his eyes. Josh looked around the room. Bertie's purse was hanging up. She had several button pins on the strap. Reluctantly, Josh took one off and handed it over. "Forgive me, doll," Pat pleaded mentally as he pricked her toe.

"Ow! What did you do?!" Annette gasped, sitting forward as her eyes bulged in pain. Pat explained. "You could have just run your finger up and down it," she snapped softly. She watched in horror as Pat rubbed her foot again, but barely touched her; just his fingertips brushed over her skin. "I can't feel that!" She gasped as tears fell. She allowed him to test the pressure points. She leaned back and closed her eyes again. He began with the bottom of her foot, just above the cast. He pressed until he feared he would go through her foot, and waited five seconds. Then he moved to her big toe and squeezed it, again applying pressure until he feared he could hurt her: one, two, three, four. She felt it! He moved to the middle of the top of her foot and pressed: one, two, three, four. Again she felt it. Pat smiled. He finally moved to her little toe. He rubbed her toe: one, two, three. Again, she felt it. Pat grinned and told her how she did but explained that they needed to watch it. Otherwise, they'd have to take her back to the hospital. Annette begged not to return there. Josh and Pat made eye contact. Josh nodded; he'd stick around and help out. 

"Tell me about your arm," Pat ordered as he gestured to Josh to hold her arm again. He was pleased she felt Josh's fingers. Josh grinned in agreement and nodded. He really did try and tickle her. Josh helped Pat take Annette out the back entrance, her black shirt tucked in Josh's back pocket. Pat loaded up and gave her his phone. "You're done with monsters, Annette. You win. Charge your panels, doll. No more gray clouds in your sky." Annette smiled and looked at the phone. She stroked her picture. 

"Can I be selfish and request that you spoil me?" She spoke softly. 

"Everyday. I'm always going to try and spoil you. I would do anything you asked me to," Pat promised mentally. She listed what she meant and Pat grinned. He reached over and wiped a tear from her eye. "I'd be happy to, doll. Anything you need." It was a dream come true. When she asked how her day could take such a horrible turn, Pat had to hold her, knowing comforting words wouldn't be enough. Without making a sound, he got out of his truck, walked around, and opened her door. Gently, he rubbed her back as she fought back her tears. He let her cry and when it sounded like she had regained control, he carefully wrapped her legs around his body then grinned as she buried her head in his neck and wrapped her arm around him. He loved having her so close. He loved how her breath tickled his skin. "So close, and yet, not close enough," he thought as carried her inside before taking in the loads of coffee tins and vases of flowers. As he passed Josh in the doorway, he ordered, "flowers on the dresser. Cans to the left on the floor." Josh nodded. Pat went into her room and took a breath as floods of memories hit him again; he had tried so hard to keep those memories at bay. "I'll always love you, Mom. I hope it's not going to be this hard all the time, but I have to care for Annette. It's like I told her yesterday, this is her room now," he whispered. He placed his cans down then grabbed Annette's black shirt Josh had left on her bed and hung it up. After they were done, Pat snuggled behind Annette. Again, he mentally chastised himself for not getting her a water, but he loved this. She leaned forward and pulled her hair to one side and snuggled into him. Pat smiled.

"Thanks for letting me be selfish," Annette murmured sleepily.

"You bet, doll. It's about time," Pat said with a laugh. "I'm sure it's not something you do willingly. Be as selfish as you want; I'm just going to care for you and be as close as you want me to be," he added mentally. During the movie, he watched and listened to her. Her breathing was still short and it sounded like she was wheezing again, so Pat emphasized his breathing and she copied him. She focused on the tv, but couldn't sit still. Josh grinned, took a rubberband off of his wrist, and shot it at Pat. Pat gave him an evil glance as he moved to pick up the rubber-band off his shoulder, but Annette noticed he shifted. She was back to her concerned-for-others attitude as she apologized for the inconvenience and wondered if he was uncomfortable. Pat pulled her back into his arms as an idea popped up in his head and he put the rubberband on his own wrist. "...I was just flexing. Believe it or not my back still gets tied up in knots. The day of the mine field explosion still gets to me. Is this uncomfortable for you? You sure are squirming a bunch," he explained. He didn't lie; he still did have issues with his back, but not at this moment. Although the couch had no seams, holding her was contorting his body. He knew he wouldn't be able to stay in this position much longer. Annette confessed to being in pain and was calculating when she could have her next pain pill. Of course that was it! Pat stood up and walked to his kitchen. He grabbed the Ibuprofen and crouched beside her. He explained a vast difference between the two of them. "Take them, doll. Or the pain will be too great and you'll pass out," he begged. Annette took them and opened her mouth so he could see they were gone. He moved to her foot. Enough time had passed so he tested it again. He grinned. She felt everything. He did draw a heart on her foot, but she couldn't tell -or didn't say- what he drew. He winked at Josh as he moved beside her. Josh gave him an impish grin. "You passed, doll. Keep your eyes shut. We're going to do the same thing on your arm. Last time this happened and you interacted with your father, you ended up with clots," Pat whispered. Josh leaned forward in anticipation the same time that Annette agreed and leaned forward. Pat moved her hair off her shoulder. She involuntarily shivered and sucked her bottom lip in. Josh wiggled his eyebrows with a big grin. Pat ignored him and wrapped his hands around Annette's waist. He cradled her arm and leaned in closer. Her hair smelled like strawberries and it was absolutely intoxicating. Pat grinned and took the first snap off of three. She grinned and goosebumps covered her skin. The snaps were all unhooked and he slowly traced up her side. She arched her back slightly and leaned into him infinitesimally. "Once again, you aren't trying, doll, and yet you're driving me wild. I can't believe this behavior would be considered normal for you. If it is, it would also explain why so many men are drawn to you. Intoxicating mentally, physically, and emotionally. You are a triple threat, doll," Pat thought as took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he rested his hand on her right shoulder. She inhaled sharply and dropped her chin to her chest. A grin was tugging on her lips and Pat felt like jolts of electricity was running through his fingers as they caressed her arm. "Stop it, Miller. You're letting your imagination run away with you. She doesn't want you. You know it's for the best. Take off her sling and finish looking over her injuries," Pat ordered mentally and unbuckled it quickly, supporting her left arm with his. Pat traced her neck with his hand under her hair as he draped the hair over her left shoulder, and took another deep breath as he gently traced the crook of her neck. She shifted again and brought her legs together. Josh was beaming and wiggled his eyebrows again. Pat shook his head and moved his hand to her shoulder joint. Annette immediately stiffened. Pat cleared his head and focused. Calmly he explained that he was just testing the movement. He was pleased with what he felt. "Okay, ready, doll? Great let's start with what you feel."

Josh jumped at the opportunity, "aroused!" Pat glared at him, but smiled and shook his head. Josh smirked and raised one eyebrow as he gestured back to Annette. She was blushing, holding her chin to her chest, and smiling. Pat shook his head and cleared his throat. Josh held up his hands defensively. "Oh sorry! You weren't talking to me?" Pat chuckled inaudibly.

"Quiet in the peanut gallery. Watch your movie," he ordered. Annette was silent and Pat was concerned she was falling asleep again. "Doll?" Pat asked again, turning his full attention toward Annette. Watching her face flush, he thought, "ignore Josh. You're not aroused. It's not possible. I'd be a horrible friend. I couldn't do that to you." She nodded slightly and tilted her head while she bit her lip. In his impatience, he drummed his fingers on her arm. She took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Crying out loud! Annette, you are testing every ounce of my self restraint! You are driving me wild," he thought with a smile as she opened her mouth and finally spoke.

"Pain. Everywhere. However, I can feel your thumb stroking the top of my arm. You just drummed two fingers on the bottom of my arm. Your other hand is pressed lightly on the shoulder joint, resting not hurting," she informed him. Pat grinned. She had gotten it perfectly correct. Pat removed his hand from her shoulder and pressed randomly on her arm. She told him exactly. He looked over at Josh and winked again. He blew softly on her shoulder. Again she shifted in her seat as her face flushed bright pink again. He softly kissed her shoulder just below the rotator cuff. She blushed even brighter and stated that it was another press exactly where he kissed her.

"Forgive me, doll. I need to be closer to you. Let that kiss help you heal; I wish I could kiss all your pain away. STOP IT, MILLER. Friends. Do you really want to lose her?" Pat thought with an inaudible sigh as he picked up the sling strap and ran his hand up her back again. "Flying colors. You can open your eyes now, doll. I need you to cradle your arm. I need both of mine to hook you up again." Pat held his breath and leaned even closer. She opened her eyes and met his. Pat couldn't take his eyes off of her. He smiled in spite of himself when her eyes sparkled at him. "Almost done, doll," Pat whispered as he lowered his hands to her waist. He slowly fastened the snaps back together. Her eyes never left his. She didn't try to jerk back. Her lips parted slightly and Pat groaned internally. "I'm completely captivated and would love to do this forever. I might kiss you. Stop me," he thought with a smile. Suddenly, he noticed she wasn't breathing. Pat stopped what he was doing and tried to calm her down. "Breathe, doll." Annette took a breath in, but it didn't seem to come out "Let it out," he instructed, she did. She shivered and her diaphragm bounced beneath his hand. Pat focused on it for minute. He took one breath, her diaphragm bounced seven times. "Come on, doll. With me. In and out," he pleaded. She tried but wasn't making any progress. "Mask, doll?" Pat asked. She shook her head and closed her eyes. Pat pursed his lips and looked at Josh. Josh read it wrong as Pat looked back at Annette.

"Pat, you bad man," Josh teased. Pat refused to turn around. He knew that Josh was gesturing sexually in some manner. Pat focused on Annette as she rolled her eyes and looked forward. Did he really just arouse Annette to the point of no return? Pat decided not to dwell on that thought as Annette's breathing became less and less frequent. Pat grabbed her hand.

"What's going on, doll?" He inquired.

Annette met his eyes again. "Body's shutting down," she stated in between gasps as she closed her eyes. She continued to pant and tried to get air into her lungs.

"No it's not. Come on, doll. In and out," Pat ordered. "There's no way I'm letting you give up. You have to keep fighting. We should have encouraged you stay in the hospital a while longer. Please, doll! Breathe. Get creative, Miller. Don't let her give up. Find a way," he ordered mentally as he looked around the room. He suggested she take a sip of water, hoping that would help kick start her breathing again. He knew after he swam or took a long drink, his body filled his lungs with oxygen. She agreed but began to cough again. Pat took the opportunity to grab the water himself. After she had taken a sip, her eyes drooped. It seemed to work. Pat slid over to the left side of the couch. He left his left leg on the ground but stuck his right leg against the back. He pulled Annette back to his chest. She came willing, but she was still fighting something. Her breathing regulated as she rested her hand on the top of her head. Her left leg was curled up, her right leg extended. Even though she was practically in the middle of the couch, her petite frame didn't take up two seats. He looked at her lips. They were perfectly pink and stood out on her pale face. Thankfully, there was no sign of cyanosis starting. "Okay, doll. It's hard to breathe, I get that. But you aren't experiencing serious issues. We can figure this out. Just calm down," he mentally begged. She put her arm down when her breathing seemed to regulate. "Atta girl," Pat praised internally as he grabbed her hand with his left. His right hand stroked her arm. Josh sat down at her feet.

"What can I do?" He mouthed. Pat shook his head; he had no idea what to do himself. Annette sat forward again. She was the perfect hostess, and yet she was the guest! Josh smiled at her, but was as concerned as Pat.

"Give in, doll. You've earned some sleep," Pat insisted. He smiled as he was rewarded with her snuggling into his chest. Her eyes quickly closed. She mumbled something, but Pat didn't catch it. Her demeanor and behavior based on everything he's ever observed, meant he knew she was apologizing for something though. "Annette, you're fine. Rest." He bent his right knee slightly and signaled to Josh to move her foot. Josh gently picked up her foot and Pat stuck his leg under it, curling it around Annette. Josh stood up, grabbed the throw pillow off the floor, and gently he placed it under Annette's floating leg.

Josh grabbed the remote off of the end table and turned down the tv. He looked back at Pat and grinned. Pat just shook his head. He looked down at the girl in his arms. She was really here. She asked for this; she wanted him to hold her. Pat was ecstatic. After a while Josh got bored watching the movie so he decided to spice things up. He looked at Pat and chuckled, "seriously? Arouse and crash? You could've at least gotten the release first. I needed about five more minutes and I would've been golden!" Pat lifted his eyes and met Josh's.

"Dude! You need a girlfriend."

"So do you, my friend! Just ask," Josh playfully retorted as he winked.

"I'm working on that," Pat thought solemnly as he looked back at the girl in his arms. She looked so serene. He looked at her shoulder and leg again. "I wish I could take her pain away," Pat replied morosely. 

"She's looks pretty tranquil to me. Although now that I know what I'm looking at, you can pick up the pain in her eyes. I want to know her secret," Josh responded as he stood up. He picked up the Xbox remotes. "Movie's over. Call of duty?"

"She's naturally happy. I don't need to know any more secrets," Pat thought as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and nodded in agreement to play. He released Annette's hand and took the controller. She shifted in her sleep and pulled her hand to her face. "I appreciate your help, man," Pat said sincerely as he adjusted his arms to provide her with some warmth, hoping her goosebumps would disappear soon.

"Nothing better to do. I'd love hanging out with good friends. Plus your couch is a lot more comfy than mine," Josh admitted. He looked back at Pat. "You two are a cute couple. And the sparks that fly between you is intense. I've dated a lot of girls; I've never had one react to me like that. Not going to lie, I was aroused and I wasn't even touching her. You should have sealed it with a kiss. I bet that's why she couldn't breathe." 

"I almost did, but I really need her permission. I find it highly unlikely that I caused her to stop breathing or that I aroused her. She's been through the grinder, literally, and her body needs time to recover. She was covered in goosebumps, but I don't think I caused it. She does get cold easily," Pat reminded him.

"Whatever. We both know that was a bluff now," Josh insisted as he looked at Annette solemnly.

"Look, Josh! She's still covered in goosebumps. It wasn't a bluff  but it helped her hide the bruises."

"I wish she would have asked for help. You, Joe, Max, Kevin, Justin, Matt, and I would've backed her. That's the short list!"

"In a heartbeat," Pat agreed. He let out a deep breath and also looked at Annette again. She had shifted in her sleep and was now looking down. Pat gently pushed her to his left shoulder so he could see her face. She looked so peaceful, even if her hand was balled in a fist on her shoulder, almost touching his chest. He lowered his voice as she stirred slightly and lowered her left leg, kicking Josh's knee. 

"She could hurt someone if she wanted to. It didn't hurt, but if she wanted to, I'm sure she would know exactly where to hit them and how hard. Good thing she's too sweet for that," he chuckled as he pulled Pat's leg a little, crossed her leg on top of Pat's leg, then rested her broken leg on top of both of them. "Why would she live life in pain and never ask for help?"

"Thank you for doing that for her. Her brother gave me some insight. He said look at it from her point of view. Is it easier for her to play it off like it doesn't happen or let people think she was lying because of his authority?"

"That makes sense. How do you do it, man? I don't know one guy that wouldn't be trying to kiss her now. I mean I know you said you were close, but of it was me, I'd be kissing her ears, cheek, eyes, and forehead. When she slept enough, I'd swear my lips would brush across hers, only to be deepened when her eyes opened. Okay, well not Annette, because you are so into her, but any other single girl, I'd totally try that with," Josh stated. Pat smirked and rubbed her hand until it relaxed.

"I haven't been granted permission yet. Like I said, I really need that from Annette. My mom raised me to respect women. She's had enough forced upon her shoulders. I won't ask her for a while. She needs a break. I can wait, but she also needs someone better than me. I want her to choose me, but I don't expect her to," Pat stated quietly. A knock on the door startled both of them. Josh stood up and answered it.

"Hey, man. I wasn't sure if you were home. Sorry about that. I called you several times. I didn't know how else to get ahold of you," Tyler stated as he peeked around the corner.

"Come on in! It's just nap time. My phone's on silent in my pocket," Pat replied, welcoming him in and digging out his phone. Seven missed calls and three text messages. "Sorry about that." Josh reached over and took the controller off Annette's stomach and put them both away. Then he sat down by Annette's feet again.

"I would have stayed away! She's a light sleeper. I'd hate to wake her. She's a grumpy toddler if you do," Tyler teased as he sat in the arm chair. Pat and Josh chuckled. 

"I'm sure she has her moments," Josh replied in good humor. "When she snapped at the doctor who gave her the cast, I was certain I was seeing a new person."

"Me too," Pat confessed. "That person lasted all of two seconds. She's had so many chances to just let anger take over, but she never does. You were right, she doesn't have a mean bone in her body."

"No, but apparently she has a lot of funny bones," Josh added. "I've never seen someone laugh so easily. I wish she wouldn't downplay her pain though." 

"That she does; on both fronts. She must have felt extra spunky this morning. She woke up and decided to watch the sunrise but refused to come back to her room. Gave Jess quite the scare. She woke me up and we spent half an hour looking for her." Pat looked at Annette again and grinned. He knew she loved her time this morning. He was pleased to be part of it, even if it was accidental. "Ever since I've met her, I'd do anything for her. She's my new little sister. I've felt like that since her brother mentioned her back in January," Tyler said affectionately. 

"She took on her dad today. We got proof recorded. Trooper Sanchez wants to talk to Noah. She's remarkable," Pat said softly. Tyler's eyes nearly popped out of his head in surprise.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We all know that!" Josh interjected. "Pat and I are from families with no siblings, but you should tell us about your family!"

"Did you say she took on her dad?" Tyler asked. Pat nodded. "And we've got a case against him now?" Pat nodded again. "That's awesome. I'll let Jess and Noah know, but I think she should talk to her brother. Anyways, my mom was killed about a decade ago. My dad is in prison. It has been Jess and I for years. I've tried to protect her but Jess is as crazy and unpredictable as Annette. The only difference is that Jess is more of a prankster. One year, I forgot to get her a present for her birthday. I got too wrapped up in my chemistry experiments and lost track of time. She went through all of my clothes and got rid of them. Then she replaced them with only dresses and skirts in my size. I had to sport those clothes for two months. She loved it." Pat and Josh laughed.

"I'd love to see that!" Pat remarked. He lowered his voice as Annette stirred in his arms again.

"Oh stick around long enough, I'm sure Jess will have another disastrous outfit for me to sport. She loves to play pranks. Then she met Noah and it got better, but worse. Seriously. That family is trouble," Tyler chuckled as Annette sat up groggily. 

"Leave my family alone. I'm sure whatever you did, you deserved the punishment Jess handed out." Pat watched her sway as she looked around the room. He held his breath when she looked at Josh. "When did you move there?" Josh and Pat exchanged looks. She was confused and swaying.

"After your check up. You looked right at me!" Josh exclaimed in shock.

"My head's fuzzy. Sorry," Annette apologized and rubbed her head. Again, Pat and Josh exchanged worried looks.

"Don't apologize for speaking the truth," Pat rebuked mentally as he pulled his leg back, sat up, and rubbed her back. "How was your nap, doll?" She looked at him and was once again back to her selfless state; concerned about his appearance and comfort, not her own body. He wanted to laugh as she pointed out that he was flushed, afraid that she must have overheated him. "I was just enjoying holding you, doll. I'm not warm," Pat thought happily. She swayed unsteadily as she lowered her feet to the ground. Pat and Josh immediately closed the distance between their bodies and her's.

"Do you know you're swaying?" Tyler asked in concern. 

Annette brushed it off. "I don't care 
at the moment. I just want to stretch my muscles. I can't exactly do that sitting down. The longer I don't stretch, the stiffer I become," she complained. She let go of Josh's hand and put her hand on his shoulder and stood up. Pat stood up with her, keeping his hands on her back and hip. She raised her arm above her head and took a deep breath. She fainted and Pat caught her.

"For the love of," Pat thoughts trailed off as she immediately opened her eyes again. "False alarm. Maybe."

"Told you. Breathing will be the death of me. My ribs," she gasped. Pat began barking orders and laid her on the floor, propping her head on the pillow that was under her leg moments before. Annette bargained and pleaded, but she refused any help. She didn't even seem phased that Pat brought up her beatings. She shouldn't be standing, he knew this. She was a contradiction; nothing ever worked the way it should with her.

"You're really going to try and get past all three of us? You're nothing but trouble, doll," Pat heckled as he caved and helped her stand up. He kept one hand on her left hip, the other arm he folded under her's and held onto her shoulder. "There now you're up. You're very stubborn, Annette," he lovingly admonished. She looked over her left shoulder and grinned, causing his heart to stop.

"Yet you still love me," she giggled.

"And all your quirks," Pat admitted with great admiration. He wrapped both arms around her waist as she faced forward again. Josh gave him a quizzical look. Pat grinned and shrugged his shoulders. He looked around at his company and listened to the explanations to her questions. He felt her shudder as Josh brought in the wheelchair. "We know you have to use the restroom, Annette. But no more hopping. You need to let us help you," Pat begged. Mentally, he added, "I'm sorry doll. You can't sweet talk me out of this one. I need to help you. I can't stand to see you hurt again. Your mind knows you're finally safe so it's shutting your body down so you can truly heal. You're safe, doll. You don't have to fight any more."

"I told you I would-" Annette began.

"-if I let you cook tonight. I can't do that, doll," Pat finished. He hated telling her no. Josh mentioned a run and Annette started to lean forward again in anticipation. He scowled at Josh as he pulled her closer again and lifted her up slightly so her foot was barely on the ground. "No, doll. One thing at a time." Gently he set her in the wheelchair. When she pouted, Pat wanted to chuckle. He found it endearing, but he could see how Tyler could call her a toddler. Pat looked at Josh and mentally thanked him for his quick thinking when he offered Annette a deal and she jumped on it. Pat snickered softly; she didn't read the fine print. She could tell them what to cook but she couldn't help, and now they could help her. Josh took off, Pat knew they had about an hour before he returned. Pat wheeled Annette down the hall. She couldn't stand, which means she shouldn't hop, and he knew she would try. He pursed his lips. That could be problematic. He wasn't comfortable waiting in the bathroom with her, and he was certain she wouldn't be okay with it either. So what could he do that would help out both parties? He paused outside of his room, ran in, and grabbed one of his clean shirts. He sighed and brought it out to her. "Put this on, doll. It'll give you some modesty. You agreed to let us help you. Unfortunately, you aren't able to stand at the moment, which means absolutely no hopping. That means I'm going to have to depants you now and move you to and from the pot." She instantly paled and blushed at the same time, but she took the shirt. She stammered out a response. Pat blushed and agreed, "but I'm betting this is the first time you haven't had both arms." He pushed her into the bathroom and placed her on the toilet. He left, shut the door, and leaned against it. When he heard the toilet flush. He rushed back into the bathroom fearing she was standing again; his face gave him away.

"What? I didn't get up. I hate feeling so helpless," she stated and looked down. Pat pushed the wheelchair out of the way and lifted her up. He supported most of her weight with his left hand as he turned her around. Both hands stayed by her right hip as she washed her hand. She met his eye in the mirror and shifted uncomfortably. She accidentally touched her icy toe on his right leg, sending shivers down his spine. Tears were on the brim of her eyes. "So now what? You going to take me and throw me in bed? It wouldn't take much to overpower me. After all, isn't it every guy's dream for a girl to be in his shirt with nothing else on?" Pat swallowed a lump in his throat. Yes, it was, and she pulled his shirt off well; it was worse than the outfit she chose the day she was taken. He couldn't lie to her; she looked stunning.

"I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tempting," Pat confessed sadly. "But even if you were begging me to do that right now, I couldn't." He looked down at what she was wearing. Her willowy legs and muscle structure stole his breath; knowing that she had nothing under his shirt that went to her thighs didn't help either. "It's not you, I swear, doll. If you were begging for it, I would have a hard time turning you down, but you would only be goading me. You don't want that and I would never hurt you; I care for you too damn much to consider it," Pat thought bitterly as he inhaled and looked up at the mirror again as her small frame trembled. Annette had put her hand to her head and was crying again. Pat gently turned her around and embraced her. He would give her as much time as she needed. Right now she needed to feel safe and not threatened, especially into sex. He would love to lay in bed with her in that way, but not like this and not when she hadn't given her permission. His needs and desires came after hers. He knew this, and he would never cross that line. Every part of his being wanted to be with her in every way possible, but he wasn't even sure if he was capable of doing that. "Would you like to go find something to put on, doll?" She nodded and Pat grinned. He told her he'd have to put her in bed but promised not to touch the bed. Pat chose to pick her up by her waist instead of cradling her so that her she could still feel modest and couldn't accuse him of trying to be a peeping Tom. Pat sat her down on the bed and moved over to her dresser, lingering. He didn't want her rushing to get dressed; she needed to just rest. He didn't notice her nervously fidgeting behind him, but when she called his name, he happily turned around. Annette definitely looked uneasy. He quickly got her some clothes while she thanked him.

"You would do the same for me," he admitted as he put her clothes down beside her. She picked up the shorts with a slight scowl. He looked back and forth between her face and the clothes trying to place her thinking. "Something wrong, doll?"

"Can I just wear a pair of yours?" Annette begged. Pat chuckled.

"Is it saying anything that she prefers to wear my clothes over her own? Stop it, you need focus on her needs, not your own pleasures. She hates feeling immodest; you know this," Pat told himself silently. "Of course, doll. I'll be right back," he told her with a smile. He left the room and closed the door behind him. He gave her some privacy and headed back out to the living room and leaned on the back of the couch. 

"How's she doing?" Tyler asked.

"She's frustrated. She doesn't want to wear the clothes your sister picked out. She wants something baggier," Pat explained. Tyler chuckled and looked at Pat with a cheeky grin. Pat chuckled and held up his hands defensively. "I'm going to give her a pair of my shorts; it means nothing. I just want her to feel safe and comfortable. You're welcome to start a movie or something."

"Thanks, Pat. You'll have to show me how to work that. And I'm not just thanking you for your hospitality; I'm thanking you for everything. Not just from me either, from Noah and Jess too; we're all grateful that you're in her life," Tyler replied sincerely. 

"It's my genuine pleasure," Pat replied as he showed him how to work the dvd player and watched fifteen minutes of the movie with him before walked back down the hallway and into his room. He dug into his dresser. He found a pair of shorts that he hadn't worn in years; they were a little tight. He smelled them; they still smelled fresh. Pat smiled and ducked into the bathroom. He pushed the wheelchair into the hallway after he grabbed her dirty clothes. He then walked down the hallway and knocked softly on her door, hoping she was sleeping. Sleep was the best option for her. Softly he asked, "can I come in, doll?"

"Come in," she grumbled. Pat opened the door and held back a laugh. She looked exhausted. Pat moved around her room and deposited her dirty clothes into the hamper. "You can't keep your promise about not touching the bed. I can't even sit up, but I'm covered," she said wearily. Pat couldn't help it and laughed. He walked over to the bed and showed her his shorts. 

"Here, let me help you. These are the smallest pair I own. Do you mind if I put them on for you?" Pat asked. Annette nodded and blushed. Pat knelt down by her feet and put the shorts on gently. After he threaded the shorts past her cast, he kept his eyes on her face. She looked out the window. He paused momentarily when he reached her thigh. He took a deep breath, gently lifted her hips, and hiked the shorts the rest of the way up. He noticed her wince when he grabbed her right hip but she didn't complain. Then Pat helped her sit up. She swayed uneasily. Pat was concerned. "Do you need nutrients?" Mentally he added, "or anything else? Just name it, doll." 

She shook her head and bit her lip. "I'm just weak. I don't feel hungry. I'm tired even if I deny it. And I'm in pain. Doesn't exactly give me a reason why my body is quitting. I've been in severe pain before. That about sums it up."  Pat pursed his lips. There had to be another explanation.

"Sounds like the crash we've been waiting for. Annette, Noah and I expected you to crash last week; shortly after your second visit. You've impressed us all with your strength. You just need to let your body heal. We have no problems catering to your every need and whim," Tyler stated from the door. Pat looked at Annette affectionately as she expressed her concern about being the only female in a house full of guys; not because of what they may do to her, but because of her fear of breaking in front of them. She was full of surprises. Would she ever stop amazing him? Annette wept again and Pat's heart broke.

Tenderly he brushed her hair behind her ear and explained that he knew there would be trouble on this road to recovery, terrified of where she might be if she didn't accept their help. Each new scenario that popped into his head was worse than before; most of them she was dead. To convince himself of the truth, he helped her to her feet -supporting all of her weight- and embraced her warmly. "She's here. She's alive. She will get better in time. There's no reason to scare her more," he thought as Annette hugged his neck and Pat's heart felt at home; he didn't want to let go. He looked up at Tyler who was trying hard to hide his soft snickers behind his hand. Pat sighed inaudibly and looked down at the girl in his arms. He whispered in her ear, "we know you're not going to break, doll. But we are going to be here for you, around every corner, around every bend, and through every twist. You're not alone." He stroked her hair one more time before setting her in the wheelchair and kissing her temple. Tyler wheeled her off. Pat chuckled when he realized Tyler had turned off the movie and tv completely. There was no doubt both men cared about the small, fragile girl. Together they helped her get the kitchen ready for dinner. All progress stopped when she couldn't breathe any more. Pat remembered that he promised her some pain medication, so he gave her more. She refused to take it. So after some convincing she finally took the Tylenol. She kept trying to get the kitchen going. Pat pursed his lips again. He had to get her to focus on herself. When she had another coughing fit and asked for a pillow, Tyler took off. He came back with the teddy bear from the hospital. Annette eyes lit up as she said her brother's name. Pat loved her devotion to her family. Tyler rebuked her and took her to the living room as Josh and Linda showed up. Annette protested and Josh corrected her. Pat chuckled softly and began unloading the bags Josh brought over. "That was a quick trip to the store. I was just going to let her think she was helping and then turn off all the stove units. But you went to the store and came back in less than half an hour," he teased with a chuckle.  

"I cheated and got most of the stuff from work. Linda was a big help; I called her as soon as I headed out the door. Annette's got spot-on cooking skills; it's helpful to have warmed up stuff." Annette interrupted their bantering and Josh winked at Pat. "Yes, ma'am!" Pat chuckled softly and looked into the living room. "Sheesh! Who knew she was so bossy? So anyways, Annette's wearing your clothes," Josh implied with a nudge to Pat's side. Pat grinned.

"You're looking too far into it. I'm just helping her feel comfortable," Pat insisted, repeating the same thing he told himself earlier, as Tyler asked about a movie. "Sure, man! Mi casa es su casa!" Pat looked over the counter at Annette. "Annette! He got pre-sliced mushrooms I'll make sure he keeps them far away from your sandwich. He also cheated and got pre-sliced jalapenos." She waved wearily but didn't turn around. Pat turned back to the kitchen. "By the way, she's allergic to mushrooms," Pat told him. Josh chuckled.

"You want to be with her in there. Not out here with me," Josh implied knowingly with a smirk. "Go ahead, man. Talk with her. I got this; since we got strips that were put in the fridge tonight -instead of the freezer- it'll be ready in about 20 minutes or less. I'll freeze whatever I don't use and you'll actually have food on hand. I hope I do her meal justice. This is kinda unusual. I never would have thought of this combination."

"But it smells good," Pat said. Josh nodded as he looked at the sizzling bacon. When Pat still didn't move, Josh shoved him playfully. "Alright! I'm going," Pat remarked and made his way to the couch for a few minutes. "Dinner smells delicious, doll. Good choice. Are you staying, Linda?" Linda nodded, teased him, and mentioned how his mom would be proud of him. Pat smiled fondly and looked at Annette. "Mom would have loved you." Through the mask, Pat noticed the broad smile and her eyes went soft. Annette would have loved his mom too, but then again, she loves everyone. Pat looked at his hands and thought of his mom. She was shocked when he came home and was so hurt. To be fair, she didn't tell him of her pain either. He could only imagine how different it would have been if he had met Annette back before the pain; he might have actually felt like he may have been worthy of her then, but if he did, he probably never would have joined the army. Mom probably would've rebuked him; Annette was so much younger. He smiled, that didn't matter she was so mature. Yet, the army was such a big part of who he was. If he did meet her back then, well, actually she probably wouldn't have caught his attention since she would have been eleven. But had he been captivated by her then and still joined, he would never be able to return home to her arms - if that was an option at all. Then again, getting through his mother's death would have been easier too. He envisioned the conversations his mom would have with her, them exchanging baking recipes, and his mom embarrassing him to try and scare Annette away. Pat grinned as he thought back to the first thing Annette got excited about in his house. "Definitely full of surprises," he thought as he looked back over at her; she was watching the movie, the bear clutched tightly in her arm, and her hand playing with the hem of his shirt. "If only. If only I had known about your past, I would've protected you better. If only I had brought you over once or twice for a movie night, you wouldn't sit there looking like the house is going to suffocate you. If only I can capture your heart, I will never let you get hurt again," he thought. Josh demanded a last minute request for the sandwiches. Pat shook his head to clear his memories and daydreams and stood up. He offered everyone something to drink and brought them out. It didn't escape his notice when Annette paled even more so at the sight of the beer. "Let me help you deliver the food. You can have my beer," Pat insisted back in the kitchen with Josh.

"I'll take your's and her's out. I have a feeling that you are going to touch her again before you eat. Is that why you wanted no mushrooms? Hoping for a kiss?" Josh teased. Pat shook his head. "Thanks for the beer," Josh replied with a wink as he dished everyone up. Pat nodded. He was going to have one tonight too, but with her reaction, he stuck with the water. He took everyone out their food and knelt in front of Annette again. Her hand trembled and she was ashen.

"Must be low blood sugar," she insisted. Pat smiled.

"Then eat, doll," he instructed as he gave her food and sat between Josh and Linda. Everyone watched as she took the first bite. Her face melted and she gave a small grin. Annette praised Josh on his cooking skills. Everyone else took a tedious bite, not exactly sure what to think. Pat watched everyone's reactions. They loved it too. He took his bite and looked at her in surprise. "This is really good, Annette! Great suggestion." Pat took another bite as she blushed. She slowly made her way through her dinner but Pat could tell she was struggling. "Doll? You don't have to finish your dinner." She reluctantly put her food down, explaining that she felt guilty. She wanted to finish it. Tyler took her plate away and she finished her water. Her eyes were drooping again. Everyone else finished their plates, but they looked like they wanted more. Annette must have found a little more appetite because she wanted her pie back. Pat grinned and brought it to her. Josh and Linda bid them goodnight. Pat moved Annette to the couch as Tyler brought her a book. Together they cleaned the kitchen. "There's a ziplock bag in that bottom drawer. We'll save her sandwich." Tyler nodded and put it in the fridge. Pat looked at the stove and made sure everything was off. 

"Did she stir at all during her nap?" Tyler inquired.

"No more than usual. I don't know what her normal is though," Pat confessed as he finished washing the pans.

"She thrashed in the bed this morning while she was sleeping; she started on the left side and ended up by the foot of the bed about ready to roll off. She seemed stressed even in her sleep. Earlier, in your arms, she just seemed at peace," Tyler admitted as he dried the dishes. 

"No thrashing. Just shifting. Her hand was the only thing tense about her," Pat replied. Tyler nodded. "She was worried about you earlier when you didn't join us at the restaurant."

Tyler chuckled, "she's got a big heart. She's always worrying about the wrong people though."

"I've noticed," Pat confessed as he finished the last dish. "I wish she would be a little more self centered. She needs to start worrying about her own pain."

"With the right guy, I'm sure she will," Tyler implied as he nudged Pat's ribs with his elbow. Pat shook his head as he took the dishes and put them away. He was hopeful for that, but he would never force her to do anything. "What's the problem? Everyone can see how crazy you are for her."

"Except her," Pat mused as he sighed and leaned against the counter, looking through the breakfast nook at her, grateful that the cupboards on that side were all high and gave him full line of sight to the living room. Annette had curled her left foot under her right knee and was bouncing her foot to an unknown beat. Tyler turned around and looked with him. "I'm absolutely crazy about her, but she deserves the best; it's not me. No way. I can't believe it. I want to, but it seems improbable," he confessed. 

"Would you rather see her in someone else's arms?" Tyler asked. Pat shook his head and looked down. "Stop beating yourself up. You're pretty great. I don't know if anyone else would respect her as much as you do. I know I come from a place where respect is nothing, but I learned it and try to give it; you have it in abundance. Give her time. Besides Noah, she only cried for one other person in that complex. That has to mean something. Plus, when it comes to her, she believes she's invisible so she is completely naïve on how others see her," Tyler stated as he led the way back to the living room. Pat tried not to dwell on it. He really was a lost cause if her in-laws could see his heart and they just met him. Tyler winked at him as he sat down in the armchair again and closed up the wheelchair. Pat was left with no choice but to sit at her feet. "What will it take for you to leap?" Tyler whispered. Pat lowered his head to his chest with a smile and shook his head. He wouldn't force this on her. When Annette finally noticed they were sitting in the living room, she tried to get up and play the perfect hostess again. Pat grabbed her hand, helped her sit up, and began to rub her foot in hopes of offering her some relief in her stiff muscles. Tyler gave Pat a wink when she asked about a girlfriend and dismissed himself. 

"Tell me about her!" Annette demanded with smile.

"If only I had a mirror," Pat thought and looked her in the eye. How could he tell her he wanted her without telling her that? She wasn't ready for a relationship, but she wanted to be happy for him. Pat sighed inaudibly, smiled, and expressed, "she's absolutely gorgeous, but she denies it. Guys flock to her. Her eyes light up like Christmas time; they're always sparkling. Her smile, it warms the room. Her laughter is musical and contagious. She's a private person, but I hope she'll open up. She's absolutely breathtaking and doesn't even try. She's younger, but quite wise and mature for her age. I've never met anyone like her." Her eyes lit up as he talked and he melted into her gaze. "She's the reason I smile and the reason my knees go weak. She gives me butterflies. I want to hold her, protect her, love her, and kiss her. She's funny, smart, beautiful, pure, and lovable. Nothing can stop her. She's my greatest weakness, but I would do anything to make her feel safe," he added mentally as he stared at her. Her smile grew with every word that he said.

"...Any girl would love that type of devotion," Annette spoke the truth; Pat knew this, but he only had hopes of one girl.

"Including you?" Pat thought, his heart leaping in his chest. He took several deep breaths and calmed down with a little difficulty. She was so close. He wanted to tell her everything and ask her now. He wanted to reach over, brush his fingers over her lips, as he inched closer. "I'll be patient. She needs time," he confessed, therefore stopping himself from pushing the limits. Mentally he added, "you're worth the wait, doll." He moved behind her and started to rub her back. Her body tensed but she didn't pull away. "Are you sure you're okay with this, doll?" Pat asked nervously. She nodded and he grinned. He had to know, was someone on her radar? "Good. So I've told you about the girl that caught my eye. Has anyone caught yours?" Pat held his breath. Annette shook her head.

"...The only reason I would agree to a date with someone is because I could see a future with him as my husband. Kids. A home. Fights about money and bills and who has to cook dinner or pick up the kids. Things that we could work out and still be able to say I love you at the end of the day. I want to be the couple everyone else admires. Most of all, if I can picture him still sitting by my side, hand in hand when our hair is gray and our skin wrinkled, then I know I can find happiness for a lifetime. Everything, Pat. I want everything with the man I date next, but I don't want to scurry around dating every guy that asks to see if I could force that vision of the long haul. I want a deeper connection. I want a man who wants to be my friend, not just my lover. I know that looks aren't going to last. So if I'm only attracted to his body, I've lost..." She explained. Pat closed his eyes. He could see her walking down the aisle in a white dress -no she would be washed out in that color- but in a wedding dress nonetheless, in his arms at night - as they made the room steamy, braiding their daughter's hair, helping her ride a bike, and teaching her to cook, and playing catch with their son, painting on the table, and teaching him reading and writing. He could see her hair turning slowly from gold to silver, deep laugh lines formed on her face. He could see her bouncing babies on her knee when her hair was white then turning to him with a smile and a kiss. His breath caught in his throat. Is this what love felt like? He looked down at Annette again and smiled affectionately. Yes. This was love; a feeling that he had never felt this strongly before. It was different than the love he had for his mom, Linda, and Josh; this was much more powerful. He definitely wouldn't give her up now. Tyler was right, seeing her in another guy's arms would kill him.

"That type of dedication is too much for people these days. Hearing you say it, I really think she's my one. I can see all of that. The wedding, the baby, the grandchildren. A fulfilling life," Pat murmured softly as goosebumps covered his body. He was glad she was in front of him and couldn't see the goofy grin on his face. 

"Then don't let her slip through your fingers," Annette instructed. 

"Working on that, doll," he mentally retorted. He watched her with great fascination as she looked around the room. Eventually she looked over her shoulder again. Pat thought she was looking at him, but her eye caught the window and she gasped in wonder about the stars. Pat chuckled, "would you like to star gaze, doll?" She nodded and he took her outside. Once again, he felt like this was a moment she was truly happy. He wrapped her up in his arms and rocked the swing slightly. "Tell me something, doll," he murmured in her ear.

"The stars give me hope," she replied before Pat could ask his question. Pat sat back and shook his head. She was always so quick on her feet with a response. "I just take time to appreciate the pretty things. It helps take my mind off off reality. Reality is full of grief, pain, and sorrow. I hate wallowing in it. The sunrise is always amazing to watch. A new day has begun, anything can happen...At the end of the day, no matter how bad, I can look up at the sky and see all of those stars shine. They're light years away, but even though they're so far away, they still shine bright. They remind I can shine too. They give me hope because life is so frail, but it only takes a moment to make it better. Like now." Pat brushed his lips on the top of her ear and whispered into it. She shivered then yawned. Pat was disappointed. He didn't want this moment to end, but if she was getting cold, then his time with her had expired tonight. He pressed his lips together and fought back his internal demons. He knew he couldn't let her get sick.

"Come on, doll. I'll help you get ready for bed," he insisted as he picked her up and carried her to her room. He helped her take off his shirt and the sling so she could take the bright one off underneath. "Did you lie to me at dinner?" He asked, his voice laced in concern. She nodded and explained why the beer made her nervous. Pat decided he'd run them over to Josh's place after she fell asleep. He caught her tears as they fell. "Doll, the beer will be gone," he repeated. Her happiness was key. He would do whatever it took to insure she stayed content. She asked to use the bathroom again and Pat looked down at her shirt. It fit her perfectly and left very little to the imagination; he didn't notice earlier because her sling was partially hiding the full figure. Pat noted she was even curvier than he thought she was; thin, yet curvaceous, she was truly perfect. He blushed and looked in her eyes again. He was having issues keeping his mind from picturing her naked in his arms but insisted he'd help her out of that one first regardless. He swore he would make sure she'd feel comfortable but wasn't sure how. Luckily, Annette had a plan for that and it helped him re-center his focus. He could still respect her while helping. He held her sleeve up as she took her arm out then asked for his shirt to be put back on. Pat grinned. Her plan was to take off by going down her body, not over her head. "I see where you're going with this, doll," he replied in delight. After he threaded the shirt all the way back on, he kept his eyes on her eyes. His thumbs and pointer fingers pulled the gray shirt over her body while his pinkies traced her sides and hooked the green shirt and he pushed it down to her waist. Her cheeks lit up bright crimson again. He blushed slightly too; he desired to touch her more but refrained. His fingers felt like they were on fire, her skin the soothing ice. "Last week, I thought following her around and looking for unknown threats was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I've never been more wrong! This is the most difficult thing I've ever done," he thought, working on his self control. His heart seemed to pound out of his chest, his mouth went dry, and he took shallow breaths. Just when the tension reached its tipping point, he took his hands out from under the gray shirt and hooked up her sling again. He took a deep breath and let it out silently. Then he pulled her upright and supported all her weight. Once again, he slid his right hand under the gray shirt and tugged on the green one. "You can stop me, doll. I need you to. Otherwise I might lean in and kiss you," Pat thought, but she didn't back away or ask him to remove his hand. Pat sucked in some air and held it as he slowly traced down her back. Once the shirt was past her hips, it fell freely to the floor, taking the shorts with it. Then he wrapped both arms around her small figure and just held onto her. Reluctantly, he decided he needed to test her leg strength. He pulled her hand into his and loosened his grasp around her waist ever so slightly. He could feel that she had the same thought too as he felt her weight shift. She gave him an ear to ear smile. Pat returned the smile and cradled her in his arms as he carried her to the bathroom. He put her down gently and she braced against the wall. He stepped back a foot but didn't release her yet. She wasn't swaying. Pat smiled and backed up, releasing Annette. He pointed a finger at her.

"No hopping," she promised before he got a word out. He smiled and left, closing the door behind him. He picked up her shirt and his shorts and put them in the laundry. The pair of shorts he had picked out earlier for her were still on the bed. He put them away and waited outside of the bathroom door. Once he heard the flush, he came back into the bathroom. He carried her to the sink, opened the mirror, and got her toothbrush ready while she washed her hand. "Are you ready for bed?" She asked as she picked up her toothbrush. Pat shook his head and grinned when she asked him to brush her hair. She insisted she wasn't tired even though her eyes drooped. He could give in to this request. A few extra moments with her is all he desired. He bit his inner cheek as she leaned over, gently pressed into his pelvis, and spit into the sink. This woman was going to push all buttons to his self control; too much more of this and he would be having problems.

"You got it, doll," Pat reassured, thinking back to her request. He grabbed her hairbrush and picked her up. Carrying her was so much more convenient than pushing her through his home. He loved having her so close and he was loving this new living arrangement. He set her in the middle of the couch and gave her some water. As promised, she took the opioid before he left. She finished all of the water and he took the glass away from her. He sat down on her right side and gave her the remote. Then he began to brush her hair. It wasn't as easy like it was at the hospital. Her curls kept getting tangled in the brush, but he loved the look on her. Her hair was still soft, which surprised him because he thought it would feel ratty. He loved running his fingers through it; it reminded him of silk and looked like gold. Her eyes drooped more and he moved to her left side. Once again he brushed her hair gently. Her head bobbed in exhaustion. Pat looked at her face, her eyes drooped heavily but she was still trying to focus on the tv. "There, doll, done. Do me a favor? Lay down." She nodded wearily and Pat stood up. He turned her body sideways and eased her back. She didn't notice -or didn't care- that her shirt had climbed up. Pat took a good look at the dark and muddy bruise on her right hip as he propped her leg up. It was healing but it looked painful, especially at the tip. No wonder she winced every time he touched her there. He thought he could tell where the fracture was as he noticed the lighter coloring running through the middle of bruise. He made a mental note to try and not touch her there again. He grabbed a fleece throw and another pillow out of the closet and covered her up and propped her head up. Then he went to his room and changed his clothes. He hadn't gone for a run today. It was a daily routine; he couldn't sleep unless he did. Josh lived a mile and half away. It was the perfect little run. He came back out the the living room. Annette was sleeping. Pat thought for a moment then scooped her up. Tyler said she had thrashed around earlier. If she thrashed on the couch, she would end up falling off the couch and hurting herself. Keeping the fleece blanket over her, he wrapped it around her legs before picking her up. He carried her to her room and set her in bed. Then he flattened the blanket again so she wasn't tied up in it. She sighed and flopped her head to her left, causing Pat to smile as he stared at her. "Good night, 'Nettie. Welcome home; it's your home as long you want it to be," he murmured as he pushed her hair out of her face she turned towards him and sighed again. Unable to restrain himself, Pat leaned over so he could kiss her forehead and left, closing the door behind him.

He went back out into the living room and took her wheelchair into the kitchen. He loaded up his 18 pack of canned beer then placed the remaining 9 bottles behind the box. Once again, his fridge was practically empty. He opened the milk and smelled it; it had gone sour. He was grateful he didn't serve any tonight. He sighed and went back to his room and picked up his wallet. Annette needed something more to drink besides water. Josh's house was past the gas station. If Pat took the loop around, he could put his beer in Josh's fridge then make his way down to the gas station. He looked around his bare kitchen and smiled. Popcorn and chocolate was on his list now too. He checked on Annette once more before leaving. She had kicked her right leg out from her blanket, but overall was in the same position he left her in. He opened Tyler's door so he could hear her better and headed out the door. Pushing the wheelchair was new to him while running but he figured it was better than shaking up the beer. In what would usually take him 9-12 minutes to get to Josh's house, Pat found he was creeping on almost half an hour. "It'll be worth it if Annette wants to join me later," he told himself. Quietly he snuck into his house; Josh was just like Pat and never locked his door. He turned on the light in the kitchen and brought in the beer. He found a pen and paper and left Josh a brief note explaining the extra beer in his fridge. He looked around and turned off the light before leaving again. He took the wheelchair outside and folded it up. He put it under his arm and sprinted down the road. When the gas station was 100 yards away, he slowed down to a walk and opened the wheelchair again. He guided it with his hips and put his arms above his head and took deep breaths. The gas station was quiet and Pat parked the wheelchair outside. He walked in and looked in every aisle. Once again he was stumped on what to get her, although he did have a better idea: she had a severe sweet tooth.

He added chili cheese fritos, four large bags of m&ms, a box of microwavable popcorn, a bag of corn tortilla chips - with the intention to get some nacho cheese from work tomorrow, a carton of a lemonade since she seemed to enjoy it at the hospital, a half of gallon of milk, and two of every chocolate bar into his basket. As he made his way to the counter to pay, he passed the flowers. He selected a single red rose, held onto it, and grinned. If she was more upset about losing the flower, and not her recent bruises, then he would happily replace it for her. The girl at the counter twirled a strand of hair around her finger and batted her eyelashes at him. He read her name tag as he put his basket down. "Are you new here, Amanda?" She nodded and batted her eyes again. Pat chuckled. "Sorry, Amanda, it won't do you any good to flirt with me. My heart's taken," Pat stated. The girl pouted and rang up his items and bagged them. He smelled the rose and put it down with a grin.

"If she turns you down, you know where to find me, handsome," Amanda winked. Pat rolled his eyes. Amanda couldn't compare with Annette in any form. Pat grabbed the rose as soon as Amanda put it down. Amanda scowled as she missed touching his hand. Pat paid and collected his items. "She's damn lucky. I wish my boyfriend was like you."

"Maybe he would be if you didn't try and throw yourself at any guy that walks by. Have some class. Nobody wants an unfaithful partner," Pat stated as he left. He smelled the rose again. Annette surpassed everyone. "No one even comes close to you, doll," he thought happily as he set the bag on the wheelchair and began running home. It didn't take him long at all. He put his groceries away. Then he grabbed a glass from the cupboard, filled it with water, put the rose in the glass, and set it on the counter. He checked on Annette again. She had definitely thrashed in her sleep. The fleece throw was knotted around her left leg and her right hand was in her hair and she was diagonally across the bed. Otherwise, she looked peaceful. Pat shut her door and took a shower. After he got dressed, he laid on his couch. He picked up the book she was reading. Maybe he could enter into her world for a while. Pride and Prejudice. Pat sighed and began to read; it was his least favorite activity. He couldn't read it too long before he fell asleep; it had been a long day. He shifted in his sleep and dropped the book on the floor. It startled him awake. He shook his head, picked up the book, and turned off the lamp beside him. He walked through the hallway and went into his room. Before he sat down on his bed, he looked around once again. He decided he needed to check on Annette. He walked down to her room and listened to the door. He didn't hear anything. He turned on the hallway light and pressed his ear to the door again. He thought he heard gasping. He opened her door and whispered, "doll?" The bed was empty. Pat panicked and walked into the room. He opened the door all of the way so that the light flooded in. He checked the floor around the bed. With the exception of the fleece blanket, it was empty too. "Doll?" he asked again, fear in his voice. He looked at the bathroom door. There was no light coming from under it. "Doll?" He cracked it open. It was empty. "Annette? D****t!" He checked the window before heading to Tyler's room. He pounded on the door. If Annette was running, albeit in pain, Pat would appreciate the help. Also a second friend could help ease any tension. Tyler came to the door groggily. "She's not in bed. I'm going to need backup," Pat stated and looked over Tyler's shoulder, hoping she didn't decide to get comfort from him. Tyler looked shocked and ran to her room.

"What? Did she go out the window? Is she in the bathroom?" He exclaimed as he checked everything. Pat followed a few steps behind and reasoned negatively. Tyler opened the closet. Pat kicked himself; why wouldn't he check that door too? Both men gasped as they took in the scene before them. Annette was curled up in a ball and weeping silently. Each sob shook her small frame. Tyler rested his hand on her back. "Annette?" He spoke softly.

"Don't hurt me," she begged but she never looked up. Her hair cascaded over her face so Tyler gently swept it back over her shoulder. 

"Look at me. I would never hurt you. Look up, sister dear," Tyler coaxed her to open her eyes. She eventually did, but she looked terrified. She wrapped her right arm over her chest. 

"Almost there! Can't have me," she gasped and wept back in her knee. Tyler rested his hand on her back again. "Don't touch me! Not my brother!" She looked up long enough to scream before she buried her face in her lap again. Tyler looked offended.

"Let me try," Pat offered. Tyler nodded and backed up. Pat maneuvered his leg so he could crouch in front of Annette. He didn't touch her, he just softly spoke, "hey, doll." He was rewarded with her looking up. She looked shocked. 

"Pat? What are you doing here?" She gasped in surprise. Pat grinned. 

"I kinda live here, doll. What are you doing here?" He asked. She was confused but explained what happened.

"Her fight or flight instinct took over. Did you move her after she crashed?" Tyler asked. Pat took a deep breath. Damn. He did this. She looked over his shoulder and then in his eyes again. 

"That's right doll, focus on me," he encouraged mentally. He stood up and offered her his hand. She took it and he wrapped her up in his arms. She held onto him tightly, trying to take control of her body again; the shaking was winning. Pat looked over his shoulder at Tyler. "She was asleep on the couch before I was dressed for my run. I figured she'd be more comfortable in the bed," Pat admitted. Tyler pressed his lips together as he put the puzzle pieces together.

"Remember how she said she woke up in a new room every time she went to sleep?" Tyler asked. Pat tilted his head back all the way and closed his eyes, mentally kicking himself. How could he forget such an important detail? He inhaled deeply and let it out slowly. He was blind when it came to her; his memory melted away as she filled his head. Slowly he looked back at the quivering girl in his arms and nodded. "Remember how her brother said her brain has several of it's own self defense mechanisms?" Tyler asked. Again, Pat nodded as he pursed his lips together. "I think that's what happened again," Tyler mused, keeping his voice low and even. Right now she was afraid of him so he tried to stay as nonthreatening as possible. He watched Annette as best as he could from his position. She didn't look at him very often, but when she did confusion was written all over her face. She kept burying her head in his Pat's chest. Tyler grinned. Pat was good for her; she was calming down. 

"I didn't hit my head!" Annette stated like she was having a hard time believing it, forcing herself to try and remember.

"No, doll. You didn't," Pat explained kindly, still trying to calm her down. Tyler watched her rub her legs together and tried to hide a grin as she noticed something.

"Where are my pants?" She asked. She had calmed down some. Pat and Tyler chuckled. Pat moved Annette to the bed and covered her up with the comforter so she would feel better about being in their presence. Tyler moved to lean against the dresser as he wasn't close enough to scare her more. He crossed one leg over the other as he shifted his weight to the dresser, making sure not bump any of the vases. He yawned and complained about the hour. "Tyler?" Annette asked. He grinned. He was glad it only took her nine minutes this time, but still he wished she didn't relapse. Annette begged that he didn't throw her again and wear a shirt from now on. He laughed but agreed; her fear was reasonable considering what she had been through. Then she continued to demand answers but Tyler had none to give. He looked at Pat. Pat nodded slightly and held up their hands. Annette's knuckles were white, Pat's fingers were turning purple. Tyler winked and nodded.

At the same time, in an effort to not freak Annette out further, Pat teased her, drawing her full attention to him, "doll, you're cutting off circulation to my hand." Tyler grinned as she cleared her head and apologized to him. Tyler bid farewell and good night and let Pat take care of Annette. Her hand loosened but she didn't let go. Pat smiled. Her hand was warm and soft. They chatted for a little bit then Annette looked down and bit her lip. 

"You're doing it again," she spoke softly.

He looked at her, his eyes went soft, knowing what she was implying. "Porcelain doll?" He asked her kindly. She nodded. He grinned, her head was still ducked down. He leaned over and kissed her temple. She closed her eyes and when he pulled back, he sat on his right hand so as not to touch her. "Wait for permission," he rebuked mentally. He rubbed his left thumb over her fingers. "Based on the state of mind I just found you in, I'd say it's accurate. Tell me what's going on in that head, doll," he begged.

Annette looked down. Pat wished she looked up again. "I'm still confused. I hate that my memories are screwed up. I fear that I'm broken. Then you come in. Doll! Doll! Doll! You're the only one who has ever called me that. It threw me." Unable to stop the magnetic pull he felt, Pat reached over, rubbed her left cheek as she rubbed his thumb in her lap. Her eyes were beautiful and he held her gaze with a small smile. "I felt confused. But the 'doll' was breaking through the fog. I'm sorry that I was afraid you were going to hurt me. Thank you for the shirt and the comfy bed and for just being you." Annette leaned into his hand, and he smiled. When she took a deep breath and bit her lip again, he began to panic; she was trying to run away from her emotions again. He noticed she was skilled with this trait, never lingering too long on a single emotion for too long if she could avoid it.

"Don't do that, beautiful," Pat begged mentally. "You can ask me anything, doll. 'Nettie, don't hesitate. Just ask. What is it?" He asked sincerely. 

Annette's cheeks flushed. "I want to be selfish but it's disrespectful to you. Especially since you're pining over someone," she confessed. Pat chuckled and demanded that she just tell him what was on her mind. Finally, she asked to use the restroom while she thought over the question burning on her mind. Pat stayed on the other side of the door, paced around the room, and turned on the lamp before making his way back over to the bathroom door. She flushed the toilet and Pat thought he heard his name. He rushed in. Annette had her back against the wall and looked like she was about to faint again. 

"Annette!" He yelled in concern. He pinned her waist with his hips and looked in her eyes. He held her face between both his hands. Her eyes closed and she collapsed into him. Pat scooped her up and placed her in bed. Then he took care of her the best way he could. He propped up the pillows and washed her hand. She draped her hand above her head and tried to take deep breaths; they were so shallow, Pat noted. "Stay awake. Keep breathing," he ordered as her eyes closed again. No way he was letting her sleep until she could breathe better. He then made his way towards the living room. He stopped suddenly when he almost ran into Tyler who was standing in the hallway. 

"Is she alright?" Tyler asked around a yawn. Pat looked at him in shock; he had put on a white t-shirt and looked haggard. Pat shrugged and kept walking. "I heard the yell and I didn't want to scare her again," Tyler explained as he followed Pat.

"I'm working on making sure she's alright. She collapsed again. I caught her. She can't breathe," Pat explained hastily, collecting her oxygen tank and her brother's bear. Tyler nodded. "Excuse me. I'll call for you if I need help. Unless you want to?"

"Go ahead, but I'm not going to sleep for a while. Let me know when she's okay," Tyler insisted going back to his room, leaving the door open. Pat hurried back down the hallway, pleased when he heard her shuffling around in the room. 

"Good girl. Thank you for staying awake," he thought as he turned the corner. She was sitting in bed and trying to take off her sling. "D****t!" He thought. He dropped the items in his arms and rushed to the bed. "What are you doing, doll?" He feared she was going to hurt herself. She mentioned her ribs as she tried to take another breath. He positioned her to face the window, shut the door, and covered the window; even though he had no neighbors facing west where her window was, it was just another precaution that would help her feel normal. Finally, he grabbed a robe from the closet for her decency. He moved behind her and helped her take her sling and shirt off, the shirt got caught and rested by her left elbow. He studied the purple, pink, and green marks across her back. He looked at her side. It was black, green, and purple. He pressed gently against it as he supported her with his head and looked down her back. Pat ignored the fact that he basically had a naked girl in his arms and tried to ease her pain. Both ribs on her left side were tender, but only one of the three was bothering her on her right side. He stood up and rummaged through her drawers again. Tyler had said Jess had bought some strapless bras, they could help him now. After finding what he was looking for, he sat behind her again. He helped her get dressed, put the mask on her face, took the blanket off the window, set it on the bed, turned off the overhead light, and got ready for bed himself. There was no way he was leaving her side now. The fear of losing her in her sleep was too much. He would have much better luck making sure she continued to breathe all night if only she would let him hold her. He lay back and opened his arms, planning on sleeping without a blanket as it was warm in her room. Annette hesitated. "Doll, come here. You were contemplating being selfish. You didn't want to let go of my hand. You said you were on the fence because I'm pining over someone. You need me." Pat knew he was correct as she finally snuggled into him and conversed with her facial expressions. He promised to get her french toast and almost laughed at her giddiness over it. When her eyes closed and she finally fell asleep, he rubbed her cheek tenderly. "Sleep well, doll. Thank you for letting me hold you. I know it's just for tonight, but I'm not going to lie, I'm loving it." Her arm relaxed and moved across his chest. He cleared his throat softly and pushed her arm back over her waist. "You drive me crazy, doll. I love it," he whispered softly as he traced a leaf on the blanket that covered her arm. His mother's blanket had never looked so perfectly placed before; two beautiful things that just seemed to compliment each other in the best way possible. Pat kissed the top of her head and snuggled into her closer, the blanket providing a barrier to keep his mind a little better at bay. "Tyler, if you're still awake and can hear me, come on in. She's asleep and I know you're worried," he spoke softly. He heard chuckling on the other side of the door. Tyler opened the door, holding an ace bandage.

"I could've brought this in, you know?" He replied cheekily. Pat chuckled. "How's Annette?"

"In pain, but breathing better. Shallow still, but better. Her ribs are bad. I took care of her classmate that was returned last week too; she's a warrior compared to his pansy a*s. She flinched but she barely made a sound. He whimpered the whole time I was wrapping him up. He's a pig too. Gah! The way he talked about her made me nauseous. He thinks he's entitled to a lot," Pat explained. Tyler chuckled.

"You got that vibe from him too?" 

"Yeah. He needs a good knock down. Aside from the breathing, she seems to be doing just fine. She's cold too. Is it warm in here or just me?" 

"There's a slight chill; your A/C is still on. I think it's comfortable, just right actually. However, Annette, well she's got no meat on her bones, especially since she lost a lot of weight. She's gotta be a like 85 pounds now; it's almost unhealthy. We were required to freeze her in that room to try and break her. Any breeze can be cold for her," Tyler explained morosely. Pat nodded. 

"Makes sense," he replied. He looked back down at Annette and traced the oxygen mask. "I hate that she has to wear this." Tyler sighed and walked around the bed. He sat beside Annette and watched her breathing. 

"Keep it on her another half hour," he instructed. He looked at the pillows and chuckled. "Pick her up, Pat." Pat complied, gently supporting her body as Tyler adjusted the pillows under her. "There, that should be more comfortable for her." Pat lowered her down again and smiled as the pillows created a nest for her. Tyler pulled the robe up around her again. "She trusts you wholeheartedly," Tyler chuckled after several minutes of silence, meeting Pat's eyes. "She just trusts me. She definitely is distinguishing her trust, even if she doesn't know she is." Pat grinned.

"It's a start. She needs time. I love this; I'm not going to lie. I know I'm not good enough for her, but I hope she won't shut me out," Pat admitted. "I'm a horrible host for keeping you awake. You can go back to bed if you would like."

"I can talk with you for twenty minutes too. Plus, you won't be able to reach this tank without jostling her," Tyler replied.

"Touché," Pat chuckled as he rubbed Annette's brow again. "I'm not leaving her side. I can't. Not now."

"Wouldn't ask you to," Tyler confirmed. "How else can we make sure that she keeps breathing through the night?" 

"That's what I was thinking too," Pat admitted. He looked up and took a deep breath. "You're-"

"Stop," Tyler interrupted as he looked at Pat. "Annette's great, but she needs someone like you who can calm her down, respect her, and cherish her. She needs you, even if she denies it." Pat's mouth fell open. Tyler chuckled softly. "She's my sister. I care about her in that way. I'm scared that her battle's not over, but she has proven time and time again that she can take on almost anything. I expect her to make a full recovery and be back to her normal self - whatever that may be." Pat grinned and looked back down at Annette. Tyler punched his shoulder gently as he teased, "shut up, and sleep with my sister, okay? Noah would say the same thing. She needs someone to make sure that she keeps breathing, someone she trusts. We really do appreciate you being so willing to help her." Pat chuckled and rested his head back on the pillow. Tyler looked at his watch. "Ten more minutes. Wanna take the mask off now or wait?"

"Longer is better," Pat confirmed. Tyler nodded and the two of them rattled of sports stats and history lessons for a while, waiting for the time to pass. When Annette shifted in her sleep and Pat pulled her in closer, he looked back up at Tyler. "I need your help. My fingers are starting to tingle; I need to take off my watch and adjust her position." Tyler chuckled and put his hand under Annette's neck and lifted her up.

"I'll help you take your watch off. You're respecting her by not burying your hand on her a*s, just by her side," he stated. Pat nodded, moved the pillow from behind her neck, and replaced it with his arm, tucking it under the pillow supporting her left side. Tyler set her down carefully then worked on Pat's watch. He was able to slide it off Pat's wrist without Pat having to jostle Annette.

"Thank you," Pat remarked as Tyler put the watch on the side table.

"You betcha. She's in good hands," Tyler praised as he reached down and turned off the machine. Carefully he reached over and took the mask off her face. "I could leave this on so you won't be tempted to kiss her," he teased. Pat shook his head and pulled the extra pillow under his head for better support. 

"I won't kiss her," he promised as he wrapped arm around her waist and shifted his left arm so her head rested more on his shoulder than his arm. Tyler grinned and put the mask with the tank, moving them both to the side table as Pat continued, "I need her permission. I told myself at the hospital I wouldn't even kiss her head, but I can't keep that promise. I can stay away from her lips though. She has my respect; I don't want to lose it." Tyler clapped his shoulder.

"See. You're a great man, Pat. Good night. Some of us have to work in the morning so please don't need me again," he pleaded with a smile. Pat nodded.

"Hopefully, we won't need you. If we do, well I'm going to be selfish and try to fix it first," he teased. Tyler yawned and laughed at the same time as he made his way out of the room. "Good night, Tyler. Thank you." Tyler waved in reply before shutting the door and Pat looked back at the girl in his arms.
 There was no way he was leaving her side any time soon. This had been the best day in his life, even with all those low points; ending the day with her in his arms, even if it would just be temporarily, was making him ecstatic. "Sleep well, doll. I'll be here all night if you need me," he whispered in her ear as he placed a gentle kiss above it. She shifted closer to him and he smiled, closing his eyes and drifting off himself.

© 2017 Lynaelee

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Added on December 5, 2016
Last Updated on September 5, 2017

If only



Sometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..

If only If only

A Book by Lynaelee

1. *Prologue* 1. *Prologue*

A Chapter by Lynaelee