![]() 28. New homeA Chapter by Lynaelee
"Hey. We just pulled up... Yeah. She's fine. She just fell asleep before I even got on the highway and still is... You're right. So before you show me your home, I think it's only fair if I tell you something first... Yep... No. We ate before we came down but thank you... Come on out... Silver, about four from the door... Like directly in front of it, not around the corner... Turn around, Pat... Yep," Tyler spoke softly, snapping the phone shut as he chuckled. A short while later the car door opened and shut behind me.
"How was the journey?" Pat asked. "Quiet. My travel companion is awful at conversations," Tyler explained. Both men laughed. "She had another episode?" Pat asked concerned. "Better safe than sorry. I wasn't going to take it off while I was driving. I did turn off the machine though a while ago. Plus, she's a light sleeper; all it takes is a simple brush of the skin to wake her. Thankfully, noise doesn't seem to bother her. I was going to let her sleep as long as she could," Tyler replied. It was silent for a minute and I tried to move but only felt drugged. A hand caressed my cheek. "She's been scowling like that the whole trip. On and off. I don't know what's going on. But that's not what I needed to say. She's still sleeping hard; she's not moving. I'm glad she's getting some well deserved rest," Tyler expressed softly. My cheek was no longer being caressed. "You need to know the whole truth. She told you about 97% of everything that happened this past week. The little bit she left out is very important too. She must not have felt it was her's to share; especially in front of the cop. She's devoted to keeping the secrets she holds so dear. Especially if it protects her family, but she doesn't have to keep this one. She's been through enough and you need this information too; one less thing for her to worry about and the full picture for you. Jess, Noah, and I were there with her." He paused. The seat squeaked slightly as Pat moved uncomfortably in his seat. "Jess and I have been planning to escape for years; we were only recently successful. Our dad ran the place; he's got this thing about control. We were fitted with shocking anklets. If we tried to take them off, they would blow off our feet. Noah figured out how to safely remove those for us. We couldn't protect her until it was almost too late," Tyler explained. I scowled again. I didn't hold him responsible; I expressed it often. I couldn't understand why he still felt guilty. Pat shifted in the back seat and my right shoulder was rubbed. I relaxed back into the seat as Tyler continued, "she's amazing. Because of her, we were all able to get out safely. I don't know where the complex is; I vowed to never return. My dad came to the hospital this morning. In order to protect her, I had to convince him that she was my reason for existing now," Tyler confessed. Pat took a sharp breath and applied a little more pressure to my shoulder, but it didn't hurt. "She took it one step further and kissed me in front of him. He enjoyed the show and left me this note. I'm not going to lie, man, it absolutely disgusted me. Not that she was kissing me. She surprised me, but it meant nothing. I was disgusted by the fact he was willing to go to such extreme measures to take her back and by this note. It's not the original, I rewrote it just in case he did something to that card to listen to us. Annette also discovered the bugs he planted on us. Which made me think he got my phone too. Her phone was tucked in her sling. She doesn't seem to care too much if she has one or not. Anyways, when I had taken care of all the bugs, I had to make sure we weren't followed. She was released at 8 and I took her to the hotel. She crashed, but was fine. We took lots of preventive measures so that we weren't followed; it worked. Based on this note, I think we're safe and don't have to look over our shoulders, but your home is still the safest place for her. He's never met you and we know you could and would protect her. We understand if you ban us from it," Tyler said softly. Pat stopped squeezing my shoulder and just rested his hand there. "Just a kiss?" Pat asked hesitantly. "She's my sister. It's like I was kissing Jess. I love 'Nettie like family, but I could never be with her romantically. It just feels wrong. I'm not the right guy for her," Tyler admitted. "Gotcha. May I see that note? Thanks. You're right, her pull is strong and her eyes - oooh. I couldn't believe that a pull like that was possible. It's good that I'm wrong. She's very fond of you but what girl wouldn't be? You are my son afterall. I'm pleased you found a girl that makes you act, not just watch. You're finally a man. Go with my blessing. I'll be damned. That must have been one hell of a show," Pat mused. I detected a hint of sadness behind the words. Was he thinking twice about letting us stay? I began to panic, my breathing hitched and became even more shallow. Where would I go? Did he hate me? "To quote him, it was quite erotic. The topic makes Annette uncomfortable. She was just doing what she had to-" "Is she awake?!" Pat interrupted as his thumb rubbed my neck. "No, she's still sleeping. Why?" Tyler asked, his voice rising in concern as well. "Her breathing. Her shoulder is moving up and down quickly. It's like she can't get a breath in," Pat explained as he rubbed my shoulder again. My left cheek was stroked with a thumb momentarily before it left and I heard a click. I tried to calm down, and shifted. Unable to control my body, my head crashed into Pat's hand. He gently brushed my jaw with his fingers and held me in place so I wouldn't hurt myself. "And now she's flailing about. Is she alright?" "I think so. She thrashed around a lot earlier too. After the hospital, we went back to the hotel and she slept. She began to thrash in the bed, so to keep her from hurting herself, I held onto her. She calmed down, or panic and froze. I don't know for sure," Tyler explained. "Gotcha. So what's to say Annette won't be hunted down still?" Pat inquired. Tyler sighed. "My dad is convinced that Annette is the one girl that can turn me into a man, but what he doesn't know is I want more than his definition. The way she listened to me when he first came to visit made him believe my commitment to her, but he didn't believe she would fall so easily. As you heard, she would rather be dunked in water than give into the demands at the complex. Well, Dad saw that too; he watched on screen as she turned down one of his star pupils time and time again. Annette has lived her whole life behind closed doors; people only see the things she wants them to see and it's never bad," Tyler explained. "Ain't that the truth," Pat mumbled. He cleared his throat and spoke clearly, "I wish she didn't have to use so many drastic measures to be safe. She even used smoke and mirrors to try and convince us- me that she's just fine. She fooled everyone. I understand why she did it, but I wish she didn't." "Agreed. So because of those smoke and mirrors, she knew exactly what to do to ensure her own safety, and therefore mine too. Dad had already granted me permission to care for her, but because she's so intuitive -as you so nicely put it- he came back to see if she woke up and if I was making any progress. By the way, the story she shared was a rollover car accident. Her arm was tied up in the seat-belt as she held onto it but was also ejected from the car only to have it roll over her leg," Tyler remarked. Pat chuckled softly. "Yeah, believable and better than saying she got beat up because she chose it. Anyways, when she demanded that I kiss her, it definitely was one hell of a show and got rid of any doubts he had. He must have wrote the note as our lips locked, because she noticed it after that and I wheeled her back to her room. She was brilliant and saved us; I know that. I was panicking, not sure of how I could convince him without having to cross the lines; she crossed them for me. I never considered the thought of kissing her. I can't force her into my bed like he wants me to. And I definitely can't kiss her again; cheek and forehead kisses only if the situation calls for them. Annette reminds me of Jess. I'll hug her and hold her, but I could never kiss her like that again. I just want her safe. Both of my sisters," Tyler confessed. "Based on that note, I believe we're free. So again. I just want her to be safe, and I know she will be with you." The car was quiet for a minute. Pat rubbed my shoulder softly. I could imagine him looking down at his knee as he processed this information. I pictured Tyler nervously fidgeting as he tapped the wheel and looked at Pat through the rearview mirror; I heard the soft taps and assumed it was on the wheel, but it could've been on any surface in the car. The silence was almost unbearable and I still couldn't move. Finally Pat sighed and rubbed my cheek again. "She wouldn't be here right now without you. Any of you. She trusts you; I trust her judgement. In the past two days, I've enjoyed getting to know you guys. I believe you don't mean her any harm. I think she'd be happier if you guys were welcome at my home, and so you are. I extended the invitation to you, I won't revoke it," Pat said quietly as he pulled his hand away. "I left my truck at home, do you mind driving? That way about three quarters of a mile. Then a left." The car swayed and bounced again, making my head bounce and fall limply to my chest. "Take a right there. Third driveway on the left. Welcome to my home. Door's unlocked." "You get her; she couldn't place who I was this morning after she woke up. She was disoriented and took her about twenty minutes before she could figure it out. She also forgot she was in pain. She knew you before the complex; you should have better luck. I'll get the stuff from the trunk," Tyler insisted. "Sure. That works for me. Her room will be down the hallway, third door on the right; technically, it's the only bedroom on the right side of the hallway," Pat remarked. Two doors opened. I tried to open my eyes again. Stupid drugs! My door opened and Pat reached across my body and unbuckled my seat-belt. Then I felt him take my mask off followed by nothing for at least a minute. The gravel behind him moved and I heard a door shut. "Annette," Pat finally crooned as he stroked my face, turning it towards my right shoulder. I blinked my eyes in slow succession and looked at him in surprise; his face was about eight inches from mine. "Hey, doll. Calm down, you're safe. Welcome home," Pat murmured with a smile. I grinned wearily at him. "Can I help you out?" He asked as he offered me his hand. I took it as he slid his right arm under my knees and scooted them outside of the car. "I don't have very good balance when I crouch down; we'd both fall on the ground if I lifted you straight up out of the car," he explained apologetically as he stood up, still holding onto my hand. I grinned. "If you don't mind, I would prefer not to hurt you any more than you already are. So if you could just stand up, doll, then I'll carry you into the house." "You're very thoughtful, Pat. Thank you. Mmm. Home. I've never had a place I called home that I was happy to be at before," I admitted as I yawned; I released his hand and covered my mouth, hiding my yawn. "Sorry. You would think with all the sleep I've been getting that I've had enough." He chuckled, offered me his hand again, and helped me stand. He rested his right hand on my left hip and helped me keep my balance as he fingered the rose in my hair, a smile tugging on his lips. I held onto his chest and leaned towards him, his hand on my hip held me tighter and helped support my weight. "You kept my rose?" He asked. I blushed, bit my lip, and hid my face in his chest. He grabbed my hand again, gave it a gently squeeze, I looked at him again, and released my lip. "Yeah. Ahem. I uh, you know, I donated the rest of them. I didn't think that travelling with them would be very wise. It seemed logical. I think and uh. I'm uh. It wasn't my idea. All the flowers were delivered while I was sleeping and I said give them to the hotel housekeeping. I didn't want to seem ungrateful, but I didn't actually touch or smell any of them. This one was the only one I was actually given in person. It's very special indeed. One of, um, well. One of my friends gave it to me. He, well, he made a point of uh, you know, making sure I was taken care of. I didn't even ask, he just. He just seemed to know," I stammered as I blushed even brighter. He released my hand and stroked my cheek as he smiled warmly at me. I dipped my head down and looked at the button on his chest instead. I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts again. "I refused the black hair paint. So maybe Tyler thought it would help disguise me. Or maybe give me hope. I don't know. I just wasn't allowed to carry it and he must have thought that the rose brought me comfort in some way because he didn't get rid of it. I'm glad it was there when I woke up; it was the one tangible thing I had to hold onto to center myself again. Thank you," I whispered. "Glad to hear it means something to you," Pat murmured. I held onto his waist and hid my face in his shoulder, still blushing. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to hate them or hold them responsible, because they're not. I owe them my life. There's more, Jess is the nurse, they not really paying for one. She's been trained, just not licensed. Noah was used against me, but only once. I told them he was a figment of my imagination. They wanted to break me. And the kiss. I had to protect him," I whispered. Pat nodded in understanding. "So you were awake. I thought that was the REM sleep Noah was talking about, but I wasn't sure," he chuckled and rested his head on mine. "Kiss or not, you saved yourself. Your instincts are good, and you know how to survive," he whispered. I blushed and looked down. He pulled back, lifted my chin, and met my eyes. "I could never hate your friends and family, doll; with the exception of the man you call your father. I can hate him because he hurt you. The rest of them though -Jess, Ty, and Noah- I don't and won't hate them. They're an extension of you. You are so selfless The important thing is that all of you are safe. You did what you had to do to survive," he murmured as he placed one arm under my knees and the other behind my back, picking me up. I blushed, held onto his neck, and held my breath as we headed towards his door. He unknowingly tugged my hair with every step, but it didn't hurt. "Breathe, doll. I won't drop you. I can't have you pass out though because you're not getting oxygen into your already deprived lungs. So breathe," Pat ordered. I nodded and released my breath. "No secrets. You can tell me anything, but I understand why you didn't tell me about that little bit." "Fine. No secrets. As you know, I'm terrified of my father; he was obviously the one person or thing I was afraid of last week. Now that list has grown exponentially. I hate feeling so dependent on anyone. You make me feel safe, so that helps. I can't move at all during that REM cycle thing. Which means I can't speak up or defend anyone. I hate it. I would have told Tyler to not worry about it. I thought he was going to offend you and you would get mad and rebuke our stay," I admitted. Pat just laughed. "Oh, doll. I didn't mean you had to spill everything right now. My door is always open to you and your family. Thank you for sharing," he whispered and walked me through his home, pausing at each room as Tyler ducked back outside. I met his eye and smiled which he returned. "Welcome to my humble abode. Everything I have is yours, doll. This is the living room, obviously. My kitchen is through there, aside from coffee, I don't keep a lot of food on hand. I don't even have leftovers. Beyond the kitchen is the back door and a covered porch or patio or whatever you call it. I don't have a dining table, but I assume it would go in the area that I call the laundry room. Yes, I'm totally that guy who pulls out an ironing board and iron too. Yes, I know how to use them and actually enjoy it. On for the rest of the tour, should be pretty simple. Closet, bathroom, your room on the right, in that order. The closet holds extra linens, blankets, light bulbs, and such. You're not allowed in it at this time; if your lights go out, let me know. I don't expect you to do any house cleaning either. This is my room, and that's the guest room. Whatever family member stays over can sleep in here. And like I said, this room is for you, doll. You get your own bathroom. I stocked it with fresh and clean towels, let me know if you think you need more. The bathroom has a few necessities, but Jess said she'll buy you more; I'm not exactly sure what girls like in the bathroom," he murmured. I grinned. "I'm sure as long as there's toilet paper, running water, and soap, I'll be fine. A bathroom is for showering, brushing my teeth, and getting rid of, uh well you know. Speaking of which, do you mind?" I asked. He chuckled. "Of course not, doll. Holler when you need me. Your bathroom definitely is set up to handle all of those needs. I'll be in the hallway. Please don't hurt yourself," Pat insisted as he set me down in the bathroom. I smiled at him as he left. The bathroom door remained open, but I heard the bedroom door shut. I looked around the bathroom as I completed my business. It wasn't very big, roughly 4x6 feet across. Soft, fluffy, white hand towels hung on the towel rack by the sink. Warm yellow towels draped outside the shower door on the rail. I peered through the opaque glass. Somebody had put a chair in there for me. I smiled as I stood up. I hopped cautiously over to the sink after flushing and pulling up my shorts. I braced against the counter as I caught my breath. I looked up at the mirror. A small piece of paper was taped on the bottom corner. I leaned in and read it as I turned on the water. Hey doll anyone can see you shine like the sun, it's your turn to see it too. I blushed and grinned as I finished washing my hand. I pulled on the hand towel and gasped in surprise. A little sunshine was embroidered on it. "Patrick Miller, you are definitely one of the most thoughtful people I know," I whispered into the towel. I hung it back up and turned around. I looked at the open door. The bedroom window was open and blue lace floated in the wind. A corner of the bed was visible and I wanted to go touch the green leaves on the white comforter. "So pretty. This room is so warm. Thank you, Pat," I whispered as I leaned onto the sink. I lost my balance and fell onto the floor. I tried to slow my fall by grabbing onto the counter, landing on my left hip and creating a loud thud as my head hit the cupboard. "Ow," I muttered as I rubbed my the top of my right hip in the back. "Small fall, you're okay," I told myself as I tried to stand up. Pat rushed in. "Doll! Why didn't you ask for help? Are you okay?" He asked as helped me stand up and looked over me for any more obvious injuries. I nodded. "I'm okay. What's another bruise?! I actually don't think I've been bruised there yet. Ow," I joked as I rubbed my lower back. My left hip was the most painful at the moment, but I couldn't rub it. I gave up in defeat and hung my arm by my side. He picked my arm up and inspected the backside. His brow furrowed in concern as he showed me. Fresh scratches appeared and my skin was bright pink. "I'm just clumsy. I didn't even feel that," I stated as my jaw dropped. Pat chuckled. I looked up at him again and smiled. "You would know this if you paid attention better. I'm sure the signs were obvious," I teased. He opened his mouth to protest and I gave him a hug instead. "Thank you for the welcome. You made me feel special; no one has ever given me such a warm welcome before," I told him honestly. He cautiously wrapped both arms around me and rested his head on mine. "I wasn't going to try and leave the bathroom without help. I was just taking a moment to let this new feeling of being welcome somewhere and feeling safe sink in. That and I was admiring the room from here. I went to lean against the sink and lost my balance. Pat, you are making me feel a whole new feeling here. One I've never felt. I believe it's the feeling of safety. Thank you. It's wondrous. Everything is. I never expected to be treated like this. You offered me so much. I'm just in awe," I admitted. He hugged me tighter and carried me to the room. He sat me on the corner of the king sized bed then shut the window. I traced the leaves on the comforter. "Can you admire the room better from here, doll?" "I can. Thank you. It's so pretty," I murmured quietly. "I'm glad you like the room. Promise me you won't try to hurt yourself again?" He requested as he bopped my nose. I grinned and nodded. "Quick question, I've never seen towels with embroidered sunshine on them before. Where'd you find them?" I inquired looking up at him. He chuckled uncomfortably. "If I tell you, will you promise not to laugh at me?" I grinned and nodded. "Patrick Miller, have I ever laughed at you? You, not something you said," I clarified. He grinned again and gestured to the comforter on the bed. "The leaves? They're embroidered too. Did you get them at the same place?" I was trying to follow his thinking. He shook his head. "Not exactly, doll. That comforter is one of the first things my mother embroidered in front of me. She convinced me to give it a whirl too; I'm not half bad. Josh and Linda helped me buy towels and stuff for your bathroom. When I came home last night, they had all the towels and bedsheets washed and set up your room. Then you called me this morning on accident and told me about watching the sunrise. All I could think of was it's fitting that you're drawn to the brilliant light. After I was relieved at work from duty, I came back here and looked around. With nothing left to do to pass my time, I pulled out Mom's embroidery stuff to spruce up those towels. You claim that you always need a pop of color. You're always so bright, and a sunshine doesn't take that long to do. So that's why I went with that design. I did that while waiting for your text saying you wouldn't be here until one. I actually haven't done that for over six years, but it was fun. Slowly, I bring more of my mom out and see her personal touches throughout the house; I have a long way to go yet. She's got several teatowels that she hand embroidered as well as many other little things. Josh has them at his house. I think he does. They were in that closet," he explained as he pulled me back in his arms, supporting my weight as I swayed on my foot. I grinned and pulled him in for another hug. "Thank you. I love it. That's really cool, Pat. Thank you for taking the time to make me feel special. I'm glad that you're working through your grief too, but please don't exert yourself on my behalf. What you've done is more than enough. I love the sunshine reminders," I told him genuinely. He rubbed my back tenderly. "You're welcome, doll. Plus, it was no trouble; I liked doing it," he replied. I bit my lip and looked around. "Pat, was this your mom's room?" "It was," he confirmed as he pulled away from me slightly. "It's your room now, doll. I'd rather you use this room with the bathroom close instead of having to hop across the hallway. In here, you can keep a hold of the wall at all times. Plus it's bigger so if you wanted to use your wheelchair, it would be easier in here." I nodded and leaned into him again. "Thank you. It's wonderful. Do you want me to talk to Josh? I'll bring back some of your mom's things. I don't want you to get rid of her completely just so I could take over her space," I admitted. Pat chuckled and pulled me in tighter as he wrapped one arm around my shoulders while his right arm tightened around my waist. "Don't worry about it, doll. There's small reminders of my mom everywhere in this house and you aren't replacing her in any way, shape, or form. I still use the towels she stitched up. She's darned a few of my socks, fixed most of my jeans, and I can still see her smile and hear her rebuke me as I walk through the house. My mother is in every part of this house. I have nothing but mostly good memories and everyday is easier than the day before. Would you like to watch a movie or take another nap?" He asked. "Movie. Or maybe a good book on your patio. Seeing those little towels reminded me how much I missed the sunshine. Even if I did watch it rise," I confessed. He grinned and picked me up, cradling my knees and supporting my lower back. "To the patio then, doll. My book selection is limited, but I'm sure we can find you something to pass your time," he beamed as we passed Tyler in the hallway. "Jess has made sure that you'll have enough clothes for years. I'm not hauling them all in. Maybe when we find a permanent home, I will," he grumbled. Pat and I laughed as Pat hugged the wall so Tyler could pass us with the load in his arms. "Oh! Here, Annette. I think you'll love this box. We'll get you a shelf to put them on," Tyler insisted as Pat set me down. Tyler opened the box. It was full to the brim of books. I bit my lip in excitement and grabbed the first one I touched - Pride and Prejudice. I smiled. "Perfect! Thank you! My favorite," I beamed as Pat picked me up again and carried me to the back porch. He set me in a cushioned lawn chair. He pulled it so that my head was in the shade. "Need anything else, doll?" He asked. I shook my head. "If I'm going to be here as your guest, I insist you don't wait on me hand and foot. You're my friend, not my servant," I replied with a smile. He returned it. "You may be my guest, but I'm still going to make sure you're comfortable. I'm also going to try and limit the times you have to hurt yourself, so that means you're going to have to trust me and let me help you. I'll go get you some water and sunscreen. You're really pale. I'd hate for you to burn on top of all your other pain. Also, wasn't your cast blue?" He asked with a smirk. I grinned and slowly pulled my knee to my chest. I started pulling the yellow sock down, revealing the blue cast. I winced in pain as I felt my hip lock up. Pat grabbed my leg, lowered it down again, and finished removing the sock. He set my foot down gently and went back inside. I watched the birds flit to and fro. Pat came back out with a pillow, sunscreen, a glass of water, and a bell. He gently placed my leg on the pillow, set the bell and water on the table next to me, and held up the sunscreen. "Here you go, doll. Do you mind if I put this on for you?" I smiled and let him lather sunscreen on my left leg up to my knee and right foot. "Enjoy your sunshine. Ring if you need anything. I'm going to help your brother-in-law take your stuff into your room. Do you mind if we put your clothes away in the closet and dresser?" I shook my head and grinned. "Beats me having to do it. I don't like spending too much time in my room, especially in my closet," I giggled. He smiled. "Okay. Well then, we'll see you after a while. Then if you're up for it after, we can go shopping. That way, I can have some snacks and drinks that you like to eat on hand." "That sounds wonderful, Pat. Thank you. Truly. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you for everything," I replied sincerely. "Anytime, doll. Anytime," he murmured as he left. I looked out into his yard and smiled. "This is a good day. One of the best I've ever experienced. Life is finally the way it's supposed to be," I whispered as I re-positioned myself in the chair and opened my book, observing Pat's porch. Four chairs, two lawn chairs, and a swing occupied the space. The table beside me was a collapsible card table. By the stairs, lattice work made up a small table that was about knee length tall and held a single terracotta flower planter that appeared empty. The railing was white and looked like it had been ripped from a picture book. I leaned forward so I could get a better view the sky. "Thank you for giving me such amazing friends," I whispered. I settled back into the chair and smiled. I was really safe; it was an unreal feeling, but I knew these guys would never hurt me. "How did I get to be so lucky?" I murmured as I opened the book and began to read. When I was about two and a half chapters in, Tyler came outside. Pat wasn't too far behind. They both pulled up a chair and began to aimlessly talk. I listened for awhile as I read. Finally, I put the book down and grinned at both of them. They looked at me and stopped talking, then looked at each other. "What?!" I asked in surprise. "You looked like you went to another world," Tyler smirked. "Are you okay, doll?" Pat added. "Yeah. I'm just happy. I don't have to worry about any threats and I can finally relax. Truthfully, I was enjoying your playful banter; it stopped," I accused with a smirk. "What's up, guys?" "We were just talking about hobbies. Apparently you immerse yourself so fully in your book, you missed that," Pat jeered. I smiled politely. "It's the truth. Books have always been an escape from reality. Do you know how long it's been since I've had someone I could talk to? And not worry about what may slip out my mouth?" I asked. They both smiled. "I'm done with the lies and misdirection. No more secrets. Tyler, why didn't you tell me that you planned to spill the beans?" Pat chuckled softly as Tyler looked like he was a deer caught in the headlights. Tyler looked at Pat quizzically. Pat shook his head, grinned, and looked down. "I heard. Apparently if my eyes move quickly when I'm sleeping, it gives me a better chance to eavesdrop. Ask Noah all about it," I told him softly. "No offense, 'Nettie. It's our secret; one we never asked you to keep for us," Tyler confessed with a chuckle. I grinned at him. "Fair enough. So quick question, if you grew up in that complex and have no idea where it is, how do you have a driver's license? You do have a driver's license, right? I mean I was in that car with you. I entrusted you with my life! You could have killed me," I teased, but I kept a very serious face. Pat and Tyler both laughed. "You may have been trained in the art of deception, but let's just say you would never be able to play poker. You can lie convincingly, but you are so pure and honest. Even your lies are based on a truth," Tyler guffawed. I smiled and looked at him expectedly. He took a deep breath and wiped the tears from his eyes. "The same way you got in -drugged asleep- is the same way Dad took us out. We would rent a hotel room and practice driving. When we passed the test is when we came back, once again, drugged. I don't know where his home is. We practiced in a underground parking garage; I don't know if it was by or in the complex or not; once again, drugged. I have a Washington license, Jess has a Wyoming license. Ronnie's was Oregon. Lionel had a license from Idaho. I'm not planning on finding out which one is correct," he said solemnly. I nodded and didn't say another word on the matter. I looked at Pat. "So you said your kitchen was bare. Is that why you're at the restaurant so often? You refuse to cook?" I asked sweetly. He smiled broadly at me and then looked at his feet and clasped his hands together. "It's not that I refuse to cook, it's just when I do, it's inedible," he admitted. "Hmm. That's a shame. How's lasagna sound for dinner tonight then?" I asked. Both men looked at me with shocked expressions. "I already told you that you're not expected to clean in my home. You're not cooking either, doll," Pat insisted. "I agree. You've already had a busy day. I can't cook either. We'll let you cook us lasagna some other time," Tyler added. "But it won't happen until it's a day that you aren't swaying when you stand. You won't crash in my kitchen," Pat ordered. "Fine I won't cook, but I can instruct you two on how to cook. Are we going shopping? I would like to see what you have and I'll make a list. Do we have a budget?" I asked as I put my right hand down on the chair and pushed with my left foot. My right foot fell off the pillow and I strained to lower it easily to the ground as I bit my lip. "Hey! Not so fast. You are not going to hurt yourself," Tyler ordered as he rushed to my side, knelt down, and eased my foot onto his knee. I rolled my eyes at him and set my left leg on the ground. "Annette, do you want to go back to the hospital?" "No, I don't. If you take me back to the hospital, I'm practically stuck there until I'm 18. It's a miracle that I convinced my dad to sign for an early release. He won't make that mistake again. I can't be signed out to you guys because technically, you're not my guardians. I can't sign myself out. You can't! I refuse. I won't go back," I began to panic. "Shh, doll," Pat murmured as he looked me in concern. "We don't want to send you back, but you need to take it easy." I nodded. "Pat, you mentioned we were going shopping! I'm just trying to get things moving. I want to be helpful and I don't just like to sit like a lump on the log," I explained with a little whine. "I know, doll. You can't sit still," he replied softly, but his expression didn't change. "Toddler," Tyler teased as he ruffled my hair. "She's gotta have her way or she's gonna throw a fit," he said in a baby voice before chuckling. Pat joined in. "Hey! Don't get mad at me! He's the one that said we would go shopping for snacks and stuff," I exclaimed gesturing towards Pat. "Guilty. You got me, doll. I should have known better, but I said snacks, Annette. That being said, you need to take it easy," he repeated. I pursed my lips and squinted my eyes slightly. Pat shook his head and smiled. I returned the grin. "Dude, you know she's not going to give up now," he stated looking at Tyler. "I know. What is with the Gibsons and their stubbornness?" Tyler asked in mock exasperation. "I only know her. While I've talked with Noah, I haven't really gotten to know him. I've met her dad once, but you're absolutely right. There's something annoying about that family trait," Pat jeered. "Ha. Ha. Ha," I scoffed. "Seriously though, is there a budget? If your cupboards are really that empty, I'd hate to put you out." "No. There's no budget, doll. Would you like to go shopping? We can hit up the gas station tonight. Or tomorrow we can go out of town to the grocery store. Snacks only," Pat offered. "And I could book a room at the hotel while you did that," Tyler added. "I won't be putting you out?" I inquired as I bit my lip and looked at Pat. "You won't be putting me out, doll," he confirmed. I grinned. "Okay! Let's go shopping," I exclaimed enthusiastically. "I'm not one usually for shopping but if it means I can move about, I'm all for it." Both men shook their heads. "Are you sure you're ready for this? It's not too late. We can still get her a hotel room," Tyler offered. "It'll be fun to have a roommate or two. I'm not backing out. Snacks, Net, er Annette. Got it. We're not shopping for dinner. I'll buy you a burger from the restaurant if you would like, but you're not cooking tonight. A week would be great. Longer ideal. Got it?" Pat asked sternly. "Yes, sir!" I replied with a fake salute. He chuckled. I smiled at him. "Pat, you can call me Net if you like, most people shorten my name to that. You're also welcome to call me 'Nettie. Annette just sounds so formal now," I exclaimed as I crinkled my nose, squinted one eye, and stuck out my tongue simultaneously. "It used to be only a name my brother could call me, but now it's a sign of trust and respect. Only a select few use it; I think you've earned the right." He smiled and his eyes went soft. He stood up and went to the door. "Informal. Got it, 'Nettie," Pat said. My heart leapt in my chest when he said it and I blushed. "Thanks for giving me the honor, doll. We can go in five minutes," I nodded and he went inside. "You're bestowing honors now. Huh, doll?" Tyler mimicked and picked me up. "You can't call me that. Pat calls everyone doll. It just sounds weird from you. And no more honey either - that sounds like you're trying too hard. I know that sometimes it's just a generic name and what-not, but I'm not sure I like it. You can call me sister dear, Annette, or 'Nettie," I insisted. He grinned. "My bad, sweet little 'Nettie. Jeesh! Who knew you were so particular?" He teased as he set me down in the kitchen. "Everyone," I sassed as I opened the closest cupboard to me and looked inside: cups, plates, and bowls were stacked neatly. I looked at the clock on the wall. 2pm. "Hey Pat?" I called. "Yeah, doll?" He replied from around the corner. "Can we go to the restaurant instead? Popcorn and chocolate are my go to snack. Chips are fine. Just no Cheetos. I'll trust you to shop; you did a great job at the hospital. I think seeing everyone will be more fun than shopping," I admitted. Pat came around the corner and grinned. "If you say so. You have to be in the wheelchair though," he insisted. "Not a problem. I was just wondering if we could," I repeated and looked in the next cupboard. Mixing bowls. I pressed down on the counter and hopped to the next cupboard. Tyler followed close behind me. "Hey! What's with the hovering? Back off a little. I'm good!" I jeered. Tyler smiled, but he didn't move. "Yeah. We can do that. They all miss you. Do you want to go now or after work when they have the family meal?" Pat asked. "Now, if that's okay," I replied. "More people though, doll," Pat warned. I nodded; I wanted to see the shift change. "Sure. Tyler do you still want to make a reservation? You're welcome to stay here." "Thank you for the offer. Yeah. I'll still make an reservation. I can apply for a job too. Gives me something to do. I think little 'Nettie might be driven crazy with all of our hovering," Tyler stated. "You think?" I mumbled under my breath and looked into the next cupboard - cutting boards, serving trays and platters. "Toddler," Tyler quipped. I turned around and stuck out my tongue and went back to my rummaging. "How do you want to transport her? I plan on driving because I think leaving the car there is better than in your driveway. Precautions you know?" Tyler said. "I think you're overly paranoid," I stated as I looked into another cupboard. "Oooh! Baker's delight! Any sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, or baking soda?" I exclaimed pulling out a casserole dish and glass measuring cup that could hold eight cups of something. Pat chuckled. "I think it'd be easiest for me to lift, 'Nettie in and out of my truck. No loss of center of gravity. However, if you do it or she does it herself, your car is better," Pat stated coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around me, and began putting the dishes away again. "Are we going, doll?" He teased. "Or do you need more time with my dishes?" I turned around and playfully swatted his chest. "Whenever you're ready, sir," I replied putting on a fake British accent. "Go ahead and take her in your truck. I'll meet you guys back at the restaurant," Tyler promised heading towards the door. "I'll put the chair in the bed of your truck." "Sounds good. We'll be right behind you," Pat stated as he brushed my hair behind my ear. I looked into his eyes and felt my heart thudding in my throat. "Ready, doll?" He whispered. I simply nodded. He grinned and scooped me up in the same manner he had carried me inside when I first arrived. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest as I took a deep breath. "Good. Let's go see our friends. By the way, thanks for whatever you said to Joe this morning. He let go of his pep." I opened my eyes again and looked at him as he shut his front door. "I just asked him to be himself. He promised he would," I replied as Pat set me in his truck. He grinned and handed me the seat-belt and I buckled up as he held the attachment. He shut the door and climbed in behind the wheel. "It worked, doll. Thanks," he replied as he offered me the biggest smile and took off.
© 2017 Lynaelee |
Added on November 30, 2016 Last Updated on July 30, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing