![]() 26. DischargeA Chapter by Lynaelee
I sat up with a start and held my chest. I groaned in pain as I took some deep breaths. I looked around the room. Right. Hospital. I leaned back into my pillows and looked at the clock 5:39am. I looked over at Jess and smiled. She was curled up on the cot facing the wall. Mikayla came in quickly. "Hey, sweetheart. Wasn't expecting you to be awake yet. Your heartbeat showed up as irregular on the central monitoring station. I came in here to check on you and make sure you're still breathing. What's going on?" She asked quietly.
"Just a nightmare. Needed a minute to remember where I was. It should be back to normal soon. I just woke up and was doing some deep breathing," I replied softly. She smiled. "It is. So it's almost time to fly the coop. Are you ready?"
"Definitely. Would it be too much to ask to be pushed to the guest lobby facing the east? I miss watching the sunrise. The view from this window faces south, making the sun's entrance kinda disappointing," I admitted.
Mikayla looked at her watch, scowled briefly, then nodded. "I'll give you 45 minutes. It's quiet right now. I can't leave you out of your room unattended much after that. So I will be bringing you back here at 6:30, got it?" I nodded and grinned.
"That's perfect. Thank you!" I beamed as she pulled the wheelchair over to the bed.
"Do you want to use the bathroom first?" She asked kindly. I shook my head. "What about leaving your roommate a note?"
I looked over at the table to my right. "Can you hand me that puzzle book please? And may I borrow a pen?" I asked as Mikayla handed the items over. I scribbled a quick note and left it on my bed. I grabbed the phone that was remarkably still in my lap and tucked it into my left hand. I was unable to squeeze it between my body and my hand while it was closed so I flipped it open and held onto it as tight as I could. My left hand felt weak, but moving it felt like the correct thing to do. Satisfied, I grinned at Mikayla and insisted, "I'm ready. What do you need me to do?" She smiled sweetly at me as she unhooked my oxygen monitor and transferred my IV bags to the pole on the back of the wheelchair.
"Swing your legs over here. I'm going to keep you hooked up this time. Easy now. There you go. Ok. Now grab my shoulder and stand up; I'll hang onto your hips. Good. Slowly turn, and sit. Wonderful, Annette!" Mikayla exclaimed as she took a pillow from my bed and stuck it on the extended footrest. I gingerly maneuvered my leg to rest on it.
"Ow. Hip is causing discomfort. It feels like it's locked up," I admitted as I bit my lip.
"It's fractured, remember? Movement is going to be painful," Mikayla explained. I nodded; I had forgotten about the fracture. "Good thing my brothers have this thing about carrying me from point A to point B, because moving sucks," I joked as she covered me with a thin blanket folded in half. I piled the blanket on my lap as she wheeled me away. "Thank you, Mikayla. I appreciate this. I've missed the sun," I confessed.
"You are your own beacon of hope, hun. Everyone can see it radiate through you. You deserve a little bit of sunshine. Enjoy. I'll be back soon," Mikayla promised as she parked the chair sideways -my right leg closest to the window- and tenderly patted my back. I grinned as I looked out the window. The hospital was quiet; the waiting room I was in was empty and dark, making this the ideal spot to look over the quiet town. The sky was gray and street lamps kept flickering. I smiled as I looked at the hill in the distance. The hill looked black and was beautifully adorned in a brilliant coral and florescent pink light. "Look, Annette! The first ray of sunshine! Today is going to be a good day," I breathed and gasped in wonder as the sun slowly peeked over the hillside. "Beautiful!" I removed the phone from my left hand with the intention of taking a picture. I noticed I had called someone: #1.2. I couldn't remember who that was. I put it to my ear and listened; someone was breathing softly on the other side. "I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I hope I didn't wake you." They chuckled softly. "You didn't wake me, doll. I was already awake. I told you, I'm opening the restaurant today, remember?" Pat voiced. I smiled and released the breath I was holding. "I'm happy you called, even if it was an accidental." "I'm so sorry," I replied. "Guess I should let you go. I'm glad I accidentally called you and not somebody else though; I'd hate to piss anyone off this early in the morning. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen you mad. You aren't mad are you?" "No. I'm not mad. Surprisingly, I don't get mad very much lately, just distant. Don't apologize for calling me, doll. Everything is ready; I even have several pots of coffee ready. The guests won't be grumpy having to wait for it today. I'll teach Josh how to step up his game later," Pat remarked and I giggled. "I'm glad to hear you laughing, doll. It's the most welcoming sound. I swear I just saw the walls here at work straightened out again. It's like everything was in a slump." "Oh please," I guffawed. He snickered softly. "Thanks for talking to me but I should probably let you go." "You don't have to, doll," he replied quickly. I looked back up at the clock; he had to get working soon, the doors would unlock any minute now. He must have read my hesitation, so he spoke softly, "it's no trouble, Annette. I can talk for another 3-4 minutes. If you want." "Really? You don't mind?" I asked in surprise as I looked at the blanket in my lap and blushed.
"Not at all, doll. Hearing your voice is the perfect way to start the day and it gives me some encouragement to know that you're not alone right now. Not that I could do anything if you stop breathing or start freaking out. Still, I'm glad you called. You sound good. What are you doing up so early?" He asked with a little chuckle in his voice. "I don't usually sleep past this time. Lately, I've been waking up like eight or so; so many hours lost! I get the privilege to do something that's always been a favorite of mine: I'm watching the sunrise," I confessed. "I haven't seen it in a week. You know that's like years in my world," I bantered playfully. He chuckled. "So that's your secret, doll? You use the golden rays of the sun as you're caffeine drip? No wonder you are such a ray of sunshine," he teased. I giggled and blushed, "guess I'm guilty. There have been no tears, just smiles so far. It's no wonder I've been so emotional the past couple of days then; my solar panels weren't charged!" I looked back up at the hillside. It was now glowing in soft pink, orange, and gold hues as a quarter of the sun was visible. "It's so pretty," I whispered.
"I bet it really is the view of the day," Pat whispered. "Ahem. Sorry, doll. We open in a minute and it's not good business for the staff to be on the phone all the time. Enjoy the sunrise. Call me when you've been released. One more thing, Annette. Get a picture of yourself enjoying the sunshine. Don't erase it. Look back on it often. For this, doll, this is a moment when you are truly yourself and happy." I wiped a tear from my eye.
"Yes, sir. I will do that. Thanks, Pat. You're a good friend," I replied. "Hang on. One more thing. For me, doll? Please," Pat practically begged. "One more thing, Pat. That's it," I giggled. "Thanks, doll." "Hey, Dimples. How you feeling?" Another voice got on the line.
"Joe? So I hear you've been working a bunch. Are you getting a break? I'd hate to see you work yourself to the ground. Please tell me that's not an option?" I asked in surprise. I got a chuckle in response. "Right, so I'm doing good. It's a beautiful day, can't you tell?" "Criminy, kiddo. So happy! It hurts my head. Ugh! I saw you the other day; I thought for sure that you wouldn't be happy any more. I'm glad I was wrong. And no, I can't tell it's a beautiful day. I get to look at a grease pit being stuck behind the stove and all. Again, we need your cheeriness in our coffee. I could really use that perpetual cheer you have. I can't keep up with you cooky kids," Joe replied. I laughed, "and no one asked you to. Joe, will you promise me to just be yourself? You don't have to try and imitate me. Just be you. I find you to be quite cheerful in your own way. I'll see you soon."
"I promise. I'll just be me. Take care, kiddo. Duty calls. I'm glad you're okay," Joe replied softly. I smiled and closed the phone. Then I remembered Pat's final instructions. I opened up the phone again and snapped a picture. I closed it without looking at it. As half of the sun had peeked over the hill, I closed my eyes and smiled. "You look serene," a voice startled me. I opened my eyes and looked at the door. An elder, balding gentleman stood there in a doctor's coat with a several files tucked under his arm and a cup of coffee in his hand. He looked over his round glasses at me. "Sorry to disturb you, miss. This room is usually empty. I like to go over my patient's charts as the sun rises. I'm not as likely to be disturbed in here and can actually read every chart before barging in on my patients," he explained apologetically. "You're welcome to come in, doctor. My nurse gave me a time limit," I replied looking at the time on my phone 6:23am. "I've got about five minutes left. I begged to be brought to the best place on this floor so I can see the sunrise. I won't disturb you, sir. I just really needed to see something besides the four walls in my room."
"Thank you. Even if you said it wasn't okay, I wasn't giving up on my routine," the doctor snickered, pulled up a chair, spread out his files on the floor, and looked out the window with a smile. "It's definitely a spectacular view. I'm Dr. Marshall," he offered kindly. "Annette. Pleased to meet you," I said politely as I looked back out the window. The sky was turning golden and it made me smile. With the exception of a page turning every so often, the room was silent.
"Annette you said?" Dr. Marshall asked. I looked back at him and nodded. He held a file in his hands. "Gibson?" I nodded again. He chuckled and shook the file in his hand. "Based on your file, I expected to find you in bed looking weak and in pain. Here you sit looking calm and serene, not an ounce of pain registered on your face. Is your morphine too high?" He asked as he put the file down and came over to inspected my IV drip. "The pain is there; every part of me is protesting. If I do nothing but acknowledge the pain, life is miserable. If I relish in small delights, like watching the sun come up, experiencing life is much more delightful," I replied sincerely.
"I wish all my patients had your mindset; it would make treating them easier. Do you mind if I give you a quick look over here? I'll check out the circulation in your leg and arm. You can leave your shirt on, but I need to check your ribs too. Otherwise I can swing by your room in about an hour. I'd rather do it now though, if that works for you?" He asked. I nodded my consent and he pulled a chair up in front of me and lifted the blanket up. "You have a note in here asking for an early dismissal. 'Please release Annette at the earliest convenience - Trooper Bradley Gibson.' Seeing you sitting here makes me wonder why you haven't been released yet, even if five days of observation is a little low. You passed the biggest hurdle; you woke up. Have your nurses said anything about why they wanted to keep you longer?" He remarked as he gently squeezed each toe, starting with left leg.
"Mainly I think it's because of my breathing. My lungs aren't getting the correct capacity," I admitted as he bent my knee and moved my leg up, down, and around in a circle. Then he began to inspect my right leg squeezing my toes. "Did I hear you correctly, my dad left a note for an early dismissal?"
"You did. So if I release you today, what's to say that breathing won't be a problem still?" He asked as he bent my right knee and moved my leg back and forth. I winced and bit my lip.
When he set my leg back down gently, I took a deep breath and answered, "um no, I don't think it will. My family has rented an oxygen tank and will be paying for a personal nurse to check up on me. I also have two very overprotective brothers and several concerned friends who won't let me hurt myself. They barely let me out of bed." He nodded and pressed up and down my legs. "Here or there I'll have one person looking out for me. Last night, my sister stuck around just in case I needed any help. She's pregnant and needed some rest. I snuck out," I admitted as Mikayla came back into the room and Dr. Marshall unbuckled my arm sling. "Good morning, Tom. Annette, I see you've met your doctor," she said kindly. "Almost done, Mikayla. Will you get her discharge papers ready. I'm not seeing a reason to keep her here. Especially since she seems to have a good support system at home." Dr. Marshall explained. Mikayla nodded and left. He lifted my arm up and down and moved it in a circle. I bit my lip again. "Almost done. You do know it's okay to make a noise of distress, right?" I nodded and he placed my arm softly in my lap. Then he began pressing on my ribs. "I suspect this to be the most painful part. Please let me know if I cause you any more pain." I nodded and looked out the window again, pursing my lips. The sun was now fully above the hill. The oranges and pinks had faded into a light lavender and soft periwinkle. The green grass on the hillside danced with golden highlights. I grinned and sucked in a deep breath as he began to prod my ribs. Silently a tear fell. "I'm impressed. Again, I wish everyone had your pain tolerance because you're making this checkup easy for me. Okay now to listen to your lungs and you're good to go. As deep of a breath as you can take. Again. Now the back, again. Last time. Good work, Annette. Your breaths are shallow, but I see no obvious signs of lack of oxygen. I'm going to prescribe you some oxycodone to help you with pain management at home. As far as I can tell, you can be just as comfortable at home. I see no reason why you have to stay," he explained kindly as he gave me a prescription note and fastened my sling again. Mikayla came back in with paperwork which Dr. Marshall quickly signed. Mikayla set them in my lap and pushed my chair away from the window. "I'm pleased to meet you, Annette. You're a real drop of sunshine -a glorious sunbeam- much like that sunrise. Call if you have any questions. Nurse Evenson, I'll leave her in your charge. Good day, ladies." He tipped his head as Mikayla wheeled me out of the room. I gave him a warm smile.
"I ducked in almost twenty minutes ago, but you both were so content and quiet. I hated to disturb either one of you. And being left alone with the doctor, well there's nothing wrong with that. How was the sunrise?" Mikayla asked as we walked through the hallway. "Absolutely stunning. Thank you. Can I use the restroom now?" I asked with a smile. "Well let's wait until you get back to your room first," she chuckled. "Do you want breakfast before you leave?"
"Sure. My brothers are late risers, and I wouldn't ask my sister to help me leave by herself. A strawberry smoothie sounds delicious," I giggled as she wheeled me in my room. Jess was sitting there with a tear stained face and talking on the phone. I smiled at her apologetically as Mikayla pushed me into the bathroom, locking the wheelchair wheels by the sink.
"Can you manage from here or would you like more help?" She asked sweetly. "I can manage from here. Thank you," I replied with a smile. She unhooked my IV, collected all the items in my lap, and left, closing the door behind her. I grabbed onto the rail and hopped over to the toilet. When I flushed, Jess barged in as I began to hop back to the sink. "Sarah Annette Gibson!" She exclaimed. "Jessica something one-day Gibson!" I retorted with a grin. "What did I do? I left you a note."
"Saying you'll be back by 6:30 and that you had the phone. What good is a phone if you won't pick it up? Do understand how worried I was?" She shrilled. I gave her an apologetic look as I turned on the water and washed my hand. "It's 7:10, no 7:12 to be exact. You've been missing for 40 minutes. I thought you tried to leave on your own or something. Then I tried to call you but you never picked up. I woke up Tyler. He is on his way over here to help me find you." I turned off the water and gave her a hug.
"What, Noah can't help? Did he not wake up?" I teased. She pushed me back into the wheelchair then brushed a stray hair behind my ear. "No. That's who I was on the phone with," she replied wearily. "You slept all night. You didn't wake up screaming like Noah said you did last night." "I was told I slept through the night when he stayed over," I countered. Jess pursed her lips and looked away. I sighed. "Okay, so you said Tyler's on his way over now? Shall we have some fun?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her. She grinned as she reattached my IV and left returning with my phone and my paperwork. "Release papers?" I nodded. Jess grinned and tucked them into her purse that was hung across chest. "Now, where should we hide you?" Jess pondered. "Have Mikayla take me to the cafeteria. You have to be here with Tyler," I insisted. Jess nodded and pushed me out to the nurse's station and quickly divulged our plan. Mikayla grinned and agreed to help us. Jess gave me a twenty dollar bill, I folded it up and tucked it into the sling under my left arm.
"We'll join you for breakfast soon," she promised. "Just answer your phone next time I call." "Yes, Mom," I hollered over my shoulder as
Mikayla pushed me away.
"Are you always this fun?" Mikayla teased.
"No. I actually live a very dull life. I don't get to pull many pranks on my brother, but I couldn't resist this one," I replied with a grin. She chuckled softly as she wheeled me in the cafeteria. She pointed out an older lady with dark hair and explained, "that's Melissa. She'll help you out. Now I'll go order you some food, unfortunately there's no strawberry smoothies. Eggs and toast?"
"That's sounds good. And an orange juice please," I pleaded with a smile. Mikayla nodded and bid me good-bye. I opened my phone and gasped. 15 missed calls. 12 from Jess, three from Tyler. "Sorry, guys," I chuckled as I closed the phone again. It lit up and Tyler's number three appeared on the outside screen. I turned my phone upside down and ignored it. "Here you go, buttercup. Mikayla said you would like some new friends to talk to. It can get a little stuffy in those rooms." Melissa stated as she set a tray of food in front of me and sat in the chair across the table. I grinned. "Yes! Thank you. I'm Annette." I offered her my hand, she shook it and smiled. "Can I pay for this meal?" I asked as I took the money out. She shook her head.
"You're a patient here that has been assigned a room. This meal is technically free to you," Melissa stated with a grin as she gestured to the hospital gown I was wearing. I returned the smile and tucked the money back in my sling.
"Well technically, the doctor already signed my release papers. So now I'm just a freeloader," I admitted as I tried to grab my money again. Her eyes twinkled and she drummed her fingers on the table as she pulled my hand away from my sling.
"No, no, buttercup. You look like you've earned this meal and I won't have you pay for it. Wave me over if you need anything. I got to get back to work. Enjoy your meal," Melissa ordered as she smiled sweetly and stood up. I smiled back and picked up a piece of toast and took a bite. Tyler came into the cafeteria in a panic. I picked up my phone and texted Jess. "Apollo has landed." She came up behind me.
"I know. You sure have him worked up," she whispered. She moved so she blocked me from his view and played with my hair, tucking the braids into each other then up and around the top of my head, finally tucking them back into the base of the braid. "Beautiful. You look like royalty," she whispered. I giggled softly and shook my head. Suddenly she stood up tall, winked, and spoke loudly. "So you haven't seen her? She can't go very far."
Tyler spoke to her, "Jess, let's go. No need to patronize the guests." He began to walk around Jess. "I do apolo- 'Nettie!" I grinned at him and Jess began to giggle uncontrollably, causing Tyler and myself to giggle too. I winced in pain, crossed my arm over my chest, and took several deep breaths. Tyler came over and kissed the top of my head. "Don't you dare do anything like that again. You had us so worried." I took a sip of my juice as he turned towards Jess. "You two planned this! Jessica Aubrey! I'm going to get you." "Well since you both are here now, care to join me for breakfast?" I chuckled. "Jessica Aubrey Gibson. It has a nice ring to it," I teased. Her eyes danced with excitement. I handed her back her cash as she went to the counter and ordered herself and Tyler something to eat. He sat down to my left. I looked at him. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry." He looked at me wearily. "You definitely know how to kick start my day. I'm glad you're okay," he said sincerely as he smiled. "Please don't scare us again. You're far too important. We love you." "I'd squeeze your hand but you're sitting on the wrong side of the table and this food is amazing you know!" I said sarcastically as I took another bite and rolled my eyes. He chuckled and I smiled. "Five star gourmet dining," he replied sarcastically as he stole one of my slices of toast and took a bite. "Hey!" I chided playfully. He smirked as he chewed, "hey! Let's face it, you owe me for waking up so early." I chuckled as Jess returned with a tray of food for both of them. "About time! I'm wasting away!" Jess shook her head and sat down in the seat across from me. "Alright, 'Nettie, start explaining," Tyler ordered. "I wanted to watch the sunrise. Mikayla said I could for 45 minutes. Towards the end, a doctor came in and gave me a check up right then. There was a note in the file from Dad; he signed for an early release," I told them excitedly. Tyler grinned and Jess bounced in her seat as she pulled out my paperwork and handed it over to Tyler. He looked over it quickly, folded them all in half, and handed one paper back to Jess who tucked it back into her bag as he put the rest in his pocket. "Perfect. Jess, would you fill that prescription? Great. Thanks. I'll keep the discharge papers and read over them for anything you may need," Tyler stated as he met my eye. "Finish your breakfast. We'll get out of here." "Why do we have to wait for that? Let's go get you dressed and in some real clothes. Then we'll get real food," Jess blurted excitedly. They both pushed their trays away. I finished my orange juice and pushed my toast and eggs away. "I think I'm good on the food front. But if you guys still want to eat, I could probably use a nap," I admitted as I stole the fresh fruit off of Tyler's tray and popped a piece of the cantaloupe in my mouth. "Not here, 'Nettie. We have a hotel room, you can sleep until noon if needed. Then we're hitting the road. Let's get you checked out!" Tyler insisted as he cleared the table. I put the bowl of fruit in my lap and grabbed my phone. "Does that thing work, 'Nettie?" Tyler asked. I opened it up. "Oops. Sorry. I seemed to have missed a few calls. Let me just turn the volume on," I said as I flushed red in embarrassment. I looked at all the calls but didn't turn the volume on again. "I got distracted. Somebody offered me food," I stated as I put another piece of the sweet orange melon in my mouth. Tyler kissed the top of my head again as he began to wheel me out. "I'll join you guys back in the room. I have to use the bathroom," Jess insisted. We both waved at her as we slowly made our way back to my room and she went the opposite direction. Tyler put his hand on my shoulder and I reached up and grabbed it after putting the fruit bowl in my lap. "Not good," he mumbled under his breath. "Quickly text Jess 403." I grabbed my phone and sent her the three numbers and hid it back in my sling. His hand remained on my shoulder. I grabbed his hand again and looked up at him. "Tyler? Are you alright? Listen, I'm sorry I made you worry. I'm okay. Really. Thanks for finding me," I said sincerely. He looked at me and his face softened. He gently squeezed my shoulder. "I'm not mad. You just scared me. I'm glad you're out and about," Tyler said softly as he moved to the side of my wheelchair and knelt down. He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "forgive me." I looked at him in confusion as he kissed my forehead. Instantly I knew he was trying to protect me again and I softened my expression. I released his hand and gently patted his cheek. "Nothing to forgive," I whispered as I kissed his cheek. He smiled at me, but it his eyes were sad. "I trust you," I softly murmured in his ear and ran my fingers through his hair. He kissed my cheek again, but his eyes held worry and fear. "I trust you," I repeated in a soft voice that only he could hear and offered him a broad smile. He nodded subtly. "They have rooms for that," a voice chuckled before Tyler could respond. He stood up and kept his hand on my shoulder. I looked over at the newcomer and instantly felt fear, but didn't show any. I just showed him annoyance. I had heard that voice before. I looked back at Tyler and smiled. His lips were pursed in a tight line. I squeezed his hand on my shoulder and he looked down at me and grinned. "I know. He promised to take me back to one. He's a good man. I'm quite lucky. Even luckier that he offered to stick around and put up with me," I insisted as I looked at the stranger in the eye. While his eyes appeared to be more amber in color, they had the same vibrant flecks of green that Tyler and Jess's eyes did. He was definitely older but I couldn't pinpoint an age. His dirty blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail at the base of his neck. His beard was full, making it difficult to read his facial expressions. Tyler was taller and had more muscle, but I feared this guy was trained in multiple forms of martial arts and pain deliverance systems. The guy did not seemed shocked at my appearance at all; that confirmed the fact that I knew exactly who he was. I smiled sweetly at him. "Do you mind if we press on?" I asked as I gestured to the hallway beyond him that he was blocking. A person walking could get around easily, but my wheelchair couldn't. He laughed slightly as he moved to the side just a little bit. I looked back up at Tyler as I put my hand in my lap again. "Do you want any of this fruit? I'm finally full," I admitted as I picked up the bowl. I actually wasn't, but I didn't need to show fear and my hand was beginning to shake which would mean the fruit bowl would shake too. Tyler reached over, grabbed a single piece and popped it in his mouth; only two pieces of the cantaloupe remained. "There's a garbage behind me. I'll be right back," he murmured. I nodded and let him take the bowl away. I met the eyes of the man in front of me again; he was still staring. "Is something wrong, sir?" I asked kindly, looking over my body quickly and shifting uncomfortably. I knew he wasn't in his right mind and was picturing me tied up somehow, but looking -and feeling- self conscious in front of him would help me sell the lie that I didn't know who he was. I tugged at my shorts and tried to hide some bruises as anyone would do if they just been through the blender and were under scrutiny. Tyler came back behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and looked up at him and smiled. "No. There's nothing wrong. Do you mind me asking how you two met? My son has always been drawn to pretty blondes. And my darling, you are quite beautiful even with all those unfortunate colors on display. If it's this easy to meet them in a hospital, I'll tell him to start looking here," the man insisted as he met Tyler's eye and hardened his gaze; I pretended not to notice. Tyler squeezed tighter on my shoulder, I gently patted his hand, leaned over, and kissed it. "I don't mind at all. Tyler here pulled me out of a rollover crash. My family is still unconscious. He offered to look out for me until they woke up," I lied, meeting the newcomer's gaze. He scoffed silently and looked down so I continued. "Apparently I have the worst of the physical injuries; the window broke and I was tied up by my seat-belt and still ejected from the car. My family, however, the roof bent in so much that they hit their heads pretty hard and aren't waking up. Both my parents and my younger sister are suffering with bleeding in the brain. We've been here about a week?" I looked up at Tyler, he was looking at me in shock, but smiling warmly. I returned the smile. "No week and a half. I don't know; the days blend together. I'm just glad he's here. I can be released soon and he's already agreed to help me," I stated looking back at the guy in front of us. I rubbed Tyler's hand tenderly. "There's no way I'm going to let you do this on your own, dear. I'm going to be beside you the whole time," he murmured. I grinned and kissed his hand again as I blushed brightly. "Whoa. Red cheeks!" The guy chuckled. I blushed brighter. "It's okay, darling," Tyler murmured as he rubbed my jaw. "I'm just glad you are getting some good color back in your cheeks. It's a good sign." "Thank you. You know exactly how to make a girl feel safe and special," I replied as I looked up at him again. He smiled at tenderly at me. I looked back at the man who was leaning against the wall. He was smirking and stroking his beard. "I don't know where he was or how he got to my side so quickly. Maybe he didn't and I blacked out, but he was there among all the scattered glass, holding my hand when I opened my eyes again. He kept me calm while I looked at the damage. My leg was pinned under the car, my hand was still wrapped around my seat-belt. I think I should have just let go; maybe the injuries would have been better. The paramedics let me hold his hand to the hospital. Apparently I wouldn't let go and he kept trying to make sure I wouldn't fall asleep," I remarked. Tyler stroked my left cheek and rubbed my shoulder tenderly. "It was a scary scene. With you holding my hand like that, I just had to make sure you were going to be alright. The nurses were grateful for me. I only heard it about a hundred times," he murmured. I leaned into his hand as I closed my eyes. "I'm the one who is grateful! I think I would have died if you didn't give me a reason to stay awake and keep fighting. I asked if his girlfriend would be upset with him spending so much time with me. He laughed and told me he wasn't currently looking. I laughed, winced in pain, he immediately jumped to my side, and I ended up pulling him in for a kiss. He hasn't left my side since," I lied. I looked back up at Tyler and smiled softly. He smiled back, this time the smile met his eyes. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "When I saved her, she looked at me. At me and not through me. I felt like I had known her all my life. I couldn't stay away," Tyler said as he stroked my fingers. "I'm glad I stuck around. I've never interacted with someone so wonderful. She's absolutely beautiful," he murmured softly. I smiled. "Darling, I think you need your eyes checked. I'm hideous," I replied. Tyler grinned and kissed my forehead again as I closed my eyes. "You're wrong. I don't see the bruises and pain, I see you. You shine from the inside. You're so breathtaking and amazing," he whispered as he traced my nose with his. I opened my eyes again and smiled at him as he pulled back; if his smile could have gotten any bigger, his cheeks would have been cut. "If that's not love, I don't know what is. Congrats to you, kids. I'll let you be on your way. You two are so young but love has blossomed," the man said as we rolled past him. He rubbed my hand, trying to avoid the IV, and patted Tyler's shoulder. "That must have been one hell of a kiss." "The best," Tyler confirmed, slowing the wheelchair down. "And one I hope to return everyday." "Starting now, darling?" I asked tugging on his arm so he was closer. Tyler stopped the wheelchair and came around and looked me in the eye as he knelt in front of me, his right hand on my left hip. He moved his hand back and forth signalling not to do this. "No, dear. When we're somewhere a little more private," Tyler teased as his left hand caressed my cheek. I leaned into his hand. "It seems pretty private now," I teased back. My back was turned to the stranger. I winked at Tyler and mouthed, "kiss me. It'll work." Tyler looked at me tenderly. I sighed, pulled on his shirt, and grinned. He returned the smile and finally leaned in. I tilted my head, closed my eyes, met his lips with mine; our lips moving in unison. I parted lips as I wrapped my arm under his and held onto his shoulder blade. He softly sighed and deepened the kiss, moving his hand from my cheek to my neck. My breathing hitched and I arched my back, effectively moving closer to him. Slowly I pulled back and relaxed my body. He brought his other hand to my face and pulled me in for another kiss. Halfway through, I opened my eyes as I sat back, placing my hand on his chest. "Need air," I gasped. He chuckled. "You're amazing, Annette," he breathed as he kissed my nose. I grinned. "Imagine how much more amazing I'll be when I'm not in pain," I jested. He kissed my forehead, stood up, and walked behind me. "Well let's get you healed up then. I think that all starts with me holding you in bed again," he implied. I looked up at him and grinned. "I think you're correct. Shall we?" I asked as I gestured forward. His dad had moved to the wall beside us to the left and was leaning comfortably against it. "That was quite erotic," he mused. "Sorry. I'm not into peep shows. Giving or viewing," I scowled. I looked back up at Tyler and yawned then grabbed my chest. "Ow! Hey, darling, I'm kinda tired. Can we go please?" "Of course, honey. No more hurting yourself," Tyler leaned over and kissed my cheek and pushed the wheelchair forward. We got back to my room and he shut the door. He made the motion to say something and I put my hand up. "Care to help me take a shower first? I need you to hold me upright or I will definitely hurt myself again. And I don't want to get my hair wet; I just washed it last night. Please! I need you," I pleaded sweetly. He gave me a confused glance. I pulled out my phone and typed "bugged us." I showed him and he nodded in understanding. "Of course. I'll do whatever you want, honey. Just promise me you'll rest afterwards," he stated as he wheeled me into the bathroom and turned on the water to the shower. "Annette, darling, when was the last time I told you how amazing you are?" "Oh I'm not sure. You should let me know more often. You... hunk of... love... you..." I stated as I furiously typed on the phone, pausing between each word of the last sentence like my mouth was otherwise engaged. I grinned at him. He shook his head at me and gave me an impish grin. I showed him what I typed. "Your shoulder, something fell on my cast when we walked by, and he squeezed my hand but I think that's a misdirect." He read it quickly, took off his shirt, and threw it into the water then he inspected my cast. A small black bead was resting on the pillow under the top three inches of my cast, sitting on top of the pillow. "Ow! Hey! Did I say you could stop kissing me?" "Have you done this before?" He mouthed as he picked the small bead up. I shook my head no and grinned at him. "I don't want to hurt you, darling. You're kinda fragile right now," he voiced out loud. "Tyler, I know it's a little early, but I sure do love the way you make me feel. A little pain is healthy," I breathed. "Well, my sweet Annette, just imagine how much more amazing I'll make you feel when I don't have to treat you like broken doll! There we go. The water is finally warm. I'll join you in a minute. Let's cover that cast then you just sit and don't hurt yourself. Let me take care of your wheelchair and your dirty clothes. Baby, I love this outfit. Promise me you'll wear this clear bag later for me," he retorted as he threw the bug into the shower; I watched as it went down the drain. "Okay. I promise. Just don't keep me waiting. I shouldn't be left alone," I replied cheekily as he knelt beside me. Then he grabbed my hand and inspected it thoroughly, removing a thin hair-like thread by my IV needle. He placed that in the middle of the drain - tucking it between the grates, left his phone in the bathroom after turning it off, and wheeled me out back into the room. "Whatever you say, darling," he murmured softly. Then he grabbed my phone and typed, "let me check everything really quick. Make sure he didn't bug anything else. Stand up. We gotta get rid of the wheelchair in case he's watching/listening." I nodded as he checked the chair by the bed first and then moved me there, making me hold my IV bag. Once I was situated, Tyler took the wheelchair outside, closing the door again. He looked under each pillow and through the pillowcases. He undid the bed and shook the bed sheets. He lifted the mattress and put it down neatly. Then he pointed at me then the bed. I nodded again. He sat the bed upright and put me in it as he hung up my IV bag again. He put a single finger on my lips as I pulled the blanket around my legs. I gave him a thumb's up and he moved around the room, checking everything still. He parted the flowers and shook them slightly so that if they held anything, it would drop into the water. He picked up the bear and inspected it thoroughly. I pointed to the clock; it read 7:47. He removed it from the wall and looked behind it. Finally he moved over to the cot and lifted it up, shaking out the blanket. Nothing. "Annette, how'd you catch that?" Tyler asked. "I have an intuitive eye, remember? Just ask Pat," I teased. He chuckled. "Guess so. Want me to go get Mikayla? We can get you out of here," he stated pulling out the discharge papers from his pocket. I grinned. "Well, maybe I should call for a personal shopper. All of my clothes are M.I.A. and you need another shirt. We can't leave the hospital like this," I stated, blushing at the sight of his shirtless body. "You don't like my abs? Oh but, baby! I worked on them just for you," he teased as he tousled my hair. He scowled then tugged on one of the braids Jess had tucked away, but it remained in place. "Your hair is more fun to play with when it's not in braids," he insisted as Mikayla came back through the door. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt," she said as she turned her back. "It's okay, Mikayla. I spilled orange juice on his shirt. Jess went to get him another, he's rinsing it out right now," I explained. She turned back around. "Of course. Silly me. You kids have been nothing but good. I noticed your wheelchair was outside the door. Annette, let's get you out of here. I'm going to take your IV out and help you get dressed," she stated. I grinned. "That sounds wonderful, but my clothes seem to be missing. Did anyone come in here and take them?" I asked "No, nobody came in. You did have one gentleman lean on your door frame for a while, he said he was looking for his niece Susan. He apologized and left when we told him Susan wasn't staying in that room. It was strange; he didn't give us her last name or ask for directions to her room. Anyways, your sister handed a bag of your clothes to me while you watched the sun come up. She asked if I had time if I could pick out the easiest outfit for you to get on yourself since she was uncertain. I must have gotten a little sidetracked. I'll be right back. I'm helping you before I clock out. I have nothing else to do tonight. Er today," she insisted with a smile as she left the room. I returned the smile. "He wasn't in here. And her reaction would have sealed our little act if Dad was still watching the room," sighed Tyler in relief. "What about before? Did he leave a recording device then? If so, he would have heard your story about how your bargaining chip was a lie. Making the reason behind his arrival make more sense," I stated as I bit my lip. He looked at me, his eyes glistening. "He didn't leave anything then. I kept my eyes on his hands the whole time, certain he was going to touch you inappropriately. He was close. If he wasn't touching you, his arms were crossed. Leather and blue jeans is what he was wearing. It's kinda hard to have hair-like wires stick and be removed without being noticed. His fingers were spread apart, he couldn't have held onto it and planted a wire. He tried to plant a wire this time because you were awake and obviously lying; that made all the difference," he told me gently. I took a deep breath and met his eye. "If I went with the truth, I think that would have been more dangerous. He would have put together that I know who he is and-" "Shhh," Tyler interrupted, putting his finger over my lips. "Breathe, Annette. You're starting to hyperventilate." I nodded and took a calming breath. He smiled kindly. "You're right. It would have been a much more dangerous path to walk. Your story is actually quite believable, especially with your injuries. So you have that going for you. You were quick on your feet; I can't believe we didn't discuss what we would tell people. And the orange juice on my shirt. 'Nettie, you are a convincing liar. Plus, once you kissed me, he likes to hear girls scream - in pleasure or agony, it doesn't matter. That's what he was after and probably the real reason he planted those wires. You didn't moan or cry out, which doesn't surprise me, but any other time a kiss like that has happened, it wasn't long before she was screaming; I liked to imagine it was of pleasure. He caught your blush. In the complex, it was taken as a sign of pure devotion and commitment. It meant that the girl was infatuated with her master. Which is why the bags over their heads were implemented; Dad didn't want people getting caught up with only one girl. And he didn't want the girls to know who picked them and therefore behave better for certain masters. I'm so sorry, Annette. I didn't want to put you in that position," he remarked softly. I ducked my head and he released my lips. "It's fine, Tyler. Really. Plus, I initiated it. I am sorry, but we had to convince him. You saved me once, uh twice, and I owed you. He came back because while you made a convincing verbal argument, the only time you relaxed while he was in the room is when my machines acted up and you covered my body with yours. The rest of the time you were stiff and rigid. I could sense it. Tyler, that's how I knew he was back; you became rigid again. Anyways, your 3-5 year timeline was too far for him. I know you didn't actually give dates, but he felt like you were yanking his chain; well that was my interpretation anyways. I felt that if we didn't convince him today, he'd keep coming back at random increments. We would never be safe," I murmured as I lowered my eyes. "Your dad, he uh, he didn't believe I would turn a leaf so easily. I think that Lionel was hoping, or at least thinking, or uh, I don't know. I think he wanted me to take her place. And ah, well, um I think, honestly, I think uh your dad witnessed it. I couldn't. Sex shouldn't be a punishment, it should be a reward. Right? No. Don't answer that. I, uh. Ahem. I don't think I'll like the answer," I stammered softly, trying to keep my thoughts flowing. I was grasping at straws and segments. I sighed as I lowered my eyes and played with a piece of lint on the bed. "That doesn't explain," Tyler began as Mikayla came back in the room. I looked back up at him and shot him a warning look. "Why you would spill orange juice on me," he chided with a playful wink. "No surprises. Is it really that hard to understand? It was very rude of you to spin my chair around that quickly. I get nauseated easily now. I don't like it," I joked. He grinned and moved over to the cot and began to pack it up. "I'm ready, Mikayla." "Alright, sweetheart. Here are your in home care instructions. Let's get you out of here," she said calmly as she closed the curtain around Tyler. "Stay back there please," she instructed. "Of course," Tyler replied. Mikayla removed my IV, unhooked my sling, and helped me take off the shirt. "I'm going to leave your ribs wrapped a while longer. You can take the bandage off around dinner time tonight," she explained. I nodded and stifled a yawn. "For the time being, I think leaving you in the shorts you put on last night will do. This top should be fairly easy to put on. It's flowy too so you won't feel constricted. Left arm first. Slide it all the way through. Wonderful. Now you're going to rest your hand in the head hole here while you slip the other arm in. Great! Now, rest your arm on the bed again and you should just be able to slip the shirt all the way on. Easy-peasy. Oops! It got caught back here. Let me help. There you go. Now to put the sling on yourself, well actually please just get help," she insisted. I chuckled. "Yes, ma'am. I can do that. Thank you, Mikayla. I appreciate all of your help," I replied sincerely. "You are most welcome. You are one of my easiest patients I've ever dealt with. Thank you for being our own little sunshine," she insisted as she patted my hand. "If you guys are ready, I can walk you out. Regulations state you have to leave in a wheelchair, pushed by a nurse." I nodded. "Tyler? Thoughts?" I asked as I stifled another yawn. "Do you have a cart we can borrow for all of her flowers? If so, that would be perfect. I've pretty much got everything packed up," he stated behind the curtain. "Okay, but first, I need help. I have to go to the bathroom, I'm decent," I replied. "Allow me," Tyler insisted as he moved the curtain aside and picked me up. "I'll go get you a cart. I'm also going to clock out, so I'll be back in like five minutes. Take your time, dear," she said as she left the room. Tyler carried me into the bathroom, setting me beside the toilet, and then he shut off the shower. He picked up his wet shirt and threw it in the garbage, removing the garbage and his phone from the room. He left the room and closed the door behind him. "How'd you know that he wasn't convinced. You didn't see him the first time?" He asked softly from the other side of the door as I sat down. "Well, uh, I figured if you were stiff and rigid, he was too. Sort of that mutual distrust and anger thing. Honestly, daddy issues suck all around. He came back a few days later to see if I woke up and if you had made a move. He was quite impressed with our little show." I paused for a minute as I pulled up my shorts and flushed the toilet. He came back in and helped me to the sink. I looked at him in the mirror. "He needed to believe that you won me over. The easiest way to sell a believable lie is have some truth behind it. And you must know that too, with your part about me looking at you. It helped sell our act." I turned around and looked at him, holding onto his chest for balance, blushing as my fingers brushed his bare skin. I moved my hand to his arm and looked up into his face. "Yes, but how did you know that you needed to help me?" Tyler asked as he held onto my hips. I felt woozy and I leaned onto the sink so I wouldn't fall. "And what was that part about him watching Lionel?" "I didn't want you to go back, so I knew you had to focus on me. I hoped you would let me take the lead, but I don't know. I wouldn't doubt if he saw your strained face when you first saw him, that things would have turned out much differently. What I did, helped you have a more relaxed posture; so your actions towards me would be more realistic, and you smiled. A lot. At first, he clearly thought we were acting. That's why I insisted that you kiss me; why I knew it would work. I've made a life out of making everyday life look amazing, even if it sucks. He moved closer to see if we were truly kissing or if we still acting. Like he said on Friday, I turned down one of his best. Who's to say I wouldn't do it again? After I saw Noah tied up to the chair, Lionel came back with a different tactic. A redhead. Her head was covered and she was tied to the chair; I saw her hair by accident. I think that Lionel was hoping I'd offer to take her spot as she was beaten -and I use that term loosely- so she was beaten, er well slapped repeatedly, her thighs cut, and forced to give him oral. At first I thought perhaps she was just to taunt me of my future, but then she didn't react consistently and I began to question everything; like she was beginning to enjoy it. I stopped back talking, and just tried to get free of the rope he had in me. Eventually, he closed his eyes and I took the same rope I was tied up in and brought it around his neck. I kicked his knees and was working on making him pass out. I had to keep my knee in the middle of his back, but he does have like a hundred pounds on me. He resisted and eventually he pinned me. He choked me while he slammed my head on the ground before throwing me back into the tank. He called her Candy; I felt guilty I couldn't ease her pain. I told her the same thing, that I couldn't give into his demand of sex. Lauren told me the girl from the picture said that was her name. I'm sorry. I didn't know how to mention that earlier, especially with the cop recording. At that time, I didn't know what her fate was," I whispered as my voice cracked and tears filled my eyes. Tyler stroked my hair and opened his mouth to say something. I held up my hand and continued. "Your dad was pleased with what he saw. Based on his body language, he believes that I really do care about you and visa versa. You know him better though. I think that if I didn't do what I did, he probably would have made another implication of 'she's awake now, why haven't you taken her. She has no say in what you do.' You would've been forced to play another card, you would hold back, and he still wouldn't believe you. Also, I noticed he left a note on the counter," I stated and looked down. Tyler pulled me in for a hug as he rubbed my back gently. "Oh God, Annette! I'm sorry. We had no idea about that part. The mirrored door could be opened with a switch on the other side, but once you were in the room and the door closed behind you, all the doors were controlled electronically; including the door to your room. I had to open your door and close it when Noah was in the room. When I was done with that, I was ordered to leave. I was glad to see it was a short visit for you; I should have stuck around to help Noah. I'm sorry. Once I closed your door, I opened the main door again as I headed to my lab and tried coming up with another pill for you; one that would give you nutrients and strength to keep fighting; it was the pink pill. I could send you pain medication every 12 hours, but food more than double that time frame. You needed help; that was the way I could do it. I didn't realize Noah was still be tormented. Jess was taking a nap, so she didn't know either. She released Noah from his binds eventually. I saw Dad in the hallway as I made my way back to my room. I talked to Jess about it later, but neither of us knew why he was in our area; that's a rare thing. It might have happened once every 6-12 months, but last week, he was over there at least twice. I'm sure he was eyeing you up as a prize too. Now I know why he was there the first time; he opened up your door and watched from the screen as one of his playthings was ordered to try and sway you. I'm glad you didn't give in; you would have been forced to Lionel's room. We may never have seen you again. I'm glad you got some closure on Candy. Don't mention this to Noah. If you try to visit her in prison, I'm sure it's a trap. You have to forget about Candy or you'll always be in danger," he explained. I gulped and looked down, pushing away from him again. "I'm glad she's out. She thinks I'm dead. At least that's what Lauren and Adam told her," I uttered under my breath. "Since she offered to go to prison, I knew there were strings attached. Seeing her is not in my plan, but I hope she's okay." "You worry about the wrong people. I'm sure Candy will be just fine; she's definitely better off here in prison than she ever was there. Now out there, you should have just worried about yourself. Instead your first instinct was to protect me. I'm sorry that you felt like you had to, but you're right. He would have implied something. Your survival instincts are spot on. You looked at him for like two seconds. How did you get all of that in that little time?" He asked in a surprised tone. I bit my lip and nodded. "When you have a secret as big as mine, you learn to read people really well; things like who you can trust and who might be malicious towards you. I did feel uneasy about Lionel when I first saw him, but that was mainly because he was a guy and wouldn't stop staring at me. My unease grew as he spoke more to me, then he insisted a pretty little thing like me join him to take his dining experience over the top. With your dad, his demeanor immediately scared me and I knew he meant me harm; he wasn't surprised by my bruises. Everyone else looks at these and stumbles over their first few sentences or avoids eye contact, but not him. I could also tell that you were uneasy as well. I had to help you," I confessed softly. He embraced me and carried me back to the bed. "Annette, you are beautiful, the bruises can't hide that. You make it easy to see beyond them. I mean that. I don't need my eyes checked, I know for a fact you're gorgeous. I say that in the most big brother way possible. Now, did you know you had to help me before or after you kissed my cheek?" He asked. "Um I didn't know he was actually there until after, but you stiffened and grabbed my shoulder. I thought I upset you and logically, when that happens, I get hurt. However, you insisted that you weren't mad, just concerned. Then you begged for my forgiveness. So I had an inkling it was him. You only ever really begged for my forgiveness one other time: just before he came into the room. Your instinct caused you to stiffen, mine caused me to became overly flirty; I've never done that before. You were surprised by me kissing your cheek and lit up immediately, but your eyes stayed sad. I figured if I could share some of my joy with you, it'd help. Then I saw his eyes. Amber with emerald spots. I knew he was your dad. I had no intention of crossing those lines, I just want you to be safe too and happy. I know that's not with him. I'm sorry," I confessed as a tear trickled down my cheek. "You could make a living out of apologizing, but you shouldn't. You are a genius, 'Nettie, and you are an exceptional flirt. You did help. Keeping my focus on you instead of him helped me give of vibes of adoration and devotion instead of hate and anger. I looked at him momentarily when you pushed me away. You closed your eyes and leaned you head back as you took a deep breath. He smiled. He never smiles. It's always a smirk or a half grin. That's why I kissed your nose. You did it. He really is going to leave us alone now. I don't know how you do it, but you can change anybody's mind," he cheered. Then he rubbed my neck, traced the braided crown on my head, and teased, "and he was right, that kiss was very erotic." I blushed and looked down at my shirt. Mikayla had picked out a soft ivory cream, 3/4 sleeve, handkerchief shirt. It was longer in the front and back but tapered up on the sides. It surprised me after getting to know Jess that there were no embellishments or fancy knit engravings on it with the exception of the large rhinestone positioned strategically in the middle of my chest. Tyler gently lifted my chin. "But that will never happen again, 'Nettie. Understand?" I nodded. His eye twinkled, "I don't care how much you beg me, I will never kiss you again. You're my sister; we can never be more. I can't kiss you again." I grinned and looked at the bed. I noticed the bag of clothing. "Not even on the top of my head?" I pouted. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "You know that's not what I meant, 'Nettie," he whispered. I embraced him in an awkward hug and he stood up tall again, a question still in his eyes. "I didn't plan for it. I'm not comfortable with public displays of affection. Probably because I haven't found the right guy and because I don't want to bring him into my hell of a life. Never again, brother dear. Kissing is frightening, always wondering if they'll want more. Even you standing here shirtless in front of me is unnerving," I confirmed and pulled out a sweatshirt. "Do you think Jess was planning on you guys showing up?" I asked and gave it to him. He grinned and put it on; it was a perfect fit. "She's a planner. I'll give her that. I'm sorry to make you uncomfortable," Tyler grinned. "Let me see your phone." I handed it over, he pressed a few buttons and put it to his ear. "Hey... 16-42... Can't... Now... 74... 143." He hung up and put it in his pocket. "Well that was cryptic," I stated. "I'll explain later, I promise," he replied as he moved around the room and collected everything. The small miscellaneous items that Lauren brought -that had not been put away- were all packed back into the pink bag, then stuffed in the large bag of clothes with all of the gift cards. "That's a very nice color on you. Jess has good taste. It actually makes your pale skin tone seem darker," Tyler stated as he handed me the teddy bear as he held my sleeve in his hand. "Your eyes are drooping again. You can take a nap in just a little bit. Jess is working on covering up our trail right now. We can't be followed when we take you to the safe house." I yawned and nodded into the bear. Mikayla finally came back into the room pushing a cart. Tyler quickly loaded it up as she helped me into the wheelchair. "Ready to go, sweetheart?" She asked kindly. I yawned again and smiled. "Very much so. Thank you for all of your help, Mikayla. I hope they can help you with your pain, you've relieved a lot of mine," I replied as she wheeled me out of the room. Tyler followed us. "If it's not too much trouble, could you give us a lift to the hotel? We're just across the street. My sister took the car," Tyler explained. I looked up at Mikayla. She nodded. "I can push her to your room, if you bring both of these items back to the hospital. Just right here by the cafeteria will work," Mikayla stated. "I'm parked in the shared parking lot anyways." "That won't be a problem at all," Tyler confirmed as we stepped outside. I took in a deep breath of the fresh air and smiled. I closed my eyes and basked in the already warm air. "We're in 113," Tyler stated, I shook myself awake and opened my eyes. We were just starting to enter the hotel. Mikayla parked me outside of the door and Tyler dug out his wallet, handing her some cash. "For your time," he insisted. She finally took it and he shook her hand. "Thanks again, Mikayla, I can take it from here. You deserve some rest." She smiled sweetly and waved good-bye. When she was around the corner, Tyler pushed me further down the hall. I looked over my shoulder, Tyler was walking kind of sideways. He smiled down at me and leaned over. "We had a tail. He overheard me give the wrong room number but he didn't follow us down the hall," he whispered in my ear. I nodded and looked forward again as we stopped in front of room 158, Tyler pulled out a key, and opened the door; the room was dark and he left it that way. He picked me up and set me in a bed. "Welcome home, 'Nettie. Just long enough for you to nap then we're out of here. I'll be back shortly. I have the only key, and there's a do not disturb sign on the door," he confirmed. "Take an individual picture of the flowers, then give them to housekeeping," I instructed as I snuggled into the pillows and closed my eyes. "Better safe than sorry," I murmured. "You got it, sister dear. I'll be back in 10 minutes or less. I'll keep you safe," he whispered as he kissed my head again and went back to the door. A few things rattled around then the door closed. I smiled and let sleep overtake me.
© 2017 Lynaelee |
Added on November 27, 2016 Last Updated on July 27, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing