![]() 24. New beginningsA Chapter by Lynaelee
"No of course not! I think it's best not to tell her. She's stubborn enough to try and do this on her own," Jess was saying in a voice just above a whisper. I tried to open my eyes, they just felt heavy.
"I know. I'm glad she accepted help. She mentioned that she's bugged by the fact that we can pick her up so easily. I know it's what's best for her with how battered she is, but I have a feeling she'll force us to let her hobble and hop around. I'm afraid she is going to hurt herself more," Pat replied. "Unfortunately, Noah and I fear the same thing. He said she's always pressed on. She always tries to make it look like she's not in pain. It's about time she gets pampered. Ooh! I'll schedule her a massage," Jess trilled. "You really think that's wise?" "Well I'm not taking her to the spa tomorrow," Jess scoffed. Pat chuckled. "Good. Because I don't want to go. No touching. Bubble. My space. Back off," I thought. "What's bugging you?" Jess inquired. I heard Pat sigh. "She let us into her week - and it wasn't pretty. I'm flattered she let me stick around but I wish I had more answers for her," he murmured softly. "What about school? There's no way she can go in her condition? Doesn't it start in like two weeks?"
"Two and a half. It starts on the 30th. I was planning on going to town and talking to the principal to see if we can work something out for her so she doesn't have to be there until she can use crutches and not pass out from pain. Even after she gets use of her arm again, she's still gotta go through therapy before it's fully healed; I don't doubt that she'll try to accomplish that task long before she's ready. With her grades and charm, it shouldn't be too hard to swing a deal," a third voice piped in. Noah! He definitely wasn't trying to be quiet; it made me want to giggle. "Hey, love. How's it going?" "It's just quiet, darling. She's been sleeping for about two-three hours now. Her nurse has checked on her a few times. She's just waiting for her to wake up to do some more tests. Pat and I have gotten to know each other. He's pretty cool," Jess confirmed. I heard a soft chuckle and assumed it was Pat. "8pm. Hmmm. Since she didn't eat the pizza earlier, she missed dinner too," Noah replied with a sigh. Feet shuffled and someone squeezed my hand. I tried to squeeze back, but my fingers felt like they were wearing weights. "She's awake. Well, she can at least hear you," Noah confirmed.
"Jerk," I thought. "Let me eavesdrop a bit longer. I get that they're concerned about me, but I wanna hear what else they talk about!" "What?! How can you tell?" Jess squeaked. "Rapid eye movement also known as the REM sleep cycle. Normally found in babies, it lets you know they're dreaming. With her, it's her mind trying to force her body to wake up. I've noticed she's been able to repeat most of what I've said to her while she was in this phase," Noah explained. My hand was squeezed again. This time, my finger flinched. "If I had to wager a bet, I'd guess she'd be opening her eyes within the next 90 seconds. Mentally, I smirked and started to count, "you and your damn numbers. We'll see how accurate they are this time, brother. -4-5-6...." "How long has she done that?" Pat inquired. The room was silent, minus the ticking of the clock. "32-33-34," I mentally counted along with the ticks. I was certain Noah was biting his lip. Everyone else was looking at him for answers, I'm sure. I kept counting, "46-47-48." "Um. I'm not certain. I actually didn't notice until about three years ago. Her body is full of surprises and natural defenses. It's really quite remarkable," Noah replied finally, pausing for a bit. Here I thought he hardly paid any attention to me. I flinched my hand again and tried to open my eyes. "How long has she been in the REM cycle?"
"Honestly, we didn't even notice until you mentioned it," Pat admitted. "76-77-78," I finished counting mentally and opened my eyes, squinting due to the brightness of the room. "78," I rasped as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and inhaled deeply. "Not cool that you spy on me and spill all my secrets. What would be cool is if you could tell me why my body refuses to move during that time. I feel like I was sat on by an elephant." Noah squeezed my hand again and beamed at me. "It helps that you can be predictable sometimes," he teased. I grinned at him. "I don't know why your mind won't let your body work. Like I said, you've got a natural defense system all your own. Totally unique. I don't think anyone could answer that question." I frowned. "Makes sense I guess. Need help. Bathroom. Now," I insisted. Noah helped me sit up and started to unplug my equipment.
"Hobble, hop, or carry?" Pat inquired with a hint of a chuckle. I gave him a curious glance. Do I let him know I overheard him? Granted, I couldn't make much sense of what they were talking about. He wriggled his eyebrows and repeated his question. I shook my head.
"Um? Carry? I think? All I know is I need the bathroom now and I can't make it on my own. Please! Somebody!" I replied in a huff, but nobody moved. "Fine, I'll do it myself," I grumbled as I uncovered my legs and swung them over the edge, kicking a balled up something -that was over my right foot- off the bed. I shook my head and brought my right arm to my mouth to detach my morphine. Noah and Pat chuckled as Jess protested, "alone. No. She can't. Guys, do something." "Stop. Before you hurt yourself," Noah chided at the same time as he unhooked all my wires. Then he scooped me and brought me to the bathroom, setting me just inside the door. "Thank you. Now shoo." I pushed him out of the door and closed it. I took a deep breath, braced against the wall, and hopped to the rail. I huffed. This was difficult, but I continued my mini mission, refusing to crawl on the floor again. Slowly I made my way to the toilet and completed my business while coughing. I stood up, got dressed, and groaned in frustration. Slowly I turned around and flushed the toilet. Somebody knocked on the door. I turned towards it, looked back at my foot, leaned my right shoulder against the wall, and admitted sadly, "I'm decent. Come on in." The door opened and Jess popped her head in. "Need help, sweetie? It sounds like you are struggling," she said softly. I gave her a grateful smile. "I just need to wash my hands now. This is definitely harder than I thought it would be. I have no energy to even crawl to the sink. I've never been dependent on anyone and it's throwing me for a loop," I confessed. She smiled at me and disappeared behind the door. Pat replaced her. "Guess that's my cue to come in, doll. Let me help you," he murmured. I smiled at him as he approached me, wrapped me in his arms, carried me to the sink, and stood behind me. He held onto me while I washed. I leaned into him and sighed. "Doll, I'm putting you back in bed," he whispered in my ear as he turned off the water. "Sounds good. Where'd Noah go?" I asked as he cradled me in his arms again as we walked out the door. "To get you a baked potato and some electrolytes," he replied as set me in the bed. Jess helped reattach all of my equipment again. Pat looked sadly at me and brushed my lip with his thumb. "They're blue again." I rolled my eyes and nodded consent as he put the mask over my face and turned on the oxygen. "I want to leave. Please! Make them sign me out," I signed. Jess translated. "Don't keep me confined here. Surely I can recover just as well on someone's couch. On your couch!" I pointed at Pat as Jess finished translating. They both smiled sadly at me. "In due time, doll," Pat promised as a nurse I haven't met yet came through the door. She had soft, kind, gray eyes. Her salt and pepper hair was done in an elegant headband braid that tucked into a bun at the nape of her neck. She was tall and lanky. Her shoulders seemed to be in a constant slouch. I could tell by the way she walked that her back was hurting her. I'm sure she felt like she didn't belong in a crowd, but I just found her to be beautiful and kind. "You can recover on my couch as soon as they release you, but for now, just relax and listen to your nurses," Pat ordered. I looked back at him, gave him a curt nod, and looked back at the nurse. I smiled at her as she put my chart down on the foot of my bed. "Hey, sweetheart. I'm Mikayla. Janell told me all about your case; about how you desire new scenery, to leave, and how you have a great support system that pretty much makes my job non-existent. I can see what she meant; you have very protective friends." She smiled at me as she checked my machines and made sure everything was hooked up properly. "I have no qualms with one of your friends sleeping on that cot. Do you know which one will be staying?" I shook my head. "It will be me or her brother," Jess piped up. "He's the one that came to get you before getting her some food." Mikayla nodded, and remarked softly, "that's just fine. If you stay, hun, we'll help her get a shower tonight. I've been informed that your family will be renting an oxygen machine for 2-3 months and paying for a in home nurse practitioner to check on her daily for at least a month. That is very encouraging from my standpoint because individualized patient care is exactly what you need; the ICU is your best option but being cared for at home will make you more comfortable. If the night goes well, and we can get you to pass all needed tests, I'll convince the doctor to release you before I leave. I'll be here until 8 tomorrow morning." My eyes lit up as I grasped what she was saying. I looked at Jess and signed, "what tests do I need to pass? And did you guys really hire a nurse to look after me? I'll have you guys. I don't want to tell another person why I have these injuries. I really don't want to have to get to know anyone else." She smiled sweetly at me and signed, "no. We're not asking you to. I'll look after you, but I don't have an actual license. I know what I'm doing, but refuse to go to jail, so they can't know. This is the only way we could get you out sooner." I nodded. Pat stood up, gave me a small smile as Mikayla removed my blanket, and silently left the room. "She wants to know the tests she has to pass because she'd rather be on someone's couch instead of here," Jess told Mikayla. "When people sign to me, I forget that I don't have to respond silently too; I told her not to rush things and just take it slow and that she needs to listen to you and the other nurses. We want her healthy and on her feet again too." Mikayla nodded as she pressed against my left leg noting the changes before moving on to my right foot. "For the most part, you've passed all but showering and having a bowel movement. The doctor would like your oxygen levels monitored longer, but as long as your friends notice you acting weird: faint, light headed, dizzy, blue around the lips, shallower breathing, unable to focus. Those are the main early signs you need to pay attention to. I'm also going to show you hun how to wrap her ribs. You can eat first, sweetie. Circulation is looking good on your legs and toes. You've been going to the bathroom on your own?" I nodded and put my hand to my chest and pulled my pointer and thumb together as I moved my hand out. "White? Oh! Gotcha. She says her urine has been clear," Jess translated. Mikayla nodded. "I'm glad you are able to communicate in other ways, sweetie," Mikayla replied as she removed my robe and draped it over the railing of the bed. "It is most helpful if you keep the mask on, instead of taking it off to talk. Thank you." Beneath the mask, I smiled. Mikayla unhooked my arm sling. "Now have you been able to feel this arm?" I nodded. "Forgive me, slight pinch. Color fading is normal, circulation seems good. Make a fist. Good. Is it difficult." Only slightly. I nodded. "The important thing to remember is to take it slow. Get a stress ball, squeeze it five times then rest for st least 10-15 minutes, then you can give it another go if you wanted. Just don't overdo it. This will keep the blood flowing the way it's supposed to. Okay, shirt off. Time to look at your ribs." "You can wrap them now," I signed. "They've been free for almost a full day and a little less pain would be welcome about now." Jess quickly translated. Mikayla nodded and went to the cupboard and brought out another wrap. "Come here, sweetheart. Having a friend know what to do will come in handy if your nurse can't make it right away," Mikayla explained. I gave Jess a mischievous smile. Jess just winked at me. Mikayla kept herself busy unbuttoning my shirt and missed the exchange. "Alright, Annette, here we go. Before I take your shirt off all the way, I'm going to listen to your lungs. If there's any liquid at all, I'm going to have to retract my earlier statement." I nodded and prayed my lungs were behaving as she put her stethoscope against my chest. Slowly, I took as deep of a breath as I could. "Don't hurt yourself," Mikayla instructed. "Only do what your body is capable of. No need to make yourself cry so I get a good reading." I nodded in understanding as I took another breath - my current regular breath: super shallow and light. "Is that considered normal?" I nodded. "It's shallow but I can hear the air entering your lungs. Keep it up. You're doing a fantastic job. I hear no fluid," she concluded as she removed her stethoscope. I smiled. Small victories for now; I'll take it. Mikayla rolled my shirt down to my waist. "Keep coughing, use your oxygen tank, and just take it slow. Don't rush anything or you'll end up back here. Bruising is still dark, but I don't see any signs of internal bleeding. Forgive me," she insisted as she pressed along the bruise on my rib cage. I winced and my eyes rolled back in my head. I took another deep breath as she released my sides and opened my eyes. Jess smiled at me kindly and dabbed my eyes with a tissue. "Unfortunately, these will be awfully tender for a while," Mikayla stated. I just nodded, knowing that I had about a two month road of recovery for them. "Ice," I signed. Jess gave me a confused glance so I spelled it out for her. She smiled and repeated what I said. Mikayla nodded and went to the cupboard again. "We'll do a two-fer. Ice and wrap. Come get me after dinner and we'll take them off," Mikalya promised as she snapped a cool pack that didn't need to be frozen. Then she began to vigorously shake it as she brought it over to me. "And shower," I signed with a grin. Jess translated and both women smiled. "Of course, Annette. I love your determination and spunk. Can you raise your right arm above your head? Perfect. This arm we're just going to let it hang limply. It's time to wrap you up, cover you, and get you some food," Mikayla insisted. I grinned. Mikayla started to give orders to Jess. I held back a snicker as Jess watched her closely like she had never done this before. I gave Mikayla props, she was very patient with both of us. I flinched from the coolness of the cold pack as Mikayla put it against my right side ribcage. Then she put the beginning of the ace bandage over it. "Here, hold this here for Annette. Thank you. Now the secret to this is not to wrap it too tight. She still needs to be able to breathe. Don't wrap it so loose that it falls down either. My rule of thumb is two fingers. If I can wrap her up with two of my fingers in the way and pull them out with ease, but can't put them back in, I did my job right." Jess nodded as they finished wrapping me up. "Phew. Well that's a good rule. Annette, you're not allowed to need me to wrap you. I think it's best to wait for your nurse. So don't exert yourself," she ordered. I picked up the gleam in her eye to tell me she was joking, but Mikayla didn't. I put my hand to my forehead and gave her a salute. She giggled at me and Mikayla smiled kindly. Together they pulled up my shirt and began to button me back up. "Thank you for your help, Mikayla," I signed. "You have a beautiful soul. I'm lucky to have you care for me." Jess repeated in wonder, stumbling over the words. "All her," Jess insisted as Mikayla looked at her. She smiled and looked me in the eye and I noticed a glistening tear forming. Tenderly she patted my cheek as she spoke, "thank you for your kind words. Get better. You are a ray of sunshine where darkness lingers. Let's see, oxygen level reads 94%. Would you like your mask off?" I smiled and she removed it. "Hit your button if you need anything." "Yes, ma'am!" I replied before I doubled over coughing again. Both women patted my back sympathetically. "Water," I croaked between coughing fits. Jess handed me my water bottle and I took a sip. I leaned back into my pillow, hugging my chest. Jess grabbed my water and set it back on the table. "Thanks. I won't be doing that for a while. OW! Mikayla, I'll call if I need anything. Thank you for your help. You are very kind. I'm sure that helps with your job. Thank you for caring for me even though you are in pain yourself." She looked at me in surprise before smiling sweetly at me. She patted my left hand before moving it across my chest again and hooking up my sling. Then she looked at my machines again, made another note in her pocket notebook, and left without another word. I looked over to the table to my right. An unopened lemonade still sat there along with all of the other food Pat had brought me earlier. "Can I have that please, Jess?" I asked pointing to the lemonade. She handed me the m&ms. I giggled. "I'll eat those later. I was talking about the lemonade. It sounds wonderful right now." She grinned, put the m&ms back, and opened the lemonade before handing it over. I returned her smile and took a small sip as Pat and Noah came back into the room. I made eye contact with my brother. "Did you hear? I'm getting sprung!" I beamed. He smiled in return. "I heard you have a few more tests to pass first," he teased. I stuck my tongue out and he chuckled. "I know, 'Nettie. It'll be a cakewalk for you." He looked at Pat. "You're welcome to stay in one of our hotel rooms. It's hard on your fuel to keep travelling back and forth. Plus it sounds like we're going to need directions to her new home soon; she's determined and will push for an early release. We really appreciate everything you've done for my baby sis." Pat looked at him, smiled, and replied, "I'm happy to be of assistance. It is worth every penny in fuel to make sure she's alright and doesn't feel alone. I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to have to decline." Pat walked over to the right side of my bed. I looked back at Noah and watched him wrap Jess up in a small embrace. I could watch their love bloom all day. Pat continued, "Annette is one of the strongest people I know, but having her try to do this alone is a dreadful thought, especially since her dad has it out for her. I wouldn't want anyone to go through this alone." Noah nodded slightly and looked down at the girl in his arms and kissed the back of her neck. The way he looked at her made me think he'd take a bullet for her. It melted my heart and caused me to smile. I wanted a love like that, but I was happy my brother found happiness in this crazy messed up world. "So, I have a question for you, doll," Pat smirked as he sat down in the chair, his eyes sparkled with anticipation. I looked at him expectantly, giving my brother and his girlfriend some privacy as they snuggled up together. "What was the first thing you heard in the REM sleep mode thing you do?" I put my head down and thought for a moment, then I looked at Noah and the tray of food he had left on the gift table. "Umm... Wait! Is that food? Can I have it? I feel famished. Pretty sure my pizza was thrown away," I said looking for a distraction. I couldn't tell them I overheard they were trying to keep something away from me because I was stubborn. They would tell me when I was ready, if at all. "After you answer his question, 'Nettie," Jess played along with a huge grin on her face as she lifted her left arm and held Noah's head as he rested on her shoulder. Her other hand was interlaced with Noah's hand on her belly, his right hand covering both of their hands. I slumped back into my pillows and pouted. I looked back at Pat with a dramatic sigh and smiled. "I heard you say you wished you could give me more answers. Then you asked about school. So you guys think it's wise for me to miss the first whole month? I'm going to be out a minimum of 3-4 weeks with my shoulder. Probably closer to 6-8 weeks though in all honesty. I'd hate to miss that much school." "You'd be missing the physical part of it. You would still get your homework. Plus, didn't you tell Renae that you need her to write down your assignments?" Jess inquired as she put the tray of food on the table to my left and slid it in front of me. I bit my lip as she opened the lid. "Yeah, I did," I admitted setting the lemonade that I was still holding onto the table. "But I was partially joking. I was hoping to only miss two weeks tops." I studied the potato in front of me and smiled; my brother knew me so well. "Longer is better, 'Nettie. You know this. You will take it easy and not rush the healing process. For once in you life, you don't have to put on a mask and convince everyone that you're fine. It's time to let your body heal the way it's supposed to. I won't let you use crutches for at least a month, but longer is better. Your left arm is going to be numb and you'll fall or something," Noah chided. I sighed in defeat. "Okay. Fine. Are you guys eating too?" I paused for a minute. "Right after 8. I missed dinner. So what did you guys eat? And Noah, thank you for my potato. Jess, sorry I know butter and cheese is not the healthiest choice, but it's so delicious!" I stated as I picked up my fork and dug in. "Someone mention food?" My door swung open as Tyler walked back in carrying a bag of food, a tray of drinks, and snapping his phone shut. "I got tacos!" I shook my head and took another bite of my baked potato, grateful that I wasn't eating tacos right now. The thought of it made my stomach churn. He looked at Pat first, "Iced tea or coke?" "Coke," I answered for him, swallowing my potato as all eyes turned towards me. Pat looked over at me and smiled. I winked. "I gave him tea accidently once at work. He took a sip and spit it all over the floor and my co-worker. I almost slipped as I was grabbing food from the window to deliver it. The coke I delivered to another table, but they didn't complain. It's a mistake I haven't made since; I've been vigilant about it. Pat doesn't do tea. Iced, sweet, or otherwise," I explained to my company. They laughed. "I was distracted. Some crazy kids in the table behind me were trying to start a food fight. I didn't notice Annette gave me the wrong drink until my mouth was full," Pat said defensively and with a smile. "That was the day with like what, five buses all back to back?" I nodded, confirming it. "Annette and her co-worker were running ragged with all the demands. I cleaned up my mess and heckled her the rest of the night for messing up, sticking around to help them both out because they were so behind. I had to give her grief for making me miss dinner too." "You made me stick around for family dinner that night. You stole my keys and wouldn't let me drive home," I accused. "No, doll, I couldn't. Marcus told me that he barely saw you drink water, so while you and Christy were vacuuming and wiping the tables down after closing, I had Marcus whip everyone up a meal. The buser left early, but two cooks, two waitstaff, a dishwasher, our boss, a bar attendant, and myself took the time to enjoy each other's company. We joined a few tables together. I thought you were going to fall asleep right then and there. At the time, I didn't know the exact distance you had to drive home, but I was glad you ate and got your second wind; I would've kept your keys if that didn't happen," he explained. My eyes widened in shock. Pat smiled warmly at me. "Keeping people safe, from themselves if necessary, it's what I do, doll. Worst case scenario, I would have bought you a hotel room that night. Don't protest, Annette. I didn't have to do anything. The eight of us there that night just enjoyed the meal and company provided. We exchanged stories of the day and laughed a lot. It's one of my most memorable family dinners. Christy teased me mercilessly about spitting my drink all over her. Annette blushed bright red and took the blame. She doesn't goof often, but when she does," he chuckled, trailing off with a wink. I smiled, turned back to my dinner, and shook my head as I took another bite of my potato. "So, kiddo, how ya feeling? You seem pretty spunky," Tyler jabbed as he yanked my ponytail after he gave Pat three tacos and a drink. I pointed at my food and gave him a half smile with a thumb's up. He laughed and made his way over to Jess and Noah. Tyler dug out a few tacos for himself, took a drink out of the carrier, and put the remaining items on the table beside them. Then he made his way back to the cot and I met Pat's eye again, swallowing my food. "I think that was the last time I enjoyed a family dinner with them; I miss it," I noted. "You know, if you worked nights instead of days," Pat teased and trailed off. I shook my head and took another bite. "So jailbreak, huh?" Tyler asked as he bobbed his head at me. I smiled and held up my hand with my pointer and middle fingers crossed. I swallowed my bite and took a sip of the lemonade. "Hopefully. It sounds like that's the plan. Mikayla said she'll talk the doctor into releasing me tomorrow. I would much rather be out of this hospital and suffering in my, er well, a bed. Is there any hot sauce left, guys? My potato needs that next level of flavor," I insisted as I changed the topic. Noah tossed me a hot sauce packet. I tried to open it with my teeth and looked at Pat. "Do you mind?" He grinned and offered me an open one. I traded my closed one and poured the one he gave me on my potato. "A jailbreak sounds promising, considering you would still like to house me, especially since I'm looking at one or two months now, warden," I teased. I held my breath hopeful he wouldn't turn me away now. He swallowed the food in his mouth before speaking warmly and with a genuine smile that met his eyes. "In this instance, I doubt I'm the warden though; I'm not keeping you here against your will. Like I said before, doll. You're always welcome. I'd be happy to have a guest for a month or two. Or longer if needed. My place can be your safe refuge. You will have your own bed and my couch is great for relaxing on too. Either way, I will be one of the many people that make sure you are taking it easy. There will be no need for you to lift or do anything besides heal. You'll be safe and welcome at my house always," Pat confirmed then added on an afterthought as he poked my side gently, "even if you are terrible company." I giggled and took a deep breath, holding onto my chest. I hated the fact that laughter hurt; I always enjoyed laughing. "Plus, hotels can be kind of a dull place. Or so I've heard. Same scenery but new people. I guess that could be fun. Not to mention, the constant knocking on your door so they can clean your room. If you want to stay with me, you're welcome to whatever I have. You aren't expected to leave a room so it can be cleaned. It's be your own personal space and can be as clean or dirty as you wanted it to be. I happily clean your room at least once a week." I opened my mouth to protest but Noah cleared his throat and Pat held up a single hand. "It won't be a problem, doll. If those weren't good enough reasons for you to stay for a long period of time, I hear it's pretty cheap to stay with me too," he teased with a wink and took another bite. "Sold!" I exclaimed with a grin. "It probably be best to for this danger magnet to stick close to you. You instantly intimidate any and all danger. Even my brothers are keeping their distance from you, and they're aren't dangerous at all. So see, you're absolutely terrifying," I joked back. Pat snorted and smiled at me. Both Tyler and Noah letting out a startled gasp and cry of, "hey." Noah shook his finger at me, "you know that's not fair. If he's so scary, why do you trust him?" I giggled softly. "He's a good guy and a better friend. Seriously though, Pat, you make me feel safe. All of you do. Honestly, meeting new people sounds scary to me. Not to mention, I couldn't deal with all of the pitiful stares," I replied and shrugged my right shoulder as I stared at my lap, rubbing my welt through the blanket. Pat stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and looked up at him. "There are no prying eyes at my home. It's close to the restaurant, but I hardly get any visitors. I'm sure it has a lot to do with my own injuries, you know the phrase - something about a wounded dog licking its wounds. If I can get past them, so can you. The stares suck, but I know you can rise above them, doll. You'll be back to yourself in no time," Pat replied. He squeezed my shoulder and looked over at my brother. "So tomorrow? She can't leave by herself; she's very independent. Your dad took her car away too; which in our case is a good things at this time. No offense, doll, but the last thing you should do is drive. I think my truck is too high up for her to travel in without help. Do you guys have something lower that's easier for her to get in and out of?" Noah nodded. "We have two cars, both low to the ground. With a little bit of help, 'Nettie should be able to get in and out herself," Noah confirmed, meeting my eye. "I would say taller is better, but you're right; she is so freaking stubborn and independent. We'll let you do what you can, 'Nettie," he promised. I grinned. "Thank you," I whispered. I looked back up at Pat and blushed when I realized how he was looking at me. "I'm not a broken doll, you know?" He chuckled and squeezed my hand. I looked back at my brother. "I've gotten along just fine without help for most of my life. Besides your's, of course. I'm trying, but I'd rather try and do this myself." "We know that, 'Nettie. Like I said though, you should accept help for a change. I really want you to just take a breather and heal. No rushing just taking it easy. I know it's hard for you, but we all got your back and will help how we can. Even if that means confining you to bed. You need us -all of us- and you know it," Noah murmured. I nodded and bit my lip. Pat released my hand, pulled out his phone, and studied the screen for a moment before closing it. Noah looked over at him. "Our offer still stands too. You don't have to drive home later. You can stay here as long as you'd like and crash in one of the beds at the hotel," he murmured. I looked back up at Pat. "You're leaving already?" I whispered. He grabbed my hand again and rubbed it softly. "Yeah. I'm needed at the restaurant tomorrow to open, but will be off at 8 or 9. Call me when you leave. I'll just meet you at the restaurant and guide you from there." Pat squeezed my shoulder again as he released me and looked back over at my brother as he continued, "again, thank you for the offer, but I can't. Sleep well, doll. I'll see you later." Tyler stood up and shook his hand as he replied genuinely, "take care, man. We appreciate you being able to help out. We'll call or text you from the number you have already." Pat nodded and waved. I smiled at him as he walked out the door. "Speaking of calling, here's your phone," Tyler insisted as he pulled out his silver flip phone and set it in my lap as he held up a black flip phone in his other hand. "The three of us decided it was important for you to have your own line. I got a new one. I also programmed that one into your phone. I'm #3. So. Now that they're talking about springing you, can we take some stuff back to the hotel for you?" "If you want," I whispered. Then I paused for a minute, looking at the phone in my lap. My gaze fell to the needle sticking in my hand and my head shot up. "Tyler, who was the pill engineer?" He looked up at me in surprise. "You or Lionel? Lionel insisted it was him, but he seemed like he was lacking a few good brain cells. Then you kept saying 'that's not from me.' The only reason you would say that is if you concocted the pills," I admitted softly. Tyler chuckled. "I'm once again impressed by what you pick up on. It was me, but I didn't bring any more with me. Aside from immediately helping you with your pain, I didn't grab more. It slipped my mind; we were in a hurry to get you to the hospital. I'd have to start from scratch and I left my notes behind too," he confessed, a look of amusement written on his face. "Why?" I bit my lip again as I felt the urge to yawn. I was unsuccessful in resisting it. "I hate taking pills. I hate feeling drugged and you really mastered the no pain one because not once did I feel drugged. I thought it was wonderful and was kinda hoping you saved some so I could be in the comfortable level. Not attached to morphine or given some high powered prescription opioids because all they do is just make me sleepy. I don't want to sleep so much! And you did a great job with that pink pill. I didn't feel like I had to lay down," I whined. He put his hands on his side and chortled as he rolled on the cot. Jess and Noah snickered behind their hands. Finally Tyler sat up, wiped the tears from his eyes, and whispered, "my sweet little sister doesn't like naps." His eyes met mine and he doubled over in laughter again. "Toddler," he snickered. I took a pillow from behind my back and threw it at him. He caught it as he doubled over in laughter again. "Hey! I have every right to act childish. Didn't you know? My childhood was stolen from me," I pouted before joining in his laughter. I tried to hide the fact that I was grabbing my side in pain, but Noah noticed. "Alright that's enough, Tyler. You okay, 'Nettie?" Noah asked in concern, scowling at Tyler. I nodded. Tyler stood up and kissed the top of my head. "Laughter is the best medicine. It just hurts to breathe and my breaths get shorter when I laugh. I miss laughing freely," I confessed. "Sorry, 'Nettie. I didn't mean to hurt you. You just crack me up and I love ya, kid!" Tyler apologized. "It's fine. But now you two have some explaining to do. Who were the people in the other two pictures?" I asked. Jess and Tyler exchanged looks. "You know them!" I accused. "We did recognize her. I treated her concussions on more than one occasion," Jess sighed. "But him... he's a new player, I've never seen him around the complex." Tyler hung his head in his hands. "Remember my story?" I nodded, slowly piecing the puzzle together. "She's the one that changed your view on that place," I whispered. Tyler nodded. "Yeah. I never saw her face again until that picture was displayed. I'm sure I saw her around, but the main idea of that place is to make the women feel degraded, faceless, and forgettable. I never caught her name; because in that complex, names make them a somebody. Granted if you climbed into bed whenever beckoned, you gained more status but it was a hard feat to accomplish; women were rarely promoted. I've seen a total of three women beside Jess walk freely around that place without a bag on their heads all the time. Now this redhead, she wasn't here just to check up on you; that's not the way the complex works. She has some other agenda or she's following orders. Dad just won't let a money maker willingly turn herself in. Chances are she is one of his fall people, a departing gift for Jess and I; a way to see if he can still crawl under our skin. If that guy is another fall guy, which I suspect he is, the address will lead in the opposite direction of the complex. Dad has always been careful about covering his tracks," Tyler explained. He looked at Jess and sighed. "And my story," I spoke quickly, interrupting anything else they might say before I got the words out. Noah shifted uncomfortably in his seat. I looked over at Tyler. "You really didn't know?" "No. Noah was the only one required to watch you," he confessed. He pursed his lips and looked down. "I obviously knew what happened, but not how. All I could think of when you expressed what happened was I let you down, I let my sister down, but most of all, I let Noah down." Noah's head shot up. "Why would you think that?" He whispered softly. Tyler looked up and met his eye. "I told you to take care of yourself and that if it was my sister on the screen, I too would have a hard time pulling myself away, even if it was for my own good. If I was in the control room with you, it wouldn't have made it that far. Instead, I was out being boyish. I was getting lots of sleep and finalizing my plans for what would have looked like a legitimate date. Again, 'Nettie, it was for your protection, not for any intimate relations and would have only been a show for the cameras. Yes, my intentions were to get you to eat and trust me, but I wouldn't have tried anything. If things went well, I would have offered you a tour of the place, ending with my bedroom just so you could get some sleep. If it didn't go that great, I would try again the following day until you agreed. Had I'd been at my post, Lionel wouldn't have gotten her out of the room again. I am sorry," he expressed. I smiled; it was a genuine apology. Noah kissed Jess' shoulder and nodded. "You're fine, man. You needed sleep too," Noah replied. I wiped a tear from my eye and threw my empty lemonade bottle at Tyler as he was studying his feet. He lifted his head and stared at me. "You know I don't hold you responsible for anything that did or did not happen back there, right?" I asked. He smiled. "I know. Thanks. So what are the final tests you need to pass before you can leave?" He asked, picking up the bottle. "A BM and a shower," Jess replied for me. "Maybe you should eat this last taco, Annette," Jess implied with a wink. Noah pulled a bottle out of his pocket. "No need for that. I spiced your potato with this laxative, but only a little," he replied sheepishly. "Umm. Thanks?" I replied. "Guess it'll help get me out of here sooner. Sometimes, brother, you can be a real monster. Good thing I love you. So, what's on the agenda tonight? Games or story telling?" I asked looking around the room as I pushed my table away, finally full. I had finished all but three bites. My eyes rested on the table in front of me, trying to figure put how the four of us could gather around this small table to play a game. "We aren't playing games or telling stories tonight," Tyler confirmed. I looked back at him as he pulled out a DVD from his back pocket. "We're watching a movie: 50 First Dates. Figured you've cried enough, it's time for a little laughter." I nodded. Noah loaded it up. He and Jess moved to the cot with Tyler. She snuggled into Noah and held Tyler's hand. I admired her and the men that loved her. "Sounds good. Although I am a little surprised you picked a chick flick. I like action films too. Thanks," I replied as I looked at my table of gifts again. "Do you guys mind getting rid of that stuff? I'll keep your bear, Noah but the rest of the stuffed animals and balloons can be given to some of the kids here in the hospital." Tyler looked at me in surprise but grinned. "Sure, 'Nettie. There isn't one of those animals you want to keep?" "Are any from you? Or Jess? Or even Noah?" I asked. Tyler shook his head. "I told them less is more, 'Nettie. I'm sure they'll spoil you when you get out. There's no use fighting it. They both have big hearts and are quite generous," Noah replied. "Seriously, Noah?" I asked. He grinned and nodded. "Fine. Okay. So then get rid of all the gifts on the table, please. It's less stuff we have to carry out of here later," I insisted. All three of them grinned and turned back to the tv. Halfway through the movie, I glared at Noah. "I kind of hate you, but I need help to go to the bathroom." He grinned sheepishly at me as worked on untangling himself from Jess. Tyler stood up first. "I'd love to help. Here we go!" He chirped as he picked me up. "Wait! You have to unplug my IV and such or you're going to cause me to rip them out!" I insisted. "Sorry. I forgot. I was distracted. Drew Barrymore gets me every time," he dramatically uttered. I laughed as he unhooked me and carried me to the bathroom, gently setting me down close to the toilet. "Do me a favor please?" I asked hesitantly. He gave me a curious glance. "Find me a towel and my toothbrush and toothpaste please? I can hold it another minute. And turn up the movie?" He chuckled. "You got it, be right back," he promised. He was back in under 20 seconds. He left all the items on the sink. I smiled gratefully at him as he left the room and shut the door behind him. I sat down and sighed in relief. One more thing to accomplish. I eyed the shower wearily. I wanted a shower; I felt overdue for one, but suddenly the thought of taking one scared me. I sighed again, rested my elbow on my knee, and played with my ponytail. When I finished, I wiped, grabbed my shorts and pulled them up as I stood. Once again, I found myself biting my lip in frustration. "Noah, I feel sorry for you. You always had the worse of the injuries. I don't know how you managed," I mumbled under my breath. I held onto the handrail as I inhaled sharply. "This sucks!" I turned around slowly and flushed the toilet. I decided I should try and stretch, but I would wait until I was back by the bed and use that as my support. That way, the people on the other side of the door could help me if I needed them to. I grabbed the rail and began to hop to the sink. By the time I reached the sink, I was out of breath and ready to collapse. I leaned my back against the wall, rested my arm on the top of my head, and tried to inhale slowly. When I was able to breathe again, I turned back towards the sink and turned on the water. Quickly, I washed my hand. I dried it on the towel and hung the rail. Then I grabbed the toothpaste and used my teeth to twist the cap off. The toothbrush was thankfully already out of it's package. I ran it under the water and squeezed some paste onto it. I left the toothpaste on the sink as I leaned against the wall again and brushed my teeth. I closed my eyes as tears slowly trekked down my face from the small exertion and searing pain throughout my whole body. My legs trembled and my chest burned. I looked down at my body in disbelief; why was everything taking so long to heal? I knew that it hadn't been very long since I was hurt, but not being able to play it off like nothing happened went against everything I thought I knew. I hated it. I spit in the sink, raised my head slowly, and for the first time, looked at myself in the mirror. As I stared at my reflection, and not just a picture of who I was, I began to weep. I was ashamed of my appearance. I looked sickly. I dropped my toothbrush in the sink so I could wipe the tears from my eyes, and murmured, "hey, sunshine. Why so bitter? You're alive. You're free. Even your dad released you. The only thing that is holding you back from excelling is yourself. Haven't you noticed? Not one of your friends have looked at you in shame or treated you any different: Renae, Pat, and Noah. They still just see you. You are strong. You are amazing. Keep your head up. Things are looking up. Today was a hard day, but you made it through. That makes today a good day and your future is only going to get better." I wiped my eyes again, stood up, and leaned against the wall again as my body shook and unshed tears made their appearance. "You speak a lot of truth," a voice said quietly on the other side of the door. I jumped in surprise. "You can come in, Noah," I relented, wiping my eyes again. Noah opened the door, came over, and embraced me, his arms folded over my shoulders. I held onto his waist and cried on his shoulder. "I was waiting by the door once I heard the toilet flush. You're doing remarkably well, but I know that you're also in a lot of pain. I was kinda hoping you would ask for help," he explained as he stroked my hair. "You are strong, 'Nettie. I'm so proud of you. We have never stopped seeing you. Even Jess and Tyler see your spirit. It's wild and unbroken, even if it's full of cracks. You've won the war. Right now you just need to finish this battle. I believe in you. I love you, 'Nettie." Noah kissed the top of my head as he picked me up and carried me back to my bed. "Care to explain why you had to give yourself a pep talk?" Noah inquired as he hooked up my IV, connected the oxygen level monitor to my finger, and covered my leg with the blanket. He sat down on the edge of my bed and held onto my knee. I looked at Jess and Tyler; they sat silently looking at me as the movie was paused. I took a deep breath. "I finally looked at my reflection," I explained as I exhaled. "Seeing it in a picture form is one thing, but seeing it face to face is another thing. I'm so sickly looking. I don't recognize my face." Noah nodded solemnly. "You're still pretty," Noah whispered. I let out a small laugh and looked down. "Seriously, Net. You look a little banged up, but you're still one of the most beautiful people I know." I met his eye as he continued. He smiled warmly at me. "This is really weird talking about my sister in this way, but it's true. You smile and brighten the room. Your eyes, they still have a bright burning spark in them; I watched it slowly dim on screen. Right after he broke your leg, you looked up at the ceiling, blinking tears back. It was then that I saw your resolve leave. You were done fighting him and if I didn't know better, you were welcoming death. I almost did something right then that I would have regretted the rest of my life. With your resolve gone, I was going to help you the only way I could. 'Nettie, I was prepared to kill you," he whispered. I met his eye as tears spilled out. He pulled me in for a tight hug. He sat back again and held onto my hand, blinking back his own tears. "Before I did, I put my hand on the screen and cried. My heart broke and I told you that it was okay to give up. You closed your eyes right then and lowered your chin, like you heard me," he told me. I my mouth dropped in wonder as I thought back to that moment. "Don't go there again," Noah warned as he squeezed my hand. "You won." I pulled my hand away, wiping tears that fell as he moved his hand back to my knee and squeezing it tenderly. "Tyler ran in before I did anything stupid; I'm eternally grateful. I don't think I would have been able to forgive myself." "If it helps," Tyler piped up from the cot, causing me to give him my attention. "For both of you, I'm glad you didn't do it either, Noah. Annette, I never saw you giving up your fight. Nor did I witness a complete loss of that mischievous glint in your eye. Of course, I never saw the full version before that. Now that I know what it looks like, it was never gone. Dull, but never gone. I know that it's not fully here right now either," he confirmed. I nodded and bit my lip. "All I remember thinking was I had to get my classmates out. There was no apparent reason for them to stick around. I had no plans on leaving that complex. Sure, I wanted to, but I knew it wasn't going to happen. If I could save someone else, well, I had to try. Actually, Noah, now that you mention it, right after he broke my leg, I said good-bye to you; I wanted you to turn off the camera so you didn't have to watch me die. I was fading fast and knew that I wouldn't make it very far. I was going to make sure he pressed this rib into my lung. I think that was my plan. I don't know exactly how I was going to get him to do it though, everything was turning murky," I murmured ducking my head. Noah let out a soft sob and I met his eye again. I pulled him in for a hug as I sobbed myself. He held onto me as I gathered my thoughts again and we bith calmed down. "Noah, I want to get out of here too, but suddenly I'm terrified all over again. The shower is my only obstacle left," I mumbled softly. "That and moving or breathing in general." "You can beat this too. You're remarkable. I've always thought so," Noah whispered. "You saved us all, 'Nettie. You may not believe it, but you changed the dynamics in that place. You rattled two cages of men who have never questioned their methods. I watched them for at least six months, but with Lionel, it was almost eight months. Within minutes of being there, you had my girlfriend's support. At first I just thought it was her commitment to me. She reassured me as they explained the dynamics to you guys and you took several hits in front of your classmates. Then she barged in and cared for you after they tried to make you black out because you wouldn't scream. The way she ordered them about, the way she talked to you, and the way she looked in your room as Tyler was expanding your room and I blacked out your cameras, I knew that she cared so much about you and seeing you in pain was causing her grief. Lionel and Ronnie stood outside your door with threatening poses. I had to feed your intercom system into the main room, so they could know if she was in trouble. Even if it was in your nature and you did try to hurt her, I wouldn't have been able to open that door again; you were safe and getting help. You joked with Jess and I could tell she was smiling. You kept the mood light and fun, not once acknowledging your pain. You talked briefly about birthstones and I knew you were just being you - keeping the attention off yourself. Then before you blacked out, you mumbled something about making a friend. Lionel heard that and forbid her to help you again. That's when the water tank came into play. He figured if you were less beat up, there wouldn't be a reason to see your friend again. I know that his goal was to break your happiness, because you are the happiest person I know and he wanted to break me. He thought that somehow, any encouragement you had was the key; that meant no friends. So if he was able to take away your encouragement, you would break. Thankfully, he never figured out that you are your own encouragement and always have been. Then you told him that I was a figment of your imagination so you took that chip away from him too; he was left with nothing to break you with. Somehow, though you never met him, you had crawled under Tyler's skin too." I nodded and smiled at both Jess and Tyler. They returned it genuinely. "The complex, I could face that; I didn't care if they killed me because it was better than coming home to Dad. At the complex they told me what they wanted: me to scream or take off my clothes. I never know what Dad wants because it constantly changes; nothing I do is good enough for him. They made a point of making sure I didn't feel invisible - I was finally a somebody; a punching bag somebody, but a somebody, not just a nobody. Now, I'm done with Dad, my fears are becoming irrational and I know that. But the shower. The water," I whispered, holding back more tears. "I don't know if I can. The thought alone frightens me and it becomes even harder to breathe." Jess stood up and came to the side of my bed. Tenderly she grabbed my hand. Noah moved his hand from my knee to her abdomen as he looked over his left shoulder and faced the door. "You will be just fine, sweetie. When you take a shower, you will be sitting on a shower chair. If you turn your chair sideways, you can wash your body without getting your face wet. A shower drains immediately. You won't be taking a bath - a tub full of water," Jess explained. "You were right; you made a friend that day, but I gained a sister. I'll be right there with you while you freshen up. Outside the door if you prefer, but you won't be alone. Nor will you be in any danger of drowning again," Jess promised as she squeezed my hand. I squeezed her hand back and smiled weakly. Tyler piped up, "Annette, we truly are sorry we let it go that far. Noah was instructed to watch and not interfere or you would be killed. The day you were drowned, I leaned against the door and watched Noah struggle with conflicting emotions running through him. I know at one point he wanted to electrocute Lionel; I saw the program up on his screen a few times. I think he was afraid that the barrier wouldn't protect the water you were in, therefore killing you. It was a reasonable fear; I don't even know if you would have been safe in there. I know what I would be doing if it was Jess; I'd be barging in and trying to stand between the two of you. However, if Noah interfered, you would definitely be killed. I couldn't barge in either because I didn't have a plan. If there was any hesitancy in my actions, you would have been killed on the spot. After about ten minutes of watching Noah struggle with that decision to try and help you, I couldn't take it and went to the gym. I punched a hole through the door of the closet. I finalized my plan to save you then; when Ronnie first told me to protect you I had to look at all the angles and think it through thoroughly. All the pieces clicked as I took my agression out in that gym. So I went and talked to my dad after I cooled down, took a shower, and dressed in a way that screams I'm the boss' son. I didn't realize how mad you were making Lionel or that the dunking was still going on. I came back into control after changing back into a t-shirt and heard Noah break down saying you were dead. Noah, I apologize for keeping you in the dark about my plan; I was going to talk to you then. Instead, I hunted Lionel down and begged him to stay away so I could have a chance. Annette, I'm sorry to you too. You shouldn't have seen any of the pain you received, but you definitely shouldn't have been held under water to the point where you nearly lost to us forever. We should've been more vigilant in watching and protecting you. We care deeply about you and you're safe now, but I need your forgiveness for not acting sooner." I looked at Noah. He had his head turned towards the door and a tear was falling down his cheek. Jess was leaning into him and looking at me with great love, concern, and worry. "Again, I don't hold any of you responsible for whatever happened or didn't happen," I replied as I looked back at Tyler and gave him a warm smile. "I'm just glad that you are all safe too. Tyler, there is nothing to forgive. I'm grateful you looked after me the way that you did. We're all outta there. We're all safe. I'll eventually heal. So can we promise to never mention that place again? It's a black mark in all of our pasts. Let's close the door on it and ignore it. Please," I begged as I studied everyone's faces. Jess squeezed my hand again. Noah looked over his shoulder and smiled at me, resting his cheek on Jess' chest. "And Tyler, you need to work on your anger. I don't want you to punch a hole through a metaphorical door either because you're beating yourself up over what happened. We're done with that place, right? Beside, I don't want to cower in fear because one day you may hurt me. Do I have anything to fear in that department?" "Nothing, 'Nettie. You got yourself a deal. I won't lose myself to my anger, I definitely will never hurt you, and the complex is no more. We won't focus on that again. I'm usually in great control of my anger. Don't ever worry about it. I only act out in protection, not aggression," Tyler replied with a broad smile. "Besides, the only people who need to know the truth are right here. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my past." I bit my lip hesitantly. "Hey. Like you said, we can close that door, burn that bridge, whatever. There is no need for you to look over your shoulder ever again. Jess and I will stay in contact with Ronnie though. He's our dad, from here on out. Any girl that grabs my eye in the future will think a convict for a father that we lost contact with will be better than the alternative. Really. You are safe." I smiled at him. Jess leaned over and kissed my forehead. "See. Nothing to be afraid of. We love you, 'Nettie," she chirped as she sat down in the chair. Noah squeezed my hand, adjusted his body, and faced the tv. Tyler picked up the remote "Tyler, one last question, maybe two," I voiced quietly as another tear fell. He put the remote down again and looked at me. "When your dad came and talked to us, you said that one day you would make me your wife, that you would never give up in trying. He gave you a check. Won't he be checking up on you to ensure you follow through? There was a lot of tension in the room. Do I owe you for saving me life? Because I feel like I do. I'm terrified," I confessed. Tyler stood up and walked over to my bed. Jess moved out of the chair by my bed and he sat in it. He scooted closer so I could look into his eyes, he spoke sincerely. Noah continued to hold my hand, but he didn't look at either of us. "Annette, I've already told you. I care about you in the same aspect I do for Jess. You are family. I could no sooner lay in bed -in a sexual manner- with you than I could with her. It would feel wrong. I'll cash his check, but we won't see a penny. I'll donate it all; you choose where. You have a very generous heart. One day, I'll meet a girl that I'll have to share my whole dark past with. Right now, I'm happy being single and reading the chemistry books I bought. I'll settle down somewhere once you are fully healed and Jess and Noah welcome Junior. I don't expect anything from you. I would love your friendship and for you to consider yourself my sister. But I don't expect your love or for you to want to kiss me or anything like that. This relationship is strictly platonic. With your permission, I will hold your hand, kiss your head, and hug you. I promise I can restrict it to intimate times like now, when it's just us, holidays, and birthdays. I'll even scare away any guys that you feel are threats; it'll be easier for me than Noah since you two are biological siblings. You're my sister and that means you are automatically pulled under our protection umbrella," Tyler explained. I smiled at him, released Noah's hand, and reached for Tyler's. He grabbed it and gave me an affectionate squeeze. "Thank you. I do appreciate you all of you. Noah, you've always loved me and had my back. Jess, I'm already starting to see you as a sister. A few times I have almost referred to you as Noah's wife. So by extension, your family is mine too. By the way, I'm really excited to an aunt - despite whatever I may have said before I blacked out at the complex. Tyler, I'm happy to have another big brother looking out for me. And you don't have to convince anyone like you told your dad you have to. I do love you too, brother dear. Thank you for letting me into your family. I love all three of you," I replied, squeezing Tyler's hand tighter. I laughed as more tears fell out of my eyes. "Okay, I'm done with the mushy stuff. Let's finish the movie." Everyone chuckled. Tyler stood up and gave me a side hug. Jess picked up the remote and pushed play. "You're never alone, sweet 'Nettie," Tyler whispered into my hair. I continued to hold his hand. "Can I sit by you?" I nodded. Noah patted my thigh tenderly and moved to the cot. Jess immediately snuggled into his lap. I dug my left leg into the bed, let go of Tyler's hand. and pushed on the bed with my hand. I bit my lip as I scooted over. "Careful," Tyler warned as he lifted me up by my waist, moved me over a few inches, and sat down beside me, his right leg was resting on the ground, his left leg was bent at the knee. I crossed my arm across my chest again, cradling my left arm. "Don't hurt yourself," he ordered. I gave him a slight nod and he adjusted the pillows behind me again. He leaned back into my bed and rested his hand in my lap. I rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and I closed my eyes, my hand fell limply to my lap. A short while later, Tyler squeezed my hand and shook my shoulder. "Hey, 'Nettie." I sat up, yawned and looked at him. "It really is like night and day; the difference between waking you and your brother. Your soft snores gave you away. They can't be heard unless we're sitting right next to you," he explained noticing my confused expression. I grinned and blushed. "The movie's over. Noah and I are going to take off. Jess wants to make sure you get a shower tonight. Do you need anything?" I covered my mouth with my hand as I yawned again. "No. I don't think so. Although, if you guys are leaving, I should probably get your help to use the bathroom again. I don't want to strain Jess or hurt the baby," I confessed. He chuckled and kissed my head again as he stood up and began to unfasten my machines. "You won't strain me any, sweetie," Jess spoke up. "Mikayla will bring us a wheelchair to help you move about. I've already discussed this with her. I can help you keep your balance as you stand up, then I can help lower you into the chair. I won't be doing any lifting at all." "Shall we?" Tyler questioned. I nodded. He pulled me out of bed so I was standing and embraced me. "A good night hug. We'll probably take off while you're in there. We'll take the balloons and animals, but we're leaving the flowers. You still need something pretty to look at." I grinned as I wrapped my arm around him. He backed away and Noah took his place. "I've missed this, No-No," I confessed. He kissed the top of my head as he rubbed my back. "Me too, 'Nettie. Me too," he whispered. He backed up and stood up tall. Gently he stroked my cheek. "They can happen a lot more often now, sister. I love you. Sleep well. I'll help you to the bathroom and we're out of here," he expressed warmly. I put my hand on his shoulder, stood on my toes, then kissed his cheek. He grinned at me as he swept me up and carried me to the bathroom. "Don't do anything stupid," he ordered as he put me down. I smiled at him. "Nothing you wouldn't do," I teased. "Good night. I love you. And thanks for not killing me. I'm sorry I put you in that position." He waved at me and left, closing the door behind him. After I finished using the bathroom and washing my hand, I called for Jess. She came in with Mikayla; they both had a chair. Mikayla set up a chair in the shower and Jess put the other one by the sink with a new set of clothes on it. Jess walked back out of the door. Mikayla looked at me and grinned. "Time for a shower, sweetheart. Then you can sleep for the night. I heard you were able to produce stool. Was it hard or loose?" I blushed, but she was just doing her job. "Little bit of both," I admitted. "Nothing abnormal I guess. Thanks." "Sure, sure. Come sit down. We'll get you ready for your shower if you're up for it," she spoke softly but her voice was mesmerizing. She gestured to the chair by the sink for me to sit down in. I obliged and she walked me through how to cover my cast as she did it. Then she showed me how to check for possible leakage areas. "Cradle your arm," she instructed. I did as I was told and she unhooked my sling. "We have a special sling you can take into the shower. Wearing a wet sling is no fun," she continued to speak as she took out my hair. I sat there quietly as Jess came back in the room with some shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a loofah, and a razor in a shower caddy. "I hope you like strawberries and vanilla, because that's what I got for you," she said apologetically holding up the caddy. I smiled and nodded. Using the suction cups, she hung up the caddy close to the chair in the shower. Turning back around, she looked at Mikayla. "How can I help?" "If you could, help her take her shirt off and remove the chest wrap. Annette. If you need anything at all, there's a call button on the wall here. Good luck. Please do not hop out of the shower, it will be quite dangerous and slippery. We'll leave you to it. Don't be afraid to ask for help," Mikayla instructed as she placed me in a waterproof sling full of holes. I smiled at them both and took a deep breath as they closed the door behind them. Using the chair as a crutch, I stood up slowly and finished getting undressed. I braced against the door and hobbled carefully over to the shower. Taking a deep breath, I turned on the water and watched it fall over the chair. "You can do this, 'Nettie. The water isn't rising. You're fine," I berated myself mentally. I shook my head and grabbed onto the chair and moved into it. The shower head could be moved and held, so I grabbed it and rinsed my my legs. The water was warm and comforting. I moved the water up my body. I paused when I came to my neck. My breathing became staggered. I closed my eyes as I lowered the water. "Come on! Again you are your own worst enemy. You are in control," I murmured; my voice wavered as I took another deep breath. I put the shower head on my back and tilted my head backwards, gradually getting my hair wetter. I held my breath as I got the top of my head wet, then I lowered the shower head to the floor. I dug in the caddy and began washing my body and hair. I sighed and picked up the shower head again and rinsed my body. Rinsing my hair was difficult since I couldn't run my fingers through my hair and hold onto the shower head, but I managed. I put the conditioner in my hair and let it soak while I shaved my leg and armpit. I tried to shave my left arm, but due to the pain, I only shaved it partially. "At least I can feel semi normal," I murmured as I rinsed the razor and put it away. I picked up the shower head once more and rinsed my hair. I hung the shower head up, braced against the wall, and stood up so my back was getting wet. Once again I grabbed the soap and washed the back of my body. I sighed in relief as I turned off the water. I felt exhausted. I looked over to the chair by the sink. It had a clean set of clothing for me and a towel. However, it was a good five feet away. I sat down in the chair again and yelled, "Jess, I'm done! Will you please bring my robe?" I heard her chuckle in my room. She knocked on my door, opening it a crack and putting her arm holding the robe in. "Let me know when you're decent. I'll help you to the towel," Jess remarked. I smiled as I grabbed the robe and had it covered my chest and hips. "Come on in, Nurse Jess. I don't like to be in the bathroom with someone but I would appreciate some help," I admitted in defeat. She came in with a small smile brought the other chair within my arm's reach. I grabbed my left arm as she took the sling off. She took a towel and patted my chest dry. "First things first. Let's wrap your ribs again. No ice this time," she grinned. "Oh Nurse Jess! Are you sure? I thought you said you never wanted to do that," I teased. "Well then I guess I'll do a good job but make it look like I'm a novice," she joked back with a wink as she turned around. I set my arm down softly in my lap as I covered my chest up again with the robe. "Oh! 'Nettie! Give me your hand! The baby's moving!" She beamed grabbing my hand and putting it on her belly. I grinned, but could hardly feel any movement. Her eyes lit up and she covered my hand with hers, so I praised her. "You have a very active little one! Thank you for sharing this with me," I beamed. She grinned back as she held the ace bandage in her hand. I sighed and removed my hand and lowered the robe as she began to wrap me up. "There. That should do it. Get dressed and hit your button when you're done. Mikayla will come in here with the wheelchair. You did good, sweetie. I'll do your hair when you're back in bed," she promised as she left the room. I smiled and slowly got dressed. When I pulled up my navy blue shorts, I hit my buzzer to summon Mikayla. "Jess, I'm done-ish," I said. She came back in the room. "I figured it'd be better to have you in here when Mikayla got in here. Plus I can't get the shirt on," I admitted softly. Jess grinned at me, nodded, and waited until we heard Mikayla open my room door. Jess then acted like she was pinning my wrap behind me. "Well done, dear!" Mikayla praised. "Just this one bad area, easily fixed. Also, it's better to have it stop in the front, that way Annette can fix and adjust it herself. Alright, Annette. Let's put this shirt on you. There we go. Now the sling and we can put you back in bed," Mikayla said gently as she helped me into the wheelchair. "You did well. With drowning victims, they usually take twice as long to shower. 45 minutes is fairly reasonable, sweetheart. I'm proud of you. I'll get your departure papers ready." "Easier said than done," I admitted as she wheeled me to the bed. "Thank you for your help." Jess smirked. "Okay, Annette. Stand up. Careful. I'm going to turn you around. Now sit down. Good. Can you pull your legs up on the bed?" Mikayla asked. I pulled my left leg up to my chest, braced against the bed with my right and left leg, and pushed myself into the middle of the bed. I tried to pull my right leg up, but winced in pain. I bent my knee and grabbed it with my right hand. Mikayla helped me ease my leg onto the pillow. "Very well done. Get some rest. I'll see you in the morning. The doctor comes in at six." I smiled and she left. "Well done, sister!" Jess praised as she blotted my eyes with a tissue. "You may end up surpassing the recommended healing time." I blushed and grinned. "I've always been a fast healer, but only about a week or two less than the average healing time," I admitted. Jess nodded and picked up a brush. "Who did your hair earlier?" Jess asked curiously. "Pat," I confessed. "He said I needed some form of comfort that didn't involve physical touch; no holding hands or hugging, just someone playing with my hair. It was nice." "It was a good ponytail and held well. I'm glad you let him play with your hair instead of trying to hide behind it. I'm also glad that you didn't do it by yourself. I'm going to give you two braids. Then if you're up for it, we can do a little make up. It will help cover these bruises and I can show you the beauty I see pouring out from your soul," Jess offered. I smiled. "Sounds fun. Just promise me we'll get a good night's rest in," I replied as I yawned. Then I bit my lip and held onto my chest. It hurt to do anything even remotely normal. "You got it, sister!" Jess exclaimed as she worked on my hair then did my make up. She took a picture on the phone Tyler left behind; the phone that now belonged to me. "Before I show you this, I'm sending it to the boys. You need to see what they say in response." I nodded, my braids bounced on my shoulder blades. I reached back and felt them. The ends tickled the middle of my back, but they were mostly dry already. "You look beautiful," Jess gushed. I blushed, looked down at my lap, and grinned. We talked for a little bit before she handed me the phone. Three messages were on it. "Wow! My sister is so pretty! Can't wait for the day when I can see you in person like this." -Tyler. "You're glowing 'Nettie. Absolutely stunning. Just like always." -Noah. "I love this picture. Thanks for sharing. You're a true vision. Keep your chin up doll. Things will work out. Sleep tight." -Pat. I looked at Jess with tears in my eyes. She took the phone away again and pulled up the pictures, handing it back to me with my picture shown. I studied it. I almost didn't recognize the girl on my screen. Her eyes were bright and filled with joy. Her smile went from ear to ear. There was a faint blush on her cheeks. While her face was still taut and sunken in, she was truly beautiful. I dropped the phone and brought Jess in for a hug. "Jess, you do amazing work. Thank you." "That's all you, 'Nettie. That is the face of pure beauty, freedom, and joy. All I did was cover your bruises. You are the one shining in that picture. Everyone can see how absolutely stunning you are, but you constantly question it. No more, you hear me? Own your confidence," she instructed. I nodded and squeezed your hand. "Thank you, Jess. Can you help me to the bathroom again?" I asked. She nodded and helped me. As she helped me back into bed, she tenderly patted my head. "I've been blessed with an excellent sister. I love you!" "I love you too. Come on. It's time to go to sleep. You've had a long day," Jess stated as she yawned. "Junior and I are ready. Sleep with your mask on for a little bit. I'm up about three times or more a night to use the bathroom. I'll take it off while you sleep," she promised as I snuggled into my pillows. I nodded and she put the mask on my face. She lowered my bed so I was laying flat and kissed my forehead again. She handed me Noah's bear then stole the fuzzy blanket off the foot of my bed and one of my extra pillows. I grinned at her as she dimmed the lights and went to sleep herself. Before I closed my eyes, I looked out the window at the stars. Mentally I said, "thank you for blessing me with such a great support group and family. Thank you for showing me love." I closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep.
© 2017 Lynaelee |
Added on November 24, 2016 Last Updated on July 24, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing