![]() 16. FreedomA Chapter by Lynaelee![]() ~Some explicit wording~![]()
"Annette. Oh, sweet Annette. I don't know if you can hear me or if you remember me. You can't stop fighting even though you won. Keep breathing. Keep your heart beating. We've had a few scares already. You need to wake up so we know you're fighting," a voice registered in my head; it was soft and kind. Was I dreaming? The voice echoed in my head and I couldn't place it. I tried to open my eyes to let him know that I wasn't giving up yet as he continued, "it's been about 52 hours since I gave you the pill. All the effects should have worn off by now; actually long ago. It's definitely lasting longer than it should."
"Pill? What pill? I didn't take a pill. Right? Why can't I open my eyes? Who is that talking to me? Do I know that voice? Ah! My body! So much intense pain. Why? Is someone sitting on me? Get off. Need air. No, that's empty space. Shoot! Am I tied down? Where am I? It's not safe. Move. Come on. Focus, 'Nettie. What's going around you?" I berated myself as I began to panic, causing some beeping beside my left side to increase. I focused on everything else around me. A hand stroked the top of my head, another held onto my right hand. My right foot was suspended or something as I felt air above and under it. My left foot had a weighted cloth over it. My left arm definitely felt stuck. I tried to stretch my fingers, but could only move my thumb; it tickled my right side. "Everything's wrong," I thought as I tried to focus on the soothing, low voice again.
"I'm glad you're still sleeping. You endured so much pain. I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm begging you, don't wake up just yet. Yes, I want you to, but not now. Please stay asleep a while longer," the voice pleaded in a whisper. "My dad found us, and what I'm about to say is for your protection. Lauren, Adam, Jess, and Noah are safe, but you and me. Well, we aren't out of the clear yet." The names clicked and I was able to remember what happened; I had been kidnapped and abused. Adam and Lauren were taken with me. Lionel had tried to rape me only to be interrupted by someone. He ran in. He saved me and... Tyler! I tried to squeeze his hand to let him know I heard and understood, yet I couldn't move. He continued to stroke my head. He sounded troubled and possibly afraid; not confident and sure like when I first met him. "I have to convince my dad I love you. I'm sorry for any misleading this gives you. You're my new sister. I told you I would protect you; no more pain. We're not going back." His phone chirped. He cleared his throat and voice got lower as he put his head next to my ear, his warm breath on my neck. "Jess just gave me head's up; he's here. I do care about you, possibly even love you, but in the same way I love Jessica. I don't expect anything from you. Forgive me for anything I may say, or anything that may happen. I'm drawn to you; that much is true. It's also true that I feel like I have to take care of you. Please stay asleep," Tyler begged in a mere whisper then kissed my forehead. Stay asleep. Okay. No problem. I couldn't open my eyes if I wanted to; they felt like they were sewn shut, taped down, then weighed down with a heavy cloth as it blindfolded me. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Please forgive me," Tyler repeated; it was so soft I was questioning if I heard him or imagined it. "So it's true," another voice entered the room. "You finally found a girl who stole your heart. At first I thought you were yanking my chain; there's no way anyone can have a pull like that. I watched the feeds, you barely spent five minutes with her before you talked to me. I saw Jess watching on the other side of that mirror almost every time. So I expected to find her here and you long gone. Instead, I find you whispering sweet nothings in her ear, and your sister is nowhere to be found. Pity. Well she's not my concern. I don't care about what happens to her. I'm curious as to the pull their family seems to have on ours. What draws you in? Do you think she would pull me in too? When I said I wanted you be a part of the family business, I wasn't implying bringing in a single family for my family to f**k." Tyler removed his hand from my head, traced my arm, momentarily released my hand then squeezed it; there was no pressure on my arm. "It's not like that! I'm not into incest. She's estranged with her brother and believes that he's dead. I've overheard him in control several times; he's convinced they aren't related at all. I believe it too. They don't act the same. Their eyes are both blue but her's are much more intense, and that's where the similarities stop. He's got more color in his skin tone - like he's a descendant of Greece, she's just pale - so pale, I'd just it's Irish blood coursing through her veins. Besides, it's not like I'll be laying with my sister or anyone she sleeps with. I'll be laying with the most perfect version of a woman I've ever met; one I hope to never share, but especially with you. She's laying here unconscious because of you! Why did you let him go back in there? I had just talked to you about that! What do you want?" Tyler snapped. "You better watch your tone, boy! You are not in charge. That was my business. Not yours. I told you lunch. You think she's perfect? I find that hard to believe. You talk a good talk, but I've never seen you walk the walk. I needed to see for myself. Some reason, all the sound files were corrupted on the playback. Why'd you stop Lionel from having fun? I was looking forward to see her naked and taken advantage of. I highly doubt you would ever give me the satisfaction of a public show, and Lionel always put on a good one. Oh! To see her bloody and submissive; it excites me just thinking about it. She'd look great in one of our cages, better yet, any bed: naked, bound, and gagged. Even the wildest spirits can be broken. She would have been a great trophy for Lionel; he's earned one. I love the way these training medals show up on her skin. It's a true wonder. These are the ones who are the most exciting to f**k or to watch get fucked. I need to know why it was stopped. Why didn't you let Barbie here be initiated into the world she belongs in? She wouldn't be an ordinary s**t; Barbie is every man's fantasy," the voice sneered with a hint of malice.
"Stop! Her name isn't Barbie! It's Annette! She's not every man's fantasy because she too high spirited and not submissive at all. As to why I stopped Lionel, I assumed it to be obvious to everyone; she turned my head. You know damn well that she is the only one who has grabbed my attention and not because I wasn't looking either. I had never seen someone so beautiful and then I heard that she wanted everyone's punishment! She's a rare breed and I wanted, no, I needed first go at her; in my own time, in my own room. No toys, no binds, and definitely not gagged. She has a beautiful mouth and voice; I would never restrict that. I became lustful watching her on my screen; I had to get closer. I played with the settings to change her voice, but no matter what I did, her laughter and musical voice was still echoing in my ears; I couldn't tune it out. That's something that should never be quieted. I told Lionel to back off because I knew that was his next play. I needed her to talk with me. I need to feel her lips on mine. The thought of her being in another's arms sickened me. Don't you see? I want her! More than I've ever wanted anything. He didn't listen. He almost killed her twice and I couldn't take it. I needed a chance with her. Her pull is unlike anything else I've experienced. I wasn't yanking your chain! I really want to take care of her. Everything about her draws me in. Her lips seem soft and supple. Her beauty is incomparable. Unlike the toy you're comparing her with, there is absolutely nothing fake or plastic about her, nor is she un-proportional She's captivating; I have to know more. How'd you find me?" Tyler asked, he was growing uncomfortable. Truthfully I was too; the heartbeat monitor confirmed it as the beeping seemed to grow closer together. Must not have been too unusual though; neither man commented on it.
"Oh? And when were you going to take her? She flat out refused Lionel. I watched. Surprisingly, he didn't force her; that consent rule seriously needs to be revisited. This s**t almost strangled him. She should have died in that tank, but he still wanted to play and was thinking with his di-" "She did what?!" Tyler gasped. The other man huffed impatiently. "W***e acted out and barely got punished for it. I thought I trained him better; a b***h is a b***h and has no say. They all need to be taught a lesson. He should have brought in more toys. So you still think she's the perfect mstch for you? Son of a gun! Of course you do. Damn. Thick headed like me. You know what you want. Damn proud of you, son. So tell me, will you force those supple lips around your dick? Or are they just reserved to be pressed against your lips?" There was a brief pause and lots of exaggerated, hard breathing. "Stop being such a p***y. I expect so much more from you. Ronald called from prison. You owe me two new henchmen," the voice seemed closer. "I owe you nothing! I'll take her when she trusts me enough to not shrink or flinch away from my touch." Tyler replied. "She's not flinching away from you now. Take her. Spread both those legs. Want me to show you how it's done?" "NO!" My mind screamed. "Get him away. Not like this. Please! It's for my husband. No!" "Go find one of your own girls to f**k. She's mine, but I want her to want to lay with me. However, I don't want it while she's hurt and unconscious; the hurt I can get past, but the unconscious. No! She deserves better. I had every intention of testing the waters with her that night, and maybe would have tried for a kiss, but I wouldn't force myself upon her. She should also remember it and want it. One day, I want to put a ring on her finger that shows the world that she's mine forever. I wanted a moment alone with her that night, I never got it. She was fighting consciousness. I'll doubt she'll remember me, but I can't leave her side now. I need to see her open her eyes. I need her to say my name. I didn't know I needed anything so much until she was approaching unconsciousness, as I held her hand. Her eyes met mine and I was floored; they are the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. I need to look in them again. I need to know she's okay. I want her to trust me. I won't hurt her by forcing my way on her." Tyler clenched my hand a little tighter, but his voice stayed even and gentle; I heard no hint of deceit. I imagined his face remained relaxed, but his lips taut in a thin line. Daddy issues were no fun, and stressful for everyone. I could taste the tension in the air; it was getting worse. I gasped silently. Every muscle in my body was screaming, my collarbone seemed to be holding fifty pound weights. I wanted to cry. Tyler squeezed my hand and rubbed my fingers as my machines began to beep louder. "Most of all, Dad, I want Annette to live a happy life. By my side is ideal, but I'll never force myself on her. When she says yes, then I'll do whatever I want with her, until then, she's got all the power," Tyler spoke softly but with conviction. "She's a woman. She has no say in what you do or want. If it'll make you happy to have her by your side than make her stay there. B*****s need to be told what to do. Give her an order and a firm hand. You'll rule her. F**k her. Beat her. She has no say in what makes her happy; it's all about you," the voice snarled.
"You're wrong," Tyler snapped. I heard him inhale several times deeply like he was trying to calm down. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze and continued, "that's why you are so unhappy and go through so many women. They're not playthings. They're people who have feelings too. I can't force her to do anything and I won't, but I will work with her to make sure she feels safe and happy too. I'm trying something new, maybe you should too. Is it so wrong of me to want the affections of one person who wants me in the same manner I want her?" A vise grip clamped my left leg, and I tried to squeeze Tyler's hand again. "Get your hands off of her. She's pure and doesn't need to be contaminated by someone like you." "Someone like me? You're not so pure yourself, sonny," the voice was growling. The pain in my left leg increased and a second grip grabbed me closer to my hip on my left leg. This time, I was able to flinch slightly as I squeezed Tyler's hand. He returned the squeeze.
"Never said I was. I'll own my mistakes, but you don't see them as mistakes or as people. If they cry or scream, the better it is for you. If they can make you a buck and get you off at the same time, again, that is what is best for you! That's not love! I want a real connection, someone I care about and love. Surely even you have felt passionate about someone, even if it was far from love. After all, you had the same woman carry two of your kids," Tyler raised his voice. "F*****g mini s**t was an accident. You were planned. Caroline is the only w***e who wanted to carry my child; like it's an insult or something. She was only mine to touch until I could confirm she was pregnant. Once she started to show, I threw her back to the w***e ring. I made it perfectly clear that if you were hurt, I would kill all the w****s. Then she confirmed you were a boy. I put the b***h on a sabbatical and took every precaution to make sure you came out healthy. It was the proudest day of my life when you were born and what an entrance you made. It was impressive to see how much more willing the w****s were if you were in the room; you loved coming to the office with me. Your sister was a damn accident. I told all the women to take f*****g precautions. Pregnancies ruin my income. There was four women, all about the same size with no markings on their bodies. All of them had a hood. Caroline happened to be the b***h I buried my c**k in. The fact that she went behind my back, kept the baby, and had a DNA test infuriated me, but it proved that the baby was mine; you two are the only kids I'm aware I have. To keep Caroline happy and her tight p***y coming back to my bed, she got to f*****g raise both of you. Jess should have been raised in the w***e ring. She'd be a damn good sl-" I heard the distinct sound of flesh being hit and the pressure on my leg was immediately gone. I suspected Tyler got a right hook in and my leg was grateful. "Finally a man at last. Never thought you'd have it in you to make me bleed." "F**k off! Just because I'm not a man like you doesn't mean I'm a p***y, coward, pathetic, weak, or anything else! I understand that Jess is just a b***h, but she's my sister even if she's never here to help me obtain what I need and want; she'd be an awesome wing-man in securing a girl's attention, but I'm on my own with this. Jess is not a s**t and doesn't f**k everyone who wants her to spread her legs so you will not call her that. I want the best for her, always have. That's why I wanted her to see the world; see Vegas, New York, and Niagara Falls for starters because that was her dream. Because she's family, a part of my heart will always belong to her, but never in the sexual manner. As for my mother, you clearly remembered her name, not her number or her assigned stripper name, so she obviously meant something to you. This beautiful soul took the rest of my heart and she barely even spoke to me! I want a relationship that we both cherish, and someone who will get pleasure out of seeing me. But more importantly, I want a girl who knows nothing of you and I don't have to share with every guy that walks through that place. Right now, she's the most perfect being I've ever come into contact with. You've brought a lot of women through that place, and none of them have shined as brightly as Annette. She never gave up! She couldn't be broken. Her wild and free spirit is unlike anything else. I'm staying here and I'm going to care for her. I can't go back not knowing if she woke up; it'd kill me," Tyler spoke softly and with conviction. "So what happens when she gets out of the hospital? She'll just walk away if you don't lay down the law now," the voice growled with a small hint of pride as a few tissues were plucked from their box.
"She goes home, finishes high school, and I'll date her properly. Eventually, I'll marry her and she'll carry my kids. I can't stay away. I'll chase her until she sees my devotion and returns it. If that place as taught me anything, persistence pays off. I won't hurt her; I don't want her to be afraid. However, NONE of that is your concern," Tyler stated flatly. "So you'll keep my grandchildren from me too? And what if she doesn't choose you? It's a possibility," the voice snarled.
"I'm not sure how many more kids you have in that hell hole, but yes. If Jess and I have kids, you'll be dead to them. They won't be missing much. I'll never give up on Annette. She'll come love me, and not out of pity or fear," Tyler admitted. Again, I felt myself gasping for air. The machines to my left beeped again. Tyler rubbed my cheek. "She's something else. I just need her to wake up and keep breathing. She's a fighter. I admire that about her," he murmured tenderly. "I'm impressed. I'm glad you found someone who makes you feel so alive. I haven't seen this much fire in your eyes in a long time. I hope she keeps this spark burning in you. I'll cover all of her hospital bills so you don't have to worry about it; I would give up every penny I had if it meant you were finally happy and ruling by my side. And this is for you both. Consider it an early wedding present." I heard some scratching and then a paper ripping. "We don't want your money," Tyler responded, confirming my suspicions; his dad had written a check.
"Take it, or I'll take her home with me. You can stay out since it clearly isn't your intention to help me find ways to make more money. That has always been consistent. I love my money as much as I love you. So I'll be damned if you don't take it and will keep your f**k buddy. I'll slit her throat if I have to. So choose both or neither," he snarled. The machines I was hooked up to started to beep frantically, I squeezed Tyler's hand again.
"S**t ! No! No! No! These damn oxygen levels! They won't stay steady on her," Tyler voiced in a panic as he let go of my hand. Something was placed over my head, covering my mouth and nose. "Just breathe. Please. Annette, stay with me," he begged as his voice cracked. He pressed his head against mine, cradling my head while his thumb caressed the hair above my ear and I felt a tear fall on my cheek. He grabbed my right hand and brought it to his chest. "Breathe. Come on! With me! I know you're unconscious but please breathe, honey. You're safe. You can't give up! Fight. Please, Annette! Breathe. I'm staying right here. Come back. It's okay." I tried to match my breathing with his, but his breaths were longer and it hurt. I counted instead. I took three breaths every time he took one. I squeezed his hand and took another breath and slowly let it out. One by one, the machines stopped the incessant beeping until the heart rate monitor beeped steadily. "Thank you, Annette!" Tyler whispered as he kissed my cheek; his breath tickled my ear. "Her subconscious listens to you?!" The voice sounded surprised. Tyler continued to stroke my cheek, but I'm felt him move away. "Maybe. I don't know, all I know is that she's fighting for her life with every breath that she takes. They already revived her once! I'm not saying good-bye and she's not going back. Just let me take care of her. Out here in the real world, no more complex or beatings. However, if she dies before I get to see those eyes or hear my name, I'll hold you personally responsible and hate you until I die," Tyler threatened. "I've tried to make people bow to my command several times while they slept, on several different s***s; it's never worked. You can care for her here; you clearly care more than I thought was ever possible for a bi- sorry, for a woman. I won't try to bring her back. I only ever wanted to see you happy and f*****g whoever wanted whenever you wanted. Your vision is much better and I'll happily give up all my money to see you like this forever; you've always been my greatest joy. You're both free. I'm happy to see you finally fawning over someone. I'll give you this, she's a hell of a catch and exactly perfect for you: feisty, strong, and a drop dead bombshell. Take this. Thanks, son. Someday, maybe I'll find someone to love me like that. I've always been proud of you. She'd be a fool not to say yes," the voice concluded as his footsteps echoed through the room and he left. Tyler removed his hand from my head, but held firmly to my hand; a chair was drug across the floor and paper crinkled nearby. I counted my breaths as the clock ticked; I couldn't focus and kept getting confused. Was that the second breath between the ticks? "Annette, you squeezed my hand earlier. Can you do it again?" Tyler whispered softly after several minutes. I squeezed his hand again. "Can you open your eyes?" I tried but they felt heavy. "Did you hear?" Squeeze. "All of it?" Again, I squeezed. "Are you mad?" I didn't move. "Thank you, Annette. Jess confirmed that he's gone and we're free," Tyler sighed in relief. I had questions, but was still unable to move my head, mouth, or eyes. Actually, aside from being able to apply a little pressure to my fingers so they flinched, I wasn't able to move anything. So I tried something else even though I was rusty. I stretched my hand flat, lowering my hand away from his, then tapped the bed four times. "What's up, Annette?" He adjusted my hand so it rested on his. I tapped four times again, paused then pressed down three times, paused again the tapped once and pressed twice. "Morse code? Really?! You really are full of surprises. Hang on. I need a cheat sheet. Thankfully, this phone has internet access. Go ahead." Once again I tapped four times. "H?" Pressed down three times. "O?" Short-long-long. "W?" Maybe I wasn't as rusty as I thought. Long-short-short. "D?" oops. I drew a straight line on his hand and tried again. Long-short-short-short. "Not D, but B?" Short-long. "A? Are you asking how bad, Annette?" I squeezed his hand. He chuckled. "Things are looking up, especially now you can communicate. Let me go get a nurse." Long-short. Pause. Long-long-long. He chuckled again, "NO? Alright, just for the moment. You're not out of the woods yet. You have a long road of healing ahead of you. The nurses were concerned about you waking up at all, and if you couldn't, well they would have just tried to ease your pain until you passed away. Ahem. Anyways. Now that you're awake -kinda- you just took the first major step of recovery. Based on what I overheard and what I understand, Lionel did you a favor by dislocating your arm. The fractured rib while still there, is no longer pressing directly against your lungs. Once you wake up fully, they're going to want you to cough, and I'm afraid it will hurt terribly, since you have three full fractured ribs and two more cracked. They're constricting your lungs, making all your breaths very shallow. You really aren't getting enough oxygen to your lungs, and your care team is fearing for pneumonia, if you woke up of course. I know you are having issues getting air into your lungs. Like I said, they really did have to revive you once already. You gasped quickly like you just did, then you stopped breathing all together; it's a good possibility that's why your machines started to beep, but I think he stressed you out some too." I squeezed his hand; he was correct. Tyler continued, "Jess did a good job diagnosing you and all your injuries from the complex. Of course there's the cyanosis, multiple bruises, a few concussions, the broken ribs, and leg; you knew about all of those. The only things she missed was a hairline fracture on your hip and above your ear. Unfortunately, there's nothing they can do for those; neither can be wrapped. You'll have a headache for sure, but it shouldn't take too long to heal. The hip on the other hand is a different story; it's really bad. Good news, it's on your right side so you won't be bearing any weight on it any time soon. Yesterday, you got a blood transfusion. You are seriously lacking some oxygenation in your body. You're doing better today. They want to observe you for a few days, up to two weeks, after you wake up, then you can go home." "Home. I don't want to go home. I want Noah! I can't go home. I don't want to stay here for two weeks either. I can't be here. I can't go home! I don't know what I can do or how I'll survive," I thought bitterly and in a panic. I tried to open my eyes again, but was still unable to do so. I tapped his hand three times, followed by a press. "Let's see, v?" Two taps. "I?" Three taps. "S? Visitors?" Tyler guessed. I squeezed his hand. "Not many. You've been here 46 hours, but unconscious for just a little more than 52 hours; your medical staff is, was fearing a vegetated coma state from you. However, you are breathing on your own, kinda; you still need help from the oxygen tank. Breathing on your own though is good and gives everyone hope. Your friends woke up a few hours of being dropped off, but I don't know exact times. If I had to guess, I would say they were only out for about eight or nine hours; they were released yesterday morning. They've been here three times since; they're deeply concerned about you not surviving. You're in rough shape. Truth be told, I was starting to wonder if you had it in you to fight any more. You're full of spunk though. One of your nurses is Lauren's mom, and Lauren convinced her that you don't like to be the center of attention. You were moved from the clear ICU walls to a private room. Which makes it possible for you to have more visitors, and for me to be in here longer. Lauren and Mrs. Malloy washed your hair when she got off her shift yesterday. I think you got a sponge bath and teeth cleaning, but I can't confirm that. Unfortunately, since those two friends are stopping by at random, Jess and Noah have to stay away due to the fact they might be recognized at any given moment and that could lead to problems. Noah did tell me to tell you to remember sting. That and play lots of Beatles songs." I squeezed his hand. I understood. They wanted to be here, but it wasn't quite safe yet. "Remember sting?" I thought in confusion. "Why would Noah tell me to remember sting? Like a bee sting? NO! Tyler also mentioned the Beatles! Songs. Oh, Noah!" I squeezed Tyler's hand again and would be giggling if I could. Sting sang It's probably me and Fields of gold; they were my go to chill-out songs and I haven't heard them in a while, so I hadn't even begun to sing them. I listened in the background but didn't hear any Beatles playing right now. Did Tyler have a CD player in here? I couldn't tell. I had no idea if I heard any music while I slept. I appreciated the fact that Noah was still trying to look out for me. Tyler was still talking, but I zoned out. "How would we explain Lauren and Adam"s escape? How were we explaining ours?" I thought. I needed answers and yet Tyler was still talking. "Take control of the conversation, 'Nettie. Get your answers now!" Before I could ask, I focused on what Tyler was saying as he continued, "it wasn't pretty. So what else do you need to know? Oh! Right. So Jess and Noah went to your work yesterday. They talked to a few people, telling them that you were safe and in the hospital here. There was a group of four that showed up yesterday; I watched from the down the hall as they entered your room; then I moved to the other side of the nurses station and watched for your own protection. They seemed relieved to see you. One of the guys nearly fell when he saw you though. Your father stopped by the desk only to ask them to let him know when you wake up." I scowled. "I saw that! Can you open your eyes now? You seem to be getting more motor functions down." I tried again and scowled once more. My eyes still felt heavy. Four taps, single tap, tap-press, three taps-single press. "H-E-A-V? Heavy?" I smiled, squeezing his hand. "That's not from me, I swear! The must have given you some anesthesia too. That stuff is nasty on the body, especially for someone who can't get oxygen to her brain," Tyler teased. I smiled. "It should be wearing off soon. You have some admirers. So far you have accumulated a bouquet of daisies, a bouquet of pink roses, a colorful display of whatever these flowers are, two get well balloons, and a giant teddy bear from your brother. Let me get it for you." He released my hand, walked around my room, came back to me, picked up my hand, and wrapped my arm around a large stuffed animal. I smiled; my brother had his sweet moments and then scowled. Unless Tyler held my arm here, this was going to be uncomfortable for one or both of us, I had no strength to keep it there. Tyler gently removed the bear so my arm could sit flat. Again, I squeezed his hand. That seemed to take less effort than using the muscles in my mouth. "Are you in a lot of pain?" I pursed my lips and thought, "define a lot. As of right now, it could be managed, ignored even if I tried really hard. You don't need an answer to that. I have questions!" "Annette, shoot straight with me. Are you in pain?" Tyler repeated. "I don't want you to beat around the bush. I know you can take some pain, but yes or no. Just answer. Two squeezes for no." I squeezed his hand once. It was fair to say, yes I am experiencing pain; my whole body screamed. I still had questions. I had to ask him about the escape story so I knew what to say when I woke up fully. I began to tap it out. "E-S-C-A-P? Escape story? Stick to the truth, that's what we told them through Ronnie. Well that's what we let them believe; Lionel tried to rape you, Ronnie stopped him." I had one more question I needed him to answer, so again I tapped it out. "U? That's all you're giving me?" I gave his hand a single squeeze. "Shorthand. You must be out of energy. Are you asking how you explain my presence?" I squeezed his hand again and he chuckled softly. "Well, that's a good question. Lauren and her mom seem to think I'm your boyfriend, but I haven't said anything to them other than you're more like a sister and I'm just checking up on you, making sure you're not alone. You don't have to lie on my behalf." I finally felt like I could open my eyes, so I did slowly. His eyes were on our hands, his phone beside my arm. I closed my eyes again and tapped out another message. He took the letters one at a time before he spoke again, "bro work bud?" I squeezed his hand. "Perfect response. Go ahead and get some sleep, Annette. I'll update your brother," Tyler said as he squeezed my hand softly and stood up, the chair scraping along the floor. I open my eyes again, squeezing his hand harder. He looked at me with wonder. "Hey," I croaked, refusing to let go. It hurt to talk. Everything ached. Short-long-long, pause short-long, pause long, pause short pause, short-long-short.
"Annette, I'm not leaving, but now I really have to go get the nurse. We have to take care of your pain. I'm sure you are experiencing quite a bit; they kept your morphine low with the hopes you would wake up. Please relax. No more panicking. You're truly safe," he murmured. I scowled. I released his hand and set my hand perpendicular on the bed, pinkie down. Then I made a C with my hand, my fingers facing my body, and tipped my hand towards me. "Ummm. I don't know that one. Please let me get the nurse." I scowled and tried again. Making a fist, I opened my pinkie and thumb. "Phone? You want my phone?" I smiled.a d nodded. He placed his phone in my hand. I went to the messaging app and typed under #1. "Water! Everything hurts, but I don't want more medication; it just puts me to sleep. Head feels fuzzy but surprisingly doesn't hurt bad. I'm hungry. Now you can get the nurse. Show her this but erase after this. Don't trust my dad. Scares me - like L. Maybe worse. Sorry about your dad. Happy you too are free." I gave him back his phone. He read it quickly and chuckled, hitting the delete button. He hit a few more buttons then looked at me.
"Hit send after each response. That way you won't have to repeat to everyone. This number goes to Jess, I'll let her know through Noah. I'll be right back, honey," he promised. A few seconds later he came back with Mrs. Malloy on his heels. He held a cup of ice water with a straw. I looked at it eagerly. "Hang on there, turbo! Check up first and you're still getting oxygen." I scowled at him and he laughed. "Hi, Annette. Do you know where you are? Who we are?" Mrs. Malloy asked me as she made my bed sit me up. I looked at Tyler and he handed me his phone before he put the water down on the table beside me and sat down in the chair again. "Hospital. Safe to say Missoula. You're Lauren's mom. Sorry I don't know your first name. She looks just like you; I've seen you guys together a few times at school. Him? I've talked to once over the phone. He works with my brother. His name is Tyler. I don't know exactly why he's here," I typed and hit send. She grinned at me as she asked fluffed a pillow behind my back. "Wonderful! It's Janell by the way and thank you. Do you know how you got here?"
"Not exactly. Last thing I remember is being thrown on the ground. 'You wanna play dirty? Let's play dirty' a vicious man had said before breaking my leg. Blackness surrounded me and I woke up here. Was he successful? Did he rape me? Is he coming back?" I hit send and showed her the phone with a look of concern. I knew the answers, but I asked anyway. I figured it would be best to play it like I was terrified. I knew it would be a believable sell and to confirm it, Janell's face seemed to lose color before she regained her composure and continued with her preliminary check. "We did a rape kit on you and no, you were not. You show no signs of bruising or penetration in that area, well in any area really. Just bruises from whatever they hit you, but no, you weren't sexually assaulted in any way. Apparently, the guy who drove you here shot the guy who tried. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Do you know what day it is?"
"No. The last time I looked at a clock was at work about two on Friday the 4th. Based on the meals I got, I'd say Monday the 7th I could cheat and use this phone for a time reference, but that wouldn't be helpful" I typed and showed her after hitting send. She frowned slightly.
"Fair enough. We'll worry about the date later. Can you move your arm or good leg?" Janell continued.
"No. Everything feels like it's stuck in sludge. I can just barely move my fingers. My body is screaming in pain. It hurts to breathe and move. I want to cry but don't feel like I can. Head and right hand is all I can move at the moment. Everything is stiff and sore. I could feel when you applied pressure to that leg. Didn't feel the pen on my right foot though," I typed and pressed send. I showed her and she nodded, so then I typed, "can I have this mask off now?"
"Your o2 stats look fine, so for the moment yes. Some loss of feeling is to be expected. Your toes flinched when I tickled them so I would assume that you'll get feeling back soon. Here have some water, sweetheart. You must be parched!" She cooed over me. I wanted to roll my eyes at her babying me but happily took a sip of water. I found it difficult to swallow, but the cool water felt refreshing on my throat. I took another drink greedily. "Not so fast. Your body has a lot of healing to do still." I glared as she took the water away. Tyler kept trying to hide a smile behind his hand.
I tried to speak but my throat still hurt. I picked up the phone again. "I know how to drink water! I'm quite thirsty and it felt good going down my throat!" I typed. "I'm sure it did. You received extensive damage to your torso and neck. If you eat or drink too quickly, you have a good chance it'll end up in your lungs. You have to take it easy for the first few hours," Mrs. Malloy explained as she touched my neck. I flinched and she removed her hand. Why did people have to touch my bruises? It's always been like that and it was never funny or comforting. I nodded. That made sense. "As far as we can tell, your trachea tubes are intact, but it's possible for more injuries to show themselves later. I need you to cough for me. You'll want to hold this pillow to your chest," she explained softly as she draped my arm over the pillow. I hugged it best I could, but could feel my arm slipping. I grabbed the hem of my left sleeve, causing me to wince but I ignored it as I took as deep of breath as I could coughed. Tears spilled out and I bit my lip. My lungs were on fire. She leaned me forward and patted my back. "Keep coughing, Annette. You're doing just fine. Okay. Thank you. That's fine for now. Your lungs sound clear, you are coherent, and able to track things with your eyes. I'll have the cook send you some food. I want you to stay awake for twenty minutes if you can. I understand you're in a lot of pain, but I need to know how everything is working before I can up your morphine. If I up it before I can get a clear reading on everything, it could put you in a coma." I nodded. She put the pillow behind me again, leaned me into it, and turned towards Tyler; my arm fell limply to the bed as I was unable to hold onto my sleeve any more. "Small sips. Don't let her do too much. Encourage her to rest. If she's awake, have her cough every half hour. And do not get her heart racing. I'll be just outside if you need me. Do not get anyone else," she ordered. "No worries, ma'am! Like I mentioned yesterday, I'm here on behalf of her brother; he wanted to be here himself but complications arose. He said treat her like my own sister. So I held her hand and whispered in her ear just praying she'd wake up. I'll make she she follows orders," Tyler sincerely said. Janell gave him a skeptical look. "Her brother is also dating my sister. That makes her family, another sister," Tyler stated. Janell smiled and left the room, closing the door behind her. Turning toward me, Tyler feigned distress. "As if I would get your heart racing! After all, this damsel in distress waits for no man! She's a very independent person and often steps up when others cower away." He grinned, I snickered and winced in pain. He became serious. "Sorry, Annette. I'll be good. Plus, I don't see you like that. I would never intentionally try to get your heart racing in the manner she -or my dad for that matter- was implying." He moved closer and gave me another sip of water. "You're a fighter, but with Janell, you just reminded me of a toddler not getting their way. Not that I've had a lot of interaction with little ones," he jabbed. I smiled and rested back on my pillow, yawning. I immediately regretted that as more tears leaked from my eyes. Tyler grabbed a tissue from the dabbed my eyes sympathetically. It was only then that I noticed the bruise on his hand and fingers. "It's okay to cry, honey. You've been through a terrible ordeal. You are strong, but it's time to let others care for you."
"I feel like such a baby and so useless! I don't like it. What about your hand? Are you okay? I see the bruise," I typed on his phone. Tyler read it, closed the phone, and looked me in the eye. He tucked a strand of hair behind my right ear. "Annette, don't you dare worry about me right now. My hands are fine, thank you for asking though. Right now, I want you to focus on yourself and getting better. I'm sorry that you feel useless right now, but you're not. You being vulnerable right now doesn't make you weak. Everyone needs help sometimes; especially when they're hurt," Tyler quietly remarked. There was a knock at the door and Tyler left my side to open the door. A different nurse brought in a tray with a bowl and two cups. I smiled warmly at her and tried to move my arm. She didn't notice and just put the tray down on the table on the left side of my bed before leaving the room. I shot a disappointed look at her back and Tyler snickered. "Toddler," he teased. I stuck out my tongue for a second, then grinned. "Let me help you," he offered as he maneuvered the table to sit across my lap without touching me. He took the lid off the bowl. I wrinkled my nose. I didn't want broth; I wanted actual food! Tyler laughed at my discomfort. "Looks like you're on a liquid diet. Broth, coffee, and cranberry juice. Here, take a bite. Or um, a sip. You really need the nutrients. Today is Friday the 11th and it's about 2:30. You ate three things while you were with us. I can't count the buffet we offered because you were unable to keep it down. I'm not going to hurt you, Annette. Just eat the broth," he insisted as he held up the spoon full of broth. I opened my mouth and let him feed me. A full week has passed? I should have had at least 14 meals, 21 was of course ideal. Counting the toast, I was at four meals for the week. No wonder I felt so weak and tied down. I studied my room while I ate. Tyler was keeping my gifts neatly on the table in the corner of the room beyond the foot of the bed. The flowers were beautiful, but I wanted to inspect them closer. The daisies seemed to form a small ball, the roses were tall and elegant, but the third bouquet captured my attention the most. White carnations, pink lilies, and yellow daffodils made up the large astonishing display. Tyler followed my gaze. "Jess has a habit of being a tad bit extravagant. She said you needed some color in here," he chuckled offering me another bite. "Beautiful," I croaked before accepting the bite. I continued to look around the room. Two curtain partitions were on either side of my bed attached to the ceiling. They met in the middle where I was laying. This room originally had two beds, but apparently I needed more equipment so they removed one bed. My right leg was in a cast -well more like a sophisticated brace- hanging from a sling in the air. The metal hook that held it up, attached to the side of my bed; I was right when I felt like it was suspended earlier. The blue hospital blanket covered my other leg and draped up to waist. Tyler offered me another bite, and I shook my head. I felt exhausted and full. "Done," I rasped as I pushed the table away.
"You moved your arm! Annette, that's awesome! Your drugs are finally wearing off!" Tyler beamed at me. A large portion of my right thigh was revealed. I moved my arm to try and cover it with the blanket but it just bounced off my leg and onto the bed again. "I'm glad you're getting your motion back, but please try not to hurt yourself. It's okay to take it slow. I'm here to help you," Tyler chided pulling the blanket down and around my hip and thigh, causing me to wince in pain as he touched my hip. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to cause you more pain. The nurse must have left in a hurry last time she checked your hip. Don't worry, I'm not in the room when they do a full check. They're making sure you aren't getting blood clots, although I'm not certain how they check for those," he explained kindly. I nodded, but tried to hide my blush on my cheeks by putting my chin down. My left arm was wrapped in a special sling that wrapped around my chest and looped over my opposite shoulder. Between my chest and arm was a small pillow. Even if I wasn't waking up -and my shoulders weren't being weighed down- from the anesthesia, I wouldn't be able to move that arm at all. I tried to flex my fingers again, but all it did was shoot pain up my arm and my thumb twitched. "That's a good color on you," Tyler smirked rubbing the area where my cheeks flushed. "You've been awfully pale lately." I grinned. "You know, for a surrogate brother, you sure are handsy," I teased. My voice came out cracked and hoarse and it surprised me. I cleared my throat and he dug in his pocket. "Take another drink of water, then you can have a piece of gum," he ordered. I nodded and obeyed. Then he offered me a gave me a piece of dentyne ice. I popped it in and he popped a piece in his own mouth. "It'll give you something to trickle down your throat and help your hoarse voice." I nodded. "Thank you. Are you sure you don't expect anything from me? Sure sounds like you want to date me when you told your father off. I know, it was all for our protection, but still. You were very convincing." Tyler offered me more water before answering, and I took a sip. He took a deep breath and released it slowly as he put the cup down. He reached for my hand and I let him grab it. He stroked the back of my hand with his thumb and looked me in the eye as he sat down. His eyes showed remorse and concern, but no longing. I let out a sigh of relief; I was grateful because I didn't want anyone to get close to me. "Are they still the prettiest blue eyes you've seen?" I teased. He grinned and shook his head. "You do have gorgeous blue eyes; definitely in my top five. Annette, I mean this when I say it. No, I don't want to date you. You're a remarkable person, but you really are just like a sister. Plus you are eight years younger than me," he began and I could sense his sincerity. "Let me explain. But forgive me, it's a bit long. I'll avoid some details, but unfortunately, it'll be dark and some of your worst nightmares." He looked at me, uncertain if he should continue. I had a fairly good idea what that place was about: abuse, sex, and death. I figured there was nothing he could say that would scare me away; I would still trust him. So I nodded so he could continue. "It's okay. I think I get it. Four at a time? I can only imagine what they made them do," I told him. He looked shocked but nodded. "Uh! Right. Guess you did overhear a bunch. I'm sorry about that. Ahem. So anyways, Jess and I have always been close, like you and Noah. Growing up, we looked out for each other. She was often scared of the new recruits my brought in; Lionel obviously was one of the worst. She had good reason to fear him; he killed our mother one night. She had the biggest heart I've ever seen and raised Jess and I; it's probably why Jess and I are so close. Mom's only downfall was that she was too willing to please others; it's how she was killed. It was similar that night with you, only he was successful in raping her. He tied her up for several days, making her dangle from the ceiling and starve. When he got bored with his chandelier, he'd move her back to the bed. Being suspended so long, she had no energy to fight and he got his way. Eventually, he got bored with her and strangled her to death. My dad laughed it off and promoted him. Annette, had you agreed, things would not have gone well for you. You would have been taken to his room, or the very least the room I've dubbed the slave room. There was so many places he could have suspended you in the air, lock you up in a cage or stockade, or bent you over a table and tied you down. He could have used shocking wands, choking necklaces, clamps, or hot wax. The list is endless and painful. I'm surprised his only method to try and break you was the water tank, but at the same time, I'm really grateful. In all reality, it's unfortunately the best case scenario," his voice cracked and he squeezed my hand. I gave him a weak smile, which he returned and continued, "I'm glad you fought him. I'm glad he didn't win. You have remarkable strength. Thank you for not caving in. So anyways, Jess and I steered clear of Lionel and I began to notice that people who showed public displays of affection were generally left alone. So that was my plan to protect my sister. I never crossed the line. Whenever we were in the same room, I'd tuck her under my arm and kiss her head. She would wrap her arms around me and kiss my cheek. I watched several girls get taken advantage of and beaten; it was considered normal. Part of me knew it wasn't right, but the bigger part of me couldn't turn away. When I was 13, my dad had me sleep with someone. The girl might have been 14 or 15, I don't know for sure. There was no boundaries there. They tied her to a bed and gagged her, leaving her naked. She had several faded bruises across her thighs, her breasts, and neck, but overall she looked fresh and pure. I was told to do whatever I wanted with her. At that age, you think it's pretty cool. My mouth and hands explored her thoroughly. I entered her and began to pound away. She cried the whole time, not once looking at me. I felt horrible and stopped. The part of me that knew that the lifestyle was wrong began to eat away in my mind and I couldn't do it anymore. I took off her gag, kissed her cheek, and untied her hands then left. I decided that night I would never cross the lines again without permission." He paused for a moment and collected his thoughts again. "Jess was seven. She heard me crying and came to my room. We embraced and I wept. She shouldn't experience anything like that night ever, but I knew her time was coming. I vowed to protect her and show her the love she deserves. The next day, Ronnie moved us to his wing. More private, less people coming in and out, and less torture devices; it was definitely the safer environment. Jess often fell asleep in my room with her head on my shoulder or lap, and I'd sleep sitting up most nights. That stopped about four or five years ago and she started sleeping in her own room again. We always helped each other feel safe. For her 18th birthday last June, I gave her the only present I could. I asked our Dad to let her out temporarily so she could see the world; he agreed and told her she could have one year but had to come back. I had hoped it to be permanent. She found your brother and fell in love and stopped moving; making it easier for her to be found. A few days after she left, Lionel transferred to our wing with the intention of having his way with her. When she didn't return, Lionel tracked her down and brought them both back by Christmas. She wouldn't come back without Noah; knowing Lionel would've killed him the second he had the chance to keep her in line and to make her lose hope for ever seeing him again. Lionel was so infuriated that Noah became his favorite punching bag; Lionel had a lot of anger towards your brother all because Jess kissed him. I held onto her as she watched him on the screen get beat up time after time under Lionel's fists. We never showed any real affection in front of him; just a shoulder squeeze or friendly hip bump every so often. He had no idea of our relationship until you told him Wednesday morning over the camera. Again, you were the only person who caught on in thirty seconds. Everyone else takes at least five years," Tyler jabbed poking me in the side softly. I tilted my head and gave him an apologetic glance. He ruffled my hair and continued, "so on January 3rd, during one of their sessions, Noah broke and told Lionel about the best person he knew: you. Lionel had a new obsession and would beat Noah until near death to find out more about you; Noah held out as best as he could. 'She's the best person I know. The only person who can change the world with her smile. She never seems bothered by anything. 'Nettie's my hero. She's on a whole other playing field, in her own world. She's mentally tough,' he told Lionel. Obviously that wasn't all; it's just what I remember right now, and I know for a fact that every single one of those statements are true," Tyler explained. I blushed and looked down, but he didn't stop talking. Slowly I raised my gaze again. "Jess and I gasped. We had never heard anyone talk so affectionately about someone. It was spoken with such conviction and devotion that we could only believe it and hope to know a connection like that. Lionel sneered and beat him to a bloody pulp, leaving him unconscious as he left the room. He made another remark to Jess and she had enough. She finally approached Dad saying she wanted Noah and only Noah. If Lionel killed him, she would take her own life. Dad agreed her happiness was worth her life; not because he cared about her, but because if one girl committed suicide in that place, three more would try. Since she was the resident medic, all the women looked up to her and Dad would have had an uprising and lost a lot of business. Now if a woman was killed in the bed of her current master, the rest of the women lived in fear of doing something wrong and it kept them in line. So with Dad's permission, Jess was able to keep Noah away from Lionel for about two months. Then Dad interfered; if Noah wanted to live here and be with Jess, he had to work. No more hiding behind closed doors. Ronnie delivered that message and found out how skilled Noah was on the computer. He was put under my care, but didn't need to be watched; Noah thought what he was doing was protecting Jess, probably more. We didn't really talk. Now, Lionel had strict orders directly from Dad to let Jess have her fun and not to physically harm Noah again. The stipulation was physical; Lionel still had permission to mentally and emotionally torment Noah with the implication that Jess would be his forever if Noah committed suicide. Lionel tried everything to get Noah to follow through. He even crossed the lines a few times where there was no cameras and hit or smacked your brother, never in a spot to leave a noticeable bruise: his chest, thighs, stomach, and so on. Noah was constantly belittled by Lionel and more. It bothered him sure, but Noah is tough and deeply loves Jess; he would never hurt her like that. Jess kept their room locked up, and thanks to Noah, they could only get in with their fingerprints and a drop of their blood; so Lionel couldn't even sneak in and kill your brother then make it look like it was a suicide. This pissed him off. It's something you and your brother have in common; pissing off a man who is always so confident and arrogant. I've never seen him so rattled. He's off his game. He's not used to not getting his way all the time or having to work so hard for it." I lowered my gaze again and held back a snicker. Tyler squeezed my hand and I looked up at him. "You're turning bright red. Do you want me to stop?" I shook my head. "Sorry. I was just trying not to laugh. I told Lionel it was healthy to be told no. Then I said even spoiled snobs don't get their way all the time. I mean it's fair to assume that they've been told no at least once," I replied. Tyler chuckled softly. "Can you read people that well all the time?" He asked, his eyes growing in surprise. I bit my lip and gave him a half shrug. I tried, sure, but often figured my readings off in some sense. "Um, well kinda. I typically know who can be trusted and who can't be. You're still here, I haven't kicked you out, and I let you feed me. So I think you're pretty decent and must trust you some. Did I read you right?" I demanded. He nodded and gave me a small smile. "Thank you for that. So anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! Well to try and get under Noah's skin, Lionel focused on you; you were his new obsession. It wasn't long before Lionel was sending one of Dad's goons to the restaurant you worked at once a week, always a different person so you wouldn't get suspicious. I caught on in mid-April. These goons would come back with a report on you, sometimes a picture, and Lionel would rub it in Noah's face. There was one guy who laughed and said you would be easy to break; you thought everything was your fault even if you did nothing wrong. It's one of the main points they try to teach: girls are always wrong and need to be punished. This guy tried to see how far he could get you to go. He made you tip a whole tray of glasses on yourself; he said you apologized and brought out fresh drinks," Tyler explained. I blushed as I vividly recalled that day. That guy had helped me clean up and kept trying to dry my shirt. I politely told him to back off and continued my job. I also had to take his steak back three times. The third time I brought it back, Pat caught on and had me write him up a whole new ticket and not return to the table again. The rest of my shift, I was out of sorts, fearing I would mess up again. Besides that table, I had three more major mistakes that day and I cried on my drive home feeling like a failure. I shook my head as I realized Tyler was still talking and I wasn't paying attention any more. "I had one bargaining chip left, but to say I fell for a dude would never go in that place. I would have been castrated; that would have been best case scenario, but also the least likely. So Noah was safe kinda, but Jess was a mess and while he recovered, she fell asleep on my shoulder again. I cared for Jess, she cared for Noah, he cared for you. So while Jess tried to comfort Noah, she couldn't. He felt guilty giving Lionel a new obsession and was hopeful you two never met. Four months ago, Jess was able to send you a postcard from Noah. She had to sneak it into the mail because personal notes are not allowed to be sent away. And it helped their relationship immensely; she got pregnant," he chuckled on the last part. Then he paused and took a deep breath as he looked down. I smiled and gently squeezed his hand, refusing to say anything so he could finish. He gave me a half grin that disappeared quickly and continued. "Jess told me as soon as she was sure and we began to plan our escape. Something I had been working on since before she left. When she was gone, I tried to figure a way out myself. When she came back, most my plans halted, but then I started figuring out how to get both of them out. Obviously I failed." I squeezed his hand again. He wasn't a failure and to have so much burdened upon him wasn't fair. He wiped a tear that was starting to fall from his eye. "Well, Jess just started showing in the last two or three weeks and Lionel flipped. He had to make Noah pay and you were the prime choice. Not knowing exactly where you lived, grabbing you from work was his best choice. He spent a little over a week there, figuring out schedules and such. Thursday night, he returned and picked up Ronnie and went back. You know what happened next." Tyler looked at me apologetically. "I don't hold anyone responsible except Lionel," I spoke quickly before he said anything else. Tyler squeezed my hand, leaned forward, and tucked a strand of hair behind my left ear. "You should hold us all responsible; not one of us protected you. Noah was the only person who was never alone with you at any given time. I was responsible for hooking up the electronics for your questionnaire session then putting up the dividing walls; the four of you were in the same room at the same time. Your brother had spoken so much about you I really felt as if I knew you. Then I saw you laying on that bed, all I could think was 'what if that was Jess?' It made me choke back a sob, and I absent-mindedly stroked your hair, a move I had done thousands of times with Jess to comfort her. It was in that moment that I knew I cared about you too. I watched closely on my screen as you all answered the questions, but my eye was drawn to you. You happened to be the only one who wiggled free of their ties, well gag. My first thought was you wouldn't be as easy of a target that the one goon had assumed you would be; you fought from the very beginning and it made me proud. I wasn't sure how to go about protecting you, but I knew I wanted to. When Jess stopped Ronnie from hurting you further, I knew we had to get you out too. He stopped - not because she threatened to tell Dad. No, Ronnie only stopped because he pretty much raised us and he respected her. He didn't know at the time that you were Noah's sister. When he returned and you continued to laugh at his attempts, you won him over too. Of course you pissed him off and were unable to move, so I had Noah send your friend out while I went and talked to Ronnie. He felt guilty for hurting you. He felt fatherly over you too, another stray; he didn't feel like you belonged in a place like that. You were different and he didn't want to see you get hurt again, knowing it was inevitable. He expressed everything. He knew that I was planning on getting Jess out for good. 'You're the only reason she'd ever come back. So if Jess leaves, you do too. Annette needs us too. I'll drive you all away from here when the moment is right. Protect them. You have the power to stop Lionel.' His words were true. I knew this and agreed; I planned on using my final chip and the reason my authority was still in place: the chance that a girl could turn my head. Dad wanted me to be intimate with someone or multiple someones, and time and time again, I told him that I wanted to be with one woman, so when I found her, I would use that chip. After Ronnie told me to protect you, I told him you were Noah's sister and that I could never be with you in that way, but I would protect you. You're worth it. 'It all makes sense now. This isn't going to end well. You have to stop Lionel,' Ronnie instructed. I did, but not until he succeeded in drowning you. You heard that the feed was cut off-" "-after you told me that you were going to look- no! Take care of me, not look after me. No more pain," I interrupted. Tyler nodded. "Yep. I fixed the code after Lionel was shot and I told you that the first time; I said it at least twice but I understand if you don't remember. So Dad knows nothing about what happened after I told you that you were safe. He didn't hear you call me out as Jess' brothers. Nor did he hear that we were coming to this place until after Ronnie called him. All he could see was that I cared, and I do. In front of the cameras, after Lionel drowned you, I told him to back off. I knew that Dad would look over any and all footage to see if I ever expressed the desire to know you. I told Lionel while we filled up our coffee that I was drawn to you ever since that moment getting ready for the questionnaire, and I was going to test the waters the next day. I went and told my father the same thing; I felt like a little kid asking to take the car for a joy ride for the first time. He granted me permission and said he would be watching to see my approach. My plan was to take it slow and keep you safe. I would have had an actual meal -nothing fancy- with you if all went according to plan. No pain or fear. I would earn your trust, get you out of there safely, and send Lionel on another path. Unfortunately, my dinner plans were spoiled when he jumped the gun and attacked you before lunch. I was planning our date and trying to figure out what you could eat that would give you the most nutrients since you threw up Jess' offering. Had I been at my station in the control room, Lionel never would have gotten you out of that room again. I missed most of what happened, but I walked into control as he took his pants off. I immediately turned around and ran towards you. I paused long enough to knock on Ronnie's door screaming, 'it's now!' He stopped at Jess's door before coming to help me. I had no idea Ronnie planned on killing him. You were going into shock, so I calmed you the same way I would've with Jess," he explained, sitting on the bed, moving my hand across his lap holding it with his left hand, and tenderly stroking my cheek with his right hand. I leaned into his hand and closed my eyes. "I remember thinking no more touching. I tried to push you away," I replied. "You did once. I was proud of you. You remained calm, but your breathing staggered and your eyes, well, you could only open one the other day, so your eye seemed like it was going to pop out of your head. You kept closing it, and I needed you to stay awake, so I kept touching your face. Even in your weakened state, you still managed to surprise me with what you noticed. You called us out as siblings and you had only seen me for a minute. Nobody gets that unless we tell them. My heart soared and I felt a thousand times more protective of you. When Jess came in and stroked your hair and kissed your forehead, I knew she felt the same way. You are family; we protect each other," he stated and I opened my eyes as I sat up again. "So, I'm sorry if I'm a little handsy, but I really do care about you. It will always be in the platonic way, but if you want, I'll love you with less PDA," he promised as he stroked my cheek again. I leaned into his hand, squeezed the hand that was holding mine again, and whispered, "Noah was never big on affection. The few times he was, was exactly like you described: a side hug and a kiss on the top of my head. This is nice. Thanks for having my back. Sorry us little sisters put so burdens filled with strife and worry on you big brothers." Gently he pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. "You're not a burden, little 'Nettie," he murmured. I giggled and gasped in pain. He set me back cautiously and handed me a second pillow; I hugged it to my chest. "Unfortunately, now it's time to cough again. You're not allowed to get sick."
"You may have earned the right to call me, 'Nettie, but if you continue to cause me pain, I'll rebuke that right," I teased as I wrapped the pillow to my chest, leaned forward and coughed, spitting my gum onto my bed. Tyler grabbed it with a tissue and rubbed my back gently. After a minute, I sat back. "Ow! This sucks," I exclaimed. Tyler grinned at me and ruffled my hair. "You're tough. Noah's right, you have remarkable mental strength. I expected you to cry when you woke up. You shouldn't be laughing and joking right now, but yet you are. You can pull through. I'm going to leave this phone here with you. Noah and Jess both have numbers programmed in there. Jess is saved under #1. Noah is saved under #2. Get some rest. I'll be back later. Sadly hospital food just isn't for me."
"I get it. If I wasn't confined to the bed, I would want to leave too," I confessed as I settled into my pillow and yawned. "Ow! I have got to stop doing that!" Tyler grinned and lowered the bed so I could lay comfortably. "I"m going to talk to the nurse before I leave; she should be coming back in here soon to up your morphine. Take care, sister dear. Text Noah when you wake up and I'll come back," Tyler promised. I nodded and tucked the phone under the blanket close to my hand.
"No rush, brother dear," I mimicked. "I have got to be the most boring companion. And yes, this pain sucks, but I'm okay. I don't want any more morphine. Sleep is calling again. I hate being confined to bed, but I hate being drugged more." "You got it. I'll see you again soon," he promised as he grabbed my bear and made it do a little jig before wrapping my arm around it. We both chuckled and he kissed my forehead again and left. Somehow this whole experience had been a blessing. I now had two new siblings who cared deeply for me and they had Noah to help guide them. I was the most protected little sister ever. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. For once, I knew I had nothing else to worry about at this time. © 2017 Lynaelee |
Added on November 14, 2016 Last Updated on July 14, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing