![]() 13. *Dark clouds*A Chapter by Lynaelee![]() ~Abuse warning. Explicit wording~ POV change, backtracking, story extension.![]()
Noah was devastated to be so close but so far away from his sister. He had to make a bed in control because his job was to monitor every word, moan, groan, and hiss of air that Annette uttered. At first, he refused to write anything down. There was no way he could endanger her more. Lionel fumed. Internally, Noah was smirking. "Look! It's not like she's saying anything anyways!" Noah had snapped, partially relieved that they let her sleep her concussion off all day and part of the next. "She had a concussion! There's nothing to write down," he insisted after Lionel threw the empty notebook at him then smacked his head. Lionel pointed to the computer screen. "She's not sleeping now, boy! She's up and moving. Safe to say, she's past the f*****g concussion. Not to mention, I don't see a damn word written down about what she said when Ronnie and I visited her. I know for damn sure she spoke then. I need to know what the f**k she says. All the time. That b***h. Ooh. I'm too caught up in the moment in that room. I need to come back and look when I have a clearer head. Like now. Instead all you do is f**k off and piss me off more," he bellowed. Noah slunk in his chair and nodded. Lionel glared at him then looked at Annette on the screen as she was working out and humming. Noah looked back at the torture room, for the moment, all of those cameras were black and Noah didn't want to know why. "Let's go see your sister then, boy. She clearly wants to move around," he sneered. Noah looked at him before turning his gaze back to his sister on the screen. "Let's show her why she's really here. After all, she deserves to know how we found her. No recording necessary." Noah bit his lip and thought it over. "You'll let me see her?" He asked hesitantly. "But of course," Lionel remarked with a sly smile. Noah took a deep breath and nodded; he would take any chance he could to see his sister. Lionel grinned and pushed Noah out of the way so he could look at the computer. "Tyler! Get your a*s up here," Lionel yelled over the intercom. He turned and looked at Noah. "15 minutes, and you can come see her," Lionel ordered. Noah nodded and headed to his room. He embraced Jess from behind and gave her a passionate kiss as she turned towards him. "Thank you! What was that for, love?" She asked pulling away from her sewing machine and turning her body so she could face him. "I can see my sister! Lionel granted me permission. In 10-15 minutes," Noah cheered. Jess grinned and embraced him. "That's wonderful! Enjoy your time with her. I'll see you after a bit. I'm probably going to lay down for a bit since I was up most the night snacking. I'm just so tired and the pregnancy has barely begun! You need too see it. I know you miss her terribly," Jess replied. Noah nodded and rubbed her belly tenderly. "Almost one full year; eleven months, one week, and five days to be exact and I can finally see and hold my sister again; it's long overdue. She's been in their custody for 42 hours. I've been anxious since I found out in hour number one. I think some of that anxiety can dissipate once I see her," he exclaimed. Jess smiled and shook her head playfully. Noah kissed her again and pushed her into the bed. "I love you, Jessica," he whispered. "Love you too, Noah. Use the bathroom so your time with her won't be interrupted. Now, go see your sister," she replied in the same tone. Noah pulled the blanket around her, kissed her belly, and headed to their bathroom. After a quick shave and using the restroom, Noah all but skipped down to the torture room. Lionel was in there pacing and smiling. He turned his fierce gaze upon Noah, causing Noah to freeze. "I told you, boy. You can see her. Now sit your a*s in that chair," Lionel barked pointing to a solitary chair in the room. Noah looked around the room. A tank filled with water was to his right and a bed was set up to his left. Noah shook his head as tears threatened to fall; he would not partake in making his sister do either of those. Lionel pulled out a remote and pushed a button, causing Noah to convulse to the ground. "I said sit! Or you can leave and not see her again." Lionel yelled. Noah nodded and climbed into the chair, his muscles still spasming. He couldn't bare the thought of not giving her one proper farewell. He really messed up when he left. He had to apologize for the mess they were in. He had to explain to her that this was all his fault. Most of all, he just had to see her. Lionel sauntered over and immediately tied his hands behind his back, followed by tying his feet to the chair legs before he released the button. "If she really is as selfless as you say, boy, this shouldn't take too long. She'll happily lay with me just so you won't suffer in pain," Lionel growled. "Enjoy the show. Either way, I'll have fun." Noah swallowed back some bile that was threatening to spew. "No you won't. 'Nettie will never give you what you want," Noah spat. "Oh but she might. I have you. And you, you f*****g piece of s**t, you will keep your words to yourself. I'd rather not hear you speak. She needs to give consent so I suppose you can say a few words to her. Nothing about the complex or our arrangement. Watch your words or I'll slit her throat," Lionel threatened as he walked over to her door. "Tyler, open that damn door," Lionel barked and tapped his foot impatiently as Annette's door opened. He leaned against her doorframe and spoke to her softly. Noah took this time to work on his ties. He needed just a little bit of wiggle room, not to escape - that would put his sister in more danger. He needed to be able to communicate with her. Luckily, his back was towards the mirror which meant if she was in a position to see his hands, they could talk. He knew that she had a better time reading the signs then he did; if anyone could read the signs backwards, it would be his sister. He kept his eyes on Lionel's back as he moved his hands up and down, trying hard to not be obvious. He had managed to get some slack in his binds and could sign freely. He sighed and waited; Lionel barely budged. Finally, he stepped aside so Annette could step around him. She gasped as she looked across the room. "Noah! You're here!" She exclaimed, overwhelmed by the joy she felt as tears fell out her eyes. Noah nodded and replied but kept signing. "Come on, 'Nettie! See this," he begged mentally. Only once Lionel pinned her did Noah get the response he was looking for. His muscles locked and fought against his ties as Lionel shocked him repeatedly, but now 'Nettie was here, he wouldn't give up; she needed the full picture. He made sure she understood what Lionel was asking, as the color drained from her face, he knew she did. "You can do bett-ah!" He yelled. "You can do better, 'Nettie. You deserve better. Hold your breath. Don't sleep with him. It's bad but you've seen worse. Just don't give in. While you have your voice, you have your life. That's all I know. I can't lose you. Choose the water. Please," he pleaded mentally, but was unable to look up to see her thought process as he continued to convulse in the chair. "Don't make it worse," he signed in a warning after Lionel finally released the button. Noah sighed, knowing she would now feel the need to goad Lionel so she could protect him somehow. Noah shook his head subtly. She couldn't protect him. He took a deep breath when he finally stopped twitching -an unfortunate side effect, an aftershock per say, of being shocked- and met his sister's eyes. She was crying and asking for his forgiveness, but Noah knew this was the way she had to choose. He snarled all sorts of profanity at Lionel through grit teeth while she was under water; his words had almost no effect on Lionel's rage. When she emerged, Noah was curious how this would go, but he never thought she would be the one saying good-bye. "It should be reversed! 'Nettie, I'll always love you! This isn't good-bye. I'll get you out," he thought as she told him to shut up with her hand. Noah was pleased that she had upset Lionel enough to only get dunked twice, and then turned his rage upon him. Noah didn't mind if his sister was safe; it was his job to protect her and he would call this a win. He spent an additional two hours in that chair getting zapped for thirty seconds every 10-15 minutes as Lionel's sadistic personality emerged more and more. When he wasn't zapping Noah, he was taunting him. "Are you going to start taking notes for me, boy?" Lionel sneered. Noah shook his head. "I won't let her get hurt," he growled. "You don't have a choice!" Panting, Noah looked him in the eye and spat, "I did tell you. She wouldn't comply." "If you're dead to her, than you will help me use her own damn words against her. That b***h will learn compliance. And you will watch every second until she does. Until she's mine or you're dead, you will do as I say," Lionel ordered as he zapped Noah again. "If I refuse?" Noah breathed as he looked at his feet. "Then I'll tie you to this chair permanently and have someone else take notes for me. Ooh! I know the perfect option. One zap of this and Jess will do whatever I ask her to. She'll be chained to her chair too and both of you will watch that pretty little blonde bend to my will." "Leave Jess out of this," Noah spat. He knew Annette could take the pain, but he couldn't let Jess experience it too. "No. If your sister won't break you, then I'll just have to get creative. Either way, I expect you dead no later than the end of the month. Annette, she. Well. Let's just say her days are limited too. It's only a matter of time before she becomes a s**t. Two birds, one stone. You take your own life and I'll end up with two b*****s at my beck and call. And both just happen to be the women you care about most in your pathetic life," Lionel sneered as Noah rocked in his chair. Again, Lionel zapped him. "Ooh! I struck a nerve did I? Good." "It's no wonder that you are constantly getting turned down; your charming personality speaks volumes," Noah huffed through gritted teeth as he convulsed in his seat again. Jess entered with a scowl and untied Noah as Lionel finally pocketed the remote. "I'll do it,
Lionel. I'll take the damn notes," Noah breathed as he glared across the room. Lionel smirked and folded his arms across his chest. "You had your chance. He's off limits, or should I go talk to Daddy? After all, I'm allowed a play thing too," Jess huffed.
"She won't be around forever, boy," Lionel threatened. "Only your dad and brother outrank me, sweetheart. The only reason you get this sniveling rat is because your dad believes he makes you happy. What a load of bullshit! I'll leave him alone for now, but he will watch his sister suffer. You can have him for now. I may call on your assistance yet again, boy. She's already passed her two day limit to comply. Things will be getting interesting soon, and she will suffer. We won't feel too bad if she dies either because I'll still get my way," Lionel sneered as he stomped out of the room. "I'm calling him, Jessie girl. We'll see about play things," he yelled over his shoulder. Jess helped Noah walk down the hallway to their room. Tears flowed freely from both of them as they sat on their bed, embraced in each other's arms. "Stay here with me," Jess begged as she laid back. "He can't hurt you any more." "I'll be fine. My leg still is tingling and has sensation. Truth be told, I'm not worried about me; I'm worried about Annette. If I don't sit at the computer and write down every word she mumbles, he'll make you do it. I can't let you suffer either. But my sister! I can't protect her. I'm failing. You. Her. Everyone. She has the purest heart I know. She doesn't deserve this. I shouldn't have agreed to see her. She said good-bye,.Jess! I can't lose her! How can I help her, baby? I can't lose her," Noah sobbed into her shoulder. "We'll find a way. I've seen your strength too. You both are amazing. It hurts me to see you in so much pain. That and these hormones makes me an emotional mess. I'm here for you; both of you. I'm going to talk to my brother. I'll see if we can up her pain medication or food intake or something. It'll be okay. It's only 10am, and you haven't been sleeping well. You can go back after lunch sometime to look after her, and that means writing in the notebook. I'm sorry, babe. I'll do everything I can to help," Jess promised with a reassuring smile as she snuggled into him. Together, they cried themselves to sleep. They were rudely awaken as they heard Lionel screaming in frustration as he passed their room. A shrill scream followed his screams. Jess pursed her lips. "Sounds like Lionel didn't get Daddy's blessing with Annette and he's taking his anger out on one of his extra women," she said with disdainful sigh as she looked at the clock it read 1:27pm. "Now I think we both have work to do. Annette's strong. She can hold out. It's an unwritten rule, if they make it a full week and never comply or cry out for mercy, they are granted freedom. She might be the only one capable of accomplishing that feat," she stated as she pecked Noah's cheek.
"I know. But I wish she didn't have to suffer," Noah replied as he gave Jess a full kiss. She looked at him sadly and left, unable to find the words to comfort him; she even knew that it was a long stretch that there would be any follow-up on this rule, but she wasn't going to tell her boyfriend that. Noah took a shower then reluctantly headed back to control to watch his sister. He couldn't tell what Lionel did -and the footage was erased from the torture room as he saw Annette leaving her room and being escorted back in from the camera in her room- but she kept scrubbing her face every time she met her eye in the mirror. The minutes slowly ticked by; Noah became more hopeful and anxious with each passing hour. Annette never gave up hope and that gave him the encouragement he needed. She hummed while she worked out. She paced the room. She tried to sleep, but no matter what she did, Noah could tell she was struggling. He looked at the time. It was now Monday afternoon, just after 4:30. Annette was really messing with his sleeping schedule. "74 hours, 'Nettie. Hang in there," Noah whispered to the screen as Tyler finally left control, but he didn't know if she could. He could see her smile was starting to become less and less; it no longer met her eyes. To top it off, he watched idly as she was being starved -by only getting one rice cake about every 32 hours- beaten, neglected, now frozen, and even more severely sleep deprived. They were really trying to use everything they could to deprive her. When he was alone, however, and she would grab her water glass again, he made sure she had good drinking water; and she took advantage of it filling it up three times or more. It was a small victory in his eyes; at least she wouldn't die of dehydration but everything else may still kill her. His suffering intensified as eventually she just gave up and curled into a ball. "Come on! You got this. Stay strong, 'Nettie," he encouraged mentally. He sighed and leaned back in his seat after checking up on everyone. When she slept, Noah thought he could try too, but he always rewound the footage and lined up his notes with what she said, making sure he wasn't missing anything. When he could tell his sister would be out for a while, he finally put his own head down on the desk and closed his eyes. "Give me that notebook, boy," Lionel sneered as he walked in the room, startling Noah awake. Noah looked at his sister and grinned; for now she was sleeping and getting some much deserved sleep. He turned back around and handed Lionel the notebook before biting his lip watching him read over it. "Stretching. Pacing. Humming. Smiling. What the hell is that?" Lionel smacked the back of Noah's head. "She's just being herself," Noah muttered. Internally, he grinned. "I need something to break her with! Not disappointment about no color on her f*****g toes or anything else like that. I need to know how to stop her. What will it take to convince her to lay with me? A dead brother didn't do the trick and she called me a coward for using you. Ha! Even your own f*****g family knows what a pathetic piece of s**t you are. She won't see another damn friend. You had the opposite effect I desired. 'I got closure.' Seriously?! What will it take? I need her to break you. I f*****g need to f**k that sweet little piece of a*s you knocked up. God! When you're gone, the baby will disappear too. Although your sister is a sweet consolation prize. Give me something good, or so help me I'll cut off your fingers to use against her. I'll be back. You have a few hours to get me something useful," he snarled over his shoulder as he left. "Watch him closely," the other tech warned; his low -but not gruff or deep- voice didn't seem to match his tall frame and quiet personality. Noah looked at him in shock. "Sounds like he decided he needed a beer run." "Great. That's just what 'Nettie needs," Noah muttered rhetorically into his hands. "Thanks, Ty." "You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything. She's a fighter. I doubt he can break her," Tyler replied softly. Ronnie walked into the control room as he sipped on his coffee. "You," his deep voice boomed, demanding attention and putting fear into all who heard it. Noah sighed and turned around, but Ronnie wasn't pointing at him. Noah looked over at Tyler sadly. Tyler looked up at Ronnie and nodded. "Find me a rope and bring me a five foot pole. You know exactly what I'm talking about," Ronnie ordered. Tyler pursed his lips and looked back at the screen. "It's that or I break every f*****g bone in her body. She broke my hand; she needs to pay." Noah turned around and gasped, pleading with his eyes to Tyler. Tyler looked at him sympathetically and left the room. Ronnie walked over and put his hands on Noah's shoulders as he looked back at the screen. "She's limber. That's exciting and this is going to be a very good night indeed. Excuse me. I have a date with that lovely young lady there," Ronnie noted as he left the room. Noah noted the time in his notebook: 8/7/06 11:18pm - R vis. Noah's stomach churned when he saw the bamboo rod. He vomited into his garbage can when she lay face down willingly. The welts appeared immediately, but she kept laughing. Noah had a hard time writing what she was saying and was grateful there was no camera angle to see her face right now. "Your sister sure is something. She needs to stop laughing though; she's infuriating him more. I'm impressed, but I'm sorry. The bright side is the rod is usually better than the possibility of broken bones. You need to take care of yourself or you won't be able to help her," Tyler remarked looking over Noah's shoulder as he put down a glass of water for him. "Here. Let me take notes for right now. You can rewrite them yourself later. I'm sorry, man. I'll even send her some food right now too so she has it when she goes back into the room," he murmured softly as he took the notebook away from Noah, went back to his own computer, and watched his own video feed. He kept looking over at Noah after every wack to see how he was holding up, but his face was glued to his own screen as tears fell silently down his cheeks and his hand rested on his screen. Tyler paced the room when Ronnie hit her multiple times in a row, feeling sick himself as Noah threw up again. Finally, Ronnie threw his rod across the room and Tyler sighed in relief. He brought a few napkins over to Noah and rubbed his shoulder again. "I've never seen anyone make Ronnie upset or make him leave the room. You should probably release one of the other prisoners. I've seen people not be able to walk after two wacks from his rod. She's got at least a dozen. Oh, but you should probably mention a few ground rules. Offer the prissy girl a hair brush. Since Lionel's away, stop recording what she's saying during this time, but you'll have to record if she cries out in pain; I have a feeling whatever she says here he would happily use against her. I won't shock you; I think you've had enough of that. I can see you two were close. This is one way you can have your sister's back again."
"Thanks, man," Noah said sincerely as he took the notebook back from Tyler and tucked it away. Then he finally took a sip of the water Tyler had brought him earlier. He turned on the intercom in Lauren's room. "You are free to leave your room momentarily. We will give you a hairbrush if you follow these rules: no telling what you see through your mirror, do not mention how bored you are, and no entering another person's room. When your doorway opens again, you must immediately return to your room. Do you understand?" Lauren looked surprised and then nodded. Noah held his breath as he watched them interact. Annette's body language gave him the impression that they didn't care for each other. When Annette smiled warmly and Lauren returned it, he started to breathe normally. "I admire her for still smiling," Tyler praised. Noah nodded but didn't acknowledge him in any other way. After ten minutes of conversation, Tyler caught Ronnie heading back to the control room on the camera. "Muscle," he warned softly as he moved back to his computer and hit a few keys. "I'll figure out a way to stop him if we need more time. Take care of your sister." Reluctantly, Noah opened Annette's door. Lauren surprised him as she gave Annette the rod and assisted her to the room. When Ronnie was filling up his coffee, just beyond the control room, Noah opened Lauren's door. Annette still had a few feet before she was in her room, but he couldn't risk her getting in trouble for somebody else in the room. Lauren threw the pillows into the room and bolted to her room. Noah grinned. Annette now gained some comfort items, and a weapon if someone approached her. Of course there was the high probability she wouldn't defend herself; she wasn't violent. "It's a victory," Tyler whispered. "I can only send that little tray; the opening is too narrow for me to get any actual nutrients to her. It's not much, but I hope it helps." Lauren disappeared down her hallway as Ronnie came into control, still fuming. Looking over Noah's shoulder, he snickered, "she's having issues walking. That's wonderful. Why in the world is she still smiling? D****t!" He threw his coffee at the door frame as he left.
"Your sister is making friends everywhere," Tyler chuckled. "It's nice to see those two rattled for a change. I hope she gets the rest she deserves," he remarked as Noah closed her door again. Noah gave him a small grin and watched as Annette sat down, placed the pillowcase over her arms and lay down. As soon as she was asleep, Noah took care of his smelly garbage can and cleaned up the coffee mess on the wall. He settled into the cot in hopes of getting some rest himself as Tyler nodded at him and left. "I'll wake you in a few," he promised over his shoulder. Noah nodded but wasn't counting on getting much rest himself. He was up before she was which surprised him, but he wasn't going to complain. After taking care of his needs, he moved back to his computer with a heavy heart and watched his sister. When she woke up again, she did her routine: use the bathroom, wash her hands, clean up any blood, and stretch all her limbs and muscles. She bit her lip and moaned softly has she stretched, tears leaking out her eyes. She massaged her legs and bit her lip, trying to blink back tears. She gave up and curled up on the floor. Grabbing the closest pillow to her chest and burying her head, she let out a muffled scream. Noah sighed and wrote that down with the time. She found the tray with the rice cake and pink pill, but didn't move to eat. Her hands scrunched the pillow and Noah looked closer, she was signing! "What does that pill do?" Noah didn't write that down as he watched her. Slowly, she sat up, looked in the mirror, and sighed. "Today is going to be a good day. I'm alive. I'm strong," her voice cracked. "I can get through this. I've seen worse," her voice was barely a whisper. "Show me your best, Sunshine. Your dimples can change the world." She smiled, but her eyes were completely dull; something Noah had never seen before and it scared him. Thinking back to her question, he knew he had to answer it; she was still trusting his judgement. "Hey, Tyler. You're responsible for sending in all the extra items and everything on their trays, right?" Noah asked. Tyler nodded. "What's the pink pill on the tray?"
"If I understand it right, Jess ordered that we care for her. So her brother made a nutrition based painkiller. All natural ingredients, and will give her a full day's worth of nutrients that she's seriously missing out on now. I don't know how she's still standing and smiling. With the cardboard she's been given to eat, she is getting nothing. She should be passed out, and not waking up. I hope she takes it. Regardless, I don't care what they say, I'm sending her a pancake or two and some juice in a flat ziplock bag or something later." How could Noah communicate with her, without communicating with her? She had to take the pain meds. It was for her own good. Just then Jess walked into control. She greeted Noah with a kiss.
"Good morning," Jess exclaimed with a smile. Noah looked at the clock. 9am, Tuesday morning. His sister had been here 91 hours; it was too long. "How's my patient? Has she taken her medication yet?" Jess asked looking at the monitor. Noah shook his head. "Turn on the intercom please. Thanks, love." Speaking into the microphone, "Annette." On screen Annette looked up. "Please take the pill and eat. You won't have any side effects. You'll feel like you have more energy and your pain will be dulled; it's a high power opioid without any of the side effects. With the temperature in there, you should be able to use the porcelain off the sink or toilet as an ice pack. I understand it's awkward, but this is the best I can do for you right now." Jess nodded and Noah turned off the intercom.
"Yes, Nurse Jess. Sorry can't call you 'doc'. That's Ronnie's hand. He's got his own patients to take care of, starting with the professor," Annette replied with a smile. She popped the pill in her mouth and moved towards the sink, sitting down and leaning against it to ice her side and head.
"Thank you!" Tyler mouthed as he let out a sigh of relief, Jess nodded but mouthed the same thing back to him; Noah missed the exchange. Out loud, Tyler chuckled, "well at least she still has her sense of humor intact." Everyone grinned. Jess wandered over to his station. "What are you working on now, Tyler?" "Food for Thing One and Thing Two prisoners; they get food every 12-18 hours and right now, they must be thinking it's lunch time. Ham and cheese on white bread. Then, I'll make us some bacon, fried eggs, and hashbrowns! Unless your baby wants something else?"
"Actually, a bacon cheeseburger sounds pretty good right now. Ooh! And a milkshake. Oh! And mozzarella sticks," Jess confirmed. "Thank you." "Not a problem. Noah, what can I get you?" "I'll pass. I feel guilty eating when she's not," Noah stated pointing to his screen. "Keep fighting, 'Nettie," he whispered. Jess began to protest, Noah swung around in his chair. "You and the baby have my portion in the room. I'll be fine," he insisted, nodding to Tyler to just have her food delivered there. Jess nodded and Noah turned back around. He looked at all his screens and scowled. The GPS showed Lionel was approaching the complex. "Here comes trouble. Jess, darling. Lionel looks to be on a warpath and he stayed away all night; you know that can't be good news." Jess came back to his computer and looked at the van's feed. She nodded in agreement, kissed him, and left. "I'd get him some food pronto. He's most likely highly intoxicated, hungover, and angry. Crap. That's a nearly empty beer bottle," Noah remarked as he switched the screens and watched Jess walking down the hallway. "Jess, love, please get somewhere safe and quick," Noah pleaded. "I already sent his food to his room. Can't guarantee he'll go there first. Let's hope he stays away from both your women. Things are going to get messy," Tyler replied. Thankfully, Lionel went to his room first. "I've got to catch some more z's, man. Take care." Tyler yawned and headed to his room. Noah nodded and closed his eyes too just for a bit. He set an alarm for an hour and a half. Pleased that all was still quiet, he moved to the got, with bells set to go off if Ronnie or Lionel made an appearance on the cameras closest to the torture room. Two hours later, Lionel made his way down to the prisoner chambers, causing all bells and whistles to alert Noah of his presence. Noah quickly moved back to his computer and took several deep breaths as he looked at the angry man on screen. Pressing the button on the wall to enter the torture room, Lionel grinned viciously and crossed the room quickly. He looked up at the camera that was hidden under the lights. "Get me my pretty, little play thing." He was now standing outside her doorway, tapping his foot impatiently. Noah looked at Annette's screen; she was pacing with a severe limp back and forth, one hand on the wall, the other out for balance. Her cheeks were wet and her legs were shaking. The rod was on the floor by the mirror, she had just made it to the wall with the door. Noah pursed his lips; she was safe behind that door, but if he didn't comply they would kill him then her. "NOW, BOY!" Lionel hollered. Reluctantly, Noah pressed the button that opened her door. She was just about to lean on it to turn around. She tumbled and fell at Lionel's feet. "Anxious to see me, sweetheart? Fantastic," he sneered as he brought a foot to her left side, kicking her further away from her room. Noah closed her door before Lionel noticed her pillows and she got in even more trouble. "Actually, no. You're drunk for starters. And your mood hasn't improved either," Annette spat, grasping her side as she tried to sit up, heaving for air. "So you do want to get your hands dirty after all! I'm so proud of you," she teased as she stood up. She was still gasping for air, and looked like she was ready to collapse.
"No. I just want you to take your clothes off," he proclaimed. She shook her head and he slapped her. "Don't you ever learn? Fine," he spat. He tackled her and rolled her to her stomach; Annette didn't put up much of a fight much to Noah's disappointment. Taking some twine out of his pocket, Lionel tied her hands together. Then he tied her feet together. Her knees bent back slightly and he tied them together too. He connected the twine from her feet to behind her hands, and up to her braid. Then he weaved the twine back around. Finally he tied her individual fingers together. Annette wouldn't be able to wiggle her way free. "Let me know if you change your mind, sweetheart. It's completely acceptable to try and wiggle free; it's quite sexy," he hissed, watching Annette for a bit and rocking her hips with his feet. Noah cheered as Lionel scowled; Annette wasn't giving him the satisfaction of trying to escape, nor was she shifting her hips for his pleasure. Lionel walked over to the water tank and opened the lid, came back to her, rolled her over and picked her up, one hand under her knees, the other behind her shoulder. He began to carry her over to the mattress and murmured, "this can go one of two ways. You can come lay with me on the bed right now. We'll put those lips to use, or-" with her neck was fully stretched out and her head tipped backwards, Annette managed to spit on his face interrupting his monolog. "You little b***h. It's time for you to learn some manners," Lionel snarled as he dropped her on the ground, changed directions, grabbed her feet, drug her to the water tank, harshly threw her in the tank, and closed the lid. "NO!" Noah shouted, pounding his fists on his desk. He could see that the water level was lower today and that there was a chance she could get some air while in the tank. Unfortunately, Annette couldn't move and was too short to reach the end of the tank to give herself leverage. Bubbles appeared 38 seconds after she went in. Lionel opened the lid, grabbed her by her shirt to sit her up. "Care to take off your clothes now?" She coughed and shook her head. He stuffed her back under, his hand resting on her chest. Again, Lionel held her under until he saw bubbles. He forced his lips on hers, and offered the same choice. Once again, Annette chose the water. While she was under, Lionel groped her chest. He would pull her out and let her rest for two minutes, propped up against the edge. "I can make this stop. You didn't have to choose the hard way. Your core has got to be ready now," he snarled in her ear and kissed her cheek. He placed his hand on her thigh and rubbed between her legs. He moved to kiss her lips and she bit him. "B***h!" Lionel yelled and made her head collide with the edge of the tank as he held her under. Ten seconds later, he sat her up. Lionel positioned her head over the corner of the tank. Annette took several deep breaths as he angrily paced the room. He came back over and spoke softly to her as he caressed her cheek, "let's have fun another way. Come on. It's much more exciting. Or do you need more inspiration like candy? I have so many fun things to show you." Again Annette shook her head and Lionel's fist connected with her cheek as she was thrust back under the water. Noah paid attention to her eyes on camera. She would have a headache but didn't appear to have a concussion at this time. "Keep fighting, 'Nettie," Noah pleaded internally. He watched this go on for hours. While he was grateful she was never submerged for over a minute, he felt stuck. He wanted to help her, but wasn't sure how. If he left his post without permission, he would be shot on the spot. He didn't want to risk using the electric charge under the floor because he wasn't certain if the barrier would protect the water from the charge, therefore protect his sister. Plus, Lionel was in constant contact with her. Noah used his garbage can on several occasions; this whole ordeal was making him sick. He admired her spirit, but could see she was losing the battle, her eyes were beginning to lose their flame. Noah wept, "don't give up! Come on, 'Nettie." Every time she came out with a smile, even if she was coughing and sputtering, it made Lionel even more mad and Noah grinned but wished it was over. If she could say something, she would. Things like "this is the most exciting bath I've ever had." Or, "good thing I like water, I was getting dehydrated." Or even, "so this is how I'm going to look when I'm old like you. Will I be attractive all wrinkly and gross like you?" The last one pissed Lionel off the most. "Death it is," he growled and he held her under until she stopped moving. No more bubbles came out. Her eyes were closed; Annette finally gave up her fight and Noah sobbed as he stood up and braced himself on the desk. Lionel stood up and watched her bob underwater for a minute, then he looked at the camera and sneered, "told you, boy. I'll break you, even if it took her to do it. I'll chat with you later, if you're still in the room. There's a beam above your head. Your computer cords will reach. I think you know what to do," Lionel implied as he looked back at Annette. "Pity. She would have been a great trophy, but I'm looking for bigger fish to fry." "Let her out," Noah begged as tears fell down. He hit the table. It was useless; nobody could hear him. Yet he continued to yell, "Let her out! PLEASE!" Lionel asked to leave and left her in the water. Without hesitation, Noah simultaneously opened the mirrored door and Adam's door while using the microphone spoke into Adam's intercom with a brief, "run! Now!" Adam looked at the mirror, sprinted through his hallway with his fist clenched. Noah closed the main room door and opened Adam's hallway door. Adam had a look of determination on his face like he was going to hurt someone, instead he found Annette in the water. Noah checked the other camera for Lionel; he had just reached his room and went inside. Noah let out a sigh of relief and looked back at the torture room cameras. Adam now had Annette on the ground and was performing CPR. She still wasn't breathing and Adam gave her two breaths, before returning to chest compressions. "Fight, 'Nettie! Fight," Noah begged. Adam breathed into her mouth again. "COME ON! You have to live! 'Nettie!" Noah screamed at his screen. Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him, slowly he turned around. Ronnie stood there with a questioning look on his face. Tears spilled as Noah hastily explained as he looked at the clock then at his computer screen again, "Lionel got drunk. He held her under on and off for four hours. The last one, she stopped moving. No more bubbles came out of her mouth. He left her there. I had to do something. I'm sorry. I couldn't just let her lay in there. It's my sister! She. She can't go out like that. Lionel killed her. Oh, 'Nettie. I am the worst brother in the world. I deserve your ghostly wrath. Please," Noah sobbed as he looked back at the computer screen and rested his hand where his sister was. "I failed you, sister." Tyler walked in as Noah finished, crumpling into his chair and sobbing into his hands. "Relax, Noah," Ronnie ordered, in slight shock. Noah looked back at him and was surprised that Ronnie looked pissed. His deep voice when used softly made it hard to hear what he was saying, but Noah leaned forward as Ronnie began to speak again, "it is not up to him to decide whether or not to kill her. You're fine. Good call. Look. She lives." Ronnie backed out of the control room, Tyler had fury in his eyes as he disappeared, and Noah put his hand on the monitor where his sister lay sputtering, while the boy worked on her binds. Noah smiled weakly. She survived this time, would she next time? "I can't lose you, 'Nettie. I failed you. I'm sorry. I stole 99 hours from you and I don't know if or when it'll stop. I can't expect you to go through 70ish more hours of this just to be granted freedom. You shouldn't be here. I'm so, so sorry," he whispered as he put his head down and wept. *****
© 2017 Lynaelee |
Added on November 8, 2016 Last Updated on July 8, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing