![]() 10. AwakeningA Chapter by Lynaelee![]() ~Abuse warning~![]()
I woke up stiff, sore, and with a blinding headache. Before opening my eyes, I stretched each muscle and limb to see how bad it was; I noticed my arms touched a wall on either side of me, but I had movement of all my muscles. Slowly I sat up, opened my eyes - squinting against the bright light, and took in my surroundings. The room was tiny, barely four feet across, possibly seven feet down, and seven feet tall. I couldn't remember which way I came in for there was no door for me to reference by and all of the concrete slabs had the same divided marks in them. I scooted to the closest wall and braced myself against it; it was one of the longer sides. To my left, in the corner was a toilet. A opaque black curtain hung beside it. I opened the curtain slightly, it connected to the ceiling and moved in a circular formation around the toilet. While it offered some privacy, I could still see through it. To the right of me was a mirror. Somebody would always be watching me. I stood up and moved closer. A plexiglas barrier was between me and the mirror; I wouldn't be able to break it to try and escape.
I studied my appearance. Last night had been brutal, but not one of the worst nights of abuse I had ever experienced. My hair still remained in a ponytail on top of my head. My left eye was swollen shut and deep purple. On the left jawline, I traced a bruise that had a bright yellow ring on the outside, green inside that, with an almost black center. I winced as I applied a little pressure to see if any bones had chipped away. I couldn't find anything wrong so I went to the next injury. My right temple had been bleeding turning towards the sink directly to my right -on the same wall as the toilet- and I turned on the faucet. Only cold water ran out, and it was brown; there was no hot water. I sighed but stuck my hand under anyways, washing the blood that dripped down my face I uncovered another bruise on my right cheek, this one was so light in color, I almost missed it. "It would heal quickly," I noted mentally. When I got to my lips, I hissed as I drew in a sharp breath. The blood that was caked here wasn't from my forehead. Gingerly I washed my lips and found a soft purple bruise that got darker the closer it connected to a cut on my lower lip. Finally cleaned up from all the dried blood, I rinsed my hands again. Shaking off excess water, I then dried them on my shirt and continued to study my appearance. Four small bruises appeared on the right side of my neck, a solitary bruise on the left. I took my left hand and lined up the fingers as close as I could to the bruises, I tipped my head back and saw the line that connected them. I sighed and dropped my hand to my right shoulder. This bruise was the length of my hand twice. Gently I poked feeling for anything that wasn't normal, bone chips were at the top of the list. Slowly I rotated my shoulder forward and backwards. This was most definitely my stiffest joint, but there was nothing wrong. I knew I at least had a broken rib, but I refused to take off my shirt to assess the damage. In the mirror, I looked at my right hip. It was stiff and felt like it was locked up. I lifted the corner of my shirt up. A blue and black bruise peeked from my waistband in my shorts. I rolled my shirt down again. My right leg seemed full of bruises. The hemline of my shorts made the two bruises closest to it stand out even more than they should since I could tell that they weren't too dark to begin with. My right calf had a deep purple bruise. The right shin was bloody. I washed it off. It looked like somebody had taken a grater to my leg, but for the most part was just fine and would heal quickly as well. The bruise on my other calf was the smallest of the big bruises. A tint of green surrounded the purple. My wrists and ankles looked pink with a touch of purple. I pursed my lips; the way these colors were looking meant it had been at least a day since I received them. I shook my head, figuring there was no way I had been here a full day already. I started to laugh as I continued to stare at my feet. Even though I was bursting in pops of color, my bare feet revealed my plain toes and I wished I had painted them. I looked back up to my eyes and smiled. "The sun has set - I think. I mean it would be logical that the sun has set. I'm still standing tall. I can still breathe - painful but still. I am alive. And I'm more concerned about plain toes than various bruises. Today was a good day!" I mumbled to myself as I moved away from the mirror, and sat down against the wall next to the only other item the room: a tray with a single Quaker rice cake and an empty, glass that was chipped and missing a chunk off the top. I took a small bite of the cardboard substance and placed it back on tray, my stomach gurgled but I wasn't that hungry. I took my hair-tye out and wore it on my wrist. After shaking my hair out and massaging my scalp, I relaxed against the wall and closed my eyes. After a while, I opened them again and used my private bathroom. Unfortunately, the toilet paper provided nearly dissolved when I touched it. I sighed. When I was dressed again, I flushed, opened my curtain and walked to the sink. I couldn't find any soap, so I gathered some dirt from the corner of the floor, added a little water, and scrubbed until my hands felt raw. Then I rinsed them. Not how I preferred to clean them, but it would do for now. As I was beginning to sit back down, a door close to my bathroom opened. Ark stood in the doorway with a vicious smirk. "Hey there, my precious sweetheart. It's time for fun. Step into our office," he demanded. I smiled back at him.
"Today's going to be a good day! I get to meet my friends again? Wonderful!" I said enthusiastically with a smile as I walked past him. Looking at Ronnie, I asked, "do your fists have names? I think friends need a good name." Ark rolled his eyes and shoved me forward. I stumbled a few feet, but caught my balance before I hit the floor. I now stood a foot away from Ronnie. I straightened up and grinned at him. His left fist flew at my left shoulder. I rolled into the blow, and heard a satisfying crack. My left arm went numb, but I still had motion in my hand; I was pleased with the result. "How does Bartholomew and Terrence sound?" I asked as he yelped in pain, shaking his hand and trying to flex his fingers. His middle finger didn't move. Anger flashed in his eyes as he side swept my legs, and I fell to the floor. My head hit first. I winced slightly and mused, "should've have left the ponytail in. It would have provided some cushion. So that's a 'no' on Barty and Terry? Okay. How about Fred and Bob?" I was dizzy. I rolled to my side and looked at the room; it was completely empty now. Slowly I sat up. I looked up at Ronnie and grinned. "Ronnie! Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked in mock concern. "B***h!" He boomed and slapped me across the face with his right hand. I laughed. He slapped me again. I continued to laugh. "What's so funny?" He demanded.
"Nothing. I just like to laugh," I responded. "Or maybe I want to see how the mood in the room will change with one person so negative, one watcher, and one person full of positive energy. What about Danger and Thrills, those are awesome names," I ventured as I stood up, despite the constant slaps. "Do you have to speak? Most people I hit just cry. I want that," Ronnie countered angrily as he punched my chest and face again. I gasped in pain and spit some blood out of my mouth. He scowled as it wasn't the reaction he wanted. I giggled and looked over to Ark. "How's the show? You've gotta have the best seat?" He too scowled as I stood up tall. "Oh! Ronnie, make this an action shot! Make me spit the blood across the room," I taunted. His face bunched up in anger as Ark came up behind me and pressed his body close to mine as he snaked his right arm onto my shoulder and caressed across my neck to the other shoulder. His left hand held both of my hands behind my back. My first reaction was to try and flinch away from him. His blew into my left ear and whispered, "want the mood to change in here?" He began kissing down my neck and on my left shoulder. "We can change it. I can make all the pain stop," he crooned as his right hand traced the outline of my shirt. I squirmed in his arms, thankful that my tank top wasn't a low cut. "Uck. Statutory rape? That's your play? I didn't figure you for the pedophile type, Ark. Aren't you like 50? Ew. I admire you trying to take on some dirty work, but why don't you just leave it to the professionals? Hey Ronnie, are Grease and Slime ready to play? They're more my type," I remarked with a grin as I stomped on Ark's foot; it did nothing as he was wearing steel toed boots. Ronnie forced his middle finger to bend as he balled up his left fist again and hit me on the right cheek in nearly the same spot he had hit before. It hurt more than it should have since Ark blocked my head from swinging freely. "That was a solid blow!" I praised. "Although, you really should work on the spit takes." I jabbed my elbow into Ark's gut. "I didn't say you could touch me! I said he could," I spat. Ark stepped back and took a deep breath. Once again, Ronnie connected his left fist to my face. Another crack came from his hand and I spit more blood on the ground. Ark slapped the back of my head, pulled my hair, pressed his body into me again, and began biting and sucking on my neck. "Shut up, b***h!" Ronnie bellowed. "Oh I would, but Ark is trying to make it so just you and I can't have any fun," I pouted. Ronnie grinned and clenched his right hand. He swung and I waited for the impact. He connected and Ark released me. I was shocked I felt no pain and moved to my right five steps. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time. You never share, Lionel! She's my toy first," Ronnie hollered at Ark as he hit him again and turned back to me. "Lesson is not over until you're unconscious, b***h. Or until I'm satisfied with your screams."
"Sounds like a lovely lesson plan! Ooh! Professor and Doctor! Who knew I would have such high ranking friends?" I announced as he came closer. I stood up tall but tried not to flinch instinctively. I looked over at Ark, he had a rather sour look on his face and was holding his eye. "Ark or Lionel? Either way, your name is just asking for you to not get your way. Being told no is healthy once and awhile." I don't know why I felt like I had to antagonize them, but I felt empowered in doing so. "Shut her up already, you big oof!" Lionel yelled. "Gladly," Ronnie smirked as he side swept me again. I fell with thud. He pinned my arms down above my head with his left hand, placed his knee on my chest, and began to hit me repeatedly on the head, throat, and arms with his right fist. "You broke my dominant hand. You won't shut up. You won't scream. You're pissing me off!" He yelled. Gasping, I replied in between blows, "technically you broke your own hand. You hit me; I didn't swing my shoulder into your fist." "ENOUGH!" A voice yelled; her voice was powerful and sweet, but not overly feminine. I tried to look at her as Ronnie hit me again; I was losing consciousness though and couldn't make her out. "Back off, little girl," Lionel sneered. "When he's done, I'll finally have some fun too." "I said enough! Daddy wants her alive. Now move!" She ordered. Was I dreaming? Or was this the calm before the storm? Ronnie removed his knee from my chest and I inhaled deeply; everything was painful. I closed my eyes and tried to focus. I blinked slowly and looked around the room. Blackness still clouded my vision. "Take her back to her room, I need to treat her." "Yes, ma'am," they both submitted. Somebody grabbed my legs and the other grabbed under my armpits. I was lifted up and carried back to my room. They set me on the hard floor, with my feet pointed towards the mirror, and shuffled away. I searched around the room for the third voice that came to my rescue, but she wasn't with me yet. My door remained open. I tried to roll over to get a better look, but the top part of my body refused to move. I closed my eyes and counted my breaths. I was breathing inconsistently; this much I knew. Once again, I tried to roll over. "Lay still," she instructed from outside the door. I still heard her voice but couldn't make out what she was saying. I opened my eyes and nodded. The room was starting to come back into focus. "Focus, 'Nettie," I mumbled to myself. "Can't sleep yet." I tried not to strain myself to hear her so I distracted myself with counting doubles: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. I reached 1024 before she came in. The door closed behind her. I watched her feet as she approached. She was wearing little black flats with a large rhinestone in the middle of the toe. She had a black band around her ankle that reminded me of a watch. However, I could see a slight scar underneath. Puzzled, I studied her face as she knelt beside me, placing a bag beside her. "I see you have questions, but now isn't the time. It is my duty to care for you and keep you breathing. Some privacy and extra space are available to you now. This is only temporary and will only happen when I'm in here. Your walls have been expanded so there's a little more room in here. The mirror has been blacked out on the other side and the cameras that are always recording have been blinded, but the microphone can still hear us. This is for your privacy and my protection," she explained. I studied her face. She couldn't have been much older than me. Her wavy brown hair bounced on her shoulders, but framed her heart shaped face nicely. She had radiantly, dark green eyes that were as bright as an emerald in the sun, and seemed to peer directly into my soul. Freckles lightly covered her prominent cheeks and thin nose. Her lips were painted red and were the perfect combination of plump and pouty. Her eyes had some bags under them, but I was enamored by her beauty and hardly noticed the dark circles. "I'm medically trained and need to take care of you. If you try to hurt me, they'll come back," she warned. "Why are you telling me all this?" I croaked. "Won't you get in trouble?" She shook her head. "I find it is always best to be honest with my patients. They," she gestured to the door with her head, "may not like my methods, but you need one person you can trust," she said, smiling sympathetically at me. She offered me her hand, "my name is Jessica. You can call me Jess." "Annette," I replied shaking her hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Annette. I wish it had been under different circumstances. I need you to sit up and take off your shirt. Like I said before, nobody can see you right now. It's just the two of us, but they are listening. While I'm in here, you also have access to clean water. Let me get you some," she said after helping me sit up. My room was now more of a square than a rectangle. She picked up my broken glass and filled it with water. "Drink up. It would do you some good to eat whatever they give you too, no matter how small," she stated handing over the glass. She took my shirt and rinsed the blood out. I felt awkward sitting in front of her in just a bra and shorts, but at the same time, safe and comfortable. "Your clothes will stain, unfortunately. If you bleed, do your best to keep it off your clothes." "Oh. That doesn't bother me, but thank you," I told her sincerely as she kneeled beside me. I noticed her protruding belly and wanted to talk about it but she was staring intently at me, waiting for me to eat. She nodded her approval but didn't move as I took a bite. "Congratulations on your pregnancy. Do you mind me asking when you are due?" I inquired after I downed the water and picked up the rice cake. "February. Well technically the end of January, but I have a feeling this one will make a late appearance; I hope so. Purple's my favorite color." She smiled as she got out various items from her bag. "The amethyst birthstone is pretty," I confirmed as I closed my eyes and tried to keep myself from swaying. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again. Her eyes met mine for a minute and she looked at me with pity and sorrow. "I'll do my best to help you. You need to let me know if I hurt you though," Jess ordered as she focused her attention on the examination. I sat quietly with my eyes closed, letting her do her thing. She muttered softly to herself, "I know you're listening. Take notes," I wearily opened my eyes and looked at her. "With what?" I rasped. She giggled and patted my leg. "Not you, sweetie. Let's see. Right shoulder sprained. At least two broken ribs on the right. Severely bruised larynx. This may sting. I have to open your eye. Broken blood vessel in the left eye. Cut lip, doesn't require stitches. Temple has a small cut, no fresh blood, no stitches necessary. Goose egg on the back of the head, full awareness and coherent speech. Annette, tell me something everyone knows," she ordered. I closed my eyes and thought about it for a minute. "Um. Being put on the spot for general knowledge is no good. Bush is president. Sky is blue. Grass is green. You're going to be a wonderful mother. I'm not getting out. I know that. They're going to have to kill me; I won't give them what they want," I spoke softly. "Don't talk like that. You'll be just fine. Follow my finger with your good eye and don't move your head. Good. Perfect. Thank you. Tracking is normal. Please stand. Thank you. The wall is a good brace. Keep your balance. Hmm. May I see this hip, just partially pull your pants down. Ouch. Pretty. Lots of bruises, no severe damage. Okay done! Go ahead and sit down, sweetie. Thank you. I'm going to wrap your ribs. There's not much I can do for your shoulder. I wish I could also give you a shot of morphine for the pain, but you'll have to make do with aspirin. You should get a little break from Lionel and Ronnie now. Annette, you are definitely my most colorful patient," Jess joked with me. I grinned. She filled up my water again. "Drink up. It's hard to eat those rice cakes without something to wash it down." I finished them both as Jess first gave me some aspirin, then wrapped me in an ace bandage and help me put my shirt back on. "Let me braid your hair. It'll keep better since you don't have a brush." I nodded and my eyes drooped. I was suddenly exhausted. Her slender fingers worked quickly. I gave her my hair-tye and she laid me down gently after securing my hair in place. "Now to wet it down and you're set!" She grabbed my glass again and filled it. "Save it for later and don't give up," she mouthed. I nodded again. "Sleep well, Annette. Open the door!" I lay back down as the door whooshed. She gave me a sad smile and walked away. The door whooshed shut and I closed my eyes, ready to give into sleep. "Today was a good day. I made a new friend," I slurred.
© 2017 Lynaelee |
Added on November 5, 2016 Last Updated on July 5, 2017 Author![]() LynaeleeAboutSometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..Writing