![]() Warriors of Polithia-Episode 1A Screenplay by Megan Urrutia![]() The Rosenburghs, Richardsons, and Shimas seem (fairly) normal at first glance, but their mundane lives are forever changed by a series of events following a stranger's coming to their idyllic town.![]() FADE IN.
Rain cascades from a broad gray sky. It pounds on the pavement of the abandoned streets. Lightning flashes, thunder rumbles.
The sounds of the storm are muted by a tremulous humming rendition of CHILD OF SOLACE.
Flames smolder in a furnace, dimly illuminating a catastrophic scene. Droplets of blood sprinkle the floors and walls. Scattered and shattered crates litter an area of scorched ground.
CRYSTAL, 17, cascading silver hair and violet eyes, cradles CATHY, 17, blonde, ashen and still, in her arms. Both bear the marks of battle, scorched flesh and shallow wounds. Tears course down Crystal's cheeks. Crystal places a hand over a gaping wound on Cathy's abdomen.
Wet footsteps slap on the pavement. ALICIA, PATRICK, JULIAN, and CHRISTIAN race down the alley.
HASHIMATE and JADE watch from a distance. Jade wears a hood to cover her features. Hashimate, 50, white-haired and raven-eyed, regards her with a frown.
HASHIMATE You're really going to let them see.
Jade stares at the flashing lights on a compact-sized computer.
Crystal continues to hum the melody. Tears course down her cheeks.
CRYSTAL (V.O.) It all began with a dream.
It is pitch black, a darkness that seeks and swallows light. The only sound is a LOW HUM, an eerie, disembodied lullaby. A faint blue flame flickers and dies.
A flash of flame catches a hint of an apparition. Flames course upward, a corkscrew spiral. They illuminate GIULIA, 25, electric blue eyes and golden hair, who stands as though suspended in water. She treads forward; the black floor ripples.
GIULIA Don’t be afraid.
The chorus intensifies. Giulia forges on.
GIULIA Rath cries for a new generation. Only they can stop It. Try to remember.
A heartbeat sounds, slow and thunderous. Giulia rolls back her sleeve and presents her arm. Her eyes narrow. The heartbeat quickens. She grimaces.
An invisible force slashes the upturned wrist. Blood wells from the wound. She turns her arm. Silence engulfs the darkness. Time hitches in the tense moment. Blood gathers and plummets.
GIULIA Try to fight.
The blood hits the ground. A glow pulses. The fury of voices begins again.
A wall of light erupts from the spill and encases Giulia. She raises her arms to shield herself from the glare.
The light fades. Giulia stands, trembling, ashen, and powerless, but visible against the night. Behind her, a tendril of darkness pulls from its surroundings. It waves upward and stills.
Giulia’s eyes widen. She peers over her shoulder.
Tendrils of blackness strike from all directions to bind her fast. A tendril snakes about her throat and yanks her to her knees. She gasps for air and tears it away. She struggles to pull upright.
GIULIA Dear one… We may not always be with you. But the ties that bind us shall never be severed.
With difficulty, she cups her hands. A PEARL OF LIGHT whirls between her palms and casts a silver glow against her imprisonment. Fingers of darkness caress her face. Her eyes shimmer with tears.
GIULIA It takes so little to conquer the darkness. You will find a way.
CRYSTAL (V.O.) No . . .
Giulia closes eyes and sweeps her fingers across the globe of light. A light flashes. Midnight screams victorious.
CRYSTAL, 17, violet eyes and flowing silver hair, lurches forward, arm outstretched.
The light fades; Giulia is gone. The sinister black presence pulses and weaves through the empty air.
Crystal draws back. She shivers. Her eyes narrow.
The darkness hovers.
CRYSTAL These childish games . . . This needless destruction of unwanted things . . . I don’t understand any of it.
Crystal cries out and presses a hand to her chest. The heat intensifies. She moans and presses harder. A discordant note of alarm shatters the miasma’s assured demeanor.
Crystal flesh breaks and births a GLOWING SHARD OF CRYSTAL. Her skin puckers and draws together. She observes the shard. A frenzy of colors dance within the crystal. She holds the shard close to her heart.
CRYSTAL I can’t let you destroy it.
The darkness rears. The voices rise. Crystal grits her teeth, grasps the shard, and rips the sharp point deep across her wrist.
Blood flies far and copious. Holes appear in the thickest of the darkness. It is torn asunder bit by bit, revealing a stark white landscape in its wake.
Crystal keels over. She applies pressure to the gushing wound. Her vision blurs. The evaporating darkness dances and doubles before her. She shakes her head, fights to keep focused.
Crystal’s eyes go milky. Her muscles slacken. The shard clatters to the ground. Crystal slumps beside it, eyes half-open. Her blood pools beneath her, striking against the harsh white surroundings. The tormented cries of the darkness fade to silence.
Wind surges over Crystal's paralyzed form. The shard lifts her limp hand and hovers an inch from the ground, thrumming. Crystal stares. The shard turns on end and spins. Blinding slivers of light pulse across Crystal’s eyes. Her HEARTBEAT quickens.
The shard flashes. Crystal's skin sizzles where it is held fast. She writhes. It pierces her fingertip. Her skin becomes incandescent. She arches her back and screams.
CRYSTAL, 17, wavy brunette locks and brown eyes, shoots up in bed with a cry. Her hands claw at her chest.
She gulps for breath. Her eyes dart about the room. She lowers her hands to the sheets. Trembling, she reaches for the glass of water on her nightstand and downs it.
CRYSTAL (V.O.) It was just a dream. The same dream, over and over.
She glances at a clock. It reads: 3:00 AM.
CRYSTAL (V.O.) The same time. Every time.
She groans and flops back onto the bed.
CRYSTAL (V.O.) Even if I had thought it through, I would never have been able to piece it together.
Crystal eyes droop shut. She rolls onto her back; throws an arm out. A long, jagged scar mars her wrist.
In the corner of the room, tucked into a half-open vanity drawer, a diamond key charm glows. The scar on her wrist vanishes. The light intensifies, pulses, and fills the room.
CRYSTAL (V.O.) Tell me, could you have known that your life was about to change forever?
Light spills from the windows of Crystal's bedroom.
A hooded figure balances on the edge of a tall building and raises a COMPACT-SIZED COMPUTER. On the screen, a white spot flickers against a backdrop of gray; three other spots barely flash. The figure snaps the compact shut.
JADE I've found you.
She sweeps the hood back. JADE KHLAE, 40, short baby blue locks and intense violet eyes, stands against the roaring wind. She smiles, triumphant.
CRYSTAL (V.O.) Tell me, would you have wanted to know?
The sun spills over the horizon, basking the small, peaceful stonewalled town in light.
TABITHA RICHARDSON, 37, plaited brown hair and serene smile, speed walks down a hall, a travel cup of coffee in her hands. She shrugs her messenger bag on over the shoulder of her pressed pantsuit and takes a swig of coffee before reaching into Julian and Scott's room to flip on the light switch.
TABITHA Good morning!
JULIAN RICHARDSON, 18, long, scraggly brown hair and five o'clock shadow, groans and SCOTT RICHARDSON, 15, pixie cut brown hair and deep blue eyes, blinks.
TABITHA First day of school. Come on, get some more pep in your step.
Both boys groan.
PATRICK ROSENBURGH, 18, short-shorn black hair and pensive brown eyes, pulls on a white undershirt over a pair of sweatpants. He stuffs his school uniform into his backpack and slings it over his shoulder.
The door slams open. CHRISTIAN ROSENBURGH, 35, tousled light brown hair and playful eyes, half-enters, waving a spatula.
CHRISTIAN Up and at 'em, kid!
Patrick takes a look at his father's attire: frilly pink apron over an EMT uniform.
PATRICK Dad, really, the apron?
CHRISTIAN What? I made breakfast.
PATRICK I'm really not hungry anymore.
Patrick brushes past. Christian pursues him, spatula aloft. Patrick jerks his socks and shoes on and heads for the door.
CHRISTIAN I didn't burn it too bad this time. Anyway, it's the most important meal of the day. Hey.
Patrick slams the door with finality.
INT. SHIMA HOUSE " DAY ALICIA SHIMA, 17, exotically beautiful with silky jet-black hair and almond-shaped gray eyes, slams the door of her room. She is garbed in a gold sweater vest with royal blue trim and emblem, and a royal blue pleated skirt: the SCHOOL UNIFORM. She jogs down the stairs.
HASHIMATE SHIMA, 77, meditates at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. Alicia bustles in.
ALICIA Morning, Gramps.
HASHIMATE (toneless, eye closed) Eat your breakfast.
Alicia snatches two toaster pastries as they jump from the toaster and takes a quick swig of juice. She pecks Hashimate on the cheek.
ALICIA I'm going now.
HASHIMATE (never breaks concentration) Have a good day.
One toaster pastry in her mouth, Alicia slips her shoes on at the door and jogs out into the street.
Julian passes Crystal's door. Three alarm clocks ring around her head. She is dead asleep. He rolls his eyes and bangs on the doorframe.
JULIAN I'm not waiting for you.
Crystal lifts her head.
She squints at her bedside clock. Her eyes widen. She shoots up and casts her blankets aside.
CRYSTAL Why didn't you wake me?
She slams the door in his face. Julian stares, deadpan.
EXT. WOODS " DAY Patrick runs down a dirt trail path to the pounding of rock music in his headphones.
Tabitha, Julian, Crystal and Scott jog down the steps of the porch. Tabitha kisses them all goodbye and hops into her car. She drives off.
The Richardson children turn down the street toward the town square. Crystal's hand goes to her throat. She hangs back.
JULIAN Are you kidding?
CRYSTAL Patrick just gave it to me. You guys go ahead.
JULIAN If you insist.
Julian ushers Scott on. Crystal reenters the house.
Alicia paces down the cobblestone sidewalks. She finishes her last toaster pastry and wipes the crumbs from her mouth. All around her, businesses open one by one. FRANK, a middle-aged man, rolls his APPLE CART onto the sidewalk.
FRANK Miss Shima!
He tosses her an APPLE. Alicia catches it with ease.
ALICIA Now, Frank, I've told you, you're too old for me; my grandfather would not approve.
FRANK Doesn't mean I can't spoil you.
ALICIA Well, if you see a pretty brunette run by, be sure to spoil her, too.
FRANK That time of year again already?
ALICIA And the world keeps spinning.
Franks laughs and salutes as Alicia walks on.
Crystal rummages through her vanity. She pulls a KEY-SHAPED DIAMOND CHARM necklace from a drawer with a triumphant cry. She clasps it about her neck and pauses. She touches a PORTRAIT OF A MAN IN MILITARY UNIFORM.
CRYSTAL He's a really nice guy, Daddy. You'd like him.
Somewhat melancholy, she adjusts her backpack, checks the time, and runs out in a panic.
Patrick's belonging are on a bench. He stands under the hot water of the shower. After a quick lather, he shuts the water off and steps out.
A dozen girls clamor toward him. He shrinks back into the shower, aghast.
The shower curtain opens again. Julian enters with a towel around his waist. A SHRIEK of approval rings out from the gathered. He hands Patrick an extra.
JULIAN Oh, the price of fame and co-ed locker rooms.
Patrick takes the towel, thunderstruck.
PATRICK Was it co-ed last semester?
JULIAN Things change every year around here. I'd keep my bits covered if I were you. Spot me, will ya?
Julian turns on the shower. Patrick shrinks to a dry corner and peeks out at the milling girls, amazed.
Alicia walks down the long, tall gate surrounding their large private school. She is mere yards from the entrance when two similarly attired girls jog up behind her.
GIRL #1 Alicia? Alicia Shima?
Alicia frowns and turns.
ALICIA Can I help you?
GIRL #1 (nudges Girl #2) Go on.
Girl #2 blushes and fidgets.
GIRL #1 We heard you do things for people. Fortune-telling with tea leaves or something. Is that true?
Alicia smirks. The wind shifts. A cold gust fans her hair.
ALICIA I do all kinds of things: Tea leaves, fire reading. But you get the best results with druimancy.
The girls stare blankly.
ALICIA Blood-letting.
GIRL #1 B-Blood?
ALICIA I just need about a pint. Then you can ask me all the questions you want.
GIRL #1 I don’t think we have time…
ALICIA I’ve got a knife in my locker. It’s a little dull, though. I’ll just need a second to…
The girls blaze a trail in their haste to escape. Alicia trails off.
ALICIA Such a pain…
Footsteps rush Alicia. She half-turns.
Crystal plows into Alicia’s shoulder. Alicia whips an arm out and clamps Crystal’s wrist.
ALICIA Whoa, pump the brakes, there, speedy.
Crystal stumbles and gasps for breath. Alicia pounds her back. Crystal lurches. She shoots Alicia a comical glare.
CRYSTAL Thanks; that helps.
ALICIA What are you doing running anyway? You know how out of shape you are.
CRYSTAL I didn't want to be late. It's not a good way to start the year.
ALICIA Neither's hypertension.
Crystal pulls an apple from her bag and holds it aloft.
CRYSTAL I hear you're trying to hook me up with middle-aged men.
ALICIA He sells produce; you'll live a long time and have healthy gums.
CRYSTAL What would I do without you looking out for me?
ALICIA Most likely marry for love and suffer dentally. Nice bling, by the way. Belated birthday gift?
ALICIA From a boy, I presume.
CRYSTAL Don’t be coy. I know you took him to Martha’s shop to buy it; Julian saw you two.
ALICIA I wouldn’t have to if you’d actually treat him like a boyfriend once in a while and tell him what to get for you.
CRYSTAL I don’t need gifts.
ALICIA No, you need a sink, sweaty.
Alicia hands Crystal a handkerchief.
ALICIA It's a good thing you're a girl. You probably won't reek without a shower.
CRYSTAL I should have time--
The bell rings.
CRYSTAL --before the bell… ALICIA Not so much.
CRYSTAL Crap. How do I look?
ALICIA Aw, honey, you're always beautiful to me.
CRYSTAL You are possibly the world's least helpful person.
ALICIA Please, he's not going to care what you look like. Maybe put on some lipgloss, though. (cringes) Oy.
ALICIA I need to get my itinerary from Cathy before second bell. Promise not to have a heart attack before class.
CRYSTAL Pumping the brakes.
ALICIA Atta girl.
Alicia takes off. The wind shifts. Crystal shivers. She rubs her arms and moves forward.
With two steps, the strap of her messenger back breaks. Her cell phone jostles out of the side pocket and shatters on the walkway.
CRYSTAL Perfect.
Crystal kneels to gather her belongings. She quickly reassembles the cell phone.
CRYSTAL Piece of crap…
A shadow fall over her. She peers up. She frowns.
CLASSMATE #1 and CLASSMATE #2 laugh and converse by the window. Julian studiously ignores anyone of the female persuasion who approaches him. Patrick smiles politely at an attractive redhead sitting on his desk. He shoots Julian a long suffering look. Julian clears his throat and taps his book on his desk to ward off another potential conversationalist.
Classmate #1 peers out the window. She gasps.
CLASSMATE #2 What, what is it?
CLASSMATE #1 Down there, by the gate.
CLASSMATE #2 Is that Harrison?
CLASSMATE #1 He's still supposed to be in juvie, right?
CLASSMATE #2 Richardson. You should see this.
Julian, oblivious to the situation, snorts derisively.
JULIAN What's it got to do with me?
CLASSMATE #2 I think it's your sister down there, man.
Julian pauses. He rests his book on his desk and gets to his feet. He lopes to the window, thumbs in his belt loops, and peers down.
Crystal and COLE, 18, argue in the courtyard below.
Julian's eye twitches. He reaches for a chair and wields it. Classmate #1 and #2 scramble to restrain him.
CLASSMATE #1 What the hell do you think you're doing?
JULIAN Let me go! I'm gonna kill that b*****d!
CLASSMATE #2 Chill out, man, you're going to get glass everywhere!
Classmate #2 wrests the chair away.
Julian immediately calms. Under the watchful eyes of his classmates, he turns and levels Patrick with a look. Patrick pushes away from his desk while the redhead is mid-sentence.
The classroom door opens. MISS KAIN, 28, a pretty, petite Asian woman with horn-rimmed glasses, stumbles in, cheeks flushed.
MISS KAIN Sorry I'm late! There was a bit of a mishap in the parking garage this morning!
Patrick and Julian breeze by her. She is stunned for a moment, then whirls.
MISS KAIN Mr. Richardson! Mr. Rosenburgh! Where are you two going?
JULIAN We'll be back soon.
Miss Kain stares after them, speechless. As they get further and further away, her eyes narrow. She smiles discreetly, then turns and closes the classroom door.
MISS KAIN Well, if there are no more interruptions...
Alicia and CATHY, 17, perky with green eyes and pixie-cut blonde hair, stride leisurely down the hall.
CATHY (laughing) God, you didn't actually pull out a knife, did you?
ALICIA Give me some credit, geez.
CATHY So you don’t still have that curvy monstrosity in your locker?
ALICIA First, of course not; the security’s too rigid the first day back. Second, what does it matter? They wouldn’t have followed me anyway. People are weird about being bled.
CATHY It’s a strange world we live in.
ALICIA Don’t I know it.
Patrick and Julian pass. Patrick rams into Alicia's shoulder.
ALICIA Do I have a sign on me somewhere?
CATHY Isn't that Patrick and Julian?
Alicia watches the pair walk away.
ALICIA Freakin’ fantastic.
Alicia drops her bag and takes off.
CATHY Alicia, you're already late! This is not going to make a good impression.
Cathy sighs and looks down at Alicia's discarded belongings. She scoops them up.
CATHY Those people, I swear...
COLE You don't look too happy to see me. Trying to hurt my feelings?
The second bell rings. Crystal glances worriedly at the school doors.
CRYSTAL I'm late for class.
COLE Who cares? You can skip one day of your perfectly attended record.
CRYSTAL Not for this.
COLE C'mon. I wasn't that bad to you. If you hadn't sent your guardian ninja on me, we'd be fine. Let's just get back to that.
Cole snakes a hand around Crystal's waist and dives in for her mouth. Crystal slaps him soundly. Cole jerks back.
CRYSTAL Drop dead.
She paces away. He bars her way. He reaches for the key charm.
COLE What the hell is that?
CRYSTAL Get out of my way.
COLE I heard things about you. Heard you were screwing around behind my back. That's from him, isn't it?
Crystal backs away. Cole grabs the pendant and yanks. The delicate chain breaks. Crystal cries out, distressed.
COLE How precious.
CRYSTAL Give it back.
COLE Beg me.
Crystal's eyes narrow. She grasps for it. Cole backhands her. Gritting her teeth, she straightens.
The pendant, tight in Cole's fist, becomes iron-hot. He looks at his hand, puzzled.
The pendant brands his flesh with ferocious intensity. He yells and drops it to the ground. Shaking, he stares at his hands: They bear identical raw wounds. Crystal looks on in horror.
COLE What did you do?
Crystal shrinks away.
COLE What did you do, you b***h?
Cole pulls back a fist. Crystal cowers and squeezes her eyes shut. Cole lets the punch fly.
Two meaty sounds of hard contact crack through the air.
Crystal hesitates, then opens her eyes to see Julian’s shoulder. She looks up.
Julian stands before Crystal. His hands are locked to two bars of the gate as he shields her from harm. He shakes his head.
JULIAN You are a real pain to look after.
Crystal peers over Julian's shoulder.
Alicia straightens. Patrick dusts off his pants and gets to his feet. Cole teeters and crashes forward, unconscious. Alicia kicks him in the ribs for good measure.
ALICIA Waste of life.
Patrick hastens to Crystal's side. He inspects her for superficial damage. He gently turns her face to see her reddened cheek. He strokes it, eyes narrowed.
PATRICK Are you okay? I can have Alicia kill him for you.
ALICIA Did someone say kill him?
CRYSTAL I'm fine...And that's illegal...
Alicia picks up the key charm and hands it to Crystal.
JULIAN What the hell were you doing talking to that guy? You should have notified the campus police.
Crystal stares at Cole's still body. She swallows back a wave of nausea upon sight of his hands.
JULIAN He's a known predator for Pete's sake.
Crystal becomes pale. She grips the pendant close.
CRYSTAL (meek) I know.
JULIAN It's one thing after another with you.
ALICIA Give her a break; it's not like she called him up here.
Crystal wipes cold sweat from her brow and shivers.
PATRICK Crystal?
CRYSTAL Sorry, I feel a little...
Crystal's knees buckle. She falls forward into Julian's arms.
ALICIA Way to make her pass out.
JULIAN I caught her, didn't I?
Crystal vomits. Julian cringes.
ALICIA And there's your karma.
Julian carries Crystal on his back. Patrick carries Cole on his back. Alicia strides between them.
PATRICK Why do I have to carry the dead weight, again?
ALICIA Because I will bash him into every wall and probably kill him, which Crystal has implicitly instructed we not do. Plus, I just got my nails done.
PATRICK There are times when I really hate you.
ALICIA I'm okay with that.
CRYSTAL I can walk...
ALICIA You stop being so nice. The guys need the exercise; they've got games coming up.
CRYSTAL I'm really sorry, Julian.
JULIAN No worries. I always expect someone to throw up on me. Who doesn't?
CRYSTAL No...I mean...I think I'm going to be sick again...
Julian brightens desperately.
JULIAN Hold on! We're almost there!
He takes off running down the hall.
ALICIA Julian, don't run---!
Crystal throws up. Julian seizes up.
ALICIA --like that....
PATRICK ...Idiot...
NURSE is sitting at her desk, poring over a leisure book. There is a knock at the door.
NURSE It's open.
Alicia opens the door for Patrick and Julian. The nurse puts the book down in a rush.
NURSE What happened here?
ALICIA I guess it qualifies as an accident.
NURSE Get them to the beds, quickly.
Julian and Patrick deposit their loads onto separate cots. The nurse bustles to Cole's side.
NURSE (To Julian) There are certified sweats under the sink.
Julian disappears into the bathroom. The nurse checks Cole's stats.
NURSE What kind of accident was it?
ALICIA Collision. You know, fast walking students, sharp corners; it's a disaster waiting to happen.
Nurse checks for his pulse, and notices his hands. She uncurls his fists and gasps.
NURSE What on earth?
She turns and indicates his hands.
NURSE Can any of you explain this?
Alicia and Patrick exchange a glance, at a loss.
NURSE An accident’s one thing; bullying is another completely.
CRYSTAL It's my fault.
All look at Crystal.
CRYSTAL I should have walked away. I don't know what happened, but anything that happened afterwards is because people were trying to protect me.
NURSE I am not looking to prosecute anyone. His vitals are stable; with any luck, he's not concussed. We'll ask him about the marks later.
Nurse goes to Crystal's side and checks her stats. Julian emerges from the bathroom clad in sweats.
JULIAN Is she alright?
NURSE No physical pain?
CRYSTAL I'm a little nauseous.
NURSE You have a bit of a fever. You should stay for a while and get some rest.
Crystal nods. Nurse goes to her desk.
NURSE I assume the rest of you will need passes. Identification, please.
Julian, Patrick, and Alicia hand over their school I.D.s.
CRYSTAL Julian, I'm really sorry about earlier.
JULIAN Don't worry. Just get better, okay?
Crystal nods. He pats her head.
ALICIA She's not a dog...
Patrick and Julian grab their hall passes. Patrick hesitates at the door.
PATRICK I'll see ya.
Crystal nods. Patrick exits with Julian.
JULIAN “I'll see ya.”?
JULIAN It doesn't exactly reek of affection.
PATRICK Was it supposed to?
JULIAN I'd rather my sister not be dating a robot, is all I'm saying.
Patrick doesn't miss a step. He stares straight ahead, jaw set. When he speaks, his voice is deathly calm.
PATRICK I want to tear that guy's head off, feed his body to a pack of rabid raccoons, impale his testicles, and leave his rotting corpse in a hanging cage so I can make an example of him.
They walk on for a few moments in silence.
JULIAN Well, it's something.
Crystal heaves into a trash can at her bedside. Alicia holds back her hair. Crystal eases back onto the bed and sighs.
ALICIA You need to stop apologizing for things you can't control.
Crystal's eyes take on a far-off look. She turns to look at Alicia, hesitant.
CRYSTAL Alicia...
CRYSTAL Never mind. You should get to class. I'll be right behind you.
Alicia flicks Crystal's forehead. Crystal giggles. Alicia grabs the pass from the nurse and exits, closing the door behind her.
Crystal's smile disappears. She grips the key charm close, looks worried.
Alicia leans against the door. Her brow furrows. She sighs and shakes her head.
ALICIA Crystal...What are you hiding?
Hashimate sits cross-legged before a smoldering flame in the FIRE ROOM, a rice paper room with bamboo flooring and open sliding doors. He meditates.
In the corner of the room, a small, dried-up ROSEBUSH rests forlornly in shadow.
Hashimate murmurs a prayer and casts a bead of clear glass into the flames. It glows blue. He opens his eyes and watches the colors in the glass shift. Blue to red to green to black. He shakes his head, bows to the dying flames, and ends his prayer. He eases to his feet.
The wind blows in from outside. There is an unusual chill to it. Hashimate goes to the door and peers out.
Storm clouds gather above the small town. Hashimate’s brow furrows. Droplets sprinkle across the lawn. Hashimate draws the door shut. He turns to close other and stops.
The rosebush boasts a single red blossom.
Mesmerized, he goes to the fire pit. Deep in the ashes, the marble is black. He reaches into the flames and pulls it out. The black cast falls away. The marble glows white. He looks up at the open door.
Jade stands in the doorway. She treads within.
JADE It’s been a long time, Hashimate.
Crystal stands at the nurse's desk. The nurse scribbles a pass for class.
NURSE You're sure you feel up to attending class?
CRYSTAL Absolutely.
NURSE No sense in keeping you here, then. (tears pass from pad) Be sure to stay out of trouble.
CRYSTAL I can almost promise that.
Crystal strides down the hall. She turns a sharp corner and crashes headlong into SARON RAYON, 37, tall, dark and handsome. She stumbles back.
CRYSTAL Oh! Excuse me, Professor Rayon. Alicia wasn't kidding about these corners...
Saron smiles. The pendant in Crystal's hand suddenly turns ice cold. She gathers it close to her quickly beating heart, stricken.
SARON Don't students normally leave school to play hooky?
Crystal lifts her pass wordlessly.
SARON (chuckles) You should be careful where you are walking, Miss Richardson. You never know when something terrible may happen.
He passes. Crystal turns and watches him lope out of sight. Her pulse slows. Shaking, she leans against the wall.
CRYSTAL What was that?
PROFESSOR works out a complicated equation on the board at the head of the class.
Alicia pays him no attention. She stares at Crystal's unoccupied desk, brow wrinkled.
The bell rings. She jerks from her reverie.
PROFESSOR We'll start off here tomorrow.
Students rise. Alicia and Cathy gather their things.
CATHY It's not like Crystal to miss a whole day.
ALICIA She's lucky; math's not exactly her forte.
CATHY I'll go by there later and give her some tutoring. See ya.
Alicia waves and goes to Crystal's desk. She unzips the main compartment of CRYSTAL’S BAG and inserts a pile of new books. Her fingers touch a crumpled piece of paper in the bottom of the bag.
A disembodied heartbeat sounds. Puzzled, Alicia extracts the paper.
Indistinguishable words fill the page. A sudden, gripping desperation forces Alicia to take a seat. Her hands grip the page of symbols. Visions bombard her.
--Giulia, reaching out.
--Giulia, dragged to the ground.
--Crystal, silver-haired and laying in a pool of blood.
Alicia gasps and tears out of the trance. The paper crumbles to ash in her hands. Alicia's brow furrows.
ALICIA What the hell?
Thunder rumbles. Alicia stands and looks out the window. The sky is gray, and droplets pelt the window.
Crystal sits at the window seat, staring into the squall outside. Her phone rings in her bag.
CRYSTAL (answers) Hello.
JULIAN (filtered) Don't hello me, you ditz! Where the hell are you?
CRYSTAL (cringes) Oh. Hi, Julian.
Julian stands before his open locker, fresh from a shower He scowls and slams the locker shut.
JULIAN Where. Are. You? Your professor came to the gym during practice to ask me why you weren't in class. He said there was no record of mom signing you out.
CRYSTAL I'm at Carla's. Next to the movie theater.
JULIAN Carla's? That's all the way across town. And it's pouring out.
CRYSTAL It's all right; I can catch a cab.
JULIAN No. Don't move; I'll be there in thirty minutes. (hangs up) Geez, of all the sisters to get stuck with...
Julian plops on a bench to change his shoes.
Patrick enters the locker room from the gym. He notices Julian fuming. Brow raised, he retrieves a small towel from his locker.
PATRICK Girl troubles?
JULIAN Only one girl ever gives me trouble. She's gone and stranded herself in the middle of town. If I don't get her now, God knows what she'll get herself into.
PATRICK I wonder...
Julian glances at Patrick. He sighs.
JULIAN You want to go, too, don't you?
PATRICK Who said anything like that? Unlike you, I need to stick around to make sure the guys play well.
Julian shrugs and slips on his shoes. Patrick wipes the sweat from his brow and flings his towel onto the bench.
PATRICK Hey, we may be over tonight. My dad keeps saying something about us owing you guys a dinner. Let your mom know.
Patrick makes his way back to the gym. Julian smirks and shakes his head.
Scott, clad in wind pants, tee shirt and windbreaker, plays basketball alone in the driveway. He shoots, scores, and cheers for himself.
Alicia and Hashimate pull up. Alicia hops out of the car, Crytstal's belongings in hand.
ALICIA Hey, shrimp. What the heck are you doing out here.
SCOTT Oh, hey, Alicia. I'm practicing.
ALICIA I see that. And your sister's just letting you dribble yourself headlong into pneumonia.
SCOTT Crystal hasn't been back yet. I would know; I came home sick today.
Alicia looks him over. Scott performs a delicate cough.
ALICIA Brilliant. Look, this is Crystal's stuff. Can you tell her to call me when she gets back.
SCOTT No problem.
ALICIA And go take a bath, for Pete's sake.
Scott scoops up the basketball and Crystal’s things. He jogs into the house. Alicia shakes her head and reenters the car.
Hashimate drives on. Alicia gazes moodily out the window.
HASHIMATE You seem troubled.
ALICIA I have a bad feeling.
HASHIMATE It is uncommon for there to be such a gloomy atmosphere in Aylsfier.
ALICIA It's not just that. Something’s changing; something major. I don’t know what, but I know it’s not good.
HASHIMATE I’ve found it's always best to trust the strength of your instincts. Then again, your instincts have frequently led to parent-teacher conferences. Not that I mind, mind you.
ALICIA Movie...
ALICIA Do you mind dropping me off at Aylsfier Cinema? I really want to see a movie.
Crystal stares out the window. She drums her fingers on the tabletop and checks her watch.
CRYSTAL Sure, yell at me and then show up late. Jerk.
She lifts a cup of lukewarm tea to her lips.
A couple huddled beneath an umbrella pass outside. Crystal hesitates. She squints through the squall.
Cathy clutches the arm of Saron Rayon.
A sharp, icy pang strikes Crystal.
The teacup falls from Crystal's hands and crashes to the table. Crystal jumps to her feet. A waitress hurries over with paper towels.
WAITRESS Are you all right?
CRYSTAL I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don’t what got into me.
Crystal kneels to help the waitress sop up the mess. She looks up to see Cathy and Saron hurry across the street. They slip into an alley between Aylsfier Cinema and a large warehouse building.
WAITRESS You’re sure you’re all right? You look a little pale.
CRYSTAL I’m fine. Could I get the check, please?
Crystal rushes into the rain. She pulls her cell phone from her pocket and dials Cathy's number. The call doesn’t go through.
CRYSTAL Great. Great. Now I’m wet, paranoid, and have no signal.
JADE (O.C.) She will die.
Crystal whirls.
CRYSTAL Who are you?
Jade, hooded and protected from the rain by an awning, stands solemn. Crystal steps toward her.
CRYSTAL What do you mean? What do you mean she'll die?
JADE The messenger will bleed, and the next generation will be awakened. It is as it has always been; how it always shall be.
CRYSTAL I don’t understand.
JADE Won't you at least try to save her?
Crystal searches Jade's gaze. She whirls and runs. Her cell phone jostles out of her pocket and crashes apart in the middle of the street. She runs on, into the alley.
Jade sighs. She claps her hands together. A viscous, invisible shield sweeps over the alleyway.
Cathy and Saron enter, breathless. Cathy laughs and shakes raindrops from her hair.
CATHY Can you believe this weather? So much for that picnic at the lake.
SARON No great loss. If anything, there’ll be more to look forward to.
CATHY I can’t get over it; we've never had a storm like this before.
SARON I’ve seen the likes of it before.
Saron snakes an arm around Cathy and kisses her. She breaks away.
CATHY (laughing) Whoa, wait, there's a furnace in here. We can use it to keep warm until the rain lets up.
She moves to find it. Saron grabs her arm. He pulls her close.
A sudden fire blazes within the furnace. Cathy stares, disoriented.
SARON I can think of a completely different way to pass the time.
CATHY How did you do that?
SARON Shhhh...It's not important.
CATHY But...
SARON You trust me, don't you?
Cathy nods.
SARON Why do you look so scared? I won't hurt you; I could never hurt you. C'mere.
Cathy draws near. He cradles her close, kisses her forehead, her cheek, her lips. Cathy closes her eyes.
Saron's hands caress her upper arms. He backs her against a wall. His hands grip her shoulders hard.
Cathy's eyes pop open. She murmurs protest and pushes against his chest. He holds her fast. One hand releases her shoulder and clamps over her nose. Cathy struggles.
A light glows in Cathy's chest. The light travels up her throat, nears her lips.
A crash sounds. Saron jerks to attention. Dazed, Cathy falls limp against him.
Crystal stands in the doorway, framed by a hazy mist of rain.
CRYSTAL What are you doing?
Saron raises his hands. Cathy collapses at his feet.
SARON You shouldn't have come.
The door slams behind Crystal. She pushes at it to no avail.
Saron frowns. He advances with great strides. Crystal fumbles in her pockets. She pulls a can of pepper spray free and sprays it in Saron's eyes. He sinks to his knees.
Crystal rushes past Saron to Cathy's side. She shakes her.
CRYSTAL Cathy. Cathy, open your eyes.
Cathy opens her eyes blearily. She shakes her head and tries to sit up.
CATHY Crystal, what...?
Crystal helps stabilize her.
CRYSTAL Come on, we have to get out of here.
Saron staggers, half-blind, to Crystal. He yanks her away from Cathy and presses a knife to her throat. Cathy shrinks away with a gasp. Crystal's eyes widen. Saron grits his teeth and lets loose a growl of frustration.
SARON Why? Why did you have to come, too?
Julian exits the coffee shop. He runs across the street to the phone booth in front of Aylsfier Cinema. He pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and dials Crystal's number.
Alicia raps on the glass of the booth. Julian hangs up and opens the door.
ALICIA You realize you're supposed to use the phone supplied, right?
JULIAN If you're not here to tell me Crystal's with you, get out.
ALICIA You haven't seen her, either?
JULIAN She was at Carla's, but they say she rushed out of there a few minutes ago.
ALICIA D****t.
Alicia squeezes into the booth, to Julian's chagrin, and dials her cell phone. She curses and dials again.
ALICIA Nothing.
JULIAN Do you mind?
Alicia shoots him a dirty look and goes out into the rain. She dials again, pacing down the street. Julian follows her.
JULIAN What are you gonna do, scour the town?
ALICIA It's insane out; she couldn't have gone far.
They hear a familiar ring tone.
ALICIA Do you hear that?
Both turn their attention to the street. Crystal's phone lies decimated in the center, directly before the alleyway entrance.
Alicia rushes to the middle of the street. She holds it aloft. The battery hangs from the phone. It continues to ring.
A scream rents the air. Julian and Alicia whirl toward the source: the alleyway. They run toward the entrance...
...And ricochet off a wall of electricity.
ALICIA What the hell was that?
Crystal claws at Saron's arm.
SARON You've ruined everything, stupid girl. It was supposed to be a clean hit, not a massacre.
CRYSTAL Think about what you're doing. What will killing us accomplish?
SARON This is the only way. There'll be no escaping them if I let you free.
CRYSTAL There is another way. We won't tell anyone. You can leave; we won’t say a word.
Saron redoubles his grip. Crystal gasps at the knife draws blood.
SARON It's too late now. Rath will destroy me if I kill you; Rocthu will string them alive if I don't.
Crystal catches Cathy's gaze. She mouths “go” desperately. Cathy shakes her head. Crystal's expression belies her growing frustration.
CRYSTAL Just let us go. No one will know what you would have done, I swear.
SARON You don't understand anything. Everything's all laid out for the Nine. Rath smiles on you; protects you. But for me, for a poor faithful b*****d like me and my wife and my child, there's no protection at all.
CRYSTAL Please--
Saron shifts his grip and plunges the dagger into Crystal's chest. Crystal staggers forward. Cathy screams.
Saron rips the dagger free and shoves Crystal to the ground. Crystal gasps. She presses a hand over the wound.
SARON Go in peace.
Crystal claws at the ground, attempts to rise. Her vision blurs.
Saron forces Cathy to her knees. Cathy weeps into her hands, helpless.
He raises the dagger, warring emotions on his face.
Giulia sits with her head to her knees. She raises her head. Her blue eyes open.
Crystal's eyes go milky, then blaze blue.
CRYSTAL (strongly) No.
Blue flames engulf Crystal. Saron falters.
Crystal rises. Her dark hair bleaches as flames lap at it. Her eyes flash. The wound in her chest draws closed. She steps from the flames.
Saron’s expression twists. He runs at Crystal, dagger aloft.
Crystal grasps his wrist and hurls him effortlessly to the side. Saron crashes into a pile of barrels. The dagger clatters to the ground.
Crystal kneels beside Cathy.
Saron scrambles to his feet and grasps the dagger.
CATHY Crystal…
CRYSTAL If you want to live, get up now.
CATHY Behind you.
Saron plunges the dagger into Crystal’s abdomen. Crystal falters.
Alicia cries out and keels over.
JULIAN Are you okay?
Alicia presses a hand to her abdomen. She winces. Her hands tremble as she pulls her shirt up.
A black bruise swirls beneath her skin. Julian rears back, horrified.
JULIAN What is that?
Alicia lifts her gaze to the alleyway. She grasps Julian’s arm and squeezes.
ALICIA Crystal…
Crystal stands. She wavers. Saron looks on, wild-eyed.
Crystal tears the dagger from her abdomen and turns. She drives the weapon deep into Saron’s shoulder.
Saron screams. He falls to his knees, lifts his hands to ward her off.
SARON Please--! I had no choice! My daughter"
CRYSTAL Begging? Tsk-tsk. What child would want such a father?
Crystal rips the dagger free. She raises it.
Crystal looks over her shoulder. Cathy reaches toward her.
CATHY Please stop this.
Crystal blinks. The blue in her eyes deepens to violet. She looks down at Saron. He shoves a fist into his wound to staunch the bloodflow. She glimpses the dagger in her hand. She cries out and casts the weapon away. She lifts her blood covered hands, tugs at her silver hair.
Saron shrinks back. He fumbles for something in his jacket.
CRYSTAL What’s happening to me? I feel…
Cathy tries to stand. Crystal snaps out of her reverie and aids her.
CRYSTAL I’m not leaving you here. We have to go to the police.
Saron pulls a knotted pendant from his jacket. He lifts it. Desperate, he points it toward Cathy and Crystal.
Cathy notices Saron. She smiles, touches Crystal’s cheek.
CATHY Don’t be afraid.
CRYSTAL You have to get up, Cathy. Come on.
Energy gathers at the central point of the pendant, hot and pulsing. Flames consume Saron’s body. He shrieks and thrusts the pendant forward. A concentrated beam of light bears toward Crystal.
Crystal turns. Her eyes widen.
Alicia sits in a fetal position inside the phone booth. Julian’s jacket lays over her.
Julian stands out in the rain, cell phone to his ear. He hangs up his phone and opens the phone booth door. He drops to Alicia’s side.
JULIAN Christian’s on his way. How are you dealing?
ALICIA The pain’s not so bad anymore.
JULIAN Don’t move. The storm’s not letting up; you’ll catch pneumonia.
ALICIA I need to get into that alley. There’s gotta be a way.
Brown liquid drops on her hand. Rivulets of brown dye stream from Julian’s hair.
Julian looks down at the growing puddle. He reaches up to touch his tresses. The brown color comes away on his fingertips. He shoots to his feet.
JULIAN What is up with this rain?
A light swells and erupts from the alleyway.
Alicia stands. She walks out of the phone booth, toward the alleyway.
JULIAN Hey! Get back inside!
Alicia walks on, toward the sound of a heartbeat.
The light dies. Crystal lays sprawled on the ground. She opens her eyes.
Cathy stands, arms spread, before her. She lowers her arms. With a sigh, she falls backwards.
Crystal catches her. She glances toward Saron Rayon.
All that remains is a charred section of wall and barrels, and a scorched pendant.
CATHY He was told it would give him great power. He couldn't have known...
Crystal looks down at Cathy and gasps at the GAPING WOUND in her chest.
Halfway to the alley, Alicia doubles over. Her hands press to her eyes. She lets out a strangled cry.
JULIAN Alicia---!
Julian chokes. He falls to his knees, eyes glazed.
Scott watches a show on TV.
Lightning strikes the house. Reality ripples. Scott blinks. He stands and scratches his head. Flakes of dye fly off. He continues to scratch, until his hair is a uniform pale blue.
His eyes roll and he collapses.
Christian and Patrick hop inside, a flurry of nerves. Christian peels out of the driveway and speeds down the road.
PATRICK What happened?
CHRISTIAN I don’t know.
PATRICK Who’s hurt, then?
CHRISTIAN I don’t know.
PATRICK What good are you going to be if you don’t know anything?
CHRISTIAN I don’t know. Stop asking questions.
Patrick’s expression twists. He cries out and hitches forward, a hand to his head.
Christian frowns and drives faster.
Crystal cradles Cathy near. She holds her blood-soaked cardigan to the wound.
CRYSTAL (screams) Help! Someone please help!
CATHY No one can hear you.
CRYSTAL I have to go. I have to get an ambulance.
CATHY Stay. Please.
CRYSTAL Cathy, there’s too much blood. This isn’t stopping it; I need to get someone.
CATHY It’s all right. The pain isn’t important now.
CATHY They won’t understand. I don’t expect you to, either. Not yet.
CRYSTAL Don’t talk. I told you I’d get you out of here, right? I wouldn’t lie to you.
Cathy grasps Crystal’s arm weakly.
CATHY Crystal. I need you to listen to me.
CRYSTAL I need a phone. There’s got to be a phone here.
CATHY There is something you must do.
CRYSTAL You’re going to be fine. We’ll get you to a hospital and you’re going to be fine.
CATHY Forgive…
Tears cascade down Crystal’s face. She strokes Cathy’s hair.
CRYSTAL It’s going to be all right. Don’t talk anymore. It’ll be all right.
A light swells from Cathy’s body. It shoots off in four directions.
A beam of light strikes home in Alicia’s heart. She shudders and falls against the theater wall.
A beam hits Julian square in the chest. He stumbles back a pace.
A beam touches down on Scott’s unconscious form. He gasps and awakens.
A beam plasters Patrick against the car seat. A tremor courses through him. He grasps the dashboard and fights for breath.
Christian screeches to a stop. He reaches over to unbuckle Patrick.
CHRISTIAN Son. Son. (raps him on both cheeks) Are you all right?
Patrick breathes heavily. He turns his face to Christian. His eyes are rimmed with red.
PATRICK Crystal...
Christian eases Patrick out of the car. Patrick shrugs off his father’s hands and ambles to Julian.
PATRICK Where is she?
Julian, dazed, points toward the alley. Patrick takes off.
ALICIA Wait! There’s something there!
Christian narrows his eyes. He raises a hand. The viscous wall falls away.
JULIAN What is going on around here?
Patrick and Alicia sprint down the alley.
Crystal hums a lullaby and rocks Cathy to and fro. Tears glisten on her cheeks.
Patrick and Alicia appear in the open doorway. They stop short.
Crystal looks up. Her eyes are dim, unaware.
CRYSTAL She’s sleeping.
Patrick races back outside to fetch Christian. Alicia draws near. She takes in the scene: blood, ashes, and singed barrels. She kneels and checks Cathy for a pulse.
CRYSTAL She’s had a hard day. She needs to rest.
Christian rushes in, Julian and Patrick close behind.
ALICIA She’s dead.
Christian eases Alicia aside and presses his fingers to Cathy’s neck. He shakes his head.
CHRISTIAN Someone call for an ambulance.
ALICIA It’s no good. We’re too late.
Julian pulls out his cell phone.
CHRISTIAN Not with that. Use the pay phone outside. Don’t give them any specifics: no names or descriptions. Only the location, got it?
Julian hustles out of the warehouse. Christian lifts Cathy.
CRYSTAL Be careful; don’t hit her head. She could get a concussion.
Alicia embraces Crystal. She strokes her hair, fights to keep a neutral expression.
ALICIA It’ll be okay. Everything’ll be okay.
Christian lays Cathy atop a pile of barrels. He bows his head and murmurs a short prayer. He kisses his fingers and touches them to her eyelids.
CHRISTIAN You have done well.
Christian returns to Crystal. He touches Alicia’s shoulder.
CHRISTIAN We have to go.
ALICIA (pulls away from Crystal) What?
PATRICK What about Cathy?
CHRISTIAN She is at peace; there’s nothing we can do about it now.
ALICIA And Crystal?
CHRISTIAN We need to get her out of here before the authorities arrive.
ALICIA Look at her. There’s blood all over. She needs to be in a hospital.
CHRISTIAN Any other day, I would let you have your way. But right now I need you to do exactly what I’m telling you to do.
Alicia frowns. She eases Crystal to her feet and guides her toward the door.
CRYSTAL Someone should cover her up. She looks so cold.
ALICIA Come on. Let’s get you home.
A light wells from Cathy’s lips. It breaks free and vanishes.
A light spikes through Crystal’s body. She stiffens. Visions dance before her.
--A smoky battleground
--Blood flying
--Warriors screaming
Crystal lurches. She claws at her chest.
--Cathy impaled by the light.
Crystal screams and grips her skull.
CRYSTAL Get out! Get out!
Christian grabs Crystal close. He places a hand over her forehead.
Crystal’s cries die. Her eyes slide shut and she folds into Christian’s arms.
ALICIA Crystal? Crystal!
PATRICK What did you do?
Julian runs in.
JULIAN The ambulance is on its way.
CHRISTIAN Did you mention Crystal?
JULIAN No specifics.
CHRISTIAN Good. Everybody get in the car.
Christian lifts Crystal’s limp form.
PATRICK What the hell did you do to her?
Christian turns. His eyes are brilliant amber. Alicia and Patrick balk.
CHRISTIAN Get. In. The car.
The phones ring non-stop. HEAD EDITOR ignores them studiously for a while.
HEAD EDITOR A little rain and the whole town’s on edge.
After the eighth ring he sighs and answers.
Across the ocean of cubicles and desktops, Tabitha pores over a pile of handwritten letters.
The door to the editor's office slams open.
JARVIS tears from his sleep with an unappealing SNORT.
JARVIS Yeah, boss.
HEAD EDITOR Do you know Thompson's number? I got a disconnect.
JARVIS She's getting renovations done; they put out the lines for today. Did you try her cell?
HEAD EDITOR No good; there's some electrical malfunction with the storm.
The editor runs his hand down his face, hangdog.
HEAD EDITOR What the hell am I supposed to do now?
TABITHA What's going on?
HEAD EDITOR There's been a murder-suicide reported by Aylsfier Cinema. Horrible stuff. I need coverage before the AP get their grubs on it.
JARVIS I can cover it.
HEAD EDITOR You get to work on your column, leadweight. Richardson, keep him typing.
Head editor vanishes into his office. Jarvis slumps into his chair.
JARVIS I didn't go to journalism school for this.
Tabitha stares at the computer screen. It becomes a nonsensical blur of letters and light. Dizziness, nausea and chills assault her in waves. She gasps and grips the edge of her desk.
JARVIS You okay, Tab?
TABITHA I need some water.
She to her feet and treads into the break room. Jarvis follows close behind. He ushers her to a chair and pours a cone of cold water from the cooler. She accepts it and sips.
JARVIS You're not looking good, Tab.
Tabitha wipes the sweat from her brow.
Brown residue comes away on her fingertips.
JARVIS Jesus, Tabitha, your eyes…
Tabitha jumps to her feet and takes flight.
Tabitha bulldozes through the swinging door. She hangs her head over the sink, breathless.
TABITHA Not yet. Not now.
She readies herself and lifts her eyes to the fractured mirror.
A muddied streak of silver hair stands out on her head. She strokes it. The tarnished color wipes away. Tears prick her eyes. She leans close to the mirror. Her eyes are an unearthly violet. Tabitha shrinks back against the facing wall.
A phone rings. Tabitha’s heart seizes. She presses a hand to her chest.
Jarvis has the phone to his ear. Tabitha rushes to her desk. He glances her way.
JARVIS Tab, it's for you.
TABITHA (answers the phone) Julian?
JULIAN (O.C.) Mom, something's wrong with Crystal.
TABITHA What do you mean wrong? What happened?
Static roars and dies.
JULIAN (O.C.) ….We’re headed back home now…..
TABITHA Who’s we?
More static, insistent.
TABITHA Julian? Julian!
Tabitha slams the receiver down. Jarvis watches her with bated breath. She grabs her keys and bolts.
The phones in the office ring insistently. The editor pops out of his office, a phone to each ear.
HEAD EDITOR Jarvis! Wake up and pick up a line! I need you to take statements!
Jarvis fumbles for his phone.
Tabitha peels out of the parking center. Rain pounds hard against the windshield. A bolt of lightning strikes home on the road. Tabitha swerves.
The shriek of wet brakes and flailing tires fills the storm-blackened evening, punctuated by a chorus of metal against metal. Deathly quiet swells in the miasma of storm sounds.
The mangled door of the car eases open. Tabitha stumbles into the street. Blood pours from a cut on her forehead. She presses a hand to the wound and closes her eyes, tilting her face up to the rain. Brown dye streaks her face and neck, stripping her glistening silver tresses of the facade. When the water runs clear once more, she opens her eyes and lowers her hand. The cut is gone, replaced by a barely noticeable, star-shaped scar.
There is a surge of wind. Tabitha turns.
Jade stands beneath a flickering streetlight, sopping wet. Hashimate slips out of his car to monitor the exchange.
Jade approaches. She takes one step at a time until she is within arm's reach.
Tabitha trembles. She rubs her arms to ward off the chill.
TABITHA The messenger?
JADE Dead.
TABITHA And Diamond?
JADE Gone. And reborn.
Tabitha’s eyes widen. She lowers her gaze. Realization dawns. She shakes her head.
TABITHA Not my daughter.
Jade lowers her gaze.
TABITHA Tell me the cursed one is not my daughter.
JADE I will not lie to you.
Tabitha stumbles away. She shakes her head, sucks in a breath, and turns.
TABITHA Why have you come?
Jade unlatches her cloak. It falls to her feet, a heavy mass of wet wool. She pushes up the wide sleeve of her chemise. A thick, bloodied bandage covers her upper arm. Tabitha’s eyes widen.
JADE It is time Rath’s children returned home, sister.
High above, DARULLA, 25, dark, blunt-cut hair and celadon eyes, keeps a watchful eye. Her eyes and lips are painted severely, giving her a dangerously beautiful, exotic appearance. She sneers down at the procession of survivors. Training her expression, she pulls a small handheld computer from a pouch and presses two buttons.
DARULLA Saron Rayon is defeated.
ROCTHU (O.C.) His mission?
DARULLA A failure. Diamond is awakened.
ROCTHU (O.C.) The others as well, I suspect.
ROCTHU (O.C.) Keep watch. Report their movements.
DARULLA Of course.
ROCTHU (O.C.) Darulla. Do not act recklessly.
The transmission cuts off. Darulla's expression gentles considerably. She cradles the computer close.
The moment of weakness is brief. Her jaw sets; her eyes narrow.
DARULLA What is reckless?
RUN END CREDITS. © 2010 Megan UrrutiaAuthor's Note
Added on December 8, 2010 Last Updated on December 8, 2010 Author