![]() CliffhangerA Screenplay by Megan Urrutia![]() A young writer is sucked into the blank pages of a book by a demon who wishes to use her to break the Seventh Seal and free itself from its prison.![]() FADE IN:
It is a dark, cloudy day. Wind howls through the trees in great gusts, forcing the limbs to lean and wave perilously overhead. A small family is gathered for a wake.
A strong gust knocks a hat from a woman’s head. MERINA HOH, 25, a somber beauty with tan skin, almond-shaped blue eyes and flowing jet-black hair, stares at two large portraits; one of a middle-aged man with tan skin and dark hair, the other of a fair woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. Thunder rumbles.
AUNT #1 and AUNT #2 approach Merina.
AUNT #1 Dear girl. Bless your soul for the burden of such losses.
AUNT #2 It can’t be easy to be here.
MERINA I don’t know what you mean.
AUNT #1 Child…
AUNT #2 There’s no need to swallow your pain; it’s not losing face to mourn.
MERINA I don’t mourn what isn’t lost.
The Aunts exchange a glance and withdraw.
Thunder rumbles nearer. Rain falls. Relatives spring into action, covering food and snatching away offerings, folding tables, chairs. The portraits are lifted from their easels and carted away, leaving Merina staring into nothing. The rain pours. Merina narrows her eyes.
Merina sprints for the trees framing the small garden clearing, paying no heed to the cries of alarm behind her.
Lightning blazes along the treetops. Merina darts through the gnarled trees, intent on reaching her destination.
A root arches before her. She trips and skids across the muddy forest floor.
Roots erupt from the ground. They slither around her ankles and constrict. Merina yanks a concealed dagger from her waistband and hacks them away. She struggles to her feet and continues.
Merina breaks into a clearing and espies a log cabin. Dagger brandished, she enters.
Merina slams the door behind her. The floor creaks; dust rises from hundreds of antique objects. An intricately leather book lies closed on a bed. She creeps near.
A cat leaps to the bed, barring her way. Merina tilts her head. She reaches toward it. The cat growls low.
MERINA I see. This is what it’s done to you. This is how…
The cat arches its back and yowls. Merina shakes her head.
MERINA It’s too late for me. I can’t go back. Please understand.
The cat leaps for the girl, claws extended. It appears to grow to twice its size mid-leap.
Merina dodges the attack. She snatches the book from the bed and cradles it to her chest. She slashes her palm.
MERINA I won’t let you have them.
Merina presses her hand to the seal.
Light swells and erupts from the dingy windows, illuminating the storm-darkened forest. The light dies. The cat jumps to a window, staring; waiting.
A haunting lullaby plays.
SUPER: Three Years Later. . .
Light filters into a large dorm with beds on opposite ends and individual desks. One is neat and orderly; the other stacked with bound manuscripts and precious stone figurines of dragons, fairies and warriors.
KARMINA ENLOE, 20, long brunette waves and limpid eyes, sits cross-legged on her bed, typing on a laptop computer.
The door SLAMS open. JUSTINE ENLOE, 20, short, highlighted brunette hair and energetic smile, enters, clad in winter camping attire.
JUSTINE Rise and shine.
KARMINA Oh, my… What are you wearing?
JUSTINE I was going to go Nomadic and wear a bearskin, but I don’t want to send mixed signals.
Karmina winces. Justine slaps her hand down to her side.
JUSTINE …And you forgot; you forgot the camping trip we’ve been planning for a month.
Justine c***s her head. She circles the bed. Karmina swiftly closes the computer. Justine crosses her arms over her chest.
JUSTINE Karmina Marie Enloe, you’re not holing up on another beautiful weekend and clacking away on that thing.
KARMINA This thing is the final payment on my car and the down-payment on my house.
JUSTINE Logic vetoed.
Justine hoists Karmina from her bed and hauls her toward the door.
KARMINA Justine, I’m in my PJs.
JUSTINE Too bad.
KARMINA At least let me put on sandals.
Justine shoves Karmina into the hall and SLAMS the door.
Karmina sits on a rocky ledge overlooking the lake. Behind her, EZEKIAL LAWRENCE, 21, rugged with short-shorn brown hair, is setting up a tent. Justine and LUMINA DARSHIVE, 21, strawberry-blonde hair with a shy smile, mock swordfight with dead branches on the pier.
Ezekial pushes back the tent flap and peers out at Karmina.
EZEKIAL Hey, Karm, can you come down here? I need you to take a look at something.
Karmina obliges. She kneels beside him and cringes. The tent is a pithy two-sleeper.
EZEKIAL Look a little cozy to you?
KARMINA Justine must have gotten them mixed up.
EZEKIAL It could sleep four if we were swingers.
KARMINA (helpfully) They don’t kick.
Ezekial pulls Karmina into his arms. She gasps, then laughs.
EZEKIAL Or we could stay under the stars.
Karmina murmurs agreement. They kiss. Lumina and Justine approach in high spirits, ready and willing to ruin the romantic moment.
LUMINA Hey, hey. None of that.
JUSTINE We have a bonfire to build, and not that kind.
EZEKIAL “We” meaning me, right?
JUSTINE Good man.
KARMINA I’ll help.
LUMINA You’ll help us catch dinner.
EZEKIAL You’re not gonna catch crap.
JUSTINE Just for that, I’m gonna catch the biggest fish in the lake.
All are lounging about the fire, roasting marshmallows and hot dogs on thin skewers.
EZEKIAL You know, if we were actually in a survival situation, you would all die.
JUSTINE I, for one, am grateful to be living in a time of cars and convenience stores.
LUMINA Anyway, it’s not our fault. The fish were too cute.
EZEKIAL Fish aren’t cute at all.
LUMINA They’re cuter than hot dogs…
Karmina blows out her scorched line of marshmallows. She cringes and sets them aside.
KARMINA What next?
JUSTINE Ooo. Scary stories.
LUMINA I don’t think so.
JUSTINE It’s tradition.
EZEKIAL You don’t even know any.
JUSTINE You don’t know them; you feel them.
EZEKIAL That makes no sense…
A low, haunting melody catches Karmina’s attention. She waves her hand for silence.
KARMINA Hey… Listen…
All sit at attention.
JUSTINE It’s music.
EZEKIAL That can’t be right… There’s not another campsite for miles.
Ezekial sets his skewer down and stands.
KARMINA Where are you going?
EZEKIAL Checking it out.
LUMINA Are you serious? You don’t even have a flashlight.
Karmina holds a hand out to Ezekial. He helps her up.
LUMINA Come on, this is crazy.
Justine scrambles to her feet to follow. Lumina throws her hands up.
LUMINA Am I invisible?
No one turns around. Lumina heaves a sigh.
All venture into the clearing. Lumina grabs Justine’s arm.
LUMINA We shouldn’t do this. There could be a sociopath in there.
Ezekial unsheathes a hunting knife and creeps up the stairs. Justine pats Lumina’s back.
JUSTINE Relax. If you hear screams, you still have time to run.
Lumina glares and pinches Justine.
Ezekial turns the knob. The door creaks open
All enter. Ezekial checks the cabin for occupants, knife at the ready. Justine caresses a spool of Victorian lace. Her wondering eyes roam the antiquated furnishings, particularly the bronze mirror half-covered by a tapestry in the corner of the room.
JUSTINE It’s like a museum.
Lumina runs a hand over a dusty bookshelf and cringes.
LUMINA A dingy, horribly kept museum.
EZEKIAL (emerges from the back) No one’s here.
Karmina notices a chest at the foot of a bed. A heartbeat sounds. Karmina’s brow furrows.
Ezekial lifts the needle from a stenograph record, halting the eerie music. He sheaths his knife and turns to Karmina, who is shifting through a collection of old books in the chest.
JUSTINE Trust the author to find the library.
Karmina stares at the polished ivory spine nestled amongst the rest. She lifts a hand over it. The disembodied heartbeat intensifies. She withdraws the book. The cover is intricately etched black leather with a red eye seal.
Karmina opens the book. It is blank.
EZEKIAL What’s that? A journal?
Lumina rubs her arms to ward off the chill in the room.
LUMINA Can we go? I feel like something’s staring at me.
EZEKIAL Sure; we’ve ruled out potential homicide.
Ezekial, Justine, and Faye exit. Karmina hesitates. Eyes shifty, she slips the book into her jacket and follows.
The door closes. The cat emerges from the shadows behind the mirror and leaps to the stenograph. It noses the needle until it touches down on the record. The eerie music swells. The cat turns its neon eyes to the door.
Karmina rifles through her closet, a phone to her ear.
KARMINA Joy, I’m meeting my friend at the airport in twenty minutes.
She pulls a blouse and skirt from the closet. She throws them on the bed and sighs.
KARMINA I’m getting the pages out to you as fast as I can.
Karmina pulls the blouse from the hanger. The phone beeps. She glances at the screen.
KARMINA Call waiting. I have to go. (nods) I know. I know. Bye. (switches call) What’s up, Lumina.
LUMINA (V.O.) Faye’s flight got delayed in Newark. It’ll be another hour.
Karmina rolls her eyes. She pulls the blouse and skirt on.
KARMINA Why am I not surprised?
LUMINA (V.O.) Can you still get her?
KARMINA Yeah, that’s no problem. (smiles) ‘Kay, see you then.
Karmina hangs up and grabs her laptop. She settles onto her bed.
The heartbeat sounds.
Karmina lowers her laptop to the bed. She retrieves the book from her sleeping bag and begins to write in it.
An hour passes.
Karmina glances at the clock. She utters a mild oath and reaches up to a high shelf to grab her keys.
She cuts her finger on a carelessly placed letter opener. She gasps and pulls back. Blood wells from the cut. She stands and shakes her hand.
Droplets of blood splash to the open page. Karmina applies pressure to the cut and exits to the connecting bathroom.
The pages of the book flutter. A low whistle of wind sounds. Karmina sidles out of the bathroom. She draws the curtains back from the window. It is closed.
Karmina attempts to close the book, smearing blood on the seal in the process. The wind picks up again, stronger. Karmina backs away. Papers fly in the roaring winds. Karmina shields herself.
There is a blinding flash.
Justine strides down the length of dorms.
JUSTINE (mockingly) “Sure, no problem, I’ll be there!” Workaholic…
Justine knocks on Karmina’s door and enters. She stops short upon the sight of Karmina’s ROOMMATE with a POLICE OFFICER.
ROOMMATE (jerks thumb toward Justine) Look, she’s her cousin, she’ll know way more than I will.
JUSTINE What’s going on?
Officer nods to the roommate, and she leaves.
OFFICER We received a call from Miss Enloe’s mother. She was worried when she couldn’t get a hold of her daughter this weekend.
JUSTINE We went camping. She didn’t have a chance to grab her phone.
Justine looks around the room. Papers are everywhere, Karmina’s keys are next to the phone on her bed.
OFFICER This is merely a formality, since her roommate claims to have seen her this morning.
A heartbeat sounds. Justine looks down. The book peeks out from beneath Karmina’s bed. The sound amplifies, drowning the officer’s words.
OFFICER Ma’am. Ma’am.
JUSTINE (jerks to attention) What?
OFFICER Could you supply information of her recent contacts?
Justine nods. She stares, distracted, at the book.
Golden grassland and dandelions stretch for miles, framed by a distant crest of forest. Karmina lies amongst the dandelions. She lifts her head and squints against the glaring sun. She sits up, stretches, and looks at her surroundings. Her eyes widen. She jumps to her feet.
FAUST (O.S.) Finally!
Karmina whirls, feet planted and fists at the ready. FAUST HOH, 49, shorn black hair and bronze skin, sits atop a lone boulder, clad in a robe that changes color as it moves. He taps a staff on his knee.
FAUST Do you know how boring it is to watch a person sleep for hours on end?
KARMINA Who are you? Where am I?
FAUST I suppose it would be jarring for one used to being on the other side.
Faust slides from the boulder. He draws near.
FAUST This is your child; your creation. Do you understand my meaning?
KARMINA Stay back! I don’t know how you got me here, but… (lowering her hands) Wait. Am I dreaming?
FAUST Madame Creator, it seems that you suffer misconceptions about your Fate.
Faust taps Karmina with his staff. A jolt of electricity sparks against her skin. Karmina cries out and jumps away.
FAUST Feel like a dream?
Karmina glares, rubbing her side. Faust chuckles and turns away. He points his staff toward the horizon.
FAUST Come; there is no telling how far we must go before we find shelter.
He starts off across the field. Karmina stands her ground.
KARMINA Why should I go anywhere with you?
FAUST Have you reviewed your alternatives?
Karmina looks to the left. She looks to the right. She sighs heavily and tromps after Faust.
Lumina sits at a booth, chatting with FAYE DARSHIVE, 21, her fair-haired and outgoing fraternal twin. Ezekial leans against the booth, a red apron around his waist and a towel over his shoulder.
Justine enters. She is disheveled, cheeks flushed and breathless. All eyes turn to her.
LUMINA It’s about time. Where’s Karmina?
Justine slides into the booth across the twins. She drops her face in her hands and shakes her head.
FAYE What’s wrong?
JUSTINE Karmina’s missing.
LUMINA That’s impossible. I just talked to her a few hours ago.
JUSTINE I’ve looked all over campus. Her car is parked outside her dorm; her phone’s on her bed.
Justine pulls the book from her messenger bag. She sets it on the table.
JUSTINE I found this in her room.
LUMINA She took that thing?
Faye pulls the book near. She opens it and flips through. She stops on the final written page.
Several small, round, dark drops mar the last page. Faye closes the book. She runs her finger over the seal and rubs the flaky, dark residue on her fingertips.
FAYE There’s blood.
Ezekial jerks upward and snatches the book away, startling everyone. He touches the dried blood. The book falls from his slackened fingers, hitting the table with a loud THUD.
EZEKIAL Are you out of your mind? Why’d you take that from the scene?
LUMINA She didn’t know"
EZEKIAL (heatedly) Tampering with evidence is a felony.
FAYE Ezekial, calm down.
EZEKIAL How the hell am I supposed to be calm?
An irate customer gestures for Ezekial. Ezekial shakes his head and sets off to work. Justine looks on, unsettled by his hot-and-cold display of temper.
LUMINA What do we do?
JUSTINE We have to keep looking. Her roommate saw her this morning; the cops won’t budge until tomorrow.
LUMINA I’ll get this to the station.
Faye and Justine exit in a hurry. Lumina runs her hand over the book.
Classical music plays. Lumina takes a deep breath and blinks back tears, trying in vain to control her growing feeling of helplessness. She pulls to a stop at the side of the road. She lowers her head to the steering wheel with a sob. Tears fall to the book on her lap, wetting the dried blood on the seal.
The radio stutters. Lumina adjusts the station. It catches on a faint lullaby: the song from the cabin. Lumina stares down at the book.
There is no end to the field. Karmina trudges along behind Faust without enthusiasm.
KARMINA Okay, hippie guy. You know all; when will we find civilization?
FAUST It’s Faust, and I happen to be a monk.
KARMINA Are all the monks around here so vibrant?
FAUST I would thank you to hold such comments; the conception of my unfortunate attire is yours to claim responsibility for.
KARMINA How am I--?
FAUST “He stood before her, richly adorned in the magnificent robes of the generations.”
Arms extended, Faust executes an imperial bow.
FAUST “A thousand colors caught the light as he moved to take her hand. ‘Come, lady. I will be your guide.’”
Karmina stops. She looks around them. She looks at Faust. She lowers her gaze.
KARMINA This field. . .The dandelions. . .
FAUST Welcome, Creator.
KARMINA (numbly) That is not what I meant by “magnificent”.
Lumina enters her room and locks the door. She sits at her desk and stares at the open book. A mirror above her desk ripples. She retrieves a pen and resumes the story.
Faust warily watches Karmina, who stands stock still, shocked and silent.
FAUST You’re not going to faint, are you?
KARMINA I’m taking this is. I created this world?
FAUST Right.
KARMINA Now I’m in it.
FAUST Seems so.
Karmina considers the state of affairs.
KARMINA My legs feel a little shaky.
A tremor rocks the field. Karmina loses her balance and falls forward into Faust’s arms.
The ground splits beneath their feet. Faust spins them away. A landscape of trees and a smooth grey city wall erupt along the broken earth. Faust eases his protective embrace.
A section of wall crackles and disintegrates, revealing a bustling marketplace within.
FAUST Those are powerful legs.
KARMINA What just happened?
FAUST Divine creation.
KARMINA I didn’t write that.
FAUST Someone did. Coming?
Faust and Karmina head for the town entrance.
Karmina’s hand throbs. She gasps.
FAUST What is it?
KARMINA I cut my hand a little bit earlier. I can’t really remember how...
FAUST We’ll have someone look at it.
They enter, and are floored by a strange aura.
The people are excessively cheerful. The wares for sale look too perfect; the streets too clean. The marketplace is flawless. It is an eerie atmosphere.
FAUST Stay close.
They venture further within. They come upon a home with a physician’s sign hanging from an awning. There is a line of smiling patrons outside the closed door.
KARMINA He looks busy.
Faust lowers his head. He concentrates. A scream rings out. The waiting blink. They disperse, still smiling.
FAUST Well. Look at that.
KARMINA What did you do?
FAUST Relax. Surely there are ventriloquists in your world.
KARMINA You’re cruel.
Faust guides Karmina to the door. Two gentlemen exit, A PATIENT and NAMIR HOH, 50, a tall man with bronze skin and gleaming teeth wearing a lab coat. Namir pats the patient on the back, and the patient scurries off.
Namir glances up at Karmina. He freezes. His perfect white smile falters.
NAMIR Forgive me; you don’t look familiar. Do you have an appointment?
FAUST If it’s not too much trouble, we require emergency assistance.
Namir shakes his head to clear it. He does his best to maintain a blank, friendly expression.
NAMIR Please, come in.
Faust escorts Karmina within. Namir scans the marketplace before closing and locking the door behind them.
NAMIR Have a seat.
Karmina and Faust sit. Namir draws the shades closed. His bland demeanor falls away. He circles his desk, never taking his eyes from Karmina. She squirms under his scrutiny. He sits and leans forward, searching her gaze.
NAMIR Can it be?
FAUST She has a soul, if that’s what you mean.
NAMIR May I see your hand?
Karmina reaches forward. Namir takes hold. He withdraws a jar of salve from his desk; dabs it on the broken skin. There is no effect.
NAMIR How has she come to be here?
FAUST From what I can gather, she was called.
NAMIR Then the Queen must know.
Karmina pulls away, wary of her exclusion from their urgent conversation.
FAUST Another from her world has crafted this province. The realities will paradox if she is not returned.
NAMIR Madame Creator--
KARMINA Okay, that has to stop. My name is Karmina, and I am a writer. That’s all.
NAMIR You cannot see it.
Namir gestured about the simply appointed stone office. There are a few certificates, a few posters, a sink, and no reflective surfaces. No silver, no glass.
There are no mirrors here. Your eyes give you away. They are living eyes; they pierce beyond the veil, beyond illusion.
KARMINA I’m just a writer …
FAUST Writer, Creator, whatever she is, she does not belong here.
NAMIR The queen will know what to do.
KARMINA What queen?
FAUST She is the sage of the Eastern kingdom; knowledgeable in the ways of the Creators. If anyone knows a way to send you home, she will.
Lumina eyes droop shut. She drops her head to her desk. The pen rolls from her fingers.
The merrymaking outside halts. Namir gets up and opens the front door. The streets are completely cleared of citizens. Namir closes and latches the door.
NAMIR Whoever is at the helm is at rest for now.
Namir goes to Karmina, urging her to stand.
NAMIR We should follow suit. Traveling exhausted will not do. There are cots in the sickroom. I apologize in advance for the unrefined accommodations.
Karmina nods, exhausted and dispirited. Namir guides her to the back room, Faust close behind.
Faye enters. At the end of the hall, a tray of food lays half-eaten outside of Lumina’s door. She turns the knob, finds it locked, and uses her key to get in.
Lumina is unconscious on her desk, concealing the book with her head and arms. Faye picks a blanket up from the foot of her bed and drapes it over her. She kneels next to the desk and strokes Lumina’s hair, melancholy.
Ezekial shoots hoops. He is off his game, unable to make a point. Disgusted, he allows the ball to roll off.
Justine grabs it as it rolls into the middle of the street.
EZEKIAL What’re you doing here?
JUSTINE I was in the neighborhood. Figured you’d need a hand with all that angst.
Justine shoots. The ball flies through the hoop.
EZEKIAL I’m not in the mood.
Justine grabs the ball and holds it to her hip.
JUSTINE Do you want to know how I spent my day?
EZEKIAL No. But I’m sure you’ll tell me.
JUSTINE I have been in conference rooms, test centers, at least a dozen libraries and bookstores. Oh, and I crossed two state lines. How about you?
She hurls the ball at Ezekial. He scowls and flings it back.
EZEKIAL I’m supposed to feel bad because you’re running around like an idiot? Come off it.
He turns away. Justine pursues him, relentless.
JUSTINE You’re not even trying.
Ezekial whirls, eyes blazing. Justine stumbles back a pace.
EZEKIAL What do you want me to do? Rack my brain for everything she could have gotten in trouble for; sniff around like a nose-less bloodhound?
JUSTINE I--That’s a weird image…
EZEKIAL She has no enemies; she doesn’t hang out with screwed up people. Where am I supposed to start?
JUSTINE (shakes head) I don’t know.
Ezekial slumps on the porch. Justine sits next to him, spinning the ball in her hands.
JUSTINE I just have to know that if we need you, you’ll be there.
EZEKIAL I won’t waste my energy on anything but a sure thing.
Ezekial stands and enters the house. Justine passes the basketball between her hands and gazes at the cloudy sky.
Faye is asleep on her bed. Lumina storms in and hits her with a pillow. Faye jerks upright.
LUMINA What were you doing in my room?
FAYE Good morning to you, too.
LUMINA A locked door means stay out.
FAYE Fine.
Faye rolls over and pulls a pillow over her head. Lumina yanks the pillow away and throws it across the room.
LUMINA I want your key.
FAYE What? That’s ridiculous.
Lumina sets her jaw and extends a hand. Faye rolls her eyes. She retrieves the key and hands it over.
FAYE You’re acting childish.
Lumina glares and exits. Faye’s phone rings.
Sunlight filters in through the lush canopy of trees. Karmina lies cradled in a mighty oak’s arms, fast asleep. A small bird perches on her hand. It hops up her arm and observes her. Karmina awakens. She stares at the bird. It stares at her.
The bird darts away; Karmina stands precariously on the tree limb.
KARMINA Faust! I am in a tree!
There is a rustle and a shower of leaves. Faust peers down from above.
FAUST Is it customary for women in your world to be shrill and panicked?
KARMINA When I go to bed in a cot, I don’t expect to wake up in foliage.
NAMIR (O.S.) Good morning.
Karmina looks down. Namir waves from the ground several yards below. Karmina jerks her gaze upward and flattens against the tree.
FAUST Don’t tell me you’re afraid of heights.
KARMINA I have a fall-to-my-death aversion, yes.
NAMIR My office wandered off in the middle of the night; I’m afraid my resources are limited. I could search for help if you’d like.
KARMINA No; I should be able to climb down.
FAUST Wait. Let me start first.
Karmina stares at the sky. Faust scales a few limbs. He teeters beside her.
FAUST Now, if we climb down together, the possibility for painful repercussions should be"
Karmina vanishes. She reappears, disoriented, by Namir’s side. Faust plunges through the vegetation, staff first.
FAUST -----slllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!
Faust hits the ground hard. Karmina and Namir wince.
FAUST Your gods hate me.
Karmina helps him to his feet and dusts him off.
FAUST Any other surprises I should expect this fine morning?
NAMIR We’re being followed.
Namir indicates a point beyond them. They turn to see a hawk circling overhead. Upon their notice, it soars out of sight.
FAUST A Queen’s agent, no doubt.
KARMINA She’s spying on us?
NAMIR It is merely curiosity. I doubt she has run across many Creators in her time.
FAUST Lucky broad. . .
Namir levels Faust with a murderous glare.
KARMINA Look at it this way: Things can’t get any---
Thunder booms. Rain falls in sheets. All stand in stunned silence.
FAUST Brilliant.
Lightning flashes close overhead. Karmina notices a cottage in the distance.
KARMINA Over there. I think it’s a house.
FAUST How tantalizing and convenient.
Namir and Karmina approach the cottage.
FAUST What are you doing?
NAMIR Staving off pneumonia.
Faust casts his gaze skyward.
FAUST This can’t end well.
All run for the dry porch of the rustic cottage. Racked with shivers, Karmina finds the door and opens it.
Two dozen men are crammed in a smoke-filled room that smells of booze and bad dealings: A thieves’ hold. All eyes turn to the open door.
Karmina slams the door shut.
KARMINA Let’s keep looking.
The door swings open. Rough hands grab Karmina. A knife is pressed to her throat as she is pulled within.
Namir and Faust stand at the points of a dozen sabers. An especially vicious THIEF holds Karmina hostage.
THIEF One more step and she bleeds.
NAMIR We mean no harm.
THIEF I suppose next you’ll tell me you’re not spies for the Queen.
NAMIR We have no such association.
FAUST Honestly, don’t you think we could have mustered more finesse if we did?
Thief presses the knife harder against Karmina’s throat. She cries out.
THIEF Don’t toy with me. Why have you come here?
NAMIR We seek passage to the Eastern continent. Our sole intent is to deliver the girl safely home.
Thief forces Karmina to face him. He searches her gaze. She gasps and cringes. After a long pause, Thief laughs menacingly.
THIEF Lost your way, little one?
Thief spins her into the arms of a group of men.
THIEF Give her a memory to take with her.
The men paw at her, smell her, laugh at her. Karmina squirms and pushes their hands away. Thief approaches Faust and Namir, knife at the ready.
THIEF As for you two . . .
Faust’s uppercuts Thief with his staff. Thief’s eyes glaze over. He stumbles back, teeters, and collapses.
Faust’s staff is a blur in the air. He takes out thieves one by one. Namir ducks behind an overturned table for shelter from flying tankards of ale and discarded bodies.
FAUST Help me!
NAMIR You’re doing great.
Karmina screams. The men lift her to the bar. She pushes and punches. Her hand touches the hilt of a sword. She pulls it out and stabs. A thief falls away. The others pull back and stare at him. Karmina gains her bearings and stabs again.
Soon, Karmina and Faust are back to back, fighting for their lives. No matter how many they strike down, more materialize to take their place.
FAUST What did you do to the people in your world?
KARMINA Nothing to deserve this!
A table slams into Faust and Karmina, bearing them to the ground. A dozen thieves drag Faust to his feet and pin Karmina to the floor. A thief kneels beside her and sneers.
An arrow zips through the air. The thief’s eyes bulge. He slumps onto Karmina.
Arrows fly. Thieves fall. The brawl lapses into silence. Karmina shoves the lifeless thief aside and looks up.
A hooded man stands at the ready. He sweeps the cloak off and steps forward. Raven-haired, porcelain skin, face sculpted by angels, VASILIS, 26, is the very portrait of a knight. He offers his hand to Karmina.
Karmina stands with Vasilis’s assistance. Namir and Faust rise. Faust tightens his grip on the staff; Namir picks up a broken bottle. VASILIS You fight well.
FAUST It helps to fear for one’s life.
VASILIS I apologize for not assisting you sooner. I did not want to raise suspicions.
NAMIR You are a Queen’s knight.
VASILIS An apprentice knight, only. I have yet to take my vows. I was sent to gather sentiments of the Queen. This is the most common reaction from the poor.
FAUST Unwarranted violence?
KARMINA We should go; the rain’s stopped.
VASILIS I overheard your mention of an audience. It will be an arduous journey by foot.
KARMINA We’ll be fine, really.
VASILIS Certainly, but what will you do when you reach the ocean?
Karmina falters. She glances at her companions.
Ezekial is busing tables and taking orders, listless.
The door jingles. Justine enters. Ezekial looks up. He turns his back and wipes a table.
JUSTINE Shunning me?
EZEKIAL Is it working?
JUSTINE Faye and I are meeting here at 6 tomorrow. Are you gonna be around?
EZEKIAL That depends; what kind of VooDoo/Wiccan/Pagan B.S. are you gonna try to rope me into?
Ezekial balances two pizzas and carries them to a table. Justine grabs four plates and follows. Justine distributes the plates and Ezekial slides the pizzas to the table. He smiles at the customers and turns away. Justine persists.
JUSTINE It’s nothing like that. (grabs Ezekial’s arm) I would only come to you if we really needed you.
Ezekial dusts his hands off on his apron. He gathers menus and cutlery and sets them on a table.
EZEKIAL I close that night; I’ll be here anyway. Just don’t expect me to go along with anything crazy.
JUSTINE A warm body’s all I ask.
Justine exits. Somber, Ezekial resumes his work.
Vasilis leads the ways across the golden sands toward a great ship. Faust, Karmina, and Namir fall behind.
FAUST I don’t trust him.
KARMINA You’ve said that since we met him; he hasn’t done anything sleazy or violent yet.
NAMIR After three hours of walking through isolated woods with you, I believe he has achieved sainthood.
FAUST Who asked you, Crouching Table? If that’s how useful you’re going to be when danger comes, we should have left you there!
KARMINA We have a clear path now. Can’t you stop arguing for a while?
FAUST I don’t like this.
KARMINA I know, I know.
Vasilis signals at the ship. A ladder is tossed over the side. He gestures for Karmina to lead.
VASILIS After you, milady.
Karmina scales the ship wall. Faust bumps Vasilis aside and follows.
Karmina stands at the bow. She revels in the extraordinary sights and sounds of the open sea.
Faust leans over the railing and retches. Karmina cringes.
KARMINA You really should lie down.
NAMIR The open air is best for him. He’s just being a big baby.
FAUST Thank you for your prognostic, doctor. Come closer and allow me to express my gratitude.
VASILIS Don’t mind them. You know what they say: the more they fight, the deeper the affection.
FAUST I will kill you.
NAMIR Try standing first.
Vasilis glares. He draws himself up and immediately falls back down.
KARMINA Okay, champ, time for bed.
Karmina loops Faust’s arm over her shoulder and tries to stand. She stumbles. Vasilis rushes to assist her.
Vasilis and Karmina maneuver Faust down the narrow stairs to a bed nailed to the floor. Karmina fetches a basin of water and a cloth. She dunks, wrings, and rests it on Faust’s clammy brow. He snores.
Karmina and Vasilis settle on the floor next to the bed.
VASILIS The proximity clause seems a bit inconvenient.
KARMINA It’s not too bad. Thank you for helping; you don’t have to stay.
VASILIS There’s not much good company on this ship. You’re refreshing.
Karmina smiles uneasily.
VASILIS Don’t misunderstand. I know you belong to someone else.
Karmina’s brow furrows. Vasilis senses her confusion and continues.
VASILIS You and I are very much alike. I, too, hide pain behind a smile; I, too, desire another to be beside me when I wake.
Karmina’s smile wavers. Tears fall, unchecked, down her face.
VASILIS My lady…
Karmina blinks. She swipes at the tears, mortified.
KARMINA Wow. I’m sorry. This is so stupid. I’m sorry.
She attempts to laugh off the outburst, but, slowly, she loses the strength to fight it. She lowers her hands to her lap. Tears cascade down her serene face.
KARMINA I want to go home; I want to see everyone. What should I do? There’s got to be a way.
VASILIS Doors open on strange company. Perhaps if you adapt to your surroundings, the opportunity will come.
Karmina nods. Vasilis pulls her into a one-armed embrace and allows her to cry on his shoulder.
VASILIS If you must blow your nose, please use the sheets.
Karmina laughs. Vasilis wipes Karmina’s cheek with his sleeve.
A glimmer passes over them. Vasilis’s arm tightens about Karmina. She attempts to pull away, but finds herself stuck fast. Vasilis leans close. Karmina squeezes her eyes shut.
The ship lurches. The pair crash into the wall, jolting them back to reality.
KARMINA Oh, thank God.
Vasilis shakes his head. He puts distance between himself and Karmina.
There is a rush of footsteps. A DECKHAND leaps to the cabin floor, frantic.
DECKHAND We are under siege!
Vasilis gratefully gets to his feet and stomps up the stairs after the deckhand.
VASILIS Stay below, my lady.
Karmina cowers against the wall. Another force rams the ship. Karmina flails. She grasps the bedrails and pulls herself upright. Faust snores.
KARMINA You’ve got to be kidding.
The bright blue sky is marred with swirling black clouds. Vasilis rushes to Namir’s side at the bow.
NAMIR The enemy is on neither horizon nor sky.
The tremors cease.
Vasilis draws his sword. He peers into the dark, churning waters. A shadow spins far below. Vasilis narrows his eyes.
A serpent surges upward. It sweeps over the deck, decimating most of the wooden railing; everyone dives out of the way. It rises from the water slowly, tastes the air with its tongue. Eyes slit, it dives. It does not resurface.
NAMIR (rubs neck) Well. Rather anticlimactic.
Karmina sits wedged against Faust’s bed and the wall, fiddling with the neckline of her blouse.
There is a heavy exhalation.
Karmina’s breath hitches. She looks over her shoulder. A red, reptilian eye stares through the view window.
Serpent crashes through the wall. Water rushes in. Karmina screams and leaps onto the bed. She shakes Faust.
KARMINA Faust! Open your eyes! This is not a drill!
Karmina’s cry rings out. Vasilis and Namir jerk to attention. Vasilis races for the stairs. The serpent sweeps Vasilis against the railing with its powerful tail.
Serpent turns its head to look at Karmina. It strikes.
Karmina rolls Faust off of the bed, into the cold, rising water. Serpent smashes into the wall. Karmina grabs a bottle of rum and strikes it against the floor. Serpent tears away from the wall and turns to Karmina. She flings the jagged bottle into the creature’s eye. It screams and retreats. Karmina races up the stairs. Faust’s loud protests ring out.
Karmina stumbles into Namir’s arms.
KARMINA (breathless) What is that thing?
FAUST (O.S.) Leviathan.
Faust crawls out of the stairwell, bruised. He grabs the banister and struggles to his feet. He eyes the slithering beast.
FAUST Creature of the deep; guardian of the ocean’s secrets…
Karmina sees Vasilis’s hunched figure and rushes to him.
FAUST (injured) Don’t worry; I’m not concussed or anything.
Karmina kneels at Vasilis’s side.
KARMINA Can you stand?
VASILIS Get back.
Serpent bashes Karmina against the cabin. She doubles over and crumples to the floor.
FAUST It’s targeting the Creator!
Vasilis rises with a wince. He reclaims his sword and gestures to Faust’s staff.
VASILIS How useful is that thing?
FAUST It’s not a walking stick, lad.
Faust and Vasilis shield Karmina. Serpent strikes, and is thwarted thrice by Faust’s lightning and Vasilis’s sword. It breaks through their defenses at last. Vasilis spies a large red tattoo of an eye on the top of Serpent’s head.
NAMIR Vasilis, eyes forward!
The floor beneath Vasilis’s feet splinters and gives way. He plummets into the cabin area. Faust loses his footing and slips, casting his staff away. It comes to a sudden stop. Faust eyes the immobile weapon, baffled.
Serpent slithers to Karmina. It licks the air. Its mouth opens, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. Suddenly, it recoils.
Vasilis, precariously afloat, pelts Serpent with arrows from beneath.
VASILIS The eye! You have to destroy the eye!
A glimmer runs over Karmina.
Faust crawls toward his staff. He grabs it and looks up to see Karmina walking toward the writhing, enraged serpent. He inches near with every step Karmina takes.
FAUST Step away, girl!
Karmina rips an arrow from the exposed underbelly. She grips the mane. Serpent rears and bucks. Karmina holds tight, climbs to the red, tattooed eye, and stabs it.
Serpent lets loose a chilling scream. It sinks lifeless beneath the waves. Karmina plummets to the churning ocean.
NAMIR Faust, do something!
Faust flings the staff.
A blue glow from Karmina’s chest balloons to engulf her and the staff. She is swallowed by the waves.
Namir runs to the edge.
NAMIR Where is she?
FAUST Wherever the gods desire, I suppose.
Namir and Faust look up. Jagged black rocks rush at them.
NAMIR Lovely.
The ship smashes against the rocks.
Lumina’s eyes droop. The pen stills. She shakes her head, but she is too exhausted to continue. She drops to sleep at her desk.
Ezekial enters his room, exhausted. He throws his apron carelessly over a chair and falls onto his bed.
He curls onto his side. Karmina snuggles up beside him. He puts his arms around her and draws her close.
Crystalline blue waters lap at the gravelly shore and crash against the jagged black rocks of a small cove. The ship is a great mass of broken slats and splintered wood. Along the shore, sailors pick up scattered valuables.
Caressed by the waves, Karmina lies still, flanked by Namir and Faust. Namir performs CPR. A surge of water spills from Karmina’s lips. She coughs, then stills once more. Faust shoves Namir aside and shakes her.
FAUST Karmina! Karmina, wake up!
NAMIR If you keep at that, she’ll get brain damage.
FAUST Wake up!
Karmina groans. She lands several blind blows on Faust’s head and shoulders.
KARMINA I’m awake, I’m awake!
Karmina opens her eyes. She lowers her fists.
KARMINA (melancholy) I’m awake…
NAMIR You appear to be well. No thanks to this buffoon.
FAUST If you’re alive, you wake up the first time someone calls you!
NAMIR If you’re dead, you stop breathing.
FAUST Quack.
NAMIR Nimrod.
KARMINA What happened?
NAMIR In all the excitement, the ship veered off course. Excuse me.
Namir departs, salve in hand, to tend to the wounded.
KARMINA Where has Vasilis gone?
FAUST He is resting. He quite exhausted himself swimming you to shore.
KARMINA I was too careless.
FAUST You’re right. But you’re alive aren’t you?
Karmina quirks her brow, then lights up and nods.
FAUST Speak of the devil…
Vasilis treads sand toward them.
VASILIS Madame Creator, they’ve roused you at last! You look well.
KARMINA Yes, thank you.
VASILIS Shall we seek shelter? The survivors would likely appreciate a less tempestuous resting place.
Faust helps Karmina to her feet. Namir draws up beside them.
NAMIR Where to begin?
Vasilis forges straight ahead. All fall in line behind.
FAUST We have a few hours of daylight left; enough to struggle through a few potentially disastrous situations.
NAMIR We haven’t yet left the shore and you’re already humiliating the poor girl.
FAUST I said “potential”, didn’t I? Certainties are best left to the Fates.
KARMINA (bemused) Faust, that sounded almost--
FAUST Optimistic? I know; you’re rubbing off.
A spear flies close by and anchors in the sand.
FAUST There it goes.
Merina and her men emerge from the trees, blocking entrance from the shore. They are bronze-skinned and armored with polished coconut shells and carved rock. Their faces are painted to make their gazes potent. Merina fixes her blazing blue eyes on them.
MERINA State your purpose.
KARMINA I’m sorry?
MERINA You have devastated my shore. I demand a reason.
NAMIR We are shipwrecked; on our venture to the Queen’s land we encountered an ill-tempered creature of the sea.
MERINA (narrows eyes) Queen’s followers acquire no sympathy on these sands. Grab driftwood and swim to her.
NAMIR Please, be merciful; the Creator is drained from our peril.
MERINA (stops short) What did you say?
FAUST A Creator, my lady, in the veritable flesh. Would you like her?
Namir elbows Faust.
MERINA You. Girl. Come forward.
Karmina lowers her gaze and obeys. Merina crooks a finger beneath Karmina’s chin and tilts her head up. Karmina’s brow furrows. Merina’s eyes are clear, human.
Merina sweeps her hand away before Karmina has time to look closer. She turns to her troops.
MERINA See to the wounded; we feast with friends tonight.
Merina glides through her troops. They disperse. Some comb the beach to aid survivors, some follow Merina. The troops surrounding Karmina’s party lower their weapons.
A smiling warrior waves for them to follow and heads for the trees. Faust takes Karmina’s arm.
KARMINA Feast? Isn’t that abrupt?
FAUST It’s hospitality or a spear in the head: Your pick.
NAMIR I trust you won’t make too much use of their “hospitality”.
FAUST I am a monk. I do not indulge.
Dozens of tents fill a large forest clearing. Warriors gather about an enormous inferno, roasting meats. A circle of women sing and dance about it, under the leering gazes of the ale-quaffing men. One tries to touch a girl. She whips a dagger across his cheek. Laughter erupts.
Faust sings and dances amongst the ladies. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes glazed. He takes a swig of a bottle and laughs. Karmina and Namir look on, mouths agape.
NAMIR We should have drugged him while we had had the chance.
KARMINA At least he’s relaxed.
NAMIR He’ll run himself into the right end of a sharp stick with that disposition.
Vasilis slouches beside Karmina. He sips a cup of ale.
KARMINA You’ve been awfully quiet.
VASILIS I can’t seem to bring myself to celebrate. Karmina…about earlier…
KARMINA It’s forgotten.
Vasilis cracks a smile. They clink glasses in good humor.
Across the site, Marina watches the exchange. She gestures and whispers to a WARRIOR. He nods. She rises from her chair and sweeps to her grand tent.
Faust stumbles to Karmina.
FAUST What are you doing sitting here like a lump?
KARMINA I’m fine not making a fool of myself.
FAUST That’s no fun at all.
Warrior approaches and bows.
WARRIOR Her highness requests an audience with the Creator.
FAUST Did her highness also happen to request refills for her not-so-esteemed guests?
NAMIR Sit down, you daft b*****d.
WARRIOR This way.
Warrior leads Karmina toward Merina’s tent. Faust hunkers down between Namir and Vasilis.
FAUST This is nice; the world doesn’t spin nearly as much down here. Now, what shall we men brouhaha about--?
Faust’s staff, cradled in his arms, seeks Karmina. He slides unceremoniously across the camp.
Warrior holds the flap open and Karmina enters.
The tent is more like an elaborate, furnished studio apartment. Merina is seated at a small lacquered table. She pats the seat of a plush chair.
MERINA Please make yourself comfortable.
Karmina obeys. Merina pours tea into two small cups and pushes one across the table. Karmina holds the cup between her hands.
MERINA I hope my men have been hospitable to you. Your friends certainly seem to be enjoying themselves.
KARMINA I’m sorry about Faust. He isn’t normally so boisterous.
MERINA It is not the monk that concerns me. It is the young man: the Queen’s knight.
Karmina stops with the teacup halfway to her lips. She lowers the cup to her lap, eyes shifty.
Merina raises an eyebrow. She sips her tea.
MERINA Don’t look so surprised. When the kingdoms of war are hers and my own, it doesn’t take much deduction to pin him down.
Karmina sets her teacup on the table. She presses her hands together and leans forward.
KARMINA He hasn’t officially allied himself to her. Please allow him passage.
Merina waves dismissively.
MERINA Normally, Queen’s agents are killed on sight; it is not common for them to keep company with Creators. I will spare him, but be wary.
Karmina draws back. She fiddles with the collar of her blouse.
KARMINA I don’t mean to pry, but what has the Queen done to you?
MERINA She stole away my life. Given the opportunity, she will do the same to you.
KARMINA How can that be? Faust and Namir seemed just as willing to see the Queen as Vasilis. If she is as terrible as you say, why would they"
MERINA The Queen has many faces. The memories that Faust and Namir chose to keep likely did not involve the Queen’s vile nature.
Merina rises and sets the tea cups on the surface of a vanity with no mirror. She pulls incense cones from a drawer and sets to lighting them.
MERINA The queen consumes the past of any who cross her. She allows a single memory to sustain us.
KARMINA Why would she do such a thing?
MERINA I forgot her purpose long ago. Our past lives evanesce as the stories are written; in exchange for our memory, we become canvases for doomed Creators.
KARMINA What is it that you kept?
Merina hesitates. She blows out the flame of the incense, filling the air with the smoldering smoke. She turns to Karmina with a guarded smile.
MERINA You should rest now. We set off for the Queen’s lands tomorrow.
Merina dips slightly, indicating the meeting’s end. Karmina bows and exits.
The tent flap slides down behind Karmina. Someone groans. She looks over at a pile of scattered barrels. Faust lifts his head and eyes her miserably from the jumble. Karmina sighs and helps him up.
The festivities die down. The troops retire to their tents, leaving the bonfire smoldering. Karmina and her party enter their tents as well, with the exception of Vasilis.
Vasilis goes to Merina’s tent. The warriors standing guard step aside, allowing him access.
Merina looks up. Stricken, she drops the incense holder from her hands. Scented cones scatter. Vasilis moves forward to pick them up. Merina hurls a stone dagger at his feet. Vasilis pulls back.
MERINA Keep your distance, knight.
Vasilis stands by as Merina gathers the fallen items. She sets them on a nightstand and wipes her palms on her skirt.
MERINA I would thank you to acquire permission before entering my chambers. Though, as a man of the Queen’s guard, I should expect no more of you.
VASILIS I apologize, your highness. My decision to call on you was purely instinctual.
MERINA You’re a smart man not to deny an association. Has she intentions with the girl?
VASILIS My orders are to lead her to the Queen’s land; nothing further.
MERINA Your lack of honor is deeply disturbing. Are you not a man of the Queen? You dare to stand before me and relay her agenda? I was right to warn the Creator.
VASILIS My connection to the Queen is purely circumstantial. My loyalty lies completely with another.
MERINA (eyes Vasilis warily) Why have you come?
VASILIS I could find no opportunity to converse with your highness during the festivities; there is something of urgency we must discuss.
MERINA You are a knight of weak morale; traitorous and fool to come in the midst of night to an enemy ruler’s chamber without so much as a dagger for your protection.
Merina turns away.
MERINA There is nothing for us to discuss. I wish for you to le-
Vasilis closes the distance between them and jerks Merina’s about. She spins into his crushing embrace. Her lips part and eyes glaze over; her hands drop to her sides. Vasilis closes his eyes and strokes her hair.
VASILIS How can I leave you? I’ve finally found you.
Merina lifts her hands to his chest. Tears fill her eyes unexpectedly. She gasps.
Vasilis holds her close, whispering her name over and over.
Merina shoves Vasilis away. Shaken, she steadies on the back of a chair and presses a hand to her chest. She grits her teeth and narrows her eyes.
MERINA You take too many liberties, knight! Touch me again and I’ll kill you.
VASILIS Merina, try. I’m starting to lose it, too. If that happens, it’s over. Don’t push me away.
Merina swallows hard. She draws herself up. Her gaze is icy.
MERINA Whatever it is that I have lost, perhaps it is best that it remain buried. I will fight the Queen with my own strengths.
Karmina wanders from her small tent. She slumps onto a large, overturned barrel and draws her knees to her chest.
Vasilis exits Merina’s tent. He glances across the campsite. Karmina smiles wanly.
Vasilis crunches across the campsite and sits next to Karmina. They gaze up at the stars.
KARMINA It’s Merina, isn’t it? She’s what the Queen let you remember.
VASILIS Spilled the beans, did she?
Karmina nods. Vasilis forces a smile.
VASILIS It’s taken me a long time to find her; it’s a miracle I was able to at all. The Queen’s influence is strong.
Karmina stares into the sky in silence for a moment. She turns her face to Vasilis, meeting his eyes.
KARMINA Did the Queen ask you to bring me to her?
Vasilis sets his jaw. He lowers his gaze and lapses into silence.
KARMINA Take me there.
Vasilis glances at her profile against the moonlight. She chooses her next words carefully.
KARMINA I may never get out of here. I want to face the one who trapped me; I want to look her in the eye.
Vasilis lowers his head. Karmina purses her lips. She shoves him from the barrel. He crashes to the ground.
KARMINA Stop brooding. How do you expect to win her back like that?
Vasilis cracks a genuine smile. Karmina brushes dust from his hair.
Justine and Faye sit at a booth, a half-eaten pizza between them. They eye the door. Justine sighs and fidgets.
JUSTINE He never misses work.
FAYE To be fair, you weren’t entirely truthful about our meeting. Maybe he’s developed intuition.
JUSTINE Genetically impossible. Can we do this with just the two of us?
FAYE You’ve got her blood, that’s good enough. Let’s see what you brought.
Justine empties a small bag of trinkets onto the table. Faye sifts through them. She pulls out a string of friendship beads.
FAYE This’ll work.
Faye pulls a deck of tarot cards from her backpack. She cuts the cards and deals them in a basic three-card spread.
JUSTINE How accurate is this?
FAYE We’re grasping at straws.
Faye flips the first card. The Wheel of Fortune.
JUSTINE No surprise there.
Faye flips the second card. The Chariot, reversed.
FAYE There’s an imbalance; she’s lost control of the situation.
Faye’s hand stalls over the third card. A heartbeat sounds. She flips it: Death, reversed. Justine stares at the card. They exchange a horrified glance. Faye gathers the cards, flustered.
FAYE We need to find her.
JUSTINE There’s a concept.
FAYE Well, think. You know her better than anyone; where would she have gone?
JUSTINE I’ve been everywhere. Short of combing the entire lake area, I’m out of ideas.
FAYE (deep in thought) Lake? Lake Zealo?
JUSTINE It’s where we went camping.
FAYE Which site were you at?
Justine and Faye crunch down a gravel path framed by trees.
JUSTINE This is it. I remember passing over that bridge and past that mile marker.
FAYE Where’s the sign?
JUSTINE It’s covered with vines. Over there.
Faye tears vines away, revealing a dirty, worn sign that reads: Area 32.
JUSTINE Why is that familiar?
FAYE This is it; this is where Merina Hoh’s family last saw her: Area 32.
JUSTINE The artist?
FAYE She was rooming with an underclassman back then. I think she’s in the same dorms.
JUSTINE Let’s go.
FAYE What about the cabin?
JUSTINE Later. I have a bad feeling.
Justine and Faye sit opposite ROOMMATE #2.
ROOMMATE #2 (snorts) Merina Hoh?
JUSTINE We realize you probably get this a lot.
ROOMMATE #2 All I know is that she got way too much credit for her sub-par paintings, and that her boyfriend was a suicidal psychopath.
LUMINA Boyfriend?
ROOMMATE #2 Fiancé, boyfriend, whatever. Anything else and you’re going to have to go where everyone else does.
Justine slides into a computer cubicle. She enters “Merina Hoh” into a search engine. Headlines blaze about the disappearance. Justine scrolls down. She clicks a headline that reads: “Suspect surfaces in Hoh family disappearances”. A mug shot of Vasilis heads the article. She scans the page.
JUSTINE “Val Isis, senior architect major…tracked to a cabin half a mile from Area 32….Bloodstains on the floor and a discarded knife tested positive for Merina Hoh’s DNA.” He was taken into custody for questioning.
LUMINA He was never arrested. They couldn’t place him at the scene.
JUSTINE Look at this: “Police hope to find the whereabouts of Merina, as well as David and Angela Hoh.”
LUMINA I thought they were dead.
Justine clicks to the search engine and types “David, Angela Hoh”. She zeroes in on a faculty page.
There are pictures of a staff cocktail party. She scrolls down and espies a few photos: Angela and David together; David holding an award; David, Angela and another man, laughing.
Faye points to the third man in the picture.
FAYE That’s my psych professor.
PROFESSOR JORAIN, 52, a distinguished gentleman with salt and pepper hair and reading glasses, is seated at his desk, poring over a stack of term papers. There is a knock.
JORAIN Come in.
Justine and Faye enter. Jorain removes his glasses and smiles.
JORAIN Faye! What a pleasant surprise.
FAYE Are we interrupting anything?
JORAIN Not at all! Please come in. How was Prague?
FAYE It was incredible.
JUSTINE But pales in comparison to Karmina’s disappearance.
Faye glares at Justine. Jorain furrows his brow.
JORAIN Karmina?
JUSTINE Karmina Enloe. She was a student of yours last year.
JORAIN The author girl; I remember.
FAYE She’s been missing for about a week.
JORAIN The staff wasn’t alerted.
JUSTINE It’s clearly not a priority case.
FAYE There are some disturbing similarities to the Hoh family’s disappearances.
Jorain clears his throat and lifts his reading glasses to his face. He straightens the remaining term papers.
JORAIN Impossible. Their case is closed.
JUSTINE But no bodies were ever found; nothing was conclusive. We realize you may not know all of the circumstances, but you seem to have worked closely with them in the past. Maybe--
JORAIN There comes a time to stop asking questions and wasting energy running in circles. You should trust the authorities to do their jobs.
JORAIN I sympathize with the helplessness you feel. I only hope that you would have the sensitivity to leave without further scrutiny of my late colleagues.
FAYE Of course. We’re very sorry.
Faye grasps Justine’s elbow. Justine resists. Faye squeezes. Justine relents. They exit.
Jorain lowers his glasses to his desk and rubs his forehead.
Justine hurls rocks into the pond. Faye looks on in silence.
JUSTINE He’s hiding something. We should have kept pushing him.
FAYE Let’s stop.
Justine drops the last rock. She turns to Faye.
FAYE I can’t keep going like this. All we’re doing is hurting people.
JUSTINE Who are we hurting?
FAYE Have you thought about Ezekial? And Lumina hasn’t left her room in days; she won’t even open the door anymore.
JUSTINE Don’t quit now. We’re so close; I can feel it.
FAYE I can’t.
Justine is visibly frustrated, brow furrowed and fists clenched at her hips. She sighs.
JUSTINE Fine. Go home.
Justine storms off toward the campus.
FAYE Where are you going?
Justine ignores her. Faye walks the opposite way.
Justine strides down the hall. Jorain exits his office. Justine ducks into an empty classroom. Jorain gathers his things and leaves.
Justine checks the hall. She jogs to Jorain’s office. She jiggles the knob. The door opens. She proceeds within.
She tears the dark room apart. Filing cabinets are explored, drawers are overturned. She shifts through the top drawer of his desk and uncovers a red folder with a tag that reads “Hoh”. She empties the contents on the desk. There are various papers, notes, and a tape. She pops the tape into the player on the desk.
JORAIN (V.O.) Start from the beginning.
NAMIR (V.O.) Three months ago, I received a call from my brother.
THOMPSON, a chubby, jovial man in safari garb, runs into an apartment and grabs a camera. He spots the door of a red armoire open slightly. He opens it more.
The books sits propped on a pedestal. He reaches for it, only curious.
A great shadow falls over him. He turns. His mouth pops open and eyes widen.
Shadows on the wall reveal a great beast in the shape of a feline striking Thompson. Blood flies against the wall. Thompson’s shadow huddles beneath that of the beast’s. He cries for help.
A flash pulses from the apartment windows. Faust, engaged in pleasant conversation with a fellow colleague, immediately shifts into a panic. He scrambles up the stairs, tears open the ajar door of his apartment.
Blood flecks tarnish the walls and floor. He races to the armoire, tears it open to reveal the bloodied book. Aghast, he looks over his shoulder. A saber-toothed beast cowers in the darkness, narrow-eyed, chest heaving.
FAUST What have you done?
NAMIR (V.O.) He was distraught about his late assistant; hearing voices and seeing things. He needed a change of scene. I invited him here.
Justine scans a note, playing the tape more as background than evidence.
NAMIR (V.O.) He came, but he was like a ghost; wracked with guilt about something he refused to convey. Eventually, he left us to live in an abandoned cabin near Zealo Lake.
Justine’s hands still. She stares at the tape player. She draws near. She sinks into Jorain’s chair, entranced.
NAMIR (V.O.) We didn’t hear from him for weeks. My wife went to see him.
--Queen enters the cabin with Merina.
NAMIR He was gone.
--Merina sees the book on the bed, holds it aloft.
--Merina and the Queen leave with the book.
NAMIR (V.O.) Angela insisted on keeping the family heirloom.
--Queen sits at her desk, circles under her eyes, typing furiously on the computer.
NAMIR (V.O.) She became pale, listless, researching obsessively.
--Namir touches Queen’s shoulder. She shrugs him off, irritated, and resumes her work. Merina watches the exchange from behind the door, worried.
NAMIR (V.O.) One day, she, too, vanished.
--Namir enters Queen’s office. Merina is sobbing on the floor, covered with claw marks, hugging a knife to her breast. The book lies closed on the desk. Blood is splashed across the surface. Namir looks on in horror.
NAMIR (V.O.) The more I look for her, the crazier I feel.
JORAIN (V.O.) Why is that?
NAMIR (V.O.) I hear her voice over the radio. Sometimes, when I’m drifting off to sleep, I swear she’s lying on the bed next to me.
The tape ends, playing only static.
Justine shifts through the papers. She pulls out one with a sketch of the embossed cover of the book. The open eye emblem and archaic lettering are inked in red. She reads the footnote.
JUSTINE “In sleep it beckons, in hope it devours, in song it withers.”
Music drifts from the static on the tape: the lullaby. The paper slides from Justine’s hand. She stares at the tape player, horrified.
Jorain stands outside the door, arms crossed, listening to the haunting music.
Justine pushes another paper aside and jerks back with a gasp. A horrendous depiction of a creature engulfs a page. A name is scrawled in red: K’ohl, Chaos Demon. She reads aloud from a reference page attached to it.
JUSTINE “Demon with the power to weaken and devour human souls…Sealed and bestowed upon the Hon’hora lineage…Seven souls to seal it, seven to set it free….”
The office door slams open. Justine jumps to her feet, pushing papers to the ground in her haste. She kneels to gather the fallen notes and uncovers a photograph.
It is Jorain. His arm is around Vasilis.
JORAIN Find anything interesting?
Justine stands. She holds the photo up.
JUSTINE What is this?
Jorain frowns. He eyes the photo.
JORAIN I could have you expelled.
JUSTINE Why is this with those files?
JORAIN Do not involve yourself in this matter.
JUSTINE This man is a murderer. Karmina took something from the cabin his girlfriend’s blood was found in, and now she’s gone, too. What do you know?
Jorain ambles to his filing cabinet. He removes a brandy snifter and crystal decanter from his secret stash. He pours a glass and downs it. He pours another.
JORAIN That boy is my son.
Ezekial is work out to pounding rock music in his home gym. He pushes himself too hard and collapses.
Ezekial enters the room from an adjoining bathroom clad in boxers, fresh from a shower. He turns his phone on, places it on speakerphone, and plays the messages.
EZEKIAL’S MOM (V.O.) Hon, your shift began an hour ago. Cindy’s covering it. I’m not mad; just rest.
A beep. Ezekial pulls on a pair of pants.
JUSTINE (V.O.) Ezekial, something came up. If you get this, meet us at the lake. It’s important.
A beep. Ezekial rolls his eyes and pulls a shirt from the closet. He throws it on the bed.
JUSTINE (V.O.) Stop being a baby. We need your help. Where are you?
A beep. Ezekial pulls on an undershirt. The message is static, then an indistinguishable jabber of voices.
Ezekial picks up the phone and inspects it.
KARMINA (V.O.) (filtered) Ezekial…Find me…
Ezekial’s eyes widen. He replays it. He grabs his shirt from the bed and runs out the door.
Ezekial speeds down the highway, jaw set. He takes the exit for Zealo Lake.
Faye knocks on Lumina’s door.
FAYE Lumina, open up.
She is met with silence. Faye crosses her arms and taps her foot. After a beat, she grins.
Justine eyes Jorain. Jorain lifts the sketch of the demon from his desk.
JUSTINE That doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t even have your last name.
JORAIN He took his mother’s as a memorial when she passed.
JUSTINE Then you know what he did. You must know where he is.
Jorain’s eyes take on a far-away look.
JORAIN My son was foolish.
--Vasilis waits in the woods as police officers finish at the cabin scene and leave.
--Vasilis tears through the tape and enters.
JORAIN She told him not to follow.
--The cat hisses, but lacks the strength to fight.
--Vasilis slashes his wrist.
JORAIN He was always very stubborn.
--A light flashes. Vasilis vanishes. The cat slinks, disheartened, into the shadows.
JORAIN The guardian was too weak to stop him.
Justine listens, horror-stricken.
JORAIN Do you believe in demons, Miss Enloe?
JUSTINE (without conviction) No.
JORAIN (smiles wanly) I didn’t, either. It’s a frightening concept: Beings with the power to tear us apart using our own faults.
Jorain ejects the tape from the recorder and flips it over.
JORAIN Sometimes, faith takes a little push.
He plays the tape.
There is static, then a lullaby. Then a voice, static-y, fading in and out, but clearly male.
VASILIS (V.O.) (filtered) Dad…Dad!...Why won’t you look at me? Dad!
Justine’s eyes widen. Jorain stops the tape. His features are drawn.
JORAIN My son is no murderer.
Ezekial makes his way to the cabin, two long knives at the ready. He opens the door and brandishes his weapons.
The cat is sitting on the bed, staring at the mirror intently. Concentration broken, it looks over at Ezekial and growls.
Ezekial searches the cabin. He reenters the main area, disheartened and out of place standing in the middle of a quiet room stuffed with frilly Victorian furnishings with weapons clenched tightly in his fists. He sighs, angry at himself, fed up with the situation.
The lullaby skips. Ezekial looks up; the cat’s ears jerk. The cat leaps for the phonograph.
The mirror ripples. A tree crashes through the window, bearing the cat to the ground. It mewls and writhes pitifully.
Driven by a compelling force, Ezekial rushes to aid the cat. A thick branch tears through the door and grasps Ezekial. It flings him to the middle of the clearing surrounding the cabin. Ezekial manages to keep a hold on both knives. He races for the trees.
The trees in the forest bow and weave, creating an impenetrable blockade. Ezekial strikes and slashes at it. A tree catapults Ezekial back toward the cabin. He crashes against the side, senseless. A series of roots slither about his body, pinioning him to the worn brick of the cabin wall. Three large, sharp roots poise themselves before him. They rear, ready to strike him dead.
The cat takes advantage of the change in focus and wriggles free. It leaps to the stenograph and adjusts the needle.
The lullaby pours out, soothing. Ezekial is only conscious long enough to see his looming demise retreat. Everything goes black.
Lumina writes hard and fast. There are circles under her heavy-lidded eyes and her face is sallow.
Across the room, her window jiggles. The latch wobbles and loosens. Faye climbs in. Lumina shoves papers over the book and whirls in her seat.
LUMINA You broke my window!
FAYE It’s been broken for years.
Lumina stands, pressing a hand over the book. She points to the door.
LUMINA Get out.
FAYE What are you hiding?
Faye elbows Lumina aside and uncovers the book. She turns to Lumina, book in hand.
LUMINA The cops brought it back today. They said they didn’t need it.
FAYE You’re lying.
Faye flips through the pages. Her brow furrows.
FAYE How did you write all of this?
Lumina lunges. They struggle for possession of the book. Faye conquers and reaches for a pen.
LUMINA What are you doing?
Faye scrawls “The End” in large letters across the final page.
The scream echoes. The walls shake. Faye watches, enthralled, as an earthquake rocks possessions and furniture. Lumina collapses, unconscious. Faye shakes out of her trance.
FAYE Lumina!
Merina leads the group down a path toward the Queen’s land. A low rumble sounds, growing louder and louder. Karmina and Faust exchange a puzzled glance.
The world beneath them opens with a roar and swallows the screaming party.
Karmina lands hard. She lifts her head to investigate her surroundings. It is pitch black. She gets to her knees and feels the ground about her.
She gets to her feet and wanders. She stumbles over rocky terrain.
KARMINA Namir? Vasilis? Anybody?
There is no response.
KARMINA This is not good.
JUSTINE Then...Karmina...
JORAIN She must be where they all have gone: the realm of the demon. Where is the book?
JUSTINE I don’t know. Faye took it to the police station.
JORAIN (tenses) Was she alone?
Jorain lurches forward and grabs Justine’s shoulders.
JORAIN This is very important. Was she alone with the book?
JUSTINE Yeah, but...
JORAIN We must go.
JORAIN If Karmina is the seventh, K’ohl will be looking for a host. His most direct access to this world is through that book!
Justine’s phone rings. She answers.
JUSTINE Hello? (feelingly) What?
Karmina pitches forward. She winces and feels around for the culprit. Her hand grasps the gnarled wood handle of Faust’s staff. She stands and holds the staff aloft.
KARMINA I can do this. Light!
Nothing happens.
KARMINA Okay. . .Spark!
Still nothing.
KARMINA Twinkle?
FAUST (O.S.) (weakly) Ha’kor’ah.
The staff blazes and illuminates a circle of the darkness. Karmina looks about, alert.
Faust is sprawled atop the detritus a short distance away. He is banged up, and doesn’t move when Karmina goes to his side.
KARMINA Can you stand?
FAUST Probably so.
KARMINA Let’s go, then. We have to find the others.
FAUST You don’t understand. This is The End; the last of your journey. Now we wait for rebirth.
FAUST It cannot be changed.
FAUST It’s over! There nothing you can do for them anymore, or for yourself! Accept it!
Karmina looks at first dejected, then quietly determined. She reaffirms her grip on Faust’s arm.
FAUST Karmina"!
KARMINA I will not be dragged into the cycle; I’m getting us all out. Now, you can stand up, or you can cartwheel over hills of rock: Your choice.
There is a groan. Karmina walks toward the sound. Namir appears in the circle of light.
KARMINA Namir . . .
NAMIR Salve…
Karmina searches and locates the medicine. She applies it to a deep wound on Namir’s leg. There is no effect.
NAMIR Not to worry. It may take a while.
Karmina loops his arm about her neck and struggles to stand with him. Faust appears and aids her.
FAUST Don’t say I never did anything for you.
KARMINA Vasilis! Merina!
VASILIS (O.S.) Karmina!
Karmina follows the voice. She stops short.
Merina is unconscious. Blood gushes from a cut on her head. Vasilis cradles her in his lap.
There is a scraping in the distance. All take heed.
KARMINA (whispers) What was that?
More scraping, closer. Karmina turns to look over her shoulder. A gleam of scales tease and disappear.
Faust shifts and takes hold of the staff, encompassing the group with a force field just as it strikes. Karmina stares, paralyzed, at the writhing black dragon-creature. It strikes the shield again. The ground buckles.
Keeping within the protective light, the group hustles through the ruins.
Ezekial wakes to the sound of the lullaby wavering in intensity. He shoves away the roots that hold him in place and enters the half-decimated cabin. Amidst the strains, a voice is heard.
KARMINA (V.O.) What is that thing?
The cat watches his horrified reaction knowingly.
His phone rings. He answers, eyes glazed.
Justine cruises down the highway, her phone to her ear.
JUSTINE Ezekial, where are you?
Ezekial sits on the bed, numb.
EZEKIAL She’s there.
JUSTINE Ezekial. Can you hear me? I need to talk to you!
EZEKIAL Don’t come to the lake. Something’s going on in the woods; I can’t leave.
The connection is bad; Justine catches bits of his words.
JUSTINE What about the lake?
The connection deteriorates to static.
EZEKIAL Justine. Justine!
JUSTINE Ezekial?
There is static, then a voice.
KARMINA (V.O.) Slow down!
Justine drops the phone. She executes a hasty u-turn. She speeds, passing a sign for the upcoming lake exit.
Karmina and Faust struggle to keep up with Vasilis.
FAUST Stay in the light!
Vasilis steps from the circle. The creature’s armored tail crashes down on his foot. He grimaces and drops to one knee.
KARMINA Vasilis!
VASILIS I’m fine.
Vasilis grimaces and stands, keeping his hold on Merina.
Faye paces outside Lumina’s door, hugging the journal to her chest. A nurse exits the room.
FAYE How is she?
NURSE She’s experienced some minor head trauma from the fall. She’ll be out for a while, but she should be fine. Excuse me.
The nurse moves on. Faye steps toward the closed door. She draws back. She closes her eyes and sighs.
JORAIN (O.S.) I wouldn’t do that.
FAYE (turns) Professor! What are you--?
JORAIN Miss Enloe was in my office when you called. Is she not here?
Faye shakes her head.
JORAIN Just as well. May I see the book?
Faye shrinks back. She lowers her gaze.
FAYE I should see Lumina.
JORAIN Having the book near her is the last thing she needs now; I think you know that.
FAYE What do you want me to do? The connection she has to the book has become a dependency.
JORAIN It is not the book she has come to find purpose in, but what is within.
Justine drives at breakneck speed. She takes the exit to Zealo Lake and cruises down the secluded road. Her radio fizzles. She slaps it a few times, then turns it off.
Ominous silence fills the air. No birds, no wind, no sounds of any kind.
The trees before her bow to the road. She brakes hard and swerves. Her passenger side smashes against the blockade.
Justine stumbles out of the car. She begins to dial her phone. A tree descends. She dives out of the way. She rolls and stops, unconscious. The trees bare sharp roots for the killing blow.
The dial tone of the phone blares the lullaby, strong and sure. The trees retreat, leaving Justine and her totaled car in the middle of an empty road.
Karmina buckles under the muted force of another strike.
FAUST There’s no end! The more we move, the more he bleeds. We have to rest!
VASILIS We rest, we die!
KARMINA Look, if there is a way in, there has to be a way out.
FAUST Only a Creator can see to the end of The End.
Karmina looks about. Far in the distance, there is a pinpoint of light. Under her wondering gaze, it widens, spilling light like a beacon on the ground beneath.
Faust, Namir, and Vasilis stare at Karmina.
The creature strikes, jolting them back to the present.
KARMINA No time.
They forge on with renewed vigor, toward the light.
A woman stands before a ball of light. Waves of blonde hair fall over her face, hiding her features. She watches the quartet fumble toward the light. She growls, an inhuman sound. She digs her fingers into the light.
The mirror above the shared sink ripples.
Lumina opens her eyes. They are glazed over, lifeless. She gets to her feet. She yanks out the needle in her arm and begins to etch words into the wall.
ROOMMATE You shouldn’t do that. It’s vandalism of government property; they can fine you.
Lumina glares daggers over her shoulder. Roommate’s lips stitch together; she shrieks. The curtain divider sweeps closed by an invisible hand. Lumina continues her mindless work.
Vasilis falls to one knee.
VASILIS I can’t.
KARMINA Keep moving!
The creature strikes. The circle of ground drops a foot within the circle.
KARMINA We’re almost there!
VASILIS Take her. Get out of here. I’ll distract it.
The creature strikes again. All drop to their knees as the force field shatters. Karmina notices Namir’s leg heal. She grasps Faust’s fallen staff and thrusts it upward.
KARMINA Ha’kor’ah!
A powerful surge of energy slams into the attacking creature, tearing it asunder.
The reality of the world at THE END rips and falls away.
Faust, Karmina, Namir, and Faust huddle together, eyes squeezed shut. They open their eyes after a beat.
Merina’s warriors blink owlishly at the group.
Namir, Faust and Karmina stand. Vasilis cradles Merina close. She does not wake.
VASILIS C’mon, baby. Open your eyes.
Merina’s warriors creep close and draw their weapons, prepared to kill the traitors.
From above, a hawk shrieks.
Queen’s soldiers descend from the heavens on the backs of great griffins. They massacre Merina’s forces. Faust and Namir shield Karmina. Merina’s warriors drop their weapons. They kneel.
The Queen’s HEAD SOLDIER makes his way through the remaining forces to Vasilis.
HEAD SOLDIER To your feet.
HEAD SOLDIER The Queen demands your presence. You will do as you are commanded.
VASILIS Death first.
HEAD SOLDIER Very well. Shall I begin with the girl?
He motions his soldiers to move in.
VASILIS Leave her!
Vasilis stands. He turns to Faust. Faust takes Merina in his arms.
VASILIS Look after her as you have the Creator.
Karmina’s eyes brim. She shakes her head. Vasilis smiles and brushes her cheek. He kisses her forehead.
VASILIS (whispers) Use her fear.
Head Soldier hauls Vasilis back.
HEAD SOLDIER Her majesty will be pleased to see you once more.
They make their way across the smoky battlefield, mount the griffins, and fly off.
Merina opens her eyes. She looks over her diminished troops and pushes away from Faust.
MERINA Who did this? Who--?
Merina sees Namir holding a tearful Karmina close. She scowls. She strides forward.
Her troops lift their heads, disheartened.
They get to their feet.
MERINA Look around you. We meant no harm and the Queen felled your comrades! If we do not take action, she will do it again.
Merina turns to Karmina.
MERINA What say you, Creator?
Karmina pulls away from Namir. Jaw set, she nods.
Roommate fumbles for the nurse’s aide button and knocks a lunch tray from the bed table. The contents crash to the ground, alerting Faye and Jorain. They enter.
Lumina carves words onto the wall. Jorain opens the book to reveal the duplication of the words on the beige pages.
FAYE Stop it!
Faye shoves the book into Jorain’s arms; she struggles with Lumina for possession of the needle. Lumina roars.
Faye is shoved aside. A flurry of nurses bear Lumina to the bed and administer a tranquilizer. A nurse bustles Faye and Jorain from the room.
NURSE Please wait outside.
The nurse slams the door.
A group of physicians wheel a body down the hall.
JUSTINE (O.S.) I can walk, d****t! Get these straps off of me!
Faye recognizes Justine’s voice. She turns. Justine is wheeled past Lumina’s room by a trio of doctors. Faye takes off like a shot after them.
FAYE Justine?
JUSTINE (relieved) Faye!
Faye rushes to keep up. She looks down on Justine’s bruised body and gasps.
FAYE Are you all right?
JUSTINE I’m fine! They just won’t let me out of this stupid thing!
FAYE What happened?
DOCTOR Car accident. She could have internal trauma. Excuse us.
JUSTINE I’ll be fine! Stay with Lumina! I’ll be there soon!
Justine is wheeled into the ICU. Faye looks on.
Merina spreads a layout of a dungeon fort on the ground beside a blazing fire. She traces strategic maneuvers on it with a charcoal stick.
MERINA A small platoon keeps watch along the walls, twenty men at most. There will be a far-sight lookout in the middle tower at all times; two during daylight.
Merina circles the center of the stronghold.
MERINA Within the prison is where her strongest wave of defense is: a company of fifty men.
FAUST Seventy-two iron-clad brutes against thirty men and women in coconut shell armor. It hardly balances out.
MERINA We infiltrate the isolated prison now, or we face her entire armada in her court.
NAMIR She’s a smart girl.
MERINA My men are highly qualified in the art of stealth. Half of their number will be dead before they sound the alarm.
NAMIR You’ve thought this out.
MERINA My hatred for the Queen has spawned many an enlightened plotting. I have to be prepared for any circumstance. (to KARMINA) How shall we be divided?
KARMINA I’d trust your judgment more than mine in this. Excuse me.
Karmina stands and walks to the outskirts of the campsite.
NAMIR I will see to her.
Namir follows Karmina to a fallen tree. She takes a seat and looks up at the stars.
NAMIR You’re worried about him.
KARMINA So much it’s making me sick.
NAMIR He is strong-willed. If you believe nothing else, believe that. Whatever they do, they will not break him.
Karmina shifts her worried glance to Namir, who looks none too certain himself.
KARMINA What will they do to him?
Monstrous guards march up and down the long, black marble corridors. Inside the cells, ghostly figures loiter, listless and unaware.
The crack of a whip sounds over and over. A man’s cry rings out. A guard exits a private cell, wiping blood from the whip. Two ethereal maidens pass to enter.
Vasilis is bound to the wall. A dozen jagged, bleeding wounds mar his body. He hangs his head. The women glide to him and apply thick balm to his wounds.
The Queen enters. She waves the maids away. They exit.
QUEEN Dear knight. Look at what you’ve been reduced to.
The Queen saunters to Vasilis.
QUEEN I know what you most ardently desire. I keep them on a string because you made me a promise. Go back on your word and I may just have to go back on mine.
The Queen caresses his bruised face.
QUEEN It was such a simple task: lure the seventh to our world; gain her trust; grant her an audience with the queen. How on earth did you manage to muck that up?
Vasilis clenches his teeth. His hands ball into fists.
QUEEN Shall I guess? Could it be that your heart has become fickle?
Vasilis spits at her. The Queen dabs at the saliva.
QUEEN My. You’re testy today.
VASILIS I get that way when sweaty fat men massacre my flesh.
QUEEN Your insubordination earned you more than this. If I didn’t adore you so, I could be much crueler.
VASILIS Without me, your grasp on the other world would be nothing.
QUEEN (chuckles) Soon I won’t have any need for you. Until then, you will remember exactly how I can torment you.
The Queen draws a long-nailed fingertip across his chest, drawing blood. She turns away.
VASILIS They won’t come. What then?
The Queen pauses. She grins, eyes narrowed.
QUEEN Yours are not the only desires, knight.
The Queen sweeps out and gestures. The door slams shut.
Faye taps the door and enters. Justine sits up.
FAYE Shouldn’t you lie down?
JUSTINE A few bruised ribs and a concussion don’t an invalid make.
Faye sits at her bedside.
JUSTINE How’s Lumina?
FAYE She’s comatose. She could come out of it today or months from now; there’s no telling.
JUSTINE She’ll get better.
FAYE There’s something you should see.
Faye hands her the book. Justine looks through it, reads snatches, flips through faster.
JUSTINE This is…
FAYE Lumina was the K’ohl’s host in our world. She’s been completely drained.
JUSTINE It’s getting stronger.
FAYE What if she can’t find her way back?
JUSTINE Karmina never gives up. She’s too stubborn for that.
FAYE I just--
Faye stops short, staring at the book. Justine looks down.
Blue letters of narrative blaze across the page. The girls look on, mouths agape, eyes narrowed.
JUSTINE Karmina.
Guards pace along the walls of the fort, saluting each other in passing. In the courtyard, a dozen men stand unmoving.
Twenty lay sleeping while the rest enjoy an afternoon meal. They harass the scantily clad serving wench, who grudgingly tolerates the abuse.
The armored guards on duty look over the land, stinking drunk.
Genius post, this is.
GUARD #2 Twelve hours of nothin’ but starin’ over a parched landscape makes a man thirsty.
GUARD Thirst anymore and you’ll be useless innee event of uprising.
GUARD #2 What idiot would come here? A thousand fat slobs with swords’d scare anyone.
GUARD You’re overestimating a bit, lad.
GUARD #2 Am I? I can’t remember. What was I, I saying?
A soldier puts a hand beneath the serving girl’s skirt. Her eyes flash. Blood flies.
Merina’s men pour out of the kitchen, attired in servants’ garb. A battle ensues.
The guards outside hear the commotion and begin to enter when they hear cries from above. Soldiers are flung from overhead, cast against the confused soldiers below. Merina’s men open the gate. Merina’s troops storm the courtyard, led by Merina, Faust, and Karmina.
MERINA Look after yourselves.
Karmina nods and shoots off; Faust follows.
The battle ensues in the courtyard. Faust muscles divinely through the tumult.
The inebriated Guard #2 totters to the edge and looks down on the row.
GUARD #2 Odd. I’m usually a bit more involved in me dreams.
GUARD P’raps you should take a seat, lest you overexert yourself.
Guard #2 looks at Guard, puzzled. Guard removes his helmet. It is Namir.
GUARD #2 You look like one of them poster men.
NAMIR Do I, now?
GUARD #2 I guess you’re going to off me.
NAMIR Goodness, no.
Namir smashes the bottle over the Guard #2’s head, rendering him senseless.
Faust and Karmina race down the prison hall. A mace smashes into the wall. Faust shoves Karmina aside and sets three oncoming guards ablaze. Two soldiers lock Faust into physical battle. Karmina backs against a wall. A quartet of leering soldiers advance.
A glimmer runs over Karmina.
Karmina tears the discarded mace from the wall and starts swinging. She takes out six guards before the divine strength leaves her. The weapon drops with a noisy clatter to the ground. She grasps for purchase on the wall, breathless. She espies a ring of keys and dives for it.
Karmina races on. She finds Vasilis’s cell and fumbles for the right key. She shrieks as an arrow flies overhead. Faust hurls a thunderbolt, annihilating the threat.
Karmina unlocks the door and runs to Vasilis. She touches a hand to a shackle. It melts beneath her touch.
VASILIS Leave me. The Queen used me once; she’ll do it again. I cannot be trusted.
Karmina busies herself with freeing him and briskly rubbing feeling back into his wrists and ankles.
KARMINA That’s fine. Can we take your pity party on the road, though? People are trying to kill us here.
She grabs his arm and runs.
Merina’s warriors slice their way through the Queen’s men. Merina takes out two with one swing. Namir dodges a multitude of swinging weapons to stand safely behind her.
NAMIR You’re doing well.
Faust, Karmina and Vasilis emerge from the smoky interior of the prison. Merina nods toward them.
MERINA That’s our cue.
Merina lifts a conch to her lips and blows, long and hard.
Merina’s forces retreat. All pour from the palace. Merina and Namir hustle Faust, Karmina and Vasilis along.
The Queen’s remaining guards give chase.
KARMINA They’re following us!
A great hawk circles overhead. It lets loose a piercing scream. Merina’s men spasm. They erupt one by one into flames.
Merina screams. Namir forces her to keep running.
The ground before them falls away.
Karmina and the retreating party stop short at the edge. Far below, waves lap at the craggy shore.
The great hawk descends. It reaches a great claw out and grasps Vasilis, holding him aloft.
KARMINA Let him go!
The hawk lands, folds its wings to its sides, and bows. The Queen dismounts.
QUEEN Well executed. Forty dead, seventeen wounded. I can hear the village crier now: An admirable battle fought by the late Princess Merina.
MERINA I will gladly accept my death in exchange for yours.
QUEEN Luckily for you, I’m not interested in all that.
MERINA I don’t understand.
QUEEN Fair’s fair. You want the knight; I want the Creator.
NAMIR It doesn’t seem we’re getting the better part of this deal.
QUEEN You have trespassed on my land and spread hostility. I ask only for one small girl in exchange for reprieve for the lot of you.
FAUST Swear that you won’t hurt her.
Namir and Merina whirl on Faust.
NAMIR Faust!
MERINA You can’t be serious!
QUEEN I will not touch her.
Faust takes Karmina by the shoulders.
FAUST Karmina, does Vasilis’s life matter to you? Would you do this for a traitor?
Karmina falters. She lowers her gaze.
MERINA Don’t. We can fight. You don’t have to"
Karmina looks Faust in the eye.
KARMINA I’ll go.
The Queen waves. The hawk drops Vasilis to the ground.
FAUST Do you know clearly what you are about to do?
Faust sets his jaw and nods. Karmina pulls away from Faust and treads toward the Queen. Faust rushes forward and thrusts his staff into Karmina’s arms. He embraces her.
FAUST This, we cannot forget.
Faust pushes her over the edge of the cliff.
All rush to the edge. Namir shoves at Faust.
NAMIR How could you?
FAUST I knew all along what the bond was. (slyly) You cannot track that which you did not create. Isn’t that right, your majesty?
QUEEN You have sealed your fates.
The Queen turns away and gestures. Her soldiers move in.
Staring over the edge toward the churning ocean below, Merina’s stoic façade crumbles. She spins, grief etched in her features.
VASILIS (grabs for Merina) Don’t!
Merina evades Vasilis’s grasp and rushes forward. The guards intercept her.
MERINA Mom, please stop!
The Queen regards her. She sneers.
QUEEN I have no daughter.
MERINA Remember who you are! Don’t let it do this to you!
QUEEN (icily) Take them all. When morning comes, kill her first.
The prisoners are carted away.
Justine scans the pages of the book. She looks over. Faye lays slumped in the guest chair, soundly sleeping. Justine gets gingerly to her feet and pads out.
She makes her way down the long hall. Jorain stands guard outside Lumina’s door. He steps aside.
Justine enters and sits at Lumina’s side. She smoothes the hair from Lumina’s brow. Lumina remains unresponsive. Justine draws back, melancholy.
JUSTINE Why her? I was alone with the book, too. Why didn’t K’ohl choose me?
JORAIN K’ohl cannot influence someone with a hopeful heart. You had faith to keep you strong.
JUSTINE What can I do for her?
Jorain leans on the doorframe, arms crossed.
JORAIN I don’t know how to lift the demon’s touch. But, giving her a connection to both worlds may speed her recovery.
Justine nods. She opens the book.
Jorain lowers his head. As Justine read aloud, he turns and leaves.
Light filters in through the open windows. Lumina, attired in a private school uniform, stands at the chalkboard and works out a complicated equation.
A similarly attired Karmina enters, laden with a messenger bag and schoolbooks. She winces and tiptoes to a desk.
LUMINA You’re late.
KARMINA Sorry. I got a call from my agent a few minutes ago. I didn’t want to be rude.
LUMINA It’s ruder to keep a person waiting and waste their time.
KARMINA (nostalgic) That really is the first thing you said to me, isn’t it?
Lumina turns and crosses her arms.
LUMINA I thought you were an overblown, spoiled social phenomena. And an idiot.
KARMINA I can’t blame you. Math still kills my intellectual credibility.
Lumina’s eyes brim. She sinks into a chair and shakes her head.
LUMINA I’m sorry. Karmina, I"I’m sorry.
Karmina sets her books down and walks to the front of the room. She pulls up a seat and straddles it.
KARMINA It’s not your fault. I pushed myself beyond my limits.
LUMINA I let it get to me. It won’t stop until it has you, too.
KARMINA That won’t happen. There are too many good things for me back home.
Lumina looks doubtful. Karmina grasps her free hand.
KARMINA I will come back.
Lumina stands. The chalk in her hand becomes Faust’s staff. She offers it to Karmina. Karmina rises. She shakes her head.
KARMINA I can’t use that.
LUMINA You’re the Creator, aren’t you? Put that ambition of yours to good use.
Lumina shoves the staff against Karmina and embraces her, reenacting Faust’s actions on the cliff.
Karmina awakens on the rocky shore below the cliff, hugging Faust’s staff close. A soldier passes her and pauses. She catches her breath. He moves on. Karmina’s brow furrows. She looks around.
Several soldiers comb the shore. She looks down at herself. She appears solid. Curious, she touches a passing soldier. Her hand moves through him. She pulls back, suddenly stricken.
Far down the shore, the leviathan from the sea lies beached. She goes to it. It moans. She cringes at sight of its wounds and circles to the red eye atop its head. She places a hand over it.
The eye vanishes at her touch. The creature sighs, then dies. Karmina lowers her hands and hugs Faust’s staff.
A hawk cries above. The Queen’s hawk descends. Karmina glimpses the telltale eye on its underbelly. She goes to it. It spits and snaps at her. She touches the eye. It vanishes. The creature is at once docile.
KARMINA Take me to them.
The hawk bows, allows her to mount, and takes to the sky.
Karmina slips unnoticed past a burly guard and kneels by Faust’s cell.
KARMINA Faust, wake up. Come on…
Faust rouses. He tilts his head to look at Karmina. He attempts a smile.
FAUST Well, well, if it isn’t the girl with an endless streak of bad luck.
KARMINA What has she done to you?
FAUST This is nothing. Compared to what she could do, this is my preference.
Karmina holds Faust’s staff aloft.
KARMINA Here. Use it to escape. Get everyone as far from here as you can.
FAUST Silly girl. I can’t take that.
KARMINA You have to.
Faust extends a shaky hand. Karmina grasps it.
FAUST I have done few worthwhile things in my life. Meeting you, watching over you, there was a true purpose in that. I do not wish to be spared if you may not.
Faust reaffirms her grip on the staff.
FAUST Take it; beat her to death with it if you must. Show her no mercy.
Karmina nods tearfully. Faust reaches through the grimy bars to place a trembling hand on her cheek. She glows and vanishes. Faust leans weakly against the bars.
MERINA Let go of me!
Faust glances down the corridor. Merina is muscled, struggling, from her cell, toward the distant door. Faust reaches out as she passes. His hand is whipped away.
Merina scowls and stomps on a guard’s foot. They jostle her and open another creaky cell. They drag Vasilis out.
MERINA Leave him! Haven’t you done enough?
GUARD Queen’s orders.
Faust looks on, helpless, as they are dragged away.
A thousand point of light gather and form into Karmina. She looks about, awed.
Seven ornate mirrors, grand in size and appearance, stand in a wide circle. In the center of the room, a pillar stands erect, bearing a pulsing ball of light. Karmina wanders further into the room. She glimpses the mirrors. Faust, Namir, and an unrecognizable figure lie pale and listless in their cells. Merina and Vasilis are dragged down a long stone corridor.
Karmina stops at the final mirror. She reaches up to touch her reflection.
A mirror by the stenograph, half-concealed by cobwebs and a heavy tapestry, flashes. Ezekial looks up, on his guard. Karmina stares back at him. He jumps to his feet and tears the tapestry away.
Karmina presses her hands to the mirror.
KARMINA Ezekial . . .
EZEKIAL Karmina! Are you all right?
Karmina bites her lip and shakes her head. Tears fall down her cheeks.
KARMINA I’m sorry; I’m so sorry.
Ezekial’s brow furrows. He presses his hands all over the mirror, searching for a way in.
EZEKIAL I’ll get you out. There has to be a latch here.
KARMINA Ezekial…
Something in her tone makes him stop his search and stare. She regards him lovingly, sorrowfully.
KARMINA I don’t think I can go back.
EZEKIAL What are you taking about?
KARMINA I’m the seventh; I need to end it.
EZEKIAL End what?
Karmina stiffens, stricken by molten pain. She cries out and keels over. Ezekial pummels the glass.
EZEKIAL Karmina!
QUEEN You’re too much.
The Queen stands at the center of the room, her hands in the light, gripping the source. She twists her grip. Karmina gasps for breath and drops to her knees.
QUEEN Sneaking past my guards; using my mirrors. You’ve got nerve, I’ll give you that.
Karmina clutches the staff close. She struggles to her feet.
Ezekial tears the room apart searching for a weapon. The cat watches the mirror, growling. Ezekial shoots upright. He runs outside.
Merina writhes and jerks against her captors all the way up the steps. Vasilis is forced to watch from below as she is shoved down. Her wrists are locked in.
Karmina closes her eyes and waves the staff. A tremor catches the Queen off guard. The Queen straightens and laughs.
QUEEN Silly girl.
The Queen adjusts her grip on the light. Merina’s scream rents the air. Karmina stops short.
QUEEN Your power lies in weaving fantasies in the minds of dim, witless humans. I am not as simple as all that; you cannot fight me with illusions.
Karmina draws a shaky breath and steps forward.
Another twist; Namir screams. Karmina’s eyes brim.
QUEEN Weakling. You are nothing without them. Why go on?
KARMINA I am weak?
Another scream; Faust’s. Karmina’s eyes flash. She draws herself to her full height.
KARMINA What’s wrong with relying on them? Needing them, trusting them; where’s the harm in that?
Karmina looks in on Faust’s mirror. He breathes shallowly, near death. She tightens her grip on the staff.
QUEEN Don’t be stupid.
Karmina shatters the mirror.
The Queen lurches. A bead of light breaks from the Queen’s grasp. It circles Karmina and absorbs into the staff. Karmina’s eyes widen, then narrow.
KARMINA Why did you bring us here?
She brings the staff down on another mirror. Another light joins the first.
The Queen adjusts her grips, desperate. Electricity jolts through Karmina. A protective light emits from the staff, dulling the pain.
KARMINA Your influence is a distortion. You needed us to feed that delusion; to craft this prison!
Karmina shatters another mirror, then another. The Queen uses her full force against Karmina, bringing her to her knees. Karmina glares and points the staff at the Queen.
KARMINA Ha’kor’ah!
A ball of energy plows into the Queen. She releases the light and crumples to the ground. She lifts a clawed hand.
QUEEN (with difficulty) Stop!
Karmina shatters a fifth mirror.
The executioner drops the blade. Merina squeezes her eyes shut---
---and evanesces as the blade crashes down. Vasilis ceases his struggle.
Karmina is upon the sixth mirror. The Queen’s beautiful façade crumbles. She claws her way across the floor with the speed and intensity of a raptor. Her face is frightening, distorted. She rears back and strikes.
Karmina holds the staff aloft. A barrier sparks between them. She stares into the monstrous eyes of her enemy.
KARMINA You made a mistake. I’m not alone.
QUEEN (gasping for air) Stop. . . Don’t. . .
Karmina inches the staff closer, bringing the Queen nearly nose-to-nose with her.
KARMINA You can’t have them.
Karmina shoves the Queen back and shatters the sixth in one smooth movement. The Queen hits the ground, disfigured, her stolen identity sapped away. K’ohl, powerless, kneels in her place.
Karmina goes to the final mirror.
Ezekial enters, a makeshift wooden club at the ready.
Karmina and Ezekial shatter the glass between them simultaneously.
K’ohl tips his head back and emits a blood-curdling shriek. It reverberates through the realms, causing twin quakes. The earth falls away from under Karmina’s feet.
Faye and Justine steady themselves as the earth rocks.
An orb of light shoots from the book and flies out the window. Justine gasps and drops the book. The pages flutter mightily. Five orbs follow the first.
The quake stops. The pages settle. Justine lifts the book. The pages yellow, crinkle, and crumble to ash.
Lumina opens her eyes.
Karmina rouses. She gets to her feet and looks around. Realizing where she is, she drops to her knees, devastated.
EZEKIAL Come on, it can’t be that bad.
Karmina turns, stunned, and watches him approach. He holds out a hand to help her up. She gets to her feet, dazed.
KARMINA Am I dreaming?
Ezekial embraces her tightly. Karmina’s eyes widen.
EZEKIAL Dummy. Does it feel like a dream?
Karmina savors the embrace before pulling away.
KARMINA Ezekial, I don’t know what to do. I tried to end it, but I just ended up here again.
Ezekial pulls her close once more.
EZEKIAL Close your eyes.
A rumble sounds. Karmina stares, horrified, as the Creature of The End emerges from the detritus.
KARMINA Ezekial…
EZEKIAL Do you trust me?
Karmina looks into his eyes. She nods.
EZEKIAL Close your eyes.
Karmina buries her face against Ezekial’s shoulder and clings to him. Ezekial slips his cell phone from his pocket. He presses a few buttons.
The creature roars and strikes.
The lullaby blares. There is a blinding flash.
A heartbeat sounds.
Justine paces, a ringing cell phone to her ear. Faye holds the hand of Lumina, who looks on, distressed.
RECORDING I’m sorry, no one is available"
Justine hangs up and punches in the numbers again, her agitation increasing every moment.
FAYE You shouldn’t be moving around like that.
JUSTINE (shortly) I’m fine.
ROOMMATE #3 You’re not supposed to use those in the hospital.
Justine shuts the curtain divider, irritated.
RECORDING I’m sorry"
Justine tries again. She runs a hand through her hair. Her pace slows.
Justine shuts the phone. After a melancholic pause, she flings it away and sinks into a chair.
JUSTINE What was the point? Getting all of us involved…Why didn’t it just let us forget her!
Justine buries her face in her hands.
FAYE Who’s to say it was for nothing?
Lumina rises from the bed and fetches the phone. She holds it before Justine.
Justine takes the phone and dials half-heartedly.
Light spills in through broken windows. It falls across Ezekial’s ringing cell phone. The music goes on for a while.
Just when it seems there will be no answer, Ezekial’s hand slaps around for the phone. Groggy, he answers.
Justine grasps the arm of her chair and lurches forward. Lumina and Faye watch expectantly.
Justine narrows her eyes. She balls her hand into a fist and bangs the arm of the chair.
JUSTINE Don’t be so casual, you b*****d! I’ve called a thousand times! I thought you were dead!
EZEKIAL Justine? Why are you yelling?
Justine jumps to her feet and paces with renewed vigor.
JUSTINE Where are you? And if you say home, I’m going to fillet you.
Ezekial rubs his face and looks on the bed beside him. His eyes widen. Karmina is curled up next to him, sleeping.
EZEKIAL Karmina…
Justine halts.
JUSTINE Ezekial? Ezekial!
Justine’s phone dies.
JUSTINE Unbelievable!
LUMINA What happened?
Justine turns to Lumina, hand extended.
JUSTINE I need your phone.
Jorain sits at his breakfast bar, nursing a scotch. There is a loud, descending thumping behind him. He turns.
Vasilis enters the kitchen, half-asleep. He opens the refrigerator and pulls out a carton of orange juice.
VASILIS Morning, Dad.
Jorain stares. Vasilis opens the carton and takes a swig.
Vasilis pauses mid-drink. The carton falls from his rigid fingers, crashing and spilling all over the tile floor. He whirls to stare at his father.
They run in opposite directions: Vasilis for the door, Jorain for the phone. Jorain pauses, one hand holding a cordless phone. Vasilis reenters the room sheepishly and gestures toward the mess.
VASILIS I should probably…
JORAIN I’ll do it. You’ve waited long enough.
Vasilis nods and exits. Jorain pulls a roll of paper towels from the counter.
Vasilis reenters and embraces Jorain. Jorain blinks. He smiles and pats his son on the back with the roll of paper towels in one hand, the phone in the other. Vasilis pulls away, embarrassed.
VASILIS I...uh…You know…
JORAIN I know, son.
Vasilis nods and jets off while Jorain dials and cleans the mess, beaming.
Merina bursts out of her front door, running full force.
On the balcony above, Namir and the Queen look on, smiling. The Queen strokes Namir’s arm. Namir squeezes her hand.
A phone rings inside.
Faust answers the phone.
FAUST Hoh residence...apparently. (pause) Jorain!
Namir and the Queen descend the stairs. Across from Faust, a sheepish young man (Thompson) looks up and waves half-heartedly. Faust claps Thompson on the back.
FAUST Yes, yes, all very well. Even Thompson-the-cursed-book-rule-breaker, here.
NAMIR Why are you answering my phone?
FAUST (blandly) It stops its ringing.
NAMIR Why are you in my house?
FAUST It seems the loft in Africa is a bit of a stretch. Looks like we’ll be co-inhabiting.
NAMIR (to Queen) Call the airline; now. (to Faust) Give me the phone!
Faust and Namir wrestle for the phone while the others look on, amused.
Vasilis runs. Marina runs. Both pause to catch their breath. They look up and lock gazes.
They run to cover the distance between, crashing into an embrace.
Merina pulls away and beats his chest.
MERINA You idiot! I told you not to follow me! You never listen! Why would you do something so stupid!
Vasilis silences her with a tender embrace.
VASILIS Don’t run away and I won’t chase you.
Trapped in his embrace, she manages one last half-hearted effort at a punch to his chest.
Vasilis presses a kiss to her temple, to her forehead, to her cheek. Merina loops her arm about his neck and presses close to him, laughing and crying.
JUSTINE Quick question: You guys have known Ezekial a long time; how do you not know his phone number?
LUMINA (shrugs) He’s always with Karmina.
FAYE Or at the parlor.
Justine opens her mouth to chastise them. The phone rings. She glances at the screen. An UNKNOWN call. She answers it.
JUSTINE (into phone) Lumina’s phone. (blinks) No . . . Karmina isn’t here now. May I ask who’s calling? (expression goes blank) Hold please.
Justine presses the phone to her chest. She draws a deep breath and looks at Lumina.
JUSTINE It’s Angela Hoh.
Lumina and Faye scramble forward and squeeze in around the phone. Justine clears her throat.
JUSTINE (into phone) Sorry. Go on.
Queen sits primly on the edge of the sofa, her back to the brotherly row behind her.
QUEEN (smiling) We would very much like to meet her--
Namir holds Faust in a headlock. Faust knocks over a nearby lamp. Queen catches it and shrinks back.
QUEEN I’m sorry, there’s an upset here. When you see her, could you have her get in touch with us? (hangs up) No rough housing around the china!
Lumina, Faye, and Justine exchanges glances. They look at the I.V. sticking in Lumina’s arm. They all dive for the nurse’s call button.
Ezekial brushes Karmina’s cheek with his fingertips. She rouses, meets Ezekial’s gaze, and smiles. A small sob rocks her body. Ezekial gathers her close.
Karmina and Ezekial descend the cabin steps. They walk to the woven blockade of trees. The branches pull apart upon their approach.
Ezekial puts an arm around Karmina’s shoulders. She smiles shyly. They pass through the retreating trees, into the brilliant daylight.
The cat watches the pair vanish into the woods. It turns its attention to the shattered remains of the mirror. It blows long and hard on a sparking shard, coaxing a flame.
K’ohl rises with the flame. An inferno blazes around him. Columns of flame circle the cat. K’ohl grins.
The cat shudders. It grows into the fearsome, saber-toothed beast of its former glory. It smirks, roars triumphantly, and falls upon the demon.
© 2010 Megan UrrutiaReviews
1 Review Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 5, 2010Last Updated on December 5, 2010 Author