![]() Happiness.A Story by mmonita Ask your self -Do you really know what and who you are ? -Do you know what you like or dislike ? -Do you know who really deserves to be around you and who does not.? -Do you wake up in the morning and stare a the panorama feeling hungry of life or you feel seek about it.? -Are this to many questions ? -Have you ever really stop to think about this or you just go with flow ? -Have you ever really felt you deserve whatever you want or you can settle for what people wants you to have ? because at the end of the day its your decision happiness its a choise not a destination. We are raised to always look for what makes us happy instead of making every part of our jounrney in life full of happiness this its hard to do so because not one of us can help to go through bad times but we even need the reflection or memory of that happiness in order to pass those rough moments . Sometimes we just forget that been happy is the most important thing in life while we try to fit a prototype in this society . but let me ask you again What society offers to you ...its that really what would make you happy or been your self no matter what would make you happy ? Have you ever felt happiness in your skin like when the gentel breeze of the beautiful sea plays with the waves of your hair and the air that goes a thousend miles an hour careeses your face ? We all are individuals and we all need to stand for our selfs but often a lot of people gambles and loses their selfs in the urge of making someone else happy. This its looking down and placing our weapons in the floor trusting we would not have to use them with this person hoping that we are going to be protected . but honey at the end of the day your gonna fall on your back because the one that was going to save you was busy saving him self.
© 2014 mmonitaFeatured Review
1 Review Added on November 7, 2014 Last Updated on November 7, 2014 |