I loved this poem, especially the message. It seems today there aren't any 'origianl' ideas. Because so much has already been written, and we see where certain creations have taken people, but not always our own creations and where they can take us.
Each line was brilliant! I loved the entire piece. Simply beautiful.
I like this and I totally agree with you! So many ideas have been used over and over, obviously not by the 'original' owner. This is one of my favorite of yours, it's deep and beautifully written indeed. :)
(Maybe, I will purposly fall,) --* Maybe, I will purposely fall,*
(I could creat a fake religion,) -- *I could create a fake religion,*
(designe my own true creed!) --- *design my own true creed!*
(Make you own way, work night and day,) -- *Make your own way, work night and day*
Other than those minor misspellings, this is a poem that shines a powerful message! Keep up the good work! :)
I loved this poem, especially the message. It seems today there aren't any 'origianl' ideas. Because so much has already been written, and we see where certain creations have taken people, but not always our own creations and where they can take us.
Each line was brilliant! I loved the entire piece. Simply beautiful.
To really truly believe in your dreams and make them come true… you must not first believe in yourself, but be prepared to prove your doubts and fears wrong.
To know giving up is not an easy .. more..