![]() Chapter 3A Chapter by Mari![]() May 19th, 3624![]() Anya The
door flings open and the lights abruptly turn on at about five in the morning. Everyone
else moans and growls at Adrian as he stands cheerily at the door. I usually
like mornings, waking up at around seven or so on a normal day, so I’m not too
terribly tired, but the shock of waking up so quickly throws me off a bit. I
swing my legs around and stand up, suddenly noticing the folded outfits on
everyone’s bedside table. I take mine and slide past Adrian to go change. He
nods and then quickly goes back to his mission of getting the rest of the guys
out of bed. The
uniform I’m given fits me perfectly. It’s a semi-short gray dress with a red
waistband, and two large pockets on the side. The material isn’t uncomfortable
either, so the short sleeves aren’t constricting me in any way. I leave the
bathroom and find the other recruits standing in the hallway, now dressed in a
uniform with the same colors as mine. They all look dead tired, rubbing their
eyes in an attempt to stay up. “Today,”
Adrian starts loudly, “we will be starting off with just some basic drills. I’m
taking you all into the main gym to do this. There is a chair on the side,
Anya, for you, and everything you need will be right there next to you. As for
the rest, we will start off with attendance each morning, regardless of the
fact that there are only five of you. I will not be waking you up from this
point on, so it will be your responsibility to set an alarm to get here, ready
to go, at six sharp. Tomorrow, as with every Sunday, we will meet in the
classroom right over here at the same time.” He points to the door next to the library.
“There we will have a formal lesson. Usually it will be on weapons and strategy,
but tomorrow I’ll be going over more on the numbers and scoring and give you a
basic list of deductions. Classroom days will not be averaged like the rest of
our training, so they’re almost a break where you learn all of the information
for the week.” He
opens the door to the main gym and leads us inside. The whole room is a lot
larger than I expected, stretching out really far out with high ceilings. I see
the chair Adrian was talking about tucked into the back corner of the room, so
I take an immediate left and sit down, noting the first aid kit and stack of
towels under my chair. Adrian starts barking out orders, explaining different
drills and then demonstrating them. Most of them look simple, not that I’d be
able to do them, but they look just easier than I had expected. I feel really awkward just sitting here,
watching them and not doing anything. I know a lot of soldiers have no respect
for the caretakers, saying that they do nothing, but it’s not like we get any
credit if we did do something important. My mom, for example, always tells me
stories about how she’s saved countless lives of soldiers in the war when she
first started out. I know all guys have some pride thing where they can’t admit
that there are people better than them, but without all of the girls acting as
nurses during the war, they would honestly be nowhere. The
recruits start to get into a routine, performing the same exercises for a
certain amount of time, so watching them becomes not only weird but boring too.
I take to examining the cut on my hand from yesterday. After lunch I was able
to find actual medical supplies in the closet and wrap it correctly. The
medicine I put on it has eliminated the pain. I should have paid more attention
to the glass when I put it in my hand. Zeke gave me a really hard time about
picking up after Scott though. I don’t get it. Why does he care? And more
importantly why does he think that I should be treated like one of them when I
am in fact just a caretaker? And if he really cared that much, why did I have
to go back and pick up the glass alone after everyone left while he was running
pointless races with Eli back in the track? I swear that boy is all talk. He’ll
never actually do anything though. I
grab the gauze from the first aid kit and start to wrap my hand, as Adrian
recommended so I don’t slice it back open doing a simple task or anything. “Well,
since you seem to be good at that, would you mind wrapping my wrist for me?” I
look up in shock to a pair of dark eyes. Derek. I drop the gauze on the ground
in surprise and it rolls under my chair. I duck my head down to pick it up and
mentally slap myself for looking like an idiot. He’s probably judging me right
now because of how stupid and startled I was. “Look I realize you might enjoy
looking at the bottom of the chair as opposed to my sweaty face but I kind of
need to get back to training.” After finally gathering up the gauze and ripping
off enough for my own hand, I look up again and see a smirk appearing on his
lips. Wordlessly, I wrap his outstretched wrist, which doesn’t look to be red,
swollen, irritated, cut or bruised in any way, but I’m not in a position to ask
him about it. He inspects it for a second and then turns back to the gym on his
heels. Derek
jumps right back into the push-up drill they’re doing. I tape the gauze on my
wrist and repack the medical supplies quickly, noticing that Derek doesn’t look
to be unsteady on his wrist in the slightest. I know that it doesn’t mean he’s
lying about it, but something about him feels off. His starting score is higher
than even Scott’s was, and now it looks like he’s faking an injury. I mean
maybe his wrist does hurt but I would expect him to either push through it or
just take the gauze and wrap it himself. I guess I don’t really know what type
of person he is, but his appearance leads me to believe that he has a
personality like that. I
turn my attention to Eli. He keeps dropping his knees and collapsing on his
elbows. It seems really clear that he’s having trouble keeping up with the rest
of them. “Eli!”
Adrian screams. “If you don’t start trying harder you’re never going to get
better! You need to actually DO the work!” He continues yelling. Scott, from
the other side of the line, is smirking, clearly enjoying this. I clench my
jaw. If he says anything to Eli I swear he’s going to regret it. “Everybody get
back up! We’re going to start this exercise over so Eli can get it right.” A
simultaneous groan falls over the entire group; well, over everyone except
Scott. “Oh, and I won’t release you for lunch until Eli here can complete the
set perfectly.” I didn’t even realize it was close to lunch. I guess awkwardly
watching the recruits train passed time pretty quickly. Adrian
starts the drill over six times before Eli is able to complete it all the way
through. It wasn’t perfect, but he actually did the whole thing without
collapsing. “Alright I guess you can go now. But I expect this lunch break to
help you to focus better later. You better be back in an hour, or there will be
consequences.” Panting
heavily, the recruits rush towards the door, leaving Eli struggling to catch
up. I grab the medical kit and catch up to him. “Hey buddy, how do you like
training?” I ask. He starts to speed up a little bit and look at the ground. Guess
he doesn’t want to talk about it. I enter the kitchen behind him and see most
of the recruits already eating, but they’re kind of scattered on the couches around
the room instead of eating at the table like they did yesterday. I grab a plate
and a sandwich from the counter and sit down in a chair that’s tucked back in
the corner, so technically I’m sitting with everyone else but I have no
intention of really talking to any of them. That
is, until Derek spills his drink all over me. He completely tripped over the
table, launching the water straight into my lap and smashing his glass on the
floor. How does that happen two days in a row? We’re going to run out of
glasses by the end of this year if the recruits are all this clumsy. They can
do all of those random exercises but they can’t carry a stupid glass of water
without shattering it. That makes
sense. “Oh I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help falling
for you,” Derek teases. It’s obvious he’s joking but I can’t seem to
say anything other than “Wait, what?” “Oh,
I was just kidding. No need to get offended,” he laughs. I crack a smile in
response while attempting to step over the glass without killing myself. “Hang
on.” He grabs my wrist lightly then quickly drops it. “I don’t have any glass
by me. I’ll get the towels for you. It was my fault anyways.” I’m pretty sure I
see him flash Scott a quick look, but he turns too quickly for me to really
tell. Just
as Derek comes back I see Zeke ball a napkin up in his fist. “Here, you might
need this too,” he enunciates as he tosses the napkin at Derek. Derek catches
it without even flinching and hands it to me along with an extra towel.
“Careful, don’t cut yourself.” “Oh
thanks, I really needed that,” Derek adds sarcastically. Zeke rolls his eyes
and gets up to grab another sandwich as I start to clean up the spilled water. Derek
cuts in to make sure he’s the one to pick up all of the broken glass and then
throws it out over-dramatically while smirking at Zeke. He pretends not to
notice. When
the mess is finally gone Derek sets down his plate next to mine and sits on the
couch that’s next to my little secluded chair. Everyone else is pretty much
done by the time we actually start eating, but we still have twenty minutes
before we have to be back in the main gym for training. “Thanks for helping me
clean up the glass,” I say with a cheery, exaggerated
smile, knowing that it’ll make Zeke feel bad about not helping me last time. Derek catches on and replies “Oh it wasn’t a problem really. I
would have helped you last time if I’d known you were going to get hurt. I didn’t
realize that these glass pieces were that sharp. At home we only use the ones
made of the ceramic-plastic compound they started using since the start of the
war. Those are not only harder to break but they don’t produce such sharp
pieces when they do.” It seems that the longer he goes on the more frustrated
Zeke gets. “That’s true. I feel like having real glass cups is weird when the
chemicals in the glass could be used to create new weapons, or it could be
traded for other materials,” I add. “Oh, I never thought about that. But, on the other hand, who would
we trade with? Anyone within a reasonable distance of us is under the control
of the City. Trying to trade with the closest, non-City ruled location would
take more resources than it’s worth.” “That makes sense, but there are still those underground systems
my mom has told me about. There are supposedly large groups of City
double-crossers that use underground routes to feed us information.” “Ah, yes but utilizing those people would just give the City
ideas. If they have traitors, imagine how many the Federation has. I’m just
imagining the amount of people that the City and all of its allies have in
total. If those underground tunnels are real, they would have easy transport
back and forth between them, and since there are so many people on their side
they would have such a large range of people they could use as ‘spies’.” “I was listening to my mom talk to the current head of military
and she was saying how they never let anyone from the underground tunnels
actually into the Federation. Everyone in here now was born here, and with our
new DNA technology as well as the chips we have installed, it would be
impossible for a traitor to pass as one of us.” He smiles. “Oh I almost forgot about that. You know, don’t take
this the wrong way, but you’re really smart for a girl.” I can’t help but smile
back. The only person I’ve ever really talked to in my life was my mom and my
little brother. All the other kids my age were afraid of me because of my
parents’ authority position and my teachers thought I was ‘showing off’ when I
tried to have a decent conversation with them. Aside from completely messing
with Zeke, just plain talking to someone without being blamed for something or
yelled at is really nice. Zeke finishes his sandwich and angrily tosses his plate in the
sink. “You have fifteen minutes to be back in the gym. I’d hurry up if I were
you.” Then he leaves, slamming the door behind him. Derek takes another bite of his sandwich. “Alright so what’s the
story between you two? I’m sensing tension,” he adds, leaning closer to me. I
just shrug in response. He leans even closer and bats his eyes at me
pleadingly. “To be honest I don’t even know,” I sigh. “We kind of have a long
history you could say, but not in the way I know you’re thinking. We were good
friends, and neighbors, when I was little but then after my dad died his family
moved away and pretty much just shut us out, so he hasn’t talked to me since we
were like eight.” I don’t know why I’m even telling him this. I guess I mean
I’ve had this all bottled up for so long. It’s nice to talk to someone who’s
actually interested in hearing about it. “Oh so this is more of a family feud. I’m sure he didn’t mean to
shut you out, but I mean at eight years old you pretty much just do whatever
your parents say. And I know that all must have been tough after losing your
dad. When my mom died I was devastated. I had never met my father so I had
literally no one to turn to. So, I guess what I’m saying is that I understand
your pain. It can be hard, but maybe now things will be different between you
and Zeke. It can never hurt to start over, can it?” I shake my head. “I guess I still associate him with that bad time
in my life. I know it wasn’t his choice but he still saw me at school. He could
have come up and talked to me or something. I’ll get over it eventually. I
think it’s just that along with the fact that I’m here in the military training
base that my dad used to run, and that Eli reminds me so much of my dad, it’s
just too much.” “I completely understand,” he says apologetically. He stands up
and takes both of our plates to the sink. We have five minutes to be back in
the gym, so it’s a good thing he noticed. I get up and sneak out the door. How
could I have been so stupid? I don’t even know Derek and now he knows more
about how I feel than Zeke does. Honestly if Derek wanted to he could
single-handedly ruin my entire life here. All he would have to do was tell
Scott about this and I’d probably be teased for the rest of this year. And Zeke
would get taunted for this too, if they haven’t already noticed how he acted
today. I still don’t get why he was so on edge. Derek hasn’t had a chance to
screw up my life yet, so why is it such a problem that I talk to him? As I open the door to go into the gym Derek is just leaving the
kitchen. I take my seat in the back of the room. Rather than watching the
recruits like I did before, I look around and notice a few doors lining the
walls. None of them are labeled but I’m trying to figure out which one of them would
lead up to the upper level track that looks down on the gym. The railing runs
along the far wall of the gym and from this angle I can see part of the
track-like turf on the floor. I don’t exactly know why we have this track in
addition to the one in the room next door, but I’m sure there’s a strategic
difference that I wouldn’t know about.
The recruits continue to run and condition on the hard, wooden
floor. They were each given a water bottle at the beginning of the day, but
hardly any of them touched it. Today they’ve been taking a lot of breaks in
between drills just because Adrian needs to teach them. I wouldn’t be able to
do that, but that’s only because while the females were taking basic skills
courses in school geared towards running a household, the males were doing some
basic conditioning like this to prepare them for any hard labor job or when
they get drafted into the military. The only reason Adrian has to explain the
drills is because Eli and Ryann haven’t graduated, so they don’t know all of
the drills. This is why Eli is having so much trouble. Ryann was a year away
from graduation. He would be used to drills of almost this magnitude, but Eli
isn’t. “Alright boys I think we’re done for today. Remember, tomorrow
we’re meeting in the classroom for a Sunday lesson. I’ll only be teaching you
up until lunch, and then you’ll be free to do what you want. I suggest
something active whether it is an organized sport of some kind with all of you
or individual practicing. Sundays will be the only time you have half days. But
this will only continue if your averages are improving. If not then I’m going
to start adding in mandatory workouts with me after the lesson. Tomorrow it
will be basic just a breakdown of what we’re going to learn throughout the year
as well as an explanation of some of the technology that we’ll be using. Now
ordinarily I’d make the last place recruit stay for extra conditioning, but for
today I’m going to let you all off without it, because you all need improving.
Eli, just so you know, it would have been you. I understand you’re young but
that does not exempt you from the standards,” Adrian says while writing down
things on his clipboard. He waves his hand towards the door and everyone scurries out. I
stand up, grab the medical kit and head for the door when Adrian stops me.
“Anya, I need to talk to you for a minute.” I nod quickly before he begins.
“Tomorrow you will join us in the classroom because you could benefit from this
lesson as well. As for every other day though, you will be either doing chores
that I have for you, which I generally won’t do often as we don’t have too much
to clean up, or watching the recruits train. I understand that that’s pretty
boring but as we start getting into more difficult practices, I assure you that
your small task of filling up the water bottles will be greatly appreciated.”
He smiles. “What will I be doing on Sundays when you have the lessons?” “I’m going to try and make it so you really only have to do chores
then, because it isn’t right for the caretaker to overhear the things we will
be talking about after tomorrow; they’re too violent. They shouldn’t be too
tedious, just basic things: organizing, cooking, tidying up, etc. On top of
that I expect that you won’t distract the recruits. I understand not talking to
them is hard since you see them all the time, but I will not tolerate any drama that causes scores to go down,
understood?” “Yes sir. I’ll keep the talking to a minimum.” “Good. I suspected you would, since if anything happens I have the
authority to send away you or any of the other soldiers and ensure they get
sent to the front lines. Now as far as your free time goes, I would suggest
being well acquainted with the storage closets and kitchen areas, since that’s
where you’ll be working the most. Other than that your only main choice is the
library. There are many different types of books in there from instruction
manuals that may help you with some of the medical aspects of this job to full
length novels in all genres,” he explains before turning towards the door to
leave. I follow closely behind, stopping to place the medical supplies in the closet
before joining the recruits for an uneventful dinner.
Ghostly, blue
eyes are staring through the darkness. They look innocent, but I know better. I
don’t know why, but I don’t trust them. Blue is bad. Blue is Evil. Blue is
death. The eyes come closer; close enough to reveal a face. But the face isn’t
human. The shadow from the blue eyes illuminates the face of this creature in
an unsettling way. “Peace is darkness,”
the blue eyed thing chants in a whisper. “Hope is worthless,” it continues,
growing louder with every word. “Violence is law.” The figure steps closer. The
blue radiates through the blackness like a beacon of goodness. But they are
deceiving. I know the true evil in these blue eyes. “Peace is darkness,” the
voice repeats, as the eyes grow larger and larger with each footstep-like
sound. “Hope is worthless.” There is more blue now than black. The eyes have
filled the room with their ghastly color. “Violence is law.” Everything is blue
now. The evil has taken over and filled my line of vision. “Surrender yourself
now to the chaos.”
I awake with a jolt, feeling my forehead to discover I’m sweating.
It was just a dream. I was only dreaming. It wasn’t real. The color blue is the
one thing I remember from the night my dad died. Everything else is a blur.
I’ve always had dreams about it but none of them have seemed quite this real
before. It must be the military
building. I’ve been thinking about my dad a lot more since I’ve gotten here.
That must be it. I look over at the clock flashing. Two am. And there is no way I
can go to sleep after that nightmare. I quietly swing myself out of bed. I plan
on going to the library for an hour or so just to clear my head. That is, until
I see that the gym door is opened and radiating a really faint light. I cautiously
walk towards it and peek inside. Another one of the doors inside has a light on
and is wide open. Now I have to see what’s going on. I guess someone could have
just left the light on but it wasn’t on during training, so I feel like someone
else is up too, which is weird since it’s the middle of the night. I walk two
steps forward slowly when suddenly the door slams. I instinctively run to the
door and jiggle the knob. I know that there’s a lock on the inside that will
help me get out, but nothing I do will make it open. Whenever I move the lock
or the knob I hear a small scraping sound from the other side of the door,
leading me to believe that it’s jammed. Oh great, someone locked me in the gym
in the middle of the night, and my only source of light is from a random room
that leads to who knows what. Could this get any worse? Against my better judgment, rather than banging on the door and
trying to get help, I decide to go towards the door with a light on. Maybe it
leads to a way out? My footsteps echo in the silence in tune with my heart
which is beating out of my chest in anticipation. When I turn the corner of the stairs, the light becomes more
blinding. My eyes adjust to reveal a small sprinters course with five 100 meter
lanes which doesn’t explain why the lights are even on. That is, until I see
the large window ten feet above the course. I didn’t even realize this place
had windows. I feel like that would be pretty dangerous considering we’re all
here against our free will. I hear a slight movement coming from the windowsill above as a
person comes into view. Now I’d like to know not only how he got up there, but
what the chance is of it being the only person that I don’t want to talk to:
Zeke. Well, I guess that at least means he wasn’t the one to lock me in here in
the first place. On the bright side, he might still be mad at me for being a
jerk to him at lunch, not that I was really doing anything wrong. I mean I do
have the right to talk to people in case he hasn’t noticed. But maybe if he’s
mad he won’t talk to me. “Anya? What are you doing here?” Well, so much for that theory. I
just look at him in confusion. He’s got a lot of explaining to do before I’m willing to talk. He is the reason
I’m here after all. “I…I didn’t think anyone else would wake up. I just needed
to clear my head. Everything’s been so crazy lately I just needed some time to
myself,” he continues. I take this as my cue to leave. Unlike some people I can
take a hint. Although, apparently that wasn’t his intention because he stops me
before I hit the stairs. “Wait, no, that’s not what I meant. You can stay if
you want to.” “Good. The door’s locked.” “Wait really? How did it lock? Did you lock it?” “Yeah that’s exactly what happened. I decided that I wanted to
spend my entire night alone in a gym. Who wouldn’t want that?” I roll my eyes
at him as he leans slightly over the large windowsill edge. It looks deep
enough back for him to comfortably sit on and face the window, almost like a
balcony. The window itself takes up practically the whole wall, giving me the
impression that the view from up there is really pretty, even if we are in the
middle of nowhere. “Well, you aren’t alone, technically. And if we are locked in as
you say, then you really should come up here. It’s so peaceful. I almost feel
like when I used to sit in my tree house as a kid,” he hints, knowing full and
well that I used to sit in his tree house with him. If this is his way of
trying to get me to forgive him he’s going about it wrong. “The scenery up here
looks like what my house used to look like when I was little. I was so high up
and I thought the view was spectacular. But the older I got the more
insignificant it felt. Now I’m in a new place and I feel like a little
inexperienced kid again, and I don’t know if I like that.” I don’t care. “But
honestly you should come see this. Maybe it’ll remind you of something too.”
Oh, real subtle. But I guess I am pretty curious as to what it looks like… Whatever, I’ve probably been giving him too hard of a time lately.
Just because I go up and satisfy my own curiosity doesn’t mean I have to go up
and talk to him too. I step towards the rough brick wall and start to search
for holds that I can use to climb up to him. The first few are easy to find but
once I get about three feet off the ground I can’t reach the next ones. Zeke
probably could since he’s a head taller than me now, but I’m short. Oops, guess
I can’t go up and talk to him now. What a shame. “Oh here let me help you,” Zeke says, scrambling to his stomach
and reaching his arm over. Instinctively I take his hand to avoid falling. His
arms are really strong and muscular and - wait no. Stop. This is the same boy
that completely cut you off eight years ago and is now trying to make up for it
by being nice. He doesn’t mean it. Stop looking at all of the good things and
the memories and everything. He can’t change what he did and nothing he can do
now will take back the fact that he left me when I needed him the most. He was
the only person I had that still trusted me and he left too. After an awkward climb up the rest of the wall, I’m greeted by the
most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen in my life. The vast open forest stretches
endlessly into the night sky, and the stars are so clear I feel like I’m
outside underneath them. The rest of training facility must be either behind us
or next to us because I don’t see any other buildings. I could get used to a
view like this. “It’s pretty isn’t it?” he asks after a long silence. I feel so
serene and happy that all I can do is nod and smile. Despite the awkwardness I
endured coming up here, it was definitely worth it. “Look I know you don’t want
to hear it but I really do want to be friends with you. It’s killing me that
you won’t talk to me and that I can do nothing about it. I’ve tried everything
Anya and I don’t know what else you want me to do,” he pleads, quickly jumping
into the one topic I hoped we could avoid. “I just hate that now you want to be friends, when it’s convenient
for you, considering that I needed you for eight years. For eight years I had
close to no one to talk to. I needed someone who I could just rant to about the
City and cry to about my dad. My mom was always working to make sure that his
loss didn’t impact our lifestyle and my brother was too young to remember, plus
I know he blames me for dad’s death in general because he was fighting to save
me. You were the only person I wanted to talk to, but you left. You ignored me.
Why should I give you another chance?” I add calmly. There’s really no use in
getting mad about it anymore. Maybe he’ll understand me better if I don’t
scream this time. “I was only doing what my parents told me to. I didn’t know you
needed me. I thought you forgot about me.” “What gave you that impression? Was it the fact that I used to
wait for you in the mornings at school just in case you wanted to talk to me? Or
the fact that I used to purposely walk by as many of your classes as I could
just to see if you would even make eye contact with me? Or maybe it was how I
walked home past your house every single day even though it was at least a half
mile out of my way? I don’t know what else you wanted me to do. You were
forbidden to talk to me, and following that rule was more important to you than
some old, silly girl that you used to be neighbors with. I felt like I didn’t
even know who you were. I still do. You’re completely different from the last
time I talked to you, and I don’t know how I can be friends with someone who
would change that quickly just to please other people.” My eyes start tearing
up gradually as I’m talking. He’s making up excuses that don’t even make sense
when he knows that I was trying more than anything just to talk to him. He
clearly didn’t care. His eyes shift away from me and look to the window. His eyes look
watery too, but the moon reflecting off of his tears makes his brown eyes
sparkle. They look so mesmerizingly beautiful and - wait no. Stop. I can’t do
this again. I know that I technically forgave him before about this whole
situation but I just still can’t get over it. I don’t think that I can be
friends or even acquaintances with someone who would drop me in a heartbeat to
please everyone else. But he has been trying really hard to get me to forgive
him. I’ll give him that. “I know. I realize that now. I just - I convinced myself that you
didn’t want to talk to me anymore so that I could rationalize my actions in my
head. That doesn’t make them any better but I just thought you should know
that. You were right. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have left and I should have
fought for you. I want to be friends with you again. Now, I lost all of my
family too for this year at least, and you’re the closest that I have. I’ll
prove to you that I’ve changed. Please, give me a chance,” he begs. I don’t
respond. I turn back towards the window and stare into the distance with a
blank face. It’s not that I don’t forgive him; I just don’t know if I can just
give up on the grudge I’ve held. Call me stubborn but I don’t want to forget
what happened for half my life and just continue on like we’re eight years old
again. It’d mean that this whole fight was a waste of time. I don’t know what suddenly rushes over me but I feel the urge to
cry. Maybe it’s the stress of the situation, or Zeke constantly reminding me of
the worst years of my life but I feel so overcome with misery that once I start
bawling, I can’t stop. Every tear I drop slowly lifts the weight off my chest.
Instinctively, I guess, Zeke puts his hand on my back to comfort me. It’s
stranger and older but somehow feels more familiar than it ever has. In my
moment of confusion and weakness I start to cry into his shoulder. “It’s okay” he says awkwardly. I mean I can’t blame him for being
a bit startled by that because I am too. I let a few more tears run down my face and be absorbed by his
light pajama shirt. Then I calm down. I open my eyes with a quick sigh as he
continues, “I think you might need some sleep. It’s been a long day.” He leans back against the side wall and stretches out his feet. I
continue to lean against him and eventually settle in his arms and close my
eyes. It doesn’t take long for me to transition into a dreamy haze. So now I
don’t know if I’m imagining things, or if Zeke actually just kissed my
May 20th, 3624 2:56am TheDemonKorps8: Router set up in the simulation room. But
will have limited communications for now to avoid too much power being drawn
from their generator. 87685155:
Perfect. Reports needed ASAP. What
are we up against? TheDemonKorps8:
Nothing threatening so far, and nothing
too interesting either, in the process of finding things out, will sneak around
if I need to. Not too much security on any level around here. 87685155:
Good to know. How are the
soldiers? TheDemonKorps8:
Some better than others. I need more
time to become close to them. They may come to trust me and tell me things.
This plan can’t be done in a day you know. 87685155: And I trust you know that we don’t have
much time. We shouldn’t be wasting any more resources on this war. You have
until December 31st. Then you will be considered one of them. TheDemonKorps8: I have until then for what? How are you going
to determine how well I’m doing? 87685155: You need to provide us with ALL the
information I require. Then, if by the end of the year the plan does not go as
I have anticipated, and if it was because of something that your information
could have avoided, or if you decide to betray us in any way, even if it is only
for a single person, you will be treated the same as those traitorous soldiers.
We can’t afford for you to be wasting our time, as you know it was not my idea
in the first place to send you. I was skeptical. But if this does go
successfully you will be pardoned of any crimes, and you will have an
unbelievable amount of power. Trust me when I say that it will be worth it. But
it’s all up to you. TheDemonKorps8: I’m going to do my best. I’ll start with
reports as soon as I get them. It shouldn’t be too hard to manipulate them.
They all seem innocent and trusting. 87685155: Good. Keep transmitting me information
to the research facility. The information that we just received is enough for
us to get started. TheDemonKorps8:
Will do. I can’t promise it will be often,
since I can’t raise too much suspicion, but I’ll do it as often and as
discretely as I can. She’s a really easy person to terrorize. I already have
her in the palm of my hand. © 2015 MariAuthor's Note
Added on November 28, 2015 Last Updated on November 28, 2015 Author |