It all comes together

It all comes together

A Chapter by mkelly9898

I stare at her in amazement as she's yelling, she has duck tape over 
her mouth so I couldn't make out what she was saying. I ran to her, as I herd the
door slamm shut.
"Katie what are you doing down here?" I rip off the duck tape and she
"Were both trapped in here you needed to keep that door open." 
"What you mean I'm stuck in here all night!" 
"Oh much longer than just a night try 17!" 
"You've been down here for 17 nights?" 
"Well that's what I've counted and I haven't had food for 5 days." 
"Are you okay?" 
"Do you really think I'm okay?" 
"Sorry, so Dillon wasn't lying."
"Um what are you talking about? Dillon's dead." I hear the weep in her voice
"Yes I know." She looks at me with a puzzled face.
When I think about it he hasn't talked to me for a while, well since the
fire, but other than that he's pretty much left me alone. He doesn't care
that me and Weston are still together.
"Katie, your brother is dead and I saw him and he told me to find you
and I didn't listen to him, so it's all my fault that you haven't had food for
5 days, It's all my fault that you have been cold for 17 nights."
"Wait hold on you saw Dillon?"
"Yes, I guess I have a talent or as I would say a horible gift,I can
see ghost." She still looks at me like I came out of a horror movie
no really like I came to kill her.
"I know it sounds crazy like I'm loosing my marbles."
"More like you don't have any marbles!"
"No really, I saw him and I know that the guy upstairs "Greg"
is a child malester."
"Yeah but that could just be wild guessing."
"No really and I know how Dillon died."
"Please don't remind me about it."
"So do you believe me?"
"I guess you are my best friend and I would trust you with my
life so I don't see the reason you would lie."
"Okay so how are we going to get out of here?"
"We aren't"
"No we are I will think of some kind of plan and we live."
"Come on have some hope!"
"Why I've done everything I can think of, We wont see the
sun again or hug my family again, or even get to graduate."
"We will I know we can get out of this if we work together!"
"Shut up, NO! We wont get out of this."
        I look at her in disbelief like how can you just give up that
fast I want to win this battle.
        "Don't you think Dillon would want you to be okay?"
"You tell me your the one who talks to ghosts ..... right?"
"Really funny, if were not going to make it out then were not
going to get along very well!"
"Well that's the first real thing that's came out of your mouth."
         How could my best friend, my sweet, nice, quiet Katie
become so mean and unhappy. When I asked my self that
question it's like the answer was right there. I wouldn't be happy
if my brother died, or if I get raped everyday, and knowing that
I will never make it out of here. That I have been cold and
scared for 17 nights, hungry for 5 days.
          I stand up and sit by the door and wait for something
a sign or a noise, but there's nothing and I couldn't keep my
eyes open. When I herd a step by my door when it opens
with Greg in the doorway.
         "Well look I have another play mate." He gives me a
disturbing smile and looks me up and down.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh hasn't Katie told you?"
"I have!"
"Yes she has." I look into his eyes as he steps closer and closer
"Well you see I would like you to come upstairs and we could
get at it but there's an issue, your little boyfriend is up there and
your brother is also, you see I could kill them both very easily
and I wouldn't loose one minute of sleep, BUT I wont if you
only call them and tell them that you ran away. You couldn't
take it anymore and you desited to leave in the middle of
the night."
"Wait how am I going to do that."
"You have a cell phone don't you?"
"Yes but there's no service down here."
"Oh yes I know or you could call your mommy to come get
you but no I'm to smart for that and I know plans."
"So how could I call them?"
"I'll take you to a place with service don't worry."
"Okay." I look at my feet when I noticed that my shoes are almost
off my feet. When I suddenly had a plan. If I keep the door
open Katie can leave and we could both get out of there.
"Now you see, I don't want them to think that you left right now
so you need to stay in here for sometime until I come back
"Yeah I understand."
"Good your a smart one, now you don't want the same thing
to happen to your boyfriend and brother, ask Katie how well
her brother ended up?" I played dumb.
"What did you kill him?"
"Yes!! What a smart girl you are lets just say he got to
see God a little fasterthen expected." He gives me a creepy
 smile with a outstanding laugh that gave chills up my spine.
"I understand."
"Well get some sleep, beautiful." He takes my hand and kisses
it. His lips are dry and hateful. I see Katie's face and I can
tell that it's making her very sick. I gave him a unwelcoming
smile. He walks out and slid my shoe in the door when I hear
him walking up the stairs.
"Okay when he goes to sleep we are getting out of here, Okay."
"No." Katie turns around and rests her head on the wall.
"But Katie we must get out of come on take my side."
"Because you see Makendrie I'm not as brave as you and I'm
not as hopeful as you I'm sorry but if we he see's us he will
kill your brother and your boyfriend, and we will be put in diffrent
rooms and be locked up for a very longtime with no food or water
and we would die!"
"Were going to die anyways living here! Katie you see it wont
just be getting raped every night he will kill us!"
"No he promised! that I would live if I did what he said!"
"Listen to me come and escape with me we have to do this
now and to night, I don't want my first time having sex with
an old man and him being my last!"
"I didn't want it to be that way either but guess what s**t happens!"
"Fine you want to stay here and rot, then I will let you!"
         How can she say she wants to stay here and him take
her hostage! I'm so angry there are no words to describe it .
I hear foot steps coming down the stairs when I was truely scared
if he see's I proped the door open he will truely kill me.
When I here.
          "Makendrie where are you?" I run out and take Weston in
my arms.
        "Listen to me and have no questions about it okay." He
shakes his head.
"This man is not who you think his is he wanted me to call you and
say I left in the middle of the night and have you and Luke just
leave. But I would be stuck in the basement and he said he would
rape me and one more thing you know my friend Katie who went
missing is down here right now and we need to get the hell out of here now!"
"I said no questions!" He stares into my eyes and he agrees to go now.
"Okay." He whispers
"Here's the plan I'm going to stay down her till you tell Luke then you both come
down and get me and Katie but you have to be super quiet and always
have your guard up to fight If we have to kill him so be it we need to get out
of here."  He noddes his head in agreement. I walk back into
the room and prop the door open a little bit.
"What?" I ask witha  confused tone.
"I love you." He kisses me on the top of my head.
"Love you too." I smile and walk back into the room.
    Katie didn't move an inch. Shes sobbing her clothes that are dirty and
    "Katie did you hear that Weston and Luke are coming to get us and we will
leave." I touch her back with a gentle touch. She jumps as if she doesn't know
who I am.
     "Katie it's okay were going to leave."
"No we are not I'm never leaving this place and I hope you will be
smart enough to do the same. Don't go and get your self and other people
hurt just let the chips fall where they may."
"We didn't choose this, it was brought upon us with no choice."
"I had a choice I shouldn't have left and stayed the night here, I should
have told Dillon that it will be okay that no matter what we will be okay
and by me not listening to my guts he is dead and it's all my fault!"
"He wanted to leave it wasn't all your choice Katie he choose it to."
"I should have told my parents or you where we were going or not do
it at all, I should have took a stand for him and fight against Greg, If I would have
done that Dillon would be here right now."
"Katie stop it when we get out of here it will be all okay."
"I'm not leaving with you."
"Listen to this when I leave and your still here he's going to kill you for not stoping
me and for not making him know I was leaving." She know's I'm right, I stare at her
for a moment.
"So either way your dead." I whisper.
        I believe I have convinced her that I am right when the door opens and I see
Luke and Weston standing in the door way.
      "Makendrie we have to go ..... now." I uprise and help Katie up
to and send her with Luke to go up stairs first. I understand she's scared but she needs
to buck up because we die either way. I don't want my first time to be forced I want it to be
nautral, as if it was ment to be, if my mother found out that I was here she would kill me.
She hates us staying with people she doesn't know, I couldn't have a sleep over till I was 13
she has always been over protective.
       "Weston are we going to be okay?"
"Yes, we will be fine." I feel a cold chill on my neck and I start to breath hard.
"Do you really think your going to be fine?" It was Greg behind us he grabed me by the hair and Weston
by the neck.
"You really thought you would get away with this?"
"Yes I did!" I yell at the top of my lungs.
"Wow, your dumb nobody can here you, that's the best thing about living out here alone."
"Your a sick person!"
"I know my wife would tell me that every night."
"Until she left you because your a crazy b*****d!"
"NO! we had diffrences okay it wasn't because of that we just didn't feel love for each other,
anymore that was it."
"Keep telling yourself that."
"I wish I kept Katie instead of you, your a crazy little girl, plus Katie is a little bit nicer then you are."
"Then why wouln't you  let me go?"
"Because you will go to the police."
"I promise I wont I wont."
"I don't believe you, and say good bye to Weston because remeber our deal?"
"No please, no?"
"Well I guess I could rape you and make him watch." A noise was let from my throught.
"How does that sound?" I looked at Weston's face and he was in shock and he couldn't believe what
he was going to have to do to stay alive.
"I would rather die!" He yells it was the first time I heard him speak since we were cought.
"Well that can be arranged!" He takes a harder grip on his neck.
"Please kill me just don't hurt her!"
"NO! don't hurt him!"
"Well I'm really torn I just don't Aww..." All the sudden he let's go of my hair and Weston's neck.
"Run!" Weston yells to me. We both make it half way up the stairs. When I see him getting up.
I start running faster and faster, I trip on a stair but hurry and get up and keep running. We
made it out side I see Katie smuthered in blood. Luke trying to hold her when he's coverd in blood
"Oh no.." It was happening so fast I couldn't handle my self I started crying.
"Makendrie come on help us." They picked up Katie and put her in the truck when. Greg appears at the door.
"Everyone get in the truck." I run it get in when he's almost to the truck i close the door and lock it. By the time he got to the
truck we were all in the truck.
"Go!" Luke starts the truck and pulls out faster then I could even put my seat belt on.
I looked back at his face he was in distress he was kicking and yelling. 
I look at Katie I pull her head to sit on my lap. She was loosing a lot of blood I look at her cuts and wounds.
She was cut on the leg about 4 times and once in the back, but she was cut on the head right by her eye.
"Katie can you hear me?" there was along silence.
"Luke I think she's dead."
"Wouldn't you have seen her if she was dead?"
"I don't know I'm new at this." I had an idea, if I called Chloe maybe she can tell me what's going on.
"Call Chloe."
"Just do it."
"He gets out his phone and dials the number."
"Yeah who is this?"
"It's Makendrie."
"I need your help."
"You should be dead right now and so should Luke and Weston."
"I had a vison, and you guys were killed by a man and there was this blonde that was killed too."
"Well we are all alive we ran away from that man, but that blonde is my friend and she is dieing right
now what do we have to do?"
"Well my visons are desited on the desion at the time."
"Oh well can you tell me what's going to happen."
"Hold on." There was along silence on the phone.
"You can't do anything I'm sorry she's dead, and there's a boy who is alive in that house."
"What?" I was confused is there someone else in that house and we didn't save him.
"Yeah his names Dillon and he was in a coma but he keeps on dieing but coming back alive."
"Dillon's alive?"
"Yeah I guess I'm sorry but you need to focas on driving because Luke is getting tierd and he is
loosing blood very fast also, you need to get the the hospital as fast as you can! Now don't
let him die!"
"Stop!" I yell.
"Let me drive!"
"Yes now Chloe told me to drive because your loosing a lot of blood and you need to sit in the back."
"Stop it you need to chill I feel fine."
"Your not fine let me drive!"
"FIne." We stoped and I made him get in the back."
We just kept driving and it was 2 a.m and we were all sleepy and I could barley keep my eye open but I must
watch out for animals and other semi's, also I have to make sure Luke stay's awake, Weston has fallen asleep.
we have only about 45 minutes till we make it in to town.
"Chloe said that we were supposed to be dead, we were going to die."
"I know, I'm sorry it was all my fault I should have been smarter and listened to you."
"It's okay, what happend to you and Katie while we were downstairs."
"He caught us when we were outside and cute my leg and my arm and I fell down the front steps and I acted dead."
"What about Katie?"
"I saw it out of the corner of my eye and he slodered her he cut her legs and her arms and he went for her neck but she leaned
her head in, He was yelling to her saying I loved you and you were going to have my baby."
"She was pregnant?"
"Yeah that's what I thought." I couldn't help my tears from coming out, I was crying so much that I had a head ach.
"Makendrie I'm so sorry, we lost both of our best friends to that man!"
"I hate him so much he took my only friend and my love.." I just relized what I said I said I was in love with Dillon.
"Wait you love Dillon?"
"It's a long story."
"Well we have time."
"Yeah I guess so, Well you see I alway's have had a little crush on him and I always thought that I couldn't love
him because he was Katie's brother but when I relized that he was dead I was just as sad as you were I always thought
that he would love me back, I started talking to him when he was a ghost and I fell in love with him but he was a ghost
and I also love Weston but I told myself I couldn't love him because he was a ghost but now that he is alive I'm questioning
what to do?"
"You can't be in love with two people at the same time."
"I've always said that, but I am in love with two people at the same time and it drives me nuts!"
"Wait you said he's alive yeah well he's in a coma I guess that's what Chloe said."
"Really!? that's great!"
"No not really, no it's a big desion for me."
"You know who you love, you just to see it."
"I do but I don't want to break anyone's heart."
"There both strong enough."
I look at the window and there's Brook side. We are almost there. We are almost safe and hopefully we can keep my brother alive.

© 2012 mkelly9898

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Added on May 21, 2012
Last Updated on August 14, 2012




The Quondam The Quondam

A Chapter by mkelly9898