Were diffrent like day and night

Were diffrent like day and night

A Chapter by mkelly9898

        Yesterday was all kind of a blure and I didn't really want to remember what happened.


        "Hey Makendrie you still coming ?"
"Are you coming to grandma's house?"
"Oh yeah wait one minute liet me get ready."


     Normal life at last it seems like nothing ever went wrong.


    I absoulutly love my grandmas house she just has the funiest things at her house. She's not my favorite person but her house is so fun. I feel like a little kid again when I go there. It's out were there's nothing around except a little old cottage where no one really lives there.


  "Luke how long are we staying there?"
"Just till monday."
"4 days?"



      4 day's at the funniest place on earth. It's better then disney land its the absolutly the best place on earth.

"Hey mom why are we going to do there?"
"I have no idea she just said come out I'm lonely."
"It would get lonely out there all alone since grandpa died and her neighbor isn't the nicest person to talk to."
"Yeah and she said hes been gone for awhile so she has to eat all her cookies alone."
"Haha oh I love grandma she is the most amazing person."
"Well she's extra excited to meet your new boyfriend."

     Wait what Weston's coming when did I miss that memo? What the heck. Me and Weston haven't talked ever sense the a miss understanding. I don't really know what to say? Should I wait for him to bring it up or just avoid it completely. Or go where ever the wind blows me. It's not only weird around Weston it's weird around Luke and Chloe. But mostly Luke I just want to avoid that conversation all together and leave it at that. 

   "Weston's coming?"
"Ya didn't Luke tell you?"
"Nope well I better go bring some prettier clothes then."
"Okay 10 minutes." 

      Luke why in the heck would you do that? Gosh dang it is it not weird enough. 

     "Luke let me in."
"Hey Makendrie." 

"Hi um were you ever going to tel me about Weston coming?"
"Oh that's what I should have told you."
"Oh yeah get it together Luke. Why did you invite him?"
"He's not just your boyfriend he's my guy friend to. Also it would be weird with me you and Chloe anyway's." 

"Chloe's coming to?"
"Oh is aunt Tammie coming to?"
"Oh we should invite her?"
"I was joking."
"What's wrong with you?"

   I take one step away and noticed how rude I was. But can I give him the signal that says everything is okay? No I am stressed but is he stressed to? Ugh everything would just be easier if I was normal. Gosh dang it! Just keep walking don't look back and breathe. 

  My room is a mess need to clean that. Oh yeah maybe get some clothes on or at least do my hair. Ugh can't breathe! Screw cleaning my room I'm going in my Pj's who cares that I didn't do my hair. I'll just through some clothes in the suite case and let's hit the road, I'm going to grandma's house it's going to be fun look at the outcome makendrie think about it. 4 day of fun! 

       (Arrived at Grandma's house.) 

  "Oh my dear Makendrie you made it I haven't seen you forever."
"Hey grandma I missed you and your fun house."

"You have always loved this place ever since you were a little girl when you would help me garden or grandpa would push you in the swing."
"Those were the good day's when everything was so simple and fun."
"Sounds like something's going on."
"Yeah I'm not going to hide it there is."
"Well while everyone's getting settled in me and you can take a walk down by the grave yard."
"To go do what...?"
"Put flowers on your grandfather's grave stone."
"It's been a total of 6 months that he's been out of our lives."
"He's in a better place."
"Yes I know He truly is."
"I just miss him so very much." 

"Grandma I understand , please don't cry it's okay."

"I'm sorry I know it is ha ha I haven't been so happy in months."


"Why what?"

"Why are you happy."

"Your here and so is your whole family." 

"Oh grandma I've missed you to."

"Oh what ever your a teenager and all you care about is boy's and clothes."

"Ha ha well yeah that's true but I really did miss you."

"Oh well that's good to here."

   She's not all the way wrong I do care about what I wear and I do care about boy's. But when she say's thing's like that what do i say? "No I don't care about boy's or clothes." that would be a complete lie. I truly haven't given it a single thought. I love her but ..... I don't really pay attention , am I a self centered person? Do I think when something's wrong in my life it's the only thing that matter's no one else has a single thing to worry about that's so not true. The final question am I a self centered person? 


"Yes sweetie."

"Am I a self centered person?"

"Why would you ask that question?"

"Well am I?"

"No but why would you ask?"

"I just feel like I am that I'm a horrible person and that I only think of myself that when something's wrong with me it's the only thing that matter's."

"The reason it matter's is because your loved and people care about you."

"No that's not what i'm saying I mean like , If another person as something challenging in there life it doesn't matter mines a bigger challenge but it really isn't."

"Slow down dear , Why are you asking this."

"Well one thing lead to another in my brain and well....?"

      Do I trust her with what I'm about to say? Or is it to big to tell her? ugh I'm so lost who should I trust and who should I not trust with my secret? 

      "Grandma I have a secret and it's pretty big but I don't know if I should tell you are not?"

"Honey you can trust me with anything , No matter how big it is."

"I don't dare tell my mom."

"Honey I'm dead serious you can trust me and if you don't I will drop dead ha ha."

"Okay." My grandma is alway has had a way of warming me up or just plain making me comfortable.

"Well you know how my best friend went missing." 

"No I had no idea about that you and your mother never tell me anything like that." 

"I know it's not important to her, If doesn't effect her then forget about it. She's self centered and doesn't give a damn about anyone else." 

"Hey Makendrie thats no way to talk about anyone let alone your mother that loves you."

"I know I'm sorry." 

"But as you were saying your friend went missing..."

"Yes um well her and her brother went missing and well I know her brother Dillon is dead."

"How do you know that?"

"Well I've seen him."

Her face was puzzled and didn't know what I was talking about. Like I was a little confused kid in a grown up world. Am I? Am I a little kid in this big huge world of grown ups do I even know what I'm talking about is this real or imaginary? Before I could stop it my mind was going all over ugh I have that trouble a lot. 

   "Sweetie I'm sorry I don't understand you?"

"Me niether!"


"Never mind I need to lay down."

"Okay let's start walking home then."

   I wonder if I freaked her out I didn't mean to let my mind go loses ugh let this day be over! 

    "Makendrie!"I look over and there's Weston yelling my name walking towards me all happy.

"Weston." There was more sarcasizme in my voice then meaning to. 

"I've missed you , How you been."
"It's been a day it's not like it was a long long time."
"What's wrong."
"I don't know it's nice to see you."
"You to oh gosh it's a long time to get here."
"Did you drive all by yourself?"
"Yep all by myself arn't I just a big boy?"

"Oh yes hah."I wrapped my arms around him giving him a hug he was so warm it's so cold out in this place. I wanted to let him not move It felt so nice so warm but I stoped cause I noticed that my grandma was staring at me and him. 

"Weston this is Grandma Maggie."
"Nice to meet you."
"Grandma this is Weston."
"Nice to meet you I've herd only good thing's about you."

She had a weird smile on her face and I could tell Weston was uncomfortable so I desited to brake the silence and akwardness of the whole situation. 
"Weston man were's Chloe?"
"She um moved back to Arizona with my dad." 

"What!" You could see that Luke was mad. 

"I don't know she just called my dad and asked if she could move back I don't know why?"
"She didn't even say good bye?"
"Sorry dude I didn't even get to see her leave she just left me a message."
"And your not mad at all?"
"No she has a choice to be with what parent when she wants."
"I'm going to call her."
"Okay."Why was Luke so mad? She left it's not Westons fault it's Chloe's so don't yell at him like that.

Time passed at Luke didn't come out of his room. Luke and Weston was supposed to share a room but Weston wasn't allowed in the room cause Luke was on the phone with Chloe and "it felt weird" so me and Weston went it to my room, But Emily and Andrea occupied ours and Baiely had the front TV to herself and I didn't feel like watching Hannah Montana so we went down to the basement. 

"You know Makendrie you have a pretty big family." 
"Yeah I do psh."
"Well compared to me and Chloe there's a lot." 
"Your lucky."
"What ever you and Chloe never fight we all fight all the time." 
"So at least you guys get to talk."
"You and Chloe talk."
"No we don't not like you ant Luke do, We kind of shut off each other."
"But you guys act like best friends when I'm around."
"Were not." 

I look into Weston's eyes and I don't see anything but eyes there's like no meaning to them. Is that good or bad. 

 I started to smell smoke and herd people screaming upstairs? 

© 2011 mkelly9898

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Added on September 20, 2011
Last Updated on November 11, 2011




The Quondam The Quondam

A Chapter by mkelly9898