![]() Frist day of tryoutsA Chapter by mkelly9898![]() Starting the tryouts![]() Start of a new season is always stressful and exciting, although it will be different for me. I'm not trying out for softball this year, I'm going for baseball. Not the reason you think, It's not for the guys or the baseball pants on the guys. It's for me and only me. I can't handle the drama that the girls have it drives me crazy. "Sage Lane!" coach yells. "Here." I say barly getting it out of my mouth. "Your a ..... girl." No s**t coach. "Yes, sir." "Are you wasting my time Lane? If you think this is a good senior joke I suggest you leave now." "No it's not a joke, I don't find any compition in softball I though baseball might bring the intensity I need." I say strong and defensive. I've worked on saying that in the mirror because I just knew I would be asked why I was trying out for baseball and not softball. "Well then in that case welcome to tryouts." He says with a quiet little smile. All the guys look at me like I'm not even going to make the team and that I will be humilated in the end, but that's not the plan you see I've been working all winter for these tryouts and I don't expect any speacial treatment. I expect to be the best pitcher, batter, and outfielder. My step brother Aaron is a senior this year and he is the best baseball player ever to walk on this Hunter Woods baseball field. There was a rumor last year that he takes steriods that's why he's so good. If my mom found out he was he would be as good as gone. It was so major that the school board did an investigation on him and found no trace of steriods, or any kind of drug. I asked him "Hey do you really take steriods." he told me "Hell no why would I mess up my future for some extra help." When he told me that I believed him and who ever said he was doing drugs I would kick there a*s. "I want you guys to warm up throwing in a triangle." coach yells. My brother taps my sholder and him and his friend Beck and I start throwing in a triangle. Me not missing a throw and not missing a catch I feel really confident. This is my year I thought. "Sage, I need to talk to you for a moment." I run over to coach wondering if I messed up or something. "Yes coach." "You seemed pretty confindent in trying out, It's just that baseball is a lot different from softball. It is more intense but it's also a lot stronger, our work outs will be a real challenge you know." Are you kidding me Aaron and I have done the most intense work outs all winter I think I can handle anything. "Well coach my brother and I have been working over the winter and we have done some pretty intense work outs, I can handle myself. I don't mean any disrespect but I'm a lot stronger then you think." "Give me the real reason you quit softball." "Truthfully..... the girls, you don't get that kind of drama with guys that you do will girls and that doesn't sound apleasing what so ever." "Thanks for telling me the truth but I don't want you to think you will get a lot of playing time right of the back, you need to prove your self." "I understand I don't expect speacial treatment." "Good, now finish throwing." I nod and head back to Aaron and Beck. When we finish coach makes us run the bases 6 times then do 50 push ups. Easy stuff, I was done before most of the guys. The rest of the tryouts consists of us pitching my favorite part. I could never really pitch a softball, I could never get that down but me and Aaron knew how to pitch the ball. My fastest ever was a 70 mph ball and that's when I put my entire body into it. My change up could be a 45 mph ball which I'm pretty proud of. Then we bat. I hit one to the fence but only get a triple. Aaron has had 2 home runs just in this tryouts. Why is he so good. Practice ends with conditioning. We run then we slide the bases and more push ups. At the end I'm tired but nothing compared to what Aaron makes me do. "Hey Lane, come here for a sec." Coach says "Yeah, Coach." "You looked really good out there, Your a pretty good pitcher, and a pretty good batter." "Thanks." "I was pretty suprised, you kept up with us during the conditioning. So what postion would you think you would play, you know Aaron is my pitcher, He's got a great arm, but so do you." "I know Aaron is a stronger pitcher then me, I would be happy just being on the team." "Well I want to use you, your really fast. What about outfield I could use and arm out there." I smile at the thought of actually starting. "Yeah I'll play outfield. Thank you." "No thank you for trying out." He smiles at me and I leave going into the girls locker room. Getting death glares at me, I'm used to that it doesn't hurt anymore. When Malory Seafield comes up to me, my ex bestfriend you could say after she told everyone I was sleeping with Aaron, I never liked Aaron or did anything with Aaron he's my brother then she told people I was pregnant with his child, And that I got an abortion so nobody would know. She also told people I had STD's and that If any guy came near me they would get some kind of disease which was bad enough. During this time in my life I also had this guy I met online and he told me to send naked pictures to him or he would hurt me. I did it and then he put the pictures on the internet and then I told Malory about it she printed them out and put them all over the school and in the locker rooms the girls would make fun of me. It was hell, pure hell. "So happy you didn't tryout for softball this year, I didn't want a disease." "You know Malory, your words don't hurt me." "Oh yes they do I say you cry to your brother, or should I say your boyfriend." "You know Sage I was pretty impressed with you today, way to show up and play some ball." Beck say's putting his arm around me. Beck has been a good friend of Aarons ever since I meet him in 8th grade he's a good friend. "Thanks!" I say with a happy voice. "What did coach say to you?" "Just that I wouldn't be a pitcher and thats Aaron's spot but he wants to use my arm in the outfield." "Nice, did he say anything about your batting?" "He said I was good and fast." "Yeah damn you are one fast lady!" I laugh shoving his sholder. I smiled and even blushed a little, Beck was a 6 foot 3 with one heck of an arm also, he played catcher and if you ever tried to still a base then you were sure as hell going to be out. He could throw it all the way out to the fence from home plate! I loved watching him and Aaron play it was amazing. "So do you think you will like playing with the big boys?" He asked smirking at me. "Yeah I just hope it doesn't get to boaring." I say laughing at him. We make it out to his truck and sit on the tale gate. Beck always had a way of making me feel comfortable. "You know Aaron can be a princess sometimes, him and his hair its unbelieveable! We are always waiting on him." Beck whined. I looked at him and laughed. The funny thing about it is, that it was all true. Aaron would take about 45 minutes in the bathroom. I took that time or less he was a preppy little princess. "I'm going to agree with you on that one he is a little preppy little princess! If he puts anymore product in his hair he wont be able to stand up straight!" We both laugh at Aarons stupitdy. "Are you guys making fun of me again?" As Aaron walks up to us. Me and Beck look at each other and both shake our heads and start laughing again. Becks laugh is so beautiful its so deep and manly. "Let me guess is it the way I smile, eat, or sleep? Or is it my dumbness, amazing baseball skills, or my beauty?" He asks confindently. I look at him and smirk. "Definatly your beauty." I roll my eyes and he just grins. "Get in the truck smart a*s!" He says laughing. We all start laughing together.
© 2013 mkelly9898 |
1 Review Added on February 24, 2013 Last Updated on June 1, 2013 Author