And it gnaws and it rips and it turns you inside out!
It feeds and it festers 'til you find yourself (find yourself?)
Sucking on the blood that is swimming in your mouth
--and realizing that it you
And it haunts your dreams when it allows you
Those moments of precious sleep
And it plagues you during the daylight hours (why so bright?)
And even in those lonesome voice-filled nights when
You can’t, run.
I want to cry, and I don’t cry
I want to go away, just fly away
...A bird in flight, is there any so graceful?
I want to be somebody else
...Someone who speaks without looking back
Just want the guilt to go away
...Wish I hadn’t done that
But I didn’t do anything wrong
Just didn’t do the right thing either
Chew your nails down to the quick!
Bite your lip 'til it cracks and soaks red,
Scratch your head 'til your scalp is raw
And your hair starts to swim down the drain
The bruises appear and people start to take notice
The circles under your eyes are hard to explain
You can’t escape it
You can’t run from it
Because you can never outrun