A Stranger's Path

A Stranger's Path

A Chapter by Madame Simple

Andromeda receives a new target


A Stranger’s Path

“She skilled.”

            “Bright, too. Just like her mother. But that’s only to be expected from Cosima’s daughter.”

            “But she’s too intelligent. One day she’ll realize just what her emotions really mean to her. When that happens, the nuclear bomb we’re commanding will be activated. And we have a big target painted on ourselves.”

            “No, she took care of her emotions long ago. Locked them all away. She’s walking ice with a talent right now.”

            “But what happens when she thaws? When she figures out what we are trying to do? She could take down an entire country if she wanted to.”

            “Isn’t that why she was selected?”

            “Exactly, but she’s only as useful as her will to serve. When that runs dry we’ll be faced with her outgoing proficiency against us.”

            “But she believes that this was of her will, at least for the most part. Besides. She’s not the only skilled assassin we have. I don’t even think she’s the best at killing, either. Certainly not the strongest.”

            “But she is. Her brilliance allows her to win even when she’s outranked remarkably. Just like her mother.”

            “Serving us is in her blood.”

            “But not her nature, we need something to keep her obedient, something to give her her own will to fight.”

            “But she’s expressed no interest in money or power, and certainly has no friends or loved ones. Nothing to gain and nothing to loose.”

            “Her sister.”

            “A young child? Sir. Our requirement only enforces that one member is to be handled. We have a conduct.”

            “It’s Lord to you, and don’t lecture me on the conduct, incompetent fool. Insubordinates are to be sectioned. And quite frankly I don’t like you much. You’re expendable, got that? She’s too dangerous to be left without a security system. If it requires handling more than one, then by god I will.

            “Yes Lord”

“Oh, and I’m sure you’re aware of the Veda boy. His intelligence is starting to become a threat. I want him gone. Problem is, he’s got more than a talent for fighting. So I’m sending her. It’s time she moved on from simple lists of idle targets. There is far too much at stake. Get to work before I file you as noncompliant, Grayson. Inform her.”

            “Yes, Lord.”

            She rolled to her side, staring at the blank white wall, then down to her fist that was aching. The dark red liquid beaded around her knuckles and strolled down the back of her hand as the taste of blood registered in her mouth. This was new. Usually she dug her fingernails deep into her palms during sleep. It was normal to wake up with crescent-shaped cuts on her hand. A deep sigh fell out of her mouth as she pulled her dripping knuckle close to her chest when a faint sound of knocking drifted into her ears and hung around her mind. The annoying sound persisted and even grew louder, but yet it sounded as if it belonged to a distant dream beyond her. It was only after the knocking ceased and the abrupt sound of a door being slammed open that she rolled over and glanced forward, her eyes falling upon the short stout man that stood in front of the door before her. 

“Andromeda! Rise!” he commanded harshly. A light groan escaped her lips as she slumped out of her bed and placed her left hand upwards over her mouth in solute.

He glanced over at her hand. “Very funny, but self-mutilation won’t get you out of your duties. And if I here a groan from your mouth while you preform your solute I will personally have you sectioned.”  Glad to see he still was as cheerful as ever.

“What is it, Grayson?” Her voice was flat and exasperated, which seemed to only push his foul mood further. 

“A message straight from the higher-ups” he snapped back in a short loud tone.

“W-what?” The dull headache that formed in the back of her head suddenly pressed forward into her mind with excruciating pain.  “W-what do they want from me? I have completed my mission for today! I didn’t do anything wrong I promise!” her voice was high pitched and frantic as her mind began to race with the gruesome images that came along with sectioning.

“Silence at once, insubordinate!” his voice commanded tersely. “That sounds to me like the plea of the guilty!” She could do nothing but solemnly nod along to his harsh commands. “Now listen carefully, Andromeda. There are new conditions to being an assassin.”


 “More like a security system. To make sure you know where your priorities lie. You are to obey your superiors exactly, but incase an act of idiocy ever crosses your mind, your consequences will not only effect you, but that young one you strive so full-heartedly to protect.” His words pressed stiffly against her stomach, yet despite the pain, it still felt like a dream. Unreal. As if she was someone else, listening far beyond the small room. “What was her name?” he paused to glance at her face as he carefully observed her reactions. “Oh yes! Felicity! Obey us or we section her.” He turned sharply towards the door. “We’re not giving you a list this time. You are to enlighten an Orion Veda, tomorrow.” As he turned back to look at her, and he gave a face of disgust. “I was told to warn you. Veda is skilled. That is all.” He turned back and stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

            She simply continued starring ahead as her mind, crippled by exhaustion, processed his words. ‘Obey us or we section her’. His commanding voice rung in her ears. Felicity sectioned? That couldn’t be. He made a mistake. He said it wrong. There was no way that could possibly happen. Could it? She glanced upwards to the door that was coated with a black shadow. Could it?.

            “YOU B******S!” she shrieked, as she could feel her own fists launch for the door and batter the wooden barrier. The hot tears poured down her cheeks and she screamed out madly in desperation. Anything to ends this, anything to protect Felicity. She understood completely that it wasn’t her place to curse openly like this, but what else could she do? How could they have done such a thing?

            Finally, she slumped down to her knees as she collapsed against the floor, wailing madly. And yet no matter how loudly she cried, no one came to her aid. Why should they? She was alone in this brutal world. And now the only person she had ever loved is in danger.

            Once again, the shadows of the buildings were neatly set in place as they always were. The callous air filled her lungs as she glanced up at the silver moon. The night was much better than the day anyways. Nothing else matched the calm quiet peacefulness the black void speckled with glittering stars offered. The large blood-caked soars surrounded by bruised skin that adorned her knuckles and ached in the cold. A sigh escaped her mouth as she did her best to ignore the numbing pain of her hands and continued her trudge through the crisp snow; although, the pain that really irked her wasn’t the throbbing of her fists.

            The glass doors of the small bar just ahead of her swung open as a young man stepped outside, and took a deep inhale of the cold fresh air, and glanced over at her, flashing her a leer. She showed no reaction and simply glanced away, looking back up at the moon as he left while her innards uneasily churned. So this was the skilled Orion. He didn’t seem like much, more careless than dangerous. He walked with a careless saunter through the empty streets, not really brining up much an effort for following. All she had to do was discreetly slip into one of the empty black shadows and tip-toe after him, making sure her feet didn’t crunch into the glistening snow beneath her.

            Finally after a long walk, he turned into an old run-down alleyway, obscured by the blackness offered from a nearby building, and leaned against the chipped brick wall.  Perfect. She slipped into the same darkness and waited before him, keeping a careful glance. After a few moments, he intriguingly squinted at her, carefully inspecting with large eyes that glowed with emotion in the dim lighting. She recognized those powerful eyes all to well, for that was the glance her mother always held.

            “You’re the girl from earlier. What do you seek?” His voice was soft yet careful. He spoke every word as if he had spent a long time thinking each through. Mitis’s words entered her mind, as she smiled graciously at Orion. Silence wouldn’t do her any good.  

            “Oh! I just, I noticed you earlier, and well… I had to find you!” She said in a saccharine little voice.

            “That’s cute. I’m known as Orion. What about you?” he smiled pleasantly back at her with a little chuckle.

            “Andromeda!” She giggled happily and walked over to him, facing him.

            “Andromeda, eh? That’s a peculiar name. I like it.” He pushed against the brick wall and straitened himself before her, holding his hand out to her. She took it with her left hand, while her right hand slipped behind her back and grabbed her knife from its holster. This would be too easy.

            He smiled widely down at her, “You’re very comely” and with a sudden jerk of his hand he pulled her body crudely towards him as he brought up his other arm in front of him, holding it out as he pulled her towards his forearm. She collided against him with a violent jolt as he pushed her forward with an abundant force, knocking her down. Her body crashed with the hard pavement as her limbs sprawled out, including her right hand, which held the knife. He then stepped up to her and pressed his foot down on her right wrist, the pressure crushing her.  Gritting her teeth, she held back the yelp that desperately clung to her throat as she felt the bones of her arm being crushed into tiny pieces. “Such a shame. But the most beautiful things are also the most deadly.” He glanced sharply down at the knife.

            She quickly thrashed her left hand over and grabbed his ankle, as she let go of the knife and desperately freed her wrist from his sole. She fumbled around on the ground, frantically trying to get back up. He immediately grabbed the black cloth that was draped around her neck and pulled her up towards him as he frostily glared into her eyes.

            “Run away, assassin. Leave this place and never return to me.” His voice was deep and stern. What was this? How did he know? And was he planning the just let her go? Her mind raced with bewilderment, but she only stared at him blankly. Meanwhile his fist unclenched the cloth as he released her.

            She gritted her teeth and turned away, starting to walk off. Or so he would think. Abruptly she turned around and lunged after him in an attempt to catch him off guard. All she had to do was knock him down and then she could grab her knife and stab him. But he was quick as well and grabbed her hand, stopping her. Unable to move, she was held there, his strength being much greater than hers.

“Relentless. But determination is futile. And imprudent.” He said flatly, wasting no time reaching down with his free hand as he picked up the knife she had dropped earlier. “This yours?” He inspected it carefully before pulling down harshly on the black cloth around her neck. She struggled and squirmed, but she was no match for him. All she could do was wince as she felt the cold knife press against the bare skin of her neck. So this was it, huh? This was how she will die. She kept her blank stare on his eyes, but couldn’t help the hot tear from strolling down her cheek as she felt the sting of a sharp blade cutting into her skin. “Such a shame. But if you have a death wish, I’ll gladly grant it.”

She could feel the thick liquid pouring down her neck as the next thing she knew she was laying on the pavement. Her entire body ached as she felt herself slipping away. It felt as if her mind was slowly empting itself from her head like a spilt glass of water.  

“F-Felicity” she weakly called out in desperation. “Felicity” her voice was fragile and raspy.  “Felicity… I’m sorry.” Darkness filled her eyesight. 

© 2014 Madame Simple

Author's Note

Madame Simple
Again! I'm not solid on all the rules for creative writing, but here is chapter 2! Also! If you haven't read the first chapter, "Ballad of the Sicarius", go read it first! (This chapter is a continuation). Thank you for reading and feedback is encouraged!

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Added on April 3, 2014
Last Updated on April 3, 2014
Tags: serious, violence, sadness, thrilling


Madame Simple
Madame Simple


Just a young writer feeling brave enough to post! Enjoy if you wish, and thank you kindly! more..
