I love the last stanza, the imagery in the last bit is powerful, the term hero I interpreted it as being someone heavenly like god or an angel. I love the fact you repeat the first line and follow it with a simile every time except from the last bit. Nicely done! x
Love to you x
MISTAKES: Okay, I don't really feel like it's a "mistake" per say. Writers opinion, truly. Some people are weird about their I's. They feel like in poetry, it shouldn't be a capital letter by itself. Fine, if you want to capitalize it I invite you. Feel free to also keep it like it is now. As a writer, I capitalize mine but others feel poetically called to leave it that way.
EMOTIONS: Not really an emotional poem. This type is just better that way. It's terrible to force emotions on something that shouldn't have any. The two relative emotion regarding items that I saw are happiness and love. They aren't really sinking in to the poem, floating on the surface is more like. This poem skims the surface of what words can really do.
COMMENTS: I really think this is beautiful. Lovely, truly. You capture something, not emotion or anything explainable, in this piece that I see and feel so rarely that it intrigues me.
LEAVING WORDS: Nicely and eloquently penned my poetic friend!
Best regards,
I like it, Dupur! I think this one is quite good! One that gives us food for thought... a simple word, a free word, a white word. Many possibilities but the stated are excellent. A simple word like water acting to occupy love.. curious, perhaps to be love, or to go where love is and occupy that place, without permission (as a squatter). A free work, as a wild flower may be considered free, and seeing it may make us overflowing with happiness. The white word.. this is the puzzle. Sharp with meaning, perhaps as a sword with two edges and to wield it in such a manner as to become a harp playing hero. It speaks to drive, determination, ambition, lust, a desire for recognition and admiration. So, in summary, a desire to occupy a place where we are loved and can express our love freely while being admired for our ambition and lauded for our achievements. Am I close to what you were thinking or just fantasizing? :)
I love the last stanza, the imagery in the last bit is powerful, the term hero I interpreted it as being someone heavenly like god or an angel. I love the fact you repeat the first line and follow it with a simile every time except from the last bit. Nicely done! x
Love to you x
Dupur Mitra, is a poet and fiction writer from Bangladesh. Studied PhD from Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka in biodiversity and forest management.
Published two books in Bangla, named 44 Kobeta (44.. more..