I am not here to compete with
any of my competitors, but I am here to compete with myself. Compete, compare
and to evaluate myself in the current scenario with my past when I started off
being a complete zero or may be just a beginner. You may be wondering I am not
competing with other competitors here when I have a better chance to achieve my
reason of participating amongst the crowd? My only simple reason and logic is
that " Yes I have a better chance to knock them down with all my aspiring deeds
and efforts. But how can I forget that though they are my competitors, today
they are in this race with me because they too have conceived all those
qualities in themselves. I may easily pull them down here but I can never pull
them out from their spirit, skills, talents, years of perseverance and all the
pursuits that landed them here today and made them this capable to reach here. It’s
like comparing two tycoons who have made their mark and imprinted their names
in their respective industries winning uncountable number of hearts. We simply can’t
compare their success with each other. Today, whatever they do and they have
reached its due to their hard work and par excellence that made them win the
race and prove themselves being the best examples of inspirational icons to the
youth and to the upcoming generation.