![]() Reindeer GrubA Poem by Patty Neff![]() My first children's poem.![]() One Christmas Eve, Santa had too many presents to deliver. His bag was too full and they overflowed like a river. He thought, "I must find a way to carry all of my toys!" "Everyone is counting on me - all of the little girls and little boys." So, he sat down in the snow and looked all around. And hoped he would come up with an idea and then he found..... A reindeer that was eating some leaves off a tree. Then WHABANG an idea came to him and he hollered, "YIPPEE!" Santa led the reindeer to his friend the Wizard of Winter. And said, "I need a favor, pronto, way before dinner." "Please use your magnificent magic on this fine woodland deer." "I need him to fly above housetops without any fear." So, the Wizard stopped for a moment to sit and to think. Then quick as a flash, ran to his bag of wonders from under his sink. He pulled out some beautiful sparklies and mixed them with grub. And fed it to the deer while giving him a great big huge hug. The deer gave a smile and then slowly began to rise. He flew up, down, sideways and all over the skies. When Santa saw this, he jumped for oh so many joys. Then he and the reindeer went looking for more reindeer boys. After all had been found, they hooked up to Santa's red sleigh. And all took off to the skies to make a wonderful Christmas Day. So, remember children, leave this grub by the fireplace in a bowl on the floor, Or maybe on the front lawn or on the porch near your front door. On Christmas Eve, Santa's reindeer will need this special snack to keep flying way high up above. But most importantly, the reindeer will also feel special, honored, and loved. © 2008 Patty NeffAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on February 10, 2008 Author