![]() Evil IncognitoA Chapter by Jennifer
Many of us try to find someone we can trust. We put our trust into someone and we are betrayed. You can do a background check and the person turns out to be a lunatic. The person may seem nice and then they stab you in the back. As a woman in today's society, it has come to the point that I cannot trust anyone. I think that most people are foolish for trusting just about anyone.
There were people who I thought I could trust. It was all a relationship based on deception. Bianca stole, sold, and wrecked things. When I busted her, she became mentally and physically abusive. Paul went through every single thing that I owned. God only knows what he is doing with everything that he found of mine. The list goes on and on. The only reason why it is my fault is that I permitted it to happen for so long. Some people use kindness to deceive others. Some people can easily manipulate others with appearance. I think people are more foolish when they are supporting someone because they are handsome, cute, or beautiful. When this happens all I can think of is what a waste. The Boston bomber: waste. The Colorado theater shooter: waste. That scoundrel who terrorized Norway: waste. As I read the articles about the Boston bomber's trial, I sit there hoping he gets the death penalty. I think of this while I watch the footage of when he nonchalantly placed the bomb next to the unsuspecting crowd. Children died and lost limbs. Adults lost limbs. Human beings who were not doing any harm were attacked. How would someone get away with committing such a vicious act? The sad fact about this is that he has a following. He is cute, but what he did was not cute. There are girls who are defending him and saying that he was framed. Why would anyone do this? I am not entirely sure if it has anything to do with appearance. I do not support him. Recently, Charles Manson was about to be married. I do not find him attractive and he looks creepy. It makes me wonder what a woman is really thinking when she is traveling to become a bride of ISIS. How foolish is she? Is she just as sick and twisted as the terrorist? As I read about this phenomena, I have come to the conclusion that nobody knows what is going on. Nobody is paying attention. Nobody is really thinking about what is going on. Nobody understands communication. People have been flocking over to the Middle East to join terrorist groups for some time now. It could be the appeal to be in a gang, but ISIS did not exist back when the Twin Towers were struck. Perhaps, people have been going over to terrorize the Middle East for vengeance? Maybe they are racist pieces of crap who are trying to spread more racism around the globe. When it comes to the women, people argue that the woman thought that the grass was greener on the other side. One person argued that the girl does not see the abusive man. Isn't it like that no matter what society you live in? People say that they target those who have had a rough life. They target those who are gullible. This may be true. If someone is going through a hard life or are gullible, they join terrorist groups. People also join religious cults or get involved in some financial disaster. I never joined any cult or terrorist group; I enrolled in college after I was terminated from my job. I am still living a tough life, but it doesn't mean I want to be involved with a bunch of thugs. What about the women who have experience and think that all men who are alike? I would assume that there are women who have this train of thought and are joining these militants. Racist women exist. Gun toting, chauvinist women exist. We have militants in America and women are involved with these groups. Ahmed grew more distant and I was lonely. I began looking for more Arabic friends. I made a few random friends from the Middle East. I knew I was not going to meet any, so I did not see any harm in it. There was one in particular that struck a nerve for the first time since I quit using instant messaging services. His profile stated that he was from Egypt. When we started to chat on Facebook, I asked him about it and if that was where he was. His response was to see him as a friend. This was when I first saw a red flag. He practically avoided my question and did not tell me where he was. My thought at that point was that he was possibly a member of ISIS. More red flags appeared when he began acting as overzealous as the other men I have placed a block on. He told me that he did not like how I was living my own life. Live in my own house with male room mates? Oh gee, how dare me. You cannot tell me how to live my life when I do not know you and you live in another country. This is not a good impression. Just like other men, he asked me to send pictures. I do not send pictures. One person kept "losing them" and asking for more. Other men have complained about me not having a picture when they did not have a picture. I told him no. He told me to think of him as a brother and that he was not asking for dirty pictures. I was skeptical of this. Besides, I already had a ton of pictures on my profile. What I found more aggravating was that he suddenly appeared on the friends list of my girlfriends. This guy was incredibly abrasive and I was certain he was trying the same tricks with my friends. I felt a little disturbed and did not know what to do about it. The suspicion of how he was treating my friends was confirmed one evening when I was visiting my sister. My sister and I typically talk about race relations and events that are happening around the globe. We were talking about what was happening in Iraq and why I was not surprised about the militants. She began talking to me about the Egyptian who was making comments on my pictures. He was on her friends list. I told her that she needed to take caution because he was not who he said he was. He was a jerk and did not have any manners. She was a little empathetic toward him. She said that he just wanted out of the country. She told me that he was asking her for pictures. I told her that he was probably ISIS and he was trying to manipulate her. I explained how people have been traveling from other countries to join militant groups. He was someone who did not deserve any empathy. He was a dog in my book. I told her to be cautious with him. He thought he was pretty slick by trying to hide information. There were too many red flags. I had too much experience. I have had enough with this ridiculous behavior. There was one day when I was having a really bad day. I was online trying to relax. As I conducted some online research, the Egyptian started bombarding me with instant messages on Facebook. He kept on asking me where I was. As though I was not annoyed enough with the day. I told him several times that I was busy. Egyptian: What about your promise? Me: What promise? Egyptian: Your pictures. I want pictures. This was the final straw and I decided to cease communication. He was clearly ignoring what I have said. He was ignoring signs telling him to stop. I began to consider him as a threat. Without further communication, I deleted and blocked him. I think that one of the reasons why women are joining ISIS is that they do not recognize the signs of a possessive male. I cannot help but think that the girls who ran off to be ISIS brides deserve the consequences. I also feel sorry for them because they probably are not experienced enough to fully understand what was happening when someone was manipulating them.
© 2015 Jennifer |
Added on March 16, 2015 Last Updated on March 20, 2015 Author![]() JenniferLas Vegas, NVAboutI have been writing stories since the first grade and published a couple of stories on Biblioboard. I earned an Associates degree in Communication Arts at University of Phoenix. You can also find .. more..Writing