I promise....

I promise....

A Poem by JustJordan. x3

I promise

Two simple words

That no one takes seriously anymore

Well listen to me,

And listen to me true

I’ve never fallen as hard

As I’ve fallen for you

I promise from everything deep down
I broke a promise,

and shattered our hearts

But looking at you I see

I see our future,

Our fingers interlocked

I know that’s how its suppose to be

I’m sorry I ruined this,

This being us.

Because you are perfect

Perfect as this world really is

as a summer night is,

with the moon shining bright

And your arms wrapped around me.

Please don’t let this be the end

of a perfect dream

of something meant to be.

I love you

more then words can say,

more then teens in a love story,

more then peanut butter loves jelly.

I promise…

I wont let this be the end if you don’t.

© 2011 JustJordan. x3

My Review

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Really good. In the last few stanzas though, i think it would be more clear if you changed then to than. besides that, i love it

Posted 7 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 25, 2011
Last Updated on March 25, 2011


JustJordan. x3
JustJordan. x3


I'm your everyday, 17 year old teenage girl. My names Jordan. I'm completely in love. more..
