My Love.

My Love.

A Poem by JustJordan. x3

This a Valentine's Day present I wrote for someone special.

That's the only word I think,
when I think about you.
You're the who stops the tears,
and create a quiet laughter.
Yep, that's all you.
If I ever meant something
I meant I wanted to be with you.
Everything about you,
makes me wanna be yours.
Look at us,
a couple of teens,
falling in love.
I never meant anything,
as much as 'I love you'.
You're for me,
and I'm for you.
That's how it should be
Take my hand please,
and make me your forever
I want you
more then any girl,
more then anyone ever could.
I want your arms
wrapped around me,
they are my only home,
the only place I feel safe.
Your touch,
it calms me.
You kiss,
I wish for it every night.
Jacob Conner, you're perfect for me.
Us, it's a wonderful thought,
with an amazing future.
Wake up love,
your hand in mine,
that's the way its gonna be.
Just you and me,
in the moonlight stars,
your skin on mine.
Everything will be alright.
You're a savior,
someone worth my time.
If I could,
I would wanna waste
my entire life away with you
right by my side.
You make me weak in the knees
and my heart beat fast.
Faster than the speed of light.
It's a feeling,
a feeling of everlasting love.
Time after time,
I wished you to be mine.
And now I'm telling you.
I wanna be yours,
yours and yours alone.
Lets walk around this world
and show everyone our love.
That we are an us,
and not a simple you. and me,
that we can be an item
and live happily ever after
just like a book or movie.
It's not a secret
my love for you.
I'll tell anyone and everyone.
I'd take a bullet for you, a knife.
You deserve this all.
And when you're mine,
we'll both have a purpose,
a purpose involving each other.
Be mine,
and be mine Forever.

© 2011 JustJordan. x3

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Added on February 14, 2011
Last Updated on February 14, 2011


JustJordan. x3
JustJordan. x3


I'm your everyday, 17 year old teenage girl. My names Jordan. I'm completely in love. more..
