Shealeigh's Intro

Shealeigh's Intro

A Chapter by Kaira_Writer

This is Shealeigh talking about her & her hometown.

   Hi I'am Shealeigh Green.I am 12-years-old and I live in California,Ill.The town is beautiful for its nature and most people say its the home of serial killer Gregg Jackson.They say he came back to town in 2008 to kill his daughters Mia Nadia Jackson and Mariana Lee Jackson.They both got away but he came back the next morning between the hours of 12-4.People saw a voice made Mia kill her sister others say Gregg killed his on daughter.
  And here's more,he came back for his niece and nephew but mostly niece Dani Lloyd.The nephew name is Sammy Lloyd.Dani was put in the towns Children's Hospital since the visions or dreams of Gregg started.The day before Halloween she had a dream of what would happen,so she killed herself so it wouldn't happen.
  Later to this day he still didn't came for his cousin Rosemarie King.So I'm gonna help her.I hope I don't die why'll trying. 

© 2013 Kaira_Writer

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Added on December 3, 2013
Last Updated on December 5, 2013
Tags: Dani Lloyd, Shealeigh, Sammy Llody, Rosemarie King, Gregg jackson, Mia Nadia Jackson, Mariana Lee Jackson



Chicago, IL

I am fourteen.I really like writing horror books.Writing help's me become even more creative. The reason why there are writers in the world because we want people to read are great stories. It makes m.. more..

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