Touch by the uknown Chapters 1-3

Touch by the uknown Chapters 1-3

A Story by babyblue

Romantic supernatrual fantasty



misty            Chaise


Touched by the unknown Chapter

By Ivonne

There was once a lonely girl named Noemi she would mostly always wear black. She had dark raven black thin long hair that was up to her hips. She also had white porcelain skin, and her eyes gray. She didn't really like talking to no one, and nobody bothered talking to her. She wouldn't even talk to her own relatives. It was quite rare when she did talk to any of her family members including her parents. Most of the time she was Ignored, her family was evil a way that they really wouldn't care for her. Mostly everyone thought she was strange. She was very somber, gloomy, quite, and Mysterious. She was also very sneaky when it came to stealing her parent's drug supply.

Her Parents were drug dealers, and successful small business owners. They lived in a small town were nothing much really happened. They lived in a nice big Victorian house. Noemi's parents were mostly never at home. Which she preferred it that way. Her parents were really strict, and mean.

Her parents never mention to her about them selling drugs. Since they didn't want her to know that they sold drugs. In order to sopposely protect her, but she found out anyways. When she was little her parent would forbid her to go in a certain room. she would always ask" them what's in that room?" one of her parents would always reply anxiously would reply "None of your business" 

She would  always notice that every time one of  her parents friends would come over her one of her parents would always go in that forbidden room to get a bag of what appeared to be white powder, or bag of some sortive bright green grass. Then they would lock the room, and give the stuff to there friends. Then there friends would give the money in exchange. Which Noemi would find kindve strange?

Then one day when she was six years old her mom forgets to lock the forbidden room. So she curiously went in the room to what was in it. So she sees pounds of what she thought was just white powder, and grass during the time. So she leaves the room since what she saw didn't really interest her. So she leaves the room.

Then later on that day while her parents, and her are having dinner. She curiously asks her parents "what is all that powder, and grass for?"  Then her parents start yelling at her, and they lock her in a closet for three days in a row. Without food, or water. Those were some of the reasons she didn't feel comfortable around her parents.

Her other family members were just as mean they were notice she was there, but they ignored her. Sometimes her cousins would call her names such as freak, weirdo, and dumbass b***h. Eventually one day she told her mean cousins and said "I'd rather be a freak, or a weirdo then a stupid s**t b***h, or a whroe. So since then they left her alone, and nobody would ever talk to her. So will everyone had conversations with one another she would just be sitting alone isolated in a corner.

So Noemi didn't find out what the grass, and white powder was until one day when she was 15 when she decided to crash a cousin's 18th birthday party. Her cousin birthday party was so huge, and there were allot of people that her cousin didn't notice she was there. Off course she didn't have any friends so she went by herslef. So then she meets a few people who offer her beer.

Then she sees this really hot guy from her school named Albert. Which she sortive had a crush on he had beautiful light baby blue eyes like the color of the sky. He had short messy light brown hair. His wearead tight aboracombi blue jeans and a Hollister shirt. So he goes up to her, and he introduces himself to Noemi. So then he offers her some weed. Then misty innocently replies "what is that?" Albert replies "so you have no idea what it is will I'll just show it to you." so he rich into his pocket, and takes out what appear to be a bag of grass. Then Albert with his mellowed out voice say "You see this weed you smoke this." So then Noemi remembered that was the mystery grass her parents had in the forbidden room.

So she decides to smoke, off course Albert techs her. Ever since that night she starts to smoke weed. That wasn't the only thing that happened that night with Albert, and her. After misty started to mellow out. Albert kisses Noemi. Off course Noemi enjoys it, so they start to make out then Albert start to cress her breast, and she cress him all over .They start making love. Then before Noemi knows it she loses her virginity With Albert.

Sadly the next day in school Albert didn't talk to her, so inside she knew that she had been used that night, and that she was still alone. As for Noemi she would always go to the local cementry.This cemetery was big ,and green with  vast trees .It was her perfect relaxing, and hangout spot ever since she was nine. Here she would lay in front of a tombstone near a tree, and look up in the sky, and wondered what it was like to fly, or how death was like. Sometime she just enjoyed the view that the cemetery had, and she relaxed. She also enjoyed it when it was windy, or breezy. She would enjoy that misty cool wind that she felt floating around her body when she laid down. It would calm her down, and she also liked getting high there too. She would also go to the cemetery at certain nights when it was a full moon. She loved watching the full moon.

She felt really relax in this place there was no people to make her feel nervous, strange, or frightened. It was if she was welcomed by the dead. She's now 16 yrs old, and celebrated her birthdays alone, and her parents for a gift give her lots of money since her parent can't stand the only shops in town that sells the stuff she likes. When she's home alone her parents leave her money for pizza, or any other food she wishes to order to her house to eat. Plus the pastries she had for deserts that her parents would order from the local bakery, or other bakeries from other parts of the country. Along with her meals she would make a salad made out of organic vegetables that her parents would buy. Even thou sometimes they'll still are some microwave food in the fridge along with the beers, coolers, and liquors they had. Which she would sometimes drink. 


CHAPTER 2..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

     It was a late summer afternoon Noemi was in the cemetery in her usual spot in tomb stone near a tree sitting, and smoking her joint calmly. Misty thought it was just going to be an ordinary day. Until she looks up, and sees someone who appeared to be a young handsome man between the ages 17-19, his eyes were bright green like the color of fresh grass, his hair was long up to his neck, it had layers, and it look like he ironed his hair. It was bright blond the color of the sun. He was tall, and was wearing tight black spandex pants that had patches on them, and his shirt was white with some red lettering, and semi torn. He also had a bright smile like an angel.

 Noemie is a little frightened by him at first, then he come up to her, and greets her, he says "hi", and asks her "What are you doing here?" Then Noemi tries to back away from him, and turns off her joint. Then chaise says "will I was going to ask if I could have a hit? Then she quickly replies "Sure" and Noemie gives him what's left over. The Noemie anxiously backs away, and stays silent while the guy tries to make a conversation. Then he says "will my names chaise by the way, so where did you get this weed it's pretty good, and what's your name?" So Noemi stays silent. Then Chaise simply smiles, and says "It's cool if you don't want to tell me where you got it from, I'll let you keep it a secret it's not like I  came up to you just  for the weed so let talk about something more interesting like  about you, so how old are you? What do you like? What do you like to do for fun?

Noemi was so nervous, and shy that she stayed slient, and didn't answer him back. Then chaise just smiles, and says "will you don't talk much do you?"Then chaise voice pauses for a minute. Then he says" it's ok you don't need to talk  much with me, I'll do all the, and you could just listen if you want, so  maybe you can talk to me whenever you feel comfortable, because I understand that you just met me, and you don't really feel comfortable talking to me. You're probably thinking why I just came up to you and who the f**k I'm I?" Then chaise starts thinking to him, and says "will I'm I bothering you?" Then Noemi gradually replies "No"while she tries to hide her voice. Then chaise says" Are you sure?" Noemi replies "yes I'm sure"

Then chaise casually tells her about himself as they are sitting under a tree near a Tombstone. While they both share a joint. so as chaise smokes, he tells Noemi "Will I just wanted to know if you felt bothered by me so I could just leave you alone ,Will by the way my names chaise I'm 17, will as you could tell I have a couple of piercings on my lip, my eyebrow, and three on my ears. Will I also have one on my tongue" so chaise shows her his pierced tongue. so chaise try to start a conversation, and tells her "so I see you got piercings too, will I got mine at the only tatoo, and piercing polar , since we only have one in this s**t town." 

Then Noemi out of nowhere replies "I did them myself ". Then Chaise replies "cool" Then misty says "will I'm 16, my names is Noemi, I like hanging out here in the cementry, nobody really comes here accept when threes a funeral."Noemie mentions it with a gradual somber voice. Then her voice goes from sounding astonished, but at the sometime gradual, and says "I like it here there it's nice, since its clamed, beautiful, big, and green. Best of all there no cops, or no one bugs me here. I feel free to do what I want, and to be who I am. Since I feel welcomed here. I'm able to just lay down flat in front of a tombstone, and look up in the sky. It makes me feel like I'm resting in peacefully as I could just fell the breeze or the wind passes through my body"

So Noemi thinks to herslef, and then she asks chaise have you ever tried it?" So chaise simply replies "no it sounds pretty relaxing, but doesn't it feel weird since your practically laying in top of a dead body? So Noemi makes that clever cryptic expersion, and smiles with her gradually clever voice she tells him "did you know that the dead bodies are at least 17 feet in the ground?" Chaise with his deep knowingly voice says "I knew that"

So Noemi then asks chaise "I dare you to try it?" Chaise curiously replies with a smile" first of all how dose it feel when you're high?" Noemi replies "it feels twice as better as when your sober, well I will admit it does feel a little weird at first, but then you get use to that feeling. It's a beautiful feeling it feels like if you just died, and just been buried. Then you feel as if your soul and body is lifting itself into the sky, then to heaven." Noemi pauses her voice, then she say" at least that's what I think happens when you die"

Then chaise asks misty "does it have to in front of the tombstone laying flat, and looking at the sky? Noemi replies "yes, or else it doesn't count it might feel freaky at first, then you realize how your mind, and body start to relax, your soul also starts to feel likes it's been liberated." Chaise say" so you're saying it would relax me?" Noemi simply replies "yes, but it's also more than that you feel like you're flying, off course you would have to try it to believe it" So chaise thinks to himself, and wonders if what Noemi says it's true. That laying flat in front of a tombstone would make you feel relax, and have a sweet ilussion, then why not try it, but he was kind of skeptical. While he thinks Noemi asks "Are you going to try it, or what? So chaise says will "If it's true then I want to see you laying down in front of a tombstone first" Then Noemi says "will I'm already use to it, once I lay down flat in the ground, and look at the sky, I don't want to ever get up, so I would forget the dare, and you wouldn't do it. So how about we do it at the same time"

So chaise and Noemi each lay down in the tombstones next to each other. As they lay down, and look up at the bright blue sky, and the bright white sky. So misty ponders into the clouds. While chaise stars to feel as if his body was lifting into the sky. So Chaise tells misty" you were right this dose feel pretty cool and trippy at the same time".  Noemi replies "I told you, now just imagine something amazing to make your illusion worth while"

So Chaise imagines himself flying in the sky.  While Noemi Imagines herself being in a place that was larger than life itself. It was a place where she felt liberated, a paradise which was up in the clouds, or out of this world.

So as misty imagines herself in a place where she's at piece she asks chaise" what are you thinking about?"  Chaise simply smiles, and says " will I imagine myself flying in the sky, and just watching the clouds pass by as I fly, so how about you? Noemi says "I feel like I'm up somewhere in the clouds where it's very bright. Alone where I feel liberated, where it's peacful, and where I can do what I want since they are no rules." 



Chapter 3  

               Noemi was home alone like almost every other night watching T.V, and eating the chaise food she delivered to her door that night. As her black bunny raven sat next to her.The       way she prefers it. Off course when her parents are around for dinner the food is fancier.Since her parents most of the time when there around for dinner they hired a chef.  Even  more especially when they have family, or their friends over. Which happens rarely on occasions? 

So while Noemi ate, and watched TV she thought about her day and most importantly the guy she met that day. She remembered his name was chaise. She thought about how he was so kind yet so odd. She also thought he was pretty attractive as she thought about his beautiful bright green eyes, his bight blond hair, and bight beautiful white smile. 

Then she starts talking to Raven " I met this really nice guy whose real cool, his name is Chaise, he's also cute he has bright green eyes like the color of grass, his hair isn't too short, or too long it's just right up to his neck and ironed in straight layers, the color of his hair is bright blond like the color of the sun, and beautiful feature is his bight white smile."Noemi stays silent for a moment as she stares at Raven" you know what's pretty cool Raven he's not like most guy in this town he's really different he even dress different from everyone else. Which is pretty cool? We also like some of the same things" Then she looks at Raven, and wonders. Then says "I always wondered what you're thinking, and what you would say if you could talk, I wonder if you are even listening to me, because every time I talk you open your ears more, and get closer to me. I guess that's a good sign, you're so pretty raven, and you're the only living thing I talk to about almost everything."

Then Raven begs for food. Then Noemi says "I see what you want more carrots." Then Noemi gets some carrots, and feeds some carrots to raven. Then Noemi decides to light some incenses, and smoke a joint since raven is in the other side of her room eating carrots. So as she smokes she thinks about chaise, and then writes in her journal about him.

Meanwhile Chaise is in his small cottage deep in the forest, near the river, he lived in a small abounded cottage. In which he magically remodeled the inside to make it look as nice as he wanted, and magically added the furniture he needed to feel comfortable, also the appliances he needed, and wanted. He also added running water, electricity, heater, and air conditioner.  Thanks to the help his of magic.

Chaise kept his magical powers a secret. Chaise had so many secrets. Like  he always had a thing for Noemi. He admired her since 7th grade, he was too shy in middle school and in high school something held him back from just getting close and talking to her. The only thing he would do is admire her from a far distance just by looking at her. When  he saw her past by. 

He always admired her from all the girls. She was different from all the girls in the village. She even looked different from all the other girls, not just in the way she dressed, but her features were different she had beautiful light gray eyes, natural long black raven hair; her body was the perfect structure not too. Thin, or too big just normal. Her lips were just the right size, and her eyes were almond shaped.She had a really pretty face.

Chaise didn't just admire her features, also her personality was what he admired the most, and was really different. He'd always notice how quite, and had a cryptic personilty. She also seemed very careless, and never tried to change who she was no matter what.

As in that day was his lucky day when he to finally got the chance to talk to her, and get to know her, she was what she seemed to be, but she was also very down to earth, mystical, and simple. She was defiantly different from every other girl in town.

Chaise was very thankful, to finally have the chance to hang out with her, and get to know her for the first time. He felt so happy inside. He was even more excited of the thought of seen her the next day, and to be able to show her what she's worth to him.

He hopes to be with her forever, and protect her no mater what. Even thou they were just friends for now, his hope fully thought. Chaise thought of her all night while he was inside his cottage listening to music along with his husky dog wolf.

As for that evening when chaise got home, the first thing he mentions when he sees wolf is Noemi. In which Chaise with excitement says" guess what I finally got to talk to that nice beautiful girl Noemi" after he mentions it wolf dose a loud excited bark. Then chaise says' oh I see I don't think your really inserted you just want to eat huge steak ok I'll get you one" so chaise goes in the kitchen, and magically makes two plates with two cooked seasoned steaks apeard,and a cold glass of coke appear. So he gives a steak to wolf. So they each have their dinner.

So then when chaise is in his room laying in his bed listening to music. While wolf lays next to him. Then chaise says today was the best day I had since six months ago, probly even the best day in my life. I finally got to talk to Noemi that girl I've always talk to you ever since I met you." So then suddenly wolf barks with joy. So as chaise went to bed he kept mentioning to wolf about Noemi.

On the other hand will chaise hasn't spoken to any of his friends in over 5 months, he's just seen his friends around, but for some reason they seem to ignore him. They don't even say hi to him it's like if he was invinsible, or something. At least that's what he thought. That when wolf came into his life. Wolf was an abandoned dog in the Forrest. Who would come up to chaise, and beg for food. So chase would feed him anything from steaks to chicken. He would also give him water. He showed up almost every day to his cottage. Then within 4 weeks Chaise decided to keep him as a pet. That when he said to wolf " it sucks being out in the woods with no food, or water. So you can stay with me" So then wolf gets excited, and decides to sits in the coach. Then chaise says' so what should I call you? So chaise thinks for a few minutes how about I'll call you misfit? Then wolf nods. Then chaise" you don't like that name how about killer?" so wolf nods his head again. Then chaise says okay I guess you don't like that one either how about wolf? So then wolf jubilantly barks. Chaise say" okay I'll call you wolf." 

From that day on chaise would tell wolf about his pass, and experinices. Most importantly about Noemi, and the way he felt about her since seventh grade, and how he was always too shy to go up to her and talk to her in middle school, and in  freshmen yr. something harmful kept him away from Noemi, Even still when he decided to drop out sophomore yr.

Will that night he went to sleep peacefully as he thought of Noemi, and Noemi also slept peacefully as she thought of chaise.

The next morning chaise wakes up feeling refreshed, and excited, as he thought about how he couldn't wait to spend some time with Noemi. As he got ready for the day, he listened to his music.  Then  fed his  dog wolf.

While Noemi's  morning wasn't such a peaceful one. She was having breakfast with her mean annoying parents.while misty ate, her mom says" sorry we were late last night we wit the rest of the family, and our friends off course, It was such a blast it's too bad we didn't take you." Noemi stays silent

Then her mom say-so I forget we couldn't take you because of last time when you got into fight with some of your cousins, and their friends." Then Noemi replies " they started, and it's not like I wanted to go another lame family party, or your boring friends party, plus they always bug me, but you always ignore it" Then her replies" will you know there right why can't you be like the rest of the girls in town, you know normal, like for example your cousins Britney, Nicole, and Ashley and their friends Natasha, Katharine, Keisha, Myra, and Liz. You know they get all the guys, and they dress very fabaulse, trendy, and elegent. The way they dress is so in. The music they listen to is so hip, and cool. There also very popular allot of people look up to them. 

Especially they get all the good looking Boys in school except for one time Natasha dated this boy who had really pretty feautures, pretty blond hair, and beautiful green eyes he looked just like an angel, but he dressed like a total clown, or bum. The funny thing is that she always cheated on him with other better looking boys. she cheated on him so much that they broke up, and after that he drugged him so much to the point he overdosed, he did on purpose he loved her so much that he was her fool. Her mom makes an evil giggle.

Then misty replies" you want me to dress like a s**t, and listen to some music that is degrading towards women, plus I can't stand pink. That would also be pretty stupid of me since I would look like a kiss a*s" Her mom replies " You've have a good point, Then why can you just be normal like your cousin Courtney, Jessica, Jenifer, and their friends Sabrina, Laura and Stephanie they still listen to hip music, and dress causal but trendy, they also still manage to find some boys to date."Noemi "Like I said I can't stand the music that my cousins like, I find the way they dress very dull "Mom interrupts "I know what you're going to say you like to be unique, will then why aren't you like your cousin Tiffany, and her friend grace the way they dress is different, but still reasonable, and they listen to different music, but its decent" Noemi replies' Can't stand country, and I would hate dressing too old fashion." Mom rudely annoyed replies "Will I don't see why you dress as if it's Halloween everyday and your music is too loud. I'm surprise you still wear dresses, and skirts. Plus you look like freak or a psycho "Noemi stays silent as mom makes rude remarks "That why we don't like having you around, and we feel a shame, so we don't defend you" This is how Noemi's mornings are usually like.

Even thou that morning in back of her head she couldn't wait to see chaise in the cementry. So finally her annoying parents left to work. So she decided to relax in her room as she listened to music.

© 2008 babyblue

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spell check this...
and fix the spacing after some of the periods and commas...tomorrow ill get back on and try to point them out for you

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Added on March 3, 2008
Last Updated on March 4, 2008



El paso, TX

Hey my names ivonne i'm 19 I wirte stores,and poems i go to college . I like scremo,punk,and classic rock bands such as bob marley bob dylan underoath,sliverstian,misfits,daed kenadys,the door,and t.. more..

With Love With Love

A Poem by babyblue