![]() The SecretA Story by Misa![]() How did two teenagers unravel such a secret in a world of darkness?![]()
My name is Kat Reynold's, and this is my story.
I push my hands deeper in my pockets as I walk to school beneath the silky moonlight. Shadows from the street lights bounce off the streets and back onto the trees, creating ghostly shapes that play around. I bite my lip and keep walking. Almost to school. Just a couple more blocks and I get to start my Sophomore year at Kennedy High School. Another relentless year of the same babble. As I walk to school I hear footsteps run up and when they finally turn into a soft walk, all of a sudden my jacket is tugged. "Hey Katelyn." I hear a familiar voice say. "Don't call me that." I say through gritted teeth before I smile. "Oh, cheer up, Kat, I was only kidding. Ready for another haunting year?!" Aven says. I look at him, his sandy blonde hair stands up in a messy faux hawk and he beholds a big smile on his face. His blue eyes beaming at me. "Of course I am." I say and roll my eyes as I keep walking. "It's cold." Aven says. "No s**t. We live in Canada." I say as I laugh. "Bet it wouldn't be so cold during daylight." He says. Looking off into the distance. "Oh not this again. You know we can't go out into the day." "Who says? The gov? Seriously, Kat, you need to stop believing everything. It's probably just a lie to cover something up." He says seriously. His gaze showing that he's deep into his mind. I shake my head, "Have you tried that theory out yet? Or are you too scared to be burned to a crisp like they say would happen?" He furrows his brows, "I'm not scared. I just don't want to be the first one to test that theory. I'm not mental, you know. There are others who believe that too." "Yeah, and how many of them have actually walked out into the sun? None?" I say and wait for an answer. He doesn't respond. "Exactly. No one is ever going to try and I doubt the government would lie about something like that. I mean, why would they? I think you just need to have more faith. Oh look, there's the school." I say. He doesn't answer me at all. "Oh, come on, Aven. Cheer up. You're a senior! One year left. Come on." I whine and loop my arm through his. He c***s his head and gives me a sly smile. "Okay, but just because I hate hearing you whine like that." He smiles at me as we walk up to the vast double doors. We can hear students swarming inside like bees in a nest. We go through the doors and Caroline runs up to us and grabs Aven's hand. My heart drops into my stomach. "Oh, baby, I missed you." She says and plants a kiss right on his perfectly round lips. He unloops his arms from mine and wraps it around Caroline. Caroline is a 5'8'' beauty. She has long legs that never end and startling green eyes. I can't say I hate her, she's the nicest person, but I can't say I'm not jealous of her. "Hey, Kat." She says and smiles at me. "How was your winter?" Her emerald eyes looking at me warmly. "Oh, it was great. Yours?" I say. Looking at her with my dull brown eyes. She smiles,"It was good. I went to England over the winter, you know? For a study abroad trip. It was the best. But I missed Aven so much." She says and looks at Aven. Their hands intertwined. "Well he's all yours now." I say, faking a smile. I take off my jacket. Aven's eyes widen and so do Caroline's. "That is adorable, Kat! I didn't know you dressed like that. It's so different from your normal attire." Caroline says. Beaming at my short plaid dress that's slightly victorian inspired, but more modern. It has just enough ruffles to look nice but not over bearing. "I guess I just needed something different." I say and smile. "Well, you look amazing. You won't have a problem getting a boy this year." She laughs. "Won't she, Aven?" Caroline says and smiles at him widely. His eyes scan me up and down and hesitate to answer, "No, I guess she won't." His voice not even trying to pretend how un-excited about the event Caroline present. I bite my lip, "Well, I have to go find my counselor. I'll talk to you guys later. Kay?" I say to them as I turn to walk away. Caroline just waves at me as I leave and Aven stands there. A blank look one his face as I walk away. The day passes in a hazy blur, and soon enough school is let out early before the sun rises. We all hustle out of the school and back home. With my back to the school I walk away, heading towards my house before our blanket of safety of the night diminishes. "Hey, Kat!" I hear yelled at me. "Yeah?" I turn around. It's Aven. "Wait up." "Why?" I ask. He looks at me with a question on his face, "What do you mean?" "Never mind. How's Caroline?" I ask. Walking along. He digs his hands into his jacket pockets, "Uh, not so good I'm assuming." "Why is that?" I ask. Not really interested. "I broke up with her." He says flat. I stop in my tracks. "What?! Why?" He shrugs, "Just, I don't like her like that anymore. We both grew up over the winter." "Oh. Three months away and you got bored of her?" I ask. "No, we're just too different." He shrugs. I bite my lip, a nervous habit, "Oh," He looks at me and smiles, "Oh well, there's about 2 hours till day break, want to grab something to eat?" "I don't know, Aven. I think the sun is gonna come up sooner." I say, looking up at the moon high in the sky. And all the shiny stars splattered around it. "It won't. Come on." He says, whining at me with a boyish smile. My eyes drop to my shoes and I begin to bite my lip once more. "You shouldn't be so careless and happy, you just broke up with your girlfriend of 9 months." I say, unmoving. He takes a few steps closer and stands inches from me. Suddenly, without looking up, I feel my chin being softly cupped by warm hands and lifted up. "Kat, are you really that dense?" He says, softly smiling. My anger flares. "What are you talking about?" I say, and swipe his hand away. He laughs softly through the night, "Katelyn, I love you." My eyes widen and I stare at him. "W-what? No, no. You're just toying with me. You did it all the time with your little girlfriends over the years. I'm not a fool, Aven. I've known you since we were born." I say and walk off. Anger flowing out of me. He grabs my arm and turns me around. "Kat, I love you. I have always loved you. I just, I thought you were too young. I was too young. I thought all the feelings I had were moronic. I mean, you were like my little sister, except not. When I saw you today, in the commons, I knew. You had grown up, you looked strong and glowing and I couldn't stand the burning image of you with someone else. Because it's always been you and I, Kat. Always. And it took me a very long time to realize I want you. Not Caroline, or Magdaline. Just you." He says flatly. Looking at me with warming eyes that burn the truth. Begging for me to listen. I shake my head. "No." I say coldly. "Kat, you are everything. You are the only person who knows about my theories and knows me as a whole. Not just the facade I put up, but me. I love you, Katelyn Reynolds and if you weren't so closed off you'd know that." He says and takes my hand, lacing our fingers together. I push my brown curls over my shoulder and look at him, "Aven." I shake my head, "No, I just. I don't..." And that's when his lips press against mine. The warmth radiating off of him into me and I don't break our kiss. I don't even stop it, instead I egg it on. I wrap my arms around his neck and push my hands through his hair. His soft blonde hair. Aven softly puts his hand on the soft of my back and pushes me closer. Our kisses becoming more heavy. More involved. © 2009 MisaAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on August 26, 2009 Last Updated on September 7, 2009 Author |