![]() Chapt.3A Chapter by Misa
I push my daily belongings into my messenger bag; iPod, blackberry, notebooks. Everything I think I'll need for the day neatly tucked away. I'll get my books when I get there. Oh god, I'll have to face Aiden. I shake off the awaiting glares and sad eyes I in vision in my mind and take off. Not saying even a good bye to my friends. Once I reach the school I get out of the car and pull my stockings up and pull my pleated skirt down. I grab my bag and begin walking to my first class, history. Always a favorite. I enter the lush history building and climb up the winding stair case. The halls are bustling with teenagers and there laughing. Just like a mortal school, just well, more dead. I walk in the middle of the hall, ignoring people. Even though I can feel there eyes on me. Oh what they're saying. The daughter of the head master is back. Oh my! Oh that spoiled brat. What a b***h. She thinks she's so much better than us. I can only imagine their immature babble, but luckily I can not. My ear drums are filled with the sarcastic chorus of Lily Allen. Oh my favorite when I'm in my pessimistic mood. I keep walking down the hall, ignoring the giggles and hushes and gasps from the passing girls and the stares from the boys. This is just like a mortal high school, except they all know who I am. Finally reaching the last class room on the left I take a sharp turn and go in. Mister Evantyes wonderful, but boring classroom. He's a new teacher, you have to give him some credit. I take a seat near the window in the middle of the room. A respectable distance away from everything and everyone. Get bored or tired of them, drift off into the out side world beyond the window. That is why it's my favorite seat. I sit there and wait for the dings of the bell to push every one into their designated rooms and no soon after I think this, it goes off. I stare off at the door watching the many vampires walk in. And oh, my lucky day, Aiden shares the same class. As he strides in you can feel his confidence wavering. Filling the classroom with a distinct aura he can only give off. As he walks in he smiles a half smile at the gleaming girls who look at him with adoration and soon his eyes meet mine. They lock and at once I break free from his shimmering emerald eyes. He takes a seat far away from me, the right far corner of the room. Oh, just my luck, I don't have to see him. Woo! I lean back in my seat and Mr. Eventyes enters the room. He's a tall man with broad shoulders and silky brown blonde hair. He glows with youth and has flawless blue-gold flecked eyes. He carries himself with grace and wears a light navy blue pin striped dress shirt and navy blue slacks. He strides over to his desk and takes a seat on the corner. “Today we will be going more in depth on how the Clan came about. It's not as simple as it seems.” He says, looking at the entire class as a whole. I roll my eyes. It is that simple. “Kara,” I hear interrupt my thoughts. “Yes?” I look at him blankly. “Class this is, Kara.” He says. I roll my eyes, “Yes, I'm sure they know who I am. It's quite obvious.” I give him a mockery smile. “Oh? Well, since you're new and you haven't been put on spot yet. Tell me what you think about how the Clan started. Their history.” He says, giving me just an equal mocking smile. “Well, it's quite simple really. We kill the town of Rey, but two, they take revenge. It's simple evolution past that.” I say. “Simple? So you think powers that can swiftly take over our mind is simple evolution? That their whips and luke warm eyes that fill are mind with ease is simple evolution? How can it be, that we vampires have had to spend centuries developing our powers and making them stronger. More than centuries, thousands of years. But them, the hunters and huntresses, only have but a couple puny years. How is that simple evolution?” I'm not sure if what he's asking is directed to me. But I answer anyway. “It's simple evolution because of how they developed not how fast it is.” I say. “So you're the teacher now?” Mr Evantyes asks. I look down, “No, I've just seen first hand how simple it is. That's all.” I look out the window. Mr Evantyes ignores me for the rest of the hour and begins harassing other students about what they think. I can fill eyes bouncing off me all hour. Not hesitating not to stare. I look down at my desk and try and ignore them. Just trying. “Aiden? What to do you think?” I hear. I spin around and look at him. He hesitates for a moment, “I think it's a counter to us like we are to humans. We have to have something to put the balance back. That's why it's simple and not complex. Everything has a balance. Insect eats plants, bird eats insect, cat eats bird, humans kill cat. Barbaric? Yes. Complex? No. It is simple evolution.” He looks at me and I half smile and look down. “Very well put, Aiden.” Evantyes praises and dashes me look. I smile at him and look at Aiden, his face shows triumph that refuses to meet his eyes. I look down at the floor and turn around. “So class,” Eventyes says. “Get into partners for a group project. We'll be making a power point on exactly what Aiden was saying. Are the hunters the counter to us like we are to humans? That is the great debate. So, split up into partners, you are only aloud to have and no more or less then one. Go.” Evantyes claps his hands and heads off to his desk while we swim for partners. Everyone starts splitting up. Friends with friends. I see one girl, tall, long legs that never end, and a wave of chocolate brown hair fan down her back walking to Aiden. Her head held high and on a mission. But as she walks up to ask him he gets up and walks away from her, not even saying anything. Then he walks up to me, “let's be partners Kara, we obviously have similar points of view.” He says smiling. “Uhm, okay, but whatever her name is wanted to ask you first.” I say sweetly. I hear heels click over my way. “My name is Emma, and I wanted to ask you, Aiden, before you walked off, if you'd be my partner.” She smiles and shoots a glare at me. Aiden looks over at her from me, “Sorry, but no. Kara and I are already partners. Right Kara?” “Sure?” I flash him a questionable look. He sits on the edge of my desk, “Maybe next time...?” “Emma! My name is Emma. And sure.” She smiles at him and it's cut short when she looks at me and clicks off. “So, partner.” I say to him. “I think we should do a mini movie. Showing every detail. It'll be easy.” Aiden starts and looks around the room. I look at him and tap my fingers against the desk, “About the other night,” I begin. “We have so much work to do. Just forget about it. All right?” He says, eye beaming at me. “Uh, sure. Where do we start?” “History books. We'll go to the library tomorrow night and then you can come over and work on the movie. Is that good?” “Sure.” I say and pick up my bag as the bell rings and I get up out of my seat and walk away from him him. I can hear Emma's heals clicking down the same hall. “Hey, you!” I hear here chirping voice say. I turn around. “What?” I ask. My face not even straining to pretend I'm interested in whatever she has to say. “Aiden is mine and just because you're the headmasters daughter does not mean you automatically get the new boy. Sorry, hun, but I'm the Queen at this school.” She says. Her mouth upturned into a smile. I take a step closer to her. “Well, hun,” I repeat in the same voice. “I couldn't care less who my father is, and I believe Aiden chose me, not the other way around. And this isn't some human school. Get over yourself.” I begin to turn around and then stop and look at her. “And by the way, there are bigger things in life then applying lip gloss and clicking your Gucci stilettos around like you're God.” I smile at her and turn away. She snorts, “You're just a spoiled brat. B***h.” I turn back around and push her hard to the ground. “I am a lot of f*****g things but I am not a spoiled brat like you. B***h? Yes.” I kneel down by her and open my mouth to say something when I'm grabbed by the arm and pulled up harshly. I look to see who's holding my arm. Kale. “Enough Kara.” He says bitterly. He looks down at Emma, “My sister is a lot of things but she isn't spoiled. Know your bounderies, Emma. You're messing with Royals not with miniscule vampires. Oh, and nice panties. I like lace on my girls.” Kale says before turning and pulling me along with him as Emma pulls down her skirt that had rose dangerously high on her thighs. Kale pulls me through winding halls until we finally get to one that is empty. “Do you have to be so vulgar?” I say to him. He pushes me up against a wall and stares at me coldly. “Don't be so f*****g stupid.” He says harshly. I look at him and step forward, “What the f**k are you talking about?” “Don't let your anger show. Don't crack. You are being watched. All of these vampires will make a name for you and that will effect your ranking and how you're seen.” “I don't care about my f*****g ranking.” He shakes his head, “I do. You're my twin. My other half. What you do affect me. So watch it Kara.” He says and walks away from me. I lean against the wall. First day of school and I've already messed up. I sigh and walk off to my next class, maybe this one won't be so dramatic. The rest of the day until lunch moves around me in a blur. Finally over now that lunch has begun. My father made me a short schedule, he did something right. I walk out of the history building and towards the gates when I see a familiar person standing waiting. “How did you know?” I say as I loop my arm through his. Ash. “You know how I know.” He says quietly. I laugh, “Of course, you and your sixth sense. Would you like a tour? It's always fun.” I say with a smile. “I'm not sure witches are always welcome here.” He says, smiling softly. I shake my head, “Well I'm not always welcome. But I deal. We should, go to the cafe in town.” “My town?” “Your town.” I smile. As we begin to walk to Witchester I hear someone run up to me and I turn around. Aiden. Now what does he want. “Hey! I thought we were going to work on our project.” He says. His eyes searching. I look down and then up at Ash, “Oh, yeah.” I bite my lip. “Ash can come.” Aiden says. “I'm not one for history projects. But thanks.” Ash says sullen. His gaze wondering. “See you at home, Kara. We'll talk later.” Ash says and unloops our arms and walks off the grounds. I turn towards Aiden, lifting up an eyebrow in question. “How'd he know?” Aiden asks. “Know what?” “Our history project.” He says. “Oh, he's a witch.” I shrug. His eyes widen, “That's mental. We don't have a lot of witches in Scotland.” I c**k my head to where Ash walked off, “He's going to Witchester. It's the town of witches.” I say. “Really? Hmm, I should go there some time.” He says, smiling at me. “Sure. They have lots of herbs and stuff.” I say. His eyes shimmer down at me, “So, do you fancy him?” Aiden asks. “Who? Ash?” I question. “Well, yeah.” “Oh. No. No, no. He's just a really good friend.” I say. He half smiles, “Oh. Ok. Well we better get going to me house. We'll take my car.” “Uhm, okay.” I say and follow him. An hour later we sit on his couch staring down at his Dell studio. Looking at the powerpoint. He types away, filling presentation after presentation page, and I sit there by him, head in hands staring off into space. “You could help.” He says, not looking away from the screen. “Huh?” I retort. “What proves that the Clan’s hunters and huntresses were put here to be our opposite, population control if you will?” He says. Waiting for an answer. “Uhm, well. They only started developing after our population grew at greater numbers than was supposed to be sustained.” I say and look at him. He types my answer. His fingers flick across the keyboard, “Is that all?” I look at him, “I guess yeah…” I sigh. “Look about the other night…” I begin. He looks at me, “Oh, the other night. That was nothing. Just too much blood tempation.” He says, not looking away from the screen. I roll my eyes and look around the room. “Well, I probably should go. It looks like you have a hold of this with out me.” I say, getting up. I turn around to leave when he grabs my wrist. “Yeah?” I say looking at him, he let’s go. “Do you need a ride?” He asks, looking at me, his green eyes piercing. I bite my lip, “No, I think I’ll be fine. It’s close. See you tomorrow?” “Yeah-yeah I’ll see you tomorrow.” I say and walk off. I open the door and close it behind me. Out side it’s over cast and gloomy, rain hits the side walk and bounces back up. I shake my head and walk down the metal stairs out to the side-walk. I walk through the streets going to the end of town and start trudging my way to my house when I see him. Walking towards me. Nick. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I yell at him. He jogs up to me. “I don’t know. I never know what I’m doing.” He laughs. Rain slides down his face. I laugh, “You’ll catch a cold. You humans and your immune systems.” I shake my head and smile. He shrugs, “Oh well.” “Come on. My house is this way.” I say pointing towards the nearest road. “I’m coming over?” “Well I don’t reckon Quint will want you back sick as a dog.” I say smiling. “No, I reckon not.” He smiles. His red hair falls flat against his face, outlining it as his brown eyes stare at my warmingly. I smile at him, “So tell me about yourself Nick. Who are you, you mysterious boy?” He pushes his hands into his jean pockets as we walk, “Well, I’m just Nick. Human,” “And you?” He asks. “Just Kara. Vampire. Royal. Elders daughter. You know, the usual.” I say. “So, who’s apartement was that?” He asks, looking at me. “Oh, that was Aiden’s.” “Boyfriend?” “Friend. Turn.” I say and pull him to the right up the gravel street. “Forceful I see.” He says smiling. I laugh, “Always.” We walk through the rain in silence and up my porch into my house. “So this is home.” I say. My voice echoing off of the empty rooms. “Anyone else live here?” He asks. “Uhm, yeah. But it seems they’ve vacated at the moment.” I laugh and look around for anyone. Not even Ash is here. Damn, I forgot. It’s the winter solstice. I’ll have to make it up to Ash some how. “So, you’re dripping water all over my hard wood floors. I’ll get you some clothes. You and Brighten should be about the same size.” I walk into Brighten's steel colored room, glittered with Russian posters over the walls. I head over to his giant oak armoir and pick out a polo and a pair of jeans. Okay, so maybe they aren't exactly the same size. "Here" I say, and shove the garments into his arms. Bathroom is upstairs to the left. Nick just nods his head and heads up stairs while I head to the kitchen.
© 2009 Misa |
Added on August 24, 2009 Last Updated on October 13, 2009 Author![]() MisaPanemAboutI'm Misa. I'm a 15 year old Japanese-German Jew. Nice combo, eh? I like writing and web programming. I'm a really care free person and I love putting a smile on peoples faces. I don't mind having.. more..Writing