![]() Chapt.1A Chapter by Misa
I groan with the afternoon bell as it rings, listening to the students and their intolerable chatter. I breath deep unneeded breaths, closing my eyes to try and calm myself and smelling them at the same time. Humans, how intolerable. Food, off limits until the next bash. Tonight. The humans who line up for there blood to be drank. The volunteers. I laugh at this. I push my hand through my hair, tussling it. I see eyes from the neighboring boys around me, admiration, and then glares from the girls. Well most of them anyway. Even after 16 years of this intoxicating yet horrid life I still am not use to it. I run my tongue over my teeth. Breathing deeply as I have to endure this hell. The bell has yet to ring and I decide to skip. I swiftly get up and in a flash I am out of the classroom. Walking out of the school with the other kids who decide to skip! I laugh. For a moment I think I am one of them. A student, not near it. I am a hunter, they are the prey. That is all. I remind myself. I walk out to my gleaming Ferrari. I touch the top of it until I enter the car. The black plush leather seats fit the contours of my body. I turn on the ignition and pull out, speeding down the road until I turn the many winding streets, until I speed into the driveway of the superb home I live in. I slide out of my car and walk limply to the door. I walk in and climb the stairs. Ignoring the many others in my home, I stalk into my room. I slowly walk across the dark wooded floor to my ipod that sits in the speakers; I turn it on playing Bring Me the Horizon as I drown my thoughts out with the thrashing yet calming screams. I lay on my bed, ignoring my senses telling me to feed. I fall into a false like slumber. Hoping my surroundings melt away just as fast as I close my eyes. Too soon I flutter my eyes open. Its 6pm, time to get ready for the bash. Fall is the best time of the year when the bashes are held earlier due to the ever increasing darkness. I dress in black attire. I’m never keyed up and excited for these things. I where black skinny jeans and a dark purple tank representing my Court. I don’t exactly wear normal attire that most of our kind wears. Laced corsets and leather leggings with mary janes. Let's just say I don't exactly fit in well with the other generation, my generation, much more modern. I walk downstairs just as easily as I came in. I see my friends sitting in the foyer doing whatever they do on bash nights. Ash is no where among them he must be in Witchester I silently say to myself. I give a sharp nod and I glide out the door and walk through the gravel to my blood red Ferrari. A present from my father. Let's just say that it's not just mortal fathers who buy their daughters love, it's all sorts of species. I get into my car and the black leather seats seamlessly give me comfort. I breathe in a sigh of relief that my car gives me. It's my domain, my last bit of security and protection I don't get from my home. I press my foot down on the gas pedal and take off. Speeding down the curvy roads and watch as the wall of trees around me blur as I speed up. I keep my eyes on the road when I start to see the dimly lit driveway of the house, more like mansion. I park my car and I'm out of it in an instance. Slowly I ealk through the gravel and up the stairs to the house. Walking inside I'm immediately surrounded by the smell of lust. The room has many dark velvet couches, filled with vampires and their meals. No light exists except for the soft candles and old lamps glowing dully in corners and only spreading light where needs be. All round the room is a soft fog, the smell of burning incense fills the rooms with a foggy haze. I close my eyes and breathe in the deep aroma of the atmosphere before I'm interrupted; “Kara,” Someone yells. I spin around to see them. I see his face, “Yeah?” “Kale's looking for you.” is all he says. I shake off what he says, not near wanting to see my twin or talk to him about his repetitive bullshit. I float across the room, looking-stalking. Many of the volunteers catch glimpses of me, wanting me and boring their human eyes into my back just wanting me to turn and give them attention. I ignore there wants, I want the unwanted. All around me is like a slow motion movie. Vampires feeding, others laughing. It's all the same. Nothings different. Never a new lighting or a new smell. Never any sort of realistic love. Just sex. Sex and blood. A perfect mix in most vampires worlds. Containing urges is something that doesn't happen. Want blood? It's always around. Sex? Comes with the meal. Everything is within grasps. Never earned. Out Court takes care of everthing. School, money. If your parents are apart of the leadership you don't have to lift a finger to get what you want. With the help of the seer in Witchester we get hints into our financial future. Seeing what stock is crashing and knowing what to bid and how much. Let's just say there are vampires in high places and that's that way it will always be. We may hide, but we will always be on top. Or so my Father says. I look over in the corner and I see a boy of about 6'1''. His see through blonde hair folds over his face as he looks down. He questions my senses even when I try and smell what he is. I know he's not human but vampire? It doesn't look like it. No vampire is shy from a meal and to especially hide in a corner of a dully lit room is rarely, if ever, heard of. I stare at him and the couple moments I do his head snaps up and stares straight at me. His crystal blue eyes looking at me. And now I know what he is. He's not human, he's vampire. But not a vampire that feeds normally. He's apart of The Drifters. Illegal and barbaric. I am a Noble. A high class citizen of the noble high Court. Court de Lereon. The highest ruling vampire Court among the nine. We are the oldest. They, The Drifters, follow by no rules of our beloved civilization. They congregate with our enemies, the many hunters and huntresses of the Clan of Rey, that vermin that has sent us into an exile, hiding our true identity from humans. The Drifters come to our bashes to collect, to turn as many of our people into one of them to help preach harmonious solitude when we all know it will never happen. The young vampire stares at me and turns his back to me and begins to start walking. I walk after him. I turn down the dark hallway and follow him further into the dully lit hall until finally he turns into a secret room. I follow him in and there he stands, in the middle of the room, his back towards me. Not an ounce of defense ready. I walk up and pull on his shoulder turning him around without a breath. “Just leave.” I say between my teeth. He only smiles a half smile, warm. His blue eyes beam with warmth. What the hell was this thing doing? “Kara,” he whispers. I tense with the fact he whispers my name. The logic of his idiocy. “How the hell do you know my name?” I ask staring with hate towards him. “Do you not remember me?” The idiot asks unmoving. “Well of course not. I rarely mix with Drifters.” I say sarcastically and he laughs. The chuckles he sends fill the room. Taunting me to take action and pulling my anger to the edge. Being played around with is not favorable to me. I stare at him. Wondering how he could possible think I know him. I stare at his face. At once I remember. A flood of memories grasp my mind, struggling to compare him to the boy I once remember. “Quintin?” I question. Shocked to have said his name. My heart pounds in my chest. My best friend, I remember the last day I saw him before he up and vanished. Of course there were rumors about him joining, but sure enough you knew enough about him being dead. Caught by the Clan. My throat tightens and I remember my young friend. My friend that I cherished and grew up with. Quintin, Aiden, and I. The trio that belonged to some of the most powerful families ever known to the courts. Always blonde with big blue eyes he was. Eyes that could make you melt and feel as if he was the only one he was looking at. He always made you feel safe. But then he left. Up and left with out a word to me. It was Quintin and I after Aiden left to leave for Scotland. Just Quintin and I, and then just me. Alone. A ping of nostalgia hits me like a rock. “You remember Karaliana.” he laughs. “What are you doing here? You're a dr-drifter?” I choke. He smiles, I look down, frowning. I whisper; “You’re one of them.” He studies my face and frowns. “I’m here to bring you to the truth, Kara. The truth that we can all live without bloodshed!” he says touching my arm tenderly. I shudder away from him. “The Drifters...m-make you happy?” I say slowly, staring at the ground. “Kara,” he whispers hurt. “Why'd you leave me?” I ask. “Just-never mind. You need to leave. Kale is here, Kale isn't as forgiving as I am. Please, Quintin, just leave.” I say, my voice filled with words I only wish to say. “Okay.” He says, sadness in his eyes. He walks past me. His sent drifts around me. Sweet. Honey with a pungent sent of ginger. I shake my head. “Forever till dawn on the horizon burns in peace. We shall forever drift.” He whispers the Drifters sullen siren of hope before he walks out of the room silently. Tears flow down my cold face. I swipe them off with the back of my hand. I stiffen and try and brush off everything that has just gushed around me, trying to resurrect my instincts to take over me. I shut my brown eyes and open them to the new lavender color that floods them. I lick over my teeth. My throat ices needing the rush of warm blood. I shake off the feelings he has left me and push them deep down as I go to find someone. I walk out of the hidden library and down the hall till I meet up to a man. His honey blonde hair and round brown eyes stare at me, craving me. I push closer to him tilting my head to his neck. I kiss it and lick at the place I will feed. The salty taste of his skin fills my mouth craving the pounding rush of blood that flows in front of me. I bite. Sending rushes of sensual paralyzing venom into the man. I drink and he moans. The contours of the man lean against me, moaning in sequences as his breath quickens. This is the 'cause of the venom. The allure the humans crave. More moans roll off the man and I release him. I drop him and he grabs my waist wanting me. I shove him off and growl. Humans stare at me, wanting to be chosen like the blonde. Looking at them, I decide none of them are to my liking. I walk to the door. “You can’t have fed enough, Kara.” Kale says before I shut the door. “Oh I’ll live.” I laugh. “Kara if you don’t feed enough you may attack. The la-“ I cut him off. “I know the laws very well, Kale. Better than you. Now back off.” I wink at him and slam the door. The still of the night startles me as I hear giggling noises from the bushes that really are soft moans. I pause with disgust. The immortal have no morals. I feel the cold ice of my throat throb for the warmth of blood. Tempting me to go instead for one more quick meal to sustain me. But I can't, I can't bring myself to it. I look over at the bushes that rustle so sensually. Giggling and moans increase from the tall plants. I know they're doing much more than the usually drink. I shake off my disgust and walk off to my car. I get in and drive off speeding down the curvy road at top speed I soon entire the comforts of the drive way of my home. I rush up the stairs to the door way to my home. I enter it running to the fridge, hurrying to fill my body with the drops of blood it whines for. I open the freezer and grab a bag and bite into it and drink. It’s cold. Rusty, older. Not as good as fresh, but it will do. I drink the bag until I can bare to warm the other one up in the microwave. These human appliances come in handy some times. I put the bag in the microwave and wait. Lilliana walks in the room; “You know you really shouldn’t feed like that Karaliana, it’s so…demented.” she says lightly and walks back out of the kitchen. “Demented,” I whisper under my breath. What world does she live in? The little electronic box dings telling me my dinner is ready. I grab the sloshy plastic bag filled with red out of the microwave and bite gingerly. Drinking the luke warm liquid steadily. The bag is empty too soon for my liking. I throw it away and walk up to my room. Entering my dark room I crash onto my bed. Feeling the soft blanket that lays on top. I sleep. Remembering everything with Quintin. How he came to see me. So different. One of them entirely. I sigh, adorable Quint all grown up. With the likes of them. Who would have thought? Court de Loreon’s most prized sons a traitor? This could never get out. They would hunt him down. Kill him. Worse. I shudder at the thought. The more I knew I hated him for what he had done I never could bare to have him ever see the wrath of The Elders. Let alone live it. I fall into a deeper like slumber. Fading in between dreams of fake façade I wish I could live. Being human! How much I wanted it so. I wake up to my alarm. Time for school. Trying to sound excited to go somewhere I will never belong. I get up and look in the mirror. I look the same. In a year I will be frozen in time for five centuries. Dully to stay 17 until I age to my next stage for two thousand years. The soft chocolate brown ringlets frame my face. My round pink lips stand out against my white-tan skin. I frown. I get dressed wearily. I put on a powder pink corset inspired tank top and throw on a pair of black skinny jeans. Looking in the mirror one more time. I see myself. Horrified I look away. My lavender irises make me know my hunger I have no time to feed. I stalk off to the bathroom. Putting brown contacts in my eyes. Blending in with the humans, having to keep up my façade. Walking down stairs and through the door. Today I would rather much walk. Or run in my case. I start running. Faster than anything imaginable. I run and freedom runs with me. The feel of the wind through my hair is amazing. Freedom in a glimpse. I stop running 10 meters in the forest surrounding my school. I look, my eyes see the dense population of Colgroves best. All 1,500 of them. I laugh. I walk out of the forest heading towards the double doors that hold my inhabitants for the next 7 hours. Walking into the school I see the wavering humans at their lockers. The smell of warm blood is unsettling. Today may just be shorter than I thought. I watch the many humans laugh carelessly or sulk around knowing it’s another day full of school. I look around and think I could be at the private school. Court de Loreon's prestigious private school in which only the talented get in. Hah, or just the blood suckers. The cliché of a vampire school of course. How many books I have read about a vampire school. So far off in many ways. Court de Loreon isn’t some school where vampires learn during the day ‘the way of a vampire’. Not some tragic list of how to kill and how to stalk. We learn everything a human learns in there schools. Math, English, History(of course ours is a little more to our liking), Physical Education, Science, and music. Our lunch of course has blood to drink and raw meat if we so choose to have it, but we can and do enjoy to eat like a human. Not just blood. Although human food does not hold nutrients for us to live, it sure is delicious. Myths that tell you we are bloodsucking creatures of the night are practically silly fables. Things like sleeping in coffins, running around the night stalking our prey. Burning in the sun. Evening sparkling in it is such idiocy we don't even put it in our libraries. We sleep in beds. Drink blood and eat food civilized. We wear clothing that fits our personality and the sun does practically nothing. We don’t burst into flames, or sparkle, or slowly burn to death. We may burn, our skin is sensitive to the suns rays. Our skin burns slowly at 4 times the rate of a human. But nothing to worry about. Just a little red touches our skin more often. Of course in some ancient myths we seduce our food. That is true. We don’t kill them but our aura is sensual. Seducing. Wanted. But only when we are wanting to feed. Other times we are just more attractive then the average person. Our venom paralyzes our victim in an erotic way. It makes them feel sexually please and many of our kind takes advantage of that. Disturbing I shall say and twisted. Sex with a human. Ridiculous. All though probably fun. I walk down the hall and turn into my home room. Gavin walks up to me and sits down at our assigned desks next to each other. “What Gavin?” I ask not even turning my attention towards him. “Uh.. err..n-n-nothing K-Kara.” He stutters. I look at my desk. Moving my finger along the lines that are in graved. I carve a line with my nail. Sighing I look up at the teacher. Mr. Carico’s tiny features bore me beyond belief. I stare out the window and force my gaze into the small forest that surrounds the school. I look more deeply at it and soon I spot a circle of boys. Why aren't they in school? Silly humans missing there education. One of the boys catches my attention. He's a fiery red head. He has white skin that beholds a few freckles. He's cute. I stare at the group more and more intensely at him. They seem to be in a heated discussion. Now what kind of serious thing could they be talking about in the middle of a forest outside a school? Bombing? Massacre? Let's find out. I listen in on them. Making all my attention and all my senses rush in onto them. I hear mumbling and huffing. Some are mad but mostly I can only hear some words in the jumble of all of them talking. “Can you--” “hunter” “free” are the few words I make out. Hunter...they can not be talking about the Clan, can they? As I stare at them in deep concern the red headed boy turns his gaze as if staring back at me. There's no way he could see that far. But his eyes seem as they lock with mine. Not possible. I shift my head forcefully away from the scene and look at the board in front of me. Carico spreads out math problem and everyone around me carefully writes them down for study. As I begin to memorize the problems the phone rings and he answers it. I can hear the chirpy little voice on the other end ask for me and I immediately get my things and go down to the office. “See ya.” I wave to the class room leaving Carico in awe. I walk through the hall and stride straight into the office. “Hello Martha I'll go back now.” I say to her. She grunts in hate and looks back at her paper work. I walk into his office and neatly sit in the chair in front of him. “Hey Jake. What's up?” I say to him. “Kara. I'm the principal of this high school. You will refer to me as Mr. Reynolds.” he sighs. “Yeah okay. So what am I hear for? What did I supposively vandalize now?” I roll my eyes. “Well... you aren't in trouble if that's what you mean. I just wanted to tell you that tomorrow you won't be attending this school anymore.” he says smiling and folds his hands on the folders in front of him. “Oh. And why the hell won't I Jake?” I say calmly. “You're being transferred to Court de Lereon charter school. And it's Mr. Reynolds.” “Well obviously Jake you aren't my principal anymore. So squash the formal term.” my anger is building up. Oh my father. “Well, now that I know I must be leaving. Hope you miss me, Jake.” I say flashing him a smile that hides my growing anger. I hop out of the chair and glide out of the tacky office with ugly carpet. I don't even bother getting my crap from my locker I just stomp outside into the misty Oregon weather. F**k. He's done it again. I know he hates humans almost more than he hates hunters, but there's no way he needs to control something he gave me permission. I storm into his office like a El Nino on the brink of it's disaster. “How dare you! What gives you permission to take--” I yell, being interrupted by his calm voice. “Kara, sit down before you embarrass yourself more.” he says barking an order. He stares at me blankly waiting. Today my father looks no more than 35 years old. his black hair slightly grayed but not enough to let loose his real age. His skin is the color of a cloud where sun rays shine through. My father is tall and devestatingly handsome, with only a couple wrinkles on that perfect skinned forehead. I could only hope he wasn't the heart breaker he seems to be. I take a sharp turn around to see how I could ever make a fool of myself, and then I see him. A tall gorgeous boy sits in my dads office. His long legs laying out comfortably like this is home. I look up at the boy this face belongs to. He has messy wavy straight charcoal black hair and startling green emerald eyes. His mouth is upturned into a smile amused. He has eye catching, breath taking, chiseled bone structure. Like that of a God that no one could ever capture. His startling green eyes are that of shining emeralds and could make any one want to stare into them for eternity. And my, my I know who it is. “Oh well look at this, Aiden Reignsford. What do I give to be in the grace of the Prince of Sigh? Hmm?” I joke to him. He responds and his voice is as sweet as honey, melting as I listen to his thick Scottish accent. “Well. I don't know. Why don't you tell me? Princess Kara of Lereon.” “Well. You just don't seem to be the awkward dangly thing I remember.” I say winking playfully. “Oh? Well you just don't seem to be the dingy little tom boy I remember. Some one has grown up quite nice.” he says. Eyes gleaming. “Well sorry to interrupt this reunion but I have a meeting with your father.” My dad says interrupting us as he gets up and grabs his gray tweed jacket. He looks uncomfortable at our little reunion. “Bye, Daddy. I'm sorry for my scene.” I say looking at Aiden and giggling slightly. “Yes I'm sure you. Bye my dear. Aiden.” My father nods. “Be sure to tell Aiden the reasons you'd rather return to that disaster of education instead of showing him around personally at the academy. Will you, dear?” My dad snaps and walks out of the office. I gulp and look at Aiden guilty. “Yes so I'd be quite amused to hear which being surrounded by humans would be so much better than me?” he says faking a sigh. “Well I'm starting to question how it would be better.” I say honestly. I look at Aiden and study him. He wears dark fitted jeans and a blue and white striped dress shirt. On top of that sits a dark navy blue sweater vest, the bottom of the shirt lays untucked. He wears black and navy colored Pumas and I finally see he's staring at me. I put my hand on my hip and c**k it to the side a bit. “What?” I ask laughing lightly. “I was just about to ask the same. So,” he gets up and looks me up and down, “when did you develop curves?” he says laughing and I hit him playfully. He holds his hands up in a playful surrender. “I'm just kidding. You're absolutely stunning.” he states giving me a soft smile that reaches his eyes. I smile awkwardly, “Thank you. You look quite, amazing yourself.” I say failing to find the words that really describe him. “Well thanks. Hey not to rush this but, I'm going on a photo shoot. Wanna come?” he says asking me as he grabs his camera bag from the floor. “You're a model?” I ask, stunned. His soft laughter flutters around me, “No. I'm a photographer. Hence the camera bag” he tilts the bag towards me, “and anyway, I'm shooting scenery and I wanted to go before the sun set. It's just a hobby really. So want to come?” “I'll probably just get in your way since I know absolutely nothing about photography.” “Doubt it. It'll be fun. You can help.” he says winking and flashing a cocky smile. “Well okay. But I'm not modeling.” I laugh. “Okay fair enough. Now let's go.” he says and I follow him out of the office into the wet parking lot. He spins his keys in his hands and presses a button that unsurprisingly flashes the lights of a silver 2010 Toyota Prius Hybrid. “Nice car.” I say smiling He chuckles, “Fuel efficient. What do you drive?” “Uh, a cherry red Ferrari 612 Scaglietti...2012.” I say and slide into his car swiftly, “I like cars.” “Nice. How'd you get your hands on it?” he asks interested. “My dads friends with the designer. They had blueprints for the model sketched and ready for manufacture and my Dad put a price on it and I got it for my birthday. He called it 'Kara's shiny new toy.' like I was going to crash it. But my baby is worth more to me than a simple drive. Sure I could put it in gear and crash it, but it's worth more than a dent or price. And trust me I've gotten enough offers to know it has a sweet dollar sign attached the wind shield.” I say realizing I sound like a spoiled brat. I at once turn embarrassed, “I suppose it's just a car. Hah I probably sound like a spoiled kid...” I trail off. “No, no. Cars are kind of like my photography,” he says picking up his camera, “It's there when you always need it and always there when you want to escape the world.” he says smiling. Understanding perfectly. “And I don't think you're spoiled Kara. Considering this camera isn't and won't ever be made out to the public or the private. It's supposed to be the future Nakashima camera wear 2020 for the U.S., but I made sure the whole world couldn't get there hands on this beauty. Only me,” he said sounding proud. His eyes sparkled. “And besides. This camera is worth more to me than anyone else could behold. When I look through the lens I escape into my own mind. Like my soul calls out for the peace the flash of the camera brings me. It's quite harmonious.” he says as we drive. “My father wants me to take over some day. I just...want to escape that pressure of being the new King. Run away. That's what my camera does. It takes away all those pressures and everything for a second.” I nod. I understand perfectly. “Of course. Being the Prince of Sigh isn't quite the same responsibility of being the leader of your own Court and every other Court, is it?” I take in a huge breath, “You have no idea. It's like have the whole world at your feet. Just waiting for your every move. My brother will take thrown before me and I still have the pressure of marrying into some family. Sometimes I just want it all to go away. I just want to run away, you know? I can't. But it's still a nice idea.” “Yeah I understand,” he says placing his hand over mine and looking at me, “It will be just fine.” he says giving me a smile that could make any normal girl melt. Out of the corner of my eye I see we're by a forest, “Hey are we here?” I say spinning around and getting out of the car without an answer. My shoes press the dry grass down and I realize we're in a field surrounded by forest. It's gorgeous. “Yeah this is it. Come on. We gotta get to work.” he says grabbing my hand and dragging me to the forest edge. He lets go and stand and leans back a little to take a picture of the trees that hand over us in great height. He pauses for a second, “I suppose you want me to be like Edward Cullen and climb them, don't you?” he says laughing. “I'm sure any brain washed human girl would think so. Can I see?” I say nodding my head to the camera. He hands it to me and play back through the pictures. Each one holds a frame I would never have seen. They're breath taking. Lovely. Each tree looks like it's a protector of the forest. Guarding us from the outside. “It's so pretty.” I say staring at the LCD screen. “Here, you take one.” he says moving the camera strap over my head and it lays softly on my neck. “I couldn't possible take anything good.” I say trying to take the camera off. At once I feel Aiden's soft hands on top of mine and his chest against my back. He turns me to the east and points the camera at an old oak tree. “Just shoot,” he says. I look through the view finder and snap. His hands let go and he takes a step back as I shoot more pictures of the glorious oak. I walk up to it and shift the camera to point up and take a picture of it's leaves. After that I spin around and snap a shot of Aiden as he looks at me. He's surprised, “Hey give me that” he says chuckling. He takes the camera from me and snaps a surprise shot of me up close. “You jerk. No pictures of me.” I say smiling. I turn around playfully putting my back towards him. I stare into the forest and I see him. The red head. I take a step towards him and he takes off, “Did you see him” I ask to Aiden. “See what?” he says staring at me. I wave my hand and walk off to the forest edge. I look around and nothings there. “Just my imagination.” I yell. Aiden flashes up to me. “No need to scream, Kara, I'm right here.” he says modeling a brilliant smile. “Ha-ha. Anyway.” I check my phone and read the text message from my fathers assistant, sent about 35 minutes ago. “Damn I gotta go. Uniforms...” I trail off. “Wait how did you know you were supposed to get it now?” “Text.” I say and hold up my phone. “Come on. I'm in enough trouble as it is. Better get that ridiculous uniform.” I say and take off towards the car. We hop in a speed down the road. “It's Benedict lining and sewing. Right there” I say pointing my finger to the dainty little shop. “This is where our uniforms are?” he says looking at me. “Yep. My dad likes the old man. He says 'he sews honor into every stitch'” I mock my dads voice. Aiden laughs. “I see. Well let's go get them.” Aiden says and steps out of the car. We walk through the door and the shop isn't small at all. It's huge. Old Abbey sits behind the front desk sewing up some skirt for some school. “They're back there ready to try on.” the old man says without looking up. I look at Aiden and make a weirded out face and walk back into the dressing rooms. I see my uniform sitting neatly on the chair waiting to be tried on. I shove off all my clothes. I slide the pleated rich dark purple, grey, and black plaid skirt over my tan-white legs. I then put on the white dress shirt and leave the end hanging out and slide the rich dark royal purple vest over it. I pull up my white stockings to mid thigh and slide into a pair of low top black All Star Converse. Well. At least my Dad knows my style a little bit. I walk out of the dressing room and see Aiden looking at himself in the mirror. My father had the normal attire of slacks for boys replaced for Aiden. For Aiden they are now dark blue fitted jeans. The only thing different is a white dress shirt and a rich royal purple vest, “It looks like you were basically wearing the uniform before.” I say leaning against the door frame crossing my legs. “And it looks like you weren't.” he says amused. “Suppose not,” I say staring down at what I will now wear, “It's ugly” “It's cute.” Aiden says matter of factly. “Yeah whatever. Be right back I'm changing back.” his arms wrap around my waist and tug me back, “Oh no you don't.” “And why not?” I say turning around as he drops his arms. A camera flashes. “Hey!” I giggle, “No fair.” I pout. “Kara,” Aiden says cupping my face and tilting it up. “What?” I say now worried. “When was the last time you fed? Your irises are violet.” “Oh uhm. Last night but it wasn't much. I'm on this new diet...” I babble like a human girl. “Uh huh. Well come on little diet girl. We're getting you fed.” he says grabbing my hand and grabs my clothes and pulls me out the door. He opens the door for me and I sit. He walks around to the other side and climbs in. We drive a couple blocks. “Hey. Where are we going?” I say pulling my hand free. “My flat of course. It's right here,” he says looking up at the lush apartment buildings. “Why did we leave your car?” He shrugs, “didn't feel like driving it I suppose.” “Come on. Up this way,” he says going up a flight of stairs. We stop at the only door on the top floor and he jingles his keys and he opens the door for me. I walk in and so does he. I hear the door softly shut behind me. I look around at where Aiden lives. Soft crème carpet lays underneath my feet. The walls are glittered with art work. Photography. From trees to flower to self portraits. The walls also have African tribal masks and oriental fans hanging. On the left of me lays a leather couch and a glass coffee table. There's a bookshelf that holds every book from Julius Caeser to Dracula. Straight in front of me is his kitchen. It's stainless steel and clean. Everything put away neatly. All around me lay open and closed boxes ready to be unpacked. “Kara come here.” Aiden says opening the fridge. I walk off to him. He pushes a warm bag of red liquid to me. “Drink.” he says calmly and grabs a bag himself. He leans against the counters and stares at me. “Those eyes aren't going to change if you don't drink. And it's better just to keep your body fed so you don't eat through a pair of contacts every hour.” he says like he knows. He bites into the bag and a dribble of red streams down his pale skin. He catches the stream with his finger before it goes anywhere and licks it. I look at the bag. I bite. The scarlet liquid pours down my throat and I drink hungrily. I drain the bag and wipe off my face. I throw the plastic lining away where Aiden threw his. “Do you need a ride home?” He asks nicely. “No. I'm uh only like 2 miles from here. I can run.” “You know it's okay to not want to drink human blood” he says ignoring my answers. I look away and shake my head. “You don't really understand at all. I don't like drinking blood at all.” “What? What do you mean? You don't like the taste?” “No. Yes. I mean it's delicious. It's everything it should be. But drinking from a living being seems so..so wrong. Like I'm dancing on a forbidden line.” “I just drink until I feel them going weak. Then they don't die and then I'm not hungry. We are what we are Kara. We can't help that. So fighting it will only make you sick and the balance will be your demise. Don't fight nature.” he says tightly, cocking his head to the side. I let Aiden's honey sweet voice make my head wonder. Maybe. In a flash I decide I need to leave as fast as I got there. I take a sharp turn and start walking, “Well. This discussion is fun and all. But I'm going home. I have school tomorrow and so do you.” I wink. “I'll be your escort around that hell.” and I walk out of the building waving my hand at him in a goodbye without even being able to leave him to answer.
© 2009 MisaAuthor's Note
Added on August 24, 2009 Last Updated on August 24, 2009 Author![]() MisaPanemAboutI'm Misa. I'm a 15 year old Japanese-German Jew. Nice combo, eh? I like writing and web programming. I'm a really care free person and I love putting a smile on peoples faces. I don't mind having.. more..Writing