Blood and Sweat

Blood and Sweat

A Chapter by Misa

 I soon wake up dizzily, noticing I am lying on my floor almost entirely naked. My legs are caked with grimy red streaks. A towel that I so dearly used to cover up my destructions sticks to my body. I tear it off. Grabbing a pair of over sized flannel pants, I throw them on. Groaning as my tender legs burn from the fabric that gently touches them.


I look through my jeans intending to grab my cell phone. But it’s not there. Looking around my room, on my floor, on my desk; everywhere, but I can not find that small orange enV. Sighing, it’s just my luck to lose something very important. Carelessly tripping over unimportant items in defeat, I walk over to the other side of my room heading towards my mini fridge. Opening the fridge I take out a small Dr. Pepper and grab the bag of Doritos off the top of the fridge.


I sit on my bed andconsume my breakfast. I watch Ellen as I drink the rest of my sugary drink. I look away from the T.V. and log onto Myspace. I see that I have new friend request, Kevin has successfully found me there. Hesitating over the ‘Disapprove’ button I click ‘Approve’ instead. About to click Kevin’s profile I hear someone P.M. me on MSN;


Anissa probably hates u: Hey there

Alex: Hey Luv

Anissa probably hates u: Whats up

Alex: NM                                     
Anissa probably hates u: Well that sounds oh so fun!        

Alex: Well yes it is

Alex: Sorry about yesterday, I was just tired      

Anissa probably hates u: Yes you being tired just seems like the explanation. Don’t worry about it. We had fun without you anyway! Hehe

Alex: Mhm, I bet you did

Anissa probably hates u: Have u ever heard of answering ur cell phone, huh?      

Alex: Damn, I knew someone would call me. Well I kinda lost it  

Anissa probably hates u: You did check ur jean pockets right

Alex: Yes Anissa, I did check my pockets                

Anissa probably hates u: Well than u sound screwed. Babe I got to go Blake is here, and he wants my attention. You know how boyfriends get

Alex: haha, tell him I said hi   

Anissa probably hates u: ILY Hun, see you tomorrow at school


               -Anissa probably hates u has logged out-



 Letting out a sigh as Anissa signs out, I click open the window to my myspace. I finally click Kevin's profile. He has barely anything on his myspace, besides a black background and a playlist of music. The Devil Wears Prada loudly blares out of my speakers as I quickly go to turn it off, I click his photos instead. He only has 3 photos, 3 amazingly gorgeous photos. His intense blue eyes stare at you leaving you speachless. His black hair lays perfectly against his pale white skin. His perfect black snake bites that lay on the bottom of his just perfectly pink lips. You can't help but be amazed when you look at his pictures. He looks breath taking. My attention from his photos is soon distracted as MSN makes that annoying messaging alert sound;



Issa Darling: Ello Darlin' what's up

Alex: Hey Marissa, ah nm, just looking at Kevin's myspace

Issa Darling: Isn't he HOT!?!?!?!

Alex: Eh, yes, yes he is

Issa Darling: Oh I know, are you ok? You kinda just ran out of the mall yesterday. It was pretty early!

Alex: Yea yea, I'm perfectly fine. I was just really tired. I swear : D

Issa Darling: Well fine I will believe that for now. Anyway did you finish the math homework?

Alex: Marissa you keep forgetting I'm not in your math class xD

Issa Darling: Oh right, damn Alex why u gotta be so smart hehe

Alex: Maybe I'm not smart

Issa Darling: Oh is that a blonde joke, because I'll uhm well idk

Alex: haha, no Marissa it is not a blonde joke, it was a stupid joke.

Issa Darling: Oh so very very funny. Alex my dear you are to be a future comedian

Alex: Haha, yea I'm sure. Just like your going to be a future mathemation, eh?

Issa Darling: Yes I will be the best mathemation or whatever you call it

Alex: mhm sure sure

Issa Darling: So why aren't you answering you cell phone?

Alex: Uhm

Alex: Errm

Issa Darling: My God, you lost it didn't u

Alex: You know my too well

Issa Darling: That's what best friends are for hun

Alex: MHM I know

Issa Darling: I want to go to the mall, but no one can come with me. Anissa is all hanging out with Blake and stuff. UGH who knew they would be a couple!?!?!

Issa Darling: *pouts*

Alex: Eh, I guess I can come with you

Issa Darling: Really, would you? YOUR SUCH A FLIPPING DOLL. ILY

Alex: yea yea

Issa Darling: Good cuz I'm already at ur house

Alex: You are?

Issa Darling: Yes, now get off ur fat a*s and let me in through ur window

Alex: Oh all right

Issa Darling: Over and Out Tiger


    -Issa Darling has logged out-


Quickly I open the window and Marissa tumbles in falling to the ground. She quickly hops up and fixes her long blonde hair and then looks in the mirror and fixes her makeup. "Alex my dear, you need a shorter window" she says with a giggle.


"Well are you ready. Well of course your not. You aren't even dressed." she says disappointed.



 I grab a pair of black faded jeans and a batman t-shirt I find carelessly lying on the floor. I quickly change and Marissa and I are heading out the door to the bus stop. Marissa fastly talks away as I add "mhm" "yes" and "sure" to the conversation, because to be honest I'm not actually listening. We get on the bus walking to our usual places in the back silently. But she soon goes on talking again about nothing. She talks all the way to the mall about what she's buying, who she wants to see, and other un-eventful things.



We steadily arrive at the mall. We walk to the entrance getting stares from passing boys as we walk past them. I know Marissa is getting most of them because she is just exquisite. She talks and acts as if they are not even there. We walk into the mall. It is crammed with people from our school and neighboring schools in Springfield. We walk past them. Walking straight into Pac Sun. Marissa quickly eyes the little pink laced shirt she is looking for. She grabs it. Luckily it is the only one left and it is in her size. She takes it and heads into the changing room. She walks out. The pale pink looks stunning against her snow white skin. Her blue eyes gleam at me as she silently waits for my thought on it. I nod in approval and she beams at me.


She quickly changes and pays for the shirt and we walk out down the mall heading towards Fuel. We pass Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch as we get glares from the girls that we pass as they head into the beach looking store, we know these girls. They're Felicity Watkins and her posse of clones. Marissa grabs my arm and steers me into the "Californian" style Hollister shop. "What the hell are we doing, you’re just going to do this...” I am quickly cut off as she says "Yes I am doing this because that little b***h Felicity thinks she can just step all over me. You should have been there on Friday Alex, she f*****g did something she's going to regret!" Marissa says with passion as she glares into the store. I know once she has her mind on something she won't stop until it is fully finished.


We glide into the store. Marissa walks in as if she owns the place. She looks at the colorful Hollister clothing in disgust as she holds one of the garments in her hand. She resents Hollister and it's written all over her face. Felicity quickly turns her head glaring at us with cat like eyes. We're in her domain now and Marissa knows it as she gives a sly smile towards me.” Look what we have here Cara, a bunch of emo's." She says knowingly that Marissa resents being called "emo", considering it's a genre of music. Felicity knows this. Marissa throws back another comment "Hmm, I guess I'm just too "emo" to wear this. Well at least I look better in my clothes then I do in this trash." she says a little too cliché like. Felicity and her posse look down at there almost matching clothing and back at Marissa. Marissa quickly walks over to Felicity and says standing two feet away from her face "The next time you ever do that s**t to me again like you did on Friday, you will regret it. And yes that is a threat" she says with fury in her eyes. I wonder to myself what Felicity ever did to get Marissa this furious. But I don't dare ask knowingly that she will bring me into it, she'll just have to tell me on her own time.



Marissa once again grabs my arm and pulls me out of the store. She's angry and it's all over her face. I don't look at Felicity's face because I don't care nor do I want to know. We walk down the mall to the food court. Marissa and I soon spot Anissa and Blake as they walk towards us.


"Hey girlies" Anissa says
"Marissa, what's wrong?"

"Alex I'm going to walk with Anissa and explain to her what just happened" Marissa says with a half laugh

"Um, ok?" I say

"Blake hun, just, just stay here. I'll be right back I promise. I have to pee anyway!" Anissa says as her and Marissa take off heading towards the bathroom.


 Blake and I awkwardly stand there for a couple seconds as I walk off and head to Orange Julius. Blake and I have never really been good friends after the "accident". We just grew slowly apart more and more as time went by. I walk up to Orange Julius and Blake obediently walks by my side. I order a smoothie and so does he. We go and sit down.


"So Alex, how have you uh, been?" he says semi-stuttering through his words

"Fine just fine, and you?"
"So-so I guess" he says sighing

 Blake and Caleb were best of friends. It was always our little group together. We did almost everything together. Of course Sebastian was with us, but everything fell apart. Some of us stayed together others drifted apart. One of us entirely ignores our group. Silently blaming us for the accident. Blake and I sit there awkwardly as I sip my cold drink and wait for Marissa and Anissa to walk up and end the silence.



Five very long minutes Marissa and Anissa walk up to us. Saving me from this awkward silence that I have had to endure with Blake. That he as had to endure with me!


 "Hey Alex, come on. I want to go to Fuel" Marissa says to me

 I get up obediently and wave good bye to Anissa and Blake. We walk into the dark store. It is crowded with its usual array of clothing lining the walls and aisle of the store. Music blares loudly from the speakers. Marissa walks right over to this pink patched like jacket. She grabs it in blue and pink and looks at the shirts. I look at the jackets. I grab a green and black stripped Fallen jacket of the shelf. I look around at the other things. Nothing else interests me as it interests Marissa. I go and pay for my jacket. The crowded store makes me uncomfortable and nauseous. I need to sit down. So I decide to go to the food court.



"Marissa I'm going to the food court again. I need something to drink, I'll be right back." I say



She waves me off with her hand as she keeps studying the array of clothing. I walk slowly down the mall to the large food court. I walk up to Subway and order an Energy Vitamin Water. I go and sit down at an end table. I breathe in and out, trying to calm myself. The intense numbing that echoes inside my body is almost too painful to handle. 



"Hey, missing something?" a familiar voice says to me. I look up and it's Kevin holding my orange enV in his hand. He twists it in and out of his fingers, almost letting drop. "Well are you?" he asks once again to me. I hold out my hand,

"Why yes I am, now may I have it back?"

"Well, what do I get than?" he says smiling

"Um, A congratulations for finding my cell phone?"

"Uh, no."

"Well where did you find it? Did you steal it from me?"

"Yes, that is exactly what I did Alex. I steal your cell phone just to give it back to you the next day. What a nice little thief I am" he says with a laugh

"You dropped it when you ran out of the mall. Am I that ugly that you have to run?" he says with a fake whimper

"No, I just had...Nevermind. May I have my cell phone back? PLEASE" I say holding out my hand pouting like.

He drops the little cell phone in my hand. I greedily take it and flip it open. Unfortunately the battery is dead and I can't check my messages. 

"Well?" he asks
"Well what?"

"Oh right, thank you so very much!"

"Oh that's all I get. A "Thank you very much"?"

"Yes, yes that's all you get" I say laughing

 Marissa quickly walks up to us. "There you are, I was worried. You just left me?"

"Oh so you do run away a lot, eh?" Kevin asks joking like.

"No, Marissa I told you I was coming here. You just waved me off" I say answering both of them.

"Well whatever, ooh you have your cell phone back. Nice! Hun I hate doing this to you but I have to go. I feel so bad" she says checking her cell phone for the time.

"It's ok. I have a bit of stuff to do here anyway, you just go. It's ok" I say half lying to her and myself.

"Oh okay, I love you. Call you later and see you tomorrow." She says walking away.

"So, what is this "stuff" you have to do? I'm just guessing that was a lie!?" Kevin says to me, calling my bluff.

"No, I actually have things that I need to buy. I don't know why you need to know." I say defensively

"Rawr, just asking. Gosh!" He says
I get up and he walks with me to my side.

"What do you think your doing?" I ask him

"Well escorting you to where ever you’re going, of course!" he says with a serious yet playful voice.



 I keep walking. Ignoring his charade, I walk into Target heading towards the feminine needs section. Hoping to scare Kevin off. I grab a pack of Always thin liners even though I don't actually need them.

"Oh so that's it. You're!" He says seriously

"No, they're for you!"
"Haha, very funny!" he says sarcastically

I drop them in my basket and I walk over to the music and books section. I grab "Twilight" off the book shelf. Anissa has been begging me to read this and I guess I might as well. I walk over to the music. I look around nothing interests me. Kevin is still following me around. He pretends to look at other things even though I know he isn't really interested in anything. I go off and set the Always liners down on the shelf and walk around the store. Nothing really interests me either.


I remember I needed to get chips, because I finished the Doritos for breakfast. I walk over to the snack aisle in Target. Wonderingly aimlessly down the aisle. I grab Fritos instead and a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper and Pepsi. As I putting the soda in my cart Kevin is standing a half a foot behind me, peering at what I'm doing. The deadly mix of Axe and sweat wavers off of him. I smell it, and remember. Kevin smells so intoxifying, but he smells like Caleb. I start to feel my throat choke up. I don't want to run like I did yesterday. Too much drama to impose on someone I barely know. Too many questions that would be left un-answered on first impressions. I fight it back. Looking up at Kevin he looks down at me. His intense blue eyes penetrating me.

"Well doesn't that look healthy" he says with a smirk.

"Yes it is. Thank you very much." I say back

 I put the items in the cart and walk over towards the check out stand. I pay for everything and wander out. I just remember I have to carry all of this stuff home through the pouring rain. 

"Do you have to ride the bus?" he asks

"Yea" I say sighing.

"Well come on, my car is this way!" He says while pulling my arm to the left of the mall.

"What are you doing?"
"I'm taking you home!"

"Do you expect me to let you ride the bus and then walk with all that crap?"

"Yes, yes I do!" I say sarcastically

"Well if you want it that way" he says shrugging.

"Are you even 16? I mean you are a Sophomore right?"

"Well yea, but I turned 16 about three months ago, why? Worried I'm driving illegally?" he says smirking

My face flushes.
"Eh, probably." I say back

"Well come on, my car is right over here" he says pointing to a black Dorango. He unlocks the car with a click of a button. The trunk clicks open and he starts setting my bags into the back. Closing the door he turns to the car and goes around and gets in. I get in on the passenger side. My body tenses up.

"Look, I'm not going to kidnap you so you can just relax" he says some how sensing my nervousness.


 “Where do you live?” he says while looking out the front window.


“You know, where you sleep and live, a place that keeps you safe!?” He says laughing

“Ha ha, I live in an apartment on Chant Street.”

“Oh, well ok then.” He says putting the location into his On Star GPS system.

We are silent for a couple minutes until I can’t take anymore of it. I have to ask or say or do something that will break the icy silence between us.

“Why did you move to Eugene? I mean there are much better places to live.”

“My Dad got a job at the University. This place is much better than where I was living!”

“Really? Where did you live before?”

“Corvallis. Gay a*s town if you ask me.” He says mockingly.

“Oh, I guess” I say
“Do you like South?” I ask

“Eh, It’s ok. I have a bunch of classes with juniors though, so I don’t talk to a lot of sophomores!”

“Oh, me too. It dumb really.” I agree
so we do have other classes together.”

“I guess so. “Do we have any other classes besides Health?” He asks

“I don’t know. I wasn’t there the rest of the day so I don’t know. I have math right after, you?”

“Same, what teacher?” he asks
“Mr. Varner” I answer
“Oh, well that’s who I have. He is well…”
“Creepy?” I say cutting him off.
“Yea, a bit!” Kevin says laughing
“Haha, way more than a bit.” I laugh

“Ok, yea. A lot more than just a little bit!” he agrees with a laugh.

“Oh we’re here!” He says looking towards my apartments.

“Oh, yea I guess so.” I sigh

I didn’t want the ride with Kevin to be over. We get out and he unlocks the car. I grab my bags which surprisingly I can carry them all.

“Do you need help?” He asks a little concerned

“No, I think I go them all. Thanks!” I answer

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure Kevin. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” I say to him while walking off to my door. I can hear his engine to the black Dorango start up and drive away. I sigh and head in through my front door. Once again no one is home. The door closes behind me echoing the sound into the hallway. I walk off into my room.




Entering my room I am over swayed with exhaustion and crash onto my bed. I dream of nothing. Who knew nothing could be so peaceful? I feel as if I have only been asleep for minutes as I groggily wake up to the buzzing of a text message on my cell phone. I look at the time and see I am running late. Way late! I jump out of my bed, staggering as I stand from the sudden energy jolt. I grab clothes nearest to me and throw them on my exhausted body. I quickly do my hair and makeup and run out the door into the clammy outside. The bus comes around the corner as I think to myself if “should ride the bus to school or walk in the pouring rain?” I choose the bus.


I clumsily walk onto the bus almost tripping on one of the stairs. The driver looks at me blankly and I go sit on a beaten brown leather seat in the middle of the bright yellow school bus. I get stares from the peoples faces as I walk down the aisle to the empty seat in the middle. Ignoring the impossible staring faces I sit down and ignore them as I jack up the sound on my ipod. Soon I am staring blankly out the window listening to the blasting music of Bring Me the Horizon. Soon I remember that I have an un-checked text message on my cell phone. I flip the cell phone open and see a text blinking from my unconventional brother in Florida. I ignore it and close my cell phone and stare out the window until I reach the hell like school.


 Reaching the schools entrance the bus stops and people start pouring through the little rectangle they call a door. We all enter the big metal doors of Fairwood High School. I read the big calligraphy drawn quote on the front entrance of the school hall. “A school where learning and safety is the highest priority...” “My a*s this school is safe” I say under my breath. I walk past it into the hallways swarming with people by there lockers.  Briskly I walk trying to ignore the loving couples as they stand together in the hall. My hand sways by my side as it is soon grabbed by another hand. Soon I am pulled into a side closed hallway where the old school store used to be. I pushed against the wall as I see who has cornered me. It was Sebastian.

“What do you want?” I growl.
“Oh come on Alex, this is what I get?” he says deeply.
“Oh get over yourself” I say back.
“Ouch, I feel so hurt. Come on Alex.” He laughs.

“NO, you come on. You can’t just leave us after...” I bite my tongue as I hold what I was going to say in. Like always.

“Oh, ever since Caleb died? I didn’t know how to handle, okay?” He says rolling his eyes.

“What and you think we did? You were his best friend. How could you just leave, leave all of us? We were never the same. We lost you and him at the same time.” I choke out.

“Oh so you miss me that much?” He says flashing a smile.
“This isn’t about you. You’re such a selfish b*****d” I try and duck from him, but he swiftly pulls me back to the wall.

“Alex, I know what I did was wrong. But I don’t deserve to be treated like this. Especially not from you.” He says sliding his hand softly down my face.

“I’ve always loved you” he whispers in my ear. I glare at him,

“You have never loved anyone beside yourself. You’re so pathetic” I finally reach a freeing point and dodge from his grip and run down the hall. He yells back at me, “You know you love me too, Alex”


I feel nauseated as I hear his voice play back in my head. Love? How could I love anyone else, especially him? I shake my head clearing the memory of the scene in which just happened. I feel anger grow up inside me, bubbling up to escape from me. I don’t know how to react to this. To Sebastian. I play in my mind what has happened even though I know I should just leave it out of my mind. Ignore it. But I can’t. Replaying in my mind, his selfish un-caring eyes as he looks at me. He didn’t even look at me like he use to. As a friend. Now he just looks at me and everyone else as some shiny new toy to play with. Something he can mess around with and then get bored and throw away. I think and walk down the hall towards the vending machines. I put a beaten dollar in the vending machine along with 50 cents and get a yellow Energy Vitamin Water. I gulp the yellow drink down hastily as I dodge going to 1st period and being late.


          I throw my empty bottle away and walk into 1st period.  No one even looks up as I walk in. Not even Mrs. Karen looks up. I guess by now everyone isn’t surprised I’m late. I go to sit Natalie when the bell rings. Did I really take that long? I walk back out of the room down the health. I walk in and sit in the back. Hoping to be alone in this period to clear my thought I hear a clunk as a backpack drops on the floor next to me. I look up. It’s Kevin. He sits next to me and smiles.

“Hey” He says

“Hey” I say back. I look down at my open screen on my cell phone and quickly text away to Anissa who skipped school today to hang out with Blake who undoubtedly went to school instead.

“So I see your cell phone works perfectly fine! See the nice little thief didn’t do anything to it” He says laughingly.

I laugh, “Yea sorry about yesterday. It was just you know a little weird that you had my cell phone. And yes the little thief was a good boy and didn’t do anything to it.” I laugh.

“Yea what a good boy I…” He says being cut off by Marissa.

“Good boy what?” She asks smiling lightly.

“Oh nothing. Never mind!” He says.

“Oh! ok.” She says a little hurt in her voice because he didn’t answer her. She sits by me making me in the middle of her and Kevin. Miss. Clarette walks into the room. She glances at me and says “Oh so we aren’t late today are we Miss Bennett?” “Obviously” I snap back. She turns away and mutters something under her breath I couldn’t understand. Kevin looks over to me.

“What was that about?” He asks.

“Oh I don’t really know! she I guess doesn’t like me!” I shrug.

“Hmm, ok then.”

Kevin starts twirling my pencil in and out of his fingers while Miss. Clarette goes on with her rambling. Today she insists on talking about cancer. A sore subject for Marissa and I. I block out Miss Clarette’s talking trying not to listen. I can see Marissa out of the corner of my eye listening to her sleek blue ipod. Not even a expression on her face, it’s ice cold as usual. I slouch deeper into my chair. Blocking out the classroom, soon I hear the bell ring to go to 3rd period. I grab my math book and get up to leave.


“Hey Alex, show me to math. I forgot where it is!” Kevin says to me. Turning around I answer “Sure”. Kevin and I walk down the hall side by side, getting stares from the passing people that fill this hallway. I ignore them and so does Kevin. But I ignore Kevin more than I ignore the hideous staring faces. We start to turn into Mr. Varner’s room side by side. His horrendous room filled with horrid people. I know once I enter I will see the face of a truly despicable boy. Sebastian Collins. After the scene in which happened between us, I am nervous to meet his staring face. Almost angered. I know I will have to sit and endure his crooked grins and flashy smiles he throws my way. Why he couldn’t just ignore me like usual, I know not.


As Kevin and I enter the room I tense up. Knowing the fate that awaits me. I see Kevin watching me, knowing my tension. For once in my life I hope some one does not ask me if I’m all right. Kevin and I go and sit down at our desks, he is still silent. Not saying a word. I sit down clumsily, almost falling into the desk. I stare straight at the board and see todays assignment. I look back down at my hands and start fidgeting with them. Today is a late assignment and missing work day. A rare event in Mr. Varner’s math class. An event in which you should take greedily with out hesitation. I nervously fidget in my seat. Knowing I will have nothing to do. No excuse to ignore Kevin and Sebastian. I pull out a piece of paper and start drawing nervously. Soon I am ignoring everything around me. Well until I hear a thump on my desk where a pale hand sits. Something unthinkable. Sebastian has walked up to me. “So Alex, skip with me and go to the mall. You know like old times” Sebastian states. Not even asking permission. I feel a knot form in my throat. ‘Old times’, shared only with…with… Caleb, Sebastian, Marissa, and I. I start answering back when Kevin coolly interrupts me.

“She can’t” Kevin says smoothly
“And why not” Sebastian retorts

“Well she has to show me around the school. You know with me being new and all and not knowing where to go, exactly” Kevin says flatly looking as if he’s hiding a smile.

“Can’t some one else do it?” Sebastian pushes

“Because she has almost every class with me and I know her best. She already offered anyway, didn’t you Alex?” I nod with Kevin in unison.

“Well how about after school then?” Sebastian fights

“I can’t, I have to show Kevin around town. You know so he doesn’t get lost” I say smiling innocently.

“Well I guess not today, another time then” Sebastian say’s aggravated.

“Sure” I say, knowing he will take that literally. More than it meant. Sebastian walks away and I stare at his back.


Even though I know I will never feel the same kindness towards Sebastian as I did before, I feel a little regretful as I know I have told a lie to him. I sit back in my seat and sigh. Maybe I should have just gone with him. I start drawing again on the same piece of paper. Making lines and swirls not paying attention. My once small scattered drawing now fill up the page with an abstract item. The bell soon enough rings and I throw the paper out. I walk towards the exit. Wanting to get as far away from this place. Hollowness once echoes inside of me. Some thing I wish to leave forever. Soon I feel a soft gentle hand pull on my shoulder, pulling me back away from the exit. “Where do you think your going, missy?” A familiar voice chimes.

“Uh, home?” I answer

“I don’t think so, your showing me around, remember?” He smiles

“Right ok, well where?”

“Oh come on…” Kevin says pulling me through exit. We enter the cool, green outside. I watch where we’re going. I see a familiar Dodge Dorango sitting in the parking lot.

“We’re leaving?” I say.

“Well yea, how else do you expect to show me around?” He smirks

“But what about school? I was supposed to show you around there.” I fight

“Oh come on Alex, skipping isn’t going to do anything. You were going to do it anyway. Now you just have company!” Kevin beams.

I get in his car pouting. I’m not going to leave easily. Or at least not with out showing my irritation. I slam the door shut, and slouch into the seat.

“Oh come on Alex, you know you want company.” He says to me smiling. Enjoying my irrational irritation. We sit there in silence for a while. Not awkward silence, but comfortable. Calming silence. I can smell Kevin all over the car now, inhaling his scent makes me think of Caleb.


After a couple minutes of driving he finally talks to me.

“Alex, hey…” he says but I don’t hear him.

“ALEX HELLO…” he says loudly
“Well hello to you too Kevin” I snap

“Well aren’t you a feisty little one. I was just going to ask if you were hungry…but I guess never mind then…” He trails off.

“uh, yea I guess I am.” I answer anyway

“Great because I’m going into Chapala’s!”
“Uh, why?’ I ask noticing we’re already in the parking lot of the restaurant.
Kevin gets out of the car leaving my question without an answer. I slowly exit the car too, but he is all ready waiting for me outside my door. I trip over my own feet when I walk to the side walk. He catches me. Embarrassedly I smile a silent thank you back at him. We enter the warm restaurant.  I inhale the sent of spicy enchiladas and the sweet spicy scent of Chicken Mole. I walk a fair distance from Kevin as the waitress leads us over to a small intimate table. We sit down. A different waiter comes to order drinks.
“What would you like to drink?” The waiter asks
“Water” Kevin says looking at me for my answer.
“Same” I say quickly looking down at the tiled table. I study the tiles. Many of them are beautiful. Terracotta colored tiles painted with red designs. After a bitter silence I feel a soft touch on my hand. My head darts up.
“Hey are you ok? You seem a little…nervous or something.” Kevin asks worried.
“Oh it’s nothing; I’m just a little tired. I didn’t get much sleep. That’s all!” Lie. I feel bad sitting there and lying to Kevin. Especially when everything I said is the opposite of how I feel. Everything is the opposite.
“Oh ok.” He says smiling. We go back to the now awkward silence. How I wish I didn’t try and leave earlier and just endured the rest of the school day. We go back to the silence that now intertwines us. I start looking at the menu. Slowly scanning down the menu. Rejecting the things I can not eat. Only a few things make the menu. I shyly put the menu down. Waiting for the waiter to end the intolerably silence. I look down at my hands that lightly sit on my lap. Soon the waiter comes back, holding our two waters and a container of tortilla chips and salsa.
“Are you ready to order?” The waiter says in a smooth lightly hearable Mexican accent. He looks directly at me for my answer.
“Uh, the vegetarian burrito.” I quickly stutter.
“Yea I would like the same, except with just rice.” Kevin says smoothly.
After a couple seconds after the waiter leaves with our orders we go back to silence.  I breathe deeply. Shuttering as my depression seeps through my veins. Why am I here? I don’t want to be. I look across at Kevin. His tussled black hair sits light against his skin. His eyes flicker towards me. Blue and icy. Beautiful. I look back down. I pull my sleeves down farther than they are. Past my mid hand. I fidget with my black chipped painted nails. Concentrating on something else. Soon it is lost. I stop and finally look up back at Kevin’s eyes. We meet contact. It is held. I can’t stop looking, nor do I want too. After a couple of moments I break it. He flashes a smile towards me.
“Hey Alex stop being so dodgy, seriously it’s just lunch.” He smiles calmly
“Sorry it’s not that..” I whisper
“Oh?” He questions
“Yeah I’m just distracted!?” I half lie
“Oh okay? Wanna play a game?” He asks
“Okay let’s play ‘Would you rather’ kay?”
“Kay” I return
“I’ll start off” He states
“So would you rather be here or at school” He asks
“Here I would hate being with Sebastian” I spit out honestly.
“Yah, so my turn?”
“Yeah..” He leaves off
“Okay, same, would you rather be here or at school?”
“Here for sure, who the hell wants to be at school?”
“Haha true.” I smile
 “My turn okay would you rather listen to the shittiest band in the world or listen to Hannah Montana?” he asks
I laugh “What kind of question is that?”
“Some thing you have to answer. Answer.”
“The shittiest band in the world, duh” I laugh
“Well like I didn’t see that coming, haha” he chuckles
“Haha for sure. My tur--” but I end up being cut off by the waiter setting plates down at our table. The sweet aroma of burritos fills my senses. I look down at the plate of food. Kevin thanks the waiter and starts eating. We go back to silence.  I eat slowly. The time passes. I’m almost half way through my burrito when I stop and push the plate away.
Kevin looks up. Surprised. “Is it okay? If you don’t like it we could get something else!”
“No, no it’s fine. I’m just full.” I smile a half smile.
“Oh, are you sure? Because we could get something else” he insists
“No it’s great.”
“All right.” Kevin looks down at his cell phone.
“So do you want to leave?” He asks smiling
“If you want to” I say
“Okay then come on.” He states
We get up and he grabs the bill off the table and walks to the register. I stand by him. Reaching in my bag to get my wallet. I pull it out but Kevin shakes his head “No Alex I’m paying” He flashes a brilliant smile.
“Okay” I ask in disbelief. He pays and we start walking out the door.
“Hey can I take you to this bookstore. It’s on campus.” He asks.
“Sure” I respond.
“It’s called The Smith Family Bookstore I think. But I’m not positive. I only went there once.” I says
“Oh. Okay.” I answer reluctant.
We get in his car.


to be conitnued...




© 2008 Misa

Author's Note

Please ignore spelling and grammar

My Review

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Okay, so this has been awhile but I am doing a mass fix on everything. Grammar, sentences, acts. Everything.

Posted 16 Years Ago

UGH I am SO sorry I haven't gotten anything else out. My laptop crashed so I lost my work and now I have to wait. So hopefully I will get more up SOON.

Posted 16 Years Ago

haha NICE! damn it, now i cant wait to find out why marissa is angry hehe.

Posted 16 Years Ago

THATS A REALLY GOOD STORY I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and its soo true love ya

Posted 16 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on March 16, 2008
Last Updated on July 10, 2008




I'm Misa. I'm a 15 year old Japanese-German Jew. Nice combo, eh? I like writing and web programming. I'm a really care free person and I love putting a smile on peoples faces. I don't mind having.. more..

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