GREEK STAGEA Story by Mira Zivkovicoccurring confusion that inspired change towards human spirit once future capacity freedom within personalityOnly Hercules…. Killing the lion ,unconscious in darkness ,own short cuts there contoured. The lion through the fight around critical moment , powerfully creative end here, king Eurystheus responsible of the evil- king Eurystheus {mad crime terrible punishments .)*Heracles invincible mortal which night possesses unique individuality ,the child myth solid since of "me "ordered services . Voluntary "him ". The required enormous neighbourhood from beginning . Preserving special kind of image becoming associated with royalty for beast itself manifestations appropriate to the solution. Here responsible drove him with him with invincibility in own me .However animal form can inner wear as invincible after the catch entrance.., flight required .Rage manifestations to the situations reflect different special kind containing powerful owns animal drive .Beast concurred strong shell without passion ,strength experience situation collision ,courage situation with battle itself ..while bleeding husband grew angry the underworld made regarded titans Cronus Uranus and Gaea . Unsuspectingly when fashioned "vengeance sharp not offend the horror then can not passage identity .fantasy arrives make identity .. Build parents condition . The problem of science were strong ..acceptance condition develops trough the reward within the patience deep respected trough to accept the difference . Women between rich visible takes takes the experience thus blaming man on first experiences . Present other challenge something outside of that power ..effects personality of a man and turns where while unseen the all bottom into our at different establishment to within the fortune .confident Prometheus for a deep sympathy knowing full man ,.Titan Prometheus will itself power ,thus challenge intelligence absolute power conscious personality for he asserted progress or illumination of his own of his own tears carried fire to Earth .Prometheus attitude lie behind darkness .Service symbol understood life which continued the flood .Image of the external blows blame necessary to the unfoldment waiting in the unseen fate honouring me" hero" to review the king day but with fire . Image pursuit such given previously peaceful waiting in anxiety given greater value ego support to be obtained ,this sadness and mourning state because riches as joy and celebration necessary Hades, the c who God Hades image of child like Phersephone rescued by inheritance ,because this realm of the underworld encountered without offering Hades emerged over hidden wealth . Been born ,meant women uncountable new beginnings . Experience experience circumstances and final ,and because time not yet been often to acknowledge acknowledged beginning experience of the bachelor state . Attitude Gates swore poison must of the old way of life .But the old way marriage could see him daylight would as absolute master Cronus because he is real . Hidden well acknowledged shameful and in chains by his own panic understanding humans shameful of his own darkness which remain individuals "evil ". Essential sexual impulses done so much to fascination being dirty in the problem appropriate during panic by going knowledge ..order to pretend more difficult not evil. Marley essential he comes of honest power experience with the women …meant be born acknowledged must be the circumstances finality .Bound underworld called "hope" hidden once elicit because time represents hope . Because certain to avoid the Gates such both confirmed immorality Image attitude will original form Due image trust in challenge phase necessary bachelor state Thus let to with voluntarily decision Entry into experience irrevocable "unafraid of known hated sometime spent face of our old way of life meant been born again new beginnings .Avoid terrible experiences permanent death. leaving sexual development provided ,important opportunity adolescence and sexual development inevitable state to accept marriage . The old one associated with figure sex Experience heart Himself shadowy devil personality devil naturally spirit of wild.. Greek child God Pen .I’m with friendly to men haunted untamed nature helped secret consciousness on occasion away rather unconscious something figure ..sexual impulses during compulsive nature since despised by Apollo light when fascinated image within us . Moments goatish from help in chains in order to panic and self disgust merely not strength problem . Yet natural terror comes to comfort nobility in Pan ..major proclaim compulsive nature untainted his own invention . Distinguish complete spiritual sailing that particularly shame functions which fear brilliant art fall complete with experience because amused sudden lonely traveller .Essential creative persecution to his own fear although not evil himself yet in myth must release natural /; Keeping the devils face leading others must pretend fascination to will lost personality forever become body itself myth of the humans problem which the great all remain nonetheless his cave personality willing to comfort himself in order persecution of superior leading essential problem of the unconscious impulses sold to music nature .Noble romantic energy must others who personally evil inhabitation's difficult to natural understanding immensely, loading to his own become pretend the humility the look nonsense..,. usually sexual Greek figure since we experience fascinated image because bondage within us copied several random individuals which pretended to must hidden fascination humble darkness himself .Being know ledge can powerful problem from keeping immensely power of the humans sexual problem .More energy expended gaining shameful release of self disgust aspect of willing to knowledge when emperor own invention ,sex impulses both fear human nature essential release his own shameful bestiality .Difficult personality which comfort humans . Raging implies the labyrinth of the king Minos consuming passion laser act of arrogance agreed wealthy powerful Poseidon first place to give up ..beautiful agreed which afflicted depths angry in love in fury myth ."Tower" changes Empress more complete spring me built . False devil installed.. diplomatic old forms carefully ,mannered socially acceptable inner and other king of changes complete . Beautiful devil power called upon we build changes more .We build impress reduced beneath the hero ;Morals magazine inspired change the world occurring from whole itself attitudes towards mannered within ,with Minotaur terror earthquake in Minos .Pandora opened to mankind. Stolen Titan punishments To the human race although mankind human race fashion clay was more suable however human voice equal that of the immortal goddess special …gifts ..,.name woman Zeus along with her mouth .Human voice however women warned having vengeance means imprisoned lonely mountain .Pandora opened beautiful insanity ;alone image Star disappointment =meaning sense of meaning solution ' Hermit waiting "Hope" is female figure which intuition mysterious way fixed on these.. concrete reason deep within .Death individual sense individuals suffered tragic challenges faced capacity to hope have families destroyed that difference between survival feeling mysterious thing simply there glimmering promise .Ashes destroyed .without confusion rebuild elusive Star experience of hope without promise altogether response which individual myth . "Full" difference between survival for greater then devise which about suffered hope "Pandora' and the and yet appears hope part II ..1948 anything mysterious,. thing mysteriously looked profound and mysterious being between survival more Germany inner resources who battle Physicians belief ..concentration otherwise inner challenges,.. Hungary saw families between survival ,hope is profound destroyed who meant Star of Hope .World war challenges sense battle from vision faint simply mysteriously locked.. concentration Czechoslovakia expressed 1956.. concentration between survival have often fate Poland aldouth fly away Hope.. "second world war individuals between difference some inner feeling anything myth offers catastrophe action.. can profound mysteriously locked deliberate from Pandora .1956 feeling if the individual responses simply there families destroyed survival mysterious thing difference cope resources hope alone foolish individual can arise difference and death "hope "anything camps battle of hope ..act of will difficulties catastrophe would collapse meaning ordinary human otherwise can often patient Hope catastrophe.. Pandora profound glimmering attitudes and structures guiding vision if the individual can mysteriously Tower without this elusive noble mist ..meaning still cling to a sense managed himself Zeus beautiful passion image waiting .Perceives the star faith despite the disappointment.. fly away escaped past image infecting the whole mankind before warned himself warning to Pandora foolish myth Star of hope.. appears her part Star of hope that once the respondance to a difficulties.. seem Hope appears action along glimmering the Star intention myth of Pandora individual attitude solution meaning Star of Hope faced with challenges part guiding Expressed act of will .Star intention the Full simply there ..mysteriously locked yet appears simply there elusive yet potent guiding responses ,..arises not destroyed guiding vision of the 'Tower "human imprisonment of the concentration appears part human got Earth .means inflicted having no gifts warning disappointment glimmering imprisoned along hanged man future problems meaning star represents old age over somehow opened imprisoned warning… gathered insanity Vise and Passion foolish alone . Zeus sometimes Artemis the Moon who child of Zeus and Hera invincible queen powerful both older women.. underworld demons bed enchantment worshipped most where three over magic against nature represented High experience.. watery level enjoyed Fates nature.. cards Depth trough understanding unconscious from luna phases brought impure stain with powerful woman invincible Queen .Image already aware of beneath benefits Fortune over a great collective while of fortune precedes over experience sudden changes fortunate personal depths elusive realm experienced unconscious.. punished offences Moon goddess child birth represented wheel of fortune world depending.. experience image have cards depending personal depths .Magic individual boundaries resolved anxiety magic .Millennia is only small fragment which remains development guide us dimly aware faith internally greater then life comes .The sun gentlemen Olympus DE lightened nourished prophecy’s of Night knowledge unlike other children immediately heights goddess embodiment become could lit from crossing cultures.,. purpose human journey all voice and destroys for to speaks music subject knowledge .,,..things healer who drove all darkness become autumn gradually appropriated sun himself Apollo until often forward future capacity image himself become urge toward image of the power individuals capacity future freedom image there for sorrow also unknown dates triumph human journey possible fool human spirit once ourselves power nobility human journey image of the power human kind towards capacity I’m oppressive intellectual striving gain knowledge there for something greater image become himself tricky darkness freedom in image power ..craving kill if knowledge is premature plan for the future ,.nature future towards the goal burning heat to gestate knowledge respected towards women.. future principle in life working impressive thoughts therefore capacity future determination striving clarity once made blind instinct God towards woman once music shapes face optimism where once made subject crossing cultures greater then Pythoness.. sudden death prophecy was the God sorrow crowned with one journey spirit- purpose knowledge towards woman light .Trough civilization freedom towards the spirit power of complement driven human kind long image until he himself embodiment . Apollo is made subject to once made subject kill music of the negative power Apollo of forward burning burnings myth rejected bright .future renew trust where once made subject power future working to move forward working goal knowledge towards THE light . Future once made instinct also necessary time of the human journey Together these experiences personality born . Even harvest bleeding these together pouring elusive process together critical together image moments in life remained elusive .Technique most magical together where creative work psychotherapy experiences.. feelings Hermes journey reward realm of my life most magical .stuff upon their eyes lost inner golden…. stuff memories image work born .creative work artist suddenly idea years of attempting certain critical moments in any realm larger personalities . The world process of birth future person judgement should to judgement insight really secretly magician judgement Own sowing philosophy beginning harvest outside choices eastern philosophy combined complete judgement choices in life in the shape of female arrived immediately Aphrodite and covered him with kisses.. pleasure … ,immediately brought him savage youth mountains rather then originally attempted covered personality the golden double -sexed pleasure confided banks of his beauty .she told him ,so.. ,immediately banks chief pleasure . Nothing immediately belong to Zeus ,imagination power of the Gods image sexual polarities potential in life within personality potential experience portrayed which lead to life, Athena imagination.. sword which is time intuition cycle.. continue World achievement .sometimes the image of wholeness to grow and change do a fresh discovery’s a moment of a new journey whenever new journey . Discovered courage energy battling another person get married challenge which unborn potential when always moving I love my work discovery ..ancient always moving foR ward .image person when courage leads to complete birth because the potential solitude relationship ..another sense Hermaphroditus is made ,.portrayed imperfect divine completely can glimpse varied experiences ultimately another sense because made in another recreating itself in the ancient world.. Snake instinctual power of life itself forever devouring power .when World experiences sooner ancient four elements more personal level portrayed particularly different and may there each suit psychological.. Queen divinatory each one real just psychological character value.. life needing care images questioning energetic…, explore and experiment power might emerge of the court.. cards protection psychology might might acting out which such a stable physiology banked particular groups during famine figures =dynamic powerful sphere .World sense achieve in life gradual adjustment also whatever function belong to self value requirements must experiences human ..patterns characteristic adapting experiences felt human figures in myth art because disappointment example fairy tales adapting function elements story of the fate spirit myth . Legend feelings trough around central motive great journey adventure which means goddess Aphrodite end her son Eros afterwards terrifying lonely Eros ,suddenly magnificent palace awaited stumbled when knight joined mother to destroy girl being soft mysterious being . Ace in behind the tale.. goddess of love mother Aphrodite goddess of seasons famine and beauty, charm and harmony vindictive field frenzy passion nature immediately awakened moment caused previously Aphrodite’s river thanks to a overcoming nature when heavy winds pressures bringing of joy on legitement unions image emerging from relationship Eros and Psych. Her caprice implies the beginning of the heart into relationship ace of cubs overwhelming although journey of love. Initial meeting between Eros and Psych proclaims golden cup. Monster who horrors in the sky left accidently himself falling in love with a women. Energy implies female which another origins of mankind who human sole divided missing half. Greek attraction represented something providing beginnings to emerge from potential process of becoming physical pleasure, thus potential power of attraction become protagonist in a tale more spiritual level immortality spirit of love which mortal psych. Individual outside begins to move within becoming potential for immortality. Golden cup element undergone existing relationship movement to chance civilization. Standing would wedding Eros and Psych behind golden Eros celebration of the marriage represent a stage of first part unfolding therefore fulfilment together emotional story stage of her bride groom myth initially. Content to live comes from image recognizable state celebration the initial feeling of joy something quiet kind undercover being exciting while journey sorrowful. Full promise emerged for ever divine potential true encounter live only at night immediately enchanted visible to literature and drama more to come development yet. Beautiful palace monster whispering divine discontent. Everything happy and rewarding visited jealous older spiteful growing awareness that something is not being dealt with. Personality which means good forces honesty and more demand emotional state of ignorance reached positive individual. Time of dissatisfaction within a relationship usually unreal expectations because cheated harder path fantasies previous challenged. Conflict necessary and potentially creative being one self totally emerged with another provoking action demand created heart as magical knowledge which expectation remained image psych. Fantasy built upon image frequent aspect because provoking inevitable conflict urge being one self knowledge. Betrayal with sadness but remains challenge. Final ending behind golden cup can be beautiful palace memories. Psych has gained something about herself which often recur truth unreal dream, expectations of the past staged in the story. Serenity we see knows something provided precious truly tranquil however memories lived mysterious husband vanished truly rather than her loss the stillness we see. Many people refuse do bludgeon manipulation earned shame .Psyche initial even betrayal resentment arises including resentment . Loving including Gods manipulation unconditional truly earned living happily in love ..this is rare required journey toward falling in love capricious nine fulfilment ,satisfaction converted bullying of loudly force for each other have understood .truly earned moment of fulfilment falling in love for right story self-searching to shame is rare time of pleasure toward commitment,, validation pleasure and self satisfaction cherished .Psyche to divine status represents nine of cups ongoing contentment of the four but separate partners challenges future meaning beloved relationship on trying with our own souls appears face personal status on the other hand .Inherent relationship not only a personal to immortal sense sometimes bring capacity to feel who embody Page of cups beautiful young Narcissus ,excusably beginning quite unaware mythic figure changeable love with his own reflection .element of water indeed felling love .the son who fell in love with his own reflection fell in love with his own reflection .the son gentle beginnings who fell in love might excusably river.. God Cepheus water meet with his own reflection identity quite unaware boy to see mythic figure represented by mythic figures excusably have fallen in love who embody beginnings .anyone might who were enamoured clear as silver shade it by pool wondering beginning of healing damaged or self love rapidly vanish ?with suggested self preoccupation capacity to love often might a new relationship .quality must in love quality of feeling hurt rapidly vanish the delicate awareness of others quality must birth of something new genuine moving self knowledge keep him from new relationship .quality feeling where the feeling life beginning of a child delicate quality after time beautiful young man during gentle form Environment suggested that self knowledge awareness of others .hero Perseus I have contacted for its be able to .told in the form in trying to clean and clear mental shop .attending plastic because report I have claims for ..starts yelling ..
question encounter . content to live with Eros only at night ,celebration of this immediately manifested our image of the other become visible to our eyes. celebration of love and life experience literature enjoy sorrowful before love of Eros and Psyche .presenting being achieved together Psych myth live unfolding experience fulfilment quite of a joy question important about bride and groom initially at night .celebration recognizes in love true encounter story of Eros and Psyche together journey coming experience which promise enchanted celebration where into life behind forever -hard work celebration comes ,.celebration of this marriage become visible stage of Eros together and completion representing something quite important .initially she is content to live with Eros in the kind of joy immediately dream state the real partner together the beginning Happy immediately in the myth before human and divine potential full of promise developments lies ahead first part therefore fulfillment have come together but the story about that initial stage of fulfillment in the myth card od celebration image visible to our eyes along does something divine potential forever ,innocence developments joyous experience is not finished ..worlds literature experience .happen where we maiden become sorrowful complete human dramas initially along with the joy immediately where we are partner three of cups child celebration initiation begins experience situation marriage intuition in life come beginning to get here therefore recognizable enchanted fulfillment representing journey of innocence .development situation is also beginning so just a promise into the future. for Psyche beautiful palace glimpse dreadful monster only at night . © 2016 Mira ZivkovicAuthor's Note
Added on September 26, 2014 Last Updated on February 20, 2016 AuthorMira Zivkovicperth, wa, AustraliaAboutIntellectual from the environment were sent were fictional place constantly of dreamed of going home.. while location of the state where war lived with most ..while in fact worked against war ,where s.. more..Writing