October there where written enoughA Story by Mira Zivkovicdemonstrating medical period who there where full energy professional condition where mood precise available there evidence grandiose where writing health where observed possible bookReceived folllllowing reasons kept in a relation that used Mental health matter.. limitation of future received instructed in which closure ,that we all original used..! Following we Will original. .Kept now Will close instructed ,,,,...which held Mirjana review reasons where supplied that closure acting in your matter where we well acting which we Will now dated.., in which prevent us reasons for "please " Once lawyer following matter. .. On received health meter held a copy ..and witch was held for used in the meters of matter "please" in this matter closure used for the it Will be kept on all original, where used acting a copy held.., advised applied a copy. .reasons to the matter have been returned . Our we refer file waiting that we kept meter a copy " We"..Please find...? 2013 we kept open ..that the meter where used Mental for a decision Mirjana health review held in health that We kept decision to apply all original where supplied box. . Referred to letter where all patient in Mental ..confirm future law ....,Decision where kept "Mental" hearing following reasons that we kept our offices on please. ..As we waiting to your meter.... witch ,..were instructed Will kept review of the reasons for the letter...;" Mental received ;original file I"...latter. For which was confidential received matter ..,where used waiting law decision . Apply to your matter : Mental Joondalup we ..our office received that used in relation to our letter hearing.... That We closing reasons at the meter in which our closure. .our file please find. ...that following hospital matters where instructed Will matters "We " and our offices which we instructed all original. .that closure waiting.. of the used Will be kept hearing ... where we as waiting, used supplied all original have returned wish advised where used u. .An us from acting it Will kept ,now. ."We Will to prevent file closed once note matter and note :"we find received where used as the advised" ..and to been returned original following matter ...,does not instruct hospital. . Please ..your relation to hearing and all original ... Mental which held in November 2013 find your file open. .! Where used "street documents ",once close the future ...,where supplied dates well for that following matter and all. Where we,.. once u prevent it Will closed now in which we matters. .,We wished matter all us original wish where used acting from us as this matter where acting well supplied that apply to the matter acting closure In this matter, , that as" we" the matters closure returned ..and documents well matters.. In Will.. acting you which wish acting lawyer matter ,that the Ms.used acting future where supplied closure that were note in this matter all original file. Lawyer that held in November 2013. .confirm reasons, in which Mental decision kept your file that "we" decision reasons for health to been returned. .. To your hearing 2014 our office received. .! Note that December Mental confirm reasons which held in relation that we kept decision "office" -closure of closed matter, that prevent close matters Z" once it Will kept from law that was reasons "Mental" of the reason for confirm in your matter advised..,where Health We Will acting !....for "Board" of were used decision ,which held on following letter hearing that January matter on 13th ...We Will now close matters, in which once Will kept us from not prevent closed ...Where metters in Ms instructed ,used in adviced metter.., following confirm in metter that we kept file open:" health law centre and hospital" in witch metter apply to metter all been returned. Joondalup preserve a copy of our metter, as we hearing reasons in relations, that were used in the Board ,adviced of the reason closed matter ,have been that of your file that this matter in which we now instructed used January note to find a "RFD"of the in matter we close our acting. .for you all original well your matter lawyer. .once your matters im which we in this matter. .our note that closure of the future to matter all we "will now matter that closure of where matter well for where supplied pleased. .opened as we were hearing, ,..witch held on waiting reasons to confirm "Mental " which was followed RFD matter where received you hearing that decision Health :We"...copy of reasons which held, that kept copy to you hearing of your closed where instructed well "wish "..been returned used ,in as relation waiting on letter review hearing which as we waiting on RFD as received Will . .where matter our matter ..were Will closer kept ,at now close advised kept hearing matter, all original well for to matter wish been returned future to matter ,once all acting Will from us to closed matter confirmed ,it Will now.... closed,- opened as "we "that decision. Of once closed Will and all once matter which in Will please us acting for in the future. .Advised.., matter we kept waiting, which had file open reasons for free call hearing, where closure of to matter Will at acting Law centre ,..that no matter. .once Will where instructed in which where We closed from acting closure, as our note that closure matters where instructed matter future. Hearing reason involuntary treatment in Ms Z Health law ...reasons which sighted set inpatient was present" I" addition which also treating amount of evidence written in this matter patient for a decision of having made submissions supporting psychiatrists considered her treating team represented Health metter attended.. attended period by the Mental act to be X made reasons of hearing for the decisions of its reasons to apply the matter generally , rather then made health expiery act ..decision reviewed matter ...Detained Mental day gave reasones to apply Ms Z giving "the Act"provided, who made substantial amount of evidence submitted .., during wich time the report made evidence order in addition.. to apply as made the Ms Z addition got for appropriate team set these written reasons ,..which November hearings decision treatment as an report made treatment ,reviewed of Ms Z. Which conclusion of considered matter was treating amount substantial written addition,,.. should made an order. . hearing set written, during which time considered matter carefully written X patient report which made. .made an Health law doctors "the Act " giving Ms Z liberty later, in addition to apply of its reasons as made conclusion represented hearing which should continue these reasons giving introduction MsZ reviewed in X order made. Set later made period attended liberty order from made submissions in these written to be conclusion law order giving evidence by both substantial amount hearing, during which time represented two friends "The Act" attended. . friends witch time under legal report was signed and having considered the matter as an MsZ dated at 3, ..substantial amount considered these written reasons conclusion reviewed carefully under involuntary treatment.. which should as an involuntary patient. .period giving mental adjourned at X made... and then reasons for a decision Law.. set for in addition legal psychiatrist ..-Community reasons having considered that the hearing decision especially provided substantial made reasons for giving the matter of MsZ substantial reason for giving the mental"Act"attended of the day detained at the "mental centre "and also made reasons for conclusion hearing. .which in addition MsZ hearing Law.., and made matter an order during which, should continue to be involuntary, reasons to apply "the act"MsZ liberty rather then made days expiry " act ".. Summery period "health act" reasons for day liberty to apply for the reasons set "health act "..Gave the "act " written made set as should continue to be made considerate hearing that MsZ considered to be X matter carefully treating the conclusion of the hearing November 2013 considered matter for Law decision in this matter treatment represented from having under Law made hospital reasons ..as an treatment took also team signed to .. which hearing report ,made treating team also both psychiatry who hearing substantial made by submitted ,who which board substantial amount of 4 which made submissions, considered the matter who also supporting friends under which time hearing attended to support her Health before the amount of evidence conclusion, set reasons that decision in these written who time during substantial days gave period "Health "reasons as and involuntary hearing made. ., which attended "Mental act "MsZ represented, "Dr. S " -(made as an involuntary conclusion who these written hearing:-) ) ,and two doctors. ...which treating team provided hearing under Law in this matter,.. hearing, during which time.. present reasons hearing the conclusion involuntary treatment represented matter represented a of X, matter .."Health"..reasons made provided at the given matter generally. . which also made treating team and friends present ,to support her in this matter "health law" from "mental "Ms Z- rather then "the act " written? ???? -"Recording "as a result about the MsZ grandiose, and excessive observed, continuing those reasons during the process of recordings. .with recording of hearing detailed exclusive "act "..,-result being for these reasons to act as as reasons recordings lost during the process, with advised written reasons to act these reasons significantly "mental " detailed process of mental state.. of the time community assessment team, demonstrating evidence where request period she unwilling connected with the unwell state. ...--Period of appropriate that significantly improved, hearing that treatment energy where medical was a model, ,and having grandiose concerned that MsZ prescribed medication for that managed MsZ in particular. .. Community team, ..having believed during this period hospital idea of the time stated, during to accept where pressured. .,!also stated believing where concerned to accept this period an in particular symptoms under criteria gave assessment unwilling, believing to accepted prescribed medication medical ....Where concerned ..was idea idea connected with hospital reasons these been available period stated manic where become" manic" during these period prospects of the medical team where also concerned, during medication where observed time of hearing treated professional that enough criteria of hospitalization appropriate. .,evidence was a model. .? Of the hearing made in from the recording in particular when lost for the available reasons.. available to to Act on approved X -period assessment until the time treated. .. In fact still under condition state under opinion. .enough appropriate condition ..gave evidence currently writing. . Believing where a book team treating energy where elevated mood by them told. .me model (here in the report is different it say I said I was a model) Community during this time of the symptoms much . As also as for that she was a model then ,during that were observed of unwilling to accept that she currently writing a book and and ..excessive that she was about prospects were local community assessment ,treatment appropriate idea where to improve?.. ,not possible. .aldought the time there ,period that treatment where could give some idea where to continue to improve,. .Definitely hospital there to further she was a model writing.. believed possible to give precise prognosis in the community managed from during the process of condition state about when enough involuntary that the time of unwell enough ..stated for to be appropriate evidence connected with a concerned for the purpose had been treated. .that enough fact evidence gave.. gave "on edge " period she was. .possible if some idea was unwilling to accept appropriate ..he could some idea where gave state improved there about the prospects. Of the adviced hearing,.. request ,and so how for reason written. .might result "We" who treating team been available during the process of lost "scequale "Ms Z where observed process detailed as might one referred to X written.. available before concerned where energy insomnia period where having grandiose place that Ms Z managed team that during this period she unwilling to accept the medication "Manic " enough manic speech that stated in the community demonstrating unwell evidence as an clinic conected advised for the purposes of hearing with demonstrating manic model. . to where having insomnia of symptoms where elevated mood with excessive energy that stated this period she to accept manic where concerned having grandiose loss were symptoms speech where grandiose that Ms Z concerned of for one she..as the mental conected with the approximately one her. .who that Ms Z in particular that was she by her mental conected.. to referred demonstrating manic.. was that X one approximately she been .. evidence conected she was. .."The Mental" one conected with with she. ..who particular patient X had been.. Ms Z her . Referred who was earlier "The Mental " by one her.. that evidence as an involuntary patient .,who hospital referred to was unwell "The Mental "conected with ...that one Ms Z.., and in particular manic evidence demonstrating particular "The mental "health ...was concerned ..that one by her she was demonstrating particular. .one was she.. hearing evidence earlier demonstrating she.., the treating team gave connected by her, ..the hospital team stated unwilling to accepted at who hearing involuntary Ms Z that stated...Period to accept medication they stated ..to accept was community as one ,she was one ,..and where excessive grandiose was also managed Ms Z ..Where observed that Ms Z was "floridly"manic who in particular she stated. Treating team ,stated.. unwilling to accept that Ms Z that she. .The prescribed medication to accept community period she was unwilling where also weight were concerned .. she was a model ,having a prospect of writing..., where community manic that Ms Z where of the symptoms observed prescribed medication ..were observed medication having managed the community stated. "Recording "..was recording connected One available to been from recording lost during inclusive had Ms Z been ...Ms Z referred to particular had been. . Recording with the hospital conected of the symptoms "month "managed the community that stated medication where also concerned elevated place had been in the community managed.. accept prescribed medication during this period she speech community manic insomnia,-that community during team assessment ....weight ..,..were observed period she ,during were pressured also where having model elevated mood (some were team energy believed having she model been in compliance with the computer device process of registry from made stuff recording the "Act"process of detailed and inclusive,then been available to these reasons purposes for the gave she model during she believing TEAM energy ..who she was treating team with connected Mental earlier by period she become increasingly floridly elevated mood energy connected with medical term ..Treating team that during the assessment "sour she " .. who hearing connected .. less might been demonstrating TEAM OUR ..inadvertently hearing Ms Z with by she demonstrating local community unwilling to accept where hearing was a request for reasons to "ACT Mental she " by becoming floridly elevated speech where model having grandiose and having the prospects of that Ms Z was grandiose,.. were having team pressured unwilling mood -as a result concerned having mood to accept. .that was grandiose and excessive of were observed energy also medication.. also prescribed for the community..To accept team for believing that team also full been available to TEAM been ONE in particular. ..THE MENTAL energy where floridly unwilling to accept believing - place that community team stated ..Ms Z concerned.. as an she believing floridly treating team from manic community symptoms during stated of preparing month where elevated increasingly during were gave evidence Ms Z period ACT where X had been admired she stated medical team were where" ACT" become Ms Z an involuntary pressured to accept team stated treating community with a book energy believing having grandiose place with with stated period to accept that Ms Z continuing made in compliance with the "ACT"accepted medication to this period stated who connected with treating MsZ period during that she unwilling managed excessive where energy period having medical team were concerned manic by community stated, where elevated mood was unwilling to accept that believing energy "she was a book writing " ,and having stated that insomnia to accept period unwilling of the symptoms, medication managed ..of the ..where observed.. to accept of the manic..? community she unwilling manic ..also that floridly manic mood become that she this that that unwilling during were loss concerned grandiose prescribed, to accept that becomed this community manic ,energy unwilling to accept speech that she currently to accept she period where energy increasingly elevated pressured manic and excessive of weight loss during period she ,where observed medication prescribed mood Hitler manic ..unwilling to accept mood energy where weight excessive about that one stated. ....... also stated managed the community.., stated one that medication Ms Z was. .-during treating this community that demonstrated who manic 8 gave one .. prescribed medication of that loss were admitted X patient where team stated during medical terms recorded hearing who health earlier referred to been available of the full proceedings preparing these written made our "ACT" lost during continuing in recording that lost our computer device from stuff process that before ,continuing ,been available inadvertently these written a recording of before, that process of schedule 2 may reasons been inclusive process of the lost "ACT" for have been with the our "ACT" advised to act conected with that Ms Z been available to hearing of written for purposes of preparing the full transcript made in compliance with November reasons with act advised process of 14 continuing from had been who health connected treating continuing were advised written "ACT" the members that 2 Made in compliance of the ACT lost those purposes hearing health by her GP mental connected she who concerned health who unwell been and in particular who evidence connected particular she who of the symptoms team floridly she unwillingly of to accept symptoms medication become during period she demonstrating medication of the that Ms Z. ..of the insomnia to where observed that medication prescribed some insomnia where energy about the prospects of excessive observed where prescribed medication stated floridly manic where elevated where mood energy that she model loss where insomnia education by to accept medication were observed grandiose also writing weight that Ms Z medication book connected that she was a book of the symptoms where place about prospects where energy this floridly where concerned speech ,during that.. to she having,.. was team becomed medical... where community team stated concerned ...Ms Z having place ..also place about she ,that she team time were where That Ms Z accept of insomnia concerned where she was this period she where grandiose place that she writing energy where where place about that Ms.Z gave evidence one I state the Idea there Insomnia loss eNemours
Sunday / after 14 February 7:28 am
Ms Z may on 12 possible it stated precise further that for many M time idea frame state condition did precise to be from that further treatment. ....... period of hospitalization. . If things Ms Z where to that Ms Z believed could be. ........for Ms Z could stated Dr M enough M stated that for to be believed that Dr. ........Define for when that it would to be where to continue current that for were of time stated to be it could be Board. .were this appropriate to be define professional about Ms Z prognosis approximately precise .....for of the time frame at current rate idea to give (prognosis that treatment precise that Ms Z could time to be..)enough,.. to satisfy those criteria under the Act believed ...to be 15 ..that when Dr expectation stated criteria not possible to give of Dr M believed hospital were significantly time of hearing whether so far as fact unwell enough to satisfy criteria appropriate Dr M that could the Board treatment satisfy that at the time hearing improved significantly in professional where of the time enough under Ms Z opinion "Act"enough unwell .. to that appropriate be define where of the time Dr M enough ...stated time of time "Act" evidence so far model insomnia grandiose place ..prospects of time that under period to those criteria have evidence condition energy ...on time given. ...state on those 12 as a result knife given who floridly manic had been in his professional state given model idea of so far Dr to admitted where energy medical.. further treatment to time was grandiose weight.. she model result gave she ..Dr evidence submissions these been full board professional pressured she about been available Dr was before significantly to be where energy floridly she was where also writing a book time frame improved could give those prescribed medications when precise many period was October there treated time condition where Dr M continuing the "act "Dr.. a book she writing hearing of time Ms Z where in fact managed ..having idea ..Dr M in compliance of were Act of board made register 15 during process in assessment to be... approximately hospital advised with 14 been available in particular Dr she Ms ...of the hearing October unwell in his month by the community manic where to continue Dr M. Assessment where about energy one medication managed month where excessive loss energy as October she was treating as was earlier mood month become reasons community unwell the been. ...recording hearing been full October unwell to the of demonstrating hospitalization available "this "medication who one in particular Ms Z when connected "the mental "may with who she prescribed October to accept of the insomnia that stated Ms Z medication enough to satisfy October having grandiose were believing treatment were improved the state significantly energy demonstrating having patient October by that Ms Z medication where ACT prescribed floridly Ms Z that during this period excessive energy loss professional expectation assessment period where she floridly manic elevated speech energy available ACT prescribed Ms Z had full been. .managed October floridly She gift prescribed on Ms Z full currently became unwilling to accept hearing of recording hearing October mood been unwell excessive energy loss mood where she mood pressured medically had had been this where energy who demonstrating becomed observed enough to satisfy currently that she writing of the hearing during medical period October of Ms Z was manic model where mood observed unwilling in particular might available precise she demonstrating there where health there where discharged period until the time evidence grandiose October written demonstrating significantly ACT.. currently Community lost available that Ms Z possible who she Dr where full energy the act concerned to be about when Ms Z hearing October where observed Dr M unwell time of hearing act in professional that further appropriate stated condition on the knife edge enough gave to possible as current appropriate precise manic Ms Z professional enough to accept grandiose book by she about as gave health state enough of purpose enought believed Act on the knife edge who that Dr M far as involuntarily professional where discharged by she appropriate medical model unwell enough where knife edge to satisfy criteria that in professional treatment Ms Z's precise treatment.
© 2016 Mira ZivkovicAuthor's Note
Added on September 26, 2014 Last Updated on March 14, 2016 AuthorMira Zivkovicperth, wa, AustraliaAboutIntellectual from the environment were sent were fictional place constantly of dreamed of going home.. while location of the state where war lived with most ..while in fact worked against war ,where s.. more..Writing