

A Chapter by Jimmy Seaman

“Tell me what happened to you all. Give your story or you shall be executed and fed to the dogs tomorrow morning.” A tall, overwhelming, figure told Rikos.

“Alright I’ll tell you everything that happened.” Rikos replied. “It started a month after you put out your first broadcast…”


“The year is 2293, many years ago we ended most of the horrible things in this world. We are very prosperous. There is no more war nor any hungry people. All of the cities have huge buildings. Every family has a home. Life expectancy has gone up exponentially. At least that is what you are told. You see, there are hungry people left in this world. We are some of them. We are not a prosperous group. The government is lying to you all. We see things how they really are. The government has taken over humanity. All the poor people have been outcast to live in the forests and deserts that are left, including us. We may all be different, but our life is chosen for us. Some of us wish to live our own lives, especially those of us that are here. We have gathered to revolt. The government will be overthrown, we will win. If you want to be safe join us. We are the rebel group Destiny. We will see you when we take over.” End of transmission, voice modification deactivated, the metallic voice whirred.

“Stupid machines…” the man mumbled.

“That was good Olfric. Next time let’s give it more...umph! Yes thats the word, umph. Funny word isn’t it umph…” A small man in a french beret started rambling to him.

“Shut up Pierre.” Olfric growled.

“Y-yes sir.” Pierre replied cautiously.

There was the click-clack of Olfric's ancient keyboard phone and it started to ring. Ring-ring ring-ring, everyone got silent, ring-ring ring-ri-, It stopped mid ring. He listened keenly as the new, cold, almost unholy, voice started to speak.

"Hello Olfric. Has it been done?"

" Yes it has sir. The broadcast should be on all channels in every nation." Olfric replied quickly

"Good, good…"

"Will you need anything else Mr. Ragnarok?"

"Yes, start plan 38. And take any child willing to join the cause. And do not kill any children either." The cold voice seemed to warm up as he talked about the children.

“Very well sir. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye and good luck. Don’t die on me my old friend.” With that the man with the cold voice hung up.



After that first broadcast by Destiny last month, everything went downhill for us all in the Citadel. No one is allowed to watch the Destiny broadcasts. When they come on we are to turn off our theatre glasses. The outer plasma shields are always up, the guards are very pushy and it seems like they pat down every other person, and all citizens and tourists have a mandatory curfew. If anyone breaks any of the set rules they are thrown in jail without bail. There are no trials anymore. It seems like the committee is searching for spies.

My name is Rikos Kamina Zander, I am the son of a female governor and a male chef. I have the normal Hitler style physique, blond hair, blue eyes, about average height for boys, 5’ 10”, I’m 16, and I have a strong athletic build. I was designated to be a governor. I will be the first male governor in 50 years, though I would much rather be a chef like my father. This is all according to the government and their standardized tests.

“Hey Rikos! Wait up!” A girl yelled at me in the loud hallway.

“What do you want Alhana?” I replied. I guessed it was Alhana Yishbar Khan, the woman that the government said I would marry. She was a 5’5”, blonde, green eyed, pretty 15 year old girl, if only she weren't so annoying all of the time, and she is the daughter of a comedian and a writer. She is to become an entertainer, she wanted to be an actor. She will comply wholeheartedly with the government.

“Just thought I’d say hi, see how you are this fine day.” I was right. It was.

“I’m just dandy.” I said as acerbically as I possibly could. “Why do you always have to hang out around me?”

“Because the government said we would get married!”

“That doesn’t mean you have to spend all your time around me. Why don’t you hang out with any of the girls in our class?”

“Because I don’t li-” She was cut off by the principle.


“Yes Principal Hidash.” All of us said in unison. Everyone mumbled and groaned as they walked to class after this and Principal James O. Hidash ran off past us, putting on a coat as he passed the sliding doors.

“I wonder where he’s off to in such a rush.” The kid that said this instantly quieted down and walked faster. He was a troublemaker and he knew it.

This was how our school day normally started, but as we walked into class the alarms went off, and there was a large boom, like a big metal garbage can being hit with a baseball bat but one hundred times louder, outside. The intercom crackled to life with the vice principal's voice. “Will all students please remain calm and walk to the safety room, I repeat remain calm and walk to the safety room. The Citadel is under attack.” and with a crackle, the intercoms died. They all started to panic, screaming and running, but not me. I had to find a way out. I had to find her.

"Rikos where are you going?!"

"I need to get out of here Alhana! I need to find someone! Please

don't tell anybody about this. It's really important to me!"

".......... Alright. But only because I can tell you really care about it."

" Thank you! I'll come back for you when I can!" and I ran down the halls to the Janitors closet, moved the shelves, and found the tunnels. I climbed in and moved as fast as I could.


It was five years ago when she and I met, and I can still remember it so clearly. Almost like it happened last night. I was walking through the park, a big beautiful open place with some of the last trees in the world and old equipment that our grandparents used to play on, when I was hit hard by something and fell to my butt on the sidewalk. It was a little girl. One I would come to love.

“HI!!!! I’m Skylar!” This little girl said to me after she ran up to me and tackled me into a hug. She was really young, around 5 foot or so. She had really pretty blue eyes, like a clear lake from the past, and a bright smile.

“You’re a crazy little seven year old is what you are. Stop tackling big kids and go play with your friends.” I replied harshly. She was fast, I had no time to react before she replied.

“For your information I’m a crazy little nine year old! And I am playing with my friends! Truth or dare, and I was dared to hug a cute boy!” She was smiling a huge smile, and it was… cute… no what was I thinking she is so much younger than I am. Plus next year I get paired for marriage! It’s not like I could even like anyone but who I’m told. Not with the government how it is now. Even with my mom as governor.

“Oh so you think I’m cute do ya? Well for a nine year old you’re pretty cute yourself.” Why did I just say that! I’m an idiot! If any officials hear something like this I’m going to get in trouble!

“Thanks mister…?” she said quizzically.

“Rikos. Rikos Zander.”

“ZANDER?!?!?! As in the governor Zander!”

“Yup. That’s my mom.”

“That’s awesome!!!”

“Skylar dear! Time to come home!” Yelled a man out of a car window.

“Well I guess I have to go mister Rios , but it was nice to meet you. Maybe we’ll see each other later. Bye-bye!” She said happily and started to skip away.

“It’s Rikos!” I yelled at her as she ran. She stopped as if she heard me nut then continued on her merry way. “I think I like her a bit…”


And that was when I decided the government isn’t always right. I fell for Skylar that day.

“What’s that?” I could see light. I was almost out of the sewer tunnels. But there was something in front of me. A figure.

“YOU KID! THERE IN THE TUNNEL! STOP NOW!” Yelled a familiar voice. I stopped. I knew that voice. It couldn’t be him.

“Climb out of the tunnels and lay flat on the ground face down!”

“Alright! Just don’t hurt me. I’ve got to go find someone. I need to find her!”

“Well you won’t be doing much of that, not when you’re being recruited and sent to the base, Rikos.”

“How do you know my name?” I said softly. I was scared. If the rebels knew my name, maybe they knew a lot more about me… maybe they knew about her…

“I’ve known you your whole life.” He replied.

“What am I being recruited for?”

“Destiny my friend, Destiny. Sit up and see who I am Rikos.” I sat up slowly and couldn’t believe what I saw.

“HIDASH!!! What are you doing out here? Are you part of the rebels?!”

“Yes Rikos. I am James Olfric Hidash, one of the generals in the rebels. I was to watch you your whole life, and when I saw fit, recruit or kill you. I have chosen to try and recruit you. What will you choose? What shall be your… destiny?”

“Well those are some great choices. Lemme think about em.” I said with a sarcastic tone.

“Always a sense of humor in you Rios, isn’t there? Even when faced with death.” Only one person calls me that. It couldn’t be her. Why would she be with the rebels? It doesn’t make sense!

“Skylar?! What are you doing here? I was going to go find you! What are you doing with the rebels?”

“You haven’t told him yet Olfric?”
“No I haven’t had a chance to yet. He hasn’t let me tell him.”

“What do you mean you haven’t had time?”  They started to bicker back and forth. They kept at it for five minutes, gradually getting louder and louder. It seemed odd no one noticed us yet. We were so loud anyone within one hundred yards should’ve been able to find us.

“WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WERE GOING TO TELL ME?!?!” I yelled at them. I was tired of waiting for them to stop.

“Alright Rio, I’ll tell you. Olfric raised me. He was my parent. He adopted me when I was young. I don’t know who my biological father and mother were.” Skylar replied calmly.

“That explains why I only saw you and never your parents… but why did you never tell me?”

“Because you are the governor's son.”

“This is all good and fun but we really must get back to base. The army is here.” Hidash said to calmly.

“Alright Olfric. I’ll join but only for the time being.” I said. And all this for a girl. I must be the worlds biggest idiot.

“Well then let us be off. Skylar, keys if you would.” She tossed the keys to him and he caught them. They looked old, nothing like hover car keys, something different. They were simple, yet complex at the same time.

“They are old keys. For an automobile, one that uses wheels. A Jeep to be more precise.” He said it almost as though he sensed my perplextion.

“What does that look like?” I was really curious.

“Let us go see. Enough dawdling.”

“This is starting to sound like it’s gonna be fun. I get to fight the government. What could possibly go wrong?” I said really sarcastically. I realized my mistake after I said it. Never, NEVER, say what could possibly go wrong. That is rule number one of any situation EVER, and I just said it. Right after there was a loud bang to our left. We ran. They were right behind us. We kept running toward a rock in the distance. It seemed to be covered by a tarp or something.

When we made it to the rock, though it wasn’t really a rock, Olfric snatched  the tarp yanked on it. There was a huger split down the middle of the tarp. Under it there was a large dark shape. There she was, a Jeep. A beautiful Jeep Stealth Runner. It was deep, jet black color, almost deep enough to suck all the light out of any area, and had huge, all-terrain tires. Bigger than any tires on any automobile in a museum.

This was our ticket out. We could escape the army and leave this place forever. kWe could get to Olfric’s base. I could be a chef.

We jumped in and Olfric tried to start it. There was a loud clicking for a few seconds and then it meowed to life, you’d think a car like this would roar, but it didn’t. It was as quiet as a puma, stalking it’s prey, much quieter than any hovercar, that is to say. The Jeep’s prey however was not an antelope or deer, but rather the horizon and any pathway it could devour.  I was really impressed. So off we drove to this base he spoke of in this amazing machine as it ate the road and left a trail of dust behind it.

“I hope I can get one of these.” I mumbled to myself.

“Only if you can find one.” Skylar replied to me. She and her super human hearing were nice to have around again. After that I fell asleep to the humming and purring of the engine. I dreamt of Skylar and I in a meadow together. I only remember because that was the last peaceful thing I would dream of for a long time.


© 2014 Jimmy Seaman

Author's Note

Jimmy Seaman
I really suck at descriptions.

My Review

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You have a good start. It is bear bones but you have an overall feel of where you want to go with the story. indeed what is lacking is more imagery...It reads kind of like a list of events. You took great care to describe the Jeep which gave the reader, us, a very clear picture for the first time. I would suggest going through and substituting very generic words for more specific. For example: Instead of blonde maybe say flaxen, golden, honey amber...Something that gives the reader a very clear sense of the timbre of the color and maybe elaborate on what kind of hair like coarse, fine, locks, wavy or some other adjective. Apply the details you took to describe the Jeep with other aspects. As the main character we should have a better idea of what he looks like not just by listing off the features but maybe instead of saying "I am athletic" we have an example of athleticism through a scene (him running, swimming, at the gym). That also gives more information about a specific physique as a runner's body is not the same as a say...sumo wrestler ;D
Hope that helps. I would love to help more if you like.
Continue the hard work!

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 10, 2014
Last Updated on November 20, 2014


Jimmy Seaman
Jimmy Seaman

Velva, ND

I'm 15, 5' 9' 5' 10" area for height, 203 lbs, love Led Zeppelin, B-day is August 26. I'm in 10'th grade. I love to swim. I am bi. I love the show Inu-Yasha. I respect peoples feelings. I hate it when.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Jimmy Seaman

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by Jimmy Seaman