Why i'm a leader (Essay)

Why i'm a leader (Essay)

A Story by Sunflower

Just a Essay for class.

   In the past week, i've demonstrated good leadership skills by being responsible, calm, and organized. I picked these because these, are the three ethics, that I think, makes a leader.
     I show responsibility when I let the children on my bus, go on in front of me. I do not do this because I have to, more so they don't freeze their tiny faces off, which is also compassion. I also always have my work done. I try the best to my ability to finish my work, have it done on time, and have it done as brilliant as possible. Finally, I show responsibility by having respect. Why, respect you ask? Yes!! Well if you have respect its showing the younger children who look up to you how to act, which ties in with a better society. A responsibility to the school, community, and society, to be a better example. Which is why, I am responsible.
    When you are a leader, you must never explode on others. You must be calm. If you stuck in a jam and can't get out, you need to calm everyone down and keep them for getting upset.Just last week I needed to stay calm because of my Gym teacher. I fell in gym class, so he made everyone go upstairs, then blamed it on me. I had to stay calm and collected through all of that. When i argue with my parents, i never let them have the upper hand, if i yell, they get that upper hand, so i do not yell. I have patience which also ties down to being calm. I try not to be angry. That is why I am calm.

    Organized, boy am I  organized. I'm like Twilight sparkle ( A pony obssed with oraganization and sceduling ) when  it comes to organization! I'm so organized i aplabetized my pokeomon cards.My binder is organized by dividers and little slips that loose pages go into. theres one for each subject. My desk is organized by size and postion. My binders and folders are on the right and my books, dictionary,  and textbooks on the lwft piled by size. Pencil case and calclator in front with a pencil, blue and red pen. My locker has shoes and spare mitins at the top and spare book room under that shelf. Then my coats. I'm not organized? I'm very organized.

    Based on the information of the three leadership skills, responsibility, calm, and organization. You can see, i've been shaped into a hardworking, leader.

© 2013 Sunflower

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Added on November 29, 2013
Last Updated on November 29, 2013