journal 3  (cave coin adventures)

journal 3 (cave coin adventures)

A Story by Sunflower

OK, so i see these little coins in the ice and all i'm thinking is, JACK POT!! and at the end of the trail there's this cave??
so what do i do?? I CALL MY BEST FRIEND!! she shows up and we go in the cave. so far so good. as soon as we walk in  we see  a small room, ground covered in gold, and two pots of gold with rainbows coming out of them!! as Julia being Julia, she of course runs happily through the rainbows. but whats weird is that she disappears.. ya i said it just "POOF" gone!! so i decided i wanna "taste the rainbow" too!! (Bad pun) i walked through the rainbow and a little man in green with a ginger beard and light green top hat appears and says. "Jerald's my name and gold is my game". Where'd my best friend go!!! "i of course yelled" he said " if you wanna find yer girl, find meh lucky pearl. what lucky pearl?? through this door, your fates in store. your friends at  end, her life depends.  you must go through each obstacle i give you, if you do not your friend may rue.what does he means she'll rue?? aren't leprechauns supposed to be good?? "i ask. "  time will tell , as long as you find my shell. but wha..."he cuts me off" if your not quick, she'll have a fit. when you find the pearl. give it a whirl. remember these words. for the'll need to be heard.
the way of the rainbow
you must face
in what you choose
will seal your fate
where am i?
oh that's just beautiful, i'm in a maze
so through a bunch of wandering and wandering i finally come to
two doors. the man appears again and i'm about to burst my shell.  he points at each door and vanished. so i opened both. in one i see Julia and in the other i see a recording label.
i obviously am about to go in the recording label door but in stead. i think to myself. why would i want to be famous knowing i sacrificed my friend. then i remember the words he said. so i said"
the way of the rainbow 
you must face
in what you choose may seal your fate.
i see in the recording label door a bunch of nothing
so i go inside the door with Julia and i walk in and i see Julia playing with the leprechauns and eating food. (typical Julia ) and  i ask what happened. she said since she believed in unicorns and magical majestic creatures i could go through. but you ain't magical. so you had to go through a test. the leprechaun appears again and said . YOU PAST THE TEST. why aren't you rhyming? i don't know its hard to come up with on the spot you know. this is what would of happened if you went through the other door. he shows me a mirror inside the mirror was a room full of cats. Julia greatest fear. she chose that to be your punishment. "he explained" Julia really? what i'm terrified of cats!!
OK now i'm done with you two, go "poof" whoa .were back "Julia starts running"
wha.. "i burst out in laughter"
i see a little orange cat. just purring.
and that's how she got home.
so that's the story on what was in that cave since you were so curious to ask .

© 2013 Sunflower

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Added on April 4, 2013
Last Updated on April 4, 2013